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      • KCI등재

        SCM 성과 결정요인에 관한 통합적 연구: 공급업체 관점으로

        박광오,장활식 한국경영정보학회 2011 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.21 No.1

        In an attempt to cope with widespread, dynamic, and accelerating changes in both internal and external business environments, companies often utilize information technologies such as SCM(Supply Chain Management). To date, SCM research has mainly focused on the effects of dynamic factors on SCM success and emphasized adoption strategies and critical success factors. Consequently, the effects of more static factors such as interdependency between SCM partners have been largely ignored. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine the effects of both dynamic and static factors on SCM performance by controlling for information quality and partnership quality. The five factors examined in this study include innovativeness, mutual dependency, quality of information, partnership quality, and SCM performance. All factors were examined from the perspective of part suppliers, except the mutual dependency which was examined from two aspects: supplier's dependency on customer and customer's dependency on supplier. Data was collected through five hundred survey questionnaires distributed to the part supplier companies that have implemented SCM systems for at least one year. As a result, a total of 170 valid responses were obtained. A structural equation research model was fitted using SAS 9.1.3 and SMART-PLS 2.0. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, innovativeness positively affected SCM information quality, SCM partnership quality, and ultimately SCM performance. The path coefficient between innovativeness and information quality was 0.387, with a t-value of 3.528. Innovativeness also had a positively direct effect on partnership quality. The path coefficient was 0.351 with a t-value of 3.366. The total effect of innovativeness on partnership quality was significant, although its indirect effect on partnership quality by altering information quality was negligible. The total indirect effect of innovativeness on SCM performance by affecting information quality and partnership quality was significant with a p-value of 0.014. Innovativeness played an important role in determining SCM performance. Second, mutual dependency showed no significant effect on SCM information quality. This result contradicts the earlier assertion that the more dependent two companies are, the more accurate and timely the information they exchange ought to be. This study showed that this may not be the case; a partner may provide information of poor quality even when it is strongly dependent on the other. Mutual dependency showed significant effect on partnership quality. However, when the mutual dependency perceived by suppliers was divided into two parts, one being a supplier's dependency on its customer company and the other being a customer's dependency on the supplier, the latter showed a significant impact on the perceived SCM partnership quality. This result indicates that a customer company can hardly improve the partnership quality perceived by suppliers by making them more dependent. It improves only when the suppliers perceive that their partners, typically having more bargaining power, are more dependent on them. The overall effect of mutual dependency of any kind on SCM performance, however, was not significant. Although mutual dependency has been mentioned as an important static factor influencing almost every aspect of cooperation on a supply chain, its influences may not be as significant as it was initially perceived to be. Third, the correlation between information quality and partnership quality was 0.448 with a p-value of less than 0.001. Information quality had a path coefficient of 0.256 to partnership quality with a t-value of 2.940. The quality of information exchanged between partners may have an impact on their partnership quality. Fourth, information quality also had a significant impact on SCM performance with a path coefficient of 0.325 with a t-value of 3.611. In this study, SCM performance was divid...

