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      • 6·25전쟁 초기 해군의 봉쇄와 호송작전 분석 및 평가

        조덕현 ( Cho Duk-hyun ),길병옥 ( Kil Byung-ok ) 한국군사학회 2017 군사논단 Vol.90 No.-

        In unlimited war the usual primary purpose is to contribute to the collapse of the enemy`s economy by cutting off its sources of supply. This is usually done by patrolling the SLOC with particular attention to choke points through which shipping must pass. This form requires the broad exercise of control of the seas. The two forms of blockade may be used concurrently. For instance during World War II in the Pacific, the U.S. Navy waged an unlimited war against Japan with its broad blockade, and also isolated specific areas one at a time by means of a close blockade in order to allow the reduction of the garrison without outside interference. The Korean War gives an excellent example of the use of a close blockade to isolate a specific area for the purpose of conducting a limited war. The theater to be isolated was a peninsula; the enemy had no submarines and an insignificant surface force and naval air power, and his surface shipping was limited to small steamers, junks, barges, and fishing craft. The dimensions of the peninsula were such as to limit the maximum length of the battle-line, so that given enough ground troops to man adequately this line, sheer weight of numbers might have little effect on the outcome. The essential forces for sea control were the UN cruisers and destroyers with eyes furnished by such naval air reconnaissance as could be made available. These were organized into several task elements, each under its own commander and assigned to a certain area of responsibility, but all directed by a single blockade commander. Each element consisted essentially of one cruiser and one division of destroyers, augmented by ROKN small craft where circumstances warranted. On the West Coast carrier-based aircraft was included in the system. On the East Coast it was not included but more or less close liaison was maintained with naval air reconnaissance.

      • 미국인들이 이해하고 있는 이순신 제독

        조덕현(Cho, Duk-Hyun) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2017 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.27

        임진왜란은 지금으로부터 425년 전에 일어났던 역사적 사건이었지만, 2017년에도 여전히 사회·경제·문화·군사적인 면에 영향을 미치고 있다. 누란의 위기에 처한 임진왜란에서 일본의 침략으로 부터 조국을 구한 사람은 바로 이순신이었다. 이순신은 임진왜란 초기 처음으로 치른 옥포해전 이후 마지막 노량해전까지 참전한 23회의 해전에서 모두 승리를 거두면서 위기에 처한 조선을 구하는데 혁혁한 전공을 세웠다. 그런 점에서 이순신은 한국 역사뿐만 아니라 세계사 속에서도‘군인(軍人) 중의 군인(soldier of soldiers)’, ‘전사(戰士) 중의 전사(warrior of warriors)’라고 할 수 있다. 우리 역사에서 이순신은 그야말로 위인 중에 한 사람임에는 틀림없는 사실이다. 그런데 이러한 이순신의 활약이나 명성에 비해 그에 대한 연구는 서구에서 넬슨 제독에 대한 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있는 상황에 비해 그리 활발하지 않은 것이 현실이다. 미국인들이 이해하고 있는 이순신에 관한 자료들을 저서와 논문을 중심으로 살펴보면 집필자들의 신분이나 직업은 해군사가·군사학 자·중국사학자·동양사학자 등을 포함한 역사가가 제일 많다. 그러 나 한국사를 전문으로 연구하는 학자들은 드물고, 서구 군사사와 일본 사 및 중국사를 연구하는 학자들이 대부분을 차지한다. 다음으로 많이 나타나는 신분은 선교사, 해군장교, 저널리스트 등이다. 집필자를 시대별로 살펴보면, 조선 말기에는 선교사가, 일제 강점기에는 군사학자와 군인이, 그리고 광복 이후에는 학자들이 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 이 논문은 이순신에 대한 미국인들의 연구 현황과 그들의 연구 속에서 나타난 이순신이 세계적인 위인으로 자리매김하는데 도움이 될 만한 요소를 찾아보려는데 그 목적이 있다. 또한 이 논문은 그 동안 미국인들에 의한 이순신의 연구와 평가에 대한 흐름을 파악하고 향후 연구 과제를 제시하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. Although the Imjinwaeran took place 425 years ago, it still heavily influences our society, economy, culture, and military. The one who saved his country from the imminent peril of Imjinwaeran was Admiral Yi Sun Sin. Admiral Yi was victorious in all of the 23 battles he had fought in which set the tone in saving Chosun. In this sense, we can call Admiral Yi ‘soldier of soldiers’ and ‘warrior of warriors’ not just in Korea but around the world as well. There is no doubt that Admiral Yi is considered as a hero in Korea. However, the number and depth of researches and studies conducted on Admiral Nelson surpasses that of Admiral Yi, which proves that Admiral Yi is not receiving the recognition he deserves. To understand how Americans view Admiral Yi, we must read writings that cover Admiral Yi. If we take a look into the writings on Admiral Yi, the author’s rank or occupation are mainly naval historians, military historians, Chinese historians, East Asian historians, and historians in general. Next in line are missionaries, naval officers, and journalists. Authors were mainly missionaries during the late Chosun dynasty, military historians and soldiers during the Japanese occupation, and scholars after the independence. The objective of this dissertation is to find useful sources that can help restore Admiral Yi’s reputation back to a global scale based on the research status conducted in the United States and writings that reflect on his excellence. Furthermore, this dissertation will attempt to identify the overall flow of researches and assessments on Admiral Yi hoping to connect the dots for future studies to come.

