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      • KCI등재후보

        웹 GIS 기반 철도 지반정보 관리프로그램의 개발

        황선근,이성혁,김현기,김정무 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        Railroad geotechnical information management system was developed by using Web GIS and DB in this study. The standardization of railroad geotechnical information is progressed by classifying three groups as like basic informations, vibration informations along railway lines and design drawings. The basic informations consisted of basic and dynamic properties of soils, geophysical exploration and seismic survey/exploration. And the specification for ‘human exposure to whole-body vibration’ was adopted to construct the vibration informations along railway lines. The informations as like drawings and photographs were saved by changing to graphic files in the standardization of design drawings. In the case of standardization of geographical information, the topographical maps(NGIS, 1:5000) were primarily used as digital maps. Another digital maps(KRRI, 1:5000) and their geographical DB based on NGI code system were added on this maps. The standardized informations were used to construct their database. And railroad information management system was developed using Entity-Relation(ER) model which had a good feasibility for expansion and transition to other system in designing stage of database. This system consisted of layer selection, search and analysis of geotechnical informations and Zeus DB was adopted for GIS operating and user interface. This system could be a good tool for saving, searching and analyzing the geotechnical and geophysical informations. These DB systems would offered the basic informations to plans, design and construction of railroad lines etc. in practical use.

      • 웹 GIS 기반 철도 지반정보 관리프로그램의 개발

        황성근(Seon-Keun Hwang),이성혁(Seong-Hyeok Lee),김현기(Hyun-Ki Kim),김정무(Jung-Moo Kim) 한국철도학회 2004 철도저널 Vol.7 No.1

        Railroad geotechnical information management system was developed by using Web GIS and DB in this study. The standardization of railroad geotechnical information is progressed by classifying three groups as like basic informations, vibration information along railway lines and design drawings. The basic information consisted of basic and dynamic properties of soils, geophysical exploration and seismic survey/exploration. And specification for 'human exposure to whole-body vibration' was adopted to construct the vibration informations along railway lines. The informations as like drawing and photographs were saved by changing to graphic files in the standardization of design drawings. In the case of standardization of geographical information, the topographical maps(NGIS, 1:5000) were primarily used as digital maps. Another digital maps(KRRI, 1:5000) and their geographical DB based on NGI code system were added on this maps. The standardized informations were used to construct their database. And railroad information management system was developed using Entity-Relation(ER) model which had a good feasibility for expansion and transition to other system in designing stage of database. This system consisted of layer selection, search and analysis of geotechnical informations and Zeus DB was adopted for GIS operating and user interface. This system could be a good tool for saving, searching and analyzing the geotechnical and geophysical informations. These DB systems would offered the basic informations to plans, design and construction of railroad lines etc. in practical use.

      • KCI등재

        웹 지리정보시스템 기술을 이용한 산불 현황정보 관리시스템 개발

        조명희 ( Myung Hee Jo ),김준범 ( Joon Bum Kim ),김현식 ( Hyun Sik Kim ),조윤원 ( Yun Woo Jo ) 한국지리정보학회 2002 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        In this paper forest fire status information management system was developed under web environment using web GIS(geographic information system) technology. Though this system, general users can easily retrieval domestic forest fire status information and obtain that in visual way such as maps, graphs, and texts if they have only certain web browsers. Moreover, officials, who have system access authority, can easily control and manage all domestic forest fire status information through input interface, retrieval interface, and out interface of the system. This system can be considered as the first domestic system to manage forest fire status data and service them in visual through user friendly interfaces on web. In order to implement this system, IIS 5.0 of Microsoft is used as web server and Oracle 8i and ASP(active server page) are used for database construction and dynamic web page operation, respectively. Also, ArcGIS IMS(internet map server) of ESRI is used to serve maps by using Java and HTML as system development languages. Not only the domestic tendency of forest fire but also the forest fire status information of certain area and time such as the frequency and the loss can be presented through distribution maps, graphs and tables. Therefore, this system is supposed to play as a important role when the policy relate to domestic forest fire is established. In addition, the self consciousness of people against forest fire can be inspired and the foundation of scientific and systemic forest fire services can be obtained through this system in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        GIS기반의 건축물관리대장 DB구축 및 정보시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        정대영(Jung Dae Young),손영기(Son Young Gi),안상현(An Sang Hyun) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.34 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  This study is to analyze the issue in constructing building register information in database for building administration information system of Information & Communication Section, Cheongju city in link with numerical value topographical map and to develop building geographical information system through constructing GIS DB for building administration. It intends to utilize GIS for support data for decision making of urban plan in knowledge based system.<BR>  By calculating the usage per subject according to urban plan and utilizing it, usage region decision (change) and land register notice decision (change), which are the business of urban plan in Cheongju city, can be researched and reviewed per unit block.<BR>  It also aims at executing reasonable and scientific city administration for urban plan and the work for urban landscape plan corresponding to urban plan law by providing fundamental data of urban plan.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  We analyzed the issue of the link between numerical value topographical map and building register and constructed building register database and numerical value topographical map in linkage by applying Avenue of ESRI"s ARC VIEW 3.1.<BR>  For system development, Client was made up utilizing of ESRI´s Map Object 2.1 and Oracle 7.0 (Client), and each subject map was loaded to urban plan synthetic information system; Oracle 8i and ESRI´s ArcSDE 8.1 were applied to space database server engine.<BR>  For updating in the future, property data of Oracle DB for building in building administration information system of Information & Communication Section, Cheongju city was created by View table and liked DB GIS of building at GIS room in City Section, Cheongju city with urban plan synthetic information system.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  For linkage between building map in numerical value topographical map and building register, a part that was not available for data matching due to timely disaccord occurred from manufacture period of numerical value topographical map and land register map, and data update of building administration information system.<BR>  In case of accessory building, vinyl house, and illegal building which were not recorded to building administration information system, disaccord with building map occurred.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  This study is to construct database of building register for GIS utilization and to research for information system development to be utilized as support data for urban plan decision making in knowledge based system.

