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      • R.W. Emerson의 散文에 나타난 Self-Reliance의 硏究

        韓圭萬 울산대학교 1982 연구논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        R. W. Emerson은 19세기 美國作家들 가운데 가장 유명하고 영향력이 至大한 作家중의 한사람이다. 그는 New England Transcendentalism의 代辯人이었으며 그의 사랑의 핵심은 Self-Reliance이다. 그는 當代의 물질주의와 점증하는 産業主義를 못마땅하게 생각하였다. 그는 人間은 神의 形象대로 창조되었음을 주장하였고 自身의 영혼속에 있는 神의 音聲을 들어야 한다고 주장하였다. 따라서 진실한 인간이란 특히 學者는 Self-Reliance를 가져야 한다는 것이다. Self-Reliance의 사상은 Emerson의 全思想의 기초개념이다. 各 個人은 直觀을 통하여 神과 交通할 수 있으므로 결국 人間은 자신의 心性을 통하여 神性과 完全性을 획득할 수 있다는 것이다. 그러나 個人은 社會와 단절되어 살아갈수는 없다. 個人의 社會의식이 높아감에 따라, 人間은 社會에서의 자신의 위치를 찾게 되다. Emerson은 자신의 職分을 詩人으로 확신하였다. 詩人에게는 말한다는 사실이 하나의 行動이었다. 많은 비평가들은 Emerson의 활동시기를 前後期로 나누어 前期에는 社會와 國家, 그리고 敎會를 부인하였고 後期에 와서는 거기에 順應하게 되었다고 주장한다. 그러나 그것은 피상적인 관찰이다. 그가 거부한 것은 社會 그 自體나 社會의 效用이 아니라, 社會의 규율적이고 형식적인 制度와 惡習이었다. 따라서 그가 後期에 와서 社會와 和解를 했다거나 運命에 順應했다는 表現은 걸맞지 않다. 그는 眞理에 充實한 사람이었고 後期에는 새로운 人間像 즉 Man Thinking을 實踐해 본 것이다. 바로 그러한 人間만이 새로운 社會를 건설할 수 있다는 것이다. 그는 항상 個個人은 활동의 主體이오. 社會는 그 活動무대임을 잘 알고 있었다. 個人과 社會의 두 요소는 동시에 兩立해야 하는 상호보완적인 요소인 것이다. Ralph Waldo Emerson has been widely regarded as the most famous and most influential of the nineteenth century American writers. He was the spokesman of New England Transcendentalism. And the core of his thoughts is Self-Reliance. He condemned the materialism and the growing industrialism of his age. But he found it possible to compromise between ideal and reality. He suggested that a man was created in image of God and should hear the voice of God in the should. Consequently a true man, especially a Scholar, should have Self-Reliance, which is the main idea of Emerson's whole thoughts. Each individual can communicate with God through his own intuition, so it is possible to achieve divinity or perfection through his own mind. But every individual cannot live alone without being concerned with society. As the social consciousness increases, each individual seeks to find his role in society. Emerson considered his vocation as Sayer, the poet, Saying words was a kind of action to him. Most critics view that, in his earlier period of Emerson's writings, he rejected the society, the nation and the church. However, it is a superficial observation. It is the formal institutions in society or evil traditions of society that he rejected. Not the uses or good effects of society. And in his later period of writing he has been said to have reconciled himself with society or to yield to the fate. But in my opinion he never submitted to the fate, only faithful to the truth. He spent his later lifetime on showing how to be a new man. Man Thinking, who is able to establish a new society. He was never opposed to the society itself and never reconciled with it. He was always recognizing that they needed each other. Every individual is an actor and society is the stage on which the actor plays. The two factors are compatible at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        터보 차져와 인터쿨러를 장착한 디젤기관의 시뮬레이션 연구

        한영출,백두성,류규현,오용석,박만재 韓國工作機械學會 2000 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Studies on the turbocharger itself or various aspects generated from turbocharged engine have been made. However, only a few researches have been made on the performance for the natural aspirated engine equipped with the turbocharger and the intercooler. In this study, the performance prediction program based on turbocharger theory is developed for simu-lation which may reduce the cost and the trial-and-error time. The program is verified with the experimental results for 11,000cc diesel engine with the turbocharger and the intercooler. Also, various factors which are invisible in experiment are predicted using this program.

