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      • KCI등재후보

        한일통역시 독특한 일본어 표현형태에 따른 간섭 : 경어표현을 통해본 일본인의 思考

        박혜경 한국국제회의통역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.1

        It is often said that the Japanese language lacks logic, compared with its Western couterparts. Namely, the Japanese focus on emotional aspects of a speech or text, rather than on logic or precision. In fact, the Japanese often speak or write in a vague way based on his or her feelings or experience, instead of presenting numbers or data. However, a good speech need not always be logical and precise. What is important in the message, and therefore it is not desirable - in any language - to stick to logic at the detriment of the content. Nevertheless, in a multi-language environment where relay is practiced, interpreters of other languages often say that the into Korean interpretations of their Korean-Japanese colleagues is "unique." Here, uniqueness means vaqueness, lack of logic and understatements, all of which stand in the way of correct understanding. A language plays the crucial role in forming thoughts of a people using it, while serving at the same time as the vehicle of carrying them. Therefore, looking into the Japanese way of thinking reflected in their language can provide clues for unravelling the apparent vagueness or contradiction in a Japanese speech or text. In quest for these clues, this paper deals with the honorifics where the Japanese mentality are very well represented. At the same time, it discusses the results of a survey on what are the stumbling blocks the Korean-Japanese interpreters run into and how they overcome them.

      • KCI등재후보

        기능적(functional) 번역이론 개념과 번역 교육에의 활용

        전미연 한국국제회의통역학회 2004 통역과 번역 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to define translation theory from a pedagogical point of view - with the aim of teaching it to facilitate students' translation learning - and to show, through some examples, how theoretical concepts can be taught effectively in class. First, this paper proposes 'functional' translation theory, which can be taught to help students comprehend different aspects of translation and translation profession. It is important to stress that a theory does not necessarily have to be prescriptive to be functional. Additionally, the paper shows to what extent translation theory can help translators. In fact, the choice of theories will be largely influenced by the understanding the teacher has in this matter. Thirdly, recognizing that not all theories can apply, this paper emphasizes the necessity of a proper selection. While utility or functionality is not inherent to a theory, it is up to the teacher to use consciously all its possibilities as a functional theory. Finally, the paper demonstrates how 'functional theoretical concepts' can be taught in class. Three notions of speech act theory and the concept of isotopy have been expanded to prove their functionality in translation teaching.

      • KCI등재후보

        한일 통역시 모국어 차이에 따른 통역결과의 상관관계 연구

        박혜경 한국국제회의통역학회 2004 통역과 번역 Vol.6 No.1

        Korean and Japanese have a high degree of similarity in terms of grammar and vocabulary. For this reason, students show a strong tendency of relying on this similarity along with the increasing difficulty of the text. However, this does not always bring desirable results. Cases of interference do occur as a result of the student's failure to correctly understand the similarity and differences between the two languages, although the transfer of the mother language to the foreign language sometimes help. Therefore, looking into how each student depends on the transfer will serve the purpose of effective education, taking into account the fact that the ratio between the Korean A students and their Japanese A students among the newly recruited students (interpretation majors and translation majors put together) climbed to 3 to 1.

      • KCI등재후보

        Simultaneous Interpreting Trends in Broadcast News

        Kinuyo Yoshida Ino 한국국제회의통역학회 2004 통역과 번역 Vol.6 No.1

        Formerly, simultaneous interpreting was limited to guest interviews, breaking news situations, and live coverage of events in the Japanese media. However, due to the increase in demand for bilingual services and real time coverage, JCTV (Japan Cable Television, which is distribution partner of CNN) decided to focus on simultaneous interpreting for the localization of CNN news. Before settling on simultaneous interpreting, CNN translating/interpreting experienced several transition. At the very beginning, the requirement was to translate word for word. Then came the prepared interpreting stage. The current stage calls for simultaneous interpretation of all the materials including tightly edited packaged reports. Some of the main skills required for simultaneous interpreting for broadcast news are background knowledge, anticipation, and editing. The number of interpreting and translating courses offered at Japanese universities is on the rise, but traditional interpreting schools catering to the special needs for broadcast interpreting still plays an important role. These institutions offer the appropriate training for students aspiring to break into broadcast news simultaneous interpreting. Broadcast news interpreting in Japan is still evolving and faces the challenges of quality control.

