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        大韓帝國期 觱篥差備에 관한 연구 -『의궤』를 중심으로-

        김현호 한국음악사학회 2014 한국음악사학보 Vol.53 No.-

        본고는 1901년 『진찬의궤』(進饌儀軌)ㆍ『진연의궤(進宴儀軌)』와 1902년 『진연의궤』 2종 총 4종의 의궤(儀軌)에 기록되어 있는 피리차비(觱篥差備)를 살펴 본 것으로 그들의 이름 및 역할과 활동에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 의궤를 바탕으로 검토한 결과 피리차비는 1901년 5월부터 1902년 11월까지 지속적으로 편성되어 연주하였음을 알 수 있었다. 1901년 5월 18명, 1901년 7월 19명, 1902년 4월 19명, 11월 20명이 있었다. 이들은 전정헌가(殿庭軒架)와 전상(殿上)에 편성되어 연주하였으며, 연주횟수에 있어서 조금씩 차이가 났다. 피리차비(觱篥差備)들이 연주한 곡목은 대부분 아명(雅名)으로 기록되어 있으며 이를 종합하여 보면 여민락만(與民樂慢)ㆍ여민락령(與民樂令)ㆍ보허자령(步虛子令)ㆍ보살만(菩薩蠻)ㆍ원무곡(原舞曲)ㆍ향당교주(鄕唐交奏)ㆍ낙양춘(洛陽春)으로 각 잔치 때 마다 적게는 6곡 많게는 7곡이 연주되었음을 알 수 있다. 여민락만(與民樂慢)은 1901년 7월 진연(進宴)과 1902년 4월과 11월에 외진연(外進宴)시 헌가(軒架)에서 제조(提調)가 황제(皇帝)에게 주기(酒器)를 올릴 때 연주되었으며, 여민락령(與民樂令)은 4차례의 진찬(進饌)과 진연에서 모두 연주되었다. 진찬에서 연주시 황제의 거동(擧動)이나 사배례(四拜禮) 또는 태후(太后)의 출궁악(出宮樂)에서 연주되었으며, 진연에서는 황제의 출(出)ㆍ환궁(還宮)과 시접을 올릴 때 헌가에서 연주되었다. 보허자령(步虛子令)은 네차례 모두 연주되었는데, 황태자의 출ㆍ환궁과 사배례, 황태자에게 시접을 올릴 때 연주되었다. 낙양춘(洛陽春)은 세차례 진연의 내진연(內進宴)에서는 왕이 배위(拜位)에 나가거나 진연소(進宴所)에서 나갈 때 연주되었다. 그 밖의 경우는 모두 사배례에서 연주하였는데, 명부(命婦)와 진찬소(進饌所) 당상(堂上) 낭청(郎廳) 또는 진연청(進宴廳) 당상 낭청의 사배에 연주되었다. 보살만(菩薩蠻)과 원무곡(原舞曲)은 정재(呈才)의 반주음악으로 연주되었다. 향당교주(鄕唐交奏)는 이상의 절차 외에 주악(奏樂)과 같이 정재가 연행되지 않는 나머지 절차에서 모두 연주되었음을 알 수 있었다. 피리차비들이 연주한 횟수별로 살펴보면 4번의 연향(宴享)에서 1번~4번까지 연주횟수와 활동에서 차이가 났다. 1번 연주에 참여한 차비(差備)는 8명으로 이 중에서 4명은 편종차비(編鍾差備), 담지(擔持), 서기(書記)로 활동하였다. 2번 참여한 차비는 3명으로 모두 교방사(敎坊司) 악공 출신으로 피리차비로만 활동하였다. 3번 연주에 참석한 차비들은 6명으로 2명이 각각 퉁소차비(洞簫差備)와 대금차비(大笒差備)로 활동하였으며, 1명을 제외하고 모두 장악원(掌樂院) 출신의 악공이었다. 4번 모두 참여한 차비는 11명으로 2명이 정재무동(呈才舞童) 출신이며, 1명은 가차비(歌差備), 1명은 당적차비(唐笛差備), 1명은 장구차비(杖鼓差備)로 활동하였다. 이 중 7명은 교방사(敎坊司) 설립이전 이미 장악원(掌樂院)에서 활동하였던 것으로 나타났다. 이상으로 대한제국기(大韓帝國期)의 피리차비에 대해 살펴보았다. 현재까지 피리차비(觱篥差備)에 대해 중점적으로 연구된 것은 없었으며, 피리차비의 전승에 대해서도 알려진 바가 없다. 이 연구는 의궤(儀軌)를 중심으로 피리차비에 대해 연구할 수 있는 시발점이 될 것이라 생각되며, 앞으로 많은 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다. This paper examines p'iri ch'abi 觱篥差備 written in total four kinds of ŭigwe 儀軌, the royal protocols of the Chosŏn 朝鮮 Dynasty including the Chinch'an ŭigwe 『進饌儀軌』 and Chinyŏn ŭigwe 『進宴儀軌』 in 1901 and two kinds of Chinyŏn ŭigwe in 1902, and their names, roles and activities. Review based on ŭigwe showed that p'iri ch'abi was formed and performed constantly from May 1901 to November 1902. There were 18 players in May, 1901, 19 in July, 1901, 19 in April, 1902 and 20 in November, 1902. They belonged to chŏnjŏng hŏnga 殿庭軒架 chŏnsang 殿上 to play and the frequency of their performance was a little different. Most tunes that p'iri ch'abi played are recorded by nick names. Generally they are Yŏmillak man 與民樂慢, Yŏmillak