      • 종교적 밸러드의 연구

        한규만 울산대학교 1989 연구논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        종교적 밸러드는 수효에 있어서도 미미하고 그 연구 또한 활발하지 못하다. 그 개념 및 본질 역시 정밀하게 규명되어 있지 않다. 따라서 Ⅱ장에서는 개념을 우선 확정짓고, 그 후에는 작품분석을 통하여 그 주제를 파악해 내는 것이다. 주제 또한 단순하지 않다. 성서적인 주제와 비성서적인 주제가 혼재되어 있다. 주제를 表面的인 主題와 襄面的인 主題로 구별하여 분석한다. 그런데 분석의 결과는 밸러드의 민이 성서적 주제보다는 비성서적인 주제를 선호함을 보여준다. 그들의 '성서적 핵심'은 독단적인 기독교 사상에 있는 것이 아니라 새로운 이상 사회의 인본주의에 있는 것이다. 제 Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ장에서는 'Dives and Lazaus'의 死後의 應報문제, 'Judas'의 배반, 'The Cherry-Tree Carol'의 불경스러움, 'The Bitter Withy'의 비기독교적인 면을 순서대로 다룬다. 1. 엄밀하게 말하자면 종교적 밸러드란 주제에 따른 분류라기 보다는 題材에 따른 분류로 본다. 2. 종교적 밸러드의 희귀함은 밸러드의 民이 종교교리에 친숙하지 않음을 의미한다. 이러한 태도는 종교적 밸러드내에서도 드러난다. 3. 약자의 노래인 밸러드에는 당대에 용인되고 있는 주제는 표면적으로 내놓고, 진정으로 民이 말하고 싶은 주제인 이면적 주제는 작품내에 따로 있다. 4. 이면적 주제는 구석구석에 숨어있어서 찾아내기 어렵다. 표면적 주제는 작품내에서 뚜렷이 나타나 있지만, 이면적 주제는 말씨, 어휘, 사건의 해석방향 등에 부분부분 나타나 있다. 5. 종교적 밸러드의 이면적 주제는 봉건적 가부장적 사회의 여성경시 풍조에 대한 항거, 독단적이고 추상적인 종교교리의 배격, 인간의 수단화 반대, 수직적 사회구조에 대한 반발 등이며, 궁극적으로는 남녀 평등의 실천, 신으로부터 인간의 해방, 인간애를 바탕으로하는 수평적 사회구조, 경험적인 현실주의의 주창 등이다.개괄하자면 중세사회의 神本主義. 家父長的 사회질서의 붕괴와 人本主義. 水平的 사회질서의 도래를 꿈꾸는 것이 종교적 밸러드의 이면적 주제이다. 6. 본 연구를 통하여 종교적 밸러드의 본질은 기독교적 종교성에 있는 것이 아니라 오히려 인본주의적 비종교성에 있음이 밝혀졌다. . Religious ballads are rare and only a few papers on them are produced. And the definition and literary traits of 'religious ballad' are not fully studied. The purpose of this paper is to difine the term 'religious ballad' and to fine out its themes: biblical and non-biblical ones. To explain the contradictory thems in the same ballad, the terms 'exteral theme' and 'internal them'are introduced. ChapterⅠdeals with the significance and the aims of the study. Chapter Ⅱ defines the term 'religious ballad.'Chapters Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ examine the differences between Bible stories and those of "Dives and Lazarus," "Judas," "The Cherry-Tree Carol," "The Bitter Withy." The chapters focus on non-biblical themes: the punishment and reward after death, the treachery, the blasphemy and the unchristianity. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Most scholars are said to classify the religious ballads by themes. But they, in the strict sense, classify them by subject. 2. A prucity of religious ballads means that ballad folk are not interested in religious thoughts and dogmas. And such an attitude is also revealed within religious ballads themselves. 3. Ballad folk, the weaker part of people, could not express their own feelings and thoughts freely in ballads. That's because the aristocrats, males and churchmen ruled the people strongly. This leads them to show the accepted morals and themes outwardly and to conceal the folk's ideas of religion and society inwardly. 4. Their own attitudes and emotions are not revealed in the whold structure of a ballad but expressed in the details of events, diction, and vocabulary. 5. Internal themes of religious ballads are the protests against the contempt of females in the feudal patriarchal society, and against the negligence of humanthoughts forced by dogmatic and abstract religion. They can be regarded as struggles for the equality of the sexes, liberation of humanities, and progmatic life. 6. The ture nature of religious ballads lies not in religious thoughts and dogmas, but in non-biblical humanism and realism

