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        중소병원 대상 다제내성균 감염관리 시뮬레이션 프로그램 개발 및 적용

        이미향,김재연,Lee, Mi Hyang,Kim, Jae Yeun 한국디지털정책학회 2021 디지털융복합연구 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 중소병원 간호사를 대상으로 다제내성균 감염관리 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 개발하고 개발된 다제내성균 감염관리 시뮬레이션 교육 프로그램의 효과를 평가하기 위해 시도되었다. 본 연구는 중소병원에 근무하는 간호사 33명을 대상으로 시행한 단일군 전·후 실험설계연구이다. 수집된 자료는 IBM SPSS 21.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였으며 대상자의 일반적 특성, 다제내성균 감염관리 지식과 수행도는 기술통계 분석하였고 프로그램 적용 전후 지식과 수행도의 차이는 paired t-test로 분석하였다. 연구결과 시뮬레이션 프로그램 적용 후 간호사의 다제내성균 감염관리 지식(t=-10.764, p<.001)과 감염관리 수행도(t=-4.215, p<.001)가 통계적으로 유의하게 높아졌다. 의료기관 내 다제내성균 전파 차단 및 유행발생을 예방하기 위해 간호사의 감염관리 지식과 수행도 향상이 중요하므로 향후 다양한 시뮬레이션 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. This study was an attempt to develop a multidrug resistant organisms infection control simulation program for nurses at small and medium sized hospitals and to evaluate the effectiveness of said simulation program. This is a single-group, pre-post experimental design study conducted on 33 nurses working at small and medium sized hospitals. Data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS 21.0 program, along with the use of descriptive statistics and paired t-test. Regarding the results of the study, multdrug resistant organisms infecion control knowledge(t=-10.764, p<.001)and performance levels(t=-4.215, p<.001) of the nurses displayed statistically significant increases following application of the simulation program. There is a need for the development of more diversified simulation programs in the future since the improvement in the infection control knowledge and performance levels of nurses is important to block the spread of multidrug resistant organisms and prevent infection outbreak thereof with medical institutions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 사회언어적 쓰기 지식 활용 양상 연구

        이미향(Lee, Mi-hyang),권영선(Kwon, Yeong-seon) 국어교육학회 2017 국어교육연구 Vol.63 No.-

        This study observed the state of the use of social linguistics in the Korean writing of female marital immigrants. There are several kinds of writing knowledges and can include the knowledge of ‘linguistics’, ‘content’, ‘text context’, and ‘social linguistics’. Among these, the knowledge of ‘linguistics’ and ‘social linguistics’ are attained through L2 study. This is because lots of values were dispersed away from an average score, and the scores were presented in an irregular distribution. Therefore, we emphasize the need to intensively teach ‘social linguistics’ to L2 learners. In L2 writing, it is easy to emphasize the areas of ‘linguistics’ and ‘content’ knowledge, however, socio-culturally appropriate knowledge should be emphasized to female marital immigrants. Authors who highly regard the cultural context of Korean society, propose their opinions indirectly and circuitously. They attempt to develop a relationship with the readers through idiomatic greetings and often utilized questions, subjunctives, and hopeful expressions. Social communication comes from one’s awareness of their role as a participant as well as the formation of personal relationships. Therefore in order to increase the social communication ability of female marital immigrants, it is imperative to teach them to consider the reader’s position when selecting forms and expressions of writing.

      • KCI등재

        국어학: 청자의 듣기 과정에서 본 한국어 듣기 교수-학습 연구

        이미향 ( Mi Hyang Lee ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2011 어문론총 Vol.55 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the characteristic of listening and the Korean listening education which depends on it. The goal of language education should be started with the characteristic of language-function. Therefore, it is necessary to search the teaching contents, methods, and materials of Korean listening education from listening characteristics. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, I have investigated the definition and characteristic of listening for the corrected listening education. It can be belived that the characteristics of listening are comprehension-action, listener-oriented, colloquialism, interaction, and processing. These were extracted from purpose, main agent, material, method, view-point. Second, I set up the goals of listening eduction depended on the characteristic of listening. (a) A material of listening teaching should show the activity of listener. (b) A teaching content should be orgnized in a discourse and a teaching method is made to interaction. Especially, the listener under communication is prominently reflected in the listening teaching-learning. The processing of listening is necessarily derived from a comprehension and a interaction. Third, I invesitigated the role of listener in the Korean textbooks in which the role of the listener was restrictive and passive. Consequently, I strongly insist that listening process be reinforced as nature of listening in order to improve the listening ability of leaner.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한·중·일 어휘 비교를 통한 한국 한자어의 특성 고찰

