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        장애영유아 유보통합의 방향성 재고(再考) 및 개선점 탐색

        권영화(Kwon. Young-Wha) 한국어린이교육문화비평학회 2015 영유아교육과정연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 장애아전문어린이집에 재원 중인 아동의 부모와 보육교직원을 대상으로 장애영유아 유보통합에 대한 의견을 설문지에 의해 수렴하여 그 결과를 토대로 장애영유아 유보통합의 방향성 재고(再考)를 위한 기초 자료를 제시함과 동시에 현재 유보통합의 추진과정의 개선점을 탐색하기 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 본 연구결과에 따르면 첫째, 부모는 장애아전문어린이집이 ‘보육과 재활 치료를 병행하기 때문’ 자녀를 보낸다고 나타났다. 둘째, 유보통합 계획 정보에 대해 매우 부족한 정보를 갖고 있지만 대체적으로 유보통합을 찬성하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유보통합 관할부처로 교육부를 선호하는 것을 나타났다 넷째, 유보통합 후 지속되어야 할 장애아전문어린이집의 현행 제도는 ‘치료사 배치’라고 하며 ‘별도의 장애영유아 보육․교육과정도 함께 개발’되어야 한다고 하였 다. 다섯째, 유보통합 후 특수교사의 자격인정에 대해서 ‘장애아동복지지원법에 의거한 특별직무교 육을 받은 교사도 유아특수교사로 인정’해야 한다는 의견이, 호봉 책정과 급여지원’에 대해서는 ‘국 공립유아교육기관 호봉 및 급여기준과 동일해야 하며 전액 정부가 지원’해야 한다는 의견이 나타났 다. 여섯째, 향후 장애영유아 유보통합 참가 방안 및 유보통합추진위원회 또는 연구분과에 ‘장애영 유아 관련전문가가 참가’해야 하며, ‘별도의 장애영유아 유보통합추진위원회 또는 연구분과를 구성 ‘해야 된다고 하였다. 일곱째, 유보통합에 대한 포괄적 의견으로 부모들은 ‘유보통합이 형식적이거나 외향에 치우쳐서는 안 되며 보육 현장의 요구를 수렴해야 한다’는 의견을, 보육교직원은 ‘교사의 처우 개선과 질 높은 교육을 위해 반드시 유보통합은 이루어져야 한다’는 의견이 나타났다. This study aims to provide the baseline data for establishing the policy directions of the infants and preschoolers with disabilities in the discourse of the unification of education and care by collecting opinions from parents and teachers of young children with disabilities. Findings tell us that the parents of young children with disabilities send their children the disabled children care center for both caring and rehabilitation; secondly, they had few information on the policy of integration of education and care but agreed for it; thirdly, they prefer the administration of education to social welfare as the main jurisdiction department; fourthly, they claims that the current policy of the disabled children care center should be changed from allocation of therapists to development of independent curriculum for the children with disabilities; fifthly, the teacher for disabled children should be provided a integrated preschool teacher licence after the unification of education and care; finally, the parents want quality care practice in the preschools and the teachers request to improve the quality of teacher working conditions.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 자착식 부틸고무시트에 다발형 유리섬유직포를 적층한 비노출방수공법에 관한 연구

        박진상(Park Jin-Sang),이형준(Lee Hyung-Jun),권영화(Kwon Young-Wha),오상근(Oh Sang-Keun) 한국구조물진단유지관리학회 2007 한국구조물진단학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        It has been applied the self adhesion waterproofing sheet which is developed from exist asphalt waterproofing sheet by heat and torch in domestic construction field. However, the problem of waterproofing have constantly happened due to air pocket condition and defect of joint part in waterproofing construction. Therefore, in this study, we would like to analyze the field application as testing in side of materials and construction method of self adhesion butyl rubber sheet and study of the materials performance.

      • 자착식 부틸고무시트에 다발형 유리섬유직포를 적층한 비노출방수공법에 관한 연구

        박진상 ( Park Jin-sang ),이형준 ( Lee Hyung-jun ),권영화 ( Kwon Young-wha ),오상근 ( Oh Sang-keun ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2007 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        It has been applied the self adhesion waterproofing sheet which is developed from exist asphalt waterproofing sheet by heat and torch in domestic construction field. However, the problem of waterproofing have constantly happened due to air pocket condition and defect of joint part in waterproofing construction. Therefore, in this study, we would like to analyze the field application as testing in side of materials and construction method of self adhesion butyl rubber sheet and study of the materials performance.

      • 어린이의 이야기에 대한 理解의 발달

        權英花,金娜英 대구산업정보대학 1987 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        It is assumed that comprehending and remembering a story depeends not only on what the children hear or read, but also on their general knowledge. Some factors for children's story comprehension were considered under the following eading: 1) Mechanisms of understanding contained in story-comprehension, 2) The development of interesting of children for picture-books, 3) The role of repeating structure on the formation of "story schema", 4) The relation between levels of story-understanding and those of story-schema. From these consideration, the following suggestions were derived: 1) A large number of stories for children have some kind of repeating structure and children enjoy them very much, 2) Repeating structure play an important role on the formation of "story schema", 3) "story schema" is constructed in children's mind by their experience mainly about listening the story telling, 4) The developmental features of understanding depends upon the levels of children's schema or the degree of awareness for the goal or structure of task.

