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      • KCI등재

        광복 70년, 국어학 외연의 확대와 발전

        홍종선(Hong Jongseon) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.95 No.-

        Over 70 years since Independence, the outer edge of the Korean Linguistics has been expanded in various ways with the development of the Korean Linguistics. When we roughly divide the study which is included in the external areas of the Korean Linguistics into interdisciplinary research and applied research, there are philosophy of language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, rhetorics, Korean stylistics, glottochronology, mathematical linguistics, computational Korean lingustics, Korean corpus lingustics and Korean language culture studies in interdisciplinary research. In applied research, there are Korean educational linguistics, Korean educational linguistics as a foreign language, Korean lexicography, Computational Korean Linguistics, Korean lalopathology, Korean language policy, Korean medium lingustics, Korean advertising lingustics, interpretation studies and translation studies. These external studies of Korean Linguistics and pure Korean Linguistics help each other to expand their views and research methodology, adding various viewpoints in many ways, and achieving mutual rising development by providing new facts and materials in the aspect of information. It can also contribute to the development of Korean language culture by adding practicality that can be used in real life through external studies. Among interdisciplinary researches and applied researches, there are a lot of fields where the researches are already activated but there are still quite a few areas which are about to be studied. In the future, Korean linguistics research should foster user-oriented grammar with researcher-oriented grammar and greatly develop the study of spoken language and discourse. Therefore, we should enlarge the cooperating researches providing more information to external areas of Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        구어 문법을 중시하는 한국어학 연구

        홍종선 한국어문학회 2017 語文學 Vol.0 No.138

        Over a century of research on Korean linguistics using modern methodologies has led to some genuine and highly evaluated findings. Korean linguistics has advanced considerably by widening the extension of interdisciplinary and applied Korean linguistics etc., as well as pure theoretical research embracing foreign linguistic theories. To further expand this research, it is necessary to deepen the theoretical study of Korean linguistics. In addition, it is necessary to develop atheoretical framework of Korean grammar that can properly explain the distinct grammatical phenomena of the Korean language. Recently, Korean linguistics has attempted to seek new approaches. Grammatical research is increasing, with a focus on spoken rather than written language, and an emphasis on analysis of discourse rather than sentential units. This trend should become widespread. Until now, written language has been focused on more in research and even treated as more important than spoken language in the Korean corpus, writings about Korean grammar, textbooks of Korean education, definitions in Korean dictionaries. However, for inquiries into linguistic reality, it is necessary to focus more on spoken than on written language. In addition, a grammatical frame work that is oriented toward the awareness of language users must be developed.

      • 한중 형용사 ‘차갑다’와 ‘冷’의 의미 대조 연구

        문영희 ( Wen Yingxi ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2023 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.21 No.0

        The prototype and extended meanings of Korean adjective ‘chagaptta’ and Chinese adjective ‘leng’ were compared in this paper based on cognitive linguistics. This paper aimed to explore the universalities and individualities of the meanings of these two words and the expansion direction of word meaning. This paper firstly made a comparative analysis of the dictionary meanings of Korean adjective ‘chagaptta’ and Chinese adjective ‘leng’. It secondly compared and analyzed the meanings of the two words in real life through the corpora of ‘21st Century Sejong Corpus’ of Korea and ‘Bcc corpus’ of China. The analysis showed that the Korean adjective ‘chagaptta’ and the Chinese adjective ‘leng’ have seven same meanings. In addition, the Chinese adjective ‘leng’ has five individual meanings. From the perspective of cognitive word meaning, the expansion directions of Korean adjective ‘chagaptta’ and Chinese adjective ‘leng’ are both “physical → social → psychological” and “generality → figurativeness → habitual aspect”. On the whole, these two words tend to expand in the negative meaning. There are a few positive meaning and neutral extended meanings in figurative meanings in the nonrepresentation, and the meaning of ‘leng’ in the idiomatic expression tends to expand to the negative side. Based on cognitive linguistics theory, comparing and analyzing the meanings of Korean adjective ‘chagaptta’ and Chinese adjective ‘leng’ in real life through corpus, finding out the universalities and individualities of the extended meanings and expansion direction of these two words is helpful to the teaching of the two languages, and has certain research significance of revealing the universality of semantic use of the words related to the temperature adjective ‘cold’ in human language.