ryŏng 與民樂令, Pohŏja 步虛子, Palsang man 發祥慢, Wŏnmugok 原舞曲, Hyangdang kyoju 鄕唐交奏 and Nagyangch'un 洛陽春 of which 6 to 7 tunes were played at each feast. Yŏmillak man 與民樂慢 was played when chejo 提調 offered chugi to the emperor in hŏnga 軒架, in case of chinyŏn 進宴 in July, 1901 and Woejinyŏn 外進宴 in April and November in 1902, while Yŏmillak ryŏng 與民樂令, was played in all the four times of chinch'an 進饌 and chinyŏn 進宴. It was played in chinch'an, in Emperor's movement, in Sabaerye 四拜禮 or in Empress Dowager's Ch'ulgungak 出宮樂, and played in chinyŏn in Emperor's coming in and out of the palace, in offering Sijŏp, and in hŏnga 軒架. Pohŏja ryŏng 步虛子令 was played all in four times in Emperor's coming in and out of the palace, in Sabaerye, in offering Sijŏp to emperor. Nakyangch'un was played when the King comes out to paewi 拜位 or chinyŏn site in cases of Naejinyŏn 內進宴 of three times of chinyŏn. In all the other cases, it was played in Sabaerye, in Myŏngbu 命婦 and Chinch'anso 進饌所 tangsang 堂上 nangch'ŏng 郎廳 or in Sabae 四拜 of Chinyŏnch'ŏng 進宴廳 tangsang nangch'ŏng. Palsang man 發祥慢 and Wonmugok 原舞曲 were played as accompaniment for court dance called chŏngjae 呈才. Hyangdang kyoju 鄕唐交奏 was played in all the processes other than above process, in process with no chŏngjae dance performed together with musical performance. As for the frequency of performance by p'iri ch'abi 觱篥差備 in No. 4 yŏnhyang 宴享, the frequency of performance and activity of No. 1 to No. 4 were different. Ch'abi 差備 who took part in No. 1 performance were eight of which four were active as p'yŏnjong ch'abi 編鍾差備, tamji 擔持 and sŏgi 書記. All three ch'abi who took part in No. 2 performance were from court musician of Kyobangsa 敎坊司 (Royal Music Institute of the Taehan Empire) and were active only as p'iri ch'abi. Ch'abi who took part in No. 3 performance were six of which two were active as t'ungso ch'abi 洞簫差備 and taegŭm ch'abi 大笒差備 respectively, and all of them except for one were from court musician of Changagwŏn 掌樂院 (Royal Music Institute of the Chosŏn Dynasty). ch'abi who took part in all of the four times of performance were eleven of which two were from chŏngjae mudong 呈才舞童, one from ka ch'abi 歌差備, one from tangjŏk ch'abi 唐笛差備 and one from changgu ch'abi 杖鼓差備. Seven of them were already active in Changagwŏn before Kyobangsa was established. It has been investigation of p'iri ch'abi in the Korean Empire. So far there hasn't been any full-scale research of p'iri ch'abi nor tradition of it. This study might be a starting point of researching p'iri ch'abi focusing on ŭigwe 儀軌 and lots of research shall be followed.

