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      • 명예훼손에 대한 ISP의 형사책임

        신교, 추봉조, 차시환 김천대학교 2012 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        ISP is Internet operators means that If you have access to the Internet to take advantage of the general users, businesses, institutions, organizations, etc. Typically refers users to Internet access, Web site hosting, search engines, bulletin board system provides various services, such as those that provide through the Internet. This paper examined ISP's civil liability and criminal liability from point of view of the Criminal Act. As a result, ISP's Criminal liability shall be limited to aiding and abetting by omission' only when ISP's access and control against illegal contents objectively admit-ted. The damage of defamation using the internet is so quick and extensive that in many cases the results from human rights violations due to it happen to be gone to an irreversible state to recover. The thing that will need to be preceded before the criminal law restriction on internet defamation, is the freedom of speech and harmonizing issues It is difficult to draw the exact line for the collision between freedom of speech on the Internet and rights of respect for individuals. In other words, defamation issues should be dealt carefully to protect rights of respect for individuals because cyber space doesn't permit an individual infinite freedom of speech. Basically admitting freedom of speech, a limited responsibility should be asked within the boundary of not violating a personal honor.

      • 사법협조자 형벌감면제도

        차시환 ; 추볼조 ; 신교 김천대학교 2013 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.34 No.-

        Unlike crimes is which there is a specific victim, organized crime or these regarding corruption are conducted in an organized fashion, and thus it is hard for people other than the accomplice to provide direct evidence for the crime or for law enforcement to expect the accomplice to testify even with the possible danger of self-incrimination In order to cope with this phenomenon, there is discussion about the system which gives a immunity or a less severe punishment to the criminal who contributed remarkably to determine the entire picture of the crime. there are several systems which are analogous to that, such as perpetuation of evi-dence, suspension of indictment, however, they have too considerable drawack to derive a voluntary aid efficiently from the criminal. Recently, the ministry of justice proposed to amend the criminal law and the criminal procedure law. We will achieve the desired outcome if we make a law concretely and clearly through a full discussion about anticipated problems, and reconsider the problems that might occur after the implementation of this system.

      • 음주교통사고의 미필적 고의 적용가능성

        차시환 ; 추봉조 ; 신교 김천대학교 2014 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        There is increasingly high a Crime Rate of Alcohol Impaired Driving and habitual Alcohol Impaired Driving in Korea. But It was a very simple measures and ex post pun-ishments about these problems in Korea. To form a society, it is necessary to have elements of cohesion and unity at the sametime. In order to make the society cohesive and harmonious, regulations and orders should be established. In other words, society should have rules to regulate behavior of citizens. The regulating society is one of roles that politics play. The criminal law is the law which covers the crime and punishment respond to it. So this has the function to protect the interest in thelaw. It is well presented as "nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege". The principal of legality is adopted to the positive law and the code of legal process. Therefore this principal must be adopted to the both the pos-itive law and the code of legal process. This situation leads to the discord in the both law. Therefore a theory is not accord in the both. If we support the theory of the recognition, we easily accept the theory that the intention is presumed. But we accept the theory of toleration in the positive law, and so the point at issue in the theory of recognition. So we don't support the theory of the recognition. But it is profitable of the proof's liability of a prosecuting attorney. That is the strictness

      • 공인중개사의 불법행위 유형과 형사책임

        신교 ; 차시환 ; 추봉조 김천대학교 2011 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.32 No.-

        The primary purpose of the national real estate brokerage system with their real estate transaction is to take place safely and quickly. Real estate transactions to take place quick-ly and safely, the real estate deal in terms of things there should be no problems with rights, and acquired real estate acquired to be utilized appropriately for the purpose will be that. This paper is analysis the type of prohibited and practices of real estate Broker's law and criminal penalties for violations of this regulation is for the Discussion Korea's Real Estate Section to be recognized as a professional is needed to compen-sate the institutional, real estate broker's aggressive penalties for the illegal acts must be present. Despite of clear evidence of the existence of penalties and the alleged discovery, because it's difficult to prove a direct criminal penalties will be difficult. Therefore, Real estate strict penalties for the illegal types are needed. And it is also needed for improved methods of investigation. And the ethics of real estate brokers is essential.

