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      • 시간-주파수 지역화를 이용한 방사 기준 함수 구조의 최적 설계

        김용택,김성주,서재용,전홍태,Kim, Yong-Taek,Kim, Seong-Joo,Seo, Jae-Yong,Jeon, Hong-Tae 대한전자공학회 2001 電子工學會論文誌-SC (System and control) Vol.38 No.5

        본 논문에서는 신경망에 비해 보다 단순화되고 빠르게 수렴하는 특성을 보이는 방사 기준 함수 구조를 초기에 설계하기 위한 방법을 제안한다. 이를 위해 시간 주파수 지역화를 이용한 분석 기법을 사용하였고 방사기준 함수 구조를 초기에 주어진 문제에 적합한 최적 상태로 결정하였다. 시간-주파수 평면에서 지역화 특성이 대상 함수를 근사할 수 있는 특성을 지닌 방사 기준 함수를 사용하여 은닉층을 구성할 경우, 근사 능력을 지닌 초기 구조를 결정함에 있어서 장점을 지닌다. In this paper, we propose the initial optimized structure of the Radial Basis Function Network(RBFN) which is more simple in the part of the structure and converges more faster than Neural Network. For this, we use the analysis method using time frequency localization and we can decide the initial structure of the RBFN suitable for the given problem. When we compose the hidden nodes with the radial basis functions whose localization are similar with the target function in the plane of the time and frequency, we can make a good decision of the initial structure having an ability of approximation.

      • 논단 - 한국농업의 취약한 식량안보

        김용택,Kim, Yong-Taek 한국작물보호협회 2009 자연과 농업 Vol.252 No.-

        과거와는 달리 국제곡물가격이 곡물수급에서만이 아니라 에너지수급에도 영향을 받는 복잡한 양상을 띠고 있다. 식량안보에 대한 보다 적극적인 인식과 대응책 마련이 미래 국가전략 수립에 중요한 과제이다.

      • 식량안보체계 구축을 위한 해외농업 개발과 자원 확보 방안(3/3차연도)

        김용택(Yong-Taek Kim),김병률(Byeong-Ryul Kim),이병훈(Byoung-Hoon Lee),전익수(Ik-Su Jun),윤종열(Jong-Yeol Yoon),민자혜(Ja-Hye Min),김정승(Jeong-Seung Kim),성진근(Jin-Keun Seong),김완배(Wan-Bae Kim),김종호(Jong-Ho Kim),이동필 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        After the global food crisis in 2007 and 2008, world grain prices have rapidly soared. This brought about significant influences on global economy causing the ‘agflation’ phenomenon which describes inflation led by rises in agricultural commodity prices. The world grain market is also unstabilized by uncertain changes in weather and productions. Since Korea is one of the huge food import countries, food security has become one of serious challenges to Korea. Overseas agricultural development is emerging as one of promising policy options to stably secure foods. This is the third and final report which is a third year report of the three-year research. This study has tried to seek an alternative model and policy to establish an effective operating system for overseas agricultural development projects given that Korea"s entry into this field is relatively new and competition over overseas agricultural development is getting intense around the world. Additionally, the study suggested a model and strategies for overseas agricultural development. Previous research has been conducted about several issues as follows: In the first year research, the study attempted to provide a future direction and strategies for international agricultural development by grasping the historical progress and constructing a reasonable definition of the international development. In addition, this study provided information on the possibilities of the oversea agricultural development in Russia, Brazil, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Especially, the conceptual scope of oversea agricultural development includes physical and economic access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food as well as the establishment of a food security system. In the second year research, the study focused on evaluating the implementation of a 10-year overseas agricultural development plan. In addition, the second year study provided necessary complementary measures and developed a new food security index to consider some elements influencing the world food supply & demand and the overseas agricultural development. In the final year research, the study provided action plans for promoting overseas agricultural development by regions, commodities, and types by reviewing successful private companies" strategies and evaluating their business models and analyzed the economic feasibility studies by analyzing financial statements and business performances. Finally, Based on the various results, the study drew up various desirable business models for successful overseas agricultural development.

