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지각된 메시지 효과성은 실제 메시지 효과를 얼마나 반영하는가? 설득 캠페인 메시지의 지각된 효과와 실제 효과
이병현(Byeong-Hyeon Lee),정성은(Sungeun Chung) 한국언론학회 2020 한국언론학보 Vol.64 No.6
To predict the effectiveness of persuasive campaign messages in advance, campaign practitioners utilize perceived message effectiveness (PME). However, it has been debated whether actual message effect (AME) can be predicted with PME. Based on correlational data, some researchers argued that PME is a causal antecedent of AME and can be used in place of AME in formative campaign research. O’Keefe criticized the use of correlations to test the diagnosticity of PME and proposed a new method, comparing the direction of difference in PME and that of AME for message pairs. In a meta-analysis, O’Keefe found that the direction of difference between PME and AME were matched in only 58% of message pairs. To resolve this debate, we critically examined existing testing methods and improved those methods to more rigorously test the PME-AME relationship. Also, applying the method used in the study of perceived polling effect on individuals’ attitudes, we suggested to directly compare PME with AME to find the proportion that PME reflects AME. We also classified various types of PME measures into perceived argument quality, estimated message impact on self (or others), and perceived change in attitude of oneself (or others) due to message exposure. We conducted a two-wave panel survey and measured perceived and actual effect of four campaign messages that were created by public agencies to promote the safety of nuclear power plants in South Korea (N = 475). Initial attitudes of respondents were measured in the first survey, and a week later, four messages were randomly presented to different groups, then various measures of PME and AME were measured. We found that both across-message and message-specific PME-AME correlations was positive and relatively high. With a modified method of O’Keefe the direction of the difference in PME matched with that of AME in all message paires (30/30) showing high level of diagnosticity. Respondents with negative initial attitudes underestimated the message effect, reporting their attitude change due to message exposure as 43.2% of the actual attitude change. Those with neutral attitudes reported their attitude change as 76.3% of the actual attitude change. These results suggest that while PME can be used for campaign message design, practitioners need to be aware of the systematic bias it contains.
안면근육 표면근전도 신호기반 특징 및 근육 선별을 통한 단모음인식
이병현(Byeong-Hyeon Lee),류재환(Jaehwan Ryu),이미란(Miran Lee),김상호(Sangho Kim),Md Zia Uddin,김덕환(Deok-Hwan Kim) 대한전자공학회 2015 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.6
In this paper, we propose monophthong recognition method using feature and muscle selection based on facial surface EMG signals. We observed that EMG signal patterns may vary according to Korean monophthong pronunciation. The proposed method can recognize Korean monophthong and improve recognition accuracy by selecting muscle and feature rather than by using all of them. Experimental results show that the recognition accuracy of the proposed method using best muscle and best, second features set is better than that using all of muscles and features. The improved average accuracies are 29.13% in kNN, 34.52% in LDA.
초지 및 조사료 : 이탈리안 라이그래스의 형질전환에 미치는 몇 가지 요인의 영향
이상훈 ( Lee Sang Hun ),우현숙 ( U Hyeon Sug ),이병현 ( Lee Byeong Hyeon ) 한국축산학회 2004 한국축산학회지 Vol.46 No.2
A system for the production of transgenic plants has been developed for Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum Lam) via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of embryogenic callus. Mature seed-derived calli were infected and co-cultured with Agrobacterium EHA101 carrying standard binary vector pIG121Hm encoding the hygromycin phosphotransferase(HPT), neomycin phosphotransferase Ⅱ (NPTⅡ) and intron-containing β-glucuronidase(intron-GUS) genes in the T-DNA region. The effects of several factors on transformation and the expression of the GUS gene were investigated. Inclusion of 200㎛ acetosyringone(AS) in inoculation and co-cultivation media lead to a significant increase in stable transformation efficiency. Increasing Agrobacterium cell density up to 1.0 in OD_(600) during infection increased transformation efficiency of embryogenic calli. The highest transformation efficiency was obtained when embryogenic calli were incoulated with Agrobacterium in the presence of 0.1% Tween20 and 200㎛ AS. Hygromycin resistant calli were developed into complete plants via somatic embryogenesis. GUS histochemical assay and PCR analysis of transgenic plants demonstrated that transgenes were integrated into the genome of Italian ryegrass.
초지 및 조사료 : 배지첨가물질이 이탈리안 라이그래스의 종자유래 캘러스 배양에 미치는 영향
우현숙 ( U Hyeon Sug ),이병현 ( Lee Byeong Hyeon ) 한국축산학회 2004 한국축산학회지 Vol.46 No.2
In an effort to optimize tissue culture responses of Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum Lam.) for future genetic manipulations to improve forage characteristics, the effects of culture medium supplements on tissue culture responses were investigated with mature seeds of three cultivars, `Jeanne`, `Florida-80` and `Metro`, as explant tissues. For all explants, MS medium containing 5㎎/L 2,4-D was optimal for embryogenic callus induction from mature seed and had a strong effect on successive plant regeneration. The optimal concentration of dicamba for the induction of embryogenic callus from mature seeds was 7㎎/L. The highest plant regeneration frequency was observed when embryogenic callus was transferred to N6 medium supplemented with 1㎎/L 2,4-D and 5㎎/L BA. Plant regeneration frequency of callus cultured in the dark was higher than that of cultured in the light. Casein Hydrolysate and L-proline improved both in empryogenic callus induction from mature seeds and plant regeneration. High-frequency regeneration system established in this study will be useful for molecular breeding of Italian ryegrass through genetic transformation.
저사이클 피로수명에 영향을 미치는 구상흑연주철의 흑연입자수의 영향
김민건(Kim Min Gun),이병현(Lee Byeong Hyeon),유병호(Yoo Byung Ho) 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究 Vol.20 No.1
Low cycle fatigue life of spheroidal graphite cast iron is determined by the morphological parameters of internal graphite. The aim of this study is to clarify the effect of the number of nodular grain of spheroidal graphite cast iron on low cycle fatigue life. Two specimens that have identical average nodular grain size by changing nodular grain volume fraction and different number of nodular grain count was tested. In this paper, the parameter governing fatigue life through fatigue test, the number of nodular grain seriously affect fatigue life and nodular grain size is no longer governing parameter of it.