      • KCI등재후보

        번역에서의 전제 : 일한 번역의 경우 Translation into Korean

        최수나 한국국제회의통역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.2

        The author's intended message is embedded in the words and expressions of a text, and is communicated to the reader. In response, the reader mobilizes as much knowledge he/she can under given circumstances and reasons out the message the author produced. And, thus, themessage is fully understood. As such, through the act of communication, the reader is able to understand the connotative meaning because he/she shares with the author certain information or knowledge accumulated in the memory. therefore, the more knowledge the author and reader share, the better the reader understands and author's intended message. Often times, the translator is doomed to anguish over how he/she should reexpress into target language the sociocultural knowledge(presupposition) that a society shares. In particular, how should one translate the underlying message in a sentence or context, which the reader of the source text understands using the knowledge he/she shares with the author? This paper defines translation as an act of communication through which the translator searches for equivalence, and specifies on how to translate presupposition or sociocultural knowledge, ingrained in the source text.

      • KCI등재

        A Metacogntive Approach to Evaluating Consecutive Interpretation for Novice Learners

        Choi, Jung-Yoon 한국국제회의통역학회 2004 통역과 번역 Vol.6 No.2

        Metacognitive evaluation introduced in this study assumes that if more value were added to self-evaluation, students may build up confidence by realizing that they have the potential to make more progress. To do that requires a self-monitoring mechanism to go in parallel with the teacher's monitoring process. Another point worth mentioning to justify the need for self-evaluation is that students spend more time practicing in groups or individually outside class than in class with the teacher. This indicates that self-evaluation can come in handy by effectively making maximum use of practicing when students are on their own as well. Up till now, it has been well proven in many areas that metacognitive approaches can make a significant difference. In this context, this paper will demonstrate how metacognition can add value to teaching interpretation from a pedagogical standpoint by encouraging students to self-evaluate. It is hard, however, for novice learners to self-evaluate and make progress without understanding the fundamental cause of their shortcomings. Therefore, this paper also attempts to introduce metacognition, its strategies and its application to interpretation evaluation in the classroom.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Interpretive Feedback Model : With Focus on The Interpretive Theory

        Choi, Jung-Yoon 한국국제회의통역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.2

        This paper aims at demonstrating how the Interpretive Theory can be applied to giving feedback to the student when teaching interpretation in the classroom and further extending such interpretive approach to practicing outside the classroom. To that end, it briefly reviews the Interpretive Theory and presents the interpretive feedback model that serves as a yardstick. This approach enables not only the teachers to give positive feedback in the classroom but also the students to find out why the interpretation went wrong by evaluating their colleagues or themselves outside the classroom, thereby identifying their weaknesses on their own or through the help of their study partners. The rationale for this study as well as the characteristics of the interpretive feedback model are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Justice et Traduction au sein de L'Union Europeenne : Le role des Acteurs et L'Impact sur Ie Monde 통번역사의 역할과 외부에 미치는 영향

        de Ia Fuente, Elena 한국국제회의통역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.1

