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        한·태 현대시의 여성적 담론과 글쓰기 연구

        임명숙(Lim, Myung-sook) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2005 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.20

        This thesis is to discuss how the feminine argument and the composition work as a symbolic meaning through phases exposed to diverse modern woman's poems of Korea and Thailand in East Asian woman-literatures from the view of Korea literatures' global paradigm. This work is accomplished with a viewpoint of feminism and to extend the discussion to Southeast and Northeast Asian woman-core's literary composition and argument for the purpose of freeing from the culture focusing on white people (the First World). The feminine reading is started in that dominating discussion and aesthetic opposite-discussion hold in contempt for feminine discussion by making a standard of Oedipal model. Therefore, not by analyzing the production but by changing readers's awareness and connections with reading materials, feminine reading came to be a re-vision resisting the parts overlooked and transmitted improperly by critics focusing on man; as a result, the action is to cross and to go against the composition. The feminine reading is also a process of improving how conflicts, troubles and refractions make texts organized. The texts include phases such as rank orders, modern times, a paterfamilias and male-oriented ideology . Various processes or special aspects caused by "gender space" help feminine poetic texts connect with a variety of high authorities in a symbolic meaning net with abjection; thus, they find out various ways of influences, decisions and causality. Finally, examining woman poet's discussions and composition newly frees from androcentric traditional possession and has a vital role to solve very complicated meaning nets such as structures and special aspects in modern woman poet's texts in Korea and Thailand. As a result of analysis, feminine discussion coming from poetic texts in Korea and Thailand poets shows that androcentric culture suppresses the a woman's subject in "gender space"; at this moment, women express their diverse consciousness in both aspects of resistance and conformity about their own sound. Sometimes, women express their sound as a woman's subject dragging to time and space's situation through the sign, "read" and also expose readers to confident images. This kind of woman's subject is daughters, mothers and mothers of mothers in this world. Although they are pushed out by a paterfamilias's order, they are starting their suppressed desires to overcome the discrimination through self-sacrifice. By operating as a power to obtain a moral act, a woman's subject even shows that they understand "others" through communication. A woman's subject discussion is on unreliable composition as well as on a border line. It includes inside and outside, past and future and suffering or suppressive aspects. It is also shown that the composition forms the symbolic meaning nets in a state with no-border line, now and even dream. This feminie discussion and composition are likely to be very realistic or nonrealistic as well as dangerous but strong. Considering the statement above, a woman's discussion and composition overcame the abjective body are achieving self-progressive composition in "gender space."

      • 김수영 시에서의 ‘여성’, 그 기호적 의미망 읽기

        임명숙(Lim Myung-Sook) 돈암어문학회 2010 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.23

        이 글은 김수영의 시텍스트에서 드러나고 있는 여성, 그 기호적 의미 작용에 대한 논의이다. 이는 시텍스트를 다시 읽기(re-vision)함으로써 김수영 의 시세계에 대하여 ‘저항’, ‘참여’라는 기표에서 벗어나거나 혹은 여성 폄하 등의 시각에서 비켜나서 또 하나의 기표를 제공할 수 있다는 데 그 의의를 두고 있다. 연구 방법은 구조주의 기호학적인 측면, 즉 크리스테바의 기호학적 이론에 논의의 근거를 둔 것은 객관성을 확보하고자 함이다. 김수영 시인을 말하는 주체로 놓고 그의 시텍스트에서 발화된 양상들을 분석해 보았을 때 여성이라는 기호들은 아브젝트한 상태에서 다양하게 분화되고 있다. 말하는 주체가 여성을 여자, 여편네, 아내 등의 기호로 자신의 욕동(무의식)을 드러내고자 할 때, 그 의미 생성 과정은 무한히 열려져 있다. 아브젝션시켰던 타자성을 띤 여자는 존재의 사유 가능한 세계, 견뎌낼 수 없는 세계 저편으로 몰려난 존재로, 그래서 너무도 아브젝트한 전쟁과 같은 등가를 지닌 대상으로 자리매김이 되는 동시에 아주 가까이었지만 매혹될 수 없는 존재인 여편네, 그 여성이 또 때로는 말하는 주체로서 자신이 통제할 수 없는 대상, 즉 대상천시당했던 아내이다. 이러한 여성은 어느 순간 되돌아와 말하는 주체 자신이 여성에게 아브젝션당하는 무의식을 드러낸다. 이 같은 기호적 의미 작용은 마치 자신이 죄짓고 단죄 받고자 하는 욕망에 사로잡힌 듯, 그래서 마치 말하는 주체의 판단과 정서, 심정의 토로, 기호들과 충동들의 혼합물로서 그 의미망을 구축하고 있다. 때문에 김수영은 말하는 주체로서 여성이라는 대상에 대하여 주체와 타자의 관계성이 아닌, 그리고 서로 대립시키거나 부조화의 관계성으로 인식하는 것이 아니라 아브젝션의 심연을 향해 기호들의 동질성, 혹은 이질성 속에서 무한한 차이들을 그러모은다. 다시 말해 김수영의 시텍스트에서 여성은 아브젝트한데, 이 아브젝션시켰던 존재인 여성이 때론 김수영 자신 혹은 말하는 주체인 자신을 곤경에 빠지게 하기도 하고, 때로는 어떤 절대성에 매달리는 욕망으로 하여금 치욕에 빠지지 않도록 보호해 주는 존재로, 그래서 여성은 다시 나에게 되돌아와 내 무의식의 바깥에서 안으로 혹은 안에서 바깥으로 끊임없이 양가적인 의미 생성을 하고 있다. This study is to as existing feminism view point displayed in the poems of Kim, Soo-Young. Kim, Soo-Young has been discussed as a resistance poet general. However, this study was made under a necessity ti discuss his poems in various point of view. The image of woman in his poem is read as the symbol of someone's wife on married woman in depreciated expression. If his poems be read simple namely can't be restored to one meaning, we can provide another evidences or solutions in poetic texts of Kim, Soo-Young by re-visioning poetic texts got entangled like complicated bunches of thread. At this moment, in the way of study from appearances as a feminism view point, he is regarded as antifeminist poet. As a result of considering in this way, the subject of women fired from poetic texts come to be the subject holding from love and pain making birth by holding different people by having the meaning network as a body abjected in this land. This study is to turn over this kind of view point in his poems and to makes a study of the process concerning unconsciousness and Abjection. So clarifies woman ad here to unconsciousness in his poem takes in active in doing, therefore, the symbolic meanings of women in his poem break down the boundary between the subject person and a third person. To make it short through a new approach, this study is reversing the existing theory that in his poem the disparages woman. In this point this study is unique and creative.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스마트로봇을 활용한 유아 소프트웨어 교육이 창의성(창의적 능력, 창의적 성격) 변화에 미치는 영향