      • KCI등재

        용수의 연기설 재검토 및 중도적 이해

        남수영(Nam, Soo-young) 불교학연구회 2012 불교학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        논자는 본 논문에서 ①‘중론이 주장하는 연기는 상의성의 의미이며, 중론의 목적은 여러 법의 상의상관관계를 밝히는 것’이라고 하는 나카무라 하지메(中村元)의 견해와 ②‘상의성의 연기와 팔불연기를 동일한 것’으로 간주하면서, ③‘팔불은 동시적이고 상대적인 부정을 통해 양항을 다시 긍정하는 성격을 갖고 있다.’고 하는 윤종갑의 견해, 그리고 ④‘팔불의 상반하는 둘을 하나로 묶음으로써, 그 둘 각각의 긍정을 함의시킬 수가 있다.’고 하는 우에다 요시부미(上田義文)의 견해에 의문을 제기하고, 용수의 상호의존적 연기와 팔불의 연기를 재검토하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 1) 월칭의 언급으로부터 12연기와 상호의존의 연기는 세속제(世俗諦)로서 동일 차원에서 설해진 것이고, 팔불의 연기는 승의제(勝義諦)로서 상호의존의 연기와는 다른 차원에서 설해진 것임을 알 수 있다. 그럴 경우 상호의존의 연기와 팔불의 연기, 즉 세속제와 승의제의 분기점은 무자성과 공성의 개념이 된다. 그런 사실로부터 나카무라 하지메의 견해 ①과 윤종갑의 견해 ②는 타당성을 확보하지 못함을 알 수 있다. 2) 상호의존의 연기란 두 개의 사물이나 혹은 여러 개의 사물이 서로 의존해서 성립함을 설하는 것이다. 용수가 상호의존의 연기를 설한 목적은 인도의 대부분의 학파들이 실재로 간주하는 궁극적인 원인을 포함하는 모든 사물이 연기에 의해서 성립함을 밝히고, 다시 그로부터 모든 사물은 연기이기 때문에 무자성과 공성 등으로 설해지는 궁극적 진실인 승의제를 드러내기 위한 것이다. 3) 팔불의 연기란 연기이기 때문에 무자성인 모든 사물은 불생불멸 등의 여덟가지 특성을 지닌다는 의미이다. 팔불이 설해진 목적은 유자성론에 근거해서 설해지는 여러 학설들의 불합리를 비판하고, 무자성과 공성 등으로 설해지는 승의제를 더욱 분명하게 깨닫도록 돕기 위한 것이다. 4) 팔불의 각각은 동일한 형식으로 설해지고 있지 않다. 또한 팔불의 각각은 ‘자성으로서 불생’, ‘자성으로서 불멸’등으로 종결되며, 거기서 불생과 불멸 등 두 항목을 하나로 묶어서 다시 발생과 소멸 등을 긍정하는 경우는 발견되지 않는다. 이와 같은 사실들로부터 윤종갑의 견해 ③과 우에다 요시부미의 견해 ④는 올바르지 못한 것임을 알 수 있다. 5) 팔불은 시종일관 무자성의 개념에 근거해서 설해지고 있고, 그럴 경우 무자성은 비유비무(非有非無)라는 의미로 사용되었다. 그와 같은 사실로부터 팔불은 비유비무의 중도를 통해서 이해되어야 함을 알 수 있다. 또한 팔불의 각각은 자성으로서의 생멸, 자성으로서의 거래, 자성으로서의 일이, 자성으로서의 단상 등 불합리하고 극단적인 견해들을 부정하는 것이기 때문에, 팔불이 곧 중도라고 생각하는 것도 가능하다. 6) 월칭이 『중송』의 목적으로 제시했던 ‘모든 희론이 멈추어서 길상의 특정인 열반’에 도달하는 과정은 다음과 같다고 생각된다. 첫째, 세속제, 즉 상호의존의 연기에 의해서 일체법은 무자성이라는 승의제가 알려진다. 둘째, 승의제에 근거해서 팔불이 설해지고, 팔불을 통해서 유자성론에 뿌리를 둔 모든 희론들이 부정되는 동시에, 무자성인 모든 사물의 진실을 더욱 분명하게 깨닫게 된다. 셋째, 그런 깨달음을 통해서 무명과 갈애가 더 이상 작용하지 않게 되고, 마침내 수행자는 ‘모든 희론이 멈추어서 길상의 특징인 열반’에 도달하게 된다. The present writer raised questions to ①the opinion of Hajime Nakamura(中村元) which the dependent origination(緣起) of Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikāh is the meaning of mutual dependence(相依性) and the purpose of Mūla-madhyamaka-karikah is to reveal the mutual dependence of things, ②the opinion of Jonggap Yun(윤종갑) which the dependent origination of mutual dependence is same with the dependent origination of eight negations(八不), ③which eight negations have the nature of affirming the both items through the coincidently and relatively negations, and ④the opinion of Yoshibumi Ueda(上田義文) which we can write affirmation into the both of two items by joining into one of the contrary two items of eight negations. So the present writer reconsidered the dependent origination of mutual dependence and the dependent origination of eight negations in Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikāh, and confirmed as follow facts. 1) The dependent origination of twelve elements and the dependent origination of mutual dependence are said in a same level as belonging to the teaching of unclear meaning scriptures, but the dependent origination of eight negations is said in a different level as belonging to the teaching of clear meaning scriptures. So we could know that Hajime Nakamura’s opinion of ① and Jonggap Yun’s opinion of ② have no validity. 2) The dependent origination of mutual dependence is a theory that two or several things, action and actor, pure and impure etc., come into existence in a state of mutual dependence. The present writer thinks that the aim of the dependent origination of mutual dependence of Nāgārjuna is to reveal the fact that all things are of no intrinsic nature(無自性), emptiness(空性), dependent designation(假名), and middle-way(中道), because they are products of dependent origination. 3) The dependent origination of eight negations is a theory that all things as products of dependent origination have eight attributes of non-production(不生) non-extinction(不滅) etc. The dependent origination of eight negations has two aspects of the criticism on the theory of intrinsic nature and the revelation of the truth of no int rin sic nature of all things. So we could know that the aims of the dependent origination of eight negations are the negation of the irrational theories about production and extinction etc. based on the theory of intrinsic nature and the revelation of truth of all things of no intrinsic nature. 4) When we examined the contents and forms of the eight negations, we can see each item of the eight negations come to a stop with no-production as intrinsic nature, no-extinction as intrinsic nature etc., but we could not find any case of writing affirmation into the both of the two items, by joining into one the contrary two items of production and extinction etc. So we can know that Jonggap Yun’s opinion of ③ and Yoshibumi Ueda’s opinion of ④ are not correct. 5) The eight negations are described by the conception of no intrinsic nature from start to finish, and the conception of no intrinsic nature used as meaning of non-being and non-not-being(非有非無). Therefore we could know that eight negations must be comprehended by the middle way of no-being and no-not-being. Also because each item of the eight negations are denials to the irrational and extreme opinions of production as intrinsic nature and extinction as intrinsic nature etc., it is possible to think that the eight negations are exactly the middle way. 6) The meaning of Candrakīrti’s mention which he presented as the purpose of Madhyamaka-śāstra, ‘nirvana with auspicious feature because all of the irrational theories completely stoped’, is as follows. The truth of no intrinsic nature of all things has become known through the dependent origination of mutual dependence, and every irrational theory based on the theory of intrinsic nature is refuted by that truth.