      • 손원일 제독과 한국전쟁

        조덕현(Cho Duk Hyun) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2016 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.26

        한국전쟁은 지금으로부터 66년 전에 일어났던 사건이지만 2016년에도 여전히 사회 · 경제 · 문화 · 군사적인 면에서 영향을 미치고 있다. 한국전쟁에서 유엔군이 승리한 이유는 북한의 침략이 개시된 지 1주일 이내에 북한을 근접 봉쇄하여 해상에서 적의 기동과 해상보급로를 차단한 결과였다. 유엔 해군과 한국 해군은 해상통제를 달성했음은 물론 적이 해양을 통제하는 것을 거부했다. 해군력을 통해 북한을 봉쇄함으로써 북한은 해상기동은 물론 해상보급로조차 차단당할 수밖에 없었다. 한국전쟁은 해군력의 중요성을 새삼스럽게 증명하는 장(場)이 되었다. 특히, 한국전쟁은 해상통제가 현대전쟁에서 승리의 전제 조건이라는 사실을 교훈으로 남겼다. 한국전쟁을 수행하는 과정에서 맥아더 유엔군 총사령관을 중심으로 한 유엔군의 역할은 절대적이었다. 그리고 많은 육 · 해 · 공군 작전을 수행하는 과정에서 해군의 역할과 중요성에 대해서는 많은 논문과 저서들을 통해서 잘 알려져 있다. 한국전쟁에서 유엔 해군에 의한 해상통제권 장악은 유엔 해군의 숭고한 희생이 있었기 때문에 가능한 것이었다. 특히, 한국전쟁을 수행하는 과정에서 한국 해군을 주도적으로 이끈 인물은 손원일 제독이었다. 본고에서는 한국전쟁이 진행되는 과정에서 해군작전 중 손원일 제독의 역할을 다양한 시각에서 살펴볼 것이다. Although the Korean War took place 66 years ago, it still has significant effect on Korean society, economics, culture, and military. The main reason why the UN forces were victorious in the Korean War was because they were able to disturb North Korean ships’ maneuver and block supply routes within just one week after the Korean War broke out. The U.S. and South Korean Navy successfully controlled the waters and both refused to allow the enemy to take control over the waters. North Korea had no choice but to give up their powers over sea because of the superior Naval forces of U. S. and South Korea. The Korean War demonstrates the importance and impact of Naval powers during wartime. Especially, the Korean War proves that controlling sea lanes is a prerequisite in order to win wars in the modern era. The UN forces behind the command of General MacArthur played a significant role in the Korean War. In addition, the importance of the Navy in conducting Army and Air Force tasks has been demonstrated through several studies over the years. UN forces were able to take control over the sea because of the sacrifices made by the UN naval forces. Son Won-Il was a South Korean Admiral who had a vast impact in leading the South Korean navy to victory. Here, we will discover the role of Admiral Son in different point of views.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Ondansetron 과 Droperidol 의 혼합 투여가 술 후 오심과 구토 예방에 미치는 효과

        김동희(Dong Hee Kim),조덕현(Duk Hyun Cho) 대한통증학회 2001 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.14 No.1

        N/A Background: Ondansetron is both a central and peripheral serotonin (5HT) receptor antagonist and droperidol is a dopaminergic blocking drug which acts centrally at the chemoreceptor trigger zone. We assessed the efficacy and adverse effects of ondansetron, droperidol or both, in the prevention of postoperative emesis during postoperative intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) using butorphanol and ketorolac medication. Methods: We studied 60 women, aged 25-60 yrs, who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), under general anesthesia using N2O-O2-enflurane. A bolus dose of 1 mg of butorphanol and 4 mg of ondansetron were given to patients and thereafter, PCA was started using 10 mg of butorphanol and 240 mg of ketorolac mixed into the 5% D/W solution (total volume; 100 ml, 1 ml of bolus dose, and 10 min of lockout interval). We also added ondansetron 4 mg (Group 0, n= 20), ondansetron 4 mg and droperidol 2.5 mg (Group OD, n = 20), or droperidol 2.5 mg (Group D, n = 20) to the PCA drug. The severity of pain, nausea, vomiting, sedation and other side effects were assessed at 0, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hr after awakening. Results: There was no difference in the incidence of nausea and vomiting between the three group [Group 0: 4 (20%) and 3 (15%), respectively; Group OD: 1 (5%) and 1 (5%), respectively; Group D: 3 (15%) and 3 (15%), respectively]. Group 0 showed a lower sedation score than the other groups (P 0.05). The pain score and other side effects did not show any difference between the groups. Conclusions: The combination of ondansetron and droperidol showed no clinical benefit compared with ondansetron or droperidol alone for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting during postoperative PCA using butorphanol and ketorolac.

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