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        어린이급식관리지원센터와 보육시설의 유아 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 실태 및 요구도

        김미현 ( Mi-hyun Kim ),김남희 ( Nam-hee Kim ),연지영 ( Jee-young Yeon ) 한국식품영양학회 2017 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구는 유아 당류 줄이기 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영을 위한 기초자료를 마련하기 위하여 전국 어린이급식관리지원센터(115개)와 보육시설(646개) 총 761개소의 유아 당류 교육실태, 유아의 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 요구도, 유아 당류교육의 필요성, 프로그램의 개발과 보급의 필요성 등을 조사하였다. 유아를 대상으로 당류 섭취 줄이기를 주요 주제로 영양교육을 실시하는 비율은 어린이급식관리지원센터 14.8%, 보육시설이 31.9%로 나타났고, 영양교육의 내용 중에 일부 포함하여 교육을 실시한 경우는 어린이급식관리지원센터 47.8%, 보육시설 42.4%였다. 유아 대상 당류 영양교육의 필요성에 대한 질문에서는 센터와 보육시설 두 곳 모두 90% 이상이 필요하다는 높은 요구도를 보였다. 당류 영양교육을 실시하지 않는 경우, 그 이유에 대하여 어린이급식관리지원센터는 다른 시급한 영양교육이 많아서, 보육시설은 당류 영양교육 자료가 부족하여서의 비율이 높았다. 학부모를 대상으로 유아 당류 섭취를 주제로 영양교육을 실시한 비율은 어린이급식관리지원센터 및 보육시설 모두에서 20% 정도로 낮았고, 학부모 대상 유아의 당류 영양교육을 실시한다면 적합한 교육방법에 대한 의견에 대하여 어린이급식관리지원센터는 집단교육을 통한 강연의 비율이 높았으며, 보육시설은 영양상담의 비율이 높았다. 어린이급식관리지원센터에서 교사 또는 원장은 유아 당류 섭취를 주제로 교육을 실시한 경우는 14.8%로 낮았던 반면, 보육시설에서 유아 당류 섭취교육 관련 교사 연수가 필요하다는 비율은 68.0%로 높았다. 유아 대상 영양교육을 할 경우, 적합한 교육 실시 내용으로 두 곳 모두 ‘당류 섭취와 충치’와 ‘당류 섭취와 비만’이 높은 반면, ‘당류 함량이 높은 식품’과 ‘당류 섭취를 줄이기 위한 실천행동’은 낮았다. 효과적인 영양교육 방법으로는 ‘동화나 인형극을 활용한 교육’이 두 군 모두 80% 이상 높게 나타났고, 영양교육 담당자로는 센터 영양사와 보육시설 담임교사가 함께 하여야 한다는 의견이 두 군 모두에서 높았다. 바람직한 영양교육 요구 횟수에 대하여 센터는 평균 2.7회, 보육시설은 4.0회로 보육시설에서 원하는 교육 횟수가 높았고, 바람직한 교육모형으로 센터의 방문교육 후 추가적인 교육은 교재·교구 배부 후 교사들이 교육하는 방법이 두 군 모두에서 90% 정도로 높았다. 유아의 당류 섭취를 줄이기 위한 표준 교육프로그램의 개발과 필요성에 대하여 매우 필요하다와 필요하다고 답한 비율은 두 기관 모두 90% 이상의 비율을 보였다. 이상과 같이 본 연구를 통해 유아 당류 섭취에 관한 교육은 유아, 학부모, 교사 대상으로 실시하고 있는 비율이 낮으며, 수행되더라도 영양교육의 일부로 실시되고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 교육 프로그램의 개발과 운영에 대한 요구도는 높음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 교육의 형태나 횟수, 내용, 방법 등에 대한 조사자료는 전국의 어린이급식관리지원센터와 센터회원 보육시설을 대상으로 수집된 자료이므로 어린이급식관리지원센터를 기반으로 체계적인 유아 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 프로그램 개발에 적용할 수 있는 객관적인 자료로 중요하다고 생각된다. 따라서 향후 유아 당류 교육 프로그램 개발과 함께 교육 효과를 평가하는 연구가 지속적으로 수행되어 국가기관인 식품의약품안전처 산하 어린이급식관리지원센터를 중심으로 한 우리나라 영유아 당류 섭취 영양 관리 체계가 마련되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. This study investigated the current status and needs for nutrition education to help reduce children’s sugars intake at the Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFM, n=115), and Child Care Facilities (CCF, n=646) through an online survey conducted from October 5<sup>th</sup> to 30<sup>th</sup> 2015. A total of 14.8% of CCFM respondents and 31.9% of CCF respondents provided nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a main topic (p<0.001). A higher percentage (CCFM 47.8%: CCF 42.4%) delivered nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a sub-component (p<0.001). Over 90% of the CCFM and CCF participants agreed on the necessity of providing nutrition education on sugars intake to children. The most common reasons given for delivering nutrition education on children's sugar intake were “there are many more urgent nutrition education topics” for CCFM, and “insufficient nutrition education information and materials” for CCF. The percentage of nutrition education on children’s sugar intake provided to the children’s parents was low showing about 20% in the both groups. The percentage of CCFM participants providing nutrition, education on children’s sugar intake to the teachers in CCF was also low, showing about 14.8%; however, 68.0% of the CCF participants wanted to received teacher's education on guiding children’s sugar intake. Regarding ideas about a nutrition education program on children’s sugar intake for young children, most respondents in both groups answered “sugar intake and dental cavities or obesity” for appropriate education contents, “story telling or puppet show” for appropriate education methods, and “dietitian from CCFM and class teacher together” for appropriate educator. For appropriate education time, there was a significantl difference between the CCFM responses (average 2.7 times) and the CCF responses (average 4 times). Based on the above results, we found that implementing nutrition education on children's sugar intake at the CCFM and CCF, was low; however, awareness of the need for nutrition education on children’s sugar intake and the program development and supply was very high. Also, the opinions of CCFM and CCF participants about a nutrition education program on children’s sugar intake for young children can provide foundation data to develop and implement the CCFM-based nutrition education program.