      • 각국의 성폭력범죄 비교 및 검토

        추봉조 ; 차시환 ; 신교 김천대학교 2014 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        With women and children for sexualtypical case of rape cases on the rise in our soci ety continue to Yongsan child abuse cases since 2000 (2006.2), the amount Hye, arts events (2007.12). sexuesin case (2009.12), szimgiltae case (2010.2), gimsucheol case(2010 6), Gwangjin housewife murder (2012 08), and the like. May exacerbate the anxiety and fear of the people, for the crime. Accordingly, var- ious measures have poured out competitively government and parliament. Identifying sex offenders, especially public institutions in 2000, 2007 Electronic Monitoring System, in 2010 DNA Database System. 2011 drug treatment is also being implement-ed and the like. The problem is also important to have emerged more powerful than the correspond- ing criminal sanctions to the atrocious crimes of sexual violence, but this is getting so angry criminal sanctions for human rights violations, according to the information is dif-ficult to carry, and also the effectiveness of the policy is to ensure the problem The sit-uation facing the. And now became so difficult to understand the complex system of legal experts and law-related sexual crimes. This study is the analysis, we propose a method to incorporate the structural prob-lems of the Penal Code and the Criminal Penal Code and special laws and regulations in the country for sexual offenses, and review current legislation on sexual violence against international crime. This study analyzes what the nature of the crime of sexual violence response plan that is currently being implemented in the country know, and the problem of comparative legal study such as this throughout the United States, Germany, Japan, the major crimes of sexual violence response system, including the criminal We present a countermeasure for our sexual reality.

      • KCI등재

        공인중개사의 불법행위에 대한 형사법적 고찰

        신교(Jeong, Shin Kyo),차시환(Cha, Shi Hoan),추봉조(Choo, Bong Jo) 한국부동산학회 2012 不動産學報 Vol.48 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The primary purpose of the national real estate brokerage system with their real estate transaction is to take place safely and quickly, the real estate deal in terms of things there should be no problems with rights, and acquired real estate acquired to be utilized appropriately for the purpose will be that. This paper is analysis the type of prohibited and practices of real estate Brokers Act and criminal penalties for violations of this regulation is for the Discussion. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Method of study is abreast of theoretical and method. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS Korea’s Real Estate Section to be recognized as a professional is needed to compensate the institutional, real estate broker’s aggressive penalties for the illegal acts must be present. 2. RESULTS Despite of clear evidence of the existence of penalties and the alleged discovery, because it’s difficult to prove a direct criminal penalties will be difficult. Therefore, Real estate strict penalties for the illegal types are needed, And it is also needed for improved methods of investigation, And the ethics of real estate brokers is essential.

      • KCI등재

        공법분야 투고논문 : 주취운전의 죄수(罪數)에 대한 고찰

        신교 ( Shin Kyo Jeong ),차시환 ( Shi Hoan Cha ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.30 No.3

        Violations of traffic laws and regulations mostly consist of several overlaid violative actions in traffic accidents, resulting in uncertainty of the number of violations, or crimes. Therefore, administrative agencies consistently tend to deal with traffic violation cases through relatively light punishments to get rid of disputes related. In particular, there are many cases in which DUI and negligent injury/ manslaughter, or DUI and dangerous driving injury/manslaughter occur together as in the case when the driver does not take attention when drunk and injures/ kills a man. In addition, for actions related to DUI, it is a very difficult problem to apply laws and guilt by clearly distinguishing the actions. This is because it is a problem of how the overlapping of criteria of constitution should be interpreted. Therefore, it should be reviewed how to harmonize the various factors in determining the guilt and understand these stepwise and systematically during the discussions on the criteria of guilt determination. Based on this, if we review the guilt determination on traffic violations related to DUI, it is as follows: in the cases of DUI and unlicensed driving, imaginary concurrence, in case of DUI and refusal of driver alcohol test, actual concurrence, in case of DUI and grave negligent injury/manslaughter, imaginary concurrence and in case of DUI and dangerous driving injury/manslaughter, imaginary concurrence can be acknowledged, respectively. In that sense, this study aims at contributing to the development of traffic cul-ture in Korea by theoretically establishing a standard for the number of violations, or crimes, against traffic laws and regulations which are closely related with our daily lives.