      • KCI등재

        DOC의 K-7 Mode에 의한 배기가스 저감에 관한 연구

        한영출,백두성,오용석,박만재,박귀열,류규현 韓國工作機械學會 2000 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        With the significant growth of the number of vehicles, environmental problems is raised. NOx, SOx, and PM emissions in diesel powered vehicles are larger than that in gasoline, because the development of pollutants reduction techniques has no: been yet achieved. So it is need to develop after-treatment or to convert into alternative fuel to satisfy emission regula-tion. Among the after-treatment systems to reduce the diesel emissions, studies with diesel oxidation catalyst(DOC) are done greatly. In this study using DOC, reduction efficiency with the change of temperature and catalyst loading was calculated through measurements of CO, HC, PM, and SOx.

      • KCI등재

        Walt Whitman과 Folk Style

        한규만 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1985 현대영미어문학 Vol.3 No.-

        Walt Whitman's style is a very controversial one. His theory of style, however, is proved to be based on folk tradition. He made his poems out of folk people's materials and expressed the glorification of folk people. In this connection, his style may be said to be, in one way or another, connected with his materials and subject. Though he insisted on new poetry, his style was not so new. Rather it is a return to Anglo-Saxon tradition from his contemporary European influence. And Whitman rediscovered folk style as new American style. It means that he tried to express his subject, not by the style of a polished few artists but by that of folk people. Naturally he asserted that the best virtues of art were simplicity and clearness, and that two characteristics of folk poetry, repetition and exaggeration, must be introduced into modern literature. And he recognized slang of folk people as the vital powerful force of all languages and literature. Such views of folk style resulted in his own American style, based on traditional folk style. However, he did not imitate the folk style but he created his original folk style, which is suitable for his land and age.