        Nutrition education discouraging sugar intake results in higher nutrient density in diets of pre-school children

        Yeom, Ma-Young,Cho, Youn-Ok The Korean Nutrition Society 2019 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.13 No.5

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The intake of sugar has increased worldwide, and it is well established that childhood experiences and food preferences affect lifelong eating habits. To discourage sugar intake, nutrition education was imparted, and the effectiveness of the nutrition education program was investigated by considering the nutrient density and major dietary sources of sugar intake. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Twenty four-hour dietary recall and sugar intake frequency of 96 pre-school children (educated n = 47; non-educated n = 49) were collected on 3 consecutive days (1 weekend day, 2 weekdays) after 11 weeks of imparting nutrition education. Dietary intake of nutrients and total sugar were analyzed, and the intake frequency of sugar source foods were identified. All nutrition education programs were focused on a hands-on education program, and consisted of cooking lab, play, activity, animation, and visual materials. The difference between the two groups was verified by the Chi-square test or t-test. All statistical analysis was performed with significance level at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Compared to the non-educated group, the intakes of protein (P < 0.001), fiber (P < 0.01), potassium (P < 0.05), iron (P < 0.05), zinc (P < 0.05), and iodine (P < 0.001) were significantly higher, and the intakes of carbohydrate (P < 0.01) and total sugar (P < 0.05) were significantly lower in the educated group. The cumulative percent of sugar intake of top 20 sugar source foods in the educated group (82.80%) was lower than that of the non-educated group (85.75%). The contribution of beverages on total sugar intake was lower in the educated group. The average frequency of consuming sugary foods was significantly lower in the educated group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that nutrition education on discouraging sugar intake is effective in reducing the amount of total sugar consumed, resulting higher nutrient density in the diets of pre-school children.

      • KCI등재

        Nutrition education discouraging sugar intake results in higher nutrient density in diets of pre-school children

        Ma-Young Yeom,Youn-Ok Cho 한국영양학회 2019 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.13 No.5

