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      • 가톨릭 미사에서의 "구원"의 상징성

        김정택 ( Jung Taek Kim ) 한국분석심리학회 2009 心性硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        본 논문에서는 가톨릭의 미사에 나타난 구원의 상징성을 칼 융의 분석심리학적 입장에서 조명해 보고자 한다. 인간의 구원에 대한 동경은 인간 의식이 태어나면서부터 시작된 것이기에 모든 인간의 증언에서 보편적으로 발견되고 있다. 그리스도교는 하느님과 인간의 역사를 구원의 역사로 보면서 구원을 하느님 계시(啓示)의 한 사건으로 보고 있다. 융은 미사의 목적을 일종의 ``신비적 관여``, 혹은 사제와 신자가 그리스도와 하나 되는 것으로 보았다. 미사에서 제물이며 동시에 제물을 바치는 자인 그리스도의 희생은 성체변화에 대한 사제의 말을 통해서 일어나는데, 이는 한편으로는 우리의 심혼이 그리스도와 동화되는 것이고, 다른 한편으로는 그리스도의 형상을 우리의 심혼 속에 내면화하는 것으로 보았다. 융은 그리스도의 희생적 죽음은 구체적 시간 안에서 일어났지만 그 자체는 시간을 초월하는 사건인 것으로 보았다. 고통당하는 구속자(redeemer)가 매달린 십자가는 그리스도인들에게는 참으로 심오한 믿음의 상징이며, 바로 대극의 갈등을 하나로 통합한 구원의 상징이기도 하다. 그것은 바로 대극의 화해와 이를 통한 전체성의 달성을 의미하는 것이다. 그러므로 융은 성찬의 비의를, 부분적이고 유한한 인간의 심혼을 그 리스도로 표현되는 전체성으로 변환시키는 것으로 본 것이다. 이는 가톨릭의 미사가 지닌 분명한 인간구원의 상징이며, 이런 면에서 미사는 바로 개성화 과정의 의식이라 부를 수 있는 것으로 융은 이해하고 있다. Salvation is one of the core concepts of Christianity. As every facet of human history witnesses universal existence of salvation, longing for salvation began as human consciousness came into being. Christianity refers to history of God and humanity as that of salvation, which is one of the revelations of God. The term "revelation of God" deals with how God has made the will of God known to human beings. The will of God is the saving will of God found in humanity and can be understood as the specific act of God`s self-giving in order to save humanity. In the Old Testament, salvation means to help, to support, and to redeem while in the New Testament, it means help, redemption, liberation, intervention of God, healing, a guarantee of life, happiness, peace, and forgiveness of sins. This thesis focuses on symbolism of salvation from a perspective of analytical psychology. Carl Jung remarked that the purpose of mass is a sort of ``mystic participation``, where priest celebrant, participants in mass, and Christ become one body. In the mass, transubstantiation, the transformation by which the bread and wine of the Eucharist becomes in substance the body and blood of Christ, who is both sacrifice itself and the priest who offers the sacrifice, takes place when the priest reads the Eucharistic prayer. It refers to the assimilation of hearts and souls of the participants into Christ and the internalization of the image of Christ into their heart and soul. Therefore, mass repeats, at least allusively, the whole drama of the Incarnation of Christ. Participants at mass become sacrifice itself. However, becoming sacrifice is only possible when they give themselves selflessly as sacrifice as Jesus gave himself as sacrifice with his free will. In the Eucharist, it is when priest celebrant reads the part of the Eu-charistic prayer referring to the transformation of the substances of bread and wine that the substances of bread and wine are turned into the substance of Christ himself. The moment of the change is a moment of the Incarnation of Christ and a moment where Christ`s suffering and death meet. This is a symbol that makes it possible for priest celebrant and participants in mass to be saved. Hence, the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ at mass symbolizes salvation. The author argues that the symbol of transformation and that of salvation at mass are inseparable as if they are the two sides of the same coin. Priest celebrant at mass brings this mystic moment into relief but the person in operation actually at mass is Christ who sacrifices himself always and everywhere. Carl Jung regarded Christ`s death as an event that transcends time frame even though it took place within a chronological dimension of time. For Christians the cross on which the suffering Redeemer was hung is the symbol of profound faith and of salvation that unify extremes of conflicts operating in polarity. This means that reconciliation of the extremes becomes a reality and realization of wholeness is also possible through the reconciliation. Therefore, for Jung the importance of the mystic meaning of the Eucharist lies in the transformation of part and limited hearts of humanity into wholeness manifested in Christ. This indicates an apparent symbol of salvation of human beings embedded in mass and in this light Jung understands mass as a liturgy of individuation process. From a perspective of analytical psychology, Christ who is God but became human being demonstrates that the Self made an approach to the ego and opened the possibility that the ego can recognize the self, a true human aspect. In other words, the fact that the Son of God became human being indicates that the Son of God opened the door to self? realization, i.e. individuation. This is Christ`s salvific enterprise and the symbol of salvation continues to be present at the Roman Catholic mass. For Christians, salvation is a way to recognize wholeness of oneself as the Imago Dei by giving the ego as a sacrificial offering and participating willingly in the life of Christ. This is a way that leads them to the self and is related to Jung`s ``individuation process.``

