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      • KCI등재후보

        CD5- 소포림프종의 CD5+ 광범위큰B세포림프종으로 전환된

        김형국 ( Hyeong Kug Kim ),조인성 ( In Sung Cho ),이혜경 ( Hye Kyung Lee ),최용훈 ( Yong Hun Choi ),조성민 ( Seong Min Cho ),문현진 ( Hyun Jin Moon ),이진아 ( Jin A Lee ) 대한내과학회 2012 대한내과학회지 Vol.83 No.2

        Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most frequent subtype of aggressive lymphomas. Approximately 10% of DLBCL cases express CD5 as a surface antigen. CD5-positive DLBCL can occur as the de novo or secondary type, De novo CD5-positive DLBCL arises without previous lymphoproliferative disease, and secondary CD5-positive DLBCL may or may not manifest as Richter syndrome. The transformation of follicular lymphoma (FL) into DLBCL occurs in approximately one-third of all cases. The transformation of CD5-negative low-grade B-cell lymphoma to CD5-positive DLBCL is extremely rare. We report the clinical features of a rare case that presented with a transformation from CD5-negative FL to CD5-positive DLBL over 11 years. This is the second such case published in the English literature.

      • KCI등재

        정부기록보존소의 조선총독부문서 소장현황 및 내용 검토

        김형국 ( Kim Hyeong-kuk ) 한국민족운동사학회 2001 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        The Government Archives & Records Service collects the official document which is produced from the government offices system and it preserves. Currently the major general document quantity is 470,000 files(2000 years 3 end of the month), from in the that the document of Japanese General in Korea is 30,000 files degree. The document of Japanese General in Korea compares in whole major general quantity and hold the specific gravity which it does it writes but, quality to in the data at quantitative it will can use from the history researcher keeps the value which is important. The Government Archives & Records Service's Document or Japanese General in Korea is composed of 27 record group, and When seeing with the fact that it is a received document where the considerable portion of the document is not the production document, that possibility seems highly, bur The document of Japanese General in Korea is putting in the contents which is various, it keeps feed value which is important it will be able to confirm, 'region administration' and an irrigation association', prosecution of document' recording back from 1910 years until 1945 years it is produced the documents of most to be almost contained, the history value is nigh very. The data which is not the possibility of buying from the different which place it admits. The Government Archives & Records Service arranges government-general document which keeps the value which is important system and in order to preserve a many effort it tilts. It follows in quality of the file and it draws up a detail list with there to be it will be able to provide the bias of searching and reading, it becomes, it records the document with reader who easily it constructs the system search it will be able to apply the document which is necessary. The government-general document is applied but well to be respected history researcher the many interest is demanded.