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The intake of sugar has increased worldwide, and it is well established that childhood experiences and food preferences affect lifelong eating habits. To discourage sugar intake, nutrition education was imparted, and the effectiveness of the nutrition education program was investigated by considering the nutrient density and major dietary sources of sugar intake. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Twenty four-hour dietary recall and sugar intake frequency of 96 pre-school children (educated n = 47; non-educated n = 49) were collected on 3 consecutive days (1 weekend day, 2 weekdays) after 11 weeks of imparting nutrition education. Dietary intake of nutrients and total sugar were analyzed, and the intake frequency of sugar source foods were identified. All nutrition education programs were focused on a hands-on education program, and consisted of cooking lab, play, activity, animation, and visual materials. The difference between the two groups was verified by the Chi-square test or t-test. All statistical analysis was performed with significance level at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Compared to the non-educated group, the intakes of protein (P < 0.001), fiber (P < 0.01), potassium (P < 0.05), iron (P < 0.05), zinc (P < 0.05), and iodine (P < 0.001) were significantly higher, and the intakes of carbohydrate (P < 0.01) and total sugar (P < 0.05) were significantly lower in the educated group. The cumulative percent of sugar intake of top 20 sugar source foods in the educated group (82.80%) was lower than that of the non-educated group (85.75%). The contribution of beverages on total sugar intake was lower in the educated group. The average frequency of consuming sugary foods was significantly lower in the educated group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that nutrition education on discouraging sugar intake is effective in reducing the amount of total sugar consumed, resulting higher nutrient density in the diets of pre-school children.

      • KCI등재

        채소와 과일섭취 증진을 위한 영양교육이 행동전단계 초등학생의 사회심리적 요인의 변화에 미치는 효과

        서윤석(Suh Yoonsuk),정영진(Chung Young-Jin) 韓國營養學會 2010 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.43 No.6

        본 연구에서는 채소와 과일 섭취 증진을 위한 영양교육이 행동변화단계의 진전에 따라 사회심리적요인에 변화를 초래하는지 파악하고자 초등학생을 대상으로 영양교육을 실시한 후 행동전단계를 두 단계로 나누어 이 두 단계 아동들의 채소와 과일 섭취의 장점과 단점에 대한 인지, 인지적 · 행위적 변화과정, 자아효능감의 수준 변화를 조사하였다. 충남 연기군의 한 초등학교 5학년 아동 71명에 대한 설문조사에 의해 행동전단계 (고려전, 고려, 준비)로 분류된 47명을 대상으로 2007년 11월 19일부터 12월 24일까지 6주 동안 채소와 과일섭취 영양교육을 실시하고 교육전과 후에 사회심리적요인의 수준을 설문지법에 의해 조사하였다. 1) 영양교육 후 채소섭취의 장점에 대한 인지도 점수는 고려전단계나 고려 및 준비단계에 속한 대상자 모두에서 증가하였고, 단점에 대한 인지도 점수는 두 단계 모두에서 감소하였다. 그러나 과일섭취에 있어서는 장점에 대한 인지도 점수에서는 고려전단계와 고려 및 준비단계 모두에서 교육 후 변화가 없었으나, 단점에 대한 인지도 점수는 고려전단계에 속한 대상자에서만 유의적인 감소가 나타났다 (p < 0.01). 채소섭취에 대한 장점과 단점에 대한 인지 개선 영양교육은 두 단계 모두에서 효과적이었다. 2) 영양교육 후 채소섭취의 인지적 변화과정에서는 고려 전단계의 대상자에서 의식향상 (p < 0.001)점수가 증가되었고, 고려 및 준비단계에 속한 대상자에서는 걱정해소 (p < 0.01), 자기재진단 (p < 0.05), 환경재평가 (p < 0.01), 사회규범변화(p < 0.05) 등 여러 변수의 점수가 증가하였다. 과일섭취의 인지적 변화과정에서는 고려전단계에 있는 대상자에서 환경재평가 (p < 0.01)점수의 증가를 나타내었고, 고려 및 준비단계에서는 변화를 보인 변수가 없었다. 채소와 과일섭취의 행위적 변화과정에서는 모두 변화가 없었다. 3) 영양교육 후 채소섭취에 관한 자아효능감은 고려전단계에 있는 대상자에서‘채소를 보이는 곳에 둔다’ (p < 0.01)와‘혼자 채소를 먹을 때 권장섭취 횟수만큼 먹을 수 있다’ (p < 0.01).‘채소 먹을 시간을 낼 수 있다’ (p < 0.05)에서 증가를 나타내었다. 고려 및 준비단계에서는 고려전단계에서 나타난‘혼자 채소를 먹을 때 권장섭취 횟수만큼 먹을 수 있다’ (p < 0.01)와‘채소 먹을 시간을 낼 수 있다’ (p < 0.01)의 항목을 포함하여‘다양한 종류의 채소를 살 수 있다’ (p < 0.01)에서 교육 후에 자아효능감이 높아졌다. 즉 채소섭취의 행동변화단계가 높아질수록 자아효능감의 수준이 성숙됨을 보였다. 과일섭취에 대해서는 영양교육 후 고려전단계에 속한 대상자에서‘과일을 보이는 곳에 둔다’의 자아효능감의 점수가 증가되었다 (p < 0.05). 이상의 연구결과에서 영양교육 후 행동전단계에 있는 아동들의 행동변화단계의 진전이 일어났고, 고려전단계와 고려 및 준비단계에서 모두 사회심리적요인의 수준이 높아졌으나 두 단계 간에는 교육효과의 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 과일에 비해 채소섭취와 관련된 사회심리적요인에서 교육효과가 더 크게 나타났으며, 사회심리적요인들 중에서 판단균형의 단점에 대한 인지도, 인지적 변화과정, 자아효능감이 영양교육의 평가지표로 사용될 수 있는 가능성을 보였다. This study investigates the change of level of psychosocial factors of decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy after nutrition education on vegetable and fruit intake of children in pre-action stages. Forty-seven 5th grade elementary school children in Yeongi-Gun, Chungnam-Do were categorized into pre-action stages from a total of 71 children by four-stage questions, and then finally into two stages of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. After 6 weeks nutrition education, recognition of both of pros and cons of vegetable intake were improved in the two groups of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. In fruits intake, however, recognition of pros was not changed after nutrition education in either stage, but recognition of cons was improved only in the precontemplation stage. However, no difference in any psychosocial variables was found between precontemplation stage and contemplation & preparation stage. After the nutrition education, the score of consciousness raising of vegetable intake belonging to cognitive process of change increased in the subjects of the precontemplation stage, wheres the scores of dramatic relief, self-reevaluation, environment reevaluation and social liberation increased in the group of contemplation & preparation. In fruit intake, however, no change was found except in the environment reevaluation in the precontemplation group. The behavioral process of change of vegetable and fruit intake did not show any change in either group after nutrition education. Self-efficacy scores of vegetable intake of keeping the foods at hand, eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased in the precontemplation group, while in the contemplation & preparation group, self efficacy scores of shopping for a variety of vegetables, instead of keeping the foods at hands, as well as the scores of the rest two items of eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased after nutrition education. However, in case of fruits intake, no difference was shown in the precontemplation stage except an item of keeping the foods at hand. The results indicated that the stage of change was progressed in the pre-action stage after nutrition education and the scores of many psychosocial factors increased in both pre-action stages. It is suggested that the recognition of cons as well as the cognitive process of change and self-efficacy could be best used as indicators of the assessment of nutrition education program for vegetable intake.