      • KCI등재

        N:P Ratio 조절에 의한 단기 영양염 첨가 바이오에세이(NEBs) 및 1차 생산력(엽록소-a)의 반응성 테스트

        정다빈 ( Da Bin Jeong ),안광국 ( Kwang Guk An ) 한국환경생물학회 2013 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 식물성 플랑크톤의 1차 생산력에 대한 N:Pratio의 영향을 분석하기 위해 “영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)”을 실시하였다. 영양염 첨가실험(NEBs)에 의한 N:P Ratio의 영향은 대청호에서 측정된 수질데이터와 비교분석하였다. 단기 영양염 첨가실험 결과, 인 (P)을 첨가한 처리군들 (N:P Ratio=5, 15, 20, 30)에서의 1차 생산력의 반응이 대조군 (Control)과 인(P)을 첨가한 처리군 (N:P Ratio=80, TV), 질소(N)를 첨가한 처리군(N:P Ratio=150, TVI)에서보다 높았다. 또한 질소 (N)를 처리한 처리군에서는 대조군과 모든 처리군에서보다 1차 생산력의 반응이 유의하게 작았다. 영양염 첨가실험의 결과, 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 인이 제한영양염으로 작용하고 있었으며, 질소첨가 (Spiking N)는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장을 억제한 것으로 사료된다. 대청호의 영양염 변이 분석 결과, 최소N:P Ratio에서 엽록소-a의 최대농도가 나타났고, N:P Ratio는 식물성 플랑크톤의 성장에 대한 핵심 조절자로 사료되었다. 본 연구결과를 종합해 볼 때, N:P Ratio가 식물성플랑크톤의 성장을 조절하는 핵심 인자로 작용 할 것으로 사료된다. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of N:P ratio on primary productivity measured as chlorophyll-a (CHL) using the approach of In Situ Nutrient Enrichment Bioassays (NEBs) in Daechung Reservoir. The effects of NEBs on the N:P mass ratios were compared with the field data obtained from monthly-chemical monitoring during 2009~2012. The short-term NEBs showed that the response of primary productivity in the phosphorus spiked treatments (5, 15, 20 and 30 N:P ratios) were greater than the responses in the control (C) and nitrogen spiked treatment (N:P ratio=150, TVI). The response in the nitrogen treatment (N:P ratio=150, TVI) was less compared to control and all five treatments (TI~TVI). The outcomes of the NEBs suggest that phosphorus limited the phytoplankton growth and nitrogen addition inhibited the algal growth. In the analysis of nutrients and CHL from the ambient epilimnetic water in Daechung Reservoir, minimum N:P ratios resulted in maximum concentrations of CHL. Overall, our results suggest that the N:P ratio was the key factor in regulating the phytoplankton growth in NEB experiments.