      • 韓國의 敍事民謠와 英美의 포크밸러드에 나타난 主題의 比較分析

        韓圭萬 울산대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        이 論文의 目的은 한국이 서사민요와 영미의 포크 밸러드의 공통점 특히 공통적인 주제를 파악해 내는 것이다 .제 Ⅰ장은 本 硏究의 意義와 目的 그리고 양자의 硏究 現況을 밝혔다. 제Ⅱ장은 양 장르의 주제분류와 등장인물의 對比를 하였으며, 제Ⅲ은 양자의 敍事장르로서의 공통적 특성을 추출하였다. 제Ⅳ장은 社會的,文學的 觀點에서 조동일이 수집한 서사민요를 19개 하위유형을 나누어 그 의미를 �거하였으며, 제Ⅴ장에서는 英美文化圈에서 가장 인기있다고 하는 7개의 밸러드를 같은 관점에서 논하였다. 本 硏究의 結論은 다음과 같다. 1.한국의 학자들은 서사민요를 "農村女性"의 "길쌈 노동요"라고 단정짓고 있으나 그 槪念이 매우 狹義的이다. 서사민요의 범주에는 진정한 서사 變愛謠뿐만 아니라 超自然的, 宗敎的인 敍事巫歌 및 歷史的인 背景을 갖는 참謠와 諷笑謠의 一部가 포함될 수 았다. 男性謠 중에서 樵夫謠, 어부요, 牧?謠와 그외에도 設話謠, 歌辭的 民謠 중에서 서사민요를 발견할 수 있다. 2.外觀上의 팬터지적인 요소에도 불구하고 양 장르는 寫實主義的인 詩로 規定할 수 있다. 3.주제해석의 열쇠는 겉으로 드러나는 이야기의 결말에 있지 않고 唱者 및 聽者로서의 民의 態度이다. 은 이것을 民의 "情緖的 核心"이라고 하였다. 4.社會的인 觀點에서 보면 兩 장르의 共通主題는 封建的.家父長的 道德律에 대한 民의 抗拒이다. 5.文學的인 觀點에서 보면, 兩者의 共通主題는 悲劇的 現實을 극복하고 人間性의 解放을 성취하려는 民의 意志이다. 6.그 주제는 具體的으로 다음과 같이 分類될 수 있다 : 觀念的인 生活方式이 아닌 實用的이고 經驗的인 生活方式의 表明, 黃金萬能主義가 아닌 人道的인 價値評價, 規制와 抑壓이 아닌 自由와 平等 精神의 高揚, 잔인무도한 복수와 보복이 아닌 寬容과 容恕, 性的인 방종이 아닌 자유롭고 건강한 性 等. 7.一船的인 情緖는 비관적인 자포자기가 아니라 낙관적인 발랄함이며, 절망적인 點從이 아니라 희망에 찬 實踐主義라고 본다. The purpose of this paper is find out the common themes of Korean and Anglo-american narrative folk songs. Chapter I deals with significance and the aims of the study, and its developments in Korea, the U.K. and the U.S.A. Chapter Ⅱ survey the classifications and the characters of the two genres. ChapterⅢ examines the common characteristics of the two as narrative songs. ChapterⅣ investigates, from the social and literary points of view, the meanings of nineteen subtypes of sosaminyo(Korean narrative folk songs), collected by Cho, Dong-I1, ChapterⅤ examines the meanings of the most popular seven ballads. The conclusions are as follows: 1.Korean scholars define sosaminyo s "a weaving song" of "women in the rural villages." The definition is very struct. Categories of sosaminyo may be extended, beyond true love songs, to part of the supernatural and religious shaman's narratives and part of the historical predictions and satires of the folk. And sosaminyo could include some of masculine work sons-those of woodcutters, seamen and herdboys-as well as some of legendary narratives and odes. 2.Depite the seemingly fantastical elements, both genres may be defined as realistic poetry. 3.The key to the interpretation of themes is not the literal meanings of the story but the singer's and listener's attitudes toward the story. T.Coffin, called it "emotional core." 4.From the social point of view, the common theme of the two genres is the protest against the feudal and patriarchal moralities. 5.From the literary point of view, it is the will to overcoming of tragic realities and to the liberation of humanity. 6.Teh themes are classified as follows: not idealistic ways of life but practical and experiential ones, not mammonish ecaluaion but humanitarian one, not brutal revenge but forgiveness, and sexual licentiousness but sexual freedom. 7.The dominant emotions and feelings in both narrative folk songs are not pessimistic resignation but optimistic liveliness, and not desperate passiveism but hopeful activism.

      • KCI등재

        포크 밸러드에 나타난 사랑과 성

        한규만 현대영미어문학회 1999 현대영미어문학 Vol.16 No.2

        It is often said that folk ballads belong to the literature of the Middle Ages. Although the ballads show frequently the medieval characteristics of setting, characters and literary atmosphere, they actually assert the modern traits of message and theme. This study aims to explore the folk's views of love, sex and marriage in love ballads and the social significance through the close examinations of the story, message and theme. The preparatory step is to analyse the medieval tradition of love, sex and marriage. And love of ballads is classified into four types of betrayed love, romantic love, transcending love and passionate love according to the intensity of human bond between two lovers. Research findings are: 1) Every love ballad has a tragic ending. It has a social meaning: the folk, as the weaker part of society, recognize well that their assertions of new types of love shall be completely defeated by the maintaining group of the status que. 2) The more intense the bond of love is, the more tragic ending the ballad has: betrayed love ballads end in woe and death, romantic love songs end in death and suicide, transcendental love poems end in slaying and burning, and adulterous love narratives end in massacre and butchery. 3) Love ballads show a main conflict between the Christian church tradition of arranged marriage and the pagan tradition of love marriage. The folk asserts in love ballads that spiritual love be united to physical sex. 4) Transcendental love, in contemporary social context, means that the folk prefer pure love to material wealth, free choice of the spouse to families' honor and cosmopolitan marriage to nationalistic marriage. 5) Love ballad, as a genre of folk literature, is ideologically contrasted with art literature. While the latter is based on the medieval chivalrous tradition of patriarchal collectivism, male-dominant society, and the segregation of love and marriage, the former insists on the modern tradition of individualism, society of freedom and equality, the union of love, sex ,and marriage.

