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      • KCI등재

        대전시 노인복지회관 시설공간개선 연구

        이해욱,이정수,송용호,Lee, Hae-Wook,Lee, Jeong-Soo,Song, Yong-Ho 한국주거학회 2006 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.5

        Being rapidly increased in population of the elderly, the welfare of the elderly is no longer family's and personal problems. It is a social issue that have to be solved by the community and the government. Daejeon city government faces the same social issue and should release the solution to the community in the near future. Based on the new trend of deinstitutionalization and community care for the elderly who live in normal home rather than for those in protection systems, the solution could be released to the elderly. This paper is assessed as the first stage research of normalization of the old people's living. By the comparition analysis of the existing Senior Welfare Center in Daejeon city and Japan, the facility space improvement method was considered. And through the above investigation and comparition analysis, the method that extend and improve the welfare facility space of Senior Welfare Center is proposed.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 분류사전 편찬기술방법 연구 - 독일 Bonn 대학교 한국어 번역학과 한독/독한 사전 편찬사업을 중심으로

        이해욱,Lee Hae-Wook 한국독어학회 2001 독어학 Vol.4 No.-

        Die $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$ spielen beim Erwerb einer Sprache eine wesentliche Rolle. Es gibt inzwischen mehrere Deutsch-Koreanische $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$. Die Lage $f\"{u}r$ die Koreanisch-Deutschen $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$ ist aber verbesserungs- $bed\"{u}rftig$. Stellvertretend $f\"{u}r$ das Koreanisch/Deutsche $W\"{o}rterbuch$ steht das 1981 von der Koreanischen Gesellschaft $f\"{u}r$ Germanistik nach $zehnj\"{a}hriger$ Arbeit fertiggestellte Essence Koreanisch-Deutsche $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ (Minjung seorim 1982). Dieses $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ weist aber einige Nachteilen auf. Es fehlen jegliche Angaben zum Korpus. Man $st\"{o}{\ss}t$ beispielsweise oft auf selten gebrauchte $W\"{o}rter$, die Grundbedeutungen sind nicht erkennbar, die Erklarungen sind ungenau, manchmal sogar $irref\"{u}hrend\;und\;schlie{\ss}lich$ mitunter stilistisch falsch. Diese negativen Punkte wirken sich $ung\"{u}nstig$ auf den gesamten Lemprozess bis hin zur Lemmotivation aus. Aus diesen Gegebenheiten $erw\"{a}chst$ die Notwendigkeit der Erstellung eines neuen $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$s, das auf die Situation von Sprachlemem abgestimmt ist, die zur Benutzung einsprachiger $W\"{o}rterbticher$ noch nicht imstande sind. Zweck des $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}chs$ ist der Einsatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht, woraus sich ein zweisprachiges $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ ergibt. Als Benutzerkreis werden insbesondere $Sprachlemanf\"{a}nger$ des Koreanischen und Deutschen ins Auge gefasst. Ihnen soll ein Nachschlagewerk an die Hand gegeben werden, das den koreanischen und deutschen Wortschatz anhand einer Systematik und eines alphabetischen Indexes der jeweiligen Sprache $erschlie{\ss}t$. Ais Zahl der Lemmata wird $f\"{u}r$ jede Sprache ca. 10,000 festgelegt. Ein Grundwortschatz, der die 3000 $h\"{a}ufigsten\;W\"{o}rter$ umfasst wird extra markiert. $Dar\"{u}ber$ hinaus bietet das $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ den darauf aufbauende Wortschatz von weiteren 7000 $W\"{o}rtern$. Die Teamarbeit der beiden Gruppen von Muttersprachlern steht in allen Arbeitsschritten im Vordergrund. Der damit verbundene Zweck ist die Erzielung der maximalen Genauigkeit der $Lemmaerkl\"{a}rungen$. Da dieses $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ ein $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ nach Sachgruppen ist, die Erstellung einer Systematik von $gro{\ss}er$ Bedeutung. $F\"{u}r$ das vorliegende Projekt gait daher eine Systematik zu finden, die nicht nur leicht nachvollziehbar, also praktikabel ist, sondern insbesondere von Benutzern aus zwei Kulturkreisen akzeptiert werden kann. Als $grunds\"{a}tzliche$, allerdings nicht in allen Bereichen $gleicherma{\ss}en$ anwendbare Ordnungsprinzipien gelten: Vom Oberbegriff zum Unterbegriff, vom allgemein zum speziell, vom Einfach zum Komplexen, von $au{\ss}en$ nach innen, Darin spiegelt sich das Prinzip der 'notwendigen Bedingung' wider.