      • KCI등재

        상수리나무와 가시나무 낙엽의 분해율 및 분해과정에 따른 영양염류 함량 변화

        원호연 ( Ho Yeon Won ),오경환 ( Kyung Hwan Oh ),표재훈 ( Jae Hoon Pyo ),문형태 ( Hyeong Tae Mun ) 한국환경생태학회 2012 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        상록활엽수인 가시나무와 낙엽활엽수인 상수리나무 낙엽의 분해율 및 분해과정에 따른 영양염류의 함량 변화를 파악하기 위해 2008년 12월 공주의 상수리나무군락에 낙엽주머니를 설치하고 2009년 3월부터 2010년 12월까지 3개월 간격으로 낙엽주머니를 수거하여 분해율, 분해상수(k), 그리고 분해과정에 따른 C/N비, C/P비의 변화와 영양염류의 동태를 조사하였다. 24개월경과 후 상수리나무 낙엽과 가시나무 낙엽의 잔존률은 각각 46.3±5.4%와 37.8±2.5%로 가시나무 낙엽의 분해가 상수리나무 낙엽의 분해보다 빠르게 진행되는 것으로 나타났다. 24개월경과 후 상수리나무 낙엽과 가시나무 낙엽의 분해상수(k)는 각각 0.38과 0.49로 가시나무 낙엽의 분해상수가 높게 나타났다. 상수리나무 낙엽의 분해과정에 따른 C/N. C/P 비율은 초기에 각각 46.8, 270.9 이었으나 24개월경과 후에는 각각 22.5와 104.2로 점차 감소하였으며, 가시나무 낙엽의 경우 초기 C/N, C/P 비율은 각각 22.4와 41.7로 나타났고, 24개월경과 후에는 각각 16.7와 89.9로 나타났다. 낙엽의 초기 N, P, K, Ca, Mg 함량은 상수리나무 낙엽에서 각각 8.31, 0.44, 4.18, 9.38, 1.37 mg/g, 가시나무 낙엽에서 각각 19.88, 2.73, 7.06, 8.24, 2.61 mg/g으로 가시나무 낙엽의 질소와 인의 함량이 상수리나무 낙엽에 비해 현저히 높았다. 24개월경과 후 N, P, K, Ca, Mg의 잔존률은 상수리나무 낙엽에서 각각 100.91, 114.75, 32.99, 50.63, 15.51% 이었고, 가시나무 낙엽에서 각각 43.22, 11.35, 12.98, 82.22, 44.23% 로 조사기간 동안에 상수리나무 낙엽에서는 질소와 인의 부동화가, 가시나무 낙엽에서는 질소와 인의 무기화가 진행되었다. Decay rate and nutrient dynamics during leaf litter decomposition of deciduous Quercus acutissima and evergreen Quercus mysinaefolia were studied for 24 months from December 2008 to December 2010 in Gongju, Chungnam Province, Korea. Percent remaining weight of Q. acutissima and Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter after 24 months elapsed was 46.3±5.4% and 37.8±2.5%, respectively. Decomposition of evergreen Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter was significantly faster than that of deciduous Quercus acutissima leaf litter. Decay constant(k) of Q. acutissima and Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter after 24 months elapsed was 0.38 and 0.49, respectively. Initial C/N and C/P ratio of Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter was significantly lower than those of Q. acutissima leaf litter. Initial C/N and C/P ratio of Q. acutissima leaf litter was 46.8 and 270.9, respectively. After 24 months elapsed, C/N and C/P ratio of decomposing Q. acutissima leaf litter decreased to 22.5 and 104.2, respectively. Initial C/N and C/P ratio of Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter was 22.4 and 41.7, respectively. After 24 months elapsed, C/N and C/P ratio of decomposing Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter decreased to 16.7 and 89.7, respectively. Initial concentration of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in leaf litter was 8.31, 0.44, 4.18, 9.38, 1.37 mg/g in Q. acutissima, and 19.88, 2.73, 7.06, 8.24, 2.61 mg/g in Q. mysinaefolia, respectively. Initial concentration of N and P in Q. mysinaefolia leaf litter was significantly higher than those in Q. acutissima. After 24 month elapsed, remaining N, P, K, Ca and Mg were 100.91, 114.75, 32.99, 50.63, 15.51% in Q. acutissima, and 43.22, 11.35, 12.98, 82.22, 44.23% in Q. mysinaefolia, respectively. N and P in decomposing leaf litter was immobilized in Q. acutissima, and mineralized in Q. mysinaefolia.

      • KCI등재

        하수의 N/P 비가 Botryococcus braunii 증식과 영양염류제거에 미치는 영향

        최희정(Hee Jeong Choi),이승목(Seung Mok Lee) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.9