      • KCI등재

        국내 환경시료(쌀, 채소, 솔잎) 중 삼중수소의 분포

        김창규,조용우,한만중,박찬걸 대한방사선 방어학회 1992 방사선방어학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        환경시료중의 삼중수소준위를 조사하기 위하여, 국내 12개 지역에서 채취한 생물시료(쌀, 채소, 솔잎)중의 삼중수소를 분석하였다. 생물시료중의 삼중수소는 동결건조법과 건조시료의 연소법에 의해 조직자유수 삼중수소(TFWT: Tissue-Free Water Tritium)와 조직결합수 삼중수소(TBT: Tissue-bound tritium)로 분류 추출하였으며, 액체섬광계수기(Liquid Scintillation Counter)를 이용하여 각 시료중의 삼중수소를 측정하였다. TFWT 농도는 쌀의 경우 0.96∼3.96Bq/1, 배추는 0.83∼3.40Bq/1 솔잎의 경우는 1.02∼3.01Bq/1 범위의 값을 나타내었으며, TBT/TFWT의 평균 농도비는 쌀의 경우 0.94, 배추는 1.71, 솔잎은 1.39의 결과를 나타내었다. TBT/TFWT 농도비가 1보다 높은 이유는 TBT가 TFWT보다 식물체내에서의 체류기간이 길기 때문인 것으로 추측되며, TBT/TFWT의 농도비는 식물의 종류, 삼중수소에 대한 식물체의 피폭시간, 기온, 습도 및 대기확산 인자에 의해 크게 좌우된다. To evaluated tritium level in some environmental samples, tissue-free water tritium(TFWT) and tissue-bound tritium (TBT) were analyzed in rices, chinese cabbages and pine needles collected at 12 locations in Korea. The TFWT was recovered by freeze-drying of the samples and the TBT was obtained in the form of water by combustion of the dried samples. Tritium was measured by liquid scintillation counter. The concentrations of TFWT were in the range of 0.96∼3.96Bq/1, 0.83∼3.40Bq/1 and 1.02∼3.01Bq/1 in rices, chinese cabbages and pine needles, respectively. The mean specific activity ratios(TBT/TFWT) were 0.91, 1.71 and 1.39 on rices, chinese cabbages and pine needles, respectiviely. This excess TBT in the samples may be attributed to the fact that the residence time of TBT in the plant id longer than that of TFWT. The specific activity ratio depends on the plant species, the exposed time to tritiated atmosphere, atmospheric moisture, temperature and diffusion factor.

