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      • KCI등재

        Interactional feedback and learner modified output in EFL classrooms

        김지현 팬코리아영어교육학회 2010 영어교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The role of interactional corrective feedback in the process of second language (L2) development has been a core research area for many years. One of the benefits of interactional feedback discussed in L2 literature is that it can encourage learners to modify their output. In turn, it is widely argued that output promotes accuracy and automatization of retrieval processes. However, seldom has research been conducted into how interactional feedback triggers learner modified output in L2 classrooms. In light of this, the current study aims to study modified output by examining the nature of interactional feedback in L2 classrooms as well as modified output triggered by this feedback. The study analyzes interactional feedback and modified output observed in 13 classes. Recasts were found to be a dominant type of feedback followed by prompts such as clarification requests, repetitions, and elicitations. When modified output was examined, more than half of the output following recasts was targetlike while output following prompts was more likely to be nontargetlike than targetlike. In addition, in response to clarification requests, learners tended to seek a different way of expressing the same thoughts rather than modifying their initial utterances. The study found that feedback has different functions as a trigger for modified output.

      • KCI등재

        Interactional Feedback and Learner Modified Output in EFL Classrooms

        Ji Hyun Kim 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2010 영어교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The role of interactional corrective feedback in the process of second language (L2) development has been a core research area for many years. One of the benefits of interactional feedback discussed in L2 literature is that it can encourage learners to modify their output. In turn, it is widely argued that output promotes accuracy and automatization of retrieval processes. However, seldom has research been conducted into how interactional feedback triggers learner modified output in L2 classrooms. In light of this, the current study aims to study modified output by examining the nature of interactional feedback in L2 classrooms as well as modified output triggered by this feedback. The study analyzes interactional feedback and modified output observed in 13 classes. Recasts were found to be a dominant type of feedback followed by prompts such as clarification requests, repetitions, and elicitations. When modified output was examined, more than half of the output following recasts was targetlike while output following prompts was more likely to be nontargetlike than targetlike. In addition, in response to clarification requests, learners tended to seek a different way of expressing the same thoughts rather than modifying their initial utterances. The study found that feedback has different functions as a trigger for modified output.

