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        영어와 한국어의 '요청'화행에 나타나는 사회언어학적 공손성

        고인수 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1995 현대영미어문학 Vol.12 No.-

        The present study aims to investigate the sociolinguistic realization patterns of requests in American English and Korean through the empirical data collection procedures. Especially, the study explores the sociolinguistic aspects of politeness in request realization patterns of English and Korean. On the sociolinguistic dimension of requests, Koreans are shown to be oriented towards the discernment aspect of linguistic politeness, while Americans reveal a relative prominence of volitional aspect over discernment in their request realization. Thus, Koreans are more prone to differentiate requestive expressions according to person than Americans. In cross-cultural pragmatics, the findings of this study can provide answers to the theory-finding gap in several current studies and also rive baseline data for interlanguage pragmatics between American English and Korean.

      • KCI등재

        언어의 보편성에 관하여 : 영어와 한국어의 공소화를 중심으로

        임상봉 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1995 현대영미어문학 Vol.12 No.-

        This paper aims to critically study the deletion of a verb, a so-called gapping phenomena, right node raising and to reveal the language universals in two types of languages; Korean and English on the basis of Heavy NP Shift and VP deletion. Elliptical constructions are both challenging and fascinating, for among the many aspects of language that provide insights into its formal structures and properties, those which involve missing elements play a central role. It may seem rather surprising that the several analyses of gapping within generative grammar in the last decade have not succeedded in formulating a coherent rule of deletion for this apparently simple phenomena. Gapping is the name given to the process of deleting internal constituents in one conjunction of a conjoined sentence under identity with constituents in the other conjunct. A number of attempts have been made to analyse the gapping phenomena. What all these accounts of gapping have in common is that they are demonstrably inadequate and fail to provide a principled solution for the problems posed by gapped sentences. It is interesting to find that a similar phenomena in Korean, with a minimal difference in the position where verb deletion occurs. Unlike in English, the verb is deleted in the first conjunct of gapping structures in Korean. Still, Korean gapping constructions are similar to English gapping in that the remnants and their correspondents carry a heavy focus. But this phenomenon has bean treated either gapping (Ross(1967) ) or right node raising (Mailing(1972)). This paper tries to argue for an analysis which views them as one phenomenon and give an analysis for gapping in English and Korean, based on Jayaseelan (1990). What I would like to do is to develop Jayaseelan(1990). He argues that sapping is a heavy HP shift of the focused NP followed by VP deletion. In the course of discussion, I have found parallelism between English and Korean sapping phenomena, right node raising. I have adopted a HNPS+VP deletion analysis for the English gapping constructions. As there is no procedure like HNPS in Korean, I propose s-structure focus movement analysis followed by PF deletion for the Korean gapping constructions. To conclude, despite many differences between English and Korean gapping constructions, I have argued that they are basically the same phenomena in that focused phrases are required to move out of VP using the mechanism available in each type of language. And I also found that the differences between them have been caused by the other parametric differences. As a result, this paper reaffirmed there is language universals in the two languages: Korean and English.

      • KCI등재

        국어에도 부가의문문이 있는가?

        장경기 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1985 현대영미어문학 Vol.3 No.-

        We assume that tag question is a language-universal phenomenon. So, in order to investigate tag question in Korean we first turn to the tag question in English which has been rather explicitly described in many respects. However, according to Ray Cattell (1973) and many other arguments, English tag question theory so far is not so satisfactory yet and also has a couple of thorny problems to be solved. In this paper we propose a new hypothesis for the task in terms of the notion of 'speaker's presupposition' and then provide several evidence seemingly to support our arguments. Next, we examine 성광수 (1980) and 전병쾌 (1984) respectively, two arguments on tag question in Korean. We argue that their theories both are in general much too English-oriented and these two grammarians almost directly relate terms and ideas of English tag question theory to the description of Korean tag question. Consequently, language- universality and language-particularity seem to be confused in their arguments. Alternatively, we show that tag question in Korean, like tag question in English, can be better described and more adequately explained by means of our hypothesis. We clarify to some extent language-universal characteristics and Korean-particular ones which are represented in Korean tag questions. Detailed empirical inquiry and concrete evidence are included in the paper.

