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      • KCI등재

        해운대 연안 표층퇴적물 분포의 계절변화와 이동

        김석윤,정주봉,이병관,Kim, Seok-Yun,Jeong, Joo-Bong,Lee, Byoung-Kwan 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.1

        해운대 연안의 계절별 퇴적물 분포와 연간 이동경향을 추정하기 위하여 2007년 6월, 10월, 12월, 2008년 3월과 6월의 총 5차례 표층퇴적물의 조직 변화를 관측하였으며 이차원 이동모델인 Gao and Collins(1992)의 모델을 적용하여 퇴적물의 이동경향을 파악하였다. 또한 침 퇴적 양상을 알아보기 위하여 2007년 2월, 5월, 8월과 12월의 수심자료를 이용하여 계절에 따른 수심변화를 파악하였다. 계절별 표층퇴적물 분포는 2007년 하계에서 추계 및 동계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면에서 입도가 조립해지며 역질이나 암반층이 드러나는 환경으로 변하였으며, 미포항 전면에서 해수욕장 중앙으로 퇴적물 이동경향이 강하게 나타났고, 서측, 동백섬 전면은 입도가 세립해지며 사질과 니질의 퇴적상이 관측되었다. 퇴적물의 이동경향은 서측에서 해수욕장 방향으로의 이동이 감소하였다. 2007년 동계에서 2008년 춘계 및 하계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면은 평균입도와 퇴적상의 세립화가 관측된 반면, 서측, 동백섬 전면의 평균입도와 퇴적상은 다시 조립해지는 경향이 관측되었다. 퇴적물의 이동경향은 동측, 미포항 전면에서 해수욕장 방향의 이동은 감소하고, 서측, 동백섬 전면에서 해수욕장 방향으로의 이동경향은 증가하였다. 해운대 연안의 침 퇴적변화는 2007년 춘계동안 동측, 미포항 전면에서 전반적인 퇴적이 진행되었으며 춘계에서 하계로 갈수록 전 해역에서 침식이 이루어졌다. 이는 연구기간동안 해역을 통과한 태풍 (마니, 우사기, 피토)의 영향으로 판단된다. 하계에서 동계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면에서는 침식 및 유지가 관측되었으나 서측 동백섬 전면에서는 퇴적이 관측되었다. 결론적으로, 표층퇴적물의 침 퇴적변화와 이동경향은 춘계는 서에서 동으로 이동되어 동측, 미포항 전면에서 퇴적되며 태풍이 발생하는 하계는 연안 대부분에서 침식이 이루어지고 추계 및 동계는 동에서 서측으로 퇴적물 이동이 이루어져 서측, 동백섬 전면에서 퇴적이 진행되었다. To study the seasonal pattern of sediment distribution and the transport tendency in Haeundae nearshore area; i) the grain size texture of surface sediment was examined in June, October, and December of 2007, and March and June of 2008, and secondary, ii) the transport tendency was studied by using a two-dimensional sediment transport model of Gao and Collins (1992), and finally, iii) the bathymetric changes were analyzed by using the data collected in February, May, August, and December of 2007 by Haeundae District Office. Spatial distribution of sediment texture, the tendency of sediment transport as well as the bathymetric change showed significant seasonal variations. From June to December of 2007, the eastern part of the Haeundae area, off Dalmaji Hill showed the coarsening of mean grain size with a prominent transport tendency toward the Haeundae beach. On the contrary, the western part of the area, off Dongbaek Island showed a fining trend of mean grain size, and the transport tendency toward the beach was relatively weakened. From December of 2007 to June of 2008, the mean grain size of Mipo Harbor became finer, and the transport tendency toward the central beach decreased. The mean grain size of Dongbaek Island became coarser, while the tendency increased in the direction of the beach. The areas of significant net accumulation and erosion were depicted based on the bathymetric changes between observation periods. During the period of February to May of 2007, net accumulation was observed on the eastern part of the study area, in front of Mipo Harbor. Erosion was generally occurred throughout the area from May to August of 2007. From August to December of 2007, erosion and accumulation was observed off Mipo Harbor and Dongbaek Island, respectively. The change of sediment facies also suggests the accumulation on the eastern coast during the spring, erosion around the entire coast during the summer, and accumulation on the western coast during the winter. The changes in the accumulation and erosion were most apparent during the summer when several typhoons have passed by, while unnoticeable during the spring.

