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      • 평생건강교실 프로그램이 노년기 여성들의 건강관련체력과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향

        장경태,이규성,안종철,김문희,이미화,오재근 韓國體育大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study were to investigate the effects of participation of health program on health related physical fitness and blood lipids in olderwomen. The subjects participated in this study were 52 older who were participated physical activity program in Korean National University of Physical Education. The analysis of this study utilized one way ANOVA design. The results of the study were as follows : 1. According to taking the treatment periods(0, 6, 12), body composition, hand grip, sit and reach, sit up, and 3200m walking were no significant difference. 3. According to taking the treatment periods(0, 6, 12), TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C and VLDL-C were a significant difference in p<.001 levels.

      • 뇌하수체 종양 제거술 시행 후 뒤늦게 발생한 횡문근 융해증과 동반된 중추성 열

        장제혁,최규남,김일환,노은지,김윤정,유충헌,고정해,박봉수,김태균,권민정,이순희,박정현 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        Body temperature is controlled by thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus. We report a case of 24 years old man with central fever. He was subjected to a partial excision of pituitary tumor compressing optic chiasm four years ago. He has received hormonal therapy for panhypothyroidism after removal of pituitary tumor. And He received gamma knife operation for partially contrast-enhancing masses in suprasellar and both hypothalamic areas that is probably postoperatively remnant or recurrent tumor of pituitary adenoma. One year after gamma knife operation, he presented with a febrile syndrome of unknown origin including rhabdomyolysis. All usual investigations proved negative. We diagnosed him as central fever with rhabdomyolysis. He received medical ICU care with cooling bed, ice pack. And his symptom improved. Postoperative hyperthermia may result following resection of the pituitary tumor. When central fever is suspected taking note of past history, a quick recognition of course of fever can help reduce the using of unnecessary antibiotics and hospital stay.

      • 컴퓨터 비젼시스템을 이용한 평면상에 있는 점위치 결정에 관한 연구

        장완식,이규태,김재확 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 1998 機械技術硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        비젼 시스템이 개발되기 시작한 것은 1973년에 PDP-10 컴퓨터를 이용한 물펌프 조립이 시각정보를 이용하여 Stanford 연구진에 의해 수행되었다. 그 이후, 비젼 시스템이나 비젼센서가 활용되는 예로는 용접, 운반, 조립, 측정 검사 등이 있으나, 지능로봇중의 한 분야로 로봇 비젼시스템을 생산현장에 적용하는 경우가 늘고 있다. 비젼을 사용하면 매니퓰레이터가 우주 공간이나 수중등 실제 공간에서 그 위치와 방향이 불확실하게 알려져 있을지라도 작업을 수행할 수 있다. 따라서, 로봇 비젼 시스템은 주로 대상물의 위치가 불규칙하거나 기구학적으로 위치결정을 하기 어려운 작업의 자동화에 적용이 널리 확대될 것으로 예상된다. (1)(2)(6)(7)(8) 로봇에 비젼을 적용할 때 실제 공간은 3차원인 반면에 비젼 정보는 2차원이기 때문에 카메라 좌표계와 매니퓰레이터나 실제 공간 좌표계를 일치시켜 주는 보정은 가장 중요한 요소중의 하나이다. 카메라 교체시나 카메라 위치 수정시에도 필히 보정을 다시 시켜줄 필요가 있다. 만약 보정이 정확하게 되어 있지 않으면 매니퓰레이터의 경우 올바른 제어를 하지 못할 우려가 있고, 또한 부적절한 보정계수 산출로 인한 목표점의 추정이 어긋나게 된다.(3) 이리하여 본 연구는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 6개의 시각 매개변수를 이용한 새로운 비젼 시스템 모델을 제시하고, 2차원 평면 점위치 결정 실험을 통하여 제시한 비젼 모델의 적합성을 검증한다. 본 실험에서 사용되는 비젼 시스템은 두 대의 고정된 카메라를 작업공간에 설치하여 이용한다. 본 연구의 제한 조건은 평면상에 존재하는 알려지지 않은 물체의 위치 결정을 위해서는 그 물체 주위에 알려진 몇 개의 좌표값이 존재해야 한다는 것이고, 본 연구에서는 알려지지않은 점으로부터 위치가 알려진 점과의 거리에 대한 상관관계, 위치가 알려진 점의 개수에 대한 상관관계 및 결정된 물체 위치의 정확성을 실험을 통하여 검증하고자 한다. This paper presents the application of computer vision for the purpose of determining the position of the unknown point in the plane. The presented control method is to estimate the six view parameters representing the relationship between the image plane coordinates and the real physical coordinates. The estimation of six parameters is indispensable for transforming the 2-dimensional camera coordinates to the 3-dimensional spatial coordinates. Then, the position of unknown point is estimated based on the estimated parameters depending on the cameras. The suitability of this control scheme is demonstrated experimentally by determining position of the unknown point in the plane.

