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        대학도서관에서 대출된 번역서와 대출자 전공과의 관계 연구

        이현영,Lee Hyun-Young 한국문헌정보학회 1998 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 대학도서관에 서양서와 그것을 번역한 번역서가 함께 소장되어 있을 때, 도서관 이용자들이 교양 목적으로 도서를 대출하는 경우와 학술목적으로 도서를 대출하는 경우에 서양서와 번역서의 이용률이 어떻게 다른지를, 철학 및 문학 분야를 대상으로 조사하여 밝히는 것이다. 이 목적을 달성하기 위하여, 전산화된 3개 대학도서관의 컴퓨터 안에 담겨져 있는 대출 기록들을 활용하여 필요한 데이터가 추출되고 그 데이터가 통계 처리되고 분석되었다. 그 결과 교양 목적으로 도서를 이용하는 경우와 학술 목적으로 도서를 이용할 때 원서 및 번역서의 이용률에 유의한 차이가 있는 분야는 영문학, 독문학, 불문학 등의 학문 분야이고 유의한 차이가 없는 분야는 철학 분야로 밝혀졌다. In the climate of increasing calls for academic assessment, the author undertook a study to ascertain availability of original texts and their translations in the academic library. The object of this study is to compare the use frequency of original texts by academic major of users in the university libraries. To achieve this object, the author collected the data stored in 3 Korean university library online systems from September 10th to 30th, 1995 and tested the hypotheses by using the Minitab statistical package. Libraries with multilingual collection and automated systems will find the methodology Presented here Particularly valuable.

      • KCI등재

        쓰기활동을 적용한 대학수학 미분방정식 수업

        이현영,정예원,Lee, Hyun-Young,Jeong, Ye-Won 영남수학회 2011 East Asian mathematical journal Vol.27 No.2

        This research is a laboratory study for the improvement of differential equation class, and the aim of this study is to propose the possibilities of applicable writing activities for differential equation courses in university. We analyzed how the writing activities can affect the improvement of abilities of the students' affective domain and cognitive domain. Although the results from the two areas did not show a big numerical improvements it proved that the writing activities have positive effects, especially for the group of lower level students. The students felt interested and became more confident with differential equation studies. Their understanding of the study has been increased further by acquiring new learning methods, including writing activities. Therefore, we conclude that teaching and learning method designed systematically to adopt writing activities improve the students' learning attitudes and achievements.

      • KCI등재

        공공기관의 정보공개와 투명성의 관계에 관한 연구

        이현영,정연경,Lee, Hyun Young,Chung, Yeon Kyoung 한국기록관리학회 2017 한국기록관리학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze whether, in public organizations, a significant relationship can be found between transparency and information disclosure systems. The study also aims to analyze how the relationship has changed and whether political regimes and organization type matter for such changes. The meaning of information disclosure and the concept of transparency were reviewed through existing literature, the status of which was analyzed using related statistical data. Using a decade of disclosure rate and integrity index data from 2003 to 2013, the correlation between those two variables by political regimes and organization type was analyzed. To improve the information disclosure system and transparency in public organizations, ensuring the documentation of work process, providing the consumer with the information that he/she wants, and institutionalizing systems to evaluate transparency are important. The results of this study will be used as a basic material for understanding the relationship between the information disclosure system and transparency. 본 연구는 공공기관의 업무수행에 수반되어야 하는 투명성이 정보공개제도와 얼마나 연관이 있는지, 그리고 시기별 기관 유형별로 어떻게 변화했는지 분석해 보았다. 문헌연구를 통하여 정보공개제도의 의의와 투명성의 정의를 살펴본 후, 이와 관련된 통계자료를 분석하고, 2003년~2013년까지 통계 데이터를 토대로 정보공개와 투명성에 대한 연관성 분석을 하였다. 정보공개제도와 공공기관의 투명성을 제고하기 위해서는 공공기관의 업무과정을 제대로 기록화하고, 수요자가 원하는 정보를 제공하고, 이에 대한 평가를 측정하는 투명성 진단 평가시스템을 제도화하는 방안이 반드시 필요하다. 본 연구의 결과는 정보공개제도와 투명성의 관계에 대해 이해하고, 정보공개제도와 공공기관의 투명성을 높이기 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        숲유치원 유아들의 사회적 역량에 관한 연구