      • KCI등재후보

        국토환경지리정보 고도화 전략 연구 -국토환경성평가지도, 생태자연도, 토지피복지도를 중심으로-

        이종수 ( Chong Soo Lee ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2007 환경정책연구 Vol.6 No.2

        환경부는 2006년에 국토환경성평가지도, 생태자연도, 토지피복지도 등 전국단위 국토환경지리정보 구축을 완료하였다. 이제는 국토환경지리정보의 복합적인 특성을 감안한 고도화 전략이 필요한 시점이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국토환경지리정보 여건분석과 정보화 추세를 반영하여 국토환경지리정보의 고도화전략을 수립하였다. 국토환경지리정보는 2차 자료 특성과 단위 업무별 또는 단위 부서별로 분산되어 관리되는 특성이 있다. 이에 따라 국토환경지리정보에 기반한 정책수립 지원과 복합적인 정보가 필요한 수요자들의 요구를 충족시켜 주기 위해서는 행정업무처리 위주의 정보체계에서 의사결정지원 중심으로 정보체계를 전환하여야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국토환경지리정보 고도화의 비전을 “국토환경지리정보 고도화를 통한 지속가능한 국토관리체계 구현”으로 설정하였다. 비전을 달성하기 위한 목표로는 지식기반의 전략적 지리정보 구축, 고객중심의 투명한 정보공개 기반 마련, 확장·통합형 국토환경지리정보 구축, 국토환경지리정보에 기반한 환경행정 실현, 국토환경지리정보 활용도 극대화, 효율적 국토환경관리 업무프로세스 지원으로 설정하였다. 비전과 목표를 달성하기 위한 실행방안으로 정보의 신뢰성을 검증할 수 있는 품질관리프로그램의 개발, 환경정보 통합제공체계 구축, 정보수집, 시스템 구축, 시스템 활용, 시스템 관리측면에서 법제도 정비방안, 업무프로세스, 인력 및 조직, 법·제도, 정보기술 부문의 운영관리 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 그동안 국토환경지리정보의 양적 팽창 위주에서 진일보하여 질적인 신뢰성을 확보할 수 있는 정책적 전환계기로 활용될 수 있다. 그러나 본 연구에서 도출한 고도화 전략이 모든 국토환경지리정보와 환경행정 현황을 반영하였다고는 할 수 없다. 따라서 향후에 본 연구에서 도출한 결과를 실제 환경행정에 적용하기 위해서는 국토환경지리정보에 대한 체계적인 범주화, 관련자 면담 등을 포함한 보다 본격적인 논의가 필요하다. In 2006, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, completed the construction on national environmental geographic informations including National Environmental Assessment Map, Ecological Map, Land Cover Map and so on. At this point of time, it is necessary to establish the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, considering the complicated characteristics. Therefore, this study suggests the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, reflecting results of analyzing the given condition and the trend of informatization. National environmental geographic information has special quality to be managed dispersedly in a department unit or an operations unit. According to this quality, requirements for users who need the policy based on national environmental geographic information and complex information are not satisfactory. And, the information system centering the process of administrative affairs should be converted to one putting decision supporting first in importance. Therefore, this study sets up "the realization of the sustainable land management system by advancing national environmental geographic information" as the vision of the advancing strategy. In order to accomplish the vision, this study established the purpose as follow; constructing strategic and geographic information based on knowledge, arranging the foundation to open information to the public transparently, building expanded and integrated national environmental geographic information, embodying the environmental administration based on national environmental geographic information, enhancing the efficiency of national environmental geographic information, and supporting efficiently the process of administrative affairs. And this study suggests executive plans to achieve the vision and the purpose as next; developing the quality control program to verify the information confidence, building the system to integrate and to provide environmental information, collecting information, readjusting laws and regimes in parts of the construction, the application and the management of the system, and operating the task process, human power, organization and information technology. This study puts the emphasis on providing the turning opportunity politically which is possible to make sure of the information confidence in quality, advancing from the expansion of one in quantity. However, this improvement strategy doesn`t reflect all national environmental geographic information and current status of environmental administrations. Therefore, for applying the result of this study to the actual environmental administration, it is necessary to discuss regularly the systematic categorization of national environmental geographic information, to interview with the contracting parties and so on hereafter.