      • 異功散의 免疫增强效果에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        안규석,이경태,장성구,정지창,노영수 世明대학교 한의학연구소 1999 韓醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This experimental study was carried out to evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of Ekong-san. To evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of Ekong-san, delayed type hypersensitivity, hemagglutinin and hemolysin titers for hymoral immune response, rosette forming cells for cell-mediated immune response, natural killer cell activity, proliferation of lymphocyte, productivity of Interleukin-2, and carbon clearance were measured with methotrexate treated mice. The results were summarized as follows; 1.The influence of the treatment on hemagglutinin and hemolysin titers, rosette forming cells, the proliferation of lymphocyte, and productivity of Interleukin-2 was dose-dependent and the results showed a significant difference when compared to control group. This implies that the humoral immune response was activated. 2.The natural killer cell activity was significantly increased in both sample groups as compared to the control group when the effector cell:target cell ratios were 100:1 and 0:1. However when the ratio was 10:1, there was no significant difference with the control group. 3.Carbon clearance, the proliferration effect of phagocytes was significantly increased sample group as compared to the control group. According to the results, Ekong-san has the immuno-activity. We could suggest that Ekong-san is able to be applied to the anti-cancer treatment and prevention.

      • KCI등재
      • 급성백혈병의 화학요법에서 조혈간세포 보충요법

        이규보,배선근,손상균,이재태,이건수,이경혜,서장수 경북대학교 병원 1997 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        1. 목적 급성백혈병의 화학요법에 있어서 관해유도 요법시에 보다 더 강력한 항암화학요법을 시행하고 골수억제의 회복을 위하여 말초혈액에서 채취한 조혈모세포의 투여로 그 효과를 증대시키고자 시도하였다. 2. 방법 관해유도 화학요법후에 골수억제시기로부터 회복단계로서 백혈구감소증이 호전도면서 단핵세포가 증가될 때에 말초혈액에서 조혈간세포(stem cell)로 인정되고 있는 CD34+세포의 함유량이 1% 이상되는 시기를 찾아내고 그 때부터 평균 4차례의 단핵구를 분리채집을 하여 -74。C에 냉동보관하였다가 제2차 화학요법후에 해동시켜서 정맥주입하였다. 3. 결과 대상 급성백혈병환자는 6명에 23회의 조혈간세포를 함유한 단핵구 채집을 시행하였고 유효한 단핵구의 채집은 4례에서 가능하였고 2례에서는 유효한 채집이 못되었다. 채집효율은 39.0-74.5%로서 평균 49.8%였다. 채집 후에 혈액학적 변화는 혈색소의 약간 감소 (평균 1.34g/dl)와 혈소판의 감소 (평균20.25%)를 나타내었다. 해동 단핵구를 투여할시에 일과성인 불쾌감, 기침, 흉부압박감, 호흡곤란 등이 있었다. 4. 결론 자가골수이식에서 자기말초혈액조혈간세포이식으로 관심이 이행되는 현시점에 자가조혈간세포를 채집하여 수혈하는 기술이 확립되는 기초를 이루었다고 본다. 이번 대상들은 재발된 금성백혈병들에 시행하였으나, 향후에는 초발시에 제일차 관해유도 화학요법 과정에 시도해야할 것으로 생각한다. Object: Peripheral blood stem cells(PBSC) were collected after remission induction chemotherapy and reinfused after intensified chemotherapy in order to increase the chemotherapeutic efficacy. Method: Collection of mononuclear cells (MNC) was started when CD34+ cells above 1% and WBC above 1,000/ul with mononuclear cell percentage above 30%, the collection procedures were done 2-6 time in each patient of total 6 cases. The collected MNCs were stored in - 750C and reinfused after thawing in the water bath at 370C Results: Twenty three collection procedures from the 6 cases of acute leukemia had made effective MNC collection in 4 cases and mean collection efficiency was 49.8%(from 39.0% to 74.5%). Hematological changes after the procedure were mean reduction of hemoglobin 1.34g/dl and mean 20.25% of decreased platelet count. There were noticed transient symptoms of discomfort, coughing, chest tightness and dyspnea in association with the infusion of stored cells. Conclusion: The basic process for the peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) was accomplished with this supportive care for the consolidation chemotherapy of acute leukemia. Effective PBSCT would be warrented with more qualified process and high does chemotherapy. (Korean J Blood Transfus 6(2) : 41~47,1995)

