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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        eUCP 적용원리의 규명과 신용장거래질서 확대 개편방안의 모색

        김기선(Kim Ki Sun) 한국무역상무학회 2005 貿易商務硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        With the advent of new customs and practice of electronic records, the eUCP provides some useful guidance to accommodate the presentation of the paper documents electronically and also provides necessary rules to allow the UCP and eUCP to work together. There is no denying the fact that many of the UCP articles are not impacted by the presentation of electronic equivalent of paper documents, so the integrated application of the UCP and eUCP will be broad enough to allow for developing practice in this area. This study discusses some theoretical implication for efficient utilization of the global usages of letter of credit through the finding of optimal solution in the state of uncertainty caused by the electronic presentation of documents. This study suggest that the decision rules be developed to show how individuals choose optimal portfolio between the eUCP and the UCP that maximize their expected utility in letter of credit transaction, and also suggest that the optimal portfolio be determined at the point of tangency between the efficient trading line and the highest indifference curve in the mean-variance plane. This study finally recommends three rebuttable doctrines with regard to the relationship between the eUCP and UCP such as linkage characteristics, generation lap propensity, and homothetic application rule, which may be the critical standards for understanding of the integrated usages of the eUCP and UCP.

      • KCI등재

        몽골어-한국어 번역 오류 분석 및 교육적 개선 방안 : 한국인 학부생을 중심으로

        김기선(Kim, Ki-Sun),신민선(Shin, Minseon) 한국외국어교육학회 2021 Foreign languages education Vol.28 No.2

        The present study attempts to analyze and classify errors in translations of Korean Mongolian language learners and to suggest educational implications based on the error analysis. Korea and Mongolia have had an established relationship since 1990 and held exchanges in various fields for a short period of time, and as a result the demand for professional translation is increasing. To meet this demand, undergraduate schools also require educational programs for professional translators, yet it is difficult to find any research or studies about the issue. In this study, Mongolian texts translated by Korean Mongolian learners were collected and analyzed, and the errors were classified into 1) grammar related errors, 2) translation skill related errors, and 3) meaning related errors. Based on the analysis, the following implications can be presented. First, it is necessary for students to recognize the differences between the use of punctuation marks in the two languages and to learn how those them appropriately in the target language. Second, there is the issue of transcribing Mongolian into Korean. Although precise common rules for transcribing have not yet been established, teachers should suggest a consistent transcription guide. Third, since many errors related to the source language appear, it is necessary to avoid literal translations and complete the translation suitable for the target language. Finally, students need to be exposed to various types of texts and practice the style of writing that fits to the text. Уг судалгааны зорилго нь Монгол хэл сурч байгаа Солонгос оюутнуудын орчуулгын материалаас гарсан алдаануудыг төрлөөр нь ангилж, судлан шинжлээд цаашид монгол хэлний орчуулгын сургалтад хувь нэмэр оруулахад оршино. Солонгос-Монгол хоёр орны харилцаа 1990 оноос хойш богино хугацаа хэдий ч бүхий л салбарт амжилттай өргөжүүлэн хөгжүүлж ирсэн бөгөөд үүний зэрэгцээ мэргэжлийн орчуулгын эрэлт нэмэгдэж ирлээ. Их сургуулийн Монгол хэлний мэргэжилтэй оюутанд зориулсан тусгай сургалт явуулах шаардлагатай болсон боловч тухайн сэдвээр хийсэн судалгаа одоогоор бараг байхгүй байна. Уг судалгаанд оюутнуудын орчуулсан материалыг цуглуулж, 1) хэлзүйн дүрэмтэй холбоотой алдаа, 2) орчуулах арга техниктэй холбоотой алдаа, 3) утга агуулгатай холбоотой алдаа гэж гурваар ангилсан болно. Судалж үзсэний үндсэн дээр дараах дүгнэлтийг хийж байна. Нэгдүгээрт, оюутнуудад хоёр хэлний цэг цэглэл зөв бичих дүрэм өөр өөр байгааг ойлгуулж, зорилтот хэлэнд тохирох цэг таслалыг хэрэглэх дадлага хийх шаардлагатай. Хоёрдугаарт, Монгол хэлийг солонгос хэлээр галиглахад олон асуудал гарч байна. Одоогоор Монгол хэлийг Солонгосоор галиглах зарчим тогтоогдоогүй байгаа боловч багш өөрөө галиглах зарчим болгон сургах шаардлагатай. Гуравдугаарт, эх хэлтэй холбоотой алдаа их гарсан байгаа учраас оюутнууд нь шууд орчуулах бус, орчуулга хийх хэлэнд тохируулан бичих хэрэгтэй. Хамгийн сүүлд, оюутнууд нь олон төрлийн текст уншиж, тухайн текст дээр хэрэглэгддэг найруулгын хэв маягийг сурч дадлага хийх хэрэгтэй.