      • 국제농업협력사업 중장기 추진 방안

        김용택(Yong-taek Kim),허장(Jang Heo),김정승(Jeong-seung Kim),박복영(Bok-young Park),이태희(Tae-hee Lee) 한국농촌경제연구원 2010 한국농촌경제연구원 연구자료 Vol.- No.-

        □ 농업분야 협력사업의 양적 증가 추세에 따라 국제농업협력사업의 안정적, 효율적 추진을 위한 중장기 추진방안을 마련할 필요 □ 중장기 비전과 목표, 추진방향의 설정 ? 비전: 저개발국과의 공존, 공영을 위한 농업ㆍ농촌개발협력 ? 목표: 개발도상국과 저개발국의 식량안보와 빈곤탈피를 지향한 전략적 농림수산협력으로 국가 브랜드 가치 제고에 기여 ? 추진방향: 사업 간 조정역량 제고, 사업성과 위주의 협력사업 발굴 및 추진, 사업추진의 효율성 제고 □ 관련기관의 역할분담 ? 농식품부와 외청, 소속기관이 수행하는 국제협력사업은 농식품부가 총괄하여 조정 - ‘글로벌농림수산협력추진협의회’의 협력사업 심의, 조정기능 강화 - ‘(가칭)글로벌농림수산협력센터’의 설립, 「(가칭)농림수산분야 대외협력촉진에 관한 법률」 제정 ? 장기적으로 농림수산분야 대외 무상원조 사업을 농식품부가 총괄, 집행 □ 중점협력대상국, 사업 분야의 설정 ? 동남아시아와 아프리카를 우선 협력권역으로 설정, 단계적 확대 ? 전략적 협력대상국(자원, 정치적 관계 등 고려), 일반적 협력대상국(협력수요, 수용능력 등 기준 적용) 선정 ? 협력대상국에 관한 현황자료 수집 및 조사, 민간부문 해외농업개발과 연계하여 농업 투자개발을 위한 정보 제공 ? 국가별 수요, 인도적 고려, 국가의 대외 이미지 제고, 해외자원 확보 등의 국가적 목표에 부합하는 사업의 선정 □ 사업추진 방식의 체계화 ? (사업종류) 기획사업, 국제사회와의 공동사업, 경험전수사업, 일반사업으로 구분 - 국제사회와의 공동사업은 궁극적으로 기획사업의 범주에 포함 ? (사업발굴) 서면수요조사, 기존 사업의 후속사업에 대한 수요조사 등 대상국의 수요에 입각한 사업 발굴하고 수요평가를 거쳐 확정 - 일반사업의 경우 단기간, 소규모 전략사업을 발굴하여 사업시행자를 모집하는 방식 추가 □ 예산확보 방식 및 기구 개편 ? 예산지원 관련 법령의 도입으로 사업비 지급근거 마련 ? 예산의 안정적 확보 및 사업의 효율적 관리, 운영 차원에서 예산확보 방식을 현재 보조금 방식에서 출연금 방식으로 개편 ? 농식품부, 외청 및 소속기관, 유관기관ㆍ단체의 협력사업 전체에 대한 실질적 통제가 가능한 방식으로 추진조직 개편 - (1단계) 현행 조직의 확대 → (2단계) 별도 출연기관(법인)의 설립 It is necessary to have mid- to long-term approach to the international agricultural development and cooperation projects, following the increasing trend of the budgets of the projects. We set the vision as to pursue the co-existence and co-prosperity with the less developed countries through the international cooperation for agricultural and rural development. The purpose of the projects shall be to contribute to the enhancement of the national brand value through strategic cooperation which aims for food security and poverty elimination in the developing and less developed countries. The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MIFAFF) needs to control and coordinate all international cooperation projects which are undertaken by all affiliated administrations besides its own projects. The functions of the “Council for Global Agricultural Cooperation” shall be strengthened for more effective coordination of cooperation projects. The establishment of “Global Agricultural Cooperation Center” and enactment of “Act for International Cooperation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries” are also crucial. In the long run, the MIFAFF should take over all international aid projects in the agricultural sector. For “selection and concentration,” we suggest to focus on the south-east Asian region and Africa first as key target areas for cooperation. For target countries, it needs to distinguish strategic cooperation countries and general cooperation countries. Country assistance strategy for agriculture, or CASA, is to be prepared for efficient discovery and implementation of projects. Categories of projects are: special type projects, international collaborative projects, experience transfer projects and general type projects. To discover potential projects, diverse survey should be used including survey in written form. Some small, general type projects which have shown excellent performances can be expanded to become special type projects. International collaborative projects, considering the difficulties in project formation and initiation, need to be categorically combined with the special type projects. For sustained and secure implementation, stable supply of budget is crucial. It can only be possible through introduction of relevant law or regulations which would have clauses on the budget. Current method of budget, subsidization, should be changed to the contribution method so that the implementing agencies can stably perform the projects. Following the change in budgeting, a separate control organization, as corporative body, should be established.

