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        10학년의 화학반응속도 학습에서 스캐폴딩 전략을 적용한 코스웨어 수업의 효과

        조향숙,최병순,박국태,Cho, Hyang-Suk,Choi, Byung-Soon,Park, Kuk-Tae 대한화학회 2004 대한화학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 과학 개념 학습 환경에서 스캐폴딩 전략을 적용한 코스웨어와 활동지를 개발하고 적용하여, 코스웨어 수업이 개념 이해도와 노력, 자기 점검 등을 포함한 정의적 영역에 미치는 효과를 알아보는 것이었다. 연구 대상은 충북 청원군에 소재한 인문계 고등학교 10학년 2개 반으로 실험집단과 통제집단으로 나누어, 실험집단에는 코스웨어와 활동지를 이용한 수업을, 통제집단에는 교사 중심의 설명식 수업을 화학반응속도 단원에 대해 3차시에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 수업 처치 전에 사전 문제 해결 능력 하위 변인 검사를 실시하고, 중간고사 과학 성적을 조사하였다. 수업 처치 후에는 개념 이해 검사와 사후 문제 해결 능력 하위 변인 검사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면, 스캐폴딩 전략을 적용한 코스웨어와 활동지로 학습한 실험집단은 교사 중심의 설명식 수업을 받은 통제집단과 통계적으로 비슷한 수준의 개념 이해 점수를 획득하였다. 이는 스캐폴딩 전략을 적용한 코스웨어가 학습자의 개념 발달을 위한 개별화 수업의 도구로 활용될 수 있음을 나타내준다. 한편, 문제 해결 능력 하위 변인 검사에서 실험집단은 통제 집단에 비해 노력과 자기 점검 그리고 인지전략 변인에서 통계적으로 유의미하게 향상되었는데, 이는 스캐폴딩 전략이 학습의 책임을 학습자에게 이양함으로써 자기 조절력이 향상된 것으로, 자기 주도적인 학습 능력의 향상을 위해 스캐폴딩 전략을 수업에 활용할 수 있음을 나타내준다. The purpose of this study were to develop of courseware using scaffolding strategy and to investigate the effect of courseware instruction upon students' conceptual understanding and affective domain including effort and self-checking. 10th grade students in the experimental and control groups were selected from high school at Cheongwon-gun in Chungbuk, and taught about chemical reaction rate for 3 class hours. The students in the experimental group studied individually through courseware using scaffolding strategy and worksheet and teacher-centered expository lesson was used in the control group. Prior to the instructions, test specification for problem-solving assessment (TSPSA) was administered and the scores of the previous science achievement test were obtained. After the instructions, the posttest on conceptual understanding and TSPSA were administered. Results of this study revealed that the mean score of the experimental group in the conceptual understanding test was similar to that of the control group at statistically significant level. This result implies that the courseware using scaffolding strategy could be a tool of the individualized instruction. The experimental group improved significantly better in three components of the TSPSA such as effort, self-checking, and cognitive strategy. From this result, it is considered that learners' self regulation is improved by being taken over responsibility of learning. So, it is suggested that instruction using scaffolding strategy is needed in science class to improve self-leading learning ability.

      • KCI등재
      • 일개 간호대학생의 스트레스, 우울 및 자살생각과의 관계연구

        조향숙 ( Hyang Suk Cho ) 부모자녀건강학회 2009 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: This study is intended to identify relationship between stress, depression and suicidal ideation in nursing students. Method: The subjects were 213 nursing students in B city. Data was collected from November 1, 2007 to November, 12, 2007 using structured questionnaire surveys and convenience sampling. Measuring instruments collecting data were SSI (scale for suicidal ideation) developed by Beck (1979), BDI (Beck depression inventory) translated by Lee (2001), scale for stress developed by Lee (2001). Collected data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients with SPSS/PC 12.0. Result: 1. Mean value of stress (50.69) of nursing students were moderate level, depression (28.06) was high, suicidal ideation was moderate. 2. Relationship of stress, depression, suicidal ideation of nursing students. 3. Stress of nursing students with positive relationship with depression (r=.60 p<.001) and suicidal ideation (r=.27 p<.001). Depression of nursing students was positive relationship with suicidal ideation (r=.46 p<.001). Conclusion: Stress of nursing students was inclined to increase depression, suicidal ideation. Therefore, development of counseling and guidance program to decrease stress of nursing students is recommended.