      • KCI등재

        EFG와 IGF-I의 첨가배양이 돼지 미성숙 난포란의 체외성숙과 배발달에 미치는 영향

        백준종,한만희,박병권,서길응,이규승 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.1

        The present study was carried out to examine the effect of EGF and IGF-I in vitro maturation (IVM) of porcine oocytes and development of porcine IVM/IVF embryos. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The rates of nuclear maturation, penetrated oocytes, pronuclear formation, polyspermic oocytes and mean numbers of the penetrated sperm were not different in NCSU-23 maturation medium with 0, 1. 5 and 10 ng/ml EGF and IGF-I (P>0.05). 2. The rates of blastocyst formation at day 7 after in vitro fertilization in 0, 1, 5 and 10 ng/ml EGF groups were 11.2±1.5%, 15.0±8.3%, 16.8±2.8% and 21.4±2.0%, also 0, 1, 5 and 10 ng/ml IGF- I groups were 11.2±1.5%, 15.0±8.3%. 16.8±2.8% and 21.4±2.0%, respectively. In the total cells case, EGF groups were 22.8±3.7, 25.7±5.5, 26.0±4.2 and 35.1±4.7, also IGF-I groups were 21.5±3.7, 25.2±2.8, 26.2±2.9 and 33.2±3.6, respectively. Both 10 ng/ml EGF group and 10 ng/ml IGF-I group were significantly higher than those of other treatment groups (P<0.05). 3. The rates of blastocyst formation at day 7 in the NCSU23 culture medium of porcine IVF-produced embryos with 0, 1, 5, and 10 ng/ml EGF groups were 14.0±1.7%, 16.2±1.4%, 16.9±1.2% and 23.1±1.6%, also 0, 1, 5, 10 ng/ml IGF-I groups were 13.6±1.7, 15.7±4.5. 16.0±0.2 and 25.0±0.8, respectively. And in the total cells case, EGF grups were 21.8±2.9, 25.2+2.8, 39.7±2.7 and 46.2±3.6, also IGF-I groups were 20.7±2.9, 26.2±2.9, 24.6±2.4 and 46.1±3.5, respectively. Both 10 ng/ml EGF group and 10 ng/ml IGF-I group were significantly higher than those of any other treatment groups (P<0.05). In conclusion, these results suggested that the addition of 10 ng/ml EGF and IGF-I were effective on the blastocyst formation and total cells of blastocysts.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제2형 당뇨병 외래 환자의 비만도에 따른 미세혈관합병증

        이성규,조남한,김현만,이관우,정윤석,채봉남,김윤정,이미덕,노혜림,홍은경,조현경 대한당뇨병학회 2000 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.24 No.1

        Background: Korean type 2 diabetic patients who are frequently non-obese, may be genetically different from Western type 2 diabetics who are frequently obese. Therefore, the diabetic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korea may be also different from those of Western countries. Until now, most studies reported in Korea did not analyse the microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus according to obesity, and also the criteria in the diagnosis of microvascular complications were different in each study. We investigated the microvascular complications and its relationship with obesity, in type 2 diabetic patients visiting an outpatient clinic. Methods: The study subjects were type 2 diabetic patients visiting an outpatient clinic of Ajou University Hospital. We selected patients participating in a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, retrospectively. Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed according to the WHO/NDDG classification of diabetes. Biochemical studies including lipid profile, plasma insulin and C-peptide levels were done. Anthropometric measurements were performed. Based on BMI (㎏/㎡), the patients were divided into the following groups: the lean group, when the BMI was less than 20 ㎏/㎡ the ideal body weight (IBW) group, if the BMI was between 20 ㎏/㎡ and 25 ㎏/㎡ in women and 20 ㎏/㎡ and 27 ㎏/㎡ in men; and the obese group, when the BMI was $gt;25 ㎏/㎡ in women and $gt;27 ㎏/㎡ in men. Results: 1. Neuropathy (45.2%) was the most frequent among the microvascular complications, and the frequency of retinopathy was 15.1%, and that of nephropathy was 4.9%. Within 5 years of diabetes duration, the frequency of neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy was 43.2%, 11.8%, and 2.9%, respectively. 2. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA_(1c)) and fasting blood glucose levels were not different among the three groups. Beta cell function{Δ (insulin 30min - insulin Omin)/Δ(glucose 30min - glucose 0min)} was the highest in the obese group. However, beta cell function(ΔI/ΔG) divided by the basal insulin level, considered insulin resistance, was not different among the three groups. 3. Within 5 years of diabetes duration, retinopathy tended to be the most frequent in the lean group, whereas neuropathy tended to be the most frequent in the obese group, and body mass index influenced the retinopathy and neuropathy, statistically significantly. Conclusion: Diabetic neuropathy was the most frequent among microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in our study subjects. At the time of presentation within 5 years of diabetes duration, the lean group of type 2 diabetics had a tendency of the more frequent retinopathy, the obese group had a tendency of the more frequent neuropathy. These results suggest that type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korea is also not a single disease entity, as in Western countries and is a heterogenous group of disorders with a diversity of microvascular complications. However, the more studies about this will be required.

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