      • KCI등재

        『법계도원통기(法界圖圓通記)』의 삼문구조 수용에 대하여

        감심흠 동아시아불교문화학회 2019 동아시아불교문화 Vol.0 No.39

        Uisang(義相) and Fazang(法藏) have established a typical structure of two gates which includes the gate of mutual-inclusion(相入門) and the gate of mutual identity(相即門). The gate of principal and subordinate(主伴門) in the structure of two gates is the object of interpretation of the gate of mutual-inclusion and the gate of mutual identity, and it is not the basic principle in parallel with the gate of mutual-inclusion and the gate of mutual identity. The old saying puts forward a structure of three gates which include the gate of mutual-inclusion, the gate of mutual identity and the gate of principal and subordinate. The structure of three gates think that all beings in the world of dependent origination(緣起) is mutual-inclusion and mutual identity, and that all beings in the world of manifestation of reality(性起) can be considered either principal or subordinate. This is a kind of structure which includes manifestation of reality and dependent origination. Although there are some differences between the two sides, the Beopgyedowontonggi(法界圖圓通記) accepts the structure of three gates which is from the old saying. From the development of such structure of three gates, it can be said that the structure of two gates of Uisang has deepened into the structure of three gates in Silla and Goryeo Hwaeom(華嚴), and it can be pointed out that the structure of three gates has a certain position in the Hwaeom thought of Gyun-Yeo(均如). 주반은 법장의 『탐현기』 이전에는 십보법의 일종 또는 십보법과 같은 범주였으나, 『탐현기』에서는 십현문의 일종으로 되어있다. 의상과 법장은 모두 전형적인 상즉문·상입문의 이문구조를 성립시켰다. 이문구조에서의 주반문은 상즉문과 상입문으로 해석되는 대상이었으며, 상즉문·상입문과 병렬되는 기본원리는 아니었다. ‘고사’에서는 상즉문·상입문·주반문의 삼문구조를 제시하며, 상입문을 법중원문, 상즉문을 법중근문, 주반문을 법중즉문으로 여겼다. ‘고사’는 법장의 영향을 받아서 인연의 역용 관점에서 상입문을, 인연의 자체의 관점에서 상즉문을 논하였다. ‘고사’는 또한 의상의 성기 사상의 영향을 받아서 성기의 인연을 따르지 않는 것[不從緣]을 강조하고, 이연성(離緣性)의 관점에서 주반문을 논함에 따라 주반문을 상즉문·상입문과 나란히 할 수 있는 기본원리를 성립시켰다. ‘고사’의 삼문구조에서는 연기 세계 가운데의 사물이 서로 상즉상입하고, 성기 세계 가운데의 사물이 서로 중심적 존재와 종속적 존재가 된다고 보고 있다. 이것은 연기와 성기를 포괄하고 있는 구조이다. 『법계도원통기』는 대체로‘고사’의 삼문구조를 계승하고 있다. 단, 멀고·가깝고·곧바로[遠近即]의 세 뜻에 대해‘고사’는 법성을 기준으로, 『법계도원통기』는 진성을 기준으로 하고 있다는 점이 다르지만, ‘고사’를 수용한 결과라는 것은 틀림없다. 이와 같은 삼문구조의 전개를 통해 볼 때, 의상의 상즉상입의 구조가 신라와 고려 화엄에서 삼문구조로 심화되었다고 말할 수 있으며, 균여의 화엄사상에서 일정의 위상을 지녔다는 것을 지적할 수 있다.