      • KCI등재

        조용기 목사의 사회구원: 행복 나눔, 사랑 실천의 성서신학적 고찰

        전용란 ( Jeon Yong Nan ) 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2008 영산신학저널 Vol.14 No.-

        This writing attempts to find Yonggi Cho’s understanding of “true christian love and sharing happiness” reflected in his messages and writings. In the Christian tradition there has been dividing into two arguments between the claim of personal salvation and the claim of social salvation. Recently, there is an effort to integrate two poles in theology and ministry field. In this context, it is significant to see the process of the gradual change of his interest from the personal salvation to the social salvation. In his message of “sharing happiness and the practice of love” we may try to find theological elements of social salvation that ultimately embrace the world as the object of God’s love. This writing will explore to understand his concept of salvation in relation to his theology of “threefold salvation” ―the holistic salvation. When he claims “threefold salvation” that affects to the whole area of the human life, he embraces the concerns of social salvation. His view of salvation comes from his pastoral experience and the wholistic understanding of the Gospel that considers the salvation of human being as a whole. Yonggi Cho preaches that a meaning of being christian is to be a responsible being in society. Christians must become main figures who ultimately leads a social change because they have been transformed as the new creature, the holy people, the royal priesthood(1Pet. 2:9) by the power of the Holy Spirit. As an empowered Christian has to live the life of neighbour to share God’s love with all who are in need. Becoming neighbour is to practice love that God has given to us. This writing examines how Yonggi Cho’s understanding of sharing and the practice of Love can be a message to bring social salvation.

      • 구·신약에 나타난 연속성과 불연속성의 관점으로 본 아브라함의 구원 (성령운동의 관점: 여호와의 이름의 인용과 마음의 할례 중심으로)

        한상현 ( Han Sang Hyun ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2017 생명과 말씀 Vol.19 No.-