      • KCI등재

        채소기피 아동의 영양소 섭취상태와 채소 기피 관련요인

        구언희,서정숙 대한지역사회영양학회 2005 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the nutritional status and factors related to dislike of vegetables in the students who avoid eating vegetables in elementary school. The subjects were classified into VDG (vegetable dislike group, 75 children) and control group (69 children) by amount of vegetable left in school feeding. The survey included the items of demographic characteristics, dietary behaviors, nutrition knowledge, food preference, reason for dislike of vegetables and nutrient intake of the subjects. Dietary behavior and nutrition knowledge scores of control group were higher than those of VDG. The average score of food preference was 4.9 and 4.7 in control and VDG groups respectively. The preference score of root vegetables was the lowest in subjects. In the view of nutrient intake, the calorie intake of control group was higher than that of VDG. Protein intake of control and VDG was enough as compared with their RDA. Except vitamin E, most nutrient intake of control group was higher than that of VDG. VDG consumed lower calorie, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, Ca, P, Fe and Zn than control group. The scores of the dietary behavior and nutrition knowledge in the subjects were positively related to the status of some vitamins and minerals intake. These results show that the scores of nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior of VDG were lower than those of control, causing low intake of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, Ca and Fe. (Korean J Community Nutrition 10(2): 151 ~ 162, 2005) GROUP WAS HIGHER THAN THAT OF ffdG. PROTEIN INTAKE OF CONTROL AND ffdG WAS ENOUGH AS COMPARED WITH THEIR rda. eXCEPT VITAMIN e, MOST NUTRIENT INTAKE OF CONTROL GROUP WAS HIGHER THAN THAT OF ffdG. ffdG CONSUMED LOWER CALORIE, VITAMIN a, VITAMIN b2, VITAMIN ¢, ¢A, P, FE AND fflN THAN CONTROL GROUP. tHE SCORES OF THE DIETARY BEHAVIOR AND NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE IN THE SUBJECTS WERE POSITIVELY RELATED TO THE STATUS OF SOME VITAMINS AND MINERALS INTAKE. tHESE RESULTS SHOW THAT THE SCORES OF NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE AND DIETARY BEHAVIOR OF ffdG WERE LOWER THAN THOSE OF CONTROL, CAUSING LOW INTAKE OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS SUCH AS VITAMIN a, ¢A AND FE. (KOREAN J ¢OMMUNITY nUTRITION 10(2) : 151 ~ 162, 2005)