        2004년에 회원국이 24개국으로 확대되면 유럽연합은 정치, 경제, 문화, 언어적 인 측면에서 상당한 위치를 차지하게 될 것이다. 새롭게 유럽연합의 시민이 되는 수백만 명의 사람들이 역내에서 자유롭게 이동하고 자신이 원하는 국가에서 체류하거나 일할 수 있도록 초국가적인 법제도가 마련되어야 한다. 입법가들은 유럽통합을 이루고 사법과 관련 당사자(판검사, 경찰, 법정통역사)를 위한 제도적 장치를 구상하기 위해 고심해왔다. 재판언어를 모르는 피고가 공정한 재판을 받고 능력 있는 통번역사의 도움을 받는 것은 인간의 기본권에 해당하는 것이다. 이 기본권은 인권에 관한 유럽협정을 비롯하여 많은 국제조약에서 인정하는 것이다. 사법당국과 피고 사이에서 통번역 업무를 담당하는 통번역사의 자격, 실력 및 직업윤리는 기본권 행사에 막대한 영향을 미친다. 기소사항을 전달하고 절차를 이해시키는 당사자는 바로 통번역을 맡는 중개자들이다. 지난 몇 년 동안 유럽집행위원회는 회원국 전체에 적용시킬 수 있는 규정을 수립하기 위한 연구 및 프로젝트를 수행해왔다. 그 중에서 그로티우스 1과 그로티우스 2는 여러 회원국과 교육기관, FIT(국제번역사연맹) 법정통번역 위원회가 참여했으며 특히 주목받을 만하다. 본 프로그램은 법정통번역사 선발, 양성, 자문기준을 비롯하여 직업윤리와 모범관행 등을 제시했다. 브뤼셀에서 열릴 예정인 공청회 결과를 바탕으로 각 회원국에 적용될 법제도를 결정하게 될 것이다. 유럽연합의 각 기구에서 법정통번역사의 역할에 대해 정확한 평가가 이루어졌다. 앞으로 남은 과제는 회원국이 법정통번역사의 선발, 양성, 자격검증, 직업윤리와 관련하여 유럽연합 차원의 결정사항들을 어떻게 적용하는 가에 달려 있다. 어떤 결정사항이든 국경을 초월하여 영향을 미치리라는 것은 분명하다. 지난 수년동안 비판받아온 현재 선발 방식을 바뀌게 할 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 여러 차례 지적되었음에도 불구하고 교육기관에서 지금까지 간과해온 법정통번역사 양성 프로그램을 제대로 시행할 수 있는 기회가 되기도 할 것이다. L˝elargissement prochain de l´Union Europ´eenne a` 25 pays en 2004 est d´une importance extraordinaire sur tous les plans, aussi bien politique, economique que culturel et linguistique. Une l´egislation supranationale s´imposera a` ces millions de nouveaux citoyens europ´eens qui seront libres de circuler dans l´espace europ´een, mais aussi de s´instller dans l´Etat membre de leur choix pour y vivre et/ou travailler. Le souci des l´e gislateurs a ´et´e de prot´eger cette int´egration et de cr´eer des instruments juridiques n´ecessaires a` la justice et a` ses acteurs: les magistrats, les juges, la police, les traducteurs/interpre`tes judiciaires et, entre autres, les justiciables. L´acce`s a` un proce`s ´equitable et l´acce`s a` un traducteur et a` un interpre`te comp´etents_ pour toute personne mise en cause ne palant pas ou ne comprenant pas la langue de la proc´edure, rel`vent du droit de l´homme et, par cons´equent, chacun d´eux constitue un droit fondamental. Ce droit fondamental est reconnu par plusieurs instruments notamments notamment la Convention europ´eenne des droits de l´homme. Or, l´exercice de ce droit d´epend ´etroitement de la qualification, de la compe´tence et me^me de la de´ontologie de celui qui devra ve´hiculer la communication orale et/ou e´crite entre le justiciable et l´appareil judiciaire. C´est sur cet interme´diaire que pe`se le poids de la transmission de l´information des accusations et de la compre´hension de la proce´dure. La Commission europe´ennes kdans des projets ou des programmes visant a` l´e´tablissement des normes applicables en la matie´re a` tous les Etas membres. Deux programmes en particulier ont e´te´ de´veloppe´s: Grotius Ⅰ et Grotius Ⅱ avec la participation d´un grand nombre d´Etats membres, d´institutions de formation et du Comite´ FIT pour la traduction et l´interpre´tation judiciaires. Des crite`res de se´lection, de formation et de conseil des experts traducteurs-interpre`tesont e´te´ propose´s, ainsi que des codes de de´ontologie et de bonnes pratiques,etc. Des de´cisions seront prises a` l´issue d´un de´bat publique qui aura lieu a` Bruxelles, un pre´alable a´ la le´gislation qui devrait e^tre applique´e par l´appareil judiciaire de chaque Etat membre. Le ro^le des interpre`tes et des traducteurs judiciaires a e´te´ bien e´value´ par les institutions europe´ennes. Il est inde´niable, cependant, que tout de´pendra maintenant de la manie`re dont chaque Eta membre appliquera les de´cisions europe´ennes en matie`re de recrutement, de formation, de compe´tence et, entre autres, de de´ontologie des traducteurs et des interpre`tes judiciaires. Il n´est pasmoins inde´niable que l´impact de ces de´cisions de´passe largement les frontie`res europe´ennes: elles devraient servir a` chaque pays du monde a`faire changer les modalite´s actuelles de recrutement observe´es et critique´es depuis des anne´es. Mais elles devrait e´galement servir a` mettre en œuvre des programmes de formation des traducteurs et interpre`tes judiciaires que les institutions formatrices ont laisse´s a` l´abandon malgre´ les appels re´pe´te´s a` la prise de conscience de cette lacune injustifiable.