      • 일부 도시지역 노인들의 우울과 일상생활능력에 관련된 요인

        박원규,이태용,정용준,오장균,이동배,조영채 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.1

        This study was performed to provide the basic data and related factors available for the assessment of the degree of ADL and depression among older persons, manifesting their physical and psychological status. The subjects included the old people aged more than 65 years old who reside in urban areas. The interviews were delivered to 693 individuals in Taejon metropolitan city during the two-month period from June to July, 2000, and Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and IADL developed by Older American Resources and Services of Duke medical college, were employed for the assessment of depression and IADL, respectively. The collected data were statistically processed by SPSSWIN(ver 10.0) and led to the following results. The degree of depression among 635 subjects showed that 26.6% had mild depression, 8.2% moderate and 0.6% severe while 64.6% were normal. In terms of IADL, 6.9% had impossible IADL when not aided by others, 37.0% needed some help, 56.0% possible IADL, and the higher depression scores, the significantly higher IADL scores. Based on general characteristics, depression scores were significantly higher in the female group, the older, the lower educated, the ones without cohabitants, without a spouse, without making expenses of living on their own, and IADL scores were lower, meaning the lower capability for performing daily activities, in the male group, the older, the higher educated, the group without a spouse, without making expenses of living on their own. Based on daily activities and psychological characteristics, depression scores were higher in the group who don't go out, who don't have recreational or friendly gatherings, who aren't satisfied with the lives of the past or present, who have a sense of isolation, and who don't have the will to live, and IADL scores were lower in the group who don't go out, who don't have recreational or friendly gatherings, who aren't satisfied with the lives of the past or present, who have a sense of isolation. and who don't have the will to live. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the explanatory variable having effects on depression symptoms included, with the explanatory power of 57.5%, the confidence in life, the degree of education, the subjective index of health, the sense of isolation, the exercise, the degree of IADL, the gender, the level of satisfaction with life, whether they eat breakfast or not, the concern about life, the smoking, the going out, the presence of spouse or not. The explanatory variables having effects, with the explanatory power of 28.9%, on IADL scores included the degree of depression symptoms, the age, the presence of friends or not, the frequency of outgoing, the level of education, the degree of obesity, the confidence in life, the level of satisfaction with life, the drinking or not. The study results showed that the higher depression scores had a tendency to be associated with the decreased capabilities of performing daily activities, and that the factors related to depression and/or IADL, included the confidence in life, the level of education, and the level of satisfaction with life. However, the more detailed and decisive results on the factors related to depression and IADL of the older persons are considered to require continuing efforts and comparisons among a variety of the older population.

