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        한국피아노교수법학회논문집 : 우리나라 중급피아노과정에서 사용되는 학습문헌연구

        박진희 ( Jin Hee Park ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2010 음악교수법연구 Vol.6 No.-

        본 논문은 피아노 교육 중 중급 피아노 과정에 사용되는 학습문헌의 현황파악과 내용분석에 관한 연구이다. 본 연구의 목적은 학습문헌의 다양성과 균형성 부족으로 인해 폭넓은 음악적 경험이 이루어지지 못하는 국내 중급 피아노 교육에 대하여, 중급 피아노 학습문헌의 올바른 교재선정과 분석을 토대로 한 중급 피아노 레퍼토리 개발에 방향성을 제시함으로서, 교사와 학습자들이 학습목표에 맞게 구성된 레퍼토리를 통하여 다양한 음악적 경험을 할수 있는 중급 피아노 교육의 질적 향상을 도모하고자 하는 데에 있다. 연구대상은 국내음악 출판사에서 2005년 이후 출간된 출판물 중 중급피아노 교재를 대상으로 하였으며, 연구방법은 우즐러(Uszler) 외와, 베스틴(J. Bestien)의 문헌을 바탕으로 우리나라 중급피아노과정에 맞는 분류기준을 재구성하고 이에 맞춰 중급과정 학습문헌의 현황파악과 내용분석을 하고자 하였다. 현재 국내에서 출간되고 있는 중급과정 학습문헌은 중급과정에서 다루어져야 하는 내용인 테크닉, 이론, 창작곡집, 듀오연주 등을 고르게 반영하여 출간되지 않고 있으며, 대부분 레퍼토리에 편중되어 출간되고 있다. 또한 레퍼토리로 구성된 학습문헌의 대부분이 고전시대의 작품들로 수록되었고 다양하지 못한 작곡가의 곡들로만 구성된다는 점을 문제점으로 지적할 수 있다. 따라서 레퍼토리 구성 시 고전시대 이외의 작품들과 함께 다양한 작곡가의 곡들이 수록되도록 해야 한다. 특히 중급과정 학습문헌은 작곡가의 의도를 잘 알아볼 수 있고, 곡의 이해를 돕는 설명이 있어야 한다. 작품선곡집은 시대별, 작곡가별, 형식별 등 다양한 내용으로 편집되어 출간되어야 한다. 이러한 문제점들을 극복하여 폭넓은 음악적 경험을 충족시킬 수 있는 레퍼토리의 학습문헌이 절실한 실정이며, 창작모음집을 비롯한 새로운 형식의 다양한 학습문헌이 소개되어져야 한다. 본 연구를 통해 도출한 결론은 다음과 같다. 우리나라 피아노 교육 중 중급과정에 대한 연구는 초급과정에 비해 많이 부족한 현실이며, 이에 따라 학습문헌의 종류와 내용도 다양하지 못하다. 이에 재구성된 학습문헌 분류기준을 통하여 국내 중급 피아노교본, 보충곡집, 테크닉 향상을 위한 연습곡집으로 분류하여 분석한 결과, 보충곡집과 테크닉 향상을 위한 연습곡집은 많았으나, 내용개발이 부족하거나 편향되어 있었다. 이는 학습능력에 맞는 다양한 학습문헌의 개발이 절실하며 이에 대한 다양한 연구와 활동을 통해 중급 피아노 교육의 질적 향상을 가져와야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the current status and contents of learning materials which have been used for the piano education at intermediate level in korea. In particular, this study is to present the right direction for the piano repertory at this level with suggested selections and analysis of the existing learning materials. The lack of diversity and balance in piano learning materials has caused insufficient musical experience in piano education. In this vein, the researcher tried to enhance the quality of intermediate-level piano study by helping students experience a variety of musical experience through more appropriate music selections which were suitable to the purpose of the education for teachers and students. The subjects of this study were intermediate-level learning materials of piano education which were published by Korean musical publishers after 2005. As for the method of study, the investigator reestablished the criteria of the classification for the domestic intermediate-level piano education based on the learning materials of Uszler and Bestien and then analyzed the current status and contents of learning materials of domestic intermediate-level piano education. The learning materials of intermediate-level piano education, which are currently being used, do not sufficiently reflect techniques, theories, creative songs, duo-performances and so on, with which must be dealt in the intermediate-level piano education. They have rather have been focused on the importance of the repertory. In addition, most of the learning materials are only from the classical period, and therefore the composers that students run into thought the pieces are problematically limited from that period. Hence, the compositions of the repertoire must cover the pieces from the other periods. In particular, the learning materials of intermediate-level piano education must present how the composers wrote their pieces and how the pieces are musically written. And the collection of pieces must be selected and published from diverse eras, composers and forms. Therefore, it is urgent to make a learning material, which consists of such repertories, that can overcome current problems and satisfy students`` desire for the broader musical experience. In addition, a variety of new form-based learning materials including a collection of creative songs must be introduced. Based on the results of the study, the conclusions of this study are as follows: Studies on the domestic intermediate-level piano education is carried out far less than those on the basic-level piano lesson. Thus the kinds and contents of learning materials are not diverse. In this regard, the investigator analyzed the learning materials of intermediate-level piano education compared with the reestablished criteria of classification of learning materials by the researcher. The investigator classified the learning materials of intermediate-level piano education into textbooks, supplementary song collections, and exercise song collections to improve techniques. The results of this study show that there are many supplementary song collections and exercise song collections to improve techniques, but they are not fully developed to meet the better education. Therefore it is urgently encouraged to develop a variety of learning materials which are appropriate to improve the learning ability of the students at intermediate level. In addition, it is necessary to do more research on the piano education at this level to provide better education to the students.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 학습자를 위한 소설 텍스트 재구성 방안 연구 -초급, 중급을 위한 소설 텍스트를 중심으로

