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        오닐과 쇼의 희곡 연구 : 여성의 역할 읽기 The Roles of Women

        조용재 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2002 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Eugene 0'Neill and George Bernard Shaw, the representative playwright of America and England, who lived in the same period, the first half of the 20th century, were capable of creating the essence of many various types of women having great strength, magnitude, and significant meaning for man's salvation, objective and independent value, and true self-recognition in their plays. According to the theme of each chapter, this thesis selected one play showing the woman's remarkable characteristic best and examined the roles of woman. First, the woman replaces a role of 'Force behind' by Ruth in Beyond the Horizon. And 'Life Force' by Ann in Man and Superman. From the view of appearance, O'Neill's 'Force behind' seems to be such bad powers as reversing the dream, changing the subjective view of life, binding the present. And Shaw's 'Life Force', such good powers as creative promotion, evolution, development and perfection of self. But, from the view of reality, they are all good ones to lead us to achieve our dream, regression, awareness, self-realization, supreme love, ideal society, real right, superman, and become an assistant for a better human being and a better society. Second, the woman plays a role as a reliever, Abbie in Desire Under the Elms leading Eben to be a strong and mature man to face the obstacles of the world for himself, Barbara in Major Barbara, a woman with the powerful will to solve and improve many difficult problems of man and society. Third, the woman plays a role giving man an objective and independent value, by Mildred in The Hairy Ape, who destroys Yank's trustful pride of the present world and leads him to think the object value, by Vivie in Mrs Warren's Profession, 'A New Woman', who has pride and objectivity, rejects all traditional customs, reveals the falsity of man and society, lives an independent life, realizes her own self, and shows woman is equal to man. Fourth, the woman Plays a role to making man recognize his true self, by Ella in All God's Chillun Got Wings, who grabs the Congo mask and makes Jim know he cannot pass a layer examination and belong to a white society, and that he is a Negro the mask requires, by Candida in Candida, who leads both socialist, Morell and idealist, Marchbanks to take off such false masks as wrong dream and illusion, and confront reality. The roles of the woman in O'Neill's and Shaw's plays, in the end, have common elements: first, they, externally, can be classified into two aspects of 'destructive woman' and 'relievable mother', second, woman plays a decisive and important role to man, third, from the viewpoint of main role, woman leads man. And there are different elements between them: while O'Neill's woman is weaker, more passionate and selfish than Shaw's, and externally, seems to cause man to face tragic conflict, despair, and death, but internally, is to be his helper for salvation, objective and dependent value, self-realization, Shaw's woman is more reasonable, anti-romantic, intellectual, despotic. and vital than O'Niell's. and plays, from beginning to end, a consistent role from both the external and the internal side.

      • KCI등재후보

        정체 탐구: 유진 오닐의 희곡 읽기-파라셀서스를 중심으로-

        조용재 한국중앙영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.3

         Abstract The Pursuit of Identity in Eugene O’Neill’s Plays Cho, Yong-Jae (Wonkwang University) Despite the material richness and comfort brought by science, which appears as a New God, modern man has lost not only his faith and sense of belonging, which once were the concomitants of his primitive oneness, but also his true self and identity. One of the most important themes in Eugene O’Neill’s plays is a problem of “identity.” His characters, through the struggle against “Force behind,” which means “fate,” try to achieve the pursuit of identity to overcome their alienation and frustration in their lives. We can find our true self and identity by the struggle against “fate” as well as the acceptance of the absurdity of the human condition. This paper studied The Hairy Ape and All God’s Chillun Got Wings by O’Neill. Yank of the former finds his true self and identity through his death in a gorilla cage while Jim of the latter, through his failure of a lawyer examination and the sacrifice of Congo mask. Key words: identity, true self, alienation, belonging, fate/ 정체, 참된 자아, 소외, 소속, 운명 (투고일: 2006. 7. 31, 심사일: 8. 10, 심사완료일 8. 25)

      • KCI등재

        진정한 자아 찾기와 죽음: 유진 오닐의 희곡 읽기

        조용재 대한영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학연구 Vol.38 No.3

        One of the most important themes in Eugene O'Neill's plays is finding true self. Robert in Beyond the Horizon and Yank in The Hairy Ape struggle against the Fate (Force behind) and try to find true self by overcoming the suffering and the sense of alienation and frustration, and accepting the absurd of human conditions and the death caused by the reversed position and the loss of harmony in their life. Robert finds his true self through his death caused by tuberculosis and Yank, also, through his death caught in a Gorilla's cage. Ultimately, their death is not only an evident tragic affair in appearance, but becomes a release from the alienation and the suffering of life, a blessing, and a perfection of finding true self and eternal belonging in reality.

      • KCI등재

        자각과 초월: 유진 오닐의 『느릅나무 밑의 욕망』과 『밤으로의 긴 여로』

        조용재 현대영미어문학회 2008 현대영미어문학 Vol.26 No.4

        Eugene O'Neill, from the beginning of his career, attempted to transmit his practical experiences into his plays. When we consider his plays in relation to his life, they are autobiographic and symbolic and suggest his continuing search for salvation in a spiritual sense. His autobiographic plays such as Desire Under the Elms, unconscious autobiography and Long Day's Journey into Night, conscious one are the understanding of his own life and of his inner self and the expression of his unresolved inner conflicts. Through them he endeavored to find the oneness and the sense of belonging of his family, and an affirmative and reliable answer. Both the self-realization through the acceptance of reality and the transcendence through the reflection of the past are a true salvation expressed in Desire Under the Elms and Long Day's Journey into Night. For the people in O'Neill's plays who, having lost God, have no way to belong, pity, comprehension, and love are absolutely necessary to get ‘salvation.’

      • KCI등재

        Posterior Vertebrectomy and Circumferential Fusion for the Treatment of Advanced Thoracolumbar Kümmell Disease with Neurologic Deficit

        조용재 대한척추외과학회 2017 Asian Spine Journal Vol.11 No.4

        Study Design: Single-center, retrospective case series. Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of posterior vertebrectomy and circumferential fusion in patients with advanced Kümmell disease with neurologic deficit. Overview of Literature: Various surgical options exist for the treatment of Kümmell disease, and determination of the appropriate treatment is based on the clinical and radiologic status of the patient. However, surgical intervention is required for patients with advanced Kümmell disease accompanied by neurologic deficit. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 22 neurologically compromised patients with advanced Kümmell disease who were treated surgically at Ewha Womans Hospital between January 2011 and January 2014. The surgical approach used by us was a posterior vertebrectomy with mesh cage insertion and segmental cement-augmented pedicle screw fixation. The tissue from the corpectomy was histopathologically examined. Anterior vertebral height, kyphotic angle, visual analog scale (VAS) score, and the Frankel classification were used to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure. Results: The mean follow-up period was 26 months (range, 13–40 months). VAS score, anterior vertebral height, kyphotic angle, and neurologic state were significantly improved immediately postoperatively and at the last follow-up compared with preoperatively (p <0.05). Most patients exhibited intravertebral clefts on imaging, and postoperative pathology revealed bone necrosis. Conclusions: Posterior vertebrectomy with mesh cage insertion and segmental cement-augmented pedicle screw fixation is an effective approach for treating patients with advanced Kümmell disease with neurologic deficit.

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