      • KCI등재

        사회인지이론을 적용한 초등학생 대상 영양교육의 효과 -당 섭취에 관한 영양교육 중심으로-

        김윤실 ( Yun Sil Kim ),이민준 ( Min June Lee ) 한국식품영양학회 2011 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of a nutrition education program of reducing children`s sugar intake based on social cognitive theory. This education program composed of 6 units was conducted in discretional activity class of the 3rd and 4th grade elementary school students. The results are as follows: First, the rate of correct answers and score of nutrition knowledge significantly increased after nutrition education. The scores of nutrition education in male students, students whose mothers have no job, and students with skinny physiques were much improved after nutrition education(p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001, respectively). Second, the dietary attitudes toward reducing sugar intake and checking nutrition labels significantly improved(p<0.05). And also, it tended to decrease in preference and intake of sweet foods. Third, the consumption of candy·caramel·jelly(p<0.05), yogurt(p<0.05), jam·honey(p<0.05), and ice cream(p<0.001) were reduced after nutrition education. Besides, obese students` consumption of isotonic beverages, carbonated beverages, and fruit juice was reduced. Therefore, a positive change in dietary behavior appeared. Based on the above results, we confirmed that the nutrition education program focusing on reducing sugar intake applied with social cognitive theory was effective for improving the nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary behavior in sugar intake in elementary school students. Especially, this program showed the improvement in nutrition knowledge as well as dietary attitude and behavior in sugar intake among obese children. Since nutrition education during childhood significantly influences lifetime-health and disease prevention, it is necessary to develop theory-based nutrition education program and practice systematic and constant nutrition education in elementary schools.

