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      • KCI등재

        아산만 요각류 Calanus sinicus의 알 생산

        박철,이평강,PARK Chul,LEE Pyung-Gang 한국수산과학회 1995 한국수산과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        요각류 Calanu sinicu의 생물량과 산란의 계절성을 조사하였다. 조사해역인 아산만에서는, 성체는 봄철에 가장 많은 양이 출현하고, 다른 계절에는 소량 분포하는 연중 1회 peak를 보였지만, 산란에서는 봄철(4-5월)과 가을철 (9월)의 연중 2회 peak를 보였다 산란기의 개체군 평균 산란은 봄철에는 16.3 eggs/female/day, 가을철에는 7.6 eggs/female/day였으며, 1개체가 생산하는 최대 값은 39.0이었다. 타 해역에 비하여 비교적 풍부한 유기탄소량과 알 생산과의 상관관계가 유의적이지 않아 (r=0.43, p=0.3), 먹이 농도는 알 생산에 큰 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 실험실에서 제공된 먹이를 충분히 섭취하면서도 처음 며칠이 지난 뒤에는 산란이 중지되는 것으로 보아, 먹이의 질과 과거의 섭식경력 (feeding history)이 산란과 밀접한 관계가 있을 것으로 유추되었다. 비록 통계적으로 유의적인 상관관계는 얻지 못하였으나, 상대적으로 높거나 낮은 수온에서는 산란하지 않아 대상해역의 수온 변화도 산란과 관계가 있을 것으로 유추되었다. 알 생산율 자료로부터 제한된 해역인 아산만에서는 연중 두 세대의 생활사가 진행되는 것으로 파악되었으며, 분포의 계절 변화와 생활사의 진행이 직접적으로 관련된 시기가 있는가 하면, 생활사 이외에 상위 영양단계의 포식압력 등에 의한 이주 등이 분포의 계절변화와 관련된 시기가 있는 것으로 추정되었다. 종전의 결과와 비교할 때, 계절에 따라 비교적 광범위한 해역을 이주하면서, 알 생산은 연중 간헐적으로 계속될 가능성도 배제할 수 없었다. Seasonality in biomass and egg Production was investigated for Calanus sinicus, one of the major copepods in Asan Bay, Korea. Biomass of this species in this restricted embayment showed only one Peak in spring, but e99 Production showed two Peaks, spring (April and May) and fall (September). Average egg Productions during the spawnlng seasons were 16.3 egg/female/day (spring) and 7.6eggs/female/day (fall) with maximum egg Production of 39.0 eggs/female/day. Food concentrations in this bay measured'1 terms of particulate organic carbon (POC) were relatively high around the year, and correlation between egg Production and POC was not significant. With the food Provided sufficiently animals Produced a lot of fecal Pellets, but egg Production was ceased after several days of experiment. From these results it was believed that egg Production in this bay was influenced by food quality and feeding history rather than food concentrations. Habitat temperatures also seem to have influence on egg Production from the tacts that no egg was Produced at extreme habitat temperatures, although the correlation between the two was not significant. In this bay, two generations with different time periods seem to progress yearly. Distribution was coupled with life cycle only at certain time of the year. During the other periods predation pressure by the higher trophic levels and shift of the centers of the distributions toward deeper outer bay seemed to be responsible for the observed distribution and egg Production of this species in this bay. Comparing with the Previous reports, migration of fairly long distance and continual reproduction seemed possible for this species.

      • KCI등재

        사료내 미량광물질 강화 복합미생물 첨가가 산란노계의 계란생산 및 난질개선에 마치는 영향

        정수진,주은정,이우식,윤병선,이주삼,남기택,황성구,Jeong, Soo-Jin,Joo, Eun-Jung,Lee, Woo-Sic,Yon, Byeng-Sun,Lee, Ju-Sam,Nam, Ki-Taek,Hwang, Seong-Gu 한국유기농업학회 2004 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        In recent years, the consumption of livestock products were markedly decreased by awareness of world-widely occurred diseases including mad cow disease, Foot and mouth disease, Hog cholera, and Poultry Influenza virus. the consumers ara also wanting to have highly safe food such as organic animal products because of concerning about residual of antibiotics in animal products. However, disease control and impairment of productivity are the major problem in organic animal production. On these points of view, the present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of 1% or 2% of dietary probiotics fortified with various minerals on improvement of egg production and egg quality in old lay6r feeding low quality feed mainly composed of food waste, sesame meal, and rice bran. After 4 weeks of experimental feeding, the diameter of spreading of egg white was clearly decreased from 11.2cm of control eggs to 10.5m and 10.1m in 1% and 2% treatment group eggs, respectively. The color of egg yolk was 9.3 in control eggs but remarkably increased in treatment groups showing 10.1~10.2. Egg production was 75.8% in control layers but significantly increased to 79.8% of 1% treatment group and 82.9% of 2% treatment group layers. Egg weights (C : 66.3g, 1% : 73.2g, and 2% : 76.7g) and egg shell thickness (C : 0.33mm, 1% : 0.35mm and 2% : 0.36mm) were also increased by the addition of 1% or 2% of probiotics when compared to those of control group eggs. All together, it has been suggested that dietary addition of probiotics fortified with various minerals can improve the egg quality and egg production in layer's productivities by the recycling of organic waste resources such as food waste and agricultural by-products.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Production Performance and Egg Quality Characteristics of Five Strains of Korean Native Chickens