      • KCI등재

        중국 자동차산업과 정책변화

        김형국(Hyung Kook Kim) 한국정치학회 2002 한국정치학회보 Vol.36 No.3

        이 글은 ‘사회주의 발전국가’ 개념을 통해 중국 자동차산업을 분석하여 사회주의 국가가 산업발전을 제고하기 위하여 채택한 시장메카니즘 역동성이 정치체제전환에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 검토하였다. 사회주의가 시장요인을 도입하여 경제개혁을 주도하는 국가를 사회주의 발전국가로 정의하고 사회주의 동원국가와 사회주의 민주국가로부터 개념적 구분을 하였다. 국가의 구조적 자율성과 정책자율성 여부에 따라 국가의 성격을 구분한 것이다. 특히 사회주의 발전국가의 정책자율성은 시장요인을 수용하는 정책변화가 정체 체제 전환에 미치는 영향이 어떠하고 구조적 제약성은 어떠한지 연구하는데 유용한 분석틀이 된다. 사회주의 국가에 내재하는 정책자율성은 지금은 개혁의 대상이 된 한때 중국 경제의 핵심이었던 국영기업의 민영화과정에서나, 은행 보험 증권 등 금융부문 선진화과정 그리고 보수적으로 과잉 팽창된 관료조직 효율화과정에서 검토할 수 있다는 전제에서 이 연구를 시작하였다. 자동차산업에 대한 산업부문연구(industry sectoral analysis)를 통해 중국 국가관리자의 정책자율성을 세 가지 시기를 통해 검토하였다. 첫째 1986년 자동차 집중화정책 추진기, 둘째 1994년 신산업정책을 성장주도기, 셋째 1998년 이후 세계무역기구 가입시까지 자동차 시장개방 추진시기이었다. 가장 최근 사회주의 시장경제 이념이 보다 확대된 1997년 중국공산당 제15차 전대 이후, 장져민-주룽지 라인이 주도한 정부개혁과 국유기업 구조조정과정에서 중국 정부의 정책자율성을 잘 볼 수 있었다. 그러나 산업정책 측면에서 구현된 정책자율성도 정치구조에 미치는 영향력은 제한적이라고 결론 지운다. 사회주의 발전국가의 상부구조 측면에서는 공산당 일당지배구조를 유지하는 것이 경제개혁을 주도하는 핵심 국가관리자의 관심이자 구조적 한계이기 때문이다. This paper deals with China's automobile industry in terms of the socialist developmental state. This research focuses on whether policy autonomy in the socialist development state has accepted the market mechanism that could enhance the political system transformation. Further examining the three different policy formations on the automobile industry, this paper differentiates China's way of a socialist developmental state; market concentration policy in 1987, new industrial policy in 1994, and market opening in respect to their accession into the WTO. In terms of policy autonomy, this paper concludes that in the recent period China shows the policy autonomy in terms of a different approach from the conservative bureaucratic apparatus. Nevertheless, the political systemic transformation will be different. Current state managers, although they have initiated reform policies in the economic and industrial fields, are reluctant to accept political reform at the present time. This is also known as a structural limitation, which existed in the socialist developmental state.