      • KCI등재

        확정성과 영어한정사의 결합제약

        김두식 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1988 현대영미어문학 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of the present study is to define English determiners in terms of definiteness, to divide them into three classes, and to propose three combinational restrictions on them between the three classes. It is here claimed that English determiners should be classified in terms of (in) definiteness as well as their distribution in pronominal modification. The basic meaning of definiteness, proper to the definite determiners, consists of LOCATION and INCLUSIVENESS, as is claimed in Hawkins (1978). It means that the definite determiners are used to "locate" the referent of the definite NP within one (set) of the objects properly pragmatically defined and refer "inclusively" to the totality of the objects. On the other hand, the core meaning of indefiniteness is in contrast with definiteness in having EXCLUSIVENESS property. It means that the indefinite determiners are used to refer "exclusively" to not-all, i.e. there are claimed to exist other objects excluded from the reference of an indefinite NP. According to (in)definiteness and their modificational distribution, the determiners are classified into Class Ⅰ, Class Ⅱ, and Class Ⅲ. On the basis of their ability to precede or follow Class Ⅱ, the most central of the determiners, Class Ⅰ is termed Predeterminer Class, such as all, both, half and the like and Class Ⅲ is termed postdeterminer Class, such as two, first, many, (a) few, such, (an)other, etc. Class Ⅱ is divided into Class Ⅱ-1, such as the, my, this and so forth, Class Ⅱ-2, such as some, most, every, each, (n)either, which and so on. The three combinational restrictions proposed in this study are as follows: Restriction Ⅰ: The combinational order of English determiners should be the one like (Class Ⅰ-Class Ⅱ-Class Ⅲ) but the determiners in Class Ⅰ should be combined with those in Class Ⅱ-1. Restriction Ⅱ: The determiners in the same class, except for Class Ⅲ, should not be combined one another. Restriction Ⅲ: The combination in the order like (Class Ⅱ-2 or Ⅲ-Class Ⅱ-1) is impossible by violating Restriction Ⅰ & Ⅱ, but is possible by inserting of between the former class and the latter one.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Secret Agent의 Time-Shift와 Dramatic Irony

        余永天 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1987 현대영미어문학 Vol.4 No.-

        In reading Whitman's poem, "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry," we can easily find out the traces of" a public act that draws the reader into the privacy of the text." This kind of public act is called self-consciousness; unlike self-reflexivity dealing with the writing process, self-consciousness deals with the reading process. Especially, the relationship between "I" the poet and "you" the reader is very important in understanding this poem. This is the very reason why I would like to investigate the self-consciousness of the poem in this paper. In the whole poetry, Whitman explores the fused concept of time. Especially, intermingling the time depends on "the infinite process of interpretation that renders the past for the future," for the present is defined as the interpretation of the past to the future. That is, the time concept is defined according to the viewer who "peruse" the time or the sign, the poetry. This means that "you" in this poetry is the reader into whom "I" poured his meaning, and the interpretation of the sign produces not a definite meaning but an infinite other signs. Accordingly, in Whitman's poems, the poet "I" interpreting the sign which is the reader's future produces another sign. As a whole, the crossing in this poem is the metaphor for the reading process. Thus, the whole poetry of "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" is the metaphor for the relationship between the poet, the reader, and the text.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상징적 행위로서의 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