        Wickramasuriya, Samiru Sudharaka,Yi, Young-Joo,Yoo, Jaehong,Kim, Nu Ri,Kang, Nam Kyu,Shin, Taeg Kyun,Jung, Samooel,Kang, Bo-Seok,Oh, Ki-Seok,Heo, Jung Min The Korean Society of Poultry Science 2015 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        The production performance and egg quality traits among five strains of Korean native chickens (KNC) were evaluated in conventional cages. A total of 240 KNC were housed in a controlled environment. Each strain had 12 replicates with 4 chickens per cage. Feed intake, body weights, egg production and egg quality were measured at 24, 28 and 32 of weeks. Egg quality parameters were analyzed using 150 eggs. Results indicated significant (P<0.05) difference in average body weights, egg production and egg weight among five strains of KNC. In contrast, KNC strains effect was non-significant (P>0.05) for feed efficiency. The difference among those KNC strains on egg shell color, egg shell strength and egg shell density were not different (P>0.05) at the age of week 24 while it was significant (P<0.05) at the age of week 28 and 32. There was no effect (P>0.05) on egg length and egg shape index from five strains of KNC. The significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in egg width with KNC strains during early ages (week 24 and 28) and it was not significant (P>0.05) at the age of 32 weeks. Regarding internal quality parameters, albumen height and Haugh unit were significantly (P<0.05) affected with KNC strains while the effect on yolk color was not significant (P>0.05). Based on the egg weight and the production performance, GS-10 KNC strain was superior when compared with the other strains.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Production Performance and Egg Quality Characteristics of Five Strains of Korean Native Chickens

        Samiru Sudharaka Wickramasuriy,Young-Joo Yi,Jaehong Yoo,Nu Ri Kim,Nam Kyu Kang,Taeg Kyun Shin,Samooel Jung,Bo-Seok Kang,Ki-Seok Oh,Jung Min Heo 한국가금학회 2015 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        The production performance and egg quality traits among five strains of Korean native chickens (KNC) were evaluated in conventional cages. A total of 240 KNC were housed in a controlled environment. Each strain had 12 replicates with 4 chickens per cage. Feed intake, body weights, egg production and egg quality were measured at 24, 28 and 32 of weeks. Egg quality parameters were analyzed using 150 eggs. Results indicated significant (P<0.05) difference in average body weights, egg production and egg weight among five strains of KNC. In contrast, KNC strains effect was non-significant (P>0.05) for feed efficiency. The difference among those KNC strains on egg shell color, egg shell strength and egg shell density were not different (P>0.05) at the age of week 24 while it was significant (P<0.05) at the age of week 28 and 32. There was no effect (P>0.05) on egg length and egg shape index from five strains of KNC. The significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in egg width with KNC strains during early ages (week 24 and 28) and it was not significant (P>0.05) at the age of 32 weeks. Regarding internal quality parameters, albumen height and Haugh unit were significantly (P<0.05) affected with KNC strains while the effect on yolk color was not significant (P>0.05). Based on the egg weight and the production performance, GS-10 KNC strain was superior when compared with the other strains.

