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      • KCI등재

        경어표현(敬語表現)의 연구(硏究) -경어회피현상(敬語回避現象)을 중심(中心)으로-

        유예진 한국일본어문학회 2013 日本語文學 Vol.59 No.-

        Previous studies related the honorific avoidance are primarily aimed at written language, in terms of Japanese educational and structural analysis. And in the researches, there has been only limited discussion that the causes of utterance of honorific avoidance are ‘negligence for the other’, ‘reduction of social distance’, and ‘lack of knowledge of the use of honorific language’. So, this study has a significance in that it is aimed at the actual spoken language of the honorific expression and examine the pragmatic features after analyzing various honorific avoidance phenomenon.In this study, I applied the standards of ‘positive face and negative face, Brown & Levinson(1987)’ in running the pragmatic analysis of honorific avoidance phenomenon and the results are as follows. The causes of use of positive politeness strategy have similarities with existing researches in that honorific avoidance is used for opposite purpose of honorific language, that is ‘negligence of the other’, ‘reduction of social distance’. On the other hand, negative politeness strategy is paradoxically performing the utterance function as honorific expression through an language act of circumventing honorific language and this result is meaningful in showing the difference with previous studies.

      • KCI등재

        지역환경문제에 관한 사회과학쟁점 토론이 고등학교 학생들의 환경인식 변화에 미치는 영향

        유예진,남윤경 대한지구과학교육학회 2020 대한지구과학교육학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 지역사회 환경문제에 관한 토론 수업이 고 등학생들의 환경 인식, 환경 문제에 대한 의견과 그 판단 근거, 환경 문제 해결방안에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 연 구이다. 본 연구에서 개발된 토론 수업은 도심 내의 백로 서식지 문제를 주제로 3차시에 걸쳐 지역사회 환경문제 에 대해 알아보고, 토론하는 수업이다. 연구의 주요 데이 터로 수업 전후 환경 인식 검사지, 환경 인식 설문지, 학 습지가 수집되었다. 환경인식 검사지는 Likert 척도로 기 술적 통계로 분석되었으며, 환경 인식 설문지의 응답은 귀납적 질적연구 방법을 통해 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결 과는 먼저 환경 인식 검사지의 환경 인식에서 사전-사후 유의미한 통계적 효과가 있었다. 다음으로 SSI 토론 주 제인 “백로의 서식지를 이동해야 하는가?”에 대하여 과 반수의 학생들이 찬성하였으며, 토론 수업이후에도 의견 에 변화가 없었다. 하지만 토론 수업 이후 학생들의 해경 방안은 단기적이고 실현 가능하며, 구체적이고 비용이 적게 드는 해결방안으로 바뀌었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕 으로 학생들의 지역환경문제에 대한 관심을 높이고 문제 해결력 증가를 위해 학교 과학 수업에서 지역 환경 문제 와 관련된 SSI 토론 수업의 필요성을 제언한다. This study investigates the effect of SSI debate on first-year high school student’s opinions about environmental issue, their judgment grounds, and solutions to regional environmental problems. The SSI debate was about white heron habitats near the village where students live. As the main data of the study, environmental perception questionnaires, and students’ workbook including open-ended questions were collected before and after class. The environmental perception questionnaire was analyzed by descriptive statistics, and the response of the open-ended questions was analyzed through inductive qualitative research methods. First, the results of this study shows that the SSI debate has a statistically significant impact on students’ environmental attitude. Second, a majority of students agreed on the idea that villagers should drive the birds out of town and they did not change their after the discussion class. However, after the discussion class, students' solutions about the issue were changed in a way that more short-term, feasible, concrete, and less time-consuming solutions to the problem. Based on the results of this study, this study implies that SSI issue debate using local problem should be used more often in science classroom so the students recognize local SSI and improve real world problem solving skills.