      • KCI등재

        암 경험자에서 영양성분표시 이용과 영양소 섭취 수준과의 관련성: 2019–2021년 국민건강영양조사

        최규진,손세영,조희경,정수민 대한가정의학회 2023 Korean Journal of Family Practice Vol.13 No.4

        연구배경: 암 경험자에서 영양 섭취는 암의 재발, 예후 및 사망률에 영향을 끼치는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 일반 인구 및 만성질환자 등에서 영양성분표시의 이용 여부에 따라 영양 섭취 행태가 바뀔 수 있다는 것은 잘 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 암 경험자를 대상으로 하여 영양성분표시의 이용과 관련된 인자를 파악하고, 이용 여부에 따른 실제 영양소 섭취량의 차이를 비교하고자 하였다. 방법: 2019년부터 2021년까지 국민건강영양조사에 참여한 20세 이상 성인 중 영양조사 자료가 있고 암 진단을 받은 적이 있다고 응답한 552명을 분석에 이용하였다. 개별 영양소의 섭취량은 영양밀도(1,000 kcal 당 섭취량)을 이용하여 비교하였다. 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용하여 영양성분표시 이용과 관련된 요인들을 분석하고, 선형회귀분석을 통하여 영양성분표시 이용군과 비이용군 간의 총열량을 보정한 개별 영양소 섭취량의 차이를 비교하였다. 결과: 영양성분표시 이용군에서 연령이 유의하게 낮고, 여성, 도시 거주, 고소득자, 고학력자 비율이 높았다. 교란요인을 보정한 결과 암 진단 후 경과 시간이 짧을수록 영양성분표시를 이용하는 비율이 높았다. 각 영양소 섭취량을 영양밀도로 비교한 결과 영양성분표시 이용군에서 지방, 식이섬유의 섭취량이 더 높고 탄수화물 섭취량은 더 낮았다. 이러한 경향은 암을 진단받은 지 5년 미만인 경우에 유의하게 관찰되었고, 5년 이상 경과한 경우에는 유의하지 않았으며 오히려 이용자에서 단순당 섭취량이 더 높았다. 결론: 영양성분표시를 이용하는 암 경험자는 탄수화물 섭취량이 더 낮고, 단일불포화지방산 및 식이섬유 섭취량이 더 높아서 보다 건강한 식사를 하는 경향이 관찰되었다. 전체 암 경험자를 대상으로 영양성분표시에 대한 교육이 필요하며, 암 진단 후 시간이 경과한 후에도 영양성분표시 이용 행태가 장기적으로 지속되도록 적절한 개입이 필요하다. Background: Considering the impact of nutrition on cancer recurrence and prognosis, ensuring adequate nutrient intake is crucial to cancer survivorship care. Therefore, this study aimed to identify factors associated with the use of nutrition labeling among cancer survivors and to assess nutrition intake patterns based on nutrition label use. Methods: This study included 552 participants aged ≥20 years who reported a history of cancer diagnosis in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019–2021). Factors associated with the use of nutrition labeling were examined using logistic regression analysis. Differences in nutrient intake between a nutrition label utilizing group and a non-utilizing group were analyzed using linear regression. Results: Overall, 37.1% of cancer survivors referred to nutrition labels. The nutrition label utilizing group had a younger average age, a higher proportion of urban residents, higher income levels, and higher education levels than the non-utilizing group. The nutrient densities of fat and dietary fiber were higher, whereas that of carbohydrates was lower in the nutrition label utilizing group. Among cancer survivors, those who were diagnosed <5 years ago since cancer diagnosis showed a higher proportion of nutrition label use, lower nutrient density of carbohydrates, and higher nutrient density of dietary fiber than their counterparts. Conclusion: This study determined the proportion of cancer survivors who use nutrition labels and the factors associated with nutrition label utilization, as well as its relation to nutrition intake. Education regarding nutrition label use among cancer survivors is necessary to achieve adequate nutrition intake, particularly for long-term cancer survivors.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 어플리케이션 기반 당류 저감화 중재 프로그램의 행동변화단계에 따른 효과 분석 : 일부 여대생 대상 연구

        최윤정,김현숙 한국영양학회 2019 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.52 No.5

        Purpose: This study examined the effects of a mobile app-based program to reduce the dietary sugar intake according to the stages of the behavioral change in dietary sugar reduction in female college students. Methods: The program used in this study can monitor the dietary sugar intake after recording the dietary intake and provide education message for the reduction of dietary sugar intake. In an eight-week pre-post intervention study, 68 female college students were instructed to record all the food they consumed daily and received weekly education information. At pre-post intervention, the subjects were asked to answer the questionnaire about sugar-related nutrition knowledge, sugar-intake behavior, and sugar-intake frequency. For statistical analysis, ANOVA and a paired t-test were used for comparative analysis according Precontemplation (PC), Contemplation· Preparation (C· P), and A· M (Action· Maintenance) stage. Results: Significant differences were observed in the frequency of snacking, experience of nutrition education, and preference for sweetness according to the stages of behavior change in dietary sugar reduction. After finishing an intervention, the sugar-related nutrition knowledge score was increased significantly in the stages of Precontemplation (PC) and Contemplation· Preparation (C· P). The score of the sugar intake behavior increased significantly in all stages. The intake frequency of chocolate, muffins or cakes, and drinking yogurt decreased significantly in the PC stage and the intake frequency of biscuits, carbonated beverages, and fruit juice decreased significantly in the C· P stage. Subjects in the PC and C· P stages had an undesirable propensity in nutrition knowledge, sugar-intake behavior, and sugar-intake frequency compared to the A· M stage, but this intervention improved significantly their nutrition knowledge, sugar-intake behavior, and sugar-intake frequency. Conclusion: This program can be an effective educational tool in the stages of PC and C· P, and is expected to further increase the usability and sustainability of mobile application if supplemented appropriately to a health platform program.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동생리학 : 여성무용수의 골밀도 수준과 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구