      • KCI등재

        접속어미 ‘-면’의 다의성과 통사・의미 확장에 대한 인지언어학적 탐색

        김종록 한국문화융합학회 2019 문화와 융합 Vol.41 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the central meaning of the Korean connective ending ‘-myun’ and to analyze its polysemous and syntacto-sematic extension from the perspective of cognitive linguistic perspective. The summary of this paper is as follows. First, this article analyses and criticizes the headword ‘--myun’ in the Standard Korean Great dictionary, Korean dictionary of Yunsei University, and the Korean dictionary of Korea University and searches for alternatives to solve the problems. Second, this article applied Extension, Grammaticalization, Divergence, Decategorialization, and the Semantic persistence of the Grammaticalization theory to analyze the Korean connective ending ‘--myun’, and these theories could be usefully applied to investigate the Korean language. Third, the central meaning of the Korean connective ending ‘--myun’ is ‘-General condition’, and this central meaning has been extended primarily to ‘-Normative condition’, ‘-Reasonable condition’, and the‘Law of natural condition’. Fourth, the central meaning of the Korean connective ending ‘--myun’ extends to ‘-Assumption’, ‘-wish’, and ‘-hope’ in the second, and at the same time, there was a syntactic and semantic change. Fifth, in the third, the Korean connective ending ‘--myun’ may also change from the sentential connective ending to ‘-sentential ending’, ‘-ending of idiomatic structure’ and ‘-derivative ending’. Finally, the central meaning of Korean connective ending ‘--myun’ extends to marginal meanings, and these extensions also take place in other Korean connective endings.

      • KCI등재

        접속어미 ‘-(는)다면’의 문법화와 통사・의미 확장

        김종록 한국어문학회 2019 語文學 Vol.0 No.145

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the formation process of the Korean connective ending ‘-(neun)damyun’ and its central meaning from the perspective of grammaticalization in cognitive linguistics, and how the central meaning is extended to the path. First, this paper analyzes and criticizes the content of the head-word ‘-(neun)damyun’ in the Standard Korean Great dictionary, the Korean dictionary of Yonsei University, and the Korean dictionary of Korea University and considers alternatives. Second, among the grammaticalization theories, decentralization, differentiation, semantic persistence and unidirectional theory were used in the study of the Korean connective ending ‘-(neun)damyun’ and theories were very useful. Thrid, the original meaning of Korean Connective Ending ‘-(neun)damuyn1’ is ‘subjunctive mood’ and this original meaning has extended to ‘-(neun)damuyn2’, which means ‘opposite comparison’, and ‘-(neun)damyun3’ which represents ‘topic change’. Fourth, the connective ending ‘-(neun)damyun1’ which means ‘subjunctive mood’ secondarily extended to the final ending ‘-(neun)damyun4’ of ‘subjunctive question’. Fifth, the Korean connective ending ‘-(neun)damyun’ thirdly extends to ‘-(nuen)damyun5’, which is an affix to derive connection adverbs and a change in grammar category. Sixth, based on the discussion in this paper, the grammaticalization principle of the Korean integrated connective ending is changed into a single fusional and convergent connective ending. This connective ending becomes a final ending due to more grammaticalization and eventually becomes the affix forming connective adverb. 이 논문에서는 인지언어학의 문법화의 관점에서 국어 접속어미 ‘-(는)다면’의 형성과정과 그 중심의미가 무엇이며, 이 중심의미가 어떤 경로로 확장되어 갔는지를 살펴보았는데, 이를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본고에서는 [표준], [연세], [고려]와 국립국어원의 언어정보 나눔터에 실려있는 표제어 ‘-(는)다면’의 수록 내용을 분석 비평하고 그 대안을 모색하였다. 둘째, 문법화이론 가운데, 탈범주화, 분화, 의미지속성, 단일방향성 이론을 접속어미 ‘-(는)다면’의 연구에 활용하였으며, 이 이론들은 매우 유용하였다. 셋째, ‘-(는)다면1’의 원형의미는 [가정]이며, 이 원형의미가 1차적으로 [대비]의 ‘-(는)다면2’와 [주제 전환]의 ‘-(는)다면3’으로 확장되었다. 넷째, ‘-(는)다면1’의 원형의미는 2차적으로는 접속어미에서 [가정]의 [의문]형 종결어미 ‘-(는)다면4’로 바뀜으로써 문법범주가 달라졌다. 다섯째, 3차적으로는 [가정]의 접속부사를 파생시키는 접사인 ‘-(는)다면5’로 바뀐 것인데, 이는 ‘-(는)다면1’가 최종적으로 문법화한 형태라 할 수 있다. 여섯째, 본고의 논의를 바탕으로 한국어 통합형 접속어미의 문법화 원리를 ‘국어 통합형 접속어미는 준꼴에서 문법화하여 비환원적 융합형의 단일 접속어미로 변하고, 이 접속어미가 더욱 문법화하여 종결어미로 변하며, 최종적으로는 접속부사를 형성하는 접사로 변한다.’로 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 및 인도네시아어 다중감각 표현의 대조 연구

