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      • KCI등재

        견고한 고독의 세계 : Eine vergleichende Studie u¨ber Rilke und Hyon-seung Kim 릴케와 김현승

        김재혁 한국독어독문학회 2002 獨逸文學 Vol.84 No.1

        Der koreanische Dichter Hyon-seung Kim bekennt sich zu einem erheblichen Einfluß Rilkes auf seine Weltanschauung, insbesondere wegen Rilkes ernsthafter Haltung gegenu¨ber Leben und Kunst. In diesem Zusammenhang steht Kim unter dem starken Einfluß von Rilkes fru¨hen Werken wie Das Stunden-Buch und Das Buch der Bilder. Diese Werke behandeln wichtige Themen, die auch bei Kim ihren Niederschlag finden, das heißt Gott, Einsamkeit und Dichtung. Die Haltung des lyrischen Ichs bei Kim ist der Geba¨rde des lyrischen Ichs in Das Stunden-Buch sehr a¨hnlich. Der russische Mo¨nch in Rilkes Werk spricht aufs Knie fallend vor Gott Gebete, malt Ikonen und schreibt daru¨ber hinaus Verse. Diese fromme Haltung pra¨gt auch die des lyrischen Ich bei Kim. Ferner besteht große A¨hnlichkeit zwischen beiden Dichtern darin, dass die beiden in ihrer fru¨hen Zeit durch Gebet, also aus der Sehnsucht nach Gott, Verse schaffen. Man kann niemals bei Kim von der Einsamkeit im Herbst als literarischer Kulisse sprechen, ohne sich as Rilkes 「Herbsttag」zu erinnem. Trotzdem konnte Kim abda¨mmend gegen Rilkes Einfluß seine eigene Welt dadurch bewahren, dass er an der ihm eigentu¨mlichen Einsamkeit festha¨lt. Sein literarischer Verdienst findet sich dort, wo er mit Hilfe der Dinge und Ausdru¨cke solider Art seine existentielle Einsamkeit zu einem reinen poetischen Thema hat reifen lassen. Kims fester Glaube an die reine Einsamkeit entsprang seit Mitte der 1960er Jahre aus dem Mißtrauen gegen die christliche Gottheit und die fro¨mmelnden Christen. Unter diesen Umsta¨nden hatte er keinen anderen Weg, als nur auf das selbsta¨ndige Ich angewiesen zu sein. Zugleich hat er, wie seine Gedichte 「Absolute Einsamkeit」 und 「Solide Einsamkeit」zeigen, seine Einsamkeit positiv verarbeitet und ihr so einen Sin gegebenletzten Endes zu einer Ewigkeit, anders als Rilke, der auf jeden Fall seine Einsamkeit nur als Vorraussetzung fu¨r das Dichten betrachtet hat. Gerade hier hebt sich die originelle Seite der Einsamkeit von Kim gegen Rilke ab. In Hinsicht der sprachlichen Behandlung grenzen Kims Gedichte der absoluten Einsamkeit an Rilkes Dinggedichte in Neue Gedichte . Dieses Resultat ergibt sich daher, dass Kim seine dichterische Sprache wie ein Steinmetz meißelt, so dass er seine bloße Idee mit den soliden Ausdru¨cken bekleidet. Und dass Kim auf der Suche nach poetisch solider Gestaltung immer wieder auf sprachliche Pra¨chtigkeit und gefu¨hlvolles Pathos verzichtet hat, also dass er nach der "Poetischen Nu¨chternheit" gestrebt hat, bringt ihn noch mehr in die Na¨ch von Rilkes Dinggedichten. Aber Kim kehrte endgu¨ltig zu dem christlichen zuru¨ck, nachdem er Bluthochdruck erlitten hatte. Nach diesem Zwischenfall bereute er, dass er bisher - Gott aus dem Blick verlierend - zu dichterisch geneigt war. Natu¨rlich kann man auch in der literarischen Phase, wo er nur die absolute Einsamkeit verfolgt hatte, eine grundlegende Haltung mit Pra¨gung durch das christliche Ethos finden, Dies bedeutet, dass zu ihm die Einsamkeit eine Art Religion war. Also war seine Einsamkeit ein Prozess des christlichen Selbsterwachens. Wenn man die Tatsache in Betracht zieht, dass fu¨r ihn der Prozess der Einsamkeit eine Forsetzung des Dichtens war, so scheint seine Einamkeit ihr eigenes literarisches Dasein gefu¨hrt, moderne menschliche Bedingungen untersucht, und dadurch fu¨hlten sie sich menschlich gesteigert.