      • KCI등재
      • 청소년의 자살의도와 우울,영적안녕과의 관계

        강은실(Kang Eun Sil),조향숙(Cho Hyang Suk),송양숙(Song Yang Sook),강성년(Kang Sung Nyun) 고신대학교 전인간호과학연구소 2003 전인간호과학학술지 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was carried out to identify the relationships of suicidal ideation, depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence in Korea. Design of the study was correlational study. Objects of the study were 423 adolescences of high school students of 5 cities in Korea. Data was collected from April, 2003 to July, 2003 using structured questionaire. Research tools of this study were SSI(Scale for Sucidal Ideation) developed by Beck (1979), BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) translated by Lee(1993), scale for spiritual well-being of Paloutzian & Ellison translated by Choi(1990) Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA , Pearson s correlation with SPSS/PC 11.0 program. The results were as follow; 1.Mean value of sucidal ideation (25.93)of adolescence were moderate level,depression(12.48) of adolescence was moderate, spiritual well-being(75.35) was high. 2.General characteristics statistically related to the suicidal ideation are sex(t=3.655, p= .05),grade(F=4.71, p=.009),department of school (t=-2.98, p=.003),relationship of friends (F= 13.65,p= .000), girl(boy)(F-7.80, p= .000),experience of school violence injury (t=2.23, p= .026), school records(F=4.50,p= .001),smoking(F= 19.98, p=.000), drinking(F=14.29, p=.000), trial sucide (t=9.92, p= .000),disease of physical (t=3.74, p= .000), economical levels of family(F=7.31, p= .001),marital status of parents (F=2.65, p= .048), atmosphere at home (F=8.65,p= .000),conversation with father(F=3.87, p= .009), conversation of mether( F=4.64, p= .003). 3.Relationships of the suicidal ideation,depression, spiritual well-being of adolescence. Suicidal ideation of adolescence was positive relationships with depression (r=.628, p= .000), suicidal ideation of adolescence was negative relationships with spiritual well-being (r=- .380, p=.000). In conclusion, it was found that depression of adolescence was spiritual well-being to decrease sucidal ideation of adolescence. Therefore, development of counseling and guidance program to increase spiritual well-being of the adolescence was suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이공계열 전공 공부에 필요한 고등학교 물리 선수과목에 대한 대학생들의 인식에 대한 질적 탐구

        곽영순 ( Youngsun Kwak ),조향숙 ( Hyang-suk Cho ),이일 ( Il Lee ),손미현 ( Mihyun Son ) 한국현장과학교육학회 2019 현장과학교육 Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 고교-대학 연계성 제고를 위해 고등학교 학생들의 교과목 선택권을 실질적으로 보장하는 방안을 탐구하려는 것이다. 이를 위해 총10명의 이공계열 학부 3, 4학년 및 대학원 재학생을 추천받아 초점집단 심층면담을 실시하였으며 대학전공 공부를 위한 고교 물리 선수과목 이수의 필요성, 대학 전공공부에 필요한 물리 선수과목을 고등학교에서 이수하지 않은 이유, 물리 선수과목 이수를 고등학교 후배들에게 권장할 의사, 대학전공 공부에 필요한 고교 물리 선수과목 이수를 보장하는 방안 등을 탐구하였다. 연구결과 물리 과목의 필요성은 인지하고 있으나, 현실적 이유로 인해 물리과목을 기피하고 있으며, 이를 개선하기 위해서 고등학교 교육과정 편성 · 운영 정상화 방안을 소수 선택과목 개설 보장, 과학Ⅱ 과목 내신 및 수능 성적 산출 방식 개선, 고교 필수선수과목에 대한 이공계열별 진로 안내, 과학교사의 수업전문성 및 진로지도 전문성 제고, 이공계열 전공공부에 필요한 필수선수과목 이수를 보장하기 위한 대입전형 시스템을 마련의 필요성 등을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore ways to secure highschool students’ choice of courses in order to improve highschool - university linkage. For this purpose, we conducted in-depth focus group interviews with a total of 10 students in the second or the third year or graduate student at the science and engineering college, and these interviewees were recommended by their professors. Through interviews, we explored the necessity to complete highschool Physics prerequisite courses, reason for not completing highschool Physics prerequisite courses necessary for college major, their intention to recommend highschool juniors to complete Physics prerequisite courses, and ways to guarantee prerequisite course completion for college major studies. Based on the results, we suggested ways to link highschool - university curriculum for science & engineering majors. Discussed in the conclusion are ways to stabilize highschool curriculum organization and implementation such as opening elective courses with a few students without disadvantage in the school record, improving the grading system for Science Ⅱ courses in the school record as well as the College Scholastic Ability Test, providing career guidance about prerequisite courses by science & engineering majors, improving the science teacher’s professionalism on teaching and career guidance, and developing college entrance systems to guarantee the completion of prerequisite courses for science & engineering college studies.