        본 연구는 미세조류 생장에 중요한 영향인자인 N/P ratio가 미세조류의 생장과 하수의 영양염류 제거에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험을 위하여 1-70까지의 다양한 N/P ratio를 준비하였으며, 미세조류는 Botryococcus braunii를 사용하였다. 실험결과 바이오매스 생산을 위하여 필요한 N/P ratio는 5-30이었다. TN의 제거율은 N/P ratio 1-30까지는 82%, 31-70까지는 73-78%의 제거율을 나타내어 TN 제거를 위한 N/P ratio는 1-30까지가 가장 좋았다. TP의 제거율 N/P ratio 1-20까지는 80% 이상의 높은 제거율을 나타내었지만, 20 이상부터는 급격하게 하락하여 50 이상에서는 22% 정도의 제거율로 변화가 없이 일정하였다. 따라서 바이오매스 생산량과 하수에서의 TN, TP의 제거를 위한 N/P ratio는 1-30이 가장 좋은 비율로 나타났다. TN, TP 제거율과 바이오매스의 생산량 상관관계는 TP 제거율과 바이오매스 생산량의 상관계수가(R2) 0.9126으로 상관관계가 매우 높았으나, TN 제거율과 바이오매스 생산량과의 상관관계는 찾을 수가 없었다. 이는 하수에서 TP의 함량이 TN의 함량보다 바이오매스 생산량에 밀접한 관계가 있음을 알 수 있다. The aim of this study was effect of N/P ratio on the nutrient removal in the wastewater using microalgae. For this experiment, 1 to 70 various N/P ratio was prepared and used microalgae as Botryococcus braunii in the wastewater. The results of this study were that 1 to 30 of N/P ratio was need for biomass productivity in the wastewater. TN removal was measured 82% for 1 to 30 N/P ratio and 73-78% for 31 to 70 N/P ratio. TP removal in 1 to 20 N/P ratio was determined up to 80%, but over 21 N/P ratio was decreased significantly and was not changed around 22% of TP removal in the 50 to 70 N/P ratio. Therefore, the optimum N/P ratio in the wastewater was 1 to 30 for biomass productivity, TN and TP removal. The correlation (R2) of TP removal and biomass productivity was 0.9126. However, the relationship between TN removal and biomass productivity was not found. The P content in the wastewater was influenced more than that of TN content.

      • KCI우수등재

        NADH 센서를 이용한 생물학적 동시 탈질·질산화공정에서 질소, 인제거 영향인자 및 거동 평가

        김한래,이시진(Si-Jin Lee) 한국환경보건학회 2008 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.34 No.5

        In this study, the factors affecting on biological N and P removal using SND (simultaneous nitrification and denitrification) process were investigated and evaluated to find the possibility for treating N and P through SND with NADH by surveying N and P trace in aeration tank. The results on surveying the variation of NH₄+-N+NO₃−-N concentration in order to estimate the degree of SND in each point (P2, P3, P4, P5) of aeration tank showed that denitrification efficiency in P2 (front zone), nitrification and denitrification efficiencies in P4 (middle zone) were 67%, 86% and 39%, respectively. When it analyzed PO₄-³-P concentration in each point of aeration tank, PO₄-³-P concentration into P2 was 1.25 mg/L, increased to 2.22 mg/L by P release in P2 zone, decreased to 0.74 mg/L by P uptake in P4. Consequently, we could estimate which high P removal efficiency observed in this study was caused by biological phosphorus removal. To find the operating factors affecting effluent T-N, we analyzed the correlation among FN/M ratio, C/N ratio, Temp. and SRT etc and then the results showed that the correlation among FN/M ratio, C/N ratio and Temp was no high. However, in the relationship of SRT and other parameters (effluent NH₄+-N and effluent BOD), the short SRT could be affected on effluent NH₄+-N and so effluent BOD could be increased. Thus, SRT operation should be controlled over 10 days. The results for analyzing the correlation between SRT and influent NO₃--N in order to investigate the operating factors affecting effluent T-P showed that T-P or PO₄-³-P was no high correlation with SRT, whereas PO₄-³-P concentration increased along with increasing NO₃--N concentration into P2. Based on these results, we could obtain the conclusion which effluent PO₄-³-P concentration depend on NO₃--N concentration into P2 using regression analysis (R²=0.97). In this study, the factors affecting on biological N and P removal using SND (simultaneous nitrification and denitrification) process were investigated and evaluated to find the possibility for treating N and P through SND with NADH by surveying N and P trace in aeration tank. The results on surveying the variation of NH₄+-N+NO₃−-N concentration in order to estimate the degree of SND in each point (P2, P3, P4, P5) of aeration tank showed that denitrification efficiency in P2 (front zone), nitrification and denitrification efficiencies in P4 (middle zone) were 67%, 86% and 39%, respectively. When it analyzed PO₄-³-P concentration in each point of aeration tank, PO₄-³-P concentration into P2 was 1.25 mg/L, increased to 2.22 mg/L by P release in P2 zone, decreased to 0.74 mg/L by P uptake in P4. Consequently, we could estimate which high P removal efficiency observed in this study was caused by biological phosphorus removal. To find the operating factors affecting effluent T-N, we analyzed the correlation among FN/M ratio, C/N ratio, Temp. and SRT etc and then the results showed that the correlation among FN/M ratio, C/N ratio and Temp was no high. However, in the relationship of SRT and other parameters (effluent NH₄+-N and effluent BOD), the short SRT could be affected on effluent NH₄+-N and so effluent BOD could be increased. Thus, SRT operation should be controlled over 10 days. The results for analyzing the correlation between SRT and influent NO₃--N in order to investigate the operating factors affecting effluent T-P showed that T-P or PO₄-³-P was no high correlation with SRT, whereas PO₄-³-P concentration increased along with increasing NO₃--N concentration into P2. Based on these results, we could obtain the conclusion which effluent PO₄-³-P concentration depend on NO₃--N concentration into P2 using regression analysis (R²=0.97).