      • KCI우수등재

        행정수도 건설안의 妥當性과 時宜性

        김형국(Hyung-kook Kim) 대한지리학회 2003 대한지리학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        행정부 이전이란 비상카드를 꺼낼 정도로 국토불균형이 심각하다고 보는 참여정부의 인식에는 절대 공감한다. 하지만 수도 이전은 단지 균형개발 이유만으로 추진하기에는 구실이 약하다. 경제·사회적 상황 못지 않게, 아니 훨씬 더 중요하게 국내외 정치상황과 직결된 것이 수도의 입지요 이전이기 때문이다. 1970년대 중반, 3공이 수립했던‘임시’행정수도안은 안보가 절대 이유였다. 그때 김대중 야당지도자는 휴전선에서 멀리 안전거리를 확보하려함은 군사적 고려일 뿐, 백성들의 호국의지를 더 무게 있게 감안한다면 대치 현장에 바싹 붙여 수도를 유지함이 옳다 했다. 실제로 독립 파키스탄은 수도를 카라치에서 인도와 영토분쟁중인 카슈미르 인근 이슬라마바드로 옮겼다. 이번 행정수도발상에서 핵구름이 짙게 드리워진 급박한 한반도 정세에 대한 고려가 일체 없음은 유감이다. 개인도 건강이 있고 나서야 꿈을 쫓을 수 있듯이, 나라 또한 안보가 확실해야만 비로소 국토균형개발도 추진할 수 있다. 현대도시이론에 따르면 국가운명은 대도시가 변수라 했다. 방위가 소홀한 수도는 나라를 결딴내는 인질이 될 염려가 있다는 말이다. 이 말대로 북한이 아직 버리지 않은 무력·적화통일전략의 주 공격대상은 단연 서울이다. 때문에 우리 국체를 지키자면 서울을 북한의 인질이 되는 상황을 막는 방패로 삼아야 마땅하다. 주한미군 주력이 서울 북방에 자리잡은 것도 대한민국 안보를 위해서는 서울 사수가 절대적이란 판단에 근거한다. 그 사이, 입장은 다를지언정 같은 민족이 두 국가로 나눠져 있음이‘비정상’임을 남북한이 다함께 인정한다. 예측 불가사항인 통일은 뜻밖에 빠를 수도 있다는 말이다. 통일의 그 날이 수도이전의 적기일 것이다. 제대로 만들자면 최소한 20년은 걸릴 일인데 졸속으로 수도를 이곳저곳으로 끌고 다닐 수 없지 않은가. 자유민주가 확보되는 통일의 그 날이면 브라질이나 호주처럼 새 국운의 장소 상징을 만들자는 국민적 합의는 자연스럽게 생겨날 것이다. 안보가 문제될 게 없다해도 정부발상은 국토균형발전에 별로 기여할 것 같지 않다. 새 입지로 점찍은 충청권은 수도권 인접효과를 가장 많이 누려온 선택된 곳이지 격차해소 대상인 푸대접 또는 무대접 지역이 아니다. 이 시점에서 안보와 균형개발을 동시에 지향하면서 멀리 통일이후도 고려한 후보지를 굳이 찾는다면 한반도의 중심성도 있는 휴전선 근접 철원 일대가 그럴싸하다. 남북대치의 현 상황을 깊이 유념한 끝에 통일의 그 날까지 천도를 미룬다해도 균형발전 실현의 지름길은 분명있다. 그건 중앙부처의 지리적 분산이 아니라 중앙권력의 지방분권이다. 아니할 말로 수도란 상징 장소를 새로 만들 여유 돈이 있다면, 이를테면 그냥 마시기를 기피하는 전국 수돗물 수질을 높이고, 적자에 허덕인 끝에 대형 참사도 낳았던 지방 대도시 지하철을 돕는 것이 옳다. 그리고 천도는 통일의 천기(天機)에 맞추는 것이 옳다. This writer absolutely agrees with the government that regional disequilibrium is severe enough to consider moving the administrative capital. Pursuing this course solely to establish a balanced development, however, is not a convincing enough reason. The capital city is directly related to not only the social and<br/> economic situation but, much more importantly, to the domestic political situation as well. In the mid-1970s, the proposal by the Third Republic to move the capital city temporarily was based<br/> completely on security reasons. At the time, the then opposition leader Kim, Dae-jung said that establishing a safe distance from the demilitarized zone(DMZ) reflected a typically military decision. His view was that retaining the capital city close to the DMZ would show more consideration for the will of the people to defend their own country. In fact, independent Pakistan moved its capital city from Karachi to Islamabad, situated close to Kashmirthe subject of hot territorial dispute with India.<br/> It is regrettable that no consideration has been given to the urgent political situation in the Korean peninsula, which is presently enveloped in a dense nuclear fog. As a person requires health to pursue his/her dream, a country must have security to implement a balanced territorial development. According to current urban theories, the fate of a country depends on its major cities. A negligently guarded capital city runs the risk of becoming hostage and bringing ruin to the whole country. In this vein, North Koreas undoubted main target of attack in the armed communist reunification of Korea is Seoul. For the preservation of our state, therefore, it is only right that Seoul must be shielded to prevent<br/> becoming hostage to North Korea. The location of the US Armed Forces to the north of the capital city is based on the judgment that defense of Seoul is of absolute importance. At the same time, regardless of their different standpoints, South and North Korea agree that division of the Korean people into two separate countries is abnormal. Reunification, which so far has defied all predictions, may be realized earlier than anyone expects. The day of reunification seems to be the best day for the relocation<br/> of the capital city. Building a proper capital city would take at least twenty years, and a capital city cannot be dragged from one place to another. On the day of a free and democratic reunification, a national agreement will be reached naturally to find a nationally symbolic city as in Brazil or Australia.<br/> Even if security does not pose a problem, the governments way of thinking would not greatly contribute to the balanced development of the country. The Chungcheon region, which is earmarked as the new location of the capital city, has been the greatest beneficiary of its proximity to the capital region. Not being a disadvantaged<br/> region, locating the capital city there would not help alleviate regional disparity. If it is absolutely necessary to find a candidate region at present, considering security, balanced regional development and post-reunification scenario of the future, Cheolwon area located in the middle of the Korean peninsula may be a plausible choice. Even if the transfer of capital is delayed in consideration of the present political conflict between the South and the North Koreas, there is a definite shortcut to realizing a balanced regional development. It can be found not in the geographical dispersal of the central government, but in the decentralization of power to the provinces. If the government has surplus money to build a new symbolic capital city, it is only right that it should improve, for instance, the quality of drinking water which now everyone eschews, and to help the regional subway authority whose chronic deficit state resulted in a recent disastrous accident. And it is proper to time the transfer of capital city to coincide with that of the reunification of Korea whene

