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      • KCI등재

        정전기 화재⋅폭발 위험성평가 및 사고조사에 필요한 발생원인 변수 도출

        변정환,박현곤 한국안전학회 2024 한국안전학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        - Static-electricity-induced fires and explosions persistently occur every year, averaging approximately 80 and 20 cases annually according to fire statistics provided by the National Fire Agency and industrial accident statistics provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, respectively. Despite the relatively low probabilities of these accidents, their potential risks are high. Consequently, effective risk assessment methodologies and accident investigation strategies are essential for efficiently managing static-electricity hazards in fire- and explosion-prone areas. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the causal variables essential for accident investigations, thereby facilitating risk assessments and the implementation of effective recurrence prevention measures to mitigate static-electricity hazards in fireand explosion-prone regions. To this end, industrial accident statistics recorded over the past decade (2012 to 2021) by the Ministry of Employment and Labor were analyzed to identify major fire and explosion incidents and related industrial accidents wherein static electricity was identified as a potential ignition source. Subsequently, relevant investigation reports (63 cases) were thoroughly analyzed. Based on the results of this analysis, existing electrostatic fire and explosion risk assessment techniques were refined and augmented. Moreover, factors essential for investigating electrostatic fire and explosion disasters were delineated, and the primary causal variables necessary for effective risk assessments and scientific investigations were derived.

      • KCI등재

        폭발의 위험성에 의한 선박화재의 사고사례 분석

        유지선,정영진 한국화재소방학회 2015 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.29 No.1

        This study analyzed recent cases of ship fires · explosions and investigated their problems and coping plans. Throughanalysis on the statistical figures, it was found that our nation’s situations of maritime accidents by kind during the periodof 2009~2013 showed the ratios of ship accidents caused by fires · explosions was the highest in 2012 with 7.58% (55cases) followed by year 2009 with 3.39% (34 cases), year 2010 with 3.39% (25 cases), year 2011 with 6.03% (57 cases)and year 2013 with 6.74% (43 cases), which indicates a steady increase in the number of ship accidents. Majority of reasonsfor ship fires · explosions were lack of safety awareness. Since those accidents happen on the sea, fires, once theyhappen, tend to get serious due to absence of on board & nearby fire extinguishing facilities, public fire service’s uneasyaccess to them and great influences of natural factors such as wind and etc. Ship fires · explosions are special cases unlikewhat happens to general edifices. So, their coping plans should focus on preventive measures since the damages thosecases bring about can be detrimental. For this reason, it's necessary to research precise evacuation plans, develop shipstructure & materials reinforcing fire resistance to secure more time for evacuation and enhance people's safety awarenessby implementing thorough safety training. 본 연구에서는 최근에 발생한 선박 화재 ·폭발 사고사례의 분석을 통해 문제점 및 대처방안에 대하여 조사하였다. 통계치 분석을 통해 우리나라의 2009~2013년간 사고 종류별 해양사고 발생현황 중 화재 ·폭발로 인한 선박 사고는 2012년 7.58% (55건)으로 가장 높았고, 2009년 4.70% (34건), 2010년 3.39% (25건), 2011년 6.03% (57건), 2013년6.74% (43건)로 지속적으로 증가하는 양상이 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다. 선박 화재 ·폭발 사고의 대부분의 원인은 안전의식 결여로 인해 발생하였다. 사고발생 장소가 바다이므로 자체의 소화설비와 인근의 소화설비의 부재와 공공소방대의 접근이 용이하지 않고 바람 등 자연적인 요인에 의한 영향이 크게 작용해 화재의 확대가 용이하다. 이는 특수한 화재 ·폭발사고로써 일반 건축물 화재 ·폭발사고와 비교되며 위험성 또한 높기 때문에 예방차원의 대처방안이 매우 중요하다. 이에 신속하고 정확한 인명피난계획을 연구하고 피난할 시간을 더 확보하기 위해 내화성능을 강화할 수 있는 선박구조 및 자재를 개발하고, 철저한 안전교육을 시행해 국민들의 안전의식을 향상시켜야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        제조업에서의 용접⋅용단 작업 중 화재⋅폭발⋅질식 사망사고 특성