        베드로는 오순절 성령강림을 체험 한 이후에“천하 사람 중에 구원을 받을 만한 다른 이름을 우리에게 주신 일이 없음이라 하였더라(행 4:12)”고 설교 한다. 그는 예수님의 제자가 되기 전에 보통 이스라엘 백성들과 같이 유일신 하나님을 믿고 있었다. 그러나 예수 그리스도와 3년 4개월 정도를 함께 동행 하면서 예수 그리스도가 구약으로부터 예언 된 메시아라는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 그리고 오순절 성령강림 이 후에 예수 그리스도 만이 구원자이시며, 구약의 백성들도 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 구원 받았음을 선언한다. 그 예로 베드로는“누구든지 주의 이름을 부르는 자는 구원을 받으리라”고 선언한다(행 2:21). 이는 요엘 선지자가 선언한“누구든지 여호와의 이름을 부르는 자는 구원을 얻으리니라”를 인용한 것이다(욜 2:32). 그리고 이어서 베드로는 시편 16:8을 인용하여“다윗이 항상 내 앞에 계신 주를 뵈었다”라고 선언한다(행 2:25). 구약에서는 주를 여호와로 기록하고 있다. 즉, 베드로는 구약의“여호와”가 신약에서는“주”로 해석되었음을 선언하는 것이다. 그러므로 베드로는“다윗이 주의 이름을 부르며 구원 받았음”을 선언하는 것이다. 이를 확증할 수 있는 본문은 예수님께서 하셨던“다윗이 성령에 감동되어 어찌 그리스도를 주라 칭하여 말하되”이다(마 22:43). 다윗이 그리스도를 주라 고백할 수 있었던 것은 성령님의 임재 때문이다. 왜냐하면 요한은“보혜사 곧 아버지께로부터 나오시는 진리의 성령이 오실 때에 그가 나(예수님)를 증언 한다”고 기록한다. 요엘 선지자의 선언과 마찬가지로 다윗은 성령님을 통하여“주(여호와)의 이름을 부르며 구원 받은 것”이다(욜 2:32). 이와 마찬가지로 구약의 대표적인 인물, 아브라함도 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 구원 받았다. 바울은“성경이 미리 알고 먼저 아브라함에게 복음을 전하되”(갈 3:8)라고 선언 한다. 이는 아브라함이 예수 그리스도의 십자가와 부활의 복음을 먼저 받은 자임을 소개한다. 그 복음이 창세기 12:1-3에서 시작된다. 여호와는 정하신 자 아브라함을 부르시고, 땅의 모든 족속이 그를 통하여 복이 주어질 것을 선언하신다(창 12:1-3). 아브라함이 받은 복에 대하여 사도 바울은“성령”(님)이라고 증언한다(갈 3:14). 그리고 아브라함은 유프라테스 강과 티그리스 강을 건넘으로 구원의 이후의 첫 여정의 시작과 함께, 제단을 쌓고 제사를 드리며, 여호와의 이름을 부른다(창 12:8; 13:4; 21:33). 아브라함도 요엘 선지자가 선언한 것과 같이 여호와(주)의 이름을 부르며 구원을 받았다(욜 2:32). 또한 요엘 선지자는 만민에게 내 영(성령님)을 부어주실 때에“장래의 일과 꿈과 환상(이상)이 일어 날 것”을 선언한다. 결국 예언과 꿈 그리고 환상은 영이 임하셨을 때에 나타나는 현상이다. 아브라함에게 영이 부어졌다는 말씀을 생략되어 있지만, 여호와의 말씀이 아브라함을 찾아오실 때에 환상을 경험한다(창 15:1). 환상과 동시에 그는 먼저 만민에게 부어질 영을 경험한 것이며, 영의 임하심을 경험한 아브라함에게 새 영을 통한 마음의 할례와‘여호와의 말씀’을 통한 구원을 베푸시는 주님을 환상(???????) 중에 경험한 것이다.”태초에 주님께서 말씀으로 하나님과 함께 계셨으며, 그 말씀이 육신이 되어 이 땅에 오신 것처럼(요 1:1,14), 구약에서 예수님은 말씀으로 계셨다. 그 말씀이 바로 아브라함을 찾아오신 히브리어 연계형의“여호와의 말씀”(??????????? ??)이다. 아브라함은 구약에서 말씀으로 계셨던,“여호와의 말씀”인“주님을 믿음으로 의롭다 함을 받는다(창 15:6).”아브라함에게 의롭다 하심이 일어 날 수 있었던 것은 그에게 복음이 먼저 증거 되었기 때문이다. 이는 바울이 환상가운데 하나님의 우편에 앉아 계신 주님을 만난 것과 비슷하다(창 15:1; 행 18:9). 사도 바울과 스데반이 하나님의 우편에 앉아 계신 주님을 환상가운데 보았다면, 아직 주님의 초림이 이루어지지 않은 상황에 있는 아브라함도 성령님의 감동을 받아 그리스도를 주라 고백하였던, 다윗처럼 환상가운데 주님을“여호와의 말씀”으로 만날 수 있었을 것이다. 이를 더욱 뒷받침 해 주는 본문은 요한복음 8:56이다. 이는 아브라함이 예수 그리스도를 믿고 구원 받았음을 확인시켜주는 본문이 된다. 예수님은“아브라함이 나의 때를 즐거워하다가 보고 기뻐하였다”라고 말씀하신다(요 8:56). 아브라함은 이미 예수님의 때(십자가와 부활)를 즐거워하였고, 그리고 예수님을 구약 당시에 이미 보고 기뻐하였음을 선언하는 것이다. 이는 아브라함이“여호와의 말씀”으로 오신 주님을 만났으며, 칼빈이 선언한“그리스도의 선재”의 모습으로 아브라함에게 찾아오신 세 사람 중, 여호와로 불려진, 한 사람, 예수 그리스도를 만났음을 의미한다(창 18:1-3, 22). 아브라함은 창세기 12:1-3에서 부르심을 경험한 이후에도 여호와가 지속적으로 찾아오심을 경험한 것이다. 이는 마치 신약 백성이 오순절 성령 강림 이후에“항상 옆에서 상담자가 되어주시는 보혜사 성령님을 연상케 한다(요 14:16; 시 16:8). 신약에서 오순절 성령 강림을 체험한 이 후에 항상 옆에 계신 보혜사 성령님과 동행 하듯이, 구약에서는 아담과 에녹, 아브라함, 모세, 다윗 등은 여호와의 영(성령님)과 대화를 나누며 동행함을 볼 수 있다. 이는 아담이 에덴동산에서 하나님과 함께 거닐면서 대화를 나눴던 원복음의 회복이라 할 수 있겠다. 마지막으로 아브라함은 이삭을 대신하여 어린양을 준비하시는 과정을 통하여, 앞으로 오실 메시아가 어린양과 같이 희생의 모습으로 오실 예수 그리스도이심을 깨달았을 것이다(창 22:8). 오늘날까지 사람들은 그 메시아가 여호와의 산에서 준비 될 분이심을 깨닫게 된다(창 22:14). 그리고 아브라함이 이삭을 번제로 드리고 종들에게 돌아 올 것을 선언한 구절은“하나님께서 이삭을 죽여도 다시 살리실 것”을 믿는 아브라함의 부활의 신앙을 제시 해준다. 그는“메시아가 죽어도 다시 살아날 분”임을 깨달았을 것이며, 아브라함의 씨가“대적의 성문을 차지할 메시아로써”(창 22:17-18), 대적의 성문을 십자가와 부활하심으로 차지하실 것도 깨달았을 것이다(요 8:56). 이와 마찬가지로 아브라함은 죄악 된 세상에서 복음을 먼저 듣고(창 12:1-3; 갈 3:8), 여호와께 제단을 쌓고 주님의 이름을 불렀으며(창 12:8; 13:4; 21:33), 여호와의 말씀으로 찾아오신 주님을 믿음으로 의롭다 칭하심을 받는다(창 15:1; 6). 그리고 이삭 대신하여 드려지는 어린양을 통하여, 앞으로 대적의 성문을 차지할 메시아를 믿고 구원 받은 것이다(창 22:5, 8, 17). Based on“compositional strategy”and insights regarding “Theology of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament,”this study aims to investigate what the Old Testament talks about Salvation and whether Salvation can be understood as the“starting point”for the“Movement of the Holy Spirit”in Reformed Life Theology. Intertextuality was chosen as the methodology for this dissertation as a way to suggest that the texts on Salvation in the New Testament are connected with those in the Old Testament. This dissertation determines the definition of salvation in the New Testament as well as the relevant texts regarding regenerated characters, and applied the results to research on salvation in the Old Testament. Intertextuality has three subcategories: quotation, allusion (implication), and echo. First, there is continuity between the Old and New Testament Messianic ideas.“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved”(Acts 4:12). This testimony serves as the basis for asserting in both the Old and New Testament that“without Jesus Christ, there can be no salvation.”