        임명숙(Lim, Myoung-Suk),이경화(Lee, Kyung-Hwa) 한국창의력교육학회 2018 창의력교육연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 스마트로봇을 활용한 소프트웨어 교육이 유아의 창의성(창의적 능력, 창의적 성격, 통합창의성)을 변화시키는데 영향이 있는지를 실험을 통해 확인하는 것이다. 연구 대상은 서울 서초, 송파구에 위치한 두 개 유치원에 재원중인 42명의 만 5세 유아이며, 사전, 사후 검사로 이경화(2014)의 ‘유아용 통합창의성검사(K-ICT)’를 사용하였다. 실험 전 사전검사에서 두 집단 간 창의성에 있어서 동질성이 확보되었으며, 실험집단에게는 스마트로봇을 활용한 창의프로그램을 약 6주간 12차시에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 실험 진행 후 자료처리는 SPSS 24.0 프로그램을 이용하여 통계처리 하였으며, 분석방법은 독립 집단 t-test를 실시하였다. 연구결과에 의하면 스마트로봇을 활용한 소프트웨어 교육은 유아의 창의적 능력에 변화를 가져왔다. 그러나 유아의 창의적 성격 및 통합창의성을 향상시키지는 못하였다. 따라서 유아의 창의적 능력, 즉 언어 창의성과 도형 창의성 향상을 위해 스마트로봇 활용 소프트웨어 교육을 체계적으로 적용한다면 효과가 있을 것이라 제안한다. The aims of this study is to identify the effectiveness of the software education using a smart-robot worked out for improvement of young children’s creativity(creative ability, creative personality, and integrated creativity). 42 children 5 years old at 2 kindergarten located in Seocho-gu and Songpa-gu, Seoul were selected as the experimental group and control group. K-ICT for young children developed by Lee(2014) was used for measuring the creativity. In the experimental group, a creativity program using a smart-robot was conducted 12 times for about 6 weeks. After the experiment the data collected were statistically processed by SPSS 24.0 program, and t-test for these two independent groups was conducted for analysis. The findings in this study are shown: First, the software education using a smart-robot was effective to change the young children’s creative ability was found that there were positive effects in the figure creative ability Second, the software education using a smart- robot did not have a positive effect on the improvement of young children’s creative personality and young children’s integrated creativity. Consequently, it is expected to have a greater effect on the improvement of young children’s creative ability, if the software education using a smart-robot is given to children at educational institutions.

      • KCI등재

        한,태 여성시의 텍스트성 비교 -페미니즘적 관점에서-

        임명숙 ( Myung Sook Lim ) 한국동남아학회 2011 동남아시아연구 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to see and compare the contemporary Korean-Thai female poems from a feminine standpoint to newly clarify the textuality of their poems. The textuality defined in this manuscript is the text of Korean-Thai contemporary female poems. To newly clarify the textuality of their poems are to go against the existing discussion method and to newly read out the text as re-vision method. This discussion is to analyse deeply how the central exis composing a text which is the identity of woman in a body, appearance of uttrance, or action of abjection is exposed in gender space and to identify the poem`s textuality. In other words, through in-depth analysis of the text of poems, which are very complicated as a skein of yarn, place a high value of Korean-Thai female poems. Transcending time, nations and races, if the text of female poem would not free from a biased male-dominated thinking or make a mystery of female poem textuality without critics or tend to be stereotype the text of poem as pathos of female, it would not get out from man-centered reading. To escape from the state of sexual discrimination, the new reading method was seriously analysed and found out that the female text poems not only implicate sexual discrimination but also link to expansive cultural and social structure. And for that reason, this study raise a question to male-dominant sexual discriminated norm. It is very significant that through this elaborate and in-depth text poem analysis, a creation process of female poem is traced. Eventually, the comparative study on Korean-Thai female poems is meaningful and worthy in regard to the contribution to promotion of cultural exchange between korea-Thai two nations and furthermore extend to East Asia to make a basement for the vitalization of Asia comparative literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        동대문재래상권의 현황분석을 통한 문제점 파악 및 국공유지 개발방향에 대하여

