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      • 음악의 Affektenlehre에 관한 일고찰 : 음악관의 변천을 중심으로

        안종배 安東敎育大學 1971 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        As music is an abstract art, it can not express the phenomenal world concretely but like all other arts, music also must be a mean of delivering way of the idea and feeling of people as well as the interchange way of them each other. The significance delivered by music can not be expressed by speech or written language. Therefore Affektenlehre shows the various form of the musical significance. In this study, as "a language of feeling through sound", the writer intended to study the function of Affektenlekre in music, surveying the outline of the change of times in music. In the history of music like other history, it is important that the times of it should be divided into but as the forms of the complication and reflection by times are very different by some areas, the distinction of times for music is impossible. The present music which is not treated here is intended to be presented in the study, the psychological image of sound in the present music, which he is on the way of writing on.

      • 音樂의 社會文化的 機能 一硏究 : 르네상스 音樂을 中心으로

        안종배 安東敎育大學 1975 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        As the art of music is an abstract art whose essence differs from other arts, it has an important instrument which sounds our sences by sound. Therefore music art can not be ended by creative work and musical performance but should be an activity of inner enjoyment, that is, an appreciation in music. Such activities as inner enjoyment only can be achieved by the course communicated a work through sound. When interpreted in a broad sence, music means an art expressing a very sensitive functuation of social culture. Therefore for the study of music, the history of human sprits, whese culture are concerned with a neccesity of arts and learning should be studied. As the society is changed from a tribe society in ancient time, into the divine right in middle age and into that of people at present, music also has changed its fuctuation. Here in this study, this writer intended to find how the music have enfluenced the society on the basis of social and cultural features in Reneaisance time which express humanism, the individual feeling and emotion from the tradition of religious sprits in middle age, and to recognize Renaisance music correctly with present conciousness but only the Italian Renaisance music which adorned its prosperity was limitted in this study.

      • 음악의 의미성 일고 : Beethoven의 교향곡을 중심으로

        안종배 安東敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        Today, the audiances are not gratified with the settled order or the form of music and also not pleased with the settled view to succeed to tradition, in spite of periodical changes forming the background of a creative works or a recital. In consequence, the music form controlled by the old age was denied strongly and the new form which is reasonable for new age begins to be groped, but as the mordern music tends only to understanding sound excessively by an intellectual intuition, the completment of human autonomy meant by music art and the internal greatness corresponded with humanity and universe can hardly be found. Therefore, in this study, this writer intented to study the significance of music by studing Beethoven's symphony, what is called "the great cultural inheritance of music", to recover humanism denied by mordern consciously and to emphasize the establishment of traditional consciousness, selecting and succeeding to the factor agreed to the truth of music left at the proceeded age and the eternal rule as an art of music.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        DMB의 미디어와 기술 특성에 따른 DMB광고 유형과 종류에 관한 연구

        안종배,Ahn, Jong-Bae 한국벤처창업학회 2008 벤처창업연구 Vol.3 No.4

        For the success of the DMB market to meet consumers' demands for Ubiquitous Media and strengthen the nation's competitiveness, it's inevitable for us to activate DMB advertising as of main profit source for DMB Media, and to develop various types of DMB advertising which are linked to the profit model. So I'd like to look over the various types of DMB advertising which are suitable for DMB features as one of the efforts to activate DMB advertising. First of all, I've figured out what kinds of advertising are available for new media and which related technologies are required for DMB media. Through this research, I could find out what features of new media such as cable broadcasting, Internet and Mobile have become the source of developing various types of advertising and how to a great part to activate new media advertising markets by making the best use of their media features. This research also shows that DMB advertising has the high potential to be developed in various and effective types and kinds of advertising with its media feature and technological feature. This research observing DMB advertising cases showed that DMB advertising can be divided into 6 types such as forms, purposes, techniques, advertising positions, the use of LBS(Location Based Service), coupons and it could be developed into various kinds of DMB advertising dependent on each type. On the other hands, it would be great to have continual researches and follow-ups for various types of DMB advertising and the verification of the effectiveness for DMB advertising by performing potential DMB advertising.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Practical Method to Enhancing the Creativity Effectiveness for Media Contents Education by Using Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse

        안종배 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2024 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.16 No.1

        We studied to aim for exploring practical approaches to enhance the effectiveness of creativity education by using artificial intelligence and the metaverse in the field of media contents. Recognizing the need for educational innovation to adapt to the accelerating changes driven by the advancements in artificial intelligence and the metaverse, and considering the increasing importance of fostering creativity as a key competitive advantage for future talents, we focused on research implementing creativity education in the media contents domain. To achieve this, we conducted this study during a semester-long media contents course utilizing artificial intelligence and the metaverse in real classroom setting. We involved in this study collecting feedback and opinions from students to investigate and identify effective strategies for enhancing the impact of creativity education. As a result, we proposed the utility of media contents class using artificial intelligence and the metaverse in enhancing students' creativity. By elucidating which teaching methods are most effective, we contributed to derive beneficial outcomes for media contents creative education.

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