(1)“Abraham was rejoiced that he would see my (Jesus Christ) day”(John 8:56; cf. Genesis 22:13, 17; Hebrews 11:19). (2)“David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him Lord”(Matthew 22:43; Ps. 110:1). (3) The declaration of Jesus Christ,“No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit”(John 3:3, 5) is the allusion to the Old Testament Ezekiel 36:26-37.“I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean”(Ezekiel 36:26).“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh”(Ezekiel 36:26). The circumcision of the heart takes place through water and the Holy Spirit. Water removes a heart of stone and gives a heart of flesh. And touched by the Holy Spirit, we call Christ Lord (Matthew 22:43). Second, The Old Testament has six expressions that refer to the Salvation. (1) Two of them represent the present aspect of salvation:“Circumcise your hearts”① Deuteronomy 10:16; ② Jeremiah 4:4. What is characteristic of those receiving the circumcision of the heart is that they fear the Lord and please him.(Deuteronomy 10:12-13). So, even in the Old Testament times, there were those who pleased God by being regenerated (faithful men mentioned in Deuteronomy 10:15; Hebrews 11). Abraham (Gen. 22:11) and David (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22) are the best known of these persons. ③ Salvation refers to the practice of giving a person an“another heart”(1 Sam 10:9). (2) The following six passages represent the future aspect of salvation: ① The circumcision of the heart will take place in the future(Deut. 30:6). ② The Sprit of Lord will come upon on you and you will be changed into a different person (1 Sam 10: 9). ③ Through the circumcision of the heart, God will remove a heart of stone and give a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26). The reason why Jahweh’s“sayings”to Abraham are important is related to the Tower of Babel mankind built in depravity and pride as described in Genesis 11: 1-9. In the corrupt Babylonian culture and religion, God first chose Abraham to be called. Salvation is preceded by God's calling. So, God is the subject that called Abraham to be regenerated in the Old Testament. Abraham experiences the rebirth and sanctification of water and the Holy Spirit in his journey of obedience according to the words God says. (A) In Genesis 1: 1,“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”(A’) In the beginning was the Word, which was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14). After this, the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision:“Do not be afraid, Abram.”(Genesis 15:1a). Like Abraham, the apostle Paul meets the Lord in a vision. One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision:“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent”(Acts 18:9). (A) The Word of the Lord was in a vision (Genesis 15:1a). (A’) One night the Lord was in a vision (Acts 18:9a). (B) The Lord spoke to Abraham in a vision(Genesis 15:1b), (B’) The Lord spoke to Paul (Acts 18:9b). (C) “Abram, do not be afraid”(Genesis 15:1c). (C’) “Paul ... do not be afraid”(Acts 18:9c). Jesus who came to Paul in a vision was the one who was seated at the right hand of God after having already ascended into heaven. This is similar to the case of David who, speaking by the Spirit, called Christ, who was at God’s right hand, the Lord(Matthew 22:43; Acts 2:35). David, speaking by the Spirit, said he saw the Lord always before him (Acts 2:25). Just as Jesus was the one who spoke to Paul in a vision, the Word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision. In the Old Testament, Jesus was with God in“the Word of the Lord”(John 1:1). For the sake of believing Jesus who visited him in a vision as the“Word of the Lord,”Abraham was accounted righteous before God(Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:23-24). Lastly, this dissertation investigated“Salvation in the Old Testament,”with respect to the“prayer-Holy Spirit Movement”of the Reformed Life Theology, which isnot only the last 7th Movement but also the most fundamental element to make possible the previous 1-6 Movements. This laid the foundation for consistently studying the Old Testament with regard to the“prayer-Holy Spirit Movement”for practicing Reformed Life Theology. This researcher now has a sense of solemn mission to engage in continuous researches on the Seven Practical Movements to revitalize Reformed Life Theology in connection with the works of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