      • KCI등재

        사내하도급과 산업안전보건

        김기선(Ki Sun Kim) 한국노동연구원 2013 노동정책연구 Vol.13 No.4

        기업들이 추진해온 간접고용의 적극적 활용전략은 산업재해의 발생에도 영향을 미치고 있다. 외주화된 업무의 경우 유해ㆍ위험작업이거나 외주업무를 적정하게 수행하기 위해서는 적지 않은 전문지식이 필요한 경우가 많음에도 불구하고, 업무를 위탁받은 하청사업주는 대체로 영세할 뿐만 아니라 하청사업주의 입장에서 볼 때 하도급된 업무가 수행되는 원청사업장은 자신의 사업장이 아니기 때문에 독자적으로 작업환경을 개선할 여지가 많다는 점이 원인으로 지적될 수 있다. 또한 원청사업주의 정규직 근로자와 비교할 때 사내하도급 근로자가 업무로 인한 산업재해의 위험성에 대해 정확한 정보를 전달받지 못하는 경우가 많다는 점에서도 그 이유를 찾을 수 있다. 최근 발생하고 있는 화재ㆍ폭발ㆍ누출 등으로 인한 대형 사망사고의 재해근로자 대부분이 하청업체 소속 사내하도급 근로자라는 사실은 사내하도급 근로자가 원청사업주에 직접고용된 정규직 근로자와 비교하여 산업안전에 취약하다는 점을 여실히 보여준다. 이에 이 글에서는 독일의 사내하도급에 관한 산업안전보건체계를 검토하고 이를 통해 시사점을 찾아보고자 하였다. The frequent accident threaten in-house subcontract worker"s life that is causative factor in pit, explosion and leak is the evidence that the worker under the in-house subcontract is less protected than ordinary worker. This article is designed to examine regulatioons in German and draw a implication from it. The obligation of prime-contractor on health and safety for workers under in-house subcontract is limited at present, according to the rules, responsibility for prime-contractor is restricted for modified industries like shipbuilding and manufacturing industry but he is a de facto producer creating hazards on health and safety at workplace. Considering this, there is no justification for industrial restrain for that area, with this in mind, German"s regulations relating to health and safety have not restricted the type of business for obligation of prime-contractor. The government try to institute expansion for primecontractor"s obligation to service industry in the field of health and safety, a direction of the policy is quite natural, so it should be introduced at the earliest possible moment. On the another hand, revised the Industrial Safety and Health Act in Korea provide that the prime-contract must have informed to a competent safety, health and environment in that case of repairing, renovating and sweeping facilities or equipment which handle harmful or dangerous chemical substances. Though, the regulation can be useful to improve the protection of workers who deal with these tasks directly, there is a general need for informations concerning health and safety for workers under in-house subcontract, the obligation on information should be extended for all worker under that kind of contract like German regulation.