      • KCI등재

        강하구에서의 부유물질농도 결정을 위한 광전도측정기의 이용 및 문제점

        김석윤 ( Seok Yun Kim ) 한국수산과학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        Monthly measurements made at 15 stations along the axis of the upper Neuse River estuary show a highly variable degree of correlation between concentration of suspended particulate material (SPM) and attenuation coefficient (c) of light as measured by transmissometer. Coefficients of determination along transect lines ranged from 0.12∼0.93 and calibration slopes ranged from 0.50∼5.63. When examined on a station-by-station basis, coefficients of determination ranged from 0.21∼0.96 and calibration slopes ranged from 1.04∼4.94. Surface calibrations made at individual stations over the full 13-month period were the most consistent of all observations and were considerably better than calibrations made using all of the stations on a given day. Organic content, which can dominate the suspended sediment load during some months, does not appear to explain the variations in reliability of the calibrations. However, an abundance of large aggregates with time-varying size and shape distributions may be partly responsible for variations in optical properties of the sediments, and thus may confound the relationship between SPM and c in the Neuse River estuary. Time-varying calibrations to account for non-negligible changes in optical properties may not suffice in complex estuarine environments where the in situ particle dynamics are poorly understood. However, the best use of Beam Transmissometer will continue to be for applications such as detecting water-column events or for use in situations where wide error bars in establishing SPM concentrations are acceptable.

      • KCI등재

        Neuse 강 하구의 최대혼탁수 형성과 변동

        김석윤 ( Seok Yun Kim ) 한국수산과학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        Suspended sediment distribution and water column processes in the upper Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, were monitored monthly from February 1988 through February 1989, in order to identify the turbidity maximum, to determine its temporal and spatial variation under changing conditions(freshwater runoff, wind, and tide). During most of the observation periods a weak turbidity maximum, associated with the estuarine circulation processes, developed at a flow convergence zone, near the upstream limit of salt intrusion. No turbidity maximum was found when the water column was vertically homogeneous with respect to salinity and when there was no consistent upstream bottom flow. Annual migration of the turbidity maximum, accompanied by migration of salt intrusion, was over 20 ㎞ of the upper estuary. Due to the coincidence of dominant wind direction(NE-SW) with the main orientation of the Pamlico-Neuse system, wind played the dominant role in dynamics of the turbidity maximum by influencing the degree of salinity stratification and the extent and strength of estuarine circulation. Tidal effects on the sediment dynamics were negligible.

      • KCI등재

        제주4·3 Dark Tourism 방문객 의식에 관한 연구

        김석윤(Seok Yun Kim),김태일(Tae Il Kim) 제주학회 2012 濟州島硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        최근 관광의 추세는 단순히 자연경관을 감상하는 단계에서 체험과 모험의 과정을 지나 대안관광으로서 지역의 역사문화에 대한 이해를 공유하는 과정으로 변화하고 있다. 제주사회에서 발생했던 비극적 사건 가운데 하나인 제주4·3사건 또한 Dark Tourism이라는 이름으로 방문객들이 찾고 있다. 2010년에만 20만명이 제주4·3평화공원을 방문했다. 비극적인 사건에 대한 관광 상품화는 긍정적인 시각과 부정적인 시각들이 교차하고 있음에도 불구하고, 도내에 산재해 있는 제주4·3사건 유적지를 찾는 탐방객을 포함하면 적지 않은 인원이 제주4·3사건과 관련된 장소를 방문하고 있다. 제주4·3사건은 제주지역에서 발생했던 역사적 사건 가운데 가장 많은 인명이 희생된 사건이다. 하지만 제주4·3사건처럼 제주지역 안에서 발생한 사건들에 대한 공동체의 인식태도는 한반도에서 발생한 또 다른 국가폭력 사건들과의 연관성을 애써 무시하려는 경향도 존재한다. 본 연구는 문화관광의 범주에서 제주4·3 Dark Tourism 방문객 특성과 방문과정에서의 인식태도를 파악하고자 한다. 이를 바탕으로 제주지역에서 적용 가능한 Dark Tourism의 방향성과 활성화를 위한 방안 도출을 시도해 보고자 한다. 방문객의 특성을 파악하기 위해서 제주4·3평화공원과 북촌리 너븐숭이기념관 방문객을 대상으로 의식조사를 실시하였다. 제주4·3사건을 활용한 Dark Tourism에 대한 연구가 미진한 상태에서 기초조사, 개념적 연구를 위한 자료로서는 유의미성이 높다고 볼 수 있다. 특히 제주4·3 Dark Tourism 방문객의 의식을 파악 할 수 있었다는 점은 본 연구를 바탕으로 유적지 활용, 기념공간 구성, 콘텐츠 개발 등 프로그램 다양화, 마케팅 계획 수립, 운영주체 설정 등 좀 더 세부적인 연구를 진행하는데 밑거름이 되리라고 생각한다. Recently Tourism is simply step up to enjoy the natural beauty and adventure experience through the process of tourism as an alternative for local history and culture as a process of shared understanding to evolve. It has occurred in Jeju society, Jeju 4·3 incident, one of the tragic incident as the name of Dark Tourism also was founded by visitors. 2010 alone, 200,000 people visited the Jeju April 3rd Peace Park. Despite this tragic incident is a positive vision for the tourism commodification and negative outlooking are crossed. There are so many man visited 4·3 incident site which is scattered in Jeju and is related to the place. This study of cultural tourism in the category to visit Jeju 4·3 Dark Tourism visitor characteristics and attitudes in the process of perception is to understand based on this, Dark Tourism applicable in Jeju and enable the direction of the plan will want to try to draw. Jeju 4·3 incident Dark Tourism utilizing the disappointing state of research on basic research in the conceptual resources for research are closely you can see significant at this time. In particular, the fact we can get a sense of Jeju 4·3 Dark Tourism visitor that the present study utilized based on the historic and commemorative space, composition, content, and program diversification, marketing direction, and set operations, such as principal conducted a more detailed study expect to be basic data.