      • 돈오돈수로 본 속칭 구원파의 구원 사상 연구 - ‘기쁜소식선교회’의 박옥수 사상을 중심으로 -

        이정은 ( Lee Jung Eun ) 서울대학교 종교학연구회 2017 宗敎學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to compare Monk Seongcheol’s sudden enlightenment and sudden cultivation and Ock Soo Park Salvation Sect(Good News Mission)’s salvation thought and analyze the salvation thought critically. Park argues that people don’t need the process of sanctification such as repentance and service because they is fully redeemed if they realize the mystery about the forgiveness of sins he speak of. And after the believers of Good News Mission become convinced of salvation, they are naturally the perfect children of God and live by observing all the laws. Such a thought is similar to that of Seongcheol’s sudden enlightenment and sudden cultivation, which claims that perfect enlightenment and cultivation occur immediately and simultaneously. But there are also differences between Seongcheol’s thought and Park’s. While Seongcheol asserts the people should break all faith and conviction for ultimate awakening, Park insists that the believers are fully saved by faith in the doctrine of the salvation of forgiveness and that day is the day of salvation of them. They should never doubt their faith and think of themselves as sinners after the date of salvation because acting like that is an unredeemed evidence. (According to him, the people of the established church say that they are convinced of salvation, but they are not truly saved because they continue to repent.) Such a teaching of the salvation sect is more likely to make the life of the believers not to be free, but to become more confined to the conviction of salvation.

