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      • KCI등재

        Factors for Successful Implementation of Extensive Reading Program Using Online/Offline Blended English Library System in Schools

        권혜경,장경숙,김용완,이병천,전영주 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 International Journal of Contents Vol.13 No.4

        The objective of this study was to investigate factors that could bring about successful implementation of extensive reading using online/offline blended English library system called ‘Reading Gate’ in primary and secondary schools. Although there are a great number of studies on effects of various extensive reading on linguistic, cognitive, and affective development, few studies have investigated how extensive reading programs can be implemented at large scale, e.g., whole school level. After analyzing students’ reading levels in 200 schools using the same online extensive reading program called Reading Gate, results showed that while some schools were successful, others were not. Five primary and 13 middle schools were selected as successful schools. Data on implementation of the program of schools was gathered. Eighteen teachers and seven headteachers took part in the interview. After analyzing these data on the implementation of the extensive reading program, results revealed that the following five factors for successful implementation of blended extensive reading programs: online level-up system, teacher intervention, integration with the curriculum, school-level support, and parents’ awareness of literacy. This suggests that each factor might have contributed to the successful implementation of the extensive reading program at large scale. Implications and applications of this finding are discussed in this study.

      • KCI등재

        환상의 씨줄과 현실의 날줄 : 제임스 배리의 희곡 『피터팬』에 나타나는 20세기 초 영국 중간 계급의 사회적 불안과 젠더 개념

        권혜경 새한영어영문학회 2009 새한영어영문학 Vol.51 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to study the social anxiety and the gender conception of the British middle class in the Edwardian era in James Barrie's play Peter Pan. It has been generally accepted that this work is a fantasy of imagination and a fairy tale. However, Barrie's five-act play reflects a variety of social atmospheres of the time when it was written. As industrial technologies evolved following industrialization, they brought about radical changes in British society. This particularly affected the middle class, located between the upper and working classes, by generating financial and social instability for them The Darling House, the place where the story begins, and the Darling family represent the anxious middle class of the time. Mr. Darling is anonymous at work and known only by his stool; he is even compared to a postage stamp. He has already become a part of the technology of industrialization. At home, he often tries to confirm that he is the breadwinner and the protector of the family. However, his lack of a central role in his house shows that he is a failed breadwinner as well as a patriarchal child. It has been a theatrical convention that Captain Hook was played by the actor performing the role of Mr. Darling. Hook is an alter ego of Mr. Darling, who satisfied the male audience's desire to become characters of strong masculinity, in contrast to their own. In addition, Peter Pan, who wouldn't grow up, is a symbol of impossible longing for freedom from social responsibility, masculinity and even time. It is well known that the Victorians and Edwardians tried to seek refuge from the rapidity with which social and economic change was taking place. For the middle class, home and family was the most important refuge. This cult of domesticity epitomized the concept of the ideal woman who is feminine, pure, maternal and asexual. By contrast, the lower class women were regarded as common, emotionally active and even sensual. Peter Pan depends on stereotypes of this dual conception of femininity of the era. Mrs. Darling and Wendy represent the middle class housewife and daughter, while Tinker Bell and Tiger Lily represent the lower class outcasts. In addition, it is claimed that the imperialistic desire of the British society was transmitted to the depiction of Tiger Lily. Barrie tried to present the British audience of the Edwardian era with a fantasy to temporarily free them from the pressures of reality. However, it was only a male fantasy to satisfy the male audience, which furthered the biased gender conception of the period. The play revealed the ideology of the Edwardian atmosphere. It means that Barrie was one of the typical British middle class men who lived in the beginning of the 20^(th) century, even though he had intense aspirations toward Neverland himself.

      • 융합-소통-확장의 영문학 전공수업

        권혜경 새한영어영문학회 2014 새한영어영문학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.5

        국내에서 전통적인 영어영문학 교과과정에 대한 문제 제기가 일어난 것은 1990년대 후반이다. 이는 1990년대 초반 미국을 비롯한 영미권의 영문학 교과과정에 대한 변화의 모색과 같은 맥락에 놓인다. “학부 커리큘럼의 변화는 학자들에 의해서가 아니라 사회 전반에 작용하는 사회적, 정치적, 문화적 힘에 의해 발생된다”3)는 제임스 홀(James Hall)의 말이 나타내듯, 영문학의 정전들을 중심으로 하던 전통적인 영문학 교과과정은 이후 영미문화, 영화, 영미지역학, 여성학 등 다양한 요소들이 포함되며 그 범주가 넓어졌다. 국내 대학의 영어영문학 교과과정 역시 2000년대 초 이후 이러한 흐름이 반영된 다양한 교과목들이 개설되어 운영되고 있다. 본 연구자가 재직하고 있는 학과 또한 변화를 적절히 받아들여 교과과정에 적용해 왔다. 특히 학과의 명칭을 2000년대 초 영어영문학과에서 ‘영어학과’로 변경하였다. 일반적으로 영어영문학과라는 전통적 명칭을 그대로 사용하고 있는 대학들과는 달리 영어학과라는 명칭을 선택함으로써 영어습득 자체에 보다 큰 비중을 두었으며, 교과과정 역시 영문학/영미문화 1/3, 영어학 1/3, 실용영어 1/3로 구성하였다. 본 연구자 역시 임용 초창기에는 전통적인 영문학 강독을 중심으로 하는 교과목들을 가르쳐왔으나 학과의 목표 및 변화하는 영문학 교과과정의 추세에 따라 새로운 교과목 개발에 관심을 가져왔다. 현재 본 연구자가 담당하고 있는 교과목으로는 1학년 <초급영문독해 1>, 2학년 <영미문화 컨텐츠>, 3학년 <영미희곡과 영어연습>, 4학년 <영미문학과 영상>이 있다. 이 중 <영미희곡과 영어연습> 및 <영미문학과 영상> 교과목에 대한 사례발표를 하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        권정생 초기 단편동화의 서사 양상 고찰 - 첫 번째 동화집 『강아지똥』을 중심으로

        권혜경 한국아동문학학회 2017 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.32

        Despite a serious lifelong illness, Kwon Jeong Saeng tried intensely to write fairy stories for children literature before he died in 2007. More studies have been conducted on his life and work than those of other contemporary writers, perhaps as a result of his strong will and intense struggle to be a good writer. However, some critics say that the quality of studies on his works is not adequate. This paper aims to study narrative elements such as plot, intertextuality, and allegory in early short fairy stories from Kwon Jeong Saeng’s first anthology, Puppy Poo(1974), which has not been well researched by previous studies. Kwon Jeong Saeng used the tragic plot to show his respect for the lives of insignificant characters whose existence could be easily ignored. The tragic plot is the most effective narrative mode to realize the theme of practical love to overcome death through the self-sacrifice and the consciousness of original sin. Most of the main characters in Kwon Jeong Saeng’s early short fairy stories are orphans. They fall into three types: born orphans, temporary orphans, and orphans who lost their parents during their lives. Among these types, orphans who lost their parents during their lives appeared most frequently. They represent his tragic life, since he had similar experiences during the period of Japanese colonial rule and the Korean War. In other words, we can say that his early short fairy stories reflect the spirit of the age and his personal experience. Kwon Jeong Saeng also used intertextuality frequently in his early stories, using folk tales, traditional folk songs, and stories from the Bible. His usage of many bible stories in his fairy stories reflects his Christianity. Finally, he used allegory to represent both the tragic reality on earth and the idealistic eternal life in heaven. Eternal life is represented by words like “star,” “sky” and “moon,” while the tragic reality is represented by words like “ditch,” “snowy road,” and “land.”

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