        김명권 ( Myeong Gwon Kim ) 영주어문학회 2015 영주어문 Vol.30 No.-

        이 글은 기존의 중급 및 고급에서만 사용되던 소설 작품에 대하여 초급 수준에 서도 적용시킬 수 있는 방안을 연구하고자 하였다. 지금까지의 소설 작품은 어휘 및 문형의 난이도로 인해 초급의 읽기 분야에 적용시키기 어려웠던 것은 사실이다. 그러나 말뭉치와 형태소 분석으로 이에 해당하는 자료를 추출하고, TOPIK 초급 어휘 및 문형 목록을 기준으로 그에 상응하는 어휘나 문형을 적용시킨다면 그 구성이 어렵지만은 않다. 실제로 이미 외국어 교육 분야, 특히 영어는 수준별 (beginner, elemantary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced), 지역별(British English, American English, Australian English), 분야별 (Classics, Originals)로 읽기 텍스트를 구성하여 학습자들이 읽기 학습에 있어서 효율적으로 학습할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 구축해 왔다. 그러나 한국어교육 분야에서는 대학 기관을 중심으로 하는 교재 개발이 중심이 되어 왔고, 자기 주도 학습을 위한 독립적인 콘텐츠 연구는 아직 초기 단계라 할 수 있다. 이에 본고는 독립적인 읽기 텍스트 제작을 위한 제안을 하고, 초급을 위한 『소나기』와 중급을 위한 『동백꽃』 의 구성 예시를 제시하고자 한다. 이러한 방법의 제시로 같은 소설 텍스트를 수준 별(초급, 중급, 고급) 구성을 하여 다양한 분야에서 활용하는 것을 그 주목적으로 한다. Literary works has only been used by advanced level heretofore. This paper has a purpose of applying literary works for learners who finished the beginner and intermediate level. So far, it is difficult to apply for the beginner and intermediate level, as their difficulty. However, I extracted the data analyzing corpus and morphemes for using to the beginner and intermediate level, and composed new vocabularies and grammars based on TOPIK``s vocabularies and grammar for beginners and intermediate learners. In foreign language education fields, especially English education fields, they had already composed the contents learners can study easily classifying each levels(beginner, elemantary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced), each areas(Brish English, American English, Australian English), and each genres(Classics, Originals). One hand, in Korean language education fields, they had studied for making textbooks for university students or integrated textbooks, on the other hand, they hadn``t studied enough for independent contents, especially reading Texts. In this paper, I suggest to make independent reading materials and present the sample, the novel "shower" for beginner and "camellia" for intermediate.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        에너지/환경 : 토양 슬러리 시스템에서 Phenanthrene 생분해의 중간체 생성 모델링

        우승한 ( U Seung Han ),박종문 ( Park Jong Mun ) 한국화학공학회 2003 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.41 No.6