        임명숙(Lim Myung Sook) 한국부동산학회 2006 不動産學報 Vol.26 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  The purpose of this study was to examine the present situation of Dongdaemun market area which is the most popular and the biggest market area in Korea. And with the results came out from the analysis, the ideal development and activation ways for Dongdaemun market area was to be proposed.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  Data for analysis were obtained from a survey to stratified sample retailers selected at the several shopping malls located in Dongdaemun market area, a total of 180 questionnaires were distributed, and 162 responses were analyzed. The analysis was conducted in 3 fields : statistical characteristics, sales related, and development related. The method of analysis was used frequency and cross classification analysis.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  Major findings of the study are as follows. First, their sales have become worse comparing with IMF crisis. Second, they haven"t gained the reflex profit from Cheonggyecheon restoration. Third, the problems which are occurred from the street stalls influences negatively on the market activation aspects. Four, an oversupply of retail shops threats the survival of the retailers. Lastly, the official land or facilities which are located in Dongdaemun market should not be developed to commercial facilities, which might add the retail shops to the present excessive shops.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  Major findings of the study are as follows. First, their sales have become worse comparing with IMF crisis. Second, they haven"t gained the reflex profit from Cheonggyecheon restoration. Third, the problems which is occurred from the street stalls influences negatively on the market activiation aspects. Four, an oversupply of retail shops threats the survival of the retailers. Lastly, the official land or facilities which are located in Dongdaemun market should not be developed to commercial facilities, which might add the retail shops to the present excessive shops.

      • KCI등재

        환경시설지에 설치된 생태환경조형물의 표현

        이행렬 ( Hang Lyoul Lee ),임명숙 ( Myeong Sook Lim ) 한국기초조형학회 2013 기초조형학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        경기도 용인시와 광주시 사이를 흐르는 경안천은 주차장의 난립과 공장 폐수 등으로 오염과 훼손이 심해 폐수가 흘렀던 하천이었으나 수질개선 및 수생태 복원으로 인간의 환경과 생활에 큰 의미를 가지는 회복된 자연환경으로 변하고 있다. 즉 대상지 풍토에 맞는 치수안정과 수질환경개선, 생태복원, 친수경관 조성을 통하여 주민들의 관심을 유도하고 휴식 및 여가공간 활용과 자연과 밀접한 관계를 이룬 결과라 하겠다. 그러나 인간은 살면서 자연 속에서 미를 발견하고 반대로 미를 표현하기 위한 대상을 자연에서 선택하고자 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 쾌적한 공간과 정서적 안정을 제공하고 자연의 순리에 따라 변화되는 현상을 쉽게 표현할 수 있는 조형언어를 생태환경 속에서 발견하고자 하였다. 연구의 결과로 작품 설치를 위하여 대상지에 대한 장소성을 파악하고, 생태환경의 이미지를 각각 둥지, 벌, 바람, 나무의 조형언어로 표현하고 그에 대한 동적 이미지를 설치예술로 표현할 수 있었다. 기본구조가 갖는 형태적 특성을 공간감과 중량감을 형성하는 양감과 질감의 대비, 운동과 색채 등으로 도출하였다. 설치작업은 자연으로 돌아가는 이미지를 형상화하였으며, 인간이 자연의 소중함을 알고 보호해야 하는 필요성을 친환경 조형물을 통하여 이미지화 하였다. Kyungan Stream flowing between Gwangju and Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, was not good one because of a lot of pollution from scrambled parking lots and neighboring factory`s wasted water flowed. But now the improvement of water quality and ecological restoration with the restoration of the natural environment make of great significance to the environment and human life. In other words, some proper strateges such as controlling the water system against the locality of the site safely, improving the water environment, and introducing the ecological restoration and making a water-friendly landscape resulted in drawing attention of the people and making relaxation and leisure space utilization with closely to the nature. However, human beings who lived every day, tend to discover the beauty in a natural setting and the other way he wants to select the object for expressing the beauty of nature. In this study, we aimed to find basic design languages that can offer a comfortable space and emotional stability and express ever changing phenomenona according to nature`s rationality in the ecological environment. The result was finding out the placeness of the site and drawing ecological images like ``Nest``, ``Bee``, ``Wind``, and ``Wood`` that could be expressed as an installation art by a dynamic image. The morphological characteristics of the basic structure of massiveness and the contrast of texture, movement and color, forming a sense of space and weight are derived. By shaping the image returned to the nature and knowing the importance of nature that need to be protected, installation art works were inspired by eco-friendly sculptures.

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