      • SCIE

        On Information Theoretic Index for Measuring the Stochastic Dependence Among Sets of Variates

        Kim, Hea-Jung The Korean Statistical Society 1997 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.26 No.1

        In this paper the problem of measuring the stochastic dependence among sets fo random variates is considered, and attention is specifically directed to forming a single well-defined measure of the dependence among sets of normal variates. A new information theoretic measure of the dependence called dependence index (DI) is introduced and its several properties are studied. The development of DI is based on the generalization and normalization of the mutual information introduced by Kullback(1968). For data analysis, minimum cross entropy estimator of DI is suggested, and its asymptotic distribution is obtained for testing the existence of the dependence. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the performance of the estimator, and show that is is useful not only for evaluation of the dependence, but also for independent model testing.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 경제생활권역별 도시특성 분석

        민경삼 한국지역경제학회 2024 韓國地域經濟硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 통근‧통학과 전출‧전입 데이터를 활용하여 수도권 지역의 경제생활권역을 식별하고 각 생활권역의 도시 특성과 성장 모습을 분석하는 것이다. 생활권역과 중심도시 식별에는 네트워크 도시이론에 따라 측정된 상호의존 흐름과 의존성‧중심성 지수를 이용하였다. 활용한 통근‧통학 데이터는 2020년 자료이고, 전출‧전입 데이터는 2019년부터 2021년까지의 3년간 자료이다. 주요 연구 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수도권 지역에서 6개의 경제생활권역이 식별되었다. 한강 이북 지역에서 서부 생활권역과 동부 생활권역이 각각 식별되었고, 한강 이남 지역에서는 인천을 포함하는 서부 생활권역과 신 핵심 도심인 서울 강남을 포함하는 동부 생활권역, 수원, 성남, 용인을 포함하는 남부 생활권역, 그리고 안양군포 생활권역이 식별되었다. 둘째, 각 생활권역은 보험금융업, 사업서비스업, 광공업 등 주력 산업의 경제활동이 활발해지면서 상주인구가 늘어나거나 주간인구가 늘어나 도시가 성장하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 수도권 전체의 인구는 늘어나더라도 일부 생활권역에서는 인구가 감소하고 있다. 따라서 지속가능한 도시 성장과 경쟁력 유지를 위해 도시 간 행정 협력과 정책 협력 요구가 강해질 것으로 예상된다. 그리고 인구 오너스 시대를 맞이하여 경제생활권역의 특성에 적합한 도시 발전 전략이 필요해 보인다. The aim of this study is to detect an economy and life area in Korea Capital City Region, and to analyze it’s characteristics and growth trend. The flow of a mutual dependency and the dependency-centrality index among urban cities was estimated in the context to the network urban theory, and were used for the identification of an economy and life area. The data on commuting population was available in 2020, and those on the household-moving population were used from 2019 to 2021. The major results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, six economy and life areas were identified in Korea Capital City Region. There are West area and East area in the north region from Han river. And West area with Inchon, East area with Seoul Kang-nam, South area including Suwon-Seongnam-Yongin, Anayan-Kunpo area were identified in the south region from Han river. Second, each economy ad life was confirmed that its growth was accelated by strong activities in Finance & Insurance, Business Service, and Manufacturing Industries. The population of the Capital City Region will be increased for the present, but those of some areas will be decreased. Therefore, it is expected that the active cooperation for administration and policy could be asked between adjacent urban cities for their sustainable growth and competitiveness. And the city development strategy, which is suitable for characteristics of each economy and life area, is needed in the era of demographic Onus.