        이현영(Lee, Hyun Young),정선아(Chung, Shun-A) 한국어린이교육문화비평학회 2013 영유아교육과정연구 Vol.3 No.2

        This research has its purpose on inquiring the social competences which forest kindergarten children develop at a forest as well as on a meaning of a forest itself which influences on children s social competences. The observation had taken place for twenty-one of age five children in twelves weeks from 11/29/2010 to 02/18/2011. The social competences that forest kindergarten children had developed at the forest and the characteristics of the forest are likely as followed. First, children developed their social competence by listening each other s stories very carefully in a vast area of the forest. Second, they constantly tried different plays with infinite number of methods that forest could provide and developed the social competence by negotiate new situations. Third, children looked after and tried to concentrate on each other s situations because they experienced together both challenges and risks that forest suggested. In conclusion, children developed their social competences in the forest which had no rules, no particular methods provided and no time limits. Moreover, whenever they encountered difficulties in the forest, they overcame those together by repeating the behavior of meeting and togetherness meaning that the social competences developed not individually but interactively. 본 연구는 숲유치원 유아들이 숲에서 어떤 사회적 역량을 어떻게 발달시키고 있으며 이러한 사회적 역량을 발달시키는 숲의 특징을 탐구하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 2010년 11월 29일부터 2011년 2월 18일까지 12주간 숲유치원 만5세 유아 21명의 자유놀이를 관찰하였다. 숲유치원 유아들이 숲에서 발달하는 사회적 역량과 이러한 사회적 역량이 발달하는 숲의 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 방대한 숲에서 유아들은 문제를 해결해나가기 위해 서로의 이야기에 귀를 기울이는 사회적 역량을 발달시킨다. 둘째, 무한한 놀이가 가능한 숲에서 유아들은 끊임없이 다양한 생각을 제안하고 새로운 방식으로 놀이를 시도하며 서로의 의견을 협상하는 사회적 역량을 발달시킨다. 셋째, 도전이 많은 숲에서 유아들은 친구들의 상황에 촉각을 세우고 서로의 상황을 주목하고 조망하는 사회적 역량을 발달시킨다. 유아들은 규칙도, 방법도, 시간도 정해진 것이 없는 자유로운 시공간인 숲에서 자신들이 가지고 있는 사회적 역량을 실험해보며 사회적 역량을 발달시킨다. 또한 유아들은 ‘만남’과 ‘함께 함’을 반복하면서 숲에서 발생하는 문제들을 함께 해결해 나갔고 이 과정에서 이들의 사회적 능력은 개인적으로 발달하는 것이 아니라 상호작용하는 가운데 함께 발달해나갔다. 이러한 연구결과는 숲유치원 교육이 유아의 사회적역량 발달에 긍정적인 역할을 하고 있음을 보여준다.