      • KCI등재

        투입 산출 환원기능에서 본 국회의 구성, 권한 및 의무

        정극원(Jeong, Kuk-Won) 한국토지공법학회 2019 土地公法硏究 Vol.87 No.-

        헌법은 국민주권주의와 민주주주의 원리에 의하여 국가권력의 정당성을 부여하여(투입), 국가권력은 권력분립주의에 따른 기능수행을 하며(산출), 법치국가원리에 의하여 그 산출은 다시 투입의 통제를 받도록 하여(환원) 국민주권주의와 국민의 권리보장이 이상적으로 실현되도록 하고 있다. 국민과 대표의 관계에서 주권의 투입만 있고 산출의 결과가 없다면 국가기능이 국민이 바라는 만큼 작동하지 않는 것이 되며, 주권의 투입에 의한 산출이 산출로서만 끝나고 더는 자동조절의 기능이 작동되지 못한다면 통제가 없는 국가권력의 행사가 되어 국가권력의 낭비가 초래된다. 국가권력에 대한 정치적인 투입(input)의 길을 상설화하고 있는 것 중에 하나가 선거제도이다. 국민의 대표기관인 국회는 유권자인 국민의선거라는 투입에 의하여 구성된다. 헌법 제41조에 제1항은 “국회는 국민의 보통 평등 직접 비밀선거에 의하여 선출된 국회의원으로 구성한다.”라고 규정하고 있다. 국민으로부터 선출된 국회는 그 기능을 수행하기 위하여 국회의장 부의장(헌법 제48조), 위원회 및 교섭단체 등의 조직을 둔다. 국회는 이러한 조직을 통하여 입법권, 재정에 관한 권한(조세법률주의와 예산심의권 결산심사권), 국정통제권(탄핵소추와 국정감사 조사권) 및 헌법기관구성권 등의 권한을 행사한다. 이러한 권한행사의 기능을 보다 더 잘 보장하기 위하여 국회의원에는 자율권(내부경찰권과 의원가택권)과 특권(불체포특권과 면책특권)을 가진다. 그 기능면에서 보면 이러한 것이 바로 산출(Output)이다. 산출에 대한 검토가 환원이다. 헌법은 국회의원에게 권한의 부여와 함께 의무도 규정하고 있다. 헌법상에 규정된 청렴의 의무, 국익우선의 의무, 이권개입의 금지 및 겸직금지가 바로 그것이다. 이러한 의무는 자신 들을 선출한 국민에 대한 Feedback이다. 문제는 헌법상의 이러한 의무가 도덕적 윤리적기능에 그친다는 점이다. 그런 점에서 본다면 국회에 있어서 Input과 Output은 있되, 사실상 Feedback은 없는 것이다. 이처럼 환원기능이 없다는 것은 헌법의 본질적 요소인 국민주권주의의 기능을 무력하가 하거나 약화시키게 하는 것이다. 국민으로부터 선출된 국회의 원에게는 더 높은 수준의 의무를 부과하고 있어야 한다. 국민의 대표기관인 국회의원의 행위는 국가기능의 실현뿐만 아니라 대국민 교육의 효과도 있기 때문이다. 한 나라의 국민의 수준이 그 대표의 수준을 정하기도 하지만, 그 대표의 행위가 국민의 품격을 높여 주는 것이다. 환원기능의 강화는 국회의 체질을 민주적으로 강화하게 될 뿐만 아니라 결국은 국민 의 권리향상과 복리증진은 물론 국익의 증진을 위하여 일하는 국회를 만들게 하는 것이다. 그리므로 헌법상에 규정된 국회의 의무를 법률을 통하여 보다 구체화하여야 하며, 도덕적 윤리적 의무를 넘어서 의원직의 상실로 까지 이어질 수 있도록 하는 강한 제도를 만드는것도 필요하다고 하겠다. 그러한 점에서 국민소환제의 도입도 필요한 것이다. 환원기능은 국회의원 개인에게 부여되는 의무이지만 결국은 주권자인 국민에 대한 책임을 강하게 담보하는 것이라는 점에서 그 중요성이 있다. Regarding the Constitution, by giving the legitimacy of the national power according to the principle of the citizens national sovereignty and the principle of the democracy, the national power performs (produces) the function according to the principle of power separation. And, according to the principle of the law-governed country, the output makes the control of the input received (the feedback) again. Thereby, it has been making the principle of the citizens national sovereignty and the guarantee of the rights of the citizens realized ideally. If, in the relationship between the citizens and the representative, there is only the input of the national sovereignty and no result of the output, it becomes the national function not operating to the extent of the desire by the citizens. And, if the output according to the input of the national sovereignty ends as the output only and if the function of the automatic adjustment cannot operate any longer, by being an exercise of the national power, which does not have a control, the waste of the national power is caused. One of the things that have been permanently establishing the road of the political input regarding the national power is the election system. The National Assembly, which is the representative organization of the citizens, gets organized according to the input of the election by the citizens, who are the voters. Clause 1, Article 41 of the Constitution has been regulating, The National Assembly shall be organized with the National Assemblymen who were elected through an ordinary, egalitarian, direct, and secret election by the citizens. For performing the function, the National Assembly, which had been elected by the citizens, shall have the organization with the Chairman of the National Assembly, the Vice-chairman (Article 48 of the Constitution), the committees, the negotiation bodies, etc. Through such an organization, the National Assembly exercises the rights, including the legislative right, the rights regarding the finance (The principle of no taxation without the law, the budget deliberation right, and the settlement evaluation right), the national affairs controlling right (The impeachment motion, the inspection of the government administration, and the investigation right), the right to organize the Constitutional organizations, etc. In order to guarantee the function of such an exercise of the right better, the National Assemblymen have the autonomy (The internal police authority and the right to prohibit the entry into the National Assembly and make one leave the National Assembly) and the special rights(The privilege of the freedom from arrest and the immunity). When seen from the functional aspect, such a thing is, indeed, the output. The examination regarding the output is the feedback. Together with the granting of the rights to the National Assemblymen, the Constitution has been regulating the duties, too. The obligation of the integrity, the duty of the prioritization of the national interests, the prohibition of the intervention in the rights, and the prohibition of holding more than one office, which are regulated in the Constitution are, indeed, them. Such duties are the feedbacks regarding the citizens who elected them. A problem is the point that such duties in the Constitution stop at the moral and ethical function. Seen from such a point, with regard to the National Assembly, there are the inputs and the outputs. Except, in fact, there are no feedbacks. The fact that there is no feedback function in this way makes the function of the principle of the citizens national sovereignty, which is an essential element of the Constitution, powerless or weakened. To the National Assemblymen, who were elected by the citizens, the duties on the higher levels must be imposed. This is because the actions by the National Assemblymen, who comprise the representative organization of the citizens, do not only materialize the natio