        Device and Circuit Level Performance Comparison of Tunnel FET Architectures and Impact of Heterogeneous Gate Dielectric

        Narang, Rakhi,Saxena, Manoj,Gupta, R.S.,Gupta, Mridula The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 2013 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.13 No.3

        This work presents a comparative study of four Double Gate tunnel FET (DG-TFET) architectures: conventional p-i-n DG-TFET, p-n-p-n DG-TFET, a gate dielectric engineered Heterogate (HG) p-i-n DG-TFET and a new device architecture with the merits of both Hetero Gate and p-n-p-n, i.e. HG p-n-p-n DG-TFET. It has been shown that, the problem of high gate capacitance along with low ON current for a p-i-n TFET, which severely hampers the circuit performance of TFET can be overcome by using a p-n-p-n TFET with a dielectric engineered Hetero-gate architecture (i.e. HG p-n-p-n). P-n-p-n architecture improves the ON current and the heterogeneous dielectric helps in reducing the gate capacitance and suppressing the ambipolar behavior. Moreover, the HG architecture does not degrade the output characteristics, unlike the gate drain underlap architecture, and effectively reduces the gate capacitance.

      • KCI등재

        Device and Circuit Level Performance Comparison of Tunnel FET Architectures and Impact of Heterogeneous Gate Dielectric

        Rakhi Narang,Manoj Saxena,R. S. Gupta,Mridula Gupta 대한전자공학회 2013 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.13 No.3

        This work presents a comparative study of four Double Gate tunnel FET (DG-TFET) architectures: conventional p-i-n DG-TFET, p-n-p-n DG-TFET, a gate dielectric engineered Heterogate (HG) p-i-n DG-TFET and a new device architecture with the merits of both Hetero Gate and p-n-p-n, i.e. HG p-n-p-n DG-TFET. It has been shown that, the problem of high gate capacitance along with low ON current for a p-i-n TFET, which severely hampers the circuit performance of TFET can be overcome by using a p-n-p-n TFET with a dielectric engineered Hetero-gate architecture (i.e. HG p-n-p-n). P-n-p-n architecture improves the ON current and the heterogeneous dielectric helps in reducing the gate capacitance and suppressing the ambipolar behavior. Moreover, the HG architecture does not degrade the output characteristics, unlike the gate drain underlap architecture, and effectively reduces the gate capacitance.