      • 교회청소년과 일반청소년의 삶의 목적,영적안녕, 자아개념 및 자아 존중감 비교

        강은실(Kang,Eun Sil),이영은(Lee,Young Eun),조향숙(Cho,Hyang Suk),최은주(Choi,Eun Ju) 고신대학교 전인간호과학연구소 2002 전인간호과학학술지 Vol.1 No.-

        T his study was carried out to compare the Purpose in life, Self-concept, Self-esteem and Spiritual well-being between in-church adolescence and out-church adolescence. Design of this study was descriptive comparative study. Object of the study were 215 adolescences of high school students in P,M city of Korea. Data was collected from 7th Nov. to 12th A pril using structured questionaire. Tools of this study were PIL(Purpose in Life) developed by Crumbaugh, Maholick 1969),scale for self- concept by Lee & Won (1995),Rosenberg s self- esteem scale translated by Choi(1972), scale for spiritual well-being of Paloutzian & Ellison translated by Choi(1990) Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, chi-square test, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, ANOVA with SPSS/PC 10.0 program. The results were as follow 1. Purpose in life, Spiritual well-being of in-church adolescence were statistically higher than them of out-church adolescence(t=-2.759,P=.006,t=-11.082,P=.000). 2. General characteristics statistically related to the Purpose in life, Self-concept, Self-esteem and Spiritual well-being between in-church adolescence and out-church adolescence 1) General characteristics of in- church adolescence statistically related to the Purpose in life between in- church adolescence and out- church adolescence The general characteristics statistically related to the Purpose in life are the influence of the religion to own s life(F=5.175, p= .002),the supervision of the God to my day life(F=5.513, p= .000),the degree of help of the religious life or religion(F=3.055, p= .019),the degree of reading of religious books (F=7.623, p=.000),the need of religious life(F=7.872.,p=.001), the degree of meditation or contemplation prayer(F=4.635,p= .002),the degree of attendance at a religious service(F=3.202, p= .026). The general characteristics of out church adolescence statistically relate to the Purpose in life are the level of life(F=2.544, p= .035),the motivation of entrance into an university(F=2.744, p=.048), the religion of parents(F=3.049, p=.014), the family atmosphere(F=3.650, p=.016), the influence of the religion to own s life(F=8.064, p= .001), the supervision of the God to my day life(F=3.914, p= .006),the degree of help of the religious life or religion(F=4.142, p=.004), the degree of reading of religious books(F=7.144, p= .000), the degree of attendance at a religious service(F=5.577,p= .001). 2) General characteristics statistically relate to Spiritual well-being of in church and out-church adolescence The general characteristics statistically related to Spiritual well-being are meaning of religion or God to me(F=4.900,p= .000),the motivation of entrance into an university(F=2.886, p= .038),the influence of religion to own s life (F=20.598, p= .000),the supervision of God to my day life(F= 14.702, p= .000),the degree of reading of religious books (F=3.856, p= .005),the need of religious life(F=19.201,p= .000),the degree of meditation or contemplation prayer (F=9.723, p=.000), the degree of attendance at a religious service(F=8.779, p= .000). The general characteristics statistically related to Spiritual well-being of out-church adolescence are the religion of parents(F=2.638, p= .030),the influence of religion to one s life(F=19.931,p= .000),the supervision of God to my day life(F=22.927, p= .000),the degree of helf of religious life or religion(F= 12.649,p=.000), the degree of reading of religious books (F=7.057, p= .000),the need of religious life(F=14.444,p= .000),the degree of attendance at a religious service(F=7.755, p= .000),the counsel subject of one s personal affairs(F=2.840, p= .030).3) General characteristics statistically related to Self-concept of in- church and out-church adolescence.The general characteristics statistically related to Self-concept of in- church adolescence are the family atmosphere (F=7.296, p= .000), the motivation of entrance into an uni

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