      • KCI등재

        이종 PCM의 선택적 상변화 시의 열전달 해석

        김형국(Hyung Kuk Kim),이동규(Dong Gyu Lee),백종현(Jong Hyeon Peck),강채동(Chaedong Kang) 대한설비공학회 2013 설비공학 논문집 Vol.25 No.9

        A numerical analysis of solid-liquid phase change was performed on a heat transfer module which consisted of circulating water path (BRINE), heat transfer plate (HTP) and phase change material (PCM) layers, such as high temperature PCM (HPCM, 78~79℃) and low temperature PCM (LPCM, 28~29℃). There were five arrangements, consisting of BRINE, HTP, LPCM and HPCM layers in the heat transfer module. The time and heat transfer rate for melting/solidification was compared to their arrangements, against each other. As results, the numerical time without convection was longer than the experimental one for melting/solidification. Moreover, the melting/solidification with the BRINEⅠ-LPCM-BRINEⅡ- HPCM arrangement was faster(10 hours) than the others; HPCM-BRINE-LPCM, BRINEⅠ-HPCM-LPCM-BRINEⅡ one.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        흉강경을 이용한 폐기포절제 수술과 동시에 시행한 Doxycycline Pleurodesis의 효과

        김형국,한재열,광호,정택,Kim, Hyeong-Guk,Han, Jae-Yeol,Kim, Gwang-Ho,Kim, Jeong-Taek 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1996 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.29 No.1

        비디오 흥강경을 이용한 기흥환자의 기포절제 수술에서 수술성적을 높힐 수 있는 한 방편으로 doxycycline을 사용한 화학적 늑막유착술을 함께 시행하여왔다. 그러나 doxycycline을 사용한 늑막유착술의 효과에 대해 아직 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 본 교실에서는 1993년 9월 부터 1995년 6월 까지 본원에서 기흥으로 입원하여 비디오 흥강경으로 기포절제술을 시행한 41명중 doxycycline으로 늑막유착술을 동시에 시행한 21명 (group I)과 시 행하지 않은 20명 (group II)을 비교하여 보았다. Doxycycline을 사용한 늑막유착술은 기포절제가 끝난후 doxycycline 500mg을 생리식염수 200m1에 섞어 흥강내에 30분에서 1시간 잔류시킨 후 배액하였다. Group I과 group II의 연령은 각각 30.9 $\pm$ 20.0세와 24.3 $\pm$ 9.49세였고 남여 비는 각각 20:1과 20:0 였다. 술후 흥강삽관 기간은 group I과 group II가 각각 5.86 $\pm$ 4.69일과 3.80 $\pm$2.28일 이었다. 흥관을 통해 술후 3일째 하루 100m1 이상의 흥수가 배액되는 환자의 수는 group 에서 7명 이고 group II서 1명이었으며, 또한 7일 이상 흥관을 제거하지 못한 환자는 group I이 5명이고 group II가 2명 이었다. 술후 발\ulcorner을 보인 환자수는 group I과 group II가 각각 3명 이었다. 술후 진통제 투여량은 group I이 2.19 $\pm$ 2.77amp1es 이며 group II가 2.30 $\pm$ 1.95amp1e 이었다. 추적관찰 동안 group I이 2명, group II가 2명 재발하여 각각 9.5%와 10%의 재발율을 보였다. 본 연구결과 기흥환자에서 비디오 흉강경을 이용한 기포절제술과 동시에 시행한 doxycycline을 이용한 늑막유착술은 필요치 않다는 결론을 얻었다. Chemical pleurodesis with doxycycline has been used during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) as an auxiliary method to enhance therapeutic goal in patients with pneumothorax. However, the therapeutic effect of doxycycline pleurodesis (DP) has not been clearly defined yet. To evaluate the effect of DP, we compared two groups of patients who were given VATS bullectomy from October 1993 to June 1995. Group I composed of 21 patients who received DP and group II composed of 20 patients who did not received DP Doxycycline 500mg with saline 200ml were instilled into the pleural cavity upon a completion of bullec omy, and retained there for 0.5-1 hour and then drained out. The age of group I was 30.9 $\pm$ 20.0 and that of group II was 24.3 $\pm$ 9.49 years. Male to female ratio was 20: I in group I and 20 : 0 in group II. The postoperative indwelling time of chest tube was 5.86 $\pm$ 4.69 days in group I and 3.80 $\pm$ 2.28 days in group II. Seven patients had more than 100m1/day of chest tube drainage on the postoperative third day in group I compared to one patient in group II. Five patients had postoperative indwelling time of chest tube greater than 7 days in group I compared to two in group II. The number of patients who had postoperative fever were 3 in both group, analgesic requirements were 2.19 $\pm$ 2.77 amples in group I and 2.30 $\pm$ 1.95 ambles in group II. Follow-up was done from 2 months to 16 months after surgery. During the follow up periods, four patients had recurrence 2 (9.5%) in group I and 2 (10%) in group II. We conclude that concomitant doxycycline pleurodesis with video-assisted thor coscopic bullectomy In patients with pneumothorax is not necessary.