        A kinetic model for the biodegradation of hazardous organic compounds involving intermediate formation in a soil-slurry system was developed. The model included sorption and desorption of a model compound (phenanthrene) and its intermediate (1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate), and their utilization by microorganisms as a primary substrate in the dissolved phase. Simulation results with one-step (complete degradation) and two-step (intermediate formation) models demonstrated how different kinetics of mass transfer and intermediate degradation lead to rate-limiting patterns in the phenanthrene biodegradation. Intermediate formation in the two-step model caused a delay in plienanthrene degradation, cell growth and CO₂ production compared to the one-step model. Slow biodegradation of intermediate made lag time longer. while slow mass transfer decreases phenanthrene degradation rate in the cell growth phase. Reverse phenomena, faster initiation of biodegradation with decreasing mass transfer rate, were found in the two-step model. which resulted from delays of intermediate sorption. The soil-slurry modeling involving intermediate formation and mass transfer provides tools describing various phenomena such as extensions of lag time, delays of biodegradation in the later period. low cell yields. and particular relationships between initial substrates and intermediates.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        생화학,분자생물학 : Ubiquitin 폴딩 intermediate의 열역학적 특성

        박순호 ( Park Sun Ho ) 한국응용생명화학회 2004 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.47 No.1

        Thermodynamic properties of ubiquitin transient folding intermediate were studied by measuring folding kinetics in varying temperatures and denaturant concentrations. Through quantitative kinetic modeling, the equilibrium constant, hence folding free energy, between unfolded state and intermediate state in several different temperatures were calculated. Using these values, the thermodynamic parameters were estimated. The heat capacity change (△C_(p)) upon formation of folding intermediate from unfolded state were estimated to be around 80% of the overall folding reaction, indicating that ubiquitin folding intermediate is highly compact. At room temperature, the changes of enthalpy and entropy upon formation of the intermediate state were observed to be positive. The positive enthalpy change suggests that the breaking up of the highly ordered solvent structure surrounding hydrophobic side-chain upon formation of intermediate state. This positive enthalpy was compensated for by the positive entropy change of whole system so that formation of transient intermediate has negative free energy.

      • KCI등재

        韓国の大学における中級作文授業の現況と課題 -非母語話者日本語教師の授業を中心として-

        Honda Miho,박혜성 한국일본언어문화학회 2019 일본언어문화 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to clarify the current status of writing classes in Korean universities. For that purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted for nonnative speaker teachers, and then analyzed qualitatively. As a result, the items targeted by most teachers in intermediate writing classes were “learn intermediate-level sentence patterns”, “enable to write sentences of various themes”, “learn about composition of sentences and paragraphs”, “learn Intermediate Vocabulary”. In the classes, problems such as “many students feel a burden of writing”, “many students are not used to create long sentences”, “many students cannot construct sentences” was. To solve the problem, the teacher used nerve to “teach according to the level of each person” and “selection of the theme of writing”. The current state of intermediate composition writing class has a big difference between learning content and student level, and it is a class that it is difficult to achieve even if the teacher gives a learning objective suitable for subjects of intermediate level composition. Therefore, measures to solve problems, such as establishment of writing subjects that play a role as a bridge from elementary level to intermediate level, and implementation of team teaching, are considered to be necessary. .

      • Establishment of Infrastructure for Analysis of Characteristics of Intermediate-level Radioactive Decommissioning Waste

        Junghyun Park,Youngsu Ha,Sukbon Yoon,Kiho Son 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.1

        In Korea, many characteristic component facilities and technologies in general experimental areas for non-radiative materials are owned by industry-academia research. Still, no characteristic analysis test technology has been developed for large, intermediate-level decommissioning waste emitted by neutron irradiation. Since Korea plans to decommission nuclear power plants in 2027, securing analysis technology for intermediate-level decommissioning waste is essential. Accordingly, the Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning (KRID) plans to secure an infrastructure (hot cell) to analyze the characteristics of intermediate-level dismantled waste. Afterward, we intend to stably dispose of the waste generated while decommissioning the current Gori Unit 1/Wolseong Unit 1 using the intermediatelevel dedicated hot cell. It aims to secure high-dose/high-radiation decommissioning waste handling technology through intermediate-level hot cells for the first time in Korea, supports domestic nucleardecommissioning projects, and secure and validate procedures related to material characteristics and nuclide analysis of intermediate-level waste. Furthermore, research on intermediate-level radioactive materials is expected to be carried out in cooperation with schools and research institutes.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Transarterial chemoembolization versus resection for intermediate-stage (BCLC B) hepatocellular carcinoma