      • KCI등재

        한국 동해 남부 연안 일광만의 요각류 Acartia steueri의 알 생산력

        강형구,강용주,KANG Hyung-Ku,KANG Yong Joo 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        한국 동해 남부 연안 일광만에서 요각류 Arasrtia steueri의 알 생산력을 조사하였다. 실험실에서 온도 및 엽록소 $\alpha$ 농도와 알 생산력간의 관계식을 유도한 후, 현장의 수온과 엽록소 $\alpha$ 농도를 적용하여 현장 개체군의 알생산력을 추정하였다. 알의 평균 크기는 $80.52{\mu}m$이었고, 성체 암컷의 두흉부 길이와 알의 크기간에는 유의한 상관이 없었다. 현장 개체군의 알 생산력은 $0.32\~63.32{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$ (평균 $13.33{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$)이었으며, 알의 수로 나타내 면 $7.1\~1407.1\;eggs\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$(평균 $296.1\;eggs\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$)이었다. 암컷 한 마리당 알 생산력은 $5.4\~12.5\;eggs\;female^{-1}d{-1}$(평균 $8\;eggs\;female^{-1}d{-1}$)이었으며, 비알 생산율은 $0.028\~0.117\;d^{-1}$(평균 $0.064\;d^{-1}$)로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 추정된 알 생산력 (성체 암컷의 탄소 무게의 백분율)은 과소 평가된 것으로 나타났는데, 성체의 알에 대한 잠재적인 포식 가능성이 이러한 낮은 알 생산력과 관련이 있는 것으로 판단된다. Egg production of Acartia steueri was estimated in llkwang Bay, located in the southeastern coast of Korea. The equation, combining fecundity, temperature and chlorophyll a, obtained under the laboratory experiments, was applied to the in situ temperature and chlorophyll a for the estimation of field egg production. Mean egg size was $80.52{\mu}m$. Prosome length of adult females was not correlated with egg size. Egg production of field population ranged from 0.32 to $63.32{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$ with a mean of $13.33{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$, which were equivalent to $7.1\~1407.1\;eggs\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$ and $296.1\;eggs\;m^{-3}d^{-1}$, respectively. Fecundity of adult females ranged from 5.4 to $12.5\;eggs\;female^{-1}d{-1}$ with a mean of $8\;eggs\;female^{-1}d^{-1}$. Specific egg production rates ranged from 0.028 to 0.117 $d^{-1}$ with a mean of 0.064 $d^{-1}$. Considering the egg Production ($\%$ female body carbon) as a function of temperature and chlorophlrll a concentration, our results showed rather low fecundity, which might be underestimated. Probable cannibalism of egg by the adults were thought to be pan of the reason for this low estimated fecundity.


        Relationships of Circulating Concentrations of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and -II to Egg Production and Growth Rate in the Korean Native Ogol Chicken

        Yun, J.S.,Kang, W.J.,Seo, D.S.,Lee, C.Y.,Oh, S.,Ko, Y. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.4

        Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs) and IGF-binding protein act as intra-ovarian regulators that modulate the proliferation and differentiation of the granulosa and theca cells. Moreover, the IGF system is involved in metabolism by modulating the synthesis and degradation of glycogen and protein in animals. However the effect of the IGF system on egg productivity or body growth in KNOC has not been studied in depth. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate differences of serum IGFs and binding protein expressions between two groups showing high and low egg production or body weight and to elucidate the relationship of IGFs with egg productivity and body growth. KNOCs were divided into high and low groups depending on their egg productivity or body growth, and sera were collected every 10 wk from 20 till 60 wk. Serum IGF-I and -II concentration were measured by RIA using human and mouse antiserum and chicken standards. IGFBP was detected by Western ligand blotting. IGF-I concentrations were significantly greater in the high egg production group compared with those in the low egg production group (30 wk, p<0.01; 20 and 40 wk, p<0.05). Also, differences in IGF-II amounts between the two groups were detected at 60 wk (p<0.05). But IGFBPs in the low egg production group were more intense than that in the high egg production group through the egg laying period. The correlation between IGF-I concentration and number of egg production is significantly positive (20 wk, r=0.2729: p<0.05; 40 wk, r=0.3500: p<0.01), while IGF-II shows no correlation with egg productivity. In male KNOC, IGF-I and -II concentrations in the high body weight group are lower than that in the low body weight group. Body weight also shows a negative correlation with the serum IGF-II concentration in male chickens (20 wk, r=-0.5901: p<0.01). Consequently, we suggest that IGFs and binding protein are (in)directly involved in the egg productivity and body growth in KNOC.

      • Animal Model에 의한 한국재래닭의 주요 경제형질에 대한 유전 및 표현형상관 추정

        상병돈,최철환,김학규,나재천,연성흠,김종대,진현주,조창연,김시동,이상진 한국가금학회 2006 한국가금학회 정기총회 및 학술발표회 Vol.23 No.-