      • 교육이론과 실천 : 농촌 실업계 고등학생들의 자기 주도적 영어 학습을 위한 흑습모형 연구 -자율성을 중심으로-

        김형국 ( Hyung Kook Kim ) 경남대학교 교육문제연구소 2013 敎育理論과 實踐 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to design self-access learning instructional model in English education for the vocational high school students in rural area. Autonomous learners need the ability to control over three parts of learning management with cognitive process and learning contents. To develop this ability as the characteristics of autonomous learners self-accessed learning instructional model be designed with five principles and two parts of learning process and environmental factors. In the self-access learning instructional model, there are six elements: learning targets, learning activities, learning contracts, accomplishing learning, and evaluating and reporting learning achievement. In addition, other environmental factors should also be considered: expansion of learning environment, development of independent thinking skills, stimulation of students` motivation, and exercise of learning and teaching learning skills. Autonomous learners can learn self-access learning at any grade and their ability for self-access learning depends on their experience and attitude. Therefore, teacher havs to lead learners into self-access learning gradually. The first-stage of self-access learning for low-level autonomous learners is self-paced learning. Learners can work their way with their own pace and the learning guide line should be assigned by the teacher. The second-stage of self-access learning is for mid-level autonomous learners. It is a kind of self-planned learning. Therefore, learners decide how to achieve their learning goal which is assigned by the teacher. Learners also make their learning guide line. The teacher should make an introduction for various ways to learn self-access learning and has to set up the favorable learning environments for the learners. The third-stage of self-access learning is the course for the high-level autonomous learners. The learners decide their goals of learning and choose what they will study and how to learn it. Besides, they design their studies and activities independently and complete contracts, and evaluate the result of their learning process. Self-access learning is markedly different from teacher-directed learning system. It needs totally different paradigm of learning and requires new skills from teacher and learners. In self-access learning, learners themselves design their own learning program and activities. The role of teacher should be transformed because it is more important and demanding than teacher-directed learning. It is true that there is a big paradigm shift between self-access learning and teacher-directed learning.

      • KCI등재

        적극적 조세회피와 경영자 능력의 관계

        김형국 ( Kim Hyung-kook ) 한국세무회계학회 2018 세무회계연구 Vol.0 No.58

        본 연구의 목적은 능력이 높은 경영자가 있는 기업이 적극적 조세회피를 행하는가와 경영 능력이 높고 적극적 조세회피를 행하는 기업은 기업가치와 관련성이 있는가이다. 본 연구가 기존 연구와의 차별성은 기업의 조세회피를 좀더 상세하게 설명하기 위해 적극적 조세회피를 측정하여 연구를 행하였다는 것이다. 적극적 조세회피가 경영자 능력은 음의 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 능력이 높은 경영자가 있는 기업은 적극적인 조세회피를 하지 않는다는 것을 의미한다. 조세회피가 기업의 책무성과 도덕적 해이와 직접적인 관련성을 가지기 때문에 경영자가 능력이 높은 기업은 적극적인 조세회피를 행하지 않는다는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 또한 본 연구에서는 적극적 조세회피와 경영자 능력이 동시효과가 기업가치에 영향을 미치는가에 대한 연구를 행하였다. 연구결과 적극적 조세회피와 경영자 능력의 상호작용항은 기업가치에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 추가분석에서 적극적 조세회피가 기업가치에 음의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 적극적 조세회피는 기업의 가치에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 요소라고 판단할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to see whether an firm with a highly capable manager has an aggressive tax avoid and whether an firm with a high managerial capacity and aggressive tax avoid is related to the value of firm. The distinction between this study and the prior ones is that was measuring aggressive tax aviod to further explain the firm’s tax avoidance. The results of the study are as follows:First, a significant negative (-) relationship was shown in the verification of relevance between managerial ability and Aggressive tax avoidance. This means that firms with high management skills do not actively seek aggressive tax avoid. It means that firm with high management capabilities do not aggressive tax avoid because tax avoidance is directly related to corporate accountability and moral hazard. In addition, this study examined whether the simultaneous effects of aggressive tax avoid and managerial ability had an effect on firm’s value. it shows that the interaction between aggressive tax avoid and managerial ability has a significant impact on firm’s value. Further analysis shows that aggressive tax avoid has a negative effect on firm’s value. In other words, aggressive tax avoid can be seen as a negative factor in the value of an entity.