        ( Jun Young Kim ),( Dong Hyun Sinn ),( Geum Youn Gwak ),( Gyu Seong Choi ),( Aldosri Meshal Saleh ),( Jae Won Joh ),( Sung Ki Cho ),( Sung Wook Shin ),( Keumhee Chough Carriere ),( Joong Hyun Ahn ),( 대한간학회 2016 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.22 No.2

        Background/Aims: Several studies have suggested that surgical resection (SR) can provide a survival benefit over transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at the intermediate stage according to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system. However, the criteria for SR remain to be determined. This study compared the long-term outcome of intermediate-stage HCC patients treated by either TACE or SR as a primary treatment modality, with the aim of identifying the patient subgroup that gained a survival benefit by either modality. Methods: In total, 277 BCLC intermediate-stage HCC patients treated by either TACE (N=225) or SR (N=52) were analyzed. Results: The overall median survival time was significantly better for SR than TACE (61 vs. 30 months, P=0.002). Decision-tree analysis divided patients into seven nodes based on tumor size and number, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, and Child-Pugh score, and these were then simplified into four subgroups (B1.B4) based on similarities in the overall hazard rate. SR provided a significant survival benefit in subgroup B2, characterized by ‘oligo’ (2.4) nodules of intermediate size (5.10 cm) when the AFP levels was <400 ng/ml, or ‘oligo’ (2.4) nodules of small to intermediate size (<10 cm) plus a Child-Pugh score of 5 when the AFP level was ≥400 ng/mL (median survival 73 vs. 28 months for SR vs. TACE respectively; P=0.014). The survival rate did not differ significantly between SR and TACE in the other subgroups (B1 and B3). Conclusions: SR provided a survival benefit over TACE in intermediate-stage HCC, especially for patients meeting certain criteria. Re-establishing the criteria for optimal treatment modalities in this stage of HCC is needed to improve survival rates. (Clin Mol Hepatol 2016;22:250-258)

      • Detection of an intermediate during the unfolding process of the dimeric ketosteroid isomerase

        Jang, Do Soo,Lee, Hyeong Ju,Lee, Byeongdu,Hong, Bee Hak,Cha, Hyung Jin,Yoon, Jinhwan,Lim, Kwanseop,Yoon, Ye Jeong,Kim, Jehan,Ree, Moonhor,Lee, Hee Cheon,Choi, Kwan Yong Elsevier 2006 FEBS letters Vol.580 No.17

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Failure to detect the intermediate in spite of its existence often leads to the conclusion that two-state transition in the unfolding process of the protein can be justified. In contrast to the previous equilibrium unfolding experiment fitted to a two-state model by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, an equilibrium unfolding intermediate of a dimeric ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) could be detected by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and analytical ultracentrifugation. The sizes of KSI were determined to be 18.7Å in 0M urea, 17.3Å in 5.2M urea, and 25.1Å in 7M urea by SAXS. The size of KSI in 5.2M urea was significantly decreased compared with those in 0M and 7M urea, suggesting the existence of a compact intermediate. Sedimentation velocity as obtained by ultracentrifugation confirmed that KSI in 5.2M urea is distinctly different from native and fully-unfolded forms. The sizes measured by pulse field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were consistent with those obtained by SAXS. Discrepancy of equilibrium unfolding studies between size measurement methods and optical spectroscopies might be due to the failure in detecting the intermediate by optical spectroscopic methods. Further characterization of the intermediate using <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR spectroscopy and Kratky plot supported the existence of a partially-folded form of KSI which is distinct from those of native and fully-unfolded KSIs. Taken together, our results suggest that the formation of a compact intermediate should precede the association of monomers prior to the dimerization process during the folding of KSI.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Institutional quality and trade in intermediate goods