      • KCI등재

        존 웨슬리의 구원론 탐구 ― 그의 인간론의 관점에서

        최승태 ( Choi¸ Seungtae ) 한국조직신학회 2021 한국조직신학논총 Vol.64 No.-

        구원론은 초대교회부터 지금까지 기독교 신학에서 가장 핵심적으로 다루어진 분야이다. 그래서 기독교의 구원론은 여타의 교리들, 신론, 창조론, 인간론, 기독론, 성령론, 교회론, 종말론 등을 수렴하는 핵심적인 교리가 된다. 인간이 죄를 지은 이래로, 성서의 초점이 인간의 구원에 맞추어져 있기 때문이다. 따라서 구원을 뺀다면, 기독교의 다른 교리들은 의미를 상실할 수밖에 없을 것이다. 그런데 성서는 구원의 현재뿐 아니라, 미래의 완성에 대한 비전까지 제시하고 있다. 성서적 구원관이 현재뿐 아니라, 미래적인 의미를 갖는다면, 구원은 하나의 과정이라고 말할 수 있다. 달리 말하면, 구원은 예수 그리스도를 믿는 지점에서 종결되는 것이 아니라, 오히려 거기에서 시작되어 살아있는 동안 계속되는 과정이라는 것이다. 이것이 성서가 제시하는 구원의 특징이고, 웨슬리는 구원의 이런 특징을 가장 잘 이해한 신학자이다. 그래서 그는 어느 신학자보다도 “구원의 질서”라는 이름으로 구원의 전 과정을 세밀하게 전개한다. 웨슬리가 구원론을 세밀하게 전개하는 토대는 인간의 죄 성에 있다. 이것은 그가 인간에 대한 성서의 가르침을 그대로 따랐다는 것을 의미한다. 다시 말하면, 그는 성서의 가르침대로 인간이 원죄를 지닌 죄인으로 태어난다는 점을 확실하게 선포했다. 인간은 죄를 지어서 죄인이 되는 것이 아니라, 죄인이기에 죄를 짓는 존재라는 것이다. 말하자면, 웨슬리는 모든 사람이 죄 안에 있으므로 구원이 필요하다고 역설한 것이다. 그러므로 웨슬리의 구원론은 천로역정의 주인공처럼, 죄의 심연에 빠진 인간이 거기에서 헤어나와 구원의 완성을 향해 나아가는 한 편의 드라마를 연상시킨다. 특히 웨슬리는 죄를 죄의 형벌, 죄의 세력, 죄 자체로 분석하여 구분하면서, 칭의와 중생에도 불구하고 여전히 남아 있는 죄 자체에 대한 처리까지를 구원으로 봄으로써, 성화에 무게중심을 둔 구원론을 전개한다. 이처럼 성화에 초점을 맞춘 웨슬리의 구원론은 인간의 삶 전체에 영향을 미치게 된다. 하지만 한국교회는 칭의에 초점을 둠으로써, 믿음과 행위를 배치되는 것으로만 여겼고, 이로 인해 칭의 이후의 삶에 대한 깊은 성찰이 부족하였다. 이것이 오늘 한국교회를 불신의 대상으로 만든 원인이 되었다고 여겨진다. 이런 점에서, 인간의 삶 전체와 구원의 과정을 연결시키는 웨슬리의 구원론은 한국교회의 구원론을 수정 혹은 보완해 주어, 한국교회로 신앙적 삶의 차원을 회복하도록 도와주는 좋은 틀이 되리라 생각된다. If the gospel is the heart of Christianity, and if the gospel sums up the whole of the Bible, we can say that it refers to the doctrine of salvation. For the Bible was made and still exists for salvation. Thus the gospel and salvation are inseparable from each other. For Wesley, salvation is the greatest important concept of Christianity because he think that the Bible proclaims salvation as the most precious value of all. In this context, salvation about which he speaks is not one sided, but wholistic. For he says that salvation should contain the whole of salvation from prevenient grace through justification and new birth to perfect sanctification. And he develops it in the name of the order of salvation. It is paralleled with the whole process of human life because it should be realized throughout human life. In fact, it is not easy to see theologians who speak about the order of salvation in a great detail like Wesley. Furthermore, his doctrine of salvation maintains the balance between Christology and Pneumatology by emphasizing both the crucified Christ for us, and the Christ indwelling in us, that is, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Wesley’s doctrine of salvation exactly tells us what the gospel is. Thus it is helpful and useful for today's Korean Church which tends to concentrate on Justification and to overlook the whole process of human life. So I believe that Wesley’s doctrine of salvation can correct and supplement the wrong salvation theory of Korean church. For Wesley’s doctrine of salvation harmonizes biblical salvation with life as a whole.

      • KCI등재후보

        칼뱅의 구원론

        이오갑(Okab Lee) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.62 No.-

        According to Calvin, the men justified by faith and reconclied with God are already saved. They become one with Christ and also with God in Christ. Nevertheless the believers in this world are always tempted by the evil desires, and commit the sin really. So hoping the perfect and eternal salvation the believers battle against the temptations of sin, and pursue the holy life. In this point the salvation of Calvin is present and future at the same time In any case, the men’s salvation is accomplished not by the merits of the works in their life, but by the grace and guide of God. The salva-tion is not the event of man but of God. It is based not on the man him-self but on the God’s love revealed in Christ. We recognize here Calvin’s theo-centrism and his fidelity to the soteriology of the Reformation. It is notable that Calvin strongly emphasizes the character of social salvation in his perspective of salvation. According to him, the individual salvation can not be separated from the peace and justice of social community. Calvin’s spiritual salvation is also worthy of attention. His salvation is neither material nor physical. It is so spiritual and faithful that money, honor, success, expansion may not be concerned in the salvation of man. On the contrary, the salvation consists of the suffering way of cross for the christian faith and life. According to Calvin, the men justified by faith and reconclied with God are already saved. They become one with Christ and also with God in Christ. Nevertheless the believers in this world are always tempted by the evil desires, and commit the sin really. So hoping the perfect and eternal salvation the believers battle against the temptations of sin, and pursue the holy life. In this point the salvation of Calvin is present and future at the same time In any case, the men’s salvation is accomplished not by the merits of the works in their life, but by the grace and guide of God. The salva-tion is not the event of man but of God. It is based not on the man him-self but on the God’s love revealed in Christ. We recognize here Calvin’s theo-centrism and his fidelity to the soteriology of the Reformation. It is notable that Calvin strongly emphasizes the character of social salvation in his perspective of salvation. According to him, the individual salvation can not be separated from the peace and justice of social community. Calvin’s spiritual salvation is also worthy of attention. His salvation is neither material nor physical. It is so spiritual and faithful that money, honor, success, expansion may not be concerned in the salvation of man. On the contrary, the salvation consists of the suffering way of cross for the christian faith and life.