        이명균 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1990 현대영미어문학 Vol.7 No.-

        Kenneth Burke defines poetry as symbolic action. He thinks that we cannot understand a poem's structure effectively without understanding the function of the structure and that to understand its function we must underatand its purpose. He also asserts that the general purpose of all poetry is salvation, that the general function is purgative-redemptive, and that the general-burden which all men naturally bear is guilt. Every man has his own problem. According to the theory of symbolic action, the poem must be symbolic autobiography and hence must deal with some deeply personal problem which the author faced and solved or tried to solve in the poem, and is a purgative- redemptive symbolic action. It also contains the pollution-purification- redemption archetype. Burke's remarks on symbolic action in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner provide us with an excellent idea of his theory and method. His departure for all of his remarks is the sin of drug addiction. He is interested in tracing how the drug addiction produced in Coleridge a sense of guilt, how both the sin and guilt were translated into the symbols of poetry and how The Rime of the Ancient Mariner functioned for Coleridge as rituals for the redemption of his drug addiction. The albatross is a surrogate for the poet's wife, Sarah. The albatross and the detained wedding-guest are symbolic of Coleridge's marital - religious problem. The snakes are a surrogate for his drug addiction. Confession itself is curative : verbalizing the pollution is the beginning of the purgative action. The whole poem performs a scapegoat function, for it can be said that Coleridge loaded it with his burdens and sent it off into society at large. This is another part of purgative action. Burke belives man is equipped with two most extraordinary instruments for effecting beneficial changes : reason and language(symbolic action). Many problems cannot be solved through direct, practical action ; in these instances man has at his disposal the miracle of symbolic action, which is best practiced by the poets. The Ancient Mariner is one of the most important salvation devices which enabled the poet to go on living by helping him cleanse and order himself.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        David Copperfield에 나타난 시간과 기억

        김소식 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1990 현대영미어문학 Vol.7 No.-

        Jerome H. Buckley가 "The Four Faces of Victorian Time"에서 "The Victorians…were preoccupied almost obsessively with time and all the devices that measure time's flight1)"라고 말하듯이 time obsession은 비단 현대작가들에게서 뿐만 아니라 빅토리아시대의 작가들에게서도 널리 볼 수 있는 현상이었다. 급변하는 당시 산업사회 속에서 한때 그 희생자로 전락하여 쓰라린 경험을 맛 본 당대의 대표적 작가 가운데 한 사람인 Charles Dickens 역시 그 예외는 아니었다. Robin Gilmour는 Dickens를 당시의 Tennyson와 비교하면서 "time was a subject in which Dickens had become increasingly interested throughout the eighteen-forties2)"라고 말했다. 물론 Dickens의 시간 문제는 1840년대에만 국한된 것이 아니고, 그의 전 작품을 통해 꾸준히 다루어진 테마이다. 본고는 David Copperfield를 중심으로 주요 등장인물들의 시간에 대한 태도와 특히 주인공 David의 시간의식의 발전과정을 추적해 봄으로써 시간과 self의 관계를 검토해 보고 아울러 이 소설의 형식자체를 이루고 있는 기억의 역할도 살펴 볼 것이다. 그렇게 할 때 Dickens는 시간의 어느 한 국면, 즉 과거, 현재, 미래 중 어느 하나에만 고착되어 살 때의 위험을 보여준다. Great Expectations의 Miss Havisham이 Satis House에서 자연시간의 흐름을 거부한채 과거에만 고착되어 살아가는 것이 자기자신 뿐만 아니라 그 주변의 사람들에게까지 심한 피해를 주었듯이 David Copperfield에 등장하는 거의 모든 인물들도 잊을 수 없는 과거의 기억 때문에 현재와 미래를 직시하지 못하고 불행하게 살아간다. 다소 정도의 차이는 있으나 주인공 David를 비롯하여 Betsey Trotwood, Mr. Wickfield, Mr. Dick, Rosa Dartle, Miss Julia Mills 등이 과거에 대한 억압적인 기억 때문에 시간의 희생자가 된다. 따라서 Dickens에게 중요한 문제는 과거를 현재에 수용하느냐 거부하느냐에 있다. 이같은 과거와 현재의 관계는 당시의 급변하는 세계 속에서 안정감을 찾으려는 절박한 요구에 직면한 빅토리아인들에 게 중요한 관심사였으며3), George Eliot, William Wordsworth, Thomas Carlyle과 같은 당시 작가들의 중심테마이기도 했다. 문학에서 과거의 탐색은 보통 self-discovery의 수단이다4). 자기의 먼 과거는 자기자신을 아는데 중요하고 현재와 미래의 자기 힘을 아는데도 중요하다. 따라서 Dickens의 소설은 self의 탐구를 위해 시간의식이 형성되는 유아기나 어린시절로 돌아간다. 이같은 시간과 self의 관계는 Meyerhoff의 다음 말에서 가장 간결하게 표현되고 있다.

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