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      • KCI등재

        고분자 기판위에 다층 구조의 박막형 보호층을 적용한 투습률 향상

        김종환,한진우,김영환,서대식,Kim Jong-Hwan,Han Jin-Woo,Kim Young-Hwan,Seo Dae-Shik 한국전기전자재료학회 2006 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        In this paper, the inorganic-organic thin film encapsulation layer was newly adopted to protect the organic layer from moisture and oxygen. Using the electron beam, Sputter and Spin-Coater system, the various kinds of inorganic and organic thin-films were deposited onto the Ethylene Terephthalate(PET) and their interface properties between organic and inorganic layer were investigated. In this investigation, the SiON and Polyimide(PI) layer showed the most suitable properties. Under these conditions, the WVTR(water vapour transition rate) for PET can be reduced from level of $0.57\;g/m^2{\cdot}day$ (bare subtrate) to $1{\times}10^{-5}\;g/m^2{\cdot}day$ after application of a SiON and Polyimide layer. These results indicates that the SiON/PI/SiON/PI/PET barrier coatings have high potential for flexible organic light-emitting diode(OLED) applications.

      • KCI등재

        Geochemistry and Genesis of the Guryonsan(Ogcheon) Uraniferous Back Slate

        김종환,Kim, Jong Hwan The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1989 자원환경지질 Vol.22 No.1

        구룡산(九龍山)(또는 옥천(沃川)) 함(含)우라늄 흑연질점판암(黑鉛質粘板岩)은 옥천대(沃川帶) 서북부(西北部)에 따라 증상(層狀) 또는 부딘상(狀)으로 90km이상(以上) 연장(延長) 분포(分布)한다. 함(含)우라늄점판암(粘板岩)의 오토레디오그라프에 나타나는 퇴적(堆積), 속성(續成), 변성구조(變成構造)는 우라늄과 동시퇴적물(同時堆積物)로서 속성작용과정(續成作用過程)에서 전혀 이동(移動)하지 않고 황성변성(廣域變成) 초기(初期)에 제자리에서 미립(微粒)우라니나이트로 재결정(再結晶)하였음을 보여준다. 동시(同時)에 유기물(有機物)은 미세환장흑연(微細環狀黑鉛)으로 되었다. 라미나구조(構造)의 발달(發達)과 평균(平均) 19.64% C, 2.32% S의 함유(含有)는 함(含)우라늄흑니(黑泥) 퇴적(堆積)의 일반조건(一般條件)으로서의 극(極)히 낮은 퇴적화(堆積比), 고유기물함유(高有機物含有), 염기성황경등을 충족(充足)하였으며 Th/U가 0.07로서 해수원(海水源)임을 뜻한다. 지역별(地域別) CaO, $P_2O_5$의 평균치(平均値)가 매우좁은 범위(範圍)의 일정치(一定値)이며 높은 CaO 평균치(平均値)를 나타내어 전퇴적(全堆積)분지를 통(通)하여 동일(同一) pH(7.8-8.0)조건(條件)의 환경(環境)에서 퇴적(堆積)하였음을 나타낸다. 함(含)우라늄점판암(粘板岩)은 같은 성인(成因)의 타산장(他産狀)에 비(比)하여 미량원소(微量元素) 부화도(富化度)가 매우 높다. 고부화(高富化)의 중요(重要)한 원인(原因)으로서 미량원소(微量元素)의 소스(source)인 해수(海水)의 주기적(週期的) 교체(交替)가 요구(要求)되는데 사이크릭퇴적구조(堆積構造)는 그러한 현상(現象)을 뒷받침하여 준다. 흑니(黑泥)의 성인별(成因別) 구성광물(構成鑛物)과 원소(元素)의 수반관계(隨伴關係)에서 쇄설성광물(鑛物)에는 Si, Al, K, Na, Ti, Zr, Th, Be, B, Li, 유기물(有機物)후락숀에, U, Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Ag, Mo, Pb, Sn, Cd, S, Fe, V, Cr, Y, 탄산염광물(炭酸鹽鑛物)에 Ca, Mg, Mn, P, Ba가 높은 상관(相關)을 나타낸다. 유기물(有機物)의 우라늄고정심전능력(固定沈澱能力)에 있어 사프로페릭(Sapropelic)형(型)보다 휴믹(Humic)형(型)에서 더 높다. 육성식물(陸性植物)의 분해물(分解物)인 휴무스(Humus)는 고대성(古生代) 중기(中期)에 출현(出現)한다. 우라늄 함유(含有) 흑니(黑泥)는 이 시대(時代)의 형성물(形成物)로서 이런 형(型)의 광상(鑛床)은 생물상(生物相)의 진화(進化)에 규제(規制)된 광화작용(鑛化作用)의 산물(産物)이다. Geochemical characteristics of the Guryongsan (Ogcheon) uraniferous black slate show that this is an analogue to the conventional Chattanooga and Alum shales in occurrences. Whereas, its highest enrichment ratio in metals including uranium, among others, is explained by the cyclic sedimentation of the black muds and quartz-rich silts, and the uniform depositional condition with some what higher pH condition compared to the conditions of the known occurrences. The cyclic sedimentation, caused by the periodic open and close of the silled basin, has brought about the flush-out) of the uranium depleted water and the recharge with the new metal-rich sea water, which consequently contributed to the high concentration of metals in mud. The metal-rich marine black muds, which mostly occur in the early to middle Palaeozoic times, is attributed by the geologic conditions which related to the atmospheric oxygen contents, and these are scarcely met in the late Precambrian and/or with the onset of Palaeozoic era in the geologic evolution of the earth.