      • KCI등재

        Output, Feedback, Technology, and L2 Vocabulary Learning

        ( Myong-hee Ko ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2017 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.20 No.3

        The present study compared three types of L2 vocabulary learning methods to investigate the effect of output in relation to vocabulary feedback: No Output and No Feedback (NO-NF); Output and No Feedback (O-NF); and Output and Feedback (O-F). The O-F method employed technology-enhanced feedback to overcome limitations in providing timely feedback in class. A total of 100 undergraduates in Korea took a vocabulary pretest, were divided into three groups, and received instruction for six weeks according to the group in which they were placed. Following the instructional period, participants took a posttest and completed a student satisfaction survey. The vocabulary posttest results showed a significant difference between the NO-NF and O-F groups, as well as between the O-NF and O-F groups. Regarding student satisfaction, a significant difference was found between the NO-NF and O-F groups, as well as the O-NF and O-F groups. Interestingly, there was no significant difference between the NO-NF and O-NF groups in terms of student learning outcomes or student satisfaction. Overall, the O-F group performed the best on the vocabulary posttest, and earned the highest mean scores on the student satisfaction survey. Implications for teachers regarding L2 vocabulary learning are discussed accordingly.

      • KCI등재

        혁신적 조직 구조와 피드백이 사내 기업가정신과 혁신적 아이디어성과에 미치는 영향

        황인호,김진수,고혁진 한국경영컨설팅학회 2019 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.19 No.2