      • KCI등재후보

        Immobilization with Ketamine HCI and Tiletamine-Zolazepam in Cynomolgus Monkeys

        Myung-cheol Kim,Sung-hyeok Hong,Soo-jin Lee,Young-suk Kim,Jae-il Lee 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        with Ketamine HCl and Tiletamine-Zolazepam in Cynomolgus MonkeysJae-il Lee, Sung-hyeok Hong, Soo-jin Lee, Young-suk Kim and Myung-cheol Kim*Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, KoreaReceived March 4, 2003 / Accepted July 2, 2003J. Vet. Sci. (2003), 4(2), 187-191JOURNAL OFVeterinaryScience*Corresponding author: Myung-cheol Kim Laboratory of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea Tel: +82-42-821-6757, Fax: +82-42-822-4216 E-mail: mckim@cnu.ac.kr


        Metagenomic Analysis of Fungal Communities Inhabiting the Fairy Ring Zone of Tricholoma matsutake

        ( Miae Kim1 ),( Hyeok Jun Yoon ),( Young Hyun You ),( Ye Eun Kim ),( Ju Ri Woo ),( Yeong Gyo Seo ),( Gyeong Min Lee ),( Young Ja Kim ),( Won Sik Kong ),( Jong Guk Kim ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2013 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.23 No.10

        Tricholoma matsutake, an ectomycorrhiza that has mutual relationships with the rootlet of Pinus denisflora, forms a fruiting body that serves as a valuable food in Asia. However, the artificial culture of this fungus has not been successful. Soil fungi, including T. matsutake, coexist with many other microorganisms and plants; therefore, complex microbial communities have an influence on the fruiting body formation of T. matsutake. Here, we report on the structures of fungal communities associated with the fairy ring of T. matsutake through the pyrosequencing method. Soil samples were collected inside the fairy ring zone, in the fairy ring zone, and outside the fairy ring zone. A total of 37,125 sequencing reads were obtained and 728 to 1,962 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were observed in the sampling zones. The fairy ring zone had the lowest OTUs and the lowest fungal diversity of all sampling zones. The number of OTUs and fungal taxa inside and outside the fairy ring zone was, respectively, about 2 times and 1.5 times higher than the fairy ring. Taxonomic analysis showed that each sampling zone has different fungal communities. In particular, out of 209 genera total, 6 genera in the fairy ring zone, such as Hemimycena, were uniquely present and 31 genera, such as Mycena, Boletopsis, and Repetophragma, were specifically absent. The results of metagenomic analysis based on the pyrosequencing indicate a decrease of fungal communities in the fairy ring zone and changes of fungal communities depending on the fairy ring growth of T. matsutake.

      • KCI등재

        일본 보호관찰의 현황 및 그 시사점

        김혁 ( Kim¸ Hyeok ) 한국소년정책학회 2021 少年保護硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        As a result of recognizing the importance of treatment in society, the extension of probation has been steadily expanded, and accordingly, probation systems based on various laws have been established. Even if the name of probation is the same, there are systems with different legal characteristics, and the contents of probation or the effects of violations must be reviewed individually. In particular, in the case of parole and suspended execution imposed on adults, which account for most of the probation, problems such as the absence of intermediate sanctions in violation of compliance and the limitations of appropriate supervision and treatment have been steadily raised. In this situation, examining foreign-related systems and looking back on Korea's systems can provide a clue to the improvement of our system. Considering that the word probation itself accepted the Japanese term, it is meaningful to look at the current status of probation in Japan. Japan's probation system is the same as ours, but it is distinguished from ours in that partial suspension of execution is allowed. In Japan, as in Korea, partial revocation of suspension of execution is impossible, but unlike in Korea, partial suspension of execution is established to ensure the effectiveness of probation. Those who have been sentenced to suspension of execution for part of their sentences will be treated within society through probation for the remaining period of probation after the detention is terminated. By introducing such a system, Japan is attempting to avoid the problem of a short parole period and solve the problem of difficulty in supervising and supervising upon release. With the recidivism rate of those under probation still high, it is necessary to devise a system that can ensure the effectiveness of probation and secure a sufficient period of treatment in society in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        화학-기계적 우식 제거법을 이용한 유구치 우식의 치료 : 증례보고

        이혁상,이재천,김영재,김정욱,김종철,장기택 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        전통적인 bur에 의한 우식치질의 삭제는 진동과 열에 의한 자극을 초래하기 때문에 아이들은 치과에 가는 것을 무서워 한다. 최근 전통적인 방법을 대체하는 방법을 개발하려는 노력이 이루어져 왔고, 화학-기계적인 우식 제거법 역시 이러한 시도 중 하나이다. Carisolv^(TM)는 세가지 아미노산과 낮은 농도의 sodium hypochlorite, 그리고 특별하게 고안된 수 기구로 구성된 제품이다. 본 증례는 Carisolv^(TM)로 치료한 두 증례를 보고한다. 우식 상아질을 Carisolv^(TM) gel과 기구로 제거하고 복합레진으로 수복하였다. The conventional drilling method of caries removal makes vibration and thermal stimuli, so that children are afraid of dental treatment. Recently, various non-invasive caries removal techniques of alternatives to traditional methods are introduced and chemo-mechanical canes removal is one of them. Carisolv^(TM) comprises a gel that is composed of three different amino acids and a low concentration of sodium hypochlorite and specially-designed hand instruments. This report describes two cases of dental caries treatment with Carisolv^(TM). The carious dentin was eliminated with Carisolv^(TM) gel with instruments and then composite resin restoration was conducted.

