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        형사소송법 교육의 현황과 향후 방향에 대한 검토 : 법학전문대학원 교육을 중심으로

        박정난(Park, Jung-Nan) 한국형사소송법학회 2021 형사소송 이론과 실무 Vol.13 No.4

        법학교육은 법조인 양성교육이라는 한 축과 순수한 학문으로서의 법학교육 및 학문후속세대의 양성이라는 또 다른 축으로 이루어져 있고 형사소송법의 경우도 마찬가지이다. 법학전문대학원에서의 교육은 교육을 통한 법조인 양성이라는 제도 도입취지에 맞추어 수수한 학문으로서의 교육이 아닌 법조인 양성에 부합하는 교육이 이루어져야 한다. 그렇다고 법조인 양성에 부합한 교육이 변호사시험에 합격시키기 위한 교육은 아니고 결국 국민들에게 양질의 법률서비스를 제공할 수 있는 전문적인 법조인으로 교육시키는 것이라고 할 것이다. 이를 위하여 이론교육에 있어서는 사례 중심으로 관련된 각종 법률서식을 강의자료로 활용하여 현실 속에 살아 숨쉬는 교육을 하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각된다. 특히 형사소송법은 다분히 실무적인 절차법이라는 점에서 더욱 그러하다. 그리고 기본적이고 중요한 판례를 엄선하여 판결요지만을 암기하는 것이 아니라 사실관계부터 결론도출까지 철저히 분석하여 학생들에게 법리를 실제 사건에 적절히 적용하여 결론을 이끌어내는 법적 사고력을 함양할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 또한 형사수사 및 재판에서 매우 중요한 사실인정에 대한 교육이 실무교육의 핵심이 되어야 하고 이와 더불어 과거 사법연수원 체제에서의 전문과목을 참고하여 형사실무과목을 보다 다양하고 실효성 있게 개편할 필요가 있다. 그리고 이러한 법학전문대학원 교육의 정상화를 위하여는 변호사시험의 출제경향을 개선하고, 변호사시험을 자격시험하는 것이 필요하며 더불어 학부 법학과를 부활시켰을 때 얻게 될 시너지 효과(synergy effect)가 더 크다고 생각된다. 학부 법학과의 부활은 법학전문대학원에서 좀 더 전문적인 법조인을 양성하기 위한 다양한 교육을 실시할 수 있는 기반인 동시에 보다 많은 법학자들이 법학을 연구할 수 있는 기반이 되어 줄 수 있다. 또한 학문후속세대에 진입할 인재들의 역량을 끌어올리고 추후 이들 중 우수연구인력이 꿈을 펼칠 수 있는 터전이 될 수 있다. 결국 법학교육의 정상화를 위하여는 학부 법학과, 법학전문대학원, 일반대학원의 각 시스템이 그 제도의 목적에 맞게 운영되어야 한다. Legal education consists of two axes as the Criminal Procedure Act does: one axis of legal profession s education training and another axis of training of legal education and academic futural generations. Legal education at the Law Schools should be conducted appropriate education to train legal professions with the purpose of legal professional training through the education, not as purely academic education. However, the appropriate legal professional education is not for the passing bar exam. It is for training legal profession to five food quality of legal service to the people. For this purpose, in the theory education, it is considered that giving the alive education which lives in our reality by using course materials related to case-based legal formulas. Specifically, it is true in the Criminal Procedure Act, because it is a highly practical procedural law. In addition, the education of the Law School not only selects basic and significant cases and memorizes summary of their judgment, but also analyzes from the fact to the conclusion thoroughly so that the student can develop their legal mind to conclude by applying legal principles to the cases. Moreover, the education of fact-finding, which is important in criminal investigation and trials, should be the core of practical education. Additionally, the Criminal Procedure subjects need to be reorganized more diverse and effective by referring to specialized subjects under the system of Law Institute. For the normalization of Law School education, we need to change the tendency of the bar examination and make the bar examination to the qualifying examination, moreover, I think there will be a great synergy effect when the “Department of Law” is revived. The revival of the Law Department can be the foundation of conducting various educations to train specialized legal professions and place for the many jurists to study law. And then, it can be the foundation for talented people to future academic generation and for some outstanding researchers to achieve their dream. Therefore, for the normalization of law education, each system of the Department of Law, Law School, and Graduate School of Law should be operated for the purpose of the system.