        홍미경(HongMiGyeong),안의수(AnUiSu),손태열(SonTaeYeol) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        The purpose of this study were to examine the bone mineral density(BMD) of the dancers in three dance sub-majors and non dancer women(from 23 to 30 years old) who might maintain maximum BMD throught their life time and provide a useful data in relation to the factors contributing to BMD by comparing their BMDs with their daily nutritional and caloric intake. The subject of this study were pre-menopause women who were 23 to 30 old and expected to be able to acquire their peak bone mass. The sub-major dance group were korean dance, ballet, modern dance, non-dance group. Fifteen women among total 60 women belonged to each group and they had average 13 year-career. And non-dance group which is the women who have not done body work professionally. Therefore the total member is 60. We analyzed the BMD test is analyze the lumber vertebrae(lumber 1-lumber 4) and femur BMD(femur neck, femur troch, femur wards) by using of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DFXA). Nutrition caloric intake is written by subject for themselves. They wrote concretely what they ate for 1 week and it divided breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. It take average daily caloric intake, and analyze it by using a Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program(CAN-program) each group. However nutrition caloric intake is except the data which is rot collected again and written insincerity. So the total member is 40.The results of this study was summarized as the follows.1. The BMD of lumber and femur in dance group were significantly higher than non-dance group. The BMD of lumber modern dance, korean dance, ballet, non-dance group in the order especially modem dance group were significantly higher than dance group and non-dance group(p<.05). The BMD of femur has modern dance, ballet, korean dance, non-dance group in the order especially modern dance, ballet group were significantly higher than korean dance and non-dance group(p<.05). The cause of each major dance group`s BMD of lumber and femur has difference is related with motion form as each group.2. There is no difference in nutrition caloric intake except that caloric intake of dance group is lower than non-dance group. All of group intake lower nutrition caloric intake compare than exhort quantity. Therefore, if it is maintained little nutrition caloric intake, it will give a bad affection not only BMD prevention dimension but also keeping good health.In conclusion, BMD is the motion form of modern dance group is give affirmative effect. And also it give bad effect to BMD that wrong food habit of modern women and life style. Therefore, it needs improve one`s diet and body work which is a form of weight-bearing exercise. As we saw, the each major dancer`s BMD value difference who is in period can acquire maximum BMD is means that it needs next study deal with how to continuous dance activity give an effect to BMD and nutrition caloric intake which is related with BMD value give whether maintained or not to dancer who is after menopause.

      • KCI등재

        식품교환법을 활용한 영양교육의 효과

        김숙배(Sook Bae Kim),최희진(Hee Jin Choi) 대한지역사회영양학회 2008 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.13 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrition education using Food Exchange System on elementary students` nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrients intake. Nutrition education lessons (40 min /lesson, 4 times), `5 major nutrients and functions`, `6 food groups and sources of 6 food groups`, `good choice of snacks and eating out` as class lesson, `daily needed energy and food exchange units` as individual lesson, were provided to 70 elementary students (4th grade 33 students, 5th grade 37 students) in Jeonbuk Province. We assessed the changes in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude, food habit using a questionnaire and nutrient intake using 24 hr recall method by nutrition education. In nutrition knowledge, there were significant increases in scores of `functions of carbohydrate`, `functions of protein`, `functions of lipid`, `foods of carbohydrate`, and `foods of lipid`. In dietary attitude, there were significant increases in scores of `taking a meal with joy`, `taking a meal at ease`, `taking a meal with sufficient protein intake` and `taking a meal without spicy foods` by nutrition education. There were significant changes in the type of breakfast and in the frequency of snacks. After education, in type of breakfast, it showed higher number of students ate rice oriented meal than they did before education. and in frequency of snacks, it showed lower number of students ate snacks `over 3 times` than they did before education. In Carbohydrate: Protein: Fat (CPF) ratio (%), it was significantly changed from 55.8:17.7:26.6 to 63.6:15.3:21.1. In evaluation of nutrient intake by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs), vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, phosphate, iron and zinc showed positive changes in distribution of number of children by intake level. That is, there were significant improvements in intakes of vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, phosphate, iron and zinc. These results showed that nutrition education using Food Exchange System for elementary students improved nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrients intake. It suggest that nutrition education using Food Exchange System may improve dietary behaviors and reduce an incidence of obesity in elementary students. (Korean J Community Nutrition 13(6):922~933, 2008)

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