      • KCI등재

        Vygotsky의 장애아 교육관에 관한 고찰

        권영화 한국정신지체아교육학회 2002 지적장애연구 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 비고츠키의 장애아 교육관 고찰을 통하여 현대 특수교육이 나아가야 할 방향을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 비고츠키는 생물학적 요인을 중시한 교육학을 전개하지 않았으나, 결코 생물학적 요인을 경시했던 것은 아니었다. 다만 장애아 교육이 지나치게 생물학주의적 방법론에만 의존하고, 교육학의 과제를 모호하게 하고 있는 점을 날카롭게 지적했던 것이다. 심신의 건전한 측면으로의 접근을 교육학의 과제라고 생각하고, 발달이라고 하는 관점에서 장애의 문제를 해명하려고 했던 비고츠키의 시도는 오늘날의 특수교육 방법론에서도 충분히 적용될 수 있는 것으로서, 앞으로 보다 심도있는 연구 분석이 요구되는 매우 가치있는 교육관이라고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to research Vygotsky's view of education for the handicapped children. The conclusions drawn from this study were as follows. 1. Vygotsky regarded the secondary handicap that has resulted from a temperamental trouble as the main task in the education for the handicapped children. Accordingly, he emphasized such biological approaches as sensual training and curative education based upon the theory of developmental in order to solve children's handicap. 2. Vygotsky thought out the common feature of developmental principle of handicapped and nonhandicapped children from the conditioning theory of Pavlov. 3. Vygotsky regarded the social education that aimed at the combination with the life in society as the most important principle in development of the theory of education. He thought an interrelation between schools of handicapped and nonhandicapped children with their society as the major task, and ultimately he hoped to accomplish an ideal of integrated education with the nonhandicapped children. 4. Those ideas had the historically noticeable value as well as to be in accord with the mainstreaming of today.

      • 장애자 가족에 있어서의 가족스트레스에 대한 대응자원과 대응전략에 관한 고찰

        權英花,金娜英 대구산업정보대학 1991 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyse coping and family stress in families with a handicapped child. By birth of a handicapped child, the family will face a high level stress situation. The stressor event is unanticipated situational family experience that place the family in a state instability and call for some creative effort to cope with the situation. Functional coping is clear identification and acceptance of the stressor and recognition of accumulating stressor. Viewing the situation as a family problem that everyone must adjust to-as a family centered problem-contributes to functional coping of family stress. Family resorces, such as open communication and family cohesion is useful in coping with family stress. Social support provides information for family problem solving and social contacts for assistance on an interpersonal levl. They serve as a protector against the effects of stressors and promote recovery from family stress.

      • 유아의 성역할에 대한 개념발달 : 한국과 일본을 중심으로

        권영화 대구산업정보대학 1990 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate ① the tendency of children's sex-role development ② the relationship between children's sex-role development and a view of mothers' sex-role ③ the relationship between fraternal constitution and children's sex-role development ④the difference between Korea and Japan on the children's sex-role development and a view of mother's sex-role. I investigated about 100 children and 100 mothers at Kinukasa Kindergarten in Kyoto, Japan and 100 children and 100 mothers at Myung-sung Kindergarten, Haebaraki Kindergarten in Teagu, Korea. In the method of investigation, M-F test which used It-index (baby figure) was practiced about children, and this M-F test is composed of 53 figures. Playthings, articles, instruments and friend games which are related to 「masculine」「feminine」role are painted in each figure. And in the method of test, relatively ambiguous figure of 「baby」in sexuality was used, so experimental child was required to choose in the position of this 「baby」. In regard to mothers, the survey about a view of sex-role was practiced by questionnaire. The used questionnaire was composed of 40 items which represented the degree of sex, and represented the degree of assent by applying the selection out of five to each sentence. The chief results are as follows; First, sex-difference and age-difference in the selection of children's sex-role are not found in both Korea and Japan, but boys' group for both countries is inclined to the very masculine extreme and girls' group is inclined to the very feminine extreme. The difference between boys and girls about proper rate of selection is not found, but the average score of boys' group was described as somewhat high. Second, in the view of mothers' sex-role, because both countries show a tendency of intense masculinization, femininity can not be found entirely. In the average score, Korean mothers represented higher scores than Japanese mothers; the gap was recognized in the 1% level as a noteworthy gap. And also in the analysis between two countries according to the existence of occupation, noteworthy gap in the 1% level was recognized between the view of sex-role of mothers who have no occupation. Third, in the examination of the existence of relation to children's sex-role development and fraternal constitution, both countries represented high socores in the experimental child who has only brother and the constitution of homosexual brothers chose properly than that of heterosexual brothers. In the authorization of noteworthy gap, Japan was recognized in the 1% level between scores in only child's mother and in three children's mother. And in Korea, the scores of view of motner' sex-role between boy-boy, girl-girl (homosexual brothers) and girl-boy, boy-girl (heterosexual brothers) represented noteworthy gap in the 1% level. Fourth, in the examination of correlation between children's sex-role development and a view of mothers' sex-role, both countries show high correlation as Japan r= -0.6, Korea r=-0.53 in the case of mothers in her twenties and children. And also, r=0.35 correlation was found between aged girl and mothers.

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