        The goal of this research is to find the measure to improve the relationship between the corporate entrepreneurship, which is the concept that pursues organizational innovation, and organization’s idea performance. In detail, this research examines organization’s behavior factor for achieving innovative performance in the perspective of corporate entrepreneurship by establishing the influencing relationship of organizational effort to establish innovative system on idea performance via corporate entrepreneurship. Furthermore, this research presents the positive influencing relationship of organizational feedback activity for innovative behavior on innovative performance by proving that innovative activity feedback (process-oriented feedback, output-oriented feedback) is a factor that regulates the relationship between innovative system and corporate entrepreneurship, and idea performance Research hypothesis and model are presented based on the previous research, and the data for hypothesis verification was collected by surveying the corporations performing corporate entrepreneurship related activities. On October of 2015, the Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation (KoEF) surveyed domestic corporations on the level of corporate entrepreneurship, and as a result, data from 1,039 corporations were collected. Hypothesis was verified using the structural equation modeling, and using AMOS 22.0 and SPSS 21.0, we analyzed the confidence and validity of the research model, and performed hypothesis verification (main effect, regulation effect). The main effect analysis establishes that the innovative organizational structure and corporate entrepreneurship, and innovative idea performance have positive influencing relationship. The regulation effect analysis establishes that the process-oriented feedback and output-oriented feedback are the factors that improve the positive relationship of innovative organizational structure and corporate entrepreneurship. In other words, the research proves that the various feedback activities about organization’s innovative activity contributes to enhancing corporate entrepreneurship. Hypothesis was verified using the structural equation modeling, and using AMOS 22.0 and SPSS 21.0, we analyzed the confidence and validity of the research model, and performed hypothesis verification (main effect, regulation effect). The main effect analysis establishes that the innovative system and corporate entrepreneurship, and idea performance have positive influencing relationship. The regulation effect analysis establishes that the process-oriented feedback and output-oriented feedback are the factors that improve the positive relationship of innovative system and corporate entrepreneurship. In other words, the research proves that the various feedback activities about organization’s innovative activity contributes to enhancing corporate entrepreneurship. 본 연구의 목적은 조직 혁신을 추구하는 개념인 사내 기업가정신과 조직의 혁신적 아이디어 성과간의 관계를 높이기 위한 방안을 찾는 것이다. 세부적으로, 혁신적 조직구조가 사내 기업가정신을 통한 혁신적 아이디어성과에 미치는 영향관계를 찾음으로써, 혁신적인 성과 달성을 위한 조직의 행동요인을 사내 기업가정신관점에서 살펴본다. 더불어, 혁신활동 피드백(과정 피드백, 결과 피드백)이 혁신적 조직구조와 사내 기업가정신, 그리고 아이디어 성과간의 관계를 조절하는 요인임을 증명함으로써, 혁신적 행동에 대한 조직차원의 피드백 활동이 혁신 성과에 미치는 영향 관계를 제시한다. 연구 가설 및 모델은 선행연구를 기반으로 제시하였으며, 가설 검증을 위한 데이터는 사내 기업가정신 관련 활동을 하고 있는 기업들로서, 2015년 10월 한국청년기업가정신재단이 사내 기업가정신 수준에 대하여 국내 기업들을 대상으로 수집한 총 1,039개 기업 데이터를 활용하였다. 가설검증은 구조방정식 모델링을 통하여 이루어졌으며, 연구 모델의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석, 그리고 가설검증(주효과, 조절효과)을 실시하였다. 주효과 분석 결과는 혁신적 조직구조와 사내 기업가정신, 그리고 혁신적 아이디어 성과 간의 긍정적 영향관계가 있음을 발견하였다. 조절효과 분석 결과, 과정 피드백과 결과 피드백이 혁신적 조직구조와 사내 기업가정신과의 긍정적 관계를 더욱 높이는 요인으로 나타났다. 즉, 조직의 혁신활동에 대한 다양한 피드백 활동 및 혁신조직 구조 확립은 사내 기업가정신을 더욱 향상시키는데 기여하는 것을 증명되었다. 본 결과는 실무적으로, 혁신적 활동을 통해 창의적 성과를 추구하고자 하는 조직들에게 사내 기업가정신을 높일 수 있는 전략적 방향을 제시하였으며, 이론적으로 사내 기업가정신 향상을 위한 세부요인을 제시함으로써, 사내 기업가정신 관련 확장 연구로서의 시사점을 가진다.

      • Design of a variable structure output feedback control for uncertain dynamic systems

        Yoo, Dong Sang 안성산업대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        Based on a Lyapunov function, we suggest a sufficient condition guaranteeing the robustness on the uncertainty and design a robust linear output feedback controller for a class of uncertain dynamic systems using eigenstructure assignment technique via output feedback. Also, we design a variable structure (VS) output feedback controller which is discontinuous on the predefined switching surface composed of only the measurable output, without changing the linear output feedback gain except its sign which is altered either negative or positive, if necessary. And we prove that the VS output feedback control makes the transient response be improved better than the linear output feedback control in the sense of Lyapunov.

      • KCI등재

        Output, Feedback, Technology, and L2 Vocabulary Learning

        고명희 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2017 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.20 No.3

        The present study compared three types of L2 vocabulary learning methods to investigate the effect of output in relation to vocabulary feedback: No Output and No Feedback (NO-NF); Output and No Feedback (O-NF); and Output and Feedback (O-F). The O-F method employed technology-enhanced feedback to overcome limitations in providing timely feedback in class. A total of 100 undergraduates in Korea took a vocabulary pretest, were divided into three groups, and received instruction for six weeks according to the group in which they were placed. Following the instructional period, participants took a posttest and completed a student satisfaction survey. The vocabulary posttest results showed a significant difference between the NO-NF and O-F groups, as well as between the O-NF and O-F groups. Regarding student satisfaction, a significant difference was found between the NO-NF and O-F groups, as well as the O-NF and O-F groups. Interestingly, there was no significant difference between the NO-NF and O-NF groups in terms of student learning outcomes or student satisfaction. Overall, the O-F group performed the best on the vocabulary posttest, and earned the highest mean scores on the student satisfaction survey. Implications for teachers regarding L2 vocabulary learning are discussed accordingly.

