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      • KCI등재

        日帝末期 道具化된 初等音樂敎育

        柳徹,金順槇 일본어문학회 2013 일본어문학 Vol.61 No.-

        本稿では、日帝末期に使用した朝鮮総督府編纂の唱歌教科書の中で、実際に如何なる教育を行ったのかという点を通じて、日帝末期の植民地教育の具体的な実状を把握して日帝によって調整された小学校教育の様相を再照明することにある。この為に戰時體制期が始まる時期に編纂されたウタノホンと初等音樂の内容を根拠とし、日帝の政策が児童の知覺活動 に及ぼす影響、皇国臣民教育、朝鮮人を天皇軍として徵兵することを目的とし、どのような歌を児童達にどう学ばせたのかなど教育の実態を考察してみた。 1930年代の日中戦争以後、益々戦争が激しくなり軍事政権の介入に因って、朝鮮人児童の教育の主な目的は徴兵制、すなわち日本の為の軍人、天皇の為に命を捧げることができる 忠良な児童の育成 が優先視された。この様な教育環境の中で、まず唱歌教科書に現れた敎育内容は朝鮮総督府の<朝鮮敎育令>、軍國主義等に従って編纂され、歌の歌詞を通した軍隊美化、徴兵公募、軍人英雄化を通した児童達の夢を軍人に導く思想などを基本的な教育基礎として教授された。音楽という感情性を道具として朝鮮人の感性まで人爲的に作ろうとする日帝の事実的な内容を確認することができ朝鮮人児童に対して正常な教育を行なわず、当時の教育はすべて緻密な計画と政策的な意図により成り立っていたと思われる

      • KCI등재후보


        유철 한국중국문화학회 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.71

        本文以词语模理论为基础,对网络流行语 X+人 进行了多角度考察。首先分析 X+人 词语模的结构类型和句法功能,然后讨论了 X+人 词语模的语义内涵,具体为模槽和模标的语义分析,以及 X+人 词语模的认知分析。再考察了 X+人 词语模生成和流行的动因,分为语言内动因和语言外动因。最后探讨了 X+人 词语模的双向影响,主要从它对社会、语言文化及媒体的积极影响和消极影响展开讨论。通过上述考察,我们预测 X+人 还会继续衍生发展, X+人 还会得到越来越多的学者们的关注。

      • KCI등재

        수도권 지역의 대기환경관리 시행계획 추진결과 평가를 위한대기질 모델링 적용 방법

        유철,이대균,이용미,이미향,홍지형,이석조 한국환경과학회 2011 한국환경과학회지 Vol.20 No.12

        The Government had devised legislation of Special Act and drew up guidelines for improving air quality in Seoul Metropolitan area. In 2007 local government of Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi conducted the results of application policy by reduced air pollutants emission for the first time. Although there was reduction of air pollutant emission in each local government, it was ineffective as expected using air pollution monitoring database. Therefore we worked out a way to prepare modeling input data using the results of enforcement plan. And we simulated surface NO_2 and PM10 before and after decrease in air pollutants emission and examine reduction effects of air pollution according to enforcement regulation except other influence, by using MM5-SMOKE-CMAQ system. Each local government calculated the amount of emission reduction under application policy, and we developed to prepare input data so as to apply to SMOKE system using emission reduction of enforcement plan. Distribution factor of emission reduction were classified into detailed source and fuel codes using code mapping method in order to allocate the decreased emission. The code mapping method also included a way to allocate spatial distribution by CAPSS distribution. According to predicted result using the reduction of NOx emission, NO_2 concentration was decreased from 19.1 ppb to 18.0 ppb in Seoul. In Gyeonggi and Incheon NO_2 concentrations were down to 0.65 ppb and 0.68 ppb after application of enforcement plan. PM10 concentration was reduced from 18.2 ㎍/㎥ to 17.5 ㎍/㎥ in Seoul. In Gyeonggi PM10 concentration was down to 0.51 ㎍/㎥ and in Incheon PM10 concentration was decreased about 0.47 ㎍/㎥ which was the lower concentration than any other cities.