      • KCI등재

        신약의 최후행위심판과 구원의 관계

        김경식(Kyoung Shik Kim) 한국복음주의신약학회 2016 신약연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study concerns the relationship between final judgment according to works and assurance of salvation in the New Testament. The New Testament teaches that final judgment will be in accordance with one’s works while on the other hand it has several statements that teach that our salvation is secured by God’s grace. At first glance, assurance of salvation looks contradictory to warnings which seem to threat our salvation. The connection between these seemingly contradictory teachings about salvation and warnings is to be examined once again to gain a comprehensive understanding of salvation in the New Testament. This study examines several passages from various New Testament writings rather than a specific text by a particular writer of the New Testament to comprehend the complexity and coherent idea about salvation. As a result, such an analysis can result in superficial exegesis of a specific text and also tend to ignore historical background and contingency of each book of the New Testament. Nonetheless, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of salvation in the light of the whole picture of New Testament theology. The first part of this study focuses on several texts which teach judgment according to works in two ways. Firstly, texts containing explicit teaching about judgment according to works are examined and then implicit teachings of warning passages are studied from the Gospels to Pauline letters, Hebrews, and John’s apocalypse and finally analyzed who will be judged according to works and will be in danger of losing one’s salvation. In balance, we also look into the passages that teach assurance of salvation. The second part evaluates the scholarly views that have been proposed to solve the relation between warning passages and assurance passages: view of reward, view of losing salvation, view of testing genuine faith, and finally, co-existence of contradictory ideas. And then, we propose a more probable solution to these apparently contradictory ideas of assurances and warnings by focusing on the function of warning passages in the New Testament. We raise an exegetical and theological question why these warnings are necessary for believers while the believers are assured of final salvation on the basis of faith and justification. Our study argues that the warning passages are the means by which God protects believers from falling away and also guards believers to arrive at the final salvation. This study supports the conclusion by looking into the eschatological tension between ‘already’ side and ‘not yet’ side and also examines the concept of two realms (or ruler/realm transfer) concentrating on two Pauline passages (Rom 8; 1Cor 6:9-10). We conclude that the warning passages are not contradictory to the assurance passages and that they are good news in that these passages are the means by which believers are protected from falling away.

      • KCI등재

        출애굽 기사에 나타난 구원: 오경의 구성적 관점으로 읽는 출애굽 기사와 현대 크리스천의 구원 이해

        김기영 한국구약학회 2023 구약논단 Vol.29 No.1

        This study explores the concept of salvation in the Exodus event and its implication for Christian belief based on the Pentateuch’s compositional strategy. The subject of salvation in Christian belief is often based on the New Testament or systematic theological agenda. Yet, the Old Testament, especially the Pentateuch, could contribute to shaping the Christian understanding of salvation. To discuss the suggested task, this study looks for the appropriate text, the Exodus story. Second, this research explains the contents of God’s salvific acts in the story and further discusses the meaning of salvation from the Pentateuch’s compositional strategy. Third, the essay synthesizes the study’s findings and compares them to the New Testament’s explanation of the subject of salvation. The study explains the meaning of salvation in the Pentateuch as follows: people who served other gods in the alien land are relocated to the land of Yhwh’s sanctuary by the grace of Yhwh and serve the Lord. Further, the Pentateuch’s compositional strategy persuades that one should perceive the event of Exodus as a part of God’s ultimate vision for the salvation of humanity and his passion for presiding over the lives of the saved people by requiring their holiness. This essay reveals that the outcome of the research is essentially no different from the New Testament’s message of salvation. The particular contribution of this essay is first to reveal the message of salvation from the Pentateuch’s own words and then confirm the echoes in the New Testament. Thus, concerning Christian understanding of the concept of salvation, this methodology could assist readers in understanding the Pentateuch’s own teaching without conflict. 본 연구는 출애굽에 나타난 구원이라는 개념을 오경의 구성적 전략에 관심을 두며 풀어낸다. 이를 위해 오경 내 적절한 본문의 탐색, 본문에 나타난 구원의 내용과 구성적 관점에서의 함의, 그리고 연구결과의 신약적 비교설명 및 크리스천적 적용을 논하여, 그 결과가 신약에서 말하는 주요 구원의 메시지와 차이가 없음을 논하였다. 신약으로 구약을 읽어낸 것이 아닌 오경 자체의 목소리로 말한 구원 메시지는 크리스천들이 무리 없이 받아들일 수 있을 것이다.