        서동현,한우섭,이근원 한국안전학회 2019 한국안전학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        Many accidents have been occurring during welding and flame cutting work related to maintenance and repair as the domestic manufacturing facilities gradually become decrepit. However, it is not easy to find the accurate statistics and analysis data on accidents occurring during welding or flame cutting operations related to maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment. Therefore, in this study, the fatal accident cases of fire/explosion and asphyxiation that occurred during the welding and flame cutting work in the manufacturing industry were collected and their characteristics were analyzed. Then, we tried to find the connection of the accidents according to the machinery/ equipment and the work content, and to provide the materials and measures that can be used to prevent the similar accidents. We collected 329 cases of the fatal accidents related to fire/explosion and leakage/contact of chemical substances in the domestic manufacturing industry during the last 10 years (2008 ∼ 2017). Among them, 72 accidents occurred during welding or flame cutting were extracted and the related reports were investigated whether they occurred during usual work or unusual work. Also, the machinery/equipment and the work content related to the accidents were classified and analyzed based on the criteria. The analysis results showed that 31 cases of the fire/explosion accidents occurred during usual work and 32 cases during unusual work, and it was found that 9 cases of asphyxiation death occurred during usual work. Then, from the analysis results, the connections of the machinery/equipment and the work contents related to the accidents were schematized into a accident tree.

      • KCI등재

        가스화재사고 사례 분석

        홍지훈(Ji Hoon Hong)(洪智勳),정영진(Yeong Jin Chung)(鄭榮振) 위기관리 이론과 실천 2013 Crisisonomy Vol.9 No.6

        연료로서 가스는 폭발성 및 가연성의 위험한 성질을 지니고 있기 때문에 심각한 대형 재난을 유발시킬 수 있는 위험한 물질이기도 하다. 본 연구에서는 석유 대체 에너지원으로서 점차 그 사용량이 늘어나고 있는 가스사고에 의한 화재분석을 하였다. 최근 5년간(2007-2011)의 소방방재청 국가화재정보시스템을 통하여 통계 자료를 분석해 본 결과 가스사고로 인한 화재가 연평균 4,243건으로 전체 화재의 9.2%를 차지하고 있으며, 인명피해는 연평균 282명(12.4%), 재산피해는 연평균 26,555백만원(9.4%)의 피해가 매년 발생하였다. 이와 같은 대부분의 가스화재 사고의 원인은 많은 사고사례에서 밝혀졌듯이 취급자의 부주의로 판단된다. 본 조사에서는 이를 예방하기 위해 최근에 발생했던 이러한 특징적인 가스화재 사고사례를 분석하여 사고 발생 배경 및 원인, 그 사건과 관련된 기타 정보를 제공할 것이며, 가스 위험성에 대한 경각심을 일깨우게 하는 동시에 가스화재 사고 예방 및 대비에 도움이 되고자 한다. The gas as a fuel is a dangerous substance that can cause serious major disaster because this substance has hazardous properties: explosive and flammable. Fire occurs due to gas whose usage gradually has increased as an alternative energy source for oil, as analyzed in this study. As a results of the analysis of the statistics of the last five years(2007-2011) through the National Fire Information System of the National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA), fire due to an accident of gas has accounted for 9.2% of the entire fire: the annual average was 4,243 cases and the casualties was 282 persons(12.4%) in average. Its property damage was 26,555 million won in average(9.4%). Most of the causes of the gas fire accident are the negligence of operators as shown in many accident cases. To prevent these careless practices, this study will provide the information about the circumstances that may trigger accidents by analyzing characteristics of gas fire accident cases that have occurred in recent, and at the same time to raise awareness about the potential dangers that gas might cause in hopes that it would be helpful for precaution.