      • Impact of Interferon-Based Treatment on Quality of Life and Work Related Productivity from the Korean Cohort in the MOSAIC Study

        ( Sang Hoon Ahn ),( Won Hyeok Choe ),( Yoon Jun Kim ),( Jeong Heo ),( Dorota Latarska-smuga ),( Jiho Kang ),( Seung Woon Paik ) 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection increases the risk for progressive liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma and negatively impacts the patient’s quality of life. HCV treatment is evolving with direct acting antivirals but IFN based therapy has been the standard of care for many years and remains available in some countries. The MOSAIC study aims to characterize patients with chronic HCV infection and assess the impact of IFN-containing treatment on health-related quality of life, work related productivity and health care utilization. Methods: MOSAIC is an international prospective multicenter observational study that has been conducted in 20 countries. Consecutive patients with chronic HCV infection were enrolled and those who initiated an IFN based regimen were prospectively followed for 48 weeks. We report results from the Korean cohort Results: 100 patients were enrolled: 86 were treatment naïve and 14 were treatment experienced. 33 patients initiated an IFN based regimen: 6 patients started IFN + RBV, 26 patients started Peg-IFN + RBV, none started Peg-IFN + RBV + DAA and 1 patient received other treatment. Among the treated cohort, demographic and disease characteristics were the following: the mean age was 54.5 years; 14 patients were male. 14 had minimal or no fibrosis, 2 portal fibrosis, 3 bridging fibrosis and 6 patients suffered from cirrhosis. HCV Genotype distribution was as follows: genotype 1: 11; genotype 2: 19 and genotype 3: 3. Table 1 describes the results at baseline and changes over 4, 12 and 48 weeks and end-of-treatment (EOT) for the quality of life and work productivity outcome measures (EQ-5D-5L, HCV-PRO and WPAI). Conclusions: Results from the Korean cohort of the MOSAIC study show a moderate trend for deterioration of health-related quality of life and work productivity associated with IFN based treatment for patients with chronic HCV infection during treatment period. Acknowledgements: The design, study conduct, analysis, and financial support of MOSAIC study were provided by AbbVie. AbbVie participated in the interpretation of data, review, and approval of the content of the abstract. All authors had access to all relevant data and participated in writing, review, and approval of this abstract. Medical writing support was provided by Olivier Van de Steen of Medeor-consulting, funded by AbbVie. Disclosures: Sang Hoon Ahn: served as an advisor and lecturer for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Merck, AbbVie, and has received unrestricted grants from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, and F. Hoffmann-La Roche for investigator- initiated trials Won Hyeok Choe: Nothing to disclosure Yoon Jun Kim: Nothing to disclosure Jeong Heo: received a grant from GSK; Research support from BMS, and Roche; Advisor for Abbvie, BMS, Gilead Sciences, Pharma Essentia, SillaJen, and Johnson & Johnson. Dorota Latarska-Smuga, Jiho Kang: are employees of AbbVie, Inc. and may hold stock or stock options. Seung Woon Paik: received grant and research support from AbbVie, BMS, Gilead, GSK, Merck, Novartis, and Roche

      • 유한요소법을 이용한 밸브 스프링 리테이너의 형상설계

        신혁수, 김동범, 박진근, 이인환, 조해용 충북대학교 산업과학기술연구소 2013 산업과학기술연구 논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        A valve spring retainer is a small disc and located at intake and exhaust valve stem of engine. The retainer supports a valve spring and transmits spring force to a valve. Force is applied to the retainer repeatedly by a rocker arm. Durability of the retainer is an important factor of performance. Weight of retainer affect dynamic performance of engine. Therefore, optimal strength and weight of the retainer design are needed. In this study, stress distribution and fracture load of retainer were analyzed by using FEM to design optimal strength and weight. Static load test was simulated by using commercial FEM code DEFORM-3D. Shapes of the retainer to reduce weight were designed and analyzed to verify validity of it. Simulated results and experimental ones were compared

      • 제지공정수 최적화를 위한 UF의 적합성 평가 및 응용

        김형진,이지영,권혁윤 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the application possibility of UF Membrane System to papermaking industry in order to optimize the recycling of white water. In this study, for the efficiency test of UF modules, the MWCO(molecular weight cut-off) of the membrane was estimated by the COD measurement from UF filtrate water. From the rejection rate of membrane, three kinds of UF module were selected and evaluated in the factors of COD, SS, turbidity and flow rate.

      • Boric Acid로 함침된 C/C-Composit의 산화 특성에 관한 연구

        김덕주,정두환,주혁종 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1986 論文集 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to enhance oxidation resistance and physical strength of the C/C composites by impregnation with Broic acid. The green C/C-composites were treated at 200℃, 600℃, 800℃ and 1000℃ after 5 times impregnation with Boric acid. The results were as follow. 1) Chemical and physical bonding were observed after impregnation with Boric acid and heat treatment 2) The oxidation resistance of C/C-composites were incresed by treating preheated treatment temperature. 3) It was observed that density and inter-laminar shear strength incresed after treating Broic acid impregnation and preheated treatment temperature.

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