      • KCI등재

        불교 경론에 보이는 ‘不空’의 다양한 의미 - 특히 화엄경 에서

        조연숙 철학연구회 2021 哲學硏究 Vol.- No.132

        The Chinese word “bukong” 不空 appearing in the Āgama texts is a rendering of Pāli words such as aritta (not discarded), asuñña (not empty), amogha (not vain). Whereas the Madhyamika texts never affirm the term “non‐empty” as a counterpart of the concept “emtpy,” the Yogācāra texts overlay it with a slightly negative connotation as a false imagination. However, Tathāgatagarbha thought affirms that term positively, and Chinese strands of Buddhism further adopt it as an absolute affirmation by identifying emptiness with non‐emptiness, thereby turning the concept of “mutual dependence” or “counterpart” into that of mutual identification. In the Huayan jing, the concepts such as aśūnya, aśūnyatā, amogha, amoghatā are equally rendered as “bukong,” and this term thus comes to have a wide range of meanings including “non‐empty,” “without any errors,” “beneficial,” “not deluded,” or fully endowed with wisdom and compassion,” and so on, which are attributes of tathāgatagarbha. Therefore, we see that the Huayan jing has such diverse meaning in the word “bukong” in according to the context. In the case of the typical Chinese Buddhist text Dasheng qixin lun, “bukong” indicates the state in which the pure dharmas are fulfilled. It seems that this text regards the essence as empty while considering the function to be non‐empty. Since Chinese Buddhist terms have a wide range of implications, it is difficult to render them in a unitary Korean words. If we identify a given text (文, vyañjana) with its meaning (義, artha), it will go against the Buddha’s admonition “rely on meanings, not to rely on words”. As words and texts do not have a fixed self-nature, only when we do not adhere to any concept will the Buddha-vacana have is full-fledged meanings. 아함경 에서 ‘不空’이라 한역된 원어는 aritta(버려지지 않은), asuñña(비어 있지 않은), amogha(헛되지 않은) 등이다. 중관에서는 공(空)의 상대(相待)인 ‘不空’이 절대 부정되는 반면, 유식에서는 허망분별로 인한 부정적인 이미지가 살짝 보이다가 여래장 사상이 도입되면서 긍정적인 이미지로 전환하는데, 그것이 중국불교에서는 절대 긍정으로 바뀌어서, ‘空即不空’으로 상의상즉(相依相卽)이 된다. 화엄경 에서는 ‘不空’이라 한역된 원어가 aśūnya, aśūnyatā, amogha, amoghatā로, 그 의미가 어리석지 않은 지혜와 자비가 충만한 여래장의 뜻으로 무한히 펼쳐져서, ‘不空’이란 꽃이 활짝 핀다. 이렇게 ‘不空’은 문맥에 따라 그 의미가 다르지만, 중국불교의 전형적인 논인 대승기신론 에서는 정법(淨法)이 만족되면 ‘不空’이라 하는데, 대승기신론 은 체(體)가 ‘空’이고, 용(用)이 ‘不空’이라고 말하는 것으로 보인다. 중국어 낱말은 그 의미가 함축되어 있어서, 한국어로 한 낱말로 통일시켜 번역하기가 그리 쉽지 않다. 글자(文, vyañjana) 그대로 뜻(義, artha)이리라 추정한다면, ‘四依’ 중 ‘依義不依語’에 어긋나기 때문이다. 말이나 글은 자성(自性)처럼 정해지지 않아서, 어떤 개념에도 집착하지 않을 때 불설은 살아날 것이다."

