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金宇燮 영남이공대학 1987 論文集 Vol.16 No.-
Experimental investigation has been made of screw swirl nozzle for diesel engine. Compared with single screw swirl nozzle, triple screw swirl nozzle can produce finer spray pattern. But the atomizing quality under low injection pressure was poor at the beginning stage of injection. To improve of the defect, the swirl chamber of the single screw swirl nozzle must be made as small as possible and the needle lift be lowered.
Al₂O₃-40%TiO₂용사층의 연구(Ⅰ) : 미끄럼 마찰 및 마멸특성 sliding contact friction and wear characteristics
김우섭,오명석,채영훈 영남이공대학 산업기술연구소 1998 産業技術硏究 Vol.11 No.-
The wear behaviors of Al₂0₃-40%TiO₂ deposited on Al-alloy of casting(ASTM A356) by plasma spray against SiC ball have been investigated experimentally. Friction and wear tests are carried out at room temperature. The friction coefficient of Al₂0₃-40%TiO₂ coating is lower than that of pure Al₂0₃ coating(APS). It is found that low friction correspond to low wear and high friction to high wear in the experimental result. It is found that a voids and porosities of coating surface result in the crack generated. As the tensile stresses in coating increased with the increased friction coefficient. It is found that the cohesive of splats and the porosity of surface play a role in wear characteristics.
舶用 대형저속 Diesel기관에서 Main Bearing Shell의 White Metal 손상의 원인분석과 개선에 관한 연구
김우섭 영남이공대학 2002 論文集 Vol.31 No.-
Bearing shells of a larger low speed marine diesel engine usually a steel casting lined with white metal. Bearing shells, in the main, are made up of circular lower and upper halves, with a cap holding the two. Special machine have also been developed for centrifugally casting white metal into steel shells. Recently, Higher increased bearing loads have resulted in frequent bearing failures as falling out white metal. One solution of the problem has come through the development of cooling card. after casting of white metal. A columnar crystal of white metal is formed and developed from steel back side where cooling water is applied. Other factor such as, crankshaft alignment, main beating alignment and bedplate bearing girder machining accuracy are to be checked.
김우섭,김한구,김승홍,배태희 대한미용성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.12 No.1
Non incisional blepharoplasty, so called buried double fold operation in Asia, although a common procedure, has a some complications such as inclusion cyst or granuloma or loss of crease. To obviate this problem, we tried to modify existing suture method. Three sutures(medial, middle, lateral) were located on the skin crease site as superficial as possible to anchor the dermis for secure fixation, and we've located suture knot on the orbicularis oculi muscle as deep as possible. Between January 2001 and February 2004, 162 patients were operated with these procedure by one surgeon, we could trace 63 patients for postoperative follow-up, there were no postoperative findings of inclusion cyst or granuloma or loss of fold crease except 1 case of short crease. This simple suture operation could be one of useful non-incisional methods for Asian blepharoplasty.
김우섭,문기찬,박명철,허충림,홍인표 대한의학회 2009 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.24 No.-
The purpose of this study is to develop new standards for the disability evaluation with reference to existing laws and other study reports regarding disabilities for the rational evaluation of the diverse kinds of disfigurement in appearance and skin. Three plastic surgery specialists and 3 dermatology specialists developed a new standard for the disability evaluation which is appropriate for circumstances in Korea. Disability rate does not take into account the social occupation, gender or age of the patient, but instead, evaluate the Activity of Daily Living and the social adaptability of the appearance and skin disfigurement regardless of the balance between different disabilities. We tried to include most cutaneous disorders and categorized them into 3 types; congenital (Type 1), acquired (Type 2) as well as any permanent skin impairment sequelae of disease, trauma or treatment process (Type 3). For type 3 disorders, we tried to rate the score according to the size of involved skin lesion. The disability rate is determined by dividing the disability class into 8 steps based on the seriousness of each type of disability.
비공내 접근을 통한 융비술 시 삽입물의 변위와 돌출방지를 위한 고정법
김우섭,김지욱,김한구,김승홍 대한성형외과학회 2004 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.31 No.6
The augmentation rhinoplasty using silicone implant is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure in Asians. But complications such as deviation and extrusion are often noted. For prevention of these problems, we discussed and assessed the effectiveness of augmentation rhinoplasty through unilateral infracartilaginous incision and fixation of the silicone to the septal cartilage. Among 121 patients who underwent closed rhinoplasty using anchoring suture in silicone fixation and covering the silicone tip with medial border of lateral crus in both alar cartilage by intercrural suture, we analyzed 47 patients. No other procedures were used. The average follow-up period was 11 months. This technique showed good results without deviation or extrusion of silicone implants. In addition, this procedure yields good nasal tip projections. Herein, this treatment will be a future promising treatment modality for reducing complications with high level of patient satisfaction