      • KCI등재

        이른바 ‘절도범 뇌사 사건’ 판결에 비추어 본 정당방위·과잉방위에 관한 비판적 고찰 -대법원 2016. 5. 12. 선고 2016도2794 판결 (원심 판결: 서울고등법원 2016. 1. 29. 선고 2015노11 판결)-

        박정난 ( Park Jung-nan ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2018 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.41

        대상 판례는 자신의 주거지에 침입한 절도범을 폭행하여 사망에 이르게 한 행위가 정당방위, 과잉방위에 해당되는가에 관한 것이다. 법원은 방위의사가 결여된 공격행위이므로 정당방위 및 과잉방위 모두 성립하지 않는 것으로 판단하고 다만 피고인의 사정을 양형에서 참작하는데 그쳤다. 우리 법원은 이 판결뿐만 아니라 대다수의 사안에서 정당방위 및 과잉방위의 성립을 잘 인정하지 않고 국민들에게 아무리 긴급한 상황이라 하더라도 침착함과 고도의 윤리의식을 요구하고 있다. 또한 법원은 정당방위의 상당성에 대하여 침해법익, 방어법익, 침해방법 등 구체적 사정을 참작하여 판단해야 한다고 설시하면서도 정작 그러한 사정을 충분히 고려하지 않은 채 상당성의 기준을 지나치게 높게 설정하여 정당방위를 배척하고, 그 다음 단계인 과잉방위에 대하여도 구체적 검토 없이 인정하지 않고 있다. 정당방위의 침해의 현재성은 침해가 급박한 경우에도 인정되고, 상당성은 사회윤리적 제한이라는 별도의 요건을 요구할 필요 없이 상대적 최소침해의 원칙과 아울러 법익간 균형, 행위간 균형, 방위행위자의 심리상태 등 제반사정을 고려하여 판단하는 것이 타당하다. 따라서 대상 사건의 경우 객관적으로 주거침입의 위법상태가 해소되지 않았고 절도범이 절취행위는 중단하였으나 계속하여 움직이려고 하는 상황이었기 때문에 제2의 위해를 가할 수 있었다는 점에서 침해의 현재성 및 방위의사가 충분히 인정된다. 또한 ‘상대적’ 최소침해의 원칙 및 구체적 정황을 고려할 때 피고인이 발로 쓰러진 절도범의 머리를 수 회 폭행한 것은 절도범이 계속하여 움직이려고 하는 상황에서 피고인 입장에서는 아직 절도범이 충분히 제압되지 않았고 또한 어떤 신체능력을 갖고 있을지 모르는 절도범이 자신을 공격할 수도있다는 생각에서 충분히 가능한 방어행위로 상당성이 인정된다 하겠다. 상당수 국가들이 입법화한 주거방위 법리 측면에서도, 주거침입 자체가 치명적인 불법행위이고 주거라는 밀폐된 장소에서의 방어가 매우 취약하며, 강간·감금 등과 같은 중범죄로 연결되기 쉬운점 등을 고려할 때 상당성은 충분히 인정된다. 설령 침해의 현재성 및 상당성을 부인한다고 하더라도 침해가 직전에 발생하였고 시간적·장소적으로 밀접한 상황이므로 일련의 행위가 전체로서 방어행위에 해당되고 적법행위에 대한 기대가능성이 적으므로 최소한 과잉방위를 인정하는 것이 타당하다. 형사상 범죄자가 될 지도 모른다는 두려움에 국민들이 힘없이 범죄 피해를 받아들이는 불합리한 상황이 초래되는 것을 피하기 위하여 정당방위, 과잉방위에 대한 실무의 유연한 접근이 필요하다고 생각된다. This case is whether a homeowner’s act that injured burglar’s body and resulted in his death is considered as self-defense or excessive self-defense. The court decided that the act was an attack without defense intention so it was not both self-defense and excessive self-defense but reduced the sentence considering the circumstances. The court has been stingy in recognizing self-defense or excessive self-defense in many cases including this case and demands people should stay calm and have high-degree sense of ethics despite they are in an emergency. Also according to the court, it must take infringed legal interest, the legal interest to defend, the degree of infringement etc. into consideration in order to decide whether it is self-defense or excessive self-defense. However in many cases, the court has not accepted as self-defense while not taking into the circumstances and establishing unrealistic standard and also has not accepted as excessive self-defense without concrete explanation. In this case, in considering that housebreaking didn’t end and the burglar kept moving which could lead to another attack, the presence of attack and the intention of defense are accepted naturally. Also in consideration of the principle that the infringement should be minimum ‘relatively’, the reasonableness is accepted. In a situation that the burglar kept moving, the defendant might judge the burglar wasn’t overpowered so he could attack again so it is possible defense. In addition, the reasonableness is accepted by ‘Castle Doctrine’. Even if the presence of attack and the reasonableness are not accepted, excessive self-defense should be accepted at least, because a series of act is defense overall and a possibility of expectation to legal act is little. In order to avoid the absurd situation that people bear infringemet inevitably with fear that they might become criminals, the flexible approach to self-defense and excessive self-defense is urgently needed.