      • KCI등재

        골다공증(骨多孔症)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) -주로 최근(最近)의 한의학적(韓醫學的) 임상(臨床) 및 실험논문(實驗論文)을 중심(中心)으로

        김종환,Kim Jong-Hwan 대한침구의학회 1998 대한침구의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Osteopotosis is a disease characterized by reduced amount of bone mass leading to enhanced bone flagility. The number of patients with osteoporotic vertebral fracture is increasing and it is one of the leading causes of morbidity in the elderly and postmenopausal women. It is a condition in which bone mass decrease, causing bones to be more susceptible to fracture. A trivial trauma can easily cause one or more bones to break in a person with severe osteoporosis. So it is a major health problem. Pysicians and patients are concerned with the optimum approach to the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Until a recent date, many oriental medicine studies were performed to find the preventive and curative efficacy on the osteoporosis, which is differ from therapeutics of Western-medicine. The proper use of Herb-med and role of Accupuncture are issues that have generated major research efforts. This study was carried out to investigate evaluation of clinical and experimental study on the osteoporosis. So, these are to be mentioned in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        영상정보에 기초한 전차 자율탐지 및 조준점탐색 연구

        김종환,정치정,허미라,Kim, Jong-Hwan,Jung, Chi-Jung,Heo, Mira 한국시뮬레이션학회 2018 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.27 No.2

        본 논문은 지상무인전투체계 중의 하나인 무인경전투차량이 RGB 영상정보를 기초로 스스로 전차를 탐지하고 조준점을 산출하는 지능형 표적획득/처리기술의 기초연구이다. 무인 경전투 차량이 전장에서 적 전차와 조우 시, 적 전차를 자율적으로 탐지하고 스스로 조준하는 방법을 개발하기 위해, 영상정보로부터 전차의 주요특징을 식별 및 추출하고, Maximally stable extremal regions, 중간값 필터, k평균 클러스터링 그리고 Morphological filtering의 영상처리기법 및 인공지능 알고리즘을 통해 전차의 외형정보를 추출 및 분석하였으며, 식별된 전차 외형정보를 벡터화하여 전차의 중앙을 지향하는 조준점을 산출하였다. 또한, 본 연구의 성능을 측정하기 위해 선진국들의 주력전차의 영상정보를 수집 및 분석하였고, 제안한 방법의 객관적인 전차탐지 성능은 정확도 91.6%, 정밀도 90.4%, 재현율 85.8% 그리고 F-measure 88.1%의 결과를 보여주었다. 본 연구가 무인전투체계의 지능형 표적획득/처리기술 연구개발에 도움이 되기를 기대한다. This paper presents an autonomous detection and aiming point computation of a battle tank by using RGB images. Maximally stable extremal regions algorithm was implemented to find features of the tank, which are matched with images extracted from streaming video to figure out the region of interest where the tank is present. The median filter was applied to remove noises in the region of interest and decrease camouflage effects of the tank. For the tank segmentation, k-mean clustering was used to autonomously distinguish the tank from its background. Also, both erosion and dilation algorithms of morphology techniques were applied to extract the tank shape without noises and generate the binary image with 1 for the tank and 0 for the background. After that, Sobel's edge detection was used to measure the outline of the tank by which the aiming point at the center of the tank was calculated. For performance measurement, accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure were analyzed by confusion matrix, resulting in 91.6%, 90.4%, 85.8%, and 88.1%, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        삼기층(三紀層) 퇴적암(堆積岩) 중(中) 비석(沸石)의 산출상태(産出狀態)