      • 통역사의 정보처리능력과 Note-Taking

        박숙종 한국국제회의통역학회 2002 통역과 번역 Vol.4 No.1

        Interpretation is a special procedure of information processing distinct from other forms of general information processing. Here, a special procedure of information processing is related to the role of interpreter. Interpreter does not deliver only a part of message. In order to understand the message in its entirety, an interpreter must consciously analyze the entire message, relying on the ability that surpasses the bounds of natural and automatic understanding. Hence the message must be analyzed very quickly, using a more intuitive analysis rather than a linguistic analysis. This is because the interpreter, unlike the audience, has the responsibility to deliver the whole message to the audience, however trivial the message seems or indifferent the interpreter may feel toward the message. However, it is not easy to clarify the cognitive process applied to interpretation, a special form of information processing, when general information processing and cognitive process have not been fully identified yet. Having attached excessive importance on the theorization, the currently available consecutive interpretation models and theories are somewhat distant from the consecutive interpretation observed on site. For example, the stage of consecutive interpretation in which linguistic transformation (linguistic transformation from the source language to the target language) takes place differs from theory to real life. There is a study that examined the correlation between the location of linguistic transformation and the note-taking language (whether to take notes in the source language or the target language). The reality is that there is a difference between this study and the note-taking method actually employed by interpreters. I believe that this is expected, considering that the relationship between interpretation and cognitive action to enhance the interpretation efficiency has not been fully investigated. A study of relationship between the information processing capacity of interpreter and note-taking would make an interesting study theme, particularly in the consecutive interpretation, in which interpreters information processing capacity is clearly revealed.

      • Choosing a Research Topic In Interpreting Studies

        Shlesinger, Miriam 한국국제회의통역학회 2002 통역과 번역 Vol.4 No.1

        Interpreting research, like the profession itself, has been growing rapidly, both in sheer quantity and in diversity, with much of it being done by MA or PhD students who are also training to become practitioners. If in the past it was largely confined to conference interpreting in the simultaneous mode, interpreting research has now come to encompass the full range of modes, modalities and settings. While this trend is a welcome one, the implications for would-be researchers are daunting: how does one choose a topic? what paradigms and what neighboring disciplines does one turn to? how does one arrive at a realistic assessment of the time and resources required? how valid is an experimental study when it comes to such a real-life task? A list of twenty potential projects is presented along with a discussion of the methodology that may be best suited to each of them.

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