      • RFID 리더들을 위한 채널 할당 방법 모델링

        김용택 ( Yong Taek Kim ),배성우 ( Sung Woo Bae ),양정규 ( Jung Kyu Yang ),노형환 ( Hyoung Hwan Roh ),성영락 ( Yeong Rak Seong ),박준석 ( Jun Seok Park ),오하령 ( Ha Ryoung Oh ) 한국정보처리학회 2007 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification) 시스템에서는 리더와 태그가 무선으로 통신을 하기 때문에 리더와 태그의 수가 많아지게 되면 서로간에 신호의 충돌이 발생한다. 이러한 충돌을 해결하기 위해서는 각각의 리더가 서로 다른 시간에 동작하거나 사용하는 채널을 달리하여 충돌을 해결할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 셀 분할 기법을 적용하고 각각의 셀이 채널 운용을 다르게 하도록 하여 충돌문제를 해결하였다. 그 방법으로 주파수 호핑(Frequency Hopping) 방식과 CCA(Clear Channel Assessment) 기법을 사용할 것을 제안한다. 그리고 제안한 방법을 시뮬레이션 하기 위해 모델링 하는 방법에 대해 살펴 보겠다.

      • KCI등재
      • 해외농업개발 해외진출기업의 경영전략 분석

        김용택(Yong-Taek Kim),김정승(Jeong-Seung Kim),김종호,김완배,성진근 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        After the global food crisis in 2007 and 2008, world grain prices have rapidly soared. This brought about significant influences on global economy causing the ‘agflation’ phenomenon which describes inflation led by rises in agricultural commodity prices. The world grain market is also unstabilized by uncertain changes in weather and productions. Under such circumstances, food security has become one of most serious challenges to Korea, the fifth largest food importing country. Overseas agricultural development is emerging as one of most promising policy options to stably secure foods. This is the third and final year report of a three-year research. This study tried to seek an alternative model and policy to establish an effective operating system for overseas agricultural development projects given that Korea’s entry into this field is relatively new and competition over overseas agricultural development is getting intense around the world. Additionally, the study suggested a success model and strategies of overseas agricultural development. In the final year research, the study provided action plans for promoting overseas agricultural development by region, commodities, and types by reviewing successful private companies’ strategies and evaluating their business models. And by using various results, the study drew up various success models for overseas agricultural development.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 노인보건복지법과 관련시책

        김용택(Yong Taek Kim) 한국노인복지학회 2001 노인복지연구 Vol.14 No.-

        In Japan, with rapidly growing older population, proper care of the elderly has also emerged as a crucial burden in the society. Many organizations and institutions provide programs and services for the frail elderly, and those welfare packages are usually limited to formal institutional accommodation and medical care. However, adult children also perform variety of roles that extend their personal resources to the point of enhancing physical and emotional stability of the elderly parents. The children that provide these informal cares are normally referred as the primary caregivers, because the cares often take the form of closeness, immediate & intimate personal services, and assistance with domestic tasks; they provide their older parents with an opportunity for receiving intimate emotional, companionate, instrumental, and functional assistances over daily living In Japan, there are specific laws and welfare policies for caring the elderly. Firs, the law of care law has been enacted in early 1980s enabling civilian parties to deliver man-to-man care service. Second, the government developed a political agency for long-life plan in mid 1980s. Third, various insurance policies were developed for nursing cares as well as typical medical care for the elderly. Therefore finally in this study, it was concluded that in Japan, welfare policy for caring the elderly is within equalized cooperative delivery system of home help and institutionalization.

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