      • KCI등재

        위법수집 증거배제의 기준 : 연구 대상판결: 대법원 2019. 7. 11. 선고 2018도20504 판결

        박정난(Park, Jung nan) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2020 法學論文集 Vol.44 No.2

        대상 판결 사안은 판사의 날인만 누락된 압수수색 영장으로 압수한 증거물이 위법수집증거가 아니라고 판시한 사안이다. 위법하게 수집한 증거배제의 기준은 실질적 적법절차 원칙이 구현될 수 있도록 그 방향이 설정되어야 한다. 실질적 적법절차 원칙은 국가가 형벌권을 집행함에 있어서 피의자, 피고인 뿐만 아니라 범죄 피해자의 기본권을 보장하고, 국민 모두의 적법절차에 의한 형벌권 실현의 기대 및 신뢰를 보호하는 것이다. 따라서 수사기관의 위법행위를 판단함에 있어서 그것이 객관적으로 그리고 주관적으로 위법한지를 신중하게 검토하여야 한다. 객관적 위법성에 있어서 위법성의 경중을 고려하고 적법성 판단에 관한 수사기관의 재량을 합리적인 범위 내에서 인정하고, 주관적 위법성에 있어서 수사기관의 위법행위에 대한 의도 및 과실 정도를 고려해야 한다. 또한 위법성의 경중은 위반한 절차규정의 국민의 법익 내지 기본권 침해 정도에 따라 판단할 수 있다. 이러한 측면에서 대상 판결은 타당하다. 대상 판결사안에서 판사의 날인만이 누락된 압수수색 영장으로 압수한 것은 증거를 배제할 정도로 위법성이 중하다고 볼 수 없다. 판사의 서명, 간인, 자필 기재가 모두 존재하고 날인만이 누락된 것으로 법원이 수사기관에 압수수색권한을 부여했음을 외부적으로 충분히 표시해주었고 그렇게 충분히 인식가능하였다. 뿐만 아니라 법관의 날인이 누락된 영장에 의한 압수수색이 압수물의 이해관계인의 기본권을 침해한 것도 없고 디지털 증거의 압수수색과 관련한 선별적 사본 압수의 원칙 및 피압수자의 참여권 보장도 모두 준수되었다. 또한 위법성을 초래한 과실도 수사기관이 아닌 사법부 영역에 있으며, 영장의 외관상 유효하다고 믿은 수사기관의 판단이 합리적이고 의도적으로 위법행위를 감수하였다고 보기 어렵다. 위법수집증거배제의 기준에 관한 대법원 판례와 학계의 풍부한 논의가 지속적으로 전개되어 실무계에 좀더 명확한 지침을 제공함으로써 실체진실 발견과 실질적 적법절차 원칙이 이상적으로 조화되는 형사사법을 고대한다. The issue of the ruling was to determine that the evidence seized by a search warrant, which was missing only seal of the judge, was not an illegal collection. The criteria for the exclusion of evidence collected illegally should be established so that the principle of actual due process can be implemented. The principle of actual due process is to guarantee the basic rights of crime victims as well as suspects and defendants and to protect expectations and trust of all people about the execution of punishment by due process. Therefore in judging an investigative agency s misconduct, it should be carefully examined whether it is objectively and subjectively illegal. In objective illegality, the weight of illegality shall be taken into account and the discretion of the investigative agency on the judgment of legality shall be recognized within reasonable limits. In subjective illegality, the intent and degree of negligence of the investigative agency shall be taken into account. In this respect, the ruling is reasonable. The seizure of a search warrant without the judge s seal is not considered to be so illegal as to exclude evidence. There was no problem in recognizing that the court objectively authorized the investigative agency to search and seizure, because the warrant contained all the signatures and handwritten articles of the judge, and only the seal was omitted. In addition, the search and seizure by a warrant with the seal of a judge omitted did not infringe on the basic rights of interested parties and both the principle of confiscation of selective copies and the guarantee of the right of participation of the oppressor were observed in the search and seizure of digital evidence. In addition, the negligence resulting in illegality is in the jurisdiction of the judiciary, not the investigative agency, and the judgment of the investigative agency, which believed that the warrant was valid on the surface, is reasonable.