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      • KCI등재

        Out-of-Vocabulary 단어에 강건한 병렬 Tri-LSTM 문장 임베딩을 이용한 감정분석

        이현영(Hyun Young Lee),강승식(Seung Shik Kang) 한국스마트미디어학회 2021 스마트미디어저널 Vol.10 No.1

        word2vec 등 기존의 단어 임베딩 기법은 원시 말뭉치에 출현한 단어들만을 대상으로 각 단어를 다차원 실수 벡터 공간에 고정된 길이의 벡터로 표현하기 때문에 형태론적으로 풍부한 표현체계를 가진 언어에 대한 단어 임베딩 기법에서는 말뭉치에 출현하지 않은 단어들에 대한 단어 벡터를 표현할 때 OOV(out-of-vocabulary) 문제가 빈번하게 발생한다. 문장을 구성하는 단어 벡터들로부터 문장 벡터를 구성하는 문장 임베딩의 경우에도 OOV 단어가 포함되었을 때 문장 벡터를 정교하게 구성하지 못하는 문제점이 있다. 특히, 교착어인 한국어는 어휘형태소와 문법형태소가 결합되는 형태론적 특성 때문에 미등록어의 임베딩 기법은 성능 향상의 중요한 요인이다. 본 연구에서는 단어의 형태학적인 정보를 이용하는 방식을 문장 수준으로 확장하고 OOV 단어 문제에 강건한 병렬 Tri-LSTM 문장 임베딩을 제안한다. 한국어 감정 분석 말뭉치에 대해 성능 평가를 수행한 결과 한국어 문장 임베딩을 위한 임베딩 단위는 형태소 단위보다 문자 단위가 우수한 성능을 보였으며, 병렬 양방향 Tri-LSTM 문장 인코더는 86.17%의 감정 분석 정확도를 달성하였다. The exiting word embedding methodology such as word2vec represents words, which only occur in the raw training corpus, as a fixed-length vector into a continuous vector space, so when mapping the words incorporated in the raw training corpus into a fixed-length vector in morphologically rich language, out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem often happens. Even for sentence embedding, when representing the meaning of a sentence as a fixed-length vector by synthesizing word vectors constituting a sentence, OOV words make it challenging to meaningfully represent a sentence into a fixed-length vector. In particular, since the agglutinative language, the Korean has a morphological characteristic to integrate lexical morpheme and grammatical morpheme, handling OOV words is an important factor in improving performance. In this paper, we propose parallel Tri-LSTM sentence embedding that is robust to the OOV problem by extending utilizing the morphological information of words into sentence-level. As a result of the sentiment analysis task with corpus in Korean, we empirically found that the character unit is better than the morpheme unit as an embedding unit for Korean sentence embedding. We achieved 86.17% accuracy on the sentiment analysis task with the parallel bidirectional Tri-LSTM sentence encoder.

      • KCI등재

        작업용 고무장갑내 속장갑의 종류에 따른 착용감각

        이현영(Hyun-Young Lee) 한국생활환경학회 2003 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        Rubber glove often induces uncomfortable wear sensation due to its impermeability. To enhance the wear comfort while wearing rubber glove, inner glove is often used. In this paper, the effect of the type of inner gloves on the wear comfort was investigated to find out the appropriate wearing method for workers performing light work. Three wearing methods, i.e., wearing rubber glove only, nylon lace and cotton inner glove inside of rubber gloves were tested at two different environmental conditions. Twenty-one subjects participated in the wearing test with repeated measurement. The results were analyzed by Friedman test with rank scale. It was found that wearing inner glove significantly improved comfortable sensation of hand. Nylon inner glove was as good as cotton inner glove as long as lower hygroscopicity of nylon was compensated by low skin contact area and decreased thickness/weight.

      • KCI등재

        여자 청소년을 위한 패션 스타일링 프로그램 개발

        이현영 ( Hyun Young Lee ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2015 패션 비즈니스 Vol.19 No.2

        With an increasing number of at-risk adolescents, the environmental and personal risk factors that have been building up inside them as a result of not feeling protected at school or at home are manifested externally as anxiety, depression, rage, complexes, lethargy, violence, and alienation. This study intends to help at-risk adolescents to discover what they are good at, nurture their dreams, and help them to develop themselves through various culture and arts experience programs so that they can have better self-esteem through the wholesome understanding of themselves. The objective of this study, in paticular, is to help young girls who are interested in the physical appearance to develop higher self-esteem through self-management and creative programs for related to fashion, beauty, culture, and the arts. A questionnaire survey on the appearance management behavior, the recognition of image, and the request for participation in a fashion styling program. It was prepared based on the appearance management behaviors during the adolescence, body image, and lifestyle analyzed with past studies. The characteristics of appearance management during adolescence were examined. An the appearance management program was developed that centered on yhe major variables, and a fashion and appearance management activity program was developed that centered on the appearance management techniques preferred by young girls based on the result of analysis.

      • KCI등재

        리듬운동의 심리치료적 접근: 신체심리치료에 근거한 탐색

        이현영 ( Hyun Young Lee ),김은혜 ( Eun Hae Kim ) 한국리듬운동학회 2014 한국리듬운동학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This study has reviewed of theoretical background, method, trends and the possibility of Psychotherapy approaches of rhythmic exercise. This article showed significant way for Psychotherapy approaches of rhythmic exercise based on body psychotherapy. First, There is a need to includes the area of Rhythmic exercise psychotherapy approach is based on therapy of expressive movement and training methods of the body psychotherapy. Second, there is a need to be learned the psychological techniques and knowledge of counseling and therapy. This study has provided the base of study that may be useful for future researchers in Psychology of rhythmic exercise.

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