      • Limited Feedback for Multicell Zero-Forcing Coordinated Beamforming in Time-Varying Channels

        Haksoo Kim,Heejung Yu,Lee, Yong H. IEEE 2015 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Vol.64 No.6

        <P>We consider limited feedback for zero-forcing-based coordinated beamforming over time-varying channels. Most previous work on limited feedback focuses on the feedback rate of the channel state information (CSI), while assuming that feedback occurs for every channel use. This feedback update policy, however, may not be optimal for time-varying channels. To take channel variations into account, we propose a scheme that adjusts both the feedback rate and the feedback update period, depending on channel statistics. We derive an upper bound of the expected rate loss caused by the limited feedback. Based on this bound, we formulate an optimization problem minimizing the residual interference power and derive closed-form solutions for the feedback rate and the feedback update period while fixing one of the parameters and optimizing the other. Using the closed-form expressions, we propose an algorithm that iteratively updates the parameters. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed limited feedback scheme can outperform the conventional scheme, which feeds back the CSI at every channel use.</P>

      • KCI등재

        불확실한 pure-feedback 비선형 계통에 대한 출력 궤환 적응 신경망 제어기

        박장현(Jang-Hyun Park),김성환(Seong-Hwan Kim),장영학(Young-Hak Jang),유영재(Young-Jae Ryoo) 한국지능시스템학회 2013 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.23 No.6

        본 논문은 불확실한 연속시 단일입력 단일출력 pure-feedback 비선형 계통에 대해서 참고문헌 [15]에서 제안된 상태변수 궤환 적응 신경망 제어 알고리듬을 바탕으로 출력만이 측정 가능한 계통에 적용할 수 있는 출력 궤환 제어기를 제시한다. 고려하는 계통에 대한 출력 궤환 적응 신경망 제어기는 이 분야에서 아직까지 어느 문헌에서도 다루지 않은 주제이다. 제안된 출력 궤환 제어기는 백스테핑을 회피하여 상대적으로 간결한 제어 규칙과 단 하나의 신경망만이 사용된다는 [15]의 장점을 그대로 계승하며 적용되는 비선형 계통의 범주를 더 넓힌다는 의미를 가진다. Based on the state-feedback adaptive neuro-control algorithm for a SISO nonaffine pure-feedback nonlinear system proposed in [15], an output-feedback controller is proposed in this paper. The output-feedback adaptive neural-net controller for the considered nonlinear system has not been previously proposed in any other literatures yet. The proposed output-feedback controller inherits all the advantages of [15] such that it does not adopt backstepping and this results in relatively simple control and adapting laws. Only one neural network is required for the proposed adaptive controller. The proposed neural-net control scheme expands the applicable class of nonlinear systems.

      • KCI등재

        Output-feedback Robust Tracking Control of Uncertain Systems via Adaptive Learning

        Jun Zhao,Yongfeng Lv 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2023 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.21 No.4

        This paper presents an adaptive learning method to achieve the output-feedback robust tracking control of systems with uncertain dynamics, which uses the techniques developed for optimal control. An augmented system is first constructed using the system state and desired output trajectory. Then, the robust tracking control problem is equivalent to the optimal tracking control problem with an appropriate cost function. To design the output-feedback optimal tracking control, an output tracking algebraic Riccati equation (OTARE) is then constructed, which can be used in the online learning process. To obtain the solution of the derived OTARE, an online adaptive learning method is proposed, where the input gain matrix is removed. In this learning algorithm, only the system output information is required and the observers widely used in the output-feedback optimal control design are removed. Simulations based on the power system are given to test the proposed method.

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