      • Research on the Information Management in Constructional Organization Design of Single Built Civil Air Defense based on Geographic Information System

        Zhangyin Lin 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.9 No.11

        With the rapid development of urbanization, the importance of civil air defense projects is becoming more and more obvious, how to use the new technology to carry on the effective management becomes an important issue. In this paper, the author research on constructional organization design of single built civil air defense based on geographic information system. By using the technology of GIS and MIS to manage the attribute data and spatial geographic data of civil air defense project, enterprise could manage the civil air defense engineering efficiently. In addition, as the GIS function is added to the system, civil air defense project location can be directly displayed on the map, all the operations of the system can be directly carried out on the map interface, making the system more easy to use than the traditional MIS system.

      • KCI등재

        Power system spatial analysis and visualization using geographic information system (GIS)

        Ismael Abdulrahman,Ghadir Radman 대한공간정보학회 2020 Spatial Information Research Vol.28 No.1

        Power system conditions need to be monitored continuously to detect and control any abnormal condition in the system. Geographic information system (GIS) is considered an essential part of situational awareness that is recommended by the blackout-2003 report for power system reliability. In this paper, the potential of using GIS for power system spatial analysis is investigated using ArcGIS software. Several digital maps and networks are created from excel sheets using the synthetic test systems including Tennessee, Texas, and the entire synthetic network of the US test system. Inverse density weight technique, slope analysis, and contour lines are employed for the situational analysis. The study includes both steady-state and dynamic analysis, and the systems are simulated using a MATLABbased package developed for the work in this paper. The obtained numerical results are converted to geo database for more spatial analysis, and several videos are created. The study demonstrates the capability of GIS for analyzing and visualizing the system geographically and in multilayer, multi-view, and dynamic display.

      • Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology Analysis and Implementation A Query System for Hakka Area Tourist Attraction of Southern Taiwan

        Shiunn-Der Kuo,Meng-Chun Chen,Jim-Win Chen,Ho-Hsien Chen 세계문화관광학회 2008 Conference Proceedings Vol.9 No.0

        Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communication(MOTC) and The Council for Hakka Affairs (CHA) are promoting tourist attraction resources of hakka areas actively, and they also expect the data can be shared through the Internet. Furthermore, Geographic Information System are not only a system to show geographic graphic but also the best database to save space data. Nowadays, the applications of Geographic Information System in non-hakka areas are much more than in hakka areas, so this is value to advance. This research will investigate the tourist attraction resources of hakka area deeply, and establish a complete database with a query system through the Geographic Information System. Then it can supply for the tourists getting the traveling information and tourist attraction of hakka area fastly.

      • KCI등재

        환경정책모니터링시스템 구축을 위한 환경통계 지리정보시스템과 분석프로그램의 연동 활용방안

        조덕호,배민기,정회성,정환도 대한국토·도시계획학회 2005 國土計劃 Vol.40 No.5

        The goal of this study is to suggest application methods of the environmental statistic geographic information system and the analysis program for building the environmental policy monitoring system. This study develops the integration methods on how links the environmental statistical data with social statistic data by administrative district code, how joins the integrated environmental statistic database with a geographic information system, and how gears them with SAS analysis programs for identifying the relationships among environmental statistic indicators. A case study focuses on the analysis on the environmental pollutant emission facilities and factors affecting waste water generation in Gyeongbuk province using Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Analysis results will contribute to build the integrated and geared database for building the web-based environmental monitoring system and to set up the tailored policy alternatives according to the environmental characteristics in each local city.

      • KCI등재

        GIS를 이용한 가상 관광시스템 구축방안

        김용범,서장훈 대한안전경영과학회 2003 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        In 21st century, According to development of Information Technology, It is clear that the importance of tourism information is extended increasingly. For this reason, It should be needed to realize a general system which make it possible to enjoy cyber tourism based on knowledge information system to recover a local potential growth power, catch a jumping chance again, and hold a new competitive power. But to discuss a tourism information system, the matters of hard ware, software and information mediating system should be reviewed generally, this research is likely to provide a cyber tourism information system through internet as a way of cyber tours through multimedia technology and stereoscopic image technique using GIS (Geographic Information System) centering on the networking system of tourism information. Constructing $\ulcorner$cyber touristy city$\lrcorner$ on internet, foster a new industry, to go balanced with a present tourism industry and experience a virtual reality, various theme tours create high profit to shrunken tourism industry.

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