        이미향(Mi Hyang Lee) 언어과학회 1999 언어과학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The primary aim of this paper is to investigate the feature of a Chinese character which is used in Korea. And the secondary purpose is to apply this study in teaching Korea language to a Chinese and Japanese. The data was used 558 a Chinese character of 1500 basic vocabulary in Lim, Ji-Ryong`s(1990). The method is to comparing a Chinese character that is used in Korea, Japan and China. I divided lexical into fice patterns and analyzed nine sense parts. China, Japan, and Korea is the same cultural area of the Chinese, but they are using different the Chinese and a Chinese character. Currently, a Chinese character which is used in Korea is much different from China`s and similar to Japan`s. Especially the lexical items in a sense part-social organization, traffic, communication, economy, business, industry, job, sports, recreation etc. were much influenced by Japan`s. And I could discover the feature of a Chinese character which in Korea in the part of a letter, a phoneme and a sense. If we apply this study well in the education of a Chinese and a Japanese, each leaner can study effectively. Then we need more concerns about using a Chinese character as well as the relation of each countries.

      • KCI등재

        민원서류로 본 공공언어의 인식 연구

        이미향 ( Mi Hyang Lee ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2013 어문론총 Vol.59 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of public language recognition between public official and civilian by questionnaire survey analysis. I investigated public language recognition through questionnaire survey over 420 person in 45 public institution. As a result, the problem of public language was verified by answer from public language recognition. Although, there are many technical terms and Sino-Korean words in official documents, public official didn``t recognize that. Civilian hope that plain language will be used by official documents. The impossibility of communication in a public language is not the professionalism of an official document but the difference of public language recognition about technical terms maded Sino-Korean words.

      • 데니시 월리엄즈의 「욕망이라는 이름의 전차」에 나타난 구원 추구: 환상과 소외의 문제를 중심으로

        이미향 ( Mi Hyang Lee ) 한국기독교어문학회 2010 기독교와 어문학 Vol.7 No.1

        Tennessee Williams is the representative writer of American drama. He has had the credit of literary value and popularity and has been regarded as one of main writers in American drama. He is the representative play writer of Southern literature and there consistently appears the southern historic and cultural factors in his plays, Through the limited materials, the life of the South, he deeply dramatizes the universal matter, human alienation, He considers the absence of mutual communication and understanding as the fundamental cause of human alienation, Especially, in his early plays, Williams suggests that alienation be originated from the obsession over illusion. The early works of Williams mainly probes the matter of alienation though the life of fragile southern belles who are stuck in their own illusion and isolated from others and the society. In these works, the South is the foundation of illusion that main characters made. Main characters continually flee for peace and refuge against unfamiliar and merciless reality. They try to overcome the isolated situation through their imaginary world. Williams views their struggle against overcoming alienation as the pursuit of ``salvation``. For him, overcoming alienation is the same as the achievement of ``salvation`` which they consistently pursue. Through his early masterpiece A Streetcar Named Desire, the concept and the process of salvation have been researched. Thorough the life of heroin Blanche, the typical figure of isolated human, the possibility of overcoming alienation, that is the possibility of salvation has been examined. Especially, it has been studied how she is isolated from others and the society and finally from all the relationship by the illusion she is caught up. This study will show that Williams emphasizes human beings are searching for communication with others and salvation free from the isolated situation. In other words, Tennessee Williams has stressed that human beings are urgently searching for salvation. Through the life of Blanche, human beings` frustrated need for salvation is clearly presented. Also, the struggle over alienation is consistently examined in his further works from the view of human pursuit for salvation.