      • KCI등재

        Dry Matter Yield and Nutrients Uptake of Sorghum${\times}$Sudangrass Hybrid Grown with Different Rates of Livestock Manure Compost

        임상선,이상모,이승헌,최우정,Lim, Sang-Sun,Lee, Sang-Mo,Lee, Seung-Heon,Choi, Woo-Jung Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        To investigate the growth and nutrient uptake response of sorghum${\times}$sudangrass ($S{\times}S$) hybrid to different rate of livestock manure compost, a field experiment was conducted in the experimental grassland of Chonnam National University. Six treatments were laid out in a randomized block design with triplicates; control (no input), synthetic fertilizer (20 g N $m^{-2}$ and 20 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$), compost 1 (3.4 g N $m^{-2}$ and 3.6 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$), compost 2 (6.8 g N $m^{-2}$ and 7.2 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$), compost 4 (13.4 g N $m^{-2}$ and 14.4 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$), and compost 6 (20.2 g N $m^{-2}$ and 21.6 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$). Ninety days after treatment, above-ground parts of the plants were harvested and measured for dry matter yield (DMY) and amounts of nutrients (N and P) uptake. Synthetic fertilizer application achieved the greatest DMY (2.4 kg $m^{-2}$) and nutrient uptake (38.3 g N $m^{-2}$ and 15.3 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$). Increasing compost application rate tended to enhance DMY accumulation and nutrient uptake (P<0.01), but DMYs of compost 4 (1.9 kg $m^{-2}$) and 6 (1.8 kg $m^{-2}$) treatments were not different. Therefore, it was suggested that application compost alone may not achieve DMY of $S{\times}S$ hybrid compatible to synthetic fertilizer application. As nutrient uptake efficiency data showed that availability of compost P could be better than SF, it might be a strategy to apply compost as P source with supplementary N application such as liquid manure, SF or green manure if necessary considering availability of N input and the yield goals. 가축분 퇴비 시용 수준에 따른 수수${\times}$수단그라스 ($S{\times}S$ hybrid)의 수량 및 양분 (N, P)흡수 변이를 조사하기 위해 전남대학교 부속 농장 초지에서 3반복 난괴법으로 실험을 실시하였다. 6개 처리 (무비구, 화학비료관행구, 퇴비 1, 2, 4, 6 수준)를 두었는데, 화학비료관행구의 비료 처리량은 질소 20 g N $m^{-2}$과 인산 20 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$이고, 가축분 퇴비는 6 수준을 기준시비량 (20.2 g N $m^{-2}$과 21.6 g $P_2O_5\;m^{-2}$)으로 두고 퇴비 1, 2, 4 수준은 그 비율대로 감비하였다. 처리 90일 후 최종 지상부 건물중과 양분 (N, P) 흡수량을 조사하였다. 화학비료 처리구의 건물중 (2.4 kg $m^{-2}$)과 질소 (38.3 g N $m^{-2}$) 및 인산 (15.3 g $P_2O^5\;m^{-2}$) 흡수량이 가장 높았으며, 퇴비 시용량이 증가함에 따라 건물중과 양분 흡수량이 증가하는 경향을 보였다 (P<0.01). 하지만, 퇴비 4와 6 수준의 건물중은 각각 1.9 kg $m^{-2}$과 1.8 kg $m^{-2}$으로 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 가축분 퇴비 단독 시비로는 화학비료와 대등한 건물 생산이 어려울 것으로 판단되었다. 양분흡수효율 분석 결과에 의하면 퇴비의 인산흡수 효율이 화학비료보다 높았기 때문에, 퇴비를 인산 급원으로 시용하고 부족한 질소는 농가의 비료자원 수급 가능성과 목표 수량을 고려하여 액비, 화학비료, 녹비 등으로 공급하는 것이 적절한 시비 전략으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        Dry Matter Yield and Nutrients Uptake of Sorghum×Sudangrass Hybrid Grown with Different Rates of Livestock Manure Compost