      • CPM 구조 및 활용 서비스에 관한 연구

        김형국(Hyoung-Kuk Kim),이병주(Byoung-Joo Lee),최용권(Yong-Kwon Choi),방성철(Seong-Cheol Bang),이효윤(Hyo-Yoon Lee) 한국통신학회 2009 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.6

        최근 유선, 무선, 방송망의 통합이 급진전됨에 따라 컨버전스(Convergence)가 통신업계의 주요 이슈로 부각되었으며, 문자메시지(SMS : Short Message Service) 및 멀티미디어 메시징 서비스(MMS : Multimedia Messaging Service)는 이미 이동통신사업자의 주요 수익원으로 자리가 잡혀있다. 이에 따라, 메시징 서비스 시장에서 인스턴트 메시지(IM : Instant Messaging) 및 통합 메시지(UM : Unified Message)가 새로운 수익원으로 기대되는 시점에서 고객의 다양한 메시지 서비스간의 통합 및 차별화된 신규 서비스의 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 따라서 본 고에서는 기존의 여러 메시징 서비스 인프라(SMS, MMS, IM, Mobile Email, PoC)에서 제공하는 각각의 독립적 매체 기반의 사용자 메시징 서비스를 IP 환경으로의 통합을 위해 진행되고 있는 CPM(Converged IP Messaging)을 OMA(Open Mobile Alliance) Draft 규격에 기반하여 구조 및 특징과 활용 서비스에 대해 살펴본다.

      • KCI등재

        21 세기 경북농업기술혁신 10 개년 계획 - 기술혁신 추진전략을 중심으로 -

        김형국(Hyong Kook Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 2000 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.7 No.1

        In the 21th century, many people predict the change of agricultural conditions in our country because of the arrival of knowledge- information age. Now it is supposed that agricultural technology comes to 45%∼50% level compare to advanced countries. So the development of new technology in agriculture are demanded all the more. Agriculture in the 21th century will be grown based on the connection of environment, knowledge and taffeta. The agricultural conditions in Kyongbuk has more profitablity and potentiality, because there are wide lands, distinguished 4 seasons, various main production crops and cultural inheritance etc. For the innovation of agricultural technology in Kyungbuk, province this plan presented 7 visions; such as foods-life, knowledge-brain, precisious environment, resouces-saving, export-market, traditional- specialization and development-participation agriculture and 7 basic strategies; such as environment-stabilization, speciality-discrimination, standard-modeliztion, demand-market, field-practicality, management-information, specialization-cooperation strategy. The major contents of this plan were presented to achieve strengthen -ment and advancement of competitive power on the agriculture of Kyongbuk; 21 superme technologies get to develop the highest technique, 21 major conventional projects will be mown continuously, 21 main clops snakes to intensify competitive power. Wheras, we will be propulsed 21 special projects for increasing a phase of Kyongbuk R D. A. and we inculuded 74 items of Si-Gym region for balanced development of area This plan consisted of 1,730 items in 84 fields and about 260 billion won will be invest every year. When it is finished successfully in 10 years, agricultural technical level of Kyungbuk will be not only promote to 80∼90% level to advanced country, but also clanged to competitive industry, and farming villiages might be changed to a space of comfortable life.

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