      • KCI등재

        프루스트의 예술가론: 『잃어버린 시간을 찾아서』의 화가 엘스티르의 세 점의 그림을 중심으로

        유예진 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2015 외국학연구 Vol.- No.32

        In Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time, about 300 characters appear, among them various artists such as writers, musicians, theater actors and painters. This study aims to understand Marcel Proust's image of a great artist through the fictitious painter Elstir. For this purpose, this study describes the scene in which the hero, Marcel, first meets Elstir as setting the scope for the analysis. Marcel visits the painter's atelier, located in a seaside village in Normandy, where he sees three of the painter's paintings. Symbolically, these show the novelist's esthetics. Elstir is presented as a painter of the metaphor who discovers an invisible correspondence existing between two distant objects and connects them; a painter who breaks away from the trap of intelligence and faithfully reproduces what he perceives, relying purely on instinct; and a painter who symbolizes the logic that the social 'I' and the artist 'I' should be distinctly separated, and that the value of an artist should be evaluated only through his or her work of art. In this way, Elstir becomes a teacher who introduces Marcel to the world of genuine art, and in this way he is distinguished from the other artists in the novel.

      • KCI등재

        ‘~というか~というか’의 분석 -통사론적 측면의 문(文)을 중심으로-

        유예진 한국일본어교육학회 2022 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.99

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the types and characteristics through the syntactic analysis of ‘-toiuka-toiuka’. And ‘-toiuka-toiuka’, which is also a grammatical item for Japanese language education as a foreign language it was difficult to find a discussion that made an independent research subject. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted an analysis focusing on the s aspects of such ‘-toiuka-toiuka’, and obtained the following results. First, ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ could be classified into four types, ‘AtoiukaBtoiuka’, ‘AtoiukaBtoiuka, C’, ‘A, Btoiuka Ctoiuka’, and ‘A, BtoiukaCtoiuka, D’, depending on the structure of the sentence. Secondly, ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ can be roughly classified into ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ at the end of the sentence and ‘-toiuka-toiuka-’ in the sentence according to the position in the sentence. Thirdly, ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ could be divided into ‘subject, descriptive word, modifier, independent word’, according to various roles in the sentence. Fourth, ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ could be classified by the number of repetitions of ‘-toiuka’. Such a result will be a useful teaching item for effective and proper use of ‘-toiuka-toiuka-’, which is difficult for Japanese learners. In addition, it was found that ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ is different in form and meaning as an expression changed by the number of times ‘-toiuka’ is used and the movement of the position of use in the sentence. In other words, it can be said that ‘-toiuka-toiuka’ represents a cross section of the changing process of ‘-toiuka’ in the aspect of grammaticalization in a broad sense.