      • KCI등재

        생명 조작에 대한 연기적 관점

        우희종(Woo Hee-Jong) 불교학연구회 2006 불교학연구 Vol.15 No.-

          Modern science is based on the analytical reductionism resulted with a fragmented view on our world, compared to that of Buddha who showed us the mutually dependent holistic nature. As the advance of life science and biomedical areas in these days presents social and ethical questions in public, a more realistic understanding of the basic and clinical application that are likely to arise by scientific discoveries in our society is very necessary. In this paper the major three subjects, stem cell research, xenotransplatation, and genetically modified organism (GMO), in recent development of biotechnology are described in detail in context of biohazard and bioethics. Though those three specified areas are well-funded for research with good rationale by government and private sectors, some fatal problems are emerging from the view of Buddha"s teaching, especially holistic mutual dependency. Furthermore, the scientific terrorism that is done by pre-evaluated scientific discoveries is discussed with a misguided perception that science is value free.

      • KCI등재후보

        자비의 윤리

        이중표(Lee Joong-pyo) 불교학연구회 2005 불교학연구 Vol.12 No.-

          Many problems of modern society such as social conflict, environmental contamination, and eco-destruction threatening our happiness and sustenance are rooted in the modern western world view. Recently, the modern western world view in various fields has been challenged and changed into a new paradigm. It has been changed from the atomistic world view considering the world as separated parts into the holistic world view considering the world as a unified whole in co-dependent relations. This change of the world view has been succeeded to a change of human view. Furthermore, this change of the world view has been asking emergence of new ethics.<BR>  In this paper, I search for new ethics in my understanding that the new world view is accordance with the Buddhist theory of dependent-arising. According to ethics considering human beings as individuals, the most important value is "justice" of fair distribution and ownership among individuals. But various problems of modern society cannot be solved through realizing this kind of "justice." What we need is new ethics based on a fundamental change in understanding human beings. The Buddhist notion of non-self rejects the self as an individual substance, and presents the extended self into others and nature through life. Buddhist ethics understanding human beings in non-duality of the self and others is ethics of compassion that gives the highest value to the mind of "compassion" treating one"s own self and others equally.<BR>  Ethics of compassion does not define a human being as a substantial self but it considers him/her as a being who forms oneself by one"s own efforts. It sees that the most valuable life is a compassionate life which is required and justified by the theory of dependent-arising. Furthermore, ethics of compassion suggests non-self realized through a compassionate life as the most idealistic human life.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 경제관계의 성과, 문제, 그리고 대응