      • KCI등재

        현장입도분석기를 이용한 섬진강하구 부유퇴적물의 특성 연구

        김석윤 ( Seok Yun Kim ),이병관 ( Byoung Kwan Lee ) 한국수산과학회 2004 한국수산과학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        N/A In situ particle size and volume concentration of suspended sediment was measured at the mouth of Seomjin River Estuary in February 2001, using an optical instrument, `LISST-100`. Time variation of in situ particle size and concentration shows: (1) during ebb tide, Seomjin River supplies relatively fine-grained particles with less-fluctuated, compared to during flood tide, and well-behaved concentrations following the tidal cycle; and (2) during flood tide, relatively coarse-grained particles with highly variable in size distribution and concentration flow upstream from Kwangyang Bay. This explains a poor correlation (r²=0.10) between sediment concentration and beam attenuation coefficient during flood and a high degree of correlation (r²=0.80) during ebb tide. Relatively fine grained and well defined, monotonous size distribution may promote the correlation between concentration and beam attenuation coefficient due to optical homogeneity of particles during ebb tide. Abundance of large aggregates with time-varying size and shape distributions may be mainly responsible for variations in optical properties of the sediment during flood tide, and thus may confound the relationship between the two variables. The difference in particle sizes and shapes between flood and ebb tides can also be observed on SEM images.

      • KCI등재

        초임계 유체를 이용한 난용성 약물의 고체분산체 제조

        김석윤(Seok-Yun Kim),이정민(Jung-Min Lee),정인일(In-Il Jung),임교빈(Gio-Bin Lim),유종훈(Jong-Hoon Ryu) 한국생물공학회 2009 KSBB Journal Vol.24 No.6

        본 연구에서는 난용성 약물인 5"-NIO의 가용화를 위해 초임계 유체 ASES 공정을 이용하여 PVP K-30과의 고체 분산체를 제조하고 첨가제인 P188의 영향에 대해 고찰하였다. FE-SEM을 이용하여 초임계 유체 공정으로 제조된 고체분산체 미립자의 형상을 분석한 결과 100-200 nm 크기의 나노입자들이 응집된 형태를 나타내었으며, P188의 함량이 증가함에 따라 입자간의 응집이 증가하여 덩어리 형태로 전환되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. XRD 분석 결과 5"-NIO 결정피크가 사라진 것을 확인하였으며, 이는 5"-NIO 가 고분자 매질내에 분자 또는 나노 크기 수준으로 분산되었음을 의미한다. 또한 FT-IR 분석 결과 5"-NIO와 PVP K-30 간에 수소결합과 같은 상호작용이 존재함을 학인할 수 있었다. 5"-NIO/PVP K-30 2성분계 고체분산체에 비이온성 계면활성제를 첨가한 경우 용출률이 현저히 향상되었으나, P188의 함량이 매우 큰 우에는 오히려 용출률이 감소한다는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구를 통해 초임계 유체 공정이 기존의 고체분산체 제조 방법을 충분히 대체할 수 있다는 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. In this work, 5"-nitroindirubinoxime (5"-NIO) has been prepared as solid dispersions using a supercritical aerosol solvent extraction system (ASES) process in order to enhance its water solubility and dissolution rate. Solid dispersions of 5"-NIO and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) were prepared in various weight percent ratios. Three-component solid dispersions consisting of 5"-NIO, PVP, and poloxamer 188 (P188) were also prepared to study the influence of P188 level on their morphology, crystallinity, and dissolution behavior. All samples were prepared at 35℃ and 180 bar using supercritical carbon dioxide. The particle morphology and size of the two-component solid dispersions were found to be nearly spherical and much smaller (100-200 nm) compared with the original 5"-NIO. The morphology of three-component solid dispersions became more agglomerated as the level of P188 increased. The crystallinity of the original 5"-NIO was not observed in the solid dispersions prepared by the ASES process. Faster dissolution rates were observed for the three-componet solid dispersions because the arrangement of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide blocks of the poloxamer 188 enabled the formation of micelles in an aqueous phase.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초임계유체공정을 이용한 난용성 항진균제의 미세입자 제조