      • KCI등재

        송화 및 고추냉이 첨가가 김치 발효에 미치는 영향

        나영아(Young Ah Rha),박정난(Jung Nan Park),나영선(Young Sun Na) 한국조리학회 2004 한국조리학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate the effects of pine pollen and horseradish. which were known as antimicrobial materials, on the fermentation of Kimchi. The physicochemical and microbial changes of Kimchi were investigated during period 30-days at 10t. Even though Kimchi added pine pollen or horseradish powder were sustained the higher pH and lower acidity after 10 days, it delayed only I- 2 more days to reach optimal value of Kimchi fermentation in experimental groups than control. The horseradish powder showed the antimicrobial effect of Kimchi at initial stage, but thereafter that effect of pine pollen or horseradish were not significant. Therefore the addition of pine pollen or horseradish powder to Kimchi is not sufficiently effective for extension of shelf-life of Kimchi.

      • 식이 중 지방산과 단백질 종류가 DMBA로 유방종양을 유발시킨 난소 절제한 흰쥐의 혈청 단백질지표에 미치는 영향

        박정난,이은경,이상선 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 2002 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.20

        This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary fatty acids and protein sources on serum protein profiles in 7, 12-dimethylbenz(α)anthracene (DMBA)-treated ovariectomized rats. The sources of dietary fatty acids were 18n6(rich in linoleic acid), 18n3(rich in linolenic acid) and 22n3(rich in EPA, DHA) and those of protein were casein(C) and soy protein isolate(S). Mammary tumor(MT) was chemically induced by DMBA(15mg/rat) which was gastrically intubated at 7 weeks of age. Eight week-old virgin rats were ovariectomized(Ovx). Each experimental diet was given for the following 25 weeks. Final weight, food intake, protein efficiency ratio(PER) were not significantly different among dietary fatty acids. However, casein-treated rats (group 7) exhibited slgnificantly higher levels of final weight and PER than group S. Liver and kidney weight were significantly higher in 22n3-fed rats than 18n6 and 18n3-fed rats, and significantly lower in non-MT bearing rats. Dietary fatty acids and protein sources were not affect on serum protein, albumin, globulin, and A/G ratio. Serum protein and globulin were significantly high in MT-bearing rats. MT incidence had negative correlation wish serum protein, albumin, and globulin. Number of MT increase as serum globulin and protein level increased.