        임반석 한국동북아학회 2008 한국동북아논총 Vol.13 No.3

        International trade and mutual economic cooperation between Korea-China set out after the start of China's reform and opening policy again. And the performance of Korea-China economic cooperation during past 15 years is marvelous. China became the first trade and export partner of Korea, and Korea the 4th trade partner to China. Not to mention Korea"s export to China, the dependency rate of Korea economy to Chinese economy is very high. Due to the trade with China, Korea has been gaining a great deal of surplus every year since 1993, and Korea became 2nd largest international trade deficit partner at present. Many research results say, from Korea's viewpoint, international production sharing between Korea and China is not so efficient. In spite of the comparative advantage in technology, the presents of Korea's parts and component export to China is not reasonable. In short, Korea do not fully utilize his comparative advantages. So, researchers agree that the model of economic cooperation between Korea and China is based not on the vertical mutual dependent relation but on the horizontal mutual dependent relation. Theoretically speaking, the basis of the horizontal mutual dependent relations is easy to change, namely unstable, in nature. From the facts argued above, we can get to this conclusion: Korea-China economic relations is very intimate but not stable. So, we need to build up a new economic corporation model. Of course, the Korea's efforts to create exclusive advantage industries and technologies have to be made incessantly. In addition, the results of this paper support, the new economic cooperation model between Korea and China is supposed to head to win-win direction, in China and world market, through active and affirmative mutual cooperation. 한중 교역은 이미 연간 1000억 달러를 넘었고, 중국은 한국의 1위 교역국이자 1위 수출국이고, 한국은 중국의 4대 교역국이다. 한중 교역에서 한국은 1993년부터 지속적인 일방적 대규모 흑자를 보고 있으며, 이로 인해 한국은 중국의 2위 적자 대상국이다. 중국과의 수출입은 한국 총수출입의 22%, 15%에 달하고 있으며, 중국의 총수출입에서 점하는 한국의 수출입의 비율은 각각 8%, 6% 정도로서, 중국경제에 비해 한국경제의 중국경제 의존도가 훨씬 높은 수준이다. 한중간에는 상호 보완적인 산업구조에도 불구하고 국제 생산분할이 합리적이라고 보기 어렵다. 그 이유는 열악한 국내 기업활동 환경을 피한 탈출, 거대한 내수시장 겨냥한 적극적인 진출, 중국의 기술이전 요구에 대한 순응 때문으로 해석된다. 한중 간에는 자본재 교역 비중이 거의 비슷한 데서 알 수 있듯이 한중 교역 구조는, 경제발전 수준과 기술수준의 격차에도 불구하고 '균형적인 상호의존 관계'의 성격이 강하다. 한국의 아시아에 대한 투자 중 60% 이상이 중국에 투자되고 있고, 한국의 중국투자는 중국 외국인 투자의 약 6.5%를 점할 만큼 한국자본의 중국투자는 매우 활발하다. 이에 비해 중국자본의 한국투자는 아직 활성화되지 않고 있다. 한국의 중국투자는 초기의 노동집약 중소기업에서 점차 기술-자본집약 대기업으로 전환되고 있고, 일부 저부가가치 공정의 이전보다는 주요 생산공정의 이전 형태가 증가하고 있다. 중국자본의 한국투자는 초기에 소규모 요식업 투자에서, 아직은 활발하지 않지만, 인수합병을 통한 경쟁력 있는 산업에 대한 기술습득형 투자로 바뀌고 있는 중이다. 중국의 외환보유고가 1.8조 넘었으나, 당분간 신규투자 형태의 한국진출을 기대하기는 쉽지 않다. 그렇지만 중국자본의 한국진출을 위한 한국의 제조업 및 3차 산업 분야에서 중국자본 유인 환경을 구축할 필요가 있으며, 상호 투자가 증대될 때 양국 경제협력은 안정성을 확보할 수 있다. 한중 간의 새로운 교역 및 국제분업 모형의 지향점을 생각할 때, 새로운 모형은 안정적이고 활발한 교역, 비교우위를 살린 합리적인 국제분업, 통상마찰 잠재성 축소를 통해 양국 간 상호 이익을 증진시키는 방향이어야 한다. 좀 더 구체적으로 말해서, 당연히 배타적인 우위 분야를 창출·유지하는 노력이 경주되어야 하지만, 많은 제조업 분야에서 경쟁도가 높아져 가고 있고 중국경제의 성장과 한국경제의 성장 간의 연관도가 높아져 가고 있는 만큼, 한중간 경제협력 패러다임의 바람직한 지향점은 경쟁보다는 적극적인 상호협력을 통한 내수장과 세계시장 진출이라는 방향이 되어야 할 것 같다.

      • KCI등재

        신문 보도자료 토픽모델링을 활용한 국가 간 관광의존 시기의 상호인식 분석: 한국, 중국, 일본 간 관계를 중심으로

        김인신,김도경,김준형 한국경영컨설팅학회 2024 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the changes and differences in perceptions of the three neighboring countries of Northeast Asia, Korea, China, and Japan, toward each other during periods when their dependence on tourism was strengthened and weakened. Employing news articles from Korea, China, and Japan, keywords and major issues of newspaper articles were identified and compared and analyzed through topic modeling. Media outlets collected a variety of articles, taking into account the media tendencies of each country. The analysis results showed as follows. First, in 2015 and 2017, when there was a significant change in tourism exchange dependence between Korea and China, the two countries were found to maintain a strategic cooperative partnership that is politically trusting, economically dependent, culturally friendly, and mutually beneficial to each other. While comparing the deteriorating relationship with Japan, we sought to confirm the legitimacy of the friendly relationship between Korea and China. Second, in 2015 and 2019, when there was a significant change in the dependence on tourism exchange between Korea and Japan, the mutual perception that emerged through the media showed that the two countries adhere to the separation of politics and economy externally and are in a symbiotic relationship but with conflicts. Third, mutual perception through newspaper press releases in 2014 and 2016, when China and Japan showed significant changes in their dependence on tourism exchange, showed that the two countries competed economically and formed a conflicting relationship over historical issues.

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