      • KCI등재

        글쓰기 소명의 발견: 뷔토르의 『변경』과 프루스트의 『잃어버린 시간을 찾아서』 속 기차여행을 중심으로

        유예진 한국프랑스학회 2019 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.108 No.-

        Michel Butor, l'un des écrivains principaux du Nouveau Roman nous livre les changements divers qui s'opèrent chez le personnage principal dans La Modification au cours du trajet en train qui part de Paris pour arriver à Rome. Les modifications non seulement au niveau des souvenirs passés, mais aussi des projets futurs s'enchaînent les uns contre les autres. Finalement à l'arrivée de la gare de Rome, il connaîtra un bouleversement profond de sa personne et décidera d'écrire un livre. Dans cette étude, nous mettrons en parallèle ce trajet du personnage butorien avec celui que connaît le narrateur de Proust dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Dans ces deux œuvres, nous verrons que le train joue un rôle particulièrement important en ce sens qu'il montre de façon évidente la relation entre le temps et l'espace. Les divers éléments qui entourent le voyage en train s'enchaînent et se rassemblent afin de former une histoire menant à la découverte de la vocation d'écrivain. Le rôle de la lecture est particulièrement importante dans ces deux cas puisqu'elle invite le personnage à écrire son propre livre à venir. Ainsi le lecteur deviendra à son tour l'écrivain futur ce qui peut être considéré comme une application fidèle de la théorie du lecteur actif non seulement de chez Proust mais aussi du Nouveau Roman. Nous verrons que dans ce processus, la métaphore proustienne qui consiste à relever une relation entre les éléments apparemment contradictoires est symbolisée dans le parcours des deux personnages. À la manière du personnage proustien qui découvre que le côté de chez Swann et le côté de Guermantes se joignent, le personnage de La Modification se rend compte qu'il y a des portes de communication entre Paris et Rome et qu'il est possible de mettre en relation ces deux villes qu'il considérait à l'opposé extrême. 발자크식 전통적인 사실주의 소설과 결별하고 새로운 시대를 반영할 수 있는 새로운 글쓰기 기법을 추구해온 뷔토르는 그의 대표작인 『변경』(1957)에서 기차를 타고 파리를 출발해 로마로 향하는 한 남자의 기억, 의식, 계획이 변경되는 과정을 보여준다. 우리는 이번 연구에서 뷔토르의 이 작품과 프루스트의 『잃어버린 시간을 찾아서』(1913-1927)와의 상호텍스트성을 연구할 것이다. 두 작품의 화자이자 주인공은 모두 삶의 방향을 잃고 헤매는 비극의 순간, 자신의 삶을 담은 작품을 글쓰기로 승화시키고자 다짐한다는 공통점을 나눈다. 작가로서의 소명에 도달하기까지의 과정에서 기차라는 소설적 장치는 시간과 공간을 자신만의 고유한 방법으로 연결시키는 매개체로서 두 작품에서 모두 중요하게 작동한다. 기차여행이 동반하는 다양한 요소들은 모두 두 화자와 긴밀하게 관계하면서 그들의 내부에 변화를 일으킨다. 그리고 이러한 긴 여정의 종착지에 이르러 두 화자는 각각 파리와 로마, 스완네 쪽과 게르망트 쪽과도 같이 본질적으로 상이하고 대치된다고 믿었던 대상들이 실제로는 겹치는 부분을 공유하며, 그들 사이를 잇는 연결고리를 발견함으로써 프루스트의 예술론을 대표하는 은유의 법칙을 구현한다.

      • KCI등재

        탕기 비엘의 미니멀리즘 글쓰기 연구 - 『절대적 완벽 범죄』와 『형법 제353조』를 중심으로 - Absolute Perfection of Crime Article 353

        유예진 세계문학비교학회 2023 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.84 No.-

        1960년대 미술과 건축의 영역에서 처음 등장한 미니멀리즘은 곧 이어 문학에까지 그 영향 력을 발휘하여 1980년대 미국 단편소설계의 가장 독보적인 현상이 되었다. 같은 시기 프랑스 에서는 미뉘 출판사를 중심으로 펼쳐진 누보로망의 모험에 이어 픽션에서의 미니멀리즘을 목 격할 수 있었다. 절제의 기술, 암시의 힘, 독자의 능동적인 상상력에 호소하는 침묵 등에 본질 적 가치를 두는 미니멀리즘은 구조, 문체, 서술 등 소설의 내용과 형식에 모두 적용된다. 이번 연구에서는 자신의 첫 소설을 비롯하여 이후 대부분의 작품들을 미뉘 출판사에서 발표한 탕 기 비엘의 21세기 소설 두 편, 『절대적 완벽 범죄』(2001)와 『형법 제353조』(2017)를 중 심으로 작가의 글쓰기 전략을 분석하고자 한다. 추리소설의 형식을 빌리면서도 영상적 글쓰 기를 선보이면서 현재 활발히 작품활동을 펼치는 비엘의 소설들은 회귀적, 반복적 구조와 파 열되고 단절되는 문체로 선배 미뉘 작가들의 미니멀리즘 글쓰기 특성을 상당 부분 계승하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그러나 서술적 측면에서는 서술 행위 자체에 초점이 맞춰진다는 점에서 실 재와 허구의 경계에 의심을 품은 데에서 출발한 포스트모더니즘 담론을 글쓰기에 편입시키고 있다. 즉 비엘의 글쓰기는 미니멀리즘 전통에서 시작하여 실재를 허구적 픽션에 그대로 재현 할 수 없다는 불가능성에도 불구하고 문학의 자기반영적 특성을 인정함으로써 소설의 새로운 길을 모색한 포스트모더니즘 논의에 공감하는 것이다. Minimalism was first observed in fine arts and architecture during the 1960s, but soon became one of the most impressive phenomenon of the 1980s on American literary scene, especially with short stories. During the same period. France was experiencing the adventure of nouveau roman led by novelists whose fictional works were published by the renowned Les Éditons de Minuit. Those writers were influenced by the minimalism as well and their works showed the power of allusion and a large part reserved for the reader's imagination. This study will analyze Tanguy Viel's two recent novels, Absolute Perfection of Crime (2001) and Article 353 (2017) in which we can remark some distinctive elements of minimalism but also other original aspects of narrative strategy. Viel's novels show recursive and repetitive structure in which the beginning of the novel meets with its end. Also the writing style is more oral testifying characteristics of fragmentation and discontinuity. Viel is expending the boundary of his writing strategy by allowing a double narrative form, and thus confirming the capacity of auto-referentiality in a work of fiction.