      • KCI등재

        ⟪老乞大⟫系列的名量词研究 ―以名量词的历时演变为中心―

        유철 한국중국문화학회 2014 中國學論叢 Vol.42 No.-

        본 논문은 ⟪老乞大⟫시리즈의 4종 판본인⟪原本老乞大⟫, ⟪老乞大谚解⟫, ⟪老乞大新释⟫, ⟪重刊老乞大⟫의 비교를 통해 명량사 체계의 통시적인 변화를 세 가지 측면에서 고찰하였다. 첫째, 명량사 구조의 통시적인 변화를 비교분석하였다. ⟪老乞大⟫시리즈의 4종 판본 중의 명량사 구조는 이미 매우 발전한 단계에 있었는데 元明清 시기에 “数+量+名”구조의 사용은 보편적이고 점차적으로 증가하고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 통용량사 “个”의 통시적인 변화를 고찰했다. “个”는 元明清의 각 시기에 사용 빈도가 다른 명량사보다 높았다. “個”의 쓰임새에 따라 본다면, 사람, 동물, 물품, 장소, 시간 등으로 분류할 수 있는데 그 중에서도 사람을 지칭하는 경우가 가장 많았고, 4종 판본은 거의 같았다. “个”의 이러한 용법은 현대한어 중의 용법과 대체로 일치한다. 셋째, 접미사“兒”가 명량사 뒤에 쓰인 현상에 대해 고찰했다. 元明시기의 ⟪老乞大⟫에서 접미사“儿”가 명량사 뒤에 쓰인 현상이 나타나는데 이런 현상은 고립된 언어현상이 아니고 그 당시 어휘체계와 밀접한 관계가 있다. 이것은 元明시기⟪老乞大⟫의 언어가 당시 북방구어의 특징을 많이 지니고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이런 현상은 점차적으로 감소해왔고 현대 한어에서는 드물게 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        汉语教学中带“得”字的程度补语与情态补语 ―结合四种韩国现行汉语教材的考察

        유철 한국중국문화학회 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.66

        补语是汉语特有的语法现象,韩语里没有补语,补语教学是一个难点。其中带"得"字的程度补语和情态补语形式上有相似之处,长期以来学界存在着分类模糊的现象,这也影响了对外汉语教学。笔者从汉语教学角度出发,分析了这两种补语的特点、分类以及语法意义,考察了现行四套教材,发现:有的教材把"我吃得很快。"这类句子归为"程度补语",有的教材则把"你对汉妮爱得不得了"归为"情态补语"。有的教材把情态补语和程度补语都归为一类。这让学生和老师都感到十分混乱。有的教材知识点复现不充分;学生容易出现偏误的部分,离合词带情态补语的情况,被大部分教材所忽略。一些教材在情态补语的编排中过分强调重动句。大部分教材中还缺少语境的说明。对此笔者提出教学建议。教师上课时,要精讲多练,针对学生们容易出现的偏误类型进行重点教学。教材应遵循大纲进行编排,把这两类"形似"的补语明确分类,适当增加语境说明,韩国国内编写的教材可进行国别化等。学生应认真听课,参与课堂活动,与教师互动。遇到不懂的问题及时请教。 Complement is a special grammatical phenomenon in Chinese. There is no complement in Korean, so complement teaching is a difficulty. There are some similarities between the degree complement with "de" and the modality complement. For a long time, there has been a phenomenon of fuzzy classification in the academic circle, which also affects the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. There are several different views on these two kinds of complements in the current textbooks. This makes students and teachers feel very confused. From the perspective of Chinese teaching, the author analyzes the characteristics, classification and grammatical significance of these two kinds of complements, and investigates the four sets of current teaching materials. It is found that: some teaching materials are confused in terms of terms and classification; some teaching materials are not fully reproduced in terms of knowledge points; the students are prone to have partial errors, and the situation of the clutch words with modal complements is ignored by most teaching materials. Some textbooks overemphasize Verb Copying in the arrangement of modal complements. Most textbooks are lack of context. The author puts forward some teaching suggestions. In class, teachers should concentrate on speaking and practicing, and focus on the types of errors that students are prone to make. The textbooks should be arranged according to the outline, the two kinds of "similar" complements should be clearly classified, the context should be added appropriately, and the textbooks compiled in South Korea can be nationalized. Students should listen carefully, participate in classroom activities and interact with teachers. Ask for advice in case of any problem you don't understand..

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