        김종환,문희수,Kim, Jong-hwan,Moon, Hee-Soo 대한자원환경지질학회 1978 자원환경지질 Vol.11 No.2

        Of more than 30 varieties of zeolite group minerals, 7 varieties, mordenite, clinoptilolite, natrolite laumontite, stilbite, stellerite and chabazite are identified in Korea, whereas mordenite and clinoptilolite occur in Miocene sediments of small Yonil tertiary basin, east coast of Korea. The basin consists of three separate groups of sediments called Janggi, Gampo and Haseo, which are not correlated stratigraphyically yet. Zeolite occurs alternating with montmorillonite layers in Nuldaeri, Yongdongri and Haseori tuffs of Jahanggi, Gampo and Haseo Groups respectively. Zeolite was formed by diagenesis. of acidic volcanic tuffs.

      • KCI등재

        열전달 해석을 이용한 VAR 공정 변수가 티타늄 합금 잉고트 응고 조직에 미치는 영향 연구

        김종환,이재현,허성강,현용택,이용태,Kim, Jong-Hwan,Lee, Jae-Hyeon,Heo, Seong-Gang,Hyeon, Yong-Taek,Lee, Yong-Tae 한국재료학회 2002 한국재료학회지 Vol.12 No.5

        VAR process is required to control its various operating parameters. Heat transfer simulation has been accomplished to understand development of solidification micro and macro-structures during VAR process in Ti alloys. Optimum VAR process parameters could be also estimated in this study. It was found that macro-structures were closely related to the shape and depth of liquid pool, and solidification parameters, such as temperature gradient, heat flux, solid fraction. The cooling rates were higher at bottom, top, and center part respectively. As cooling rates increased, the $\alpha$ phase decreased in length, width and fraction. In order to evaluate which parameter affects the result of heat transfer calculation most sensitively, the sensitivities of input parameters to the simulation result were examined. The pool depth and cooling rate showed more sensitive to the temperature of the molten metal, heat transfer coefficient, and liquidus respectively. Also, these thermal properties became more sensitive at higher temperatures.

      • KCI등재

        Direct Adaptive Control of Nonminimum Phase Systgems based on PID Structures

        김종환,최계근,Kim, Jong-Hwan,Choi, Keh-Kun The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 1986 전자공학회논문지 Vol.23 No.6

        This paper presents direct adaptive controllers for single-input single-output nonminimum phase systems based on PID structures. Also, characteristics of these schemes are compared, and convergence properties are considered. In these schemes, controller parameters are estimated from the least-square algorithm and some additional auxiliary parameters are obtained from the proposed polynomial identity which is derived from the pole placement equation and the Bezout identity. The effectiveness of these schemes is demonstrated by computer simulation that has been carried out for a very difficult example.

      • New Aggregation Algorithm for Tandem queue with Finite Buffers

        김종환,Hur, Sung Kwan,徐承祿 大邱大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        We consider a two-stage fmite tandem queueing system with Poisson arrivals and negative exponential service times. The customer who has completed his service at the first station has to go directlty to the second station. If the queue of the second station is full at the moment of the service completion of the customer at the first station, then the customer receives, another service at the first station. This is repeated until the customer completes a service at the first station at the moment that the second station is not fulL The problem of calculating the steady-state probabilities of this queueing system by the ordinary balance equations is time consuming. We develop an efficient algorithm to obtain the steady-state probabilities that utilize the two-way state aggregation techniques.

      • KCI등재

        교육정보시스템이 교육성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김종환,박명종,Kim, Jong-Hwan,Park, Myung-Jong 한국산업정보학회 2010 한국산업정보학회논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        For the education information system, evaluation of the performance have to incorporate the special characteristics od education. This paper is to develop some measures to assess the performance of Korean National Education Information System (NEIS). Performance measures are classified those into three detailed areas as the flow of value chain. which include end-users area, education process area and performance area. Research results show that the users's concern to the information system have an affirmative influence on the satisfaction of users, and attitude change of users have also a positive influence on the administration area of the information system such as task productivity, task innovation, satisfaction of the education users, activity of control process. Also, user's satisfaction for NEIS, that comes from the communication, have an affirmative influence on the better performance of education,

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