        김석윤(Seok-Yun Kim),이정민(Jung-Min Lee),원병현(Byoung-hyun Won),정인일(In-Il Jung),유종훈(Jong-Hoon Ryu),임교빈(Gio-Bin Lim) 한국청정기술학회 2010 청정기술 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구에서는 초음파가 결합된 초임계유체 입자 제조 기술인 SAS-EM 공정을 이용하여 난용성 항진균제인 이트라코나졸의 미세입자를 제조하였다. 실험에 사용된 SAS-EM 장치의 경우 초음파가 분사노즐에 직접 적용되었다는 점에서 기존의 SAS-EM 공정과 차이가 있으며, 초음파 세기, 공정온도, 용매 등의 여러 공정변수가 미세입자 형성에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 초음파의 세기가 증가할수록 더 작은 크기를 가지는 입자의 생성률이 증가하였으며, SAS-EM 공정으로 제조된 미세입자도 원시료와 마찬가지로 결정구조를 가짐을 확인하였다. 초음파의 영향을 고찰하기 위해 기존의 초임계 ASES 공정과 비교하였으며, SAS-EM 공정에 의해 크기가 더 작은 입자가 형성됨을 확인하였다. In this study, micro- and submicron particles of itraconazole, a poorly water-soluble antifungal drug, were prepared for improving its aqueous solubility using an ultrasound-assisted supercritical fluid technique, called SAS-EM. The SAS-EM process used in our experiments was different from the conventional SAS-EM in that the ultrasound was applied directly to the spray nozzle. The effect of the ultrasonic power, temperature, and solvent on the formation of itraconazole particles were investigated. Smaller particles were obtained through our SAS-EM process compared with the ASES process, and the mean particle size decreased as the ultrasonic power increased. Our experimental results confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted supercritical fluid process is an efficient method for producing ultrafine particles.

      • KCI등재

        2003년 3월 대조기 광양만 부유퇴적물의 유,출입에 관한 연구

        김석윤 ( Seok Yun Kim ),이병관 ( Byoung Kwan Lee ) 한국수산과학회 2004 한국수산과학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        N/A As a preliminary study on the sediment flux, concentrations of suspended particulate matter and current speeds were measured at three inlets of Gwangyang Bay during one tidal cycle of a spring tide of March 2003. The suspended sediment flux rate (g/㎡/s) at the mouth of Seomjin River (St. K1) was observed to be higher throughout surface layer during ebb tide (14.3 g/㎡/s) and throughout near-bottom layer during the flood tide (23.2 g/㎡/s), resulting in a net upstream-ward transport of 0.9×10³kg/m during 13 period. At the inlet toward Yeosu Bay (St. K2), a relatively low rate (5.0-6.7 g/㎡/s) of sediment flux occurred throughout the water column compared to St. K1, with a depth-integrated net transport of 5.6×10³kg/m toward the outer reaches of Gwangyang Bay inlet. At St. K3 located at Gwangyang Bay-side of Noryang Strait, the outward flux toward the Jinju Bay was observed to be dominant during the flood tide (16.2-23.2 g/㎡/s), especially through the mid and near bottom layer, compared to the inward flux throughout the whole water column during the ebb tide (13.1-19.7 g/㎡/s). The net transport at St. K3 was calculated to be 4.0× 10³kg/m toward the outside of Gwangyang Bay. The outward net transport of suspended sediment at all three inlets seems to be consistent with a trend of bottom sediment texture, which suggests a net movement of sediment from a relatively coarse and poorly sorted inner-bay toward a relatively fine and better sorted outer-bay environment.

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