        임태성 ( Taesung Lim ),아흐마드리오데시아르 ( Achmad Rio Dessiar ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2023 언어와 언어학 Vol.- No.100

        This study contrasted multi-sensory expressions in Korean and Indonesian. Multi-sensation are the combination of senses and appear linguistically at the word and expression levels. The results of this study are as follows. First, Multi-sensory expressions semantically expanded for each language. In Korean, ‘nwun(eye)-mas(taste)’ is defined “the feeling of seeing and feeling with the eyes.” In Indonesian, ‘buta(blind)-nada(word)’ is defined “tone-deaf.” Second, the two languages semantically extended to indicate the characteristics of a person's emotions or objects through context. However, there was a difference in its semantic aspects. For example, in Korean, ‘ppukepqta(hot)’ appeared as a positive aspect, whereas in Indonesian, ‘panas(hot)’ appeared as a negative aspect.

      • KCI등재

        ‘들다[入]’ 어휘 의미의 통시적 고찰

        김민채 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.3

        A Diachronic Study on the Meaning of the Word ‘deulda[入]’Minchae Kim Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the lexical meaning of ‘deulda’ from a diachronic perspective. Research methods are literature analysis and quantitative research that analyzes Korean history data and quantifies the results. The purpose of this study is to extract the usage of ‘deulda’ and to check the meaning of the vocabulary through the semantic qualities of noun phrases combined by era. As a result of the study, all the noun phrases ‘deulda’ in medieval Korean were expanded from concrete nouns to abstract nouns, and through the basic meaning of ‘deulda’, [movement], to the meaning of [creation] as semantic qualities related to the cognitive state. Next, in modern Korean, it was extended to the meaning of [period] and [consumption] by combining it with the noun phrases of time and quantity. In the enlightenment period, the meaning was expanded by combining it with noun phrases related to psychology. Finally, This study, unlike previous studies, is significant in analyzing and studying the meaning of the vocabulary of ‘deulda’ from a syntactic perspective with the times. Key Words: Deulda, Movement Verbs, Meaning Extension, Korean Historical Linguistics, Quantitative Research ‘들다[入]’ 어휘 의미의 통시적 고찰김 민 채* 요약: 본 연구의 목적은 ‘들다[入]’의 어휘 의미를 통시적 관점에서 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위한 연구 방법은 국어사 자료를 분석하는 문헌 분석과 그 결과를 계량화하는 계량적 연구이며 연구 내용은 ‘들다’의 용례를 추출하고, 시대별로 ‘들다’와 결합하는 명사구의 의미 자질을 통해 ‘들다’의 어휘 의미 양상을 확인하는 것이다. 연구 결과, 중세 국어에서는 명사구가 모두 구체명사에서 추상명사로 확장되어 나타났다. 또, ‘들다’의 기본 의미인 [이동] 의미에서 인지적 상태의 [생성] 의미로 의미 확장되었다. 근대 국어에서는 시간, 수량의 명사구와 결합하면서 [시기]와 [소모]의 의미로 의미 확장되었다. 개화기에서는 심리와 관련된 명사구와 결합하며 의미 확장되었다. 끝으로, 본 연구는 기존의 연구와 달리 시대에 따른 통시적 관점에서의 ‘들다’ 어휘 의미를 분석하고 연구한 데 의의가 있다. 핵심어: 들다, 이동 동사, 의미 확장, 국어사, 계량적 연구 □ 접수일: 2022년 5월 11일, 수정일: 2022년 6월 13일, 게재확정일: 2022년 6월 20일* 한남대학교 탈메이지교양·융합대학 강사(Lecturer, Hannam Univ., Email: jeni7021@naver.com)