      • KCI등재

        프루스트의 『잃어버린 시간을 찾아서』의 조르주 상드 : 작품 속 『프랑수아 르 샹피』를 중심으로

        유예진 프랑스학회 2013 프랑스학연구 Vol.66 No.-

        Marcel Proust consacre une place significative à l'un des romans champêtres de George Sand, à savoir François le Champi dans son vaste ouvrage, À la recherche du temps perdu. Le roman de Sand apparaît tout au début de Du côté de chez Swann, dans l'épisode dit 'le drame du coucher' lors duquel le petit Marcel obtient de sa mère qu'elle passe la nuit dans sa chambre après une attente angoissante. Or c'est François le Champi que la mère lui lit au chevet de son lit. Ensuite c'est tout au dernier passage de Ln Recherche que le roman sandien réapparaît. Le héros tombe sur ledit roman dans la bibliothèque des Guermantes. Soudainement tout le souvenir lié à son enfance à Combray est ressuscité. Cette étude propose d'analyser la place de François le Champi dans Ln Recherche. Tout d'abord, le choix de François le Champi qui relate J'histoire d'un petit garçon sans père qui se marie avec sa mère adoptive après la mort de son père adoptif montre que le roman sandien est le symbole de l'absence paternel dans La Recherche. Ensuite, il est intéressant de noter que François le Champi joue le rôle de la mémoire involontaire à la manière de petites madeleines trempées dans du thé. Dans un dernier temps, il est important de souligner le rôle pourtant limité que Proust accorde au roman champêtre de Sand. Le narrateur de La Recherche montre sa distance par rapport à tout roman de notation, comme par exemple les romans patriotiques, les romans pour le peuple ou les enfants, y compris les romans champêtres. Ainsi François le Champi apparaît à la fois comme la matière qui permet au narrateur proustien de s'identifier à J'enfant François en ce qui concerne l'amour pour la mère, et aussi comme l'instrument qui ressuscite de manière involontaire la mémoire depuis lontemps enfouie dans son être, mais également comme le type de roman que le véritable artiste doit éviter de produire. Car pour Proust, la vérité ne réside pas dans les choses décrites mais dans la manière de les interpréter.

      • KCI등재

        아니 에르노와 내면일기 - 파편과 연속의 글쓰기, [나는 나의 밤을 떠나지 않았다]