        Sang-Sun Lim(임상선),Sang-Mo Lee(이상모),Seung-Heon Lee(이승헌),Woo-Jung Choi(최우정) 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        가축분 퇴비 시용 수준에 따른 수수×수단그라스 (S×S hybrid)의 수량 및 양분 (N, P)흡수 변이를 조사하기 위해 전남대학교 부속 농장 초지에서 3반복 난괴법으로 실험을 실시하였다. 6개 처리 (무비구, 화학비료관행구, 퇴비 1, 2, 4, 6 수준)를 두었는데, 화학비료관행구의 비료 처리량은 질소 20 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP>과 인산 20 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>이고, 가축분 퇴비는 6 수준을 기준시비량 (20.2 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP>과 21.6 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>)으로 두고 퇴비 1, 2, 4 수준은 그 비율대로 감비하였다. 처리 90일 후 최종 지상부 건물중과 양분 (N, P) 흡수량을 조사하였다. 화학비료 처리구의 건물중 (2.4 kg m<SUP>-2</SUP>)과 질소 (38.3 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP>) 및 인산(15.3 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>) 흡수량이 가장 높았으며, 퇴비 시용량이 증가함에 따라 건물중과 양분 흡수량이 증가하는 경향을 보였다(P<0.01). 하지만, 퇴비 4와 6 수준의 건물중은 각각 1.9 kg m-2<SUP></SUP>과 1.8 kg m<SUP>-2</SUP>으로 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 가축분 퇴비 단독 시비로는 화학비료와 대등한 건물 생산이 어려울 것으로 판단되었다. 양분흡수효율 분석 결과에 의하면 퇴비의 인산흡수효율이 화학비료보다 높았기 때문에, 퇴비를 인산 급원으로 시용하고 부족한 질소는 농가의 비료자원 수급 가능성과 목표수량을 고려하여 액비, 화학비료, 녹비 등으로 공급하는 것이 적절한 시비 전략으로 판단된다. To investigate the growth and nutrient uptake response of sorghum×sudangrass (S×S) hybrid to different rate of livestock manure compost, a field experiment was conducted in the experimental grassland of Chonnam National University. Six treatments were laid out in a randomized block design with triplicates; control (no input), synthetic fertilizer (20 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 20 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>), compost 1 (3.4 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 3.6 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>), compost 2 (6.8 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 7.2 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>), compost 4 (13.4 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 14.4 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>), and compost 6 (20.2 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 21.6 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>). Ninety days after treatment, above-ground parts of the plants were harvested and measured for dry matter yield (DMY) and amounts of nutrients (N and P) uptake. Synthetic fertilizer application achieved the greatest DMY (2.4 kg m<SUP>-2</SUP>) and nutrient uptake (38.3 g N m-2<SUP></SUP> and 15.3 g P₂O5 m<SUP>-2</SUP>). Increasing compost application rate tended to enhance DMY accumulation and nutrient uptake (P<0.01), but DMYs of compost 4 (1.9 kg m<SUP>-2</SUP>) and 6 (1.8 kg m<SUP>-2</SUP>) treatments were not different. Therefore, it was suggested that application compost alone may not achieve DMY of S×S hybrid compatible to synthetic fertilizer application. As nutrient uptake efficiency data showed that availability of compost P could be better than SF, it might be a strategy to apply compost as P source with supplementary N application such as liquid manure, SF or green manure if necessary considering availabilityof N input and the yield goals.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication and characterization of n-IZO / p-Si and p-ZnO:(In, N) / n-Si thin film hetero-junctions by dc magnetron sputtering

        Dao, Anh Tuan,Phan, Thi Kieu Loan,Nguyen, Van Hieu,Le, Vu Tuan Hung Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Eng 2013 전기전자학회논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        Using a ceramic target ZnO:In with In doping concentration of 2%, hetero-junctions of n-ZnO:In/p-Si and p-ZnO:(In, N)/n-Si were fabricated by depositing Indium doped n - type ZnO (ZnO:In or IZO) and Indium-nitrogen co-doped p - type ZnO (ZnO:(In, N)) films on wafers of p-Si (100) and n-Si (100) by DC magnetron sputtering, respectively. These films with the best electrical and optical properties were then obtained. The micro-structural, optical and electrical properties of the n-type and p-type semiconductor thinfilms were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), RBS, UV-vis; four-point probe resistance and room-temperature Hall effect measurements, respectively. Typical rectifying behaviors of p-n junction were observed by the current-voltage (I-V) measurement. It shows fairly good rectifying behavior with the fact that the ideality factor and the saturation current of diode are n=11.5, Is=1.5108.10-7 (A) for n-ZnO:In/p-Si hetero-jucntion; n=10.14, Is=3.2689.10-5 (A) for p-ZnO:(In, N)/n-Si, respectively. These results demonstrated the formation of a diode between n-type thin film and p-Si, as well as between p-type thin film and n-Si..

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