      • 익명(匿名)의 죽음을 위한 추모 공원 계획안에 관한 연구-도시 보이드의 파편으로서 도시 주변부에 대한 이론적 탐구를 바탕으로-

        이해욱(Lee. Hae-Wook),구영민(Koo. Young-Min) 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1

        The study focuses on marginal space, so called 'hiatus', in the contemporary city, which has been neglected either by the rapid changes in topology of the metropolis Seoul or by the trait contradiction between progressive urbanism and regressive toward nostalgic historicism. Therefore, this urban hiatus stands on a line of demarcation that sustains the dialectic relationship made by the collision between indigenous culture and universal civilization in the contemporary society. And it contains the hybrid situation that mediates conflict and divergence between the two realms. This study intends to elucidates to the urban phenomena seen through hiatuses, to stratify the city time by means of non-hierarchical hybrid layers, and to embody an estranged site located at the edge of the city in architectural program in which hybrid culture, diverse political and historical interpretation, and ideological conflict are coexisting.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        논문 : 도시아파트 실태평가를 통한 CPTED 개념의 필로티공간 환경개선방안 연구 -대전광역시 나홀로 아파트를 중심으로-

        이해욱 ( Hae Wook Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2013 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        (연구배경 및 목적)범죄예방환경설계 개념인 CPTED를 기반으로 범죄예방에 취약한 나홀로 아파트 필로티 공간의 범죄환경 개선방안을 제안하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. (연구방법)첫째, 선행연구를 중심으로 한 이론적 고찰과 현장 기초조사를 통하여 조사분석 및 평가의 틀을 설정하고 둘째, 현장 상세조사를 통하여 사례연구 대상을 조사분석한 뒤 셋째, 이를 바탕으로 나홀로아파트 필로티환경 개선방안을 제안한다. (결과)본 연구에서 나홀로 아파트 필로티 범죄예방환경을 CPTED 요소인 자연적인 감시, 접근의 통제와 영역성의 강화 등 3개 부문에 대하여 개선방안을 제안하였다. 그동안 아파트 CPTED 연구가 대부분 전체적인 계획의 측면에서 연구되었다면 본 연구는 이를 나홀로 아파트의 필로티에 한정하여 범죄예방환경의 평가기준을 설정분석하였다는데 의의가 있다. 나홀로 아파트는 도시 서민들의 주된 주거환경이다. 이 논문을 통하여 서민들의 보다 나은 삶을 위하여 나홀로 아파트의 주거환경이 개선되기를 기대한다. (Background and Purpose)This study aims to propose a method to improve the crime prevention environment of pilotis` space of stand-alone apartment housing based on the concept of crime prevention through environmental design(CPTED). (Method)To achieve this aim, first; a framework of analytic evaluation was produced through theoretical review and pre-investigation of several apartment housing with pilotis` space in Daejeon city. Second; the crime prevention environment of several cases was analyzed through specific field investigation for the investigated objects by a framework of analytic evaluation. Third; an improvement method for pilotis` environment was proposed. (Result)This study concludes that three CPTED concepts are key when considering the improvement of a pilotis environment; stranger surveillance, approach control, and strength of territoriality. Recently stand-alone apartment housing is the popular living environment for low-income urban residents in Korea. I hope this paper can improve the stand-alone apartment housing environment and thus urban people`s lives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 건축물 생애주기 관리를 통해서 본 현대적 장소의 가치

        이해욱(Lee Hae-Wook),구영민(Koo Young-Min) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.28 No.1(계획계)

        The main subject of the study is a reconsideration on the value of place in its representational standpoint along with the change of society. Assuming that today's users of place are considered to be consumers in the building industry and that the spatial perception conceived by the consumers is to be transformed into market value, the study will investigate the new value of place in the communities formed in the micro-cyber cosmos within the realm of such systematic engineering and technology as Building Information Modeling System and Building Life Cycle Management. Therefore, the study attempts to examine the relationship between a rapidly mutated society and the change in the consumers' perceiving place, to investigate the possibility to employ the theory of Building Marketing for creating a new value of place, and to explore the ways of applying visual marketing based on BIM(Building Information Modeling)systems, The ultimate purpose of the study is to seek for the way of creating architectural space responding to the ever-changing environment and sense of place throughout the Building life Cycle.

      • KCI등재

        노인여가복지 시설공급체계 개선에 관한 연구

        이해욱(Lee Hae Wook) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.33 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  Based on the new trend of deinstitutionalization and community care for the elderly who live in normal dwelling environment rather than for those in protection systems, the solution could be released to the elderly. This paper is assessed as the architectural solution of normalization of the old people"s living. For that solution. it is needed to study the facilities" supply system.<BR>  The subject of this study is to propose the improvement method of facilities" supply system for the elderly leisure and welfare facilities.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  The First: Through the former research reviews, the direction and the flow of study were set up and selected the list of theory for reviewing.<BR>  The Second; In order to conclude the frame of analysis for existing welfare facilities. Through the theory review the standard model of facilities! supply system and the frame of analysis were obtained.<BR>  The Third: Based on the frame of analysis from the reviewing theories, the elderly leisure & welfare facilities" supply system were analysed. The existing problems and the improvement direction was abstracted by this analysis.<BR>  The Forth; Through the all above processes of study, proposed the improvement method of the elderly leisure & welfare facilities supply system.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  The First, By the investigation of the existing the elderly leisure & welfare facilities, the problem was recognized that the supply balance of facilities was broken. Regarding the rebalancing of the supply of facilities the separation of the elderly living area for making the system of supply is necessary as the first step.<BR>  The Second: The low and regulation have to be revised for the above systematic facilities supply. The facilities of education and day care would belong to the multi-purpose senior welfare center and the senior center -as a welfare service program unit by the revision of law.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  On this paper is defined the three living area for the elderly and proposed the standard model of each areas as the table 1.<BR>  〈이미지 참조〉<BR>  Comparing the standard model and the existing facilities, the Daejeon city government will control the supply of facilities for the balanced that. And for the middle area - the community living area - new facilities are needed because there is no existing facility to cover the middle area. So I propose the community care service center as a name of that facility to cover the community living area.

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