      • 군산항 컨테이너 물류 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 -GCT, 군산컨테이너터미널(주), 운영을 중심으로-

        김기선 ( Ki Sun Kim ),류병은 ( Byung Eun Ryu ) 한국지역발전학회 2009 지역발전연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This study is focused on the how to operate the terminal of the Gunsan Container Terminal(GCT) by means of increasing the container logistics in Gunsan port, Korea. The ultimate goal of this paper is the activation of GCT as a dedicated container terminal to which is located in the forefront of Gunsan Port; the gateway harbor of Jeonbuk Province. To specialize and activate as container terminal, the priority thing is to analysis of the data of container cargo movements (which is) possible to put into GCT, and check the possibility of playing key roles as container terminal covering Gunsan area and its neighbor industrial complex in around Jeonbuk Province. and with that data, this research estimates the best solutions on the basis of the other previous thesis on the subject of the volume of cargoes and freights coming out from Jeonbuk Province and transporting them into GCT. Furthermore, this research is to find the solutions of GCT`s ways through comparative analysis with Pyeongtaek-Dangjin Container Terminal (PCTC) located in west-sea in Korea peninsula and opened almost at same time and that terminal is said to rival of GCT. There are direct and indirect alternatives as follows; First, direct alternatives is like these; 1. Project the diversification of regular container services routes 2. Push the marketing to forwarder more strongly 3. Pull the world wide leading container liner and nomination of the empty container area 4. Establish the comparable tariff rate on On-dock system and the activation of CFS` function. Second, Indirect alternatives is as follows; 1. Maintain the depth of draft so that the vessel confirms the trustworthy and voyage with safety 2. Need to continuous support with the variable incentive system and lowering or reduction on tax system to the ship-owner and consignor/consignee. In conclusion, it is clear that initial capital investment takes time to operate the container terminal and its steady progress as a characteristic of container terminal, accordingly, and this paper suggest the continuous support and interest to maximize the efficiency of the terminal functions and activation of GCT.

      • KCI등재후보

        예수님과 쿰란의 스가랴 13장 7절 사용 비교 연구

        김기선 ( Kim Ki-sun ) 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2022 神學과 宣敎 Vol.63 No.-

        본 논문은 예수님과 쿰란의 스가랴 13장 7절 사용을 비교함으로써 예수님의 독특한 구약 사용 방식을 알아보려 한다. 먼저, 예수님과 쿰란이 사용하고 있는 스가랴 13장 7절이 히브리어 본문과 헬라어 본문 중 어디에서 왔는지 규명할 것이다. 다음으로 스가랴 13장 7절을 주해하여 그 의미를 파악할 것이다. 이어서 예수님과 쿰란의 스가랴 사용을 분석할 것이다. 먼저, 쿰란의 스가랴 13장 7절 사용을 분석할 것인데, 이를 위해 쿰란의 성경 해석 방식으로 널리 알려진 ‘페쉐르’(rvp)에 대해서도 함께 살펴볼 것이다. 다음으로, 예수님의 스가랴 13장 7절 사용을 분석할 것이다. 이를 위해 예수님의 스가랴 사용을 둘러싸고 있는 앞뒤 맥락을 분석하고, 그 맥락 가운데서 스가랴 13장 7절이 갖는 의미와 기능이 무엇인지 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 토대로 예수님의 구약 사용 방식의 특징이 무엇인지 규명할 것이다. This paper tries to find out Jesus’ unique use of the Old Testament by comparing the use of Zechariah 13:7 of Jesus and Qumran. First, we will identify where Zechariah 13:7, used by Jesus and Qumran, comes from either the Hebrew text or the Greek text. Next, we will interpret Zechariah 13:7 to understand its meaning. We will then analyze Jesus and Qumran’s use of Zechariah. First, we will analyze Qumran’s use of Zechariah 13:7. To this end, we will also look at ‘Pesher’(rvp), which is widely known as Qumran’s method of interpreting the Bible. Next, we will analyze Jesus’ use of Zechariah 13:7. To this end, we will analyze the context surrounding Jesus’ use of Zechariah, and examine the meaning and function of Zechariah 13:7 in that context. Based on this, we will analyze the characteristics of Jesus’ use of the Old Testament.

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