        The genetic correlation coefficients between body weight at 150 days and age at first egg, egg weight at the first egg, body weight at 270 days, egg weight, the number of egg production based on the average of the five lines were 0.27, 0.43, 0.59, -0.13 and -0.03, respectively. The genetic correlation coefficients between body weight at 270 days and age at first egg, egg weight at the first egg, egg weight at 270 days, the number of egg production were 0.33, 0.26, 0.22 and -0.16 respectively. Positive genetic correlation was observed between body weight and age at the first egg. On the other hand, negative genetic correlation was observed between body weight and egg weight at 270 days. The genetic correlation coefficients between the age at first egg and egg weight at the first egg, egg weight at 270 days, the number of egg production were 0.91, 0.54 and -0.71 respectively. Highly positive genetic correlation was observe between the age at first egg and egg weight. However, highly negative genetic correlation was observed between the age at first egg and the number of egg production. The medium negative genetic correlation coefficients were observed between the number of egg production at 270 days and egg weight at the first egg, egg weight at 270 days as -0.32 and -0.39 respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of clutch traits and egg production in six chicken breeds

        Shi Lei,Li Yunlei,Isa Adam Mani,Ma Hui,Yuan Jingwei,Wang Panlin,Ge Pingzhuang,Gong Yanzhang,Chen Jilan,Sun Yanyan 아세아·태평양축산학회 2023 Animal Bioscience Vol.36 No.6

        Objective: The better understanding of laying pattern of birds is crucial for developing breed-specific proper breeding scheme and management. Methods: Daily egg production until 50 wk of age of six chicken breeds including one layer (White Leghorn, WL), three dual-purpose (Rhode Island Red, RIR; Columbian Plymouth Rock, CR; and Barred Plymouth Rock, BR), one synthetic dwarf (DY), and one indigenous (Beijing-You Chicken, BYC) were used to characterize their clutch traits and egg production. The age at first egg, egg number, average and maximum clutch length, pause length, and number of clutches and pauses were calculated accordingly. Results: The egg number and average clutch length in WL, RIR, CR, and BR were higher than those in DY and BYC (p<0.01). The numbers of clutches and pauses, and pause length in WL, RIR, CR, and BR were lower than those in DY and BYC (p<0.01). The coefficient variations of clutch length in WL, RIR, CR, and BR (57.66%, 66.49%, 64.22%, and 55.35%, respectively) were higher than DY (41.84%) and BYC (36.29%), while the coefficient variations of egg number in WL, RIR, CR, and BR (9.10%, 9.97%, 10.82%, and 9.92%) were lower than DY (15.84%) and BYC (16.85%). The clutch length was positively correlated with egg number (r = 0.51 to 0.66; p<0.01), but not correlated with age at first egg in all breeds. Conclusion: The six breeds showed significant different clutch and egg production traits. Due to the selection history, the high and median productive layer breeds had higher clutch length than those of the less productive indigenous BYC. The clutch length is a proper selection criterion for further progress in egg production. The age at first egg, which is independent of clutch traits, is especially encouraged to be improved by selection in the BYC breed.

      • KCI등재

        사료내 미량광물질 강화 복합미생물 첨가가 산란노계의 계란생산 및 난질개선에 미치는 영향

        정수진,주은정,이우식,윤병선,이주삼,남기택,황성구 한국유기농업학회 2004 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        In recent years, the consumption of livestock products were markedly decreased by awareness of world-widely occurred diseases including mad cow disease, Foot and mouth disease, Hog cholera, and Poultry Influenza virus. The consumers are also wanting to have highly safe food such as organic animal products because of concerning about residual of antibiotics in animal products. However, disease control and impairment of productivity are the major problem in organic animal production. On these points of view, the present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of 1% or 2% of dietary probiotics fortified with various minerals on improvement of egg production and egg quality in old layer feeding low quality feed mainly composed of food waste, sesame meal, and rice bran. After 4 weeks of experimental feeding, the diameter of spreading of egg white was clearly decreased from 11.2cm of control eggs to 10.5m and 10.1m in 1% and 2% treatment group eggs, respectively. The color of egg yolk was 9.3 in control eggs but remarkably increased in treatment groups showing 10.1~10.2. Egg production was 75.8% in control layers but significantly increased to 79.8% of 1% treatment group and 82.9% of 2% treatment group layers. Egg weights (C : 66.3g, 1% : 73.2g, and 2% : 76.7g) and egg shell thickness (C : 0.33㎜, 1% : 0.35㎜ and 2% : 0.36㎜) were also increased by the addition of 1% or 2% of probiotics when compared to those of control group eggs. All together, it has been suggested that dietary addition of probiotics fortified with various minerals can improve the egg quality and egg production in layer"s productivities by the recycling of organic waste resources such as food waste and agricultural by-products.

      • KCI등재

        토종닭 종계 9개 조합의 체중 및 산란능력 비교 연구

        김기곤(Kigon Kim),박병호(Byoungho Park),전익수(Iksoo Jeon),추효준(Hyojun Choo),차재범(Jaebeom Cha) