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      • 재난발생 이력을 기반으로 한 재난관리체계 고도화 방안

        이미란(Miran Lee),최우정(Woojung Choi),김민석(Minseok Kim) 한국정보과학회 2012 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.39 No.1B

        효율적인 재난관리를 위해서는 재난발생시 신속하고 적절한 대응 및 과학적 원인분석을 통한 재발방지, 재난관리에 소요되는 비용을 최소화하기 위한 노력 등이 필요하다. 재난관리단계별로 분석기반의 선제적 예방, 재난 대비능력 강화, 대응기술의 개발 등을 통해 과학적 재난 원인규명이 가능하고 재해복구에 드는 비용을 줄일 수 있다. 이미 해외 주요 국가들은 융합기술 기반의 선제적 재난 예측·대응 기술 개발과 재난관리비용 절감을 위한 재난관리전략을 수립하여 추진 중에 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 과거 재난발생 이력을 기반으로 재난관리단계별 조사항목 및 업무절차를 체계화하고 최신과학기술을 적용하여 정보수집 및 재난원인분석을 지원하는 재난관리체계의 고도화 방안을 제안하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        영천 청제비 병진명으로 본 신라 중고기 塢의 축조와 그 운영

        이미란 ( Lee Miran ) 동국대학교 신라문화연구소 2024 신라문화 Vol.64 No.-

        Based on the Oh (塢: reservoir) in the < Yeongcheoncheongjebi (永川 菁堤碑) > Byeongjin-myeong (丙辰銘), this study analyzed the planning and construction organization of the Oh and examines the background of the Oh's construction. The size of the Oh described in the inscription suggests that the construction of the < Byungjinmyeong > Oh was planned as a basic construction administration in the middle ages, as the result of the workload of the earthwork structure was the number of workers. Based on the fact that it was built as part of the enforcement of King Beopheung (法興王)'s decree and the fact that the construction organization of < Byungjin-myeong > was dominated by the royal family, t confirms the existing view that the royal family had an interest in the developed land. The area where Oh was built was probably under the jurisdiction of the Silla Army because it was a land transportation route leading to Gyeongju (慶州) - Ahwa (阿火) - Bukangok (北安谷) and the outside world through the Kumho River (琴湖江). Local Power Elite in Jungsachon (衆祀村) mobilized workers, so they would have managed and cultivated Oh.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고대 동아시아 공역에서의 ‘공(功)’과 대구무술오작비

        이미란 ( Lee Miran ) 대구사학회 2016 대구사학 Vol.124 No.-

        This thesis analyzes the procedure of construction labor(工役) and the principal subject of the Daegu Musul Ojakbi(大邱戊戌銘塢作碑: monument), based on the concept of “effort(功)” and “gongbu(功夫)” of construction labor in ancient East Asia, as a lead. The word “gongbu” found in the Ojakbi in Daegu City originates from the concept of “effort” and was also used in the 7th-century Japan. In construction labor of ancient East Asia, it was a concept of calculating quantity of labor when the government planned and prepared public labor for construction. Based on the understanding of “gongbu,” this study was able to deduce the fact the scale of the construction suggested in the Ojakbi, the number of laborers and the duration of the construction were calculated using “gongbu” as well as the planning and preparation process of the Ojak(塢作) construction labor. By announcing such data, this study proves that the Ojak was processed as a public labor implemented through official and rational procedures by the central government. Also, through the “gongbu” of the Ojakbi, this study glimpsed into distinctive features of the Silla Dynasty society in the late 6th century. By examining the method which “gongbu” of Ojakbi suggested, this study examines the common method of reaction and preparation used against the opposition power that went against the construction labor. In addition, regarding the issue of why the chief commander of the public construction was not a provincial official but a high-ranking monk, this thesis deduces, by applying various opinions proposed thus far, the possibility of him being a “Nogeup (local taxation officer)” of the Doyuna(都維那) position in the Buddhist order. (Pukyong National University / eudaimonia1113@gmail.com)

      • KCI등재

        소셜네트워킹서비스와 업무성과와의 관계 연구 : 트랜스엑티브 메모리역량의 매개효과와 사용시간의 조절효과를 중심으로

        이미란 ( Miran Lee ),김용원 ( Yongwon Kim ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2016 인터넷정보학회논문지 Vol.17 No.1

        인터넷 기술이 발전하면서 SNS도 발전하고 있지만 SNS에 대한 연구는 개인적 특성에 관한 연구가 대부분으로 재미와 오락을 위해 SNS를 이용하고 업무에는 유용하지 않다고 판단하고 있다. 하지만 SNS가 업무 영역까지 긍정적인 효과가 파급되지 않는다면 SNS의 발전은 한계에 다다를 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존 연구와는 달리 업무적 관점에서 SNS가 성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 독립변수로 SNS몰입, 매개변수로 트랜스엑티브메모리역량, 조절변수로 SNS사용시간, 그리고 종속변수로 업무성과를 사용하여 연구를 진행하였다. 분석 결과 SNS몰입은 트랜스엑티브메모리역량과 업무성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 트랜스엑티브메모리역량도 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또 SNS몰입이 트랜스엑티브메모리 역량에 영향을 미칠 때 SNS사용시간이 긍정적으로 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 관행적으로 SNS를 오랜 시간 이용하는 것이 업무와 무관하거나 방해된다는 의견과는 달리 성과에 긍정적인 효과가 있음을 실증한 것이다. 이러한 결과는 선행연구와는 다른 결과이며 선행연구들은 SNS가 성과와 관련이 없다고 주장한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 선행연구가 고려하지 못한 매개변수가 있을 것이라 추정하고 새로운 기억방식인 트랜스엑티브메모리역량이 실제로 SNS와 성과간의 관계를 완전히 매개하고 있음을 실증했다. As Internet technology further develops, a social networking service (SNS) also develops. But most studies on SNS are not appropriate for business purposes since they mainly focus on personal characteristics. Unlike previous studies, however, this study tries to understand the effect of SNS on performance in the perspective of business. As the result of analysis, SNSE(Social Networking Service Engagement) appears to have positive effect on TMC(Transactive Memory Capability) and PER(Performance), and TMC also seems to affect PER. On the assumption that there should be some parameters between SNSE and PER that earlier studies did not consider, this study has proved that a new way of memories, or TMC, forms the bridge between SNS and PER. It also found out that the time spent on SNS is positively controlled when SNSE affects TMC. These results are different from those of the previous studies arguing that SNS has nothing to do with PER.

      • KCI등재

        이인칭 소설의 창작유형 연구

        이미란(Lee Miran) 한국언어문학회 2009 한국언어문학 Vol.71 No.-

        Second-person fiction is a narrative in which the protagonist, or main character called 'you', is the object of the narrative. The purpose of this study is to classify creative writing types of Korean second person fiction. This study classifies second person fiction into four groups through analysis focusig on the 'you' identity and narrator positions. The first is a type of 'The disguised I and Auto-diegetic narrator'. It is the case in which narrator tells his story, calling himself 'you' in the story. The second is a type of the 'Protagonist-you and Peripheral narrator', in which narrator tells what he knows, or sees about 'you' in the story. The third is a type of the 'Protagonist-you and Extradiegetic narrator', in which the narrator tells about 'you' as a focal character, or what they obserbe the 'protagonist-you' outside the story. The fourth is a type of the 'Addressed reader-you and Metafictional narrator', in which the narrator, as implied writer, composes the narrative by inviting readers into the story. Second person fiction has a unique effect using the influence of second person pronouns. It affects how the reader feels about the narative and charges them to take personal responsibility. This is especially true, when using the present tense, The reader becomes absorbed in the 'you' feeling and entices them into a vivid active scene, which is as real as if it were taking place before their very eyes. The function of the second pronoun or second person point of view, highlights the multitudinous choices available to the narrator. However, this analysis is in no way complete, and needs futher careful analysis and further discussion.

      • 웹 페이지 분석을 위한 Web - Picker 설계 및 구현

        이미란(Miran Lee),조동섭(Dong-Sub Cho) 한국정보과학회 2003 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.30 No.1B

        1990년대 중반에 일어나기 시작한 인터넷 열풍은 웹을 통한 인터넷의 확산으로, 웹 기반 서비스의 발전을 가져왔다. 현재 대부분의 인터넷 서비스는 HTTP를 사용한 일정한 형식의 웹 페이지로, 사용자가 최종적으로 받아보게 되는 형식은 HTML의 태그로써 나타내어진다. 어떠한 태그를 어떻게 사용하였느냐에 따라 그 웹 페이지는 사용자가 사용하기 편리할 수도 있고, 사용하는데 불편할 수도 있다. 따라서 웹사이트의 개발자는 사용자가 편리함과 친숙성을 느낄 수 있도록 웹사이트를 개발해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 이를 해결하기 위해 웹 페이지 분석을 위한 Web-Picker를 제안하고자 한다. Web-Picker를 이용하면 사용자들이 자주 방문하는 웹 페이지의 태그를 분석할 수 있고, 이렇게 분석한 정보를 통해 새로운 웹사이트를 개발하는 개발자들은 사용자가 친숙성과 편리함을 느낄 수 있도록 웹사이트를 개발 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        창작 소설의 평가 기준 연구 -시점 활용을 중심으로-

        이미란 ( Lee Miran ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2009 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.42 No.-

        This paper aims at providing a framework for evaluating point of view from the standpoint of creative writing theory, and at analysing works using this framework. Reading works by a critical method based on creative writing theory is a reading including both synthetic reading as a reader and analytic reading as a writer. The synthetic evaluating standard is ‘Unity.' And the analytic evaluating standards are ‘preciseness', ‘congruty' and ‘affinity'. In terms of unity, ‘Is the story told interestingly?' and ‘Is the theme well exposed?' must be investigated. The analaytic evaluating elements of the former can be ‘Is there one point of view at one scene?', 'Are the voices of different narrators or POV characters distinctive?' (preciseness), 'Is there anything described by either the narrator or POV character that can't been seen or felt?', 'Does the voice go well with the narrator or POV character?'(congruity), ' Has the voice of narrator or POV character individuality?’, ' Doesn't the I-narrator focus too much on himself?', 'Is there any unnatural author intrusion in the third person?‘(affinity). The analytic evaluating elements of the latter can be ‘Was the story well told?’, 'Have the perspectives of different narrators or POV characters quite differentiated?’(precision), 'Is the attitude of the narrator or POV character clearly displayed?'(congruity), 'Are the thinking and feelings of the narrator or POV character naturally changed?'(affinity). With the framework above, the point of view in “Hwajang(Cremation/Makeup) written by Kim Hun is analysed. This story is interestingly told in a I-narrator viewpoint with two different voices: 'I in reality' describing his wife's body calmly and objectively, and 'I in dreaming' describing a young lady's body introspectively, deliberately and emotionally. Representing the vanishing body, the former voice stares at 'impossibility of life'. And the latter's voice is eager to 'calling name', showing the yearning and hunger and thirst for vitality. These two voices are paralleled in a counterpoint structure, and synthesized in a introspective style at the climax of the story, revealing effectively the theme 'impossibility of life and unreachable name calling.' This study can be useful for fiction writing lessons. For student-writers it can be a standard for evaluating and revising their own writing. Furthermore this study may be a step toward developing fiction writing theories.

      • KCI등재

        창작론적 비평 방법의 연구 - 성격화를 중심으로 -

        이미란(Lee Miran) 한국언어문학회 2005 한국언어문학 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper aims at providing a frame for evaluating characterization from the standard of creative writing theories, and at analysing works by the frame. Reading works by a criticism based on creative writing theory is an act of reading including both synthetic reading as a reader and analytic reading as a writer. The synthetical evaluating standard is ‘Unity.’ And the analytic evaluating standards are ‘Preciseness’, ‘Congruity’ and ‘Affinity’. In terms of unity, ‘Is the character precisely characterized?’ and ‘Is the meaningful development achieved through the character?’ must be investigated. The analytic evaluating elements of the former question can be ‘Is the character revealed through specific details?’ and ‘Is his inner value revealed through the character’s outward attitudes?’(Preciseness), ‘Is the plot developed with the logical steps for achieving the character’s desire?’ and ‘Is the character differentiated through dialogs?’(Congruity), ‘Is the character having the humanistic strong point?’ and ‘Are the character’s feelings fully displayed?’(Affinity). The analytic evaluating elements of the latter can be ‘Are the character’s actions having obvious motivations?’ and ‘Are the characters’ influential relations clear?’(Preciseness), ‘Are the backgrounds offering the information about the character’s motives and actions?’(Congruity), ‘Are the character’s changes natural?’ and ‘Are there any stereotyped characters?’, ‘Are the characters sympathetic?’(Affinity). As a result of reading <Sleeping With Books> and <Books of Butchery> written by Lee Seungwoo with those standards, the characters of <Sleeping With Books> are proved as those whom readers can understand well, with affinitive personification and sympathetic characterization. But those of <Books of Butchery> are difficult to understand with not affinitive personification and unsympathetic characterization. This study can be useful to creative writing theory lessons. For learning-writers it can give a standard for evaluating and revising his own writing. Futhermore this study can be a step to a new criticism based on creative writing theories.

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