      • KCI등재

        소년의 형사책임연령에 대한 재검토

        신교 ( Shin Kyo Jeong ),차시환 ( Shi Hoan Cha ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        소년은 인격완성의 형성기에 있으며 교육과 사화화를 경험하면서 우리 사회의 일원으로서 성장한다. 소년이 범죄 또는 비행을 저지른 경우 두가지 방식에 의해 접근하는 것이 일반적인 경향이다. 첫 번째 방식은 성인이 될 때까지 교육과 원조를 통한 복지형 대처를 우선시하고 성인이 되어서 비로소 형사적 처우를 시작한다는 것이다. 소년보호이념의 철저한 관철을 목표로 하는 이러한 방식은 많이 제안되고 논의되었지만 현실화되지는 않았다. 두 번째 방식은 소년의 연령대를 단계적으로 설정하여 소년보호처분과 형사처분으로 구분하여야 한다는 것이다. 대다수의 나라에서는 후자의 방식을 취하고 있고 우리나라도 이러한 방식을 취하고 있다. 우리나라 현행법은 미성년자, 아동, 청소년에 대한 연령기준은 통일되어 있지 않다. 이러한 현상은 입법과정이 그 당시의 시대적 상황과 정책적 필요에 의해 제·개정되어 왔기 때문이다. 현행 소년법에 있어서는 소년의 책임구조는 다음과 같이 몇 가지의 명제를 출발점으로 하고 있다. 첫째, 범법행위에 대한 법적 책임으로서의 소년의 형사책임은 보호처분을 받아야 할 지위라고 할 수 있다. 소년법은 보호처분이 가능한 대상소년에 대하여는 형사책임능력을 요건으로 하지 않는다. 둘째, 보호처분에 처하기 위한 전제로서는 소년의 장래에 예상되는 비행의 반복가능성과 보호처분이라는 교정교육에 의하여 비행을 극복할 수 있는 가능성, 즉 교정가능성 또는 성장발달 가능성이 요구된다. 이러한 점에서 보호처분은 과거의 행위에 대한 비난가능성을 의미하고 책임능력을 전제로 하는 형벌과 구별된다. 형사책임연령에 관한 판단은 그 사회 구성원들의 합의를 통해 입법자들이 결정해야 할 사항이다. 최근의 소년형사책임 연령과 관련하여 소년의 정신적·육체적 성숙도는 예전에 비해 많은 변화를 맞이하고 있는 것은 사실이다. 따라서 소년법상의 소년의 연령을 18세 미만으로의 조정과 형사미성년자의 연령을 13세로의 하향조정방안에 대한 논의가 시작되어야 한다고 본다. 뿐만 아니라 소년범죄(비행)에 대한 예방과 대책을 위해 소년교정과 보호기관의 교육적 기능의 보완과 긴밀한 사법협조도 필요하다고 본다. The korean Penal Code set the age of criminal responsibility at years or older and it is forbidden to indict juveniles under 14 years in accordance with criminal proceedings. Even if the Juvenile Act does not stipulate police investigation, it is the police officer who has first contact with the majority of delinquents and investigates them. Therefore, it is very important to find evidences of delinquency and fact related with delinquent`s individual character at the stage of police investigation. However, it is difficult to these facts because these are no provisions with stipulate these procedures. Therefore, it is strongly needed to grant the police the power to investigate delinquency and make it possible to secure evidence by permitting search and seizure or verification at the stage of police investigation. And legal rights that are owed to a person according to the Constitution must be respected in the process of police investigation. To implicate these measures, amendment of the Juvenile Act is needs.

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