      • KCI등재

        가스폭발 사고와 관련된 국가배상 사례의 분석

        이의평 한국재난정보학회 2020 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        이 논문에서는 2층 건물 지하층의 다방에서 가스냄새가 난다고 119신고가 되어 소방대원들이 출동하 여 옥상에 있는 LPG 가스통들의 밸브를 직접 잠그고 지하층 다방의 중간밸브의 잠금 상태를 확인하고 현장에 도착한 가스공급 및 설치 업자에게 안전조치를 취하도록 요구하고 철수한 후 7분 만에 가스폭발 사고가 발생하여 2명이 사망하고 21명이 부상을 입은 사례를 분석하고 있다. 법원은 가스폭발사고의 원인이 규명되지 아니하였으므로 가스공급 및 설치 업자와 한국가스안전공사에 배상 책임을 물을 수 없고 안전조치를 하지 않고 철수한 소방기관에게만 배상책임이 있다고 판결하였다. 그러므로 가스가 누설된다고 119신고가 되는 경우에 출동한 소방대는 가스 밸브를 잠그고 사람들을 대피시키거나 접근 하지 못하게 하고 환기를 시키는 등 안전조치를 하고 화재나 폭발가능성이 없음을 확인한 후 철수해야 한다. This study analyzed a gas explosion accident. A gas smell from a underground coffee shop in the two-story building was reported to 119. A fire brigade was turned out, turned off the main valve of LPG gas cylinder on the roof, and checked the turning off of middle valve in the coffee shop. The fire brigade required a gas supplier and gas installer who arrived at the spot to take safety actions. Gas explosion occurred seven minutes after the fire brigade was withdrawn and two people died and 21 people were injured. A court decided that because the causes for gas explosion were not found, compensation responsibility could not be charged with the gas supplier, the gas installer, or Korea Gas Safety Corporation. In this reason, the court judged that only the fire brigade who was withdrawn without taking safety actions shall compensate victims or bereaved families. Therefore, fire brigades who turn out after a 119 report of a gas leak should take safety actions such as escaping people or preventing people’s access and ventilating and be withdrawn when there is no possibility of fire or explosion.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 화학사고 통계분석 및 주요사고 사례 검토에 관한 연구

        김성연(Sung Yeon Kim),조철희(Chul-Hee Cho),이은구(Eun-Ku Lee) 한국위험물학회 2017 한국위험물학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Recently, after several chemical accidents, the government and related agencies are assessing and improving the system of prevention, preparedness and response for chemical accidents. Despite these efforts, number of chemical accidents occurrence is increasing annually. This study aims at providing fundamental information for establishing response strategy by analyzing the relationship between types of chemical accident and time and season of the accident occurrence. In this paper, based on the recent domestic chemical accidents, we have analyzed distinct features of chemical accidents and its substances. Also, we have gathered response techniques required for effective response to those accidents.

      • KCI등재후보

        2017년 국내 화학사고 통계 및 분석

        조철희(Chul-Hee Cho),이동원(Dong Won Lee),김성연(Sung Yeon Kim) 한국위험물학회 2018 한국위험물학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        According to the statistics on the recent four years of response of six 119 Hazmat Rescue Centers, in National 119 Rescue Headquarters, the total number of accidents continues to grow every year. In 2017, the six 119 Hazmat Rescue Centers, e.g. Siheung, Ulsan, Gumi, Iksan, Seosan, Yeosu, responded to the total of 351 accidents. The number of response of each center is 92(26%), 73(21%), 61(17%), 44(13%), 43(12%) and 38(11%) respectively. Among them, Chemical accident response were 102 times with involvement of 48 kinds of chemicals and which accounts for 29% of all the response in 2017. In this paper, based on the recent domestic chemical accidents, we have analyzed distinct features of chemical accidents and its substances. Also, we have gathered response techniques required for effective response to those accidents.