        현혜정 한국무역학회 2018 Journal of Korea trade Vol.22 No.2

        Purpose – Recently published studies stress the importance of trade in intermediate goods. The literature on determinants of trade, however, have largely focused on the sources of comparative advantage in determining aggregate trade flows rather than trade in intermediate goods. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of institutional quality and trade costs to explain the determinants of trade in intermediates. Design/methodology/approach – The simple model is based on the model of comparative advantage in the gravity framework used by Eaton and Kortum (2002) and Chor (2010) to relate trade flows of intermediate goods to institutional parameters, factor endowments and geography. The empirical tests use a data set containing 172 countries and 17 industries spanning ten years. Findings – The results confirm the theoretical prediction that a country with higher institutional quality has a comparative advantage in institution-intensive goods and trade costs have a negative effect on trade. The author further finds that these effects are stronger in share of trade in intermediate goods vis-à-vis final goods. Originality/value – To highlight the distinct nature of trade in intermediate goods, the author separates industry trade flows as intermediate input trade and final goods (consumption goods) trade to compare the importance of different sources of comparative advantage among different types of trade flows. Unlike Eaton and Kortum (2002) and Chor (2010) who used cross-sectional data for final goods trade, the ten-year industry-level panel data are used to compare the relative importance of institutions and geography as determinants in trade in intermediate goods compared to final goods trade and capture themacroeconomic time variant factors aswell as industry–country pair characteristics. A significant caveat in gravity regression is that an empirical finding may often be driven by omitted variables. Inclusion of a set of country variables such as GDP, production costs and institutional level may still allow omitted variables to bias the estimation. To avoid this problem, the author includes a fixed effect of exporter and importer as well as industry and year, instead of a set of country characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        대승불교에 있어 출생과 죽음의 과정에 대한 記述

        문상련(Moon Sang-Leun) 불교학연구회 2006 불교학연구 Vol.15 No.-

          The five components (五蘊, five Skandhas), as they exist between the two stages of death and rebirth, are called "intermediate existence(中有)." It has not yet arrived at its destination; therefore, one cannot say yet that it is born. After the stage of death and before the stage of birth―that is, in the interim between the two― there arises an existence, manifesting a body in order to move toward where it will be reborn. This "intermediate existence" is also called Pudgala, Gandharva or ?laya-vij??na.<BR>  The five components of the interim body, however, differ from those which formed the individual while he was alive. When the five components are mentioned in regard to an intermediate existence, they seem to indicate the latent energy of the five components which will manifest themselves in the next existence.<BR>  From the standpoint of Mahay?na Buddhism, we may say that life after death exists in the state of Emptiness or non-substantiality, dissolving back into the great cosmos and flowing together with the cosmic life. To employ the terminology of the Consciousness-Only school, the "interim body" is in fact nothing other than the ?layaconsciousness, the framework of individual existence which transmigrates from one lifetime to the next, containing within itself the potential for all physical and mental functions in the form of "seeds."<BR>  In the after-death process, the subjective "self" of each individual existence is acted upon by the seeds, especially the karma-seeds, contained in its ?laya-consciousness. In other words, while being merged with the cosmic life, the "interim body" or subjective self experiences the latent force of its karma―and other seeds, and while receiving suffering or pleasure, perceives a variety of images.<BR>  From the Buddhist viewpoint, the emergence of the ?layaconsciousness― that is, the emergence of life from the latent or intermediate-existence phase―is regarded as an essential condition. Buddhism accordingly sums up the conditions necessary for rebirth as "the union of the three factors."<BR>  Here the "three factors" are defined as the sexual union of the parents, the proper functioning of the monthly cycle, and the emergence of the interim body from the intermediate-existence phase. Moreover, in order for these three factors to unite, there must be no physical disorder that would interfere with pregnancy, and an affinity must exist between the karma of the parents and the karma stored in the ?laya-consciousness of the life in intermediate existence.<BR>  Because the merit and wisdom of bodhisattvas is so highly developed, when they wish to enter the womb, they have no perverted thoughts, and are not seized by licentious desires. Wheelturning kings and pratyekabuddhas have merit and wisdom, but it is not developed to the highest extent. Therefore, when they enter the womb, though they have no perverted thoughts, they are nevertheless seized by licentious desires.<BR>  The many classes of living beings in this way arouse perverted thoughts and enter the mother’s womb. Only the bodhisattva, when he would enter the womb, correctly discerns his father as his father, and his mother as his mother. Moreover, he arouses filial love toward his mother, and by its power enters into her womb.<BR>  For one who obtains wisdom, practices to be born in the Pure Land and establishes the state of Buddhahood in this lifetime, after death, there is no wandering through intermediate existence. Past the moment of death, that person is immediately welcomed by all Buddha’s, bodhisattvas and benevolent deities, and escorted by them to the Pure Land of Eagle Peak. "The Teachings Affirmed by All Buddha’s through Time," expresses this with the phrase, "[He] attains rebirth of the highest kind in the Land of Tranquil Light."

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