      • KCI등재

        고전 번역에 나타난 한자 ‘走’의 의미 확장 연구

        임태성(Lim Tae-sung) 한글학회 2019 한글 Vol.- No.324

        이 글은 고전 번역에 나타난 ‘走’의 의미적 확장 양상을 살펴보는 것이 목적이다. ‘走’는 이동이 개념화된 단어로, 물리적 이동에서 심리적 이동의 양상으로 확장되는 의미 양상을 살펴볼 수 있다. 첫째, 물리적 이동에서 ‘走’는 ‘사람’이나 이동 가능한 ‘사물’이 이동체가 되어 나타나는데, ‘사람’의 경우 ‘달리다’, ‘가다’라는 의미뿐만 아니라 ‘달아나다’의 의미로도 해석된다. ‘사물’의 경우 곤충이나 동물에서 수직적 이동을 나타내는 경우를 살펴볼 수 있고, ‘구슬’과 같은 원형의 대상을 나타내는 데에도 ‘走’가 쓰인다. 둘째, 심리적 이동에서 ‘走’는 개념적 환유에 의해 ‘하인’과 같이 그 행위가 대상을 지칭하는 경우가 나타난다. 그리고 개념적 은유에 의해 ‘용’이나 ‘마음’과 같이 추상적 대상을 ‘사람’에 빗대어 나타나며, 또한 ‘신(神)’을 ‘走’와 함께 나타내어 이동하는 대상으로 인식하기도 한다. 마지막으로, ‘走’는 가상적으로 그 의미가 확장되어, 비이동체인 ‘산’, ‘식물’ 등을 이동하는 것으로 인식하여 나타난다. 이러한 ‘走’의 의미적 양상은 폭넓은 범주에서 나타났으며 의미적으로 연관성을 가진 것으로 살펴볼 수 있다. This study investigated the meaning extension of the Sino-Korean word “走” in the translation of Korean classics. It incorporate the concept of motion, including both physical and psychic motion. In the context of physical motion, “走” represents the movement of an entity like a human or movable object. Its physical motion-related meaning has several dimensions. First, it can denote escape as well as running or going when used to describe human motion. Second, it denotes vertical motion when used to describe insects or animals. Third, it denotes the special motion of circular objects like beads. Its motion-related meaning is extended by conceptual metonymy and metaphor. One meaning describes the motivational force applied to an object through conceptual metonymy, like orders given to a servant. The other meaning maps human motions to those of beings like deities and dragons by conceptual metaphor. The meaning of “走” is also extended fictively. For example, a visible object like mountain or plant can be conceived of as moving by the speaker. This study found that “走” has various motion-related meanings.

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