        유예진 한국프랑스학회 2018 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.102 No.-

        L’univers de l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux est imprégné par la présence constante du ‘je’ qui est la plupart du temps l’auteure, la narratrice et le personnage principal du récit. Cependant de part le contenu et la forme de ses récits, il semble que l’apellation traditionnelle du roman, de l’autobiographie ou encore du roman autobiographique semble désuette pour le cas ernalien et l’auteure semble avoir inventé un nouveau genre d'écriture. Ne se fiant pas à ces genres traditionnels, elle appelle volontier ses textes de ‘livre’ ou d’‘écriture’ tout court. Malgré le refus de l’auteure à classer son œuvre dans l’une des catégories traditionnelles, elle a publié à de nombreuses reprises ce qu’elle appelle elle-même de journal (intime et extime). Dans notre étude, nous analysons le premier journal intime que l’auteure a publié sous le titre de Je ne suis pas sortie de ma nuit(1997), un recueil de notes qu’elle avait rédigées lors des deux dernières années précédentes la mort de sa mère, atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Afin de comprendre la stratégie d’écriture dans ce journal, nous le mettons en parallèle avec Une femme(1987), un récit publié précédemment qui pourtant traite le même sujet - sa mère - mais avec une stylisation et une démarche ‘littéraires’ et conscientes, alors que le journal se serait construit lui-même, avoue-t-elle dans des interviews ultérieures. Nous pouvons caractériser l’écriture de ce journal à la fois comme une écriture de fragment et de continuité au point de vue du contenu et du style. Les paragraphes courts constituant l’entrée d’un jour sont de simples morceaux bruts, sans transition dont les phrases manquent souvent de prédicat. La perte de la mémoire et la dégradation physique de la mère marquent une disjonction entre une mère forte et radieuse de la jeunesse et celle qui ne reconnaît plus sa propre fille. Cette coupure est présente non seulement chez la mère mais aussi chez l’auteure qui voit sa propre image se projeter dans l’état présent de sa mère. Mais c’est aussi une écriture de continuité, car par la transcription des faits au jour le jour, l’auteure tente de saisir et isoler l’essence de la mère contre une mort imminente. L’écriture de continuité permet à l’auteure de rétablir enfin une réconciliation entre la mère à laquelle elle s’est révoltée dans son enfance. Par une écriture journalière à la fois fragmentaire et continuelle, Ernaux réussit à faire de Je ne suis pas sortie de ma nuit un texte qui se distingue d’Une femme. La souffrance et la douleur impregnées dans ce journal ne se limitent pas à celles ressenties par l’auteure mais réussissent à avoir une porte plus générale et universelle auprès d’un lectorat plus large.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Measurement of Transverse Nuclear Magnetization of Polarized 129Xe and 131Xe by Spin-exchange Optical Pumping

        유예진,Seong Ho Min,문한섭 한국광학회 2020 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.4 No.6

        We analyze the transverse nuclear magnetizations of 129 Xe and 131 Xe in a vapor cell containing natural Xe, 87 Rb, and buffer gases. Th e Xe atoms are polarized th rough spin-exch ange optical pumping (SEOP) with Rb atoms under low-magnetic-field conditions. From the free-induction-decay (FID) signal, we measure the nuclear magnetization of the Xe atoms in the Xe-Rb vapor cell. Furthermore, we measure the dependence of the gyromagnetic ratio on the magnetization of 129 Xe and 131 Xe by examining the amplitude of the FID signal of each isotope, and we evaluate the relationship between the magnetic field gradient and transverse relaxation rate for both of the 129 Xe and 131 Xe isotopes.

      • KCI등재

        프루스트와 간접언어: 주네트의 분석을 중심으로

        유예진 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2016 외국학연구 Vol.- No.35

        Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time has a special meaning for Gérard Genette, who greatly contributed to establishing modern narratology. His five-volume work, Figures, contains an analysis of Proust’s writing style. The present study attempts to understand the type, role, and effect of indirect language in Proust’s novel by analyzing the chapter, “Proust and Indirect Language,” in the second book of Figures. Proust’s characters, despite revealing much through what they say, reveal much more truth through what they do not say, what they say incorrectly, and the way they say it. On the one hand, Genette refers to the discourses uttered intentionally and directly by the characters as direct language, and on the other hand, he defines as indirect language the signs that reveal the distinct features of the characters in an unintentional and indirect manner. Subsequently, he divides indirect language into two types, the first being linguistic errors, and the second, extralinguistic signs. The reason this work is interesting is that particular characters in Proust’s novels who, through no exaggeration, are defined by their use of language unintentionally reveal hidden aspects through their use of indirect language. By analyzing the indirect language of Proust’s characters, we can understand these characters more in-depth. We can also thereby understand the unrivaled perspective of Genette, who discovers the meaning of existence in Proust’s In search of Lost Time via the indirect language used by its characters that reveals the hidden or intended-to-be-hidden truth.

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