      • KCI등재

        해양사고의 원인분석과 저감대책

        조현국(Hyun-Kuk CHO),박병수(Byung-Soo PARK),강동훈(Dong-Hoon KANG),김성수(Sung-Soo KIM) 한국수산해양교육학회 2017 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        Marine accidents of fishing vessels occupied about 70.5% of the whole marine accidents in Korea from 1996 to 2015, this ratio was not much changed for a long time. A lot of efforts have been taken recently but marine accidents do not reduce. Therefore a fundamental counterplan to decrease accidents in fishing vessel is indispensable for reduction of whole marine accidents in Korea. Since the most frequent occurring accidents in fishing vessels were engine trouble and collision in statistics by KMST (1996∼2015), the study focused on them. The cause of engine trouble were poor inspection and maintenance of the mechanical system. The greatest portion of marine accidents was collision, and the biggest cause of the collision was poor watch-keeping. The better watch-keeping will be the best way to reduce the accident. For this reason, it may be necessary for the navigator to make strict precaution on the other vessels under way systematically and keep the regulation for preventing collisions, and for an engineer on watch to make a check the mechanical system periodically for reduction the engine trouble. Instead of penalty, incentive about safe navigation will be helpful for reduce accident as if automobile insurance would do. In order to prevent engine trouble, the fisheries federation establish the repair center. Futhermore the development of autonomous navigation system is necessary to reduce the marine accident.

      • KCI등재

        중소규모 건설현장 화학물질로 인한 화재·폭발 재해예방 사례연구

        신운철,권준혁,이용수 대한안전경영과학회 2014 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        There has been an increase in fire/explosion accidents caused by chemical substances used in new small/medium sized construction, reconstruction, or extension sites. There is vast room for improvement, especially in safety training, safety inspection, and selection of countermeasures because training, technicality, and management systems regarding fire·explosion risks in small/medium sized construction sites are very immature in most cases. The purpose of this study is to propose a differentiated technical, educational, and management application plan for preventative management of fire·explosion accidents caused by chemical substances used in small/medium sized construction sites.

      • KCI등재

        BPA 공장의 메탄올 분리공정에서 위험성 평가 및 안전대책

        우인성(In-Sung Woo),이중희(Joong-Hee Lee),이인복(In-Bok Lee),천영우(Young-Woo Chon),박희철(Hee-Chul Park),황성민(Seong-Min Hwang),김태옥(Tae-Ok Kim) 한국가스학회 2012 한국가스학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        BPA 공장의 메탄올 분리공정에서 HAZOP 평가를 실시하고, 사고 시나리오로부터 화재 및 폭발 사고의 피해범위를 예측하였다. 그 결과, 화재사고의 피해범위는 50 mm 직경의 안전밸브 토출배관 파열에 의한 제트화재에서는 20 m이었고, 설비가 전파되어 플래쉬화재가 발생되는 경우에는 267 m이었다. 또한 개방공간 증기운 폭발사고의 피해범위는 토출배관 파열에서는 22 m이었고, 설비 전파인 경우에는 542 m이었다. 그리고 최악의 누출 시나리오에 대한 안전대책으로는 메탄올 분리컬럼 내부의 이상압력 상승을 감지할 수 있는 압력계를 2 out of 3 voting으로 설비 상부에 설치하여 주공급라인 상에 설치된 컨트롤밸브와 긴급차단밸브를 동시에 차단할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. For a methanol separation column of the BPA (Bisphenol A) plant, HAZOP (hazard and operability) assessment was performed and damage ranges were predicted from the accident scenarios for the fire and the explosion. As a result, the damage range of the jet fire was 20 m in the case of rupture of the discharge pipe (50 mm diameter) of safety valve, and that of the flash fire was 267 m in the case of catastrophic rupture. Also, the damage ranges of the unconfined vapor cloud explosion (UVCE) for the rupture of the discharge pipe and for the catastrophic rupture were 22 m and 542 m, respectively. For the worst case of release scenarios, safety measures were suggested as follows: the pressure instruments, which can detect abnormal rise of the internal pressure in the methanol separation column, should be installed by the 2 out of 3 voting method in the top section of the column. Through the detection, the instuments should simultaneously shut down the control and the emergency shut-off valves.

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