      • 식이섬유질의 종류와 함량이 위장관의 형태에 미치는 영향

        박정난,이상선 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 2001 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.19

        This study was performed to investigate the influence of dietary fibers, which were from whole foods, on the morphology of stomach and intestine. Fiber sources of experimental diets were made from vegetable(carrot) and seaweed(stem of tangle) by drying and milling. Each of fiber sources was given at the level of 5, 15, 30% of diet. Male rats of Sprague-Dawley strain were blocked into 8 groups ; FF(fiber-free), C(control), V5, V15, V30, S5, S15, S30. Animals were fed ad libitum each of experimental diets for 30 days. The results obtained are summarized as follows, 1.Weight gain of S5 was significantly higher than that of S30. The group fed high level of fiber source showed the tendency of lower weight gain. Food Intake of groups were not significantly different, except the significantly lower food intake in C and V5 than S5. Food efficiency ratio was decreased in groups fed higher level of dietary fiber source. 2.The weight of stomach and large intestine of the group fed more dietary fiber were increased, significantly. The length of small and large intestine was significantly longer in the group fed more dietary fiber. 3.With higher intake of dietary fiber, mucosa layer in stomach was thinner and muscularis layer was thicker. 4.Mucosa weight in small intestine was tend to be decreased by increasing of dietary fiber. 5.The activity of maltase in the mucosa of small intestine was tend to be decreased by increasing of dietary fiber. These results suggests that carrot and sea tangle are effective to improve intestinal function. Therefore these fiber sources may protect many disease related with intestinal function, like constipation, hemorrhoid, colon cancer, etc.. However it is also suggested that high content of dietary fiber can harmful to gastrointestinal structure.

      • 식이 중 지방산과 단백질 종류가 DMBA로 유발시킨 유방종양 발현 모델 흰쥐의 간 기능효소 활성에 미치는 영향

        이은경,박정난,이상선 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 2002 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.20

        This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary fatty acids and protein sources on hepatic enzyme activities in 7,12-dimethylbenz(α)anthracene(DMIBA)-treated rats. The sources of dietary fatty acids were 18n6(rich in linoleic acid), 18n3(rich in linolenic acid) and 22n3(rich in DHA) and those of protein were casein(C) and soy protein isolate(S). Mammary tumor(MT) was chemically inducted by DMBA(15mg/rat) which was gastrically intubated at 7 weeks of age. Eight week-old virgin rats were ovariectomized (Ovx). Each experimental diet was given far the following 25 weeks. Weight gain, food intake, and food efficiency ratio(FER) did not significantly differ among various fatty acids groups. However, casein-treated rats (group C) exhibited significantly higher levels of weight gain and FER than did group S. Liver and kidney indices were significantly higher in 22n3-fed rats compare to 18n6, 18n3 fed rats. Dietary fatty acids and protein sources were not affect on glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT), glutamic pyruvate transaminase(GPT), alkaline phosphatase(ALP), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(γ-GT) activities and LDH/GOT ratio. GOT, LDH activities and LDH/GOT ratio were tended to be higher in MT-bearing rats. There was no MT incidence in 18n3 group. Mean of MT weight was significantly higher in C group than S group. MT incidence, tumor weight and number tend to be higher in group 22n3 than in group 18n6 and 18n3. MT incidence and total number of MT had tendency to increase in 18n6 and to decrease in 22n3 group. Taken together, we suggested that 18n3 fatty acid and soy protein may have potential for protection from mammary tumor.

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