      • 患者에서 分離된 포도구균이 分泌하는 β-lactamase의 性狀에 關한 硏究

        朴粧緖,朴鼎圭,崔大卿 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1987 충남의대잡지 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was carried out for the purpose of investigating the β-lactamase producing rates using acidimetric assay and disc method. Also, the author evaluated the drug resistance of ,β-lactamase producing staphylocci isolated from 34 patients in Chungnam National University Hospital and 25 medical students in Chungnam National University by antibiotic susceptibility test. The author sconducted the survey from January to June 1985. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Out of the 34 specimens from patients, Staphylococcus aureus isolated from pus and throat were 58.8% and 17.6%, respectively. 2. The β-lactamase producing rates of staphylococci isolated from patients and control groups using acidimetric assay after 1 year were 88. 2% and 84. 0%, respectively. 3. In the disc method and acidimetric assay, the (β-lactamase producing rates of staphylococci isolated from patients and control groups were 91.2%, 88.2% and 88.0%, 84. 0%, respectively. 4. The rates of resistance for penicillin among p-lactamase producing strains of staphylococci isolated from patients and control groups were 91.2% and 60.0%, respectively. 5. Out of the β-lactamase producing staphylococci isolated from patients and control groups, 88. 2% and 56. 0% were resistant to penicillin but sensitive to cephalothin.

      • KCI등재

        방울토마토중 Dichlofluanid 및 Iprodione의 생산단계별 잔류농약 경시변화

        최규일,성기용,정태균,이주환,허장현,고광용,이규승 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        방울토마토의 생산단계에서의 잔류허용기준 설정과 수확후 저장기간중 경시변화 및 세척에 의한 잔류농약의 감소양상을 파악하였다. 해당약제를 안전사용기준의 기준량 및 배량을 각각 시설재배 포장에서 살포후 10일간 잔류양상을 조사하였고, 실온 및 냉장조건 하에서의 저장실험 및 세척에 따른 전류농약의 잔소량을 파악하여 생산단계부터, 출하, 저장, 소비단계까지의 잔류량을 예측할 수 있는 모델개발을 위한 자료로 이용하고자 연구를 수행하였다. Dichlofluanid와 iprodione은 포장조건에서 반감일수가 기준량 2.2, 3.3일 이었으며, 배량은 3.5, 5.4일로 나타났다. 저장조건하에서의 약제별 반감기는 포장조건보다 잔류량의 감소속도가 느린 것으로 나타나 반감일수가 증가하였고, 세척방법에 의한 잔류농약의 감소량을 조사한 결과 세제 사용시의 평균제거율은 dichlofluanid는 73.7%, iprodione은 64.3%로 나타났고, tap-water 사용시에는 dichlofluanid 73.5%, iprodione 63.5%로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 작물의 생산단계에서 구한 합리적인 희귀식을 이용하여 잔류농약의 경시변화를 파악하고, 저장 및 세척과정을 거쳐 최종 소비단계에서의 잔류농약의 수준을 평가할 수 있었다. We studied the residual patterns of two fungicides, dichlofluanid and iprodione, in cherry tomato greenhouse after applying with the recommended and double dose. Also, the degradation patterns during storage periods of up to ten days were compared between at room temperature (20℃) and at cold temperature (4℃). Removal rates of fungicides by washing with tap-water and detergent solution (0.1%, 0.2%) were measured. Half-lives of dichlofluanid and iprodione in greenhouse cherrytomato were 2.2~3.5 and 3.3~5.4 days, respectively. During the storage period, the residues were dissipated more slow. Removal rates were 62.8~80.3% by tap-water, 60.4~83.1% by 0.1% detergent solution, and 65.3~77.6% by 0.2% detergent solution. So, we can predict of terminal residues from cultivation period to marketing, storage and consuming.

      • 퍼지신경회로망을 이용한 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 힘 제어

        양태규,장기훈 목원대학교 자연과학연구소 2000 自然科學 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        본 논문에서는 퍼지신경회로망 제어기를 이용하여 미지의 환경에서 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 접촉 힘 제어기를 제안하였다. 환경에 접촉 또는 힘을 가하고 있는 로봇 매니퓰레이터는 인간의 생각하는 방식과 유사한 제어를 위해 퍼지 제어기를 사용하고, 그 때 원하는 접촉 힘을 얻기 위하여 소속함수와 규칙들을 적용하고 신경회로망으로 모델링 하였다. 이는 환경과 접촉하고 있는 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 불확실성과 비선형성을 극복하기 위한 것으로써, 제어기의 입력 신호로 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 위치와 힘 오차를 사용하였다. 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제안된 퍼지신경회로망 제어기의 타당성을 입증하였다.

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