      • KCI등재

        曹學乳의 생애와 讚佛歌 연구

        이미향(Lee Mi-hyang) 보조사상연구원 2006 보조사상 Vol.26 No.-

          찬불가의 성립과 전개과정 및 음악적 특성에 대한 연구는 이제 시작 단계에 머물고 있다. 본 논문은 찬불가를 통한 불교포교운동을 전개한 승려 조학유의 생애와 그가 1926년부터 1927년에 걸쳐 불교잡지『佛敎』에 연재한 찬불가 24곡을 중심으로 찬불가의 성립과 전개과정을 규명하였다.<BR>  찬불가의 성립에 있어서 결정적인 동인이 된 것은 1911년 일본의 사찰령에 의한 승려의 범패와 무용의 금지라고 할 수 있으며, 근대불교음악의 전개과정에 나타난 ‘창가’나 ‘불교창가’ 그리고 ‘찬불가’라고 불리던 외래음악 기법으로 된 음악의 수용은 불교개혁운동의 일환으로 추진된 불교의식의 근대화, 불교일요학교를 통한 포교, 그리고 각종 불교단체주관의 행사 및 강연회를 통해 이루어졌다고 보았다.<BR>  본 연구에서 조학유가『佛敎』에 연재한 찬불가 24곡을 분석한 결과, 24곡 중 미확인된 6곡을 제외한 16곡이 한국보다 앞서 근대불교 음악의 발전을 이룩한 일본의 찬불가, 혹은 일본 창가 그리고 일본군가에서 일부선율 또는 전체선율이 차용되었음을 밝혔으며 이것으로써 그동안 작곡자 미상으로 알려져 있던 조학유의『佛敎』연재 찬불가의 출처가 명확히 규명되었다. 이들 찬불가의 음악적 특성 또한 대부분의 곡들에서 근대 초기 일본 창가의 전형적인 특징인 2/4 또는 4/4박자로 된 16마디 두 도막 형식에「파」와「시」가 생략된 ‘요나누끼 장음계’의 특징이 나타나 조학유의 찬불가가 일본음악의 영향을 강하게 받고 있음을 밝혔다.   The “Chanbulga”(Buddha Anthem) has been created under the influence of the foreign music since modern times in Korea. Although the history of “Chanbulga” is only about eighty years, it has played an important role in performing the current Buddhist ritual in the temples, and recently its role has become to increase. However, despites its importance, the study on establishment of “Chanbulga” or its development has not progressed sufficient enough. Especially, the study of analysis on the musical characteristics of “Chanbulga” has remained in the beginning stage.<BR>  Therefore, in this paper, I paid attention to the important roles played by reformist Buddhist monks who edited “Chanbulga” books. Among these reformist Buddhist monks, it is worth while to notice that Mr. Cho Hakyu has engaged in editing these “Chanbulga” books. In relation to his activity, I tried to describe his career backgroundand examine the establishment of “Chanbulga” in this period, and also point out the musical characteristics of “Chanbulga” through the analysis of 24 “Chanbulga” appeared in the Journal “Buddhism” published between 1926 and 1927.<BR>  Regarding themain drive towards the establishment of “Chanbulga” in Korea, it will be important to point out that the Japanese government has banned the Buddhist monks’ dancing and “Pumpae” (chant in Buddhist ritual) singing in the temples under the colonization. Also, it will be important to realize that the introduction of foreign types of musical methods such as “Changga”(Song), “Bulgyo Changga”(Buddhist Song), “Chanbulga” etc. has depended on such influences as the modernization of Buddhist ritual, missions in the Sunday schools of temples, and various kinds of events and lectures promoted by Buddhist groups etc.<BR>  As a result of the analysis of 24 “Chanbulga” that Mr. Cho edited in the Journal “Buddhism”, I found several findings as the characteristics of Buddhist songs in this period. Firstly, I found that among these, 16 songs except uncertain 6 songs have adopted the whole or parts of melody and rhythm of Japanese “Chanbulga “, “Ilbon Changga”, (Japanese Song)and “Gunga” (War Song) etc. Although the composers of these “Chanbulga” that Mr. Cho edited in 1920s were unknown for a long time, the sources of 16 “Chanbulga” were identified through this analysis.<BR>  Secondly, as the musical characteristics of these “Chanbulga”, I found that most of them have adopted the typical Japanese rhythm such as “musical scales except four and seven” consisting of 16 phrases based on two/four time or quadruple time represented by “Ilbon Changga” appeared in the early modern times of Japan. We need to highly evaluate Mr. Cho’s activity and his contribution to the popularization of Buddhist music through the establishment of “Chanbulga” as a Buddhist monk in order to reform the modern Korean Buddhism.<BR>  Despites his valuable contribution, it is regrettable that he could not overcome the difficulties to depend on the Japanese culture in those days conditions, though he realized the supremacy of “Pumpae”(Buddhist ritual music) based on a traditional Korean Buddhist music.

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