      • In Quest of Salvation in Manfred

        Sung hyun Kim 동덕여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 人文科學硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        『만프레드』에서 바이런은 인간의 도덕적인 구원의 문제를 아주 집요하게 파고들고 있다. 만프레드는 일체의 사회적 구속이나 전통적인 도덕 심지어는 기독교적인 구원으로부터 독립된 아주 주체적인 개인의 모습으로 나타난다. 만프레드는 자살을 시도하면서까지 삶과 죽음의 문제에 대한 해답을 찾으려 하는데, 그러기 위해 심지어 아리마네스의 홀까지 찾아간다. 비록 만프레드는 유한한 존재이지만 그에게는 아주 독특한 영혼이 있기 때문에 다른 평범한 사람들보다 높은 위치에 있을 수 있다. 만프레드는 차마 입에 담을 수 없는 죄를 지었고 그 죄로부터 용서를 받기 원한다. 하지만 만프레드는 어떤 종교적인 초월자를 통해서 용서를 받기보다 인간으로부터 용서를 받고 싶어한다. 구원에 대한 집요한 집착과 만프레드 자신의 의지에 대한 철저한 의존성은 종교적인 정당성에 의문을 제시하고 있으며, 이를 통해 만프레드는 자신의 실존적인 주체성을 유지하며 동시에 초자연적이고 초월적인 존재는 부정하게 된다. 결론적으로 만프레드는 지상의 리얼리티와 초자연적인 리얼리티의 경계를 가로지르며 구원을 찾으려 하였고, 이러한 모습은 그가 실존주의적인 인물이라는 것을 보여주고 있다. 만프레드에게 구원은 인간세계에서 구할 수 있는 것이지 초월적인 힘에 의해서 이루어지는 것은 아니기 때문이다. 이런 맥락에서 만프레드는 인간 내부로부터의 구원을 찾는 실존주의적인 영웅이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. In Manfred, Byron aggressively questions the problem of moral salvation. Manfred appears as a totally independent individual incessantly trying to resist social obligation, traditional morality, and even Christian salvation. When Manfred has tried to kill himself in order to find mental salvation in death, he even visits the hall of Arimanes in order to understand reality of life and death. Even though Manfred is just a mortal being, he is regarded as a person with a unique soul that can elevate him to a higher status than ordinary people. He committed an unspeakable sin; and he wants to be forgiven. However, Manfred tries to find his salvation from a human, not from transcendental beings. Manfred's being dependent upon his will for his salvation seriously questions the function of religious validity. Manfred insists to keep his existential subjectivity by negating any supernatural or transcendental power. Conclusively, Manfred, transgressing boundaries between earthly reality and supernatural reality in his quest for salvation, shows a picture of an existential figure. To Manfred, salvation is something that should be given by humans, not by supernatural beings. Such earthly salvation necessitates serious rethinking about conventional authority, Christianity and morality, which have been regarded as the sources of human salvation. In that sense, Manfred shows an existential quest for salvation from within.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 토마스 아퀴나스의 인간과 구원에 대한 이해

        이문균 한국대학선교학회 2005 대학과 선교 Vol.8 No.-

        Why does human being need salvation? What is salvation intended for? What should we do to receive salvation? In human salvation, how should we understand relations of good works, merits, with God``s grace? What role does God``s grace play in human salvation? Exploring Thomas Aquinas`` thoughts about these matters is this paper``s concern. Thomas Aquinas understood human being as a unity of body and soul. Even though he stuck to soul``s priority over body, he didn``t forget the fact that human beings are a unity of body and soul and all their functions are operated by unified activities of both entities. He had a realistic view of human being. According to him, human nature and their abilities are not changed into completely different beings before and after the Fall and salvation, although there is difference in levels. Human beings still remain as beings that should receive salvation from God before and after the Fall. Salvation means not only recovery from the fallen state, but also being blessed with eternity pleased with His goodness beyond the originally created state. Then, how can we get salvation? Thomas Aquinas discusses the issue under the premises that all created beings cannot excel their own nature and God does not make men righteous by force against their free will. He thought we need God,s grace for our salvation. He didn``t think that grace couldn``t be obtained by our efforts. Rather, he developed a logic that God``s grace first arranges a foundation where it can accumulate merits inside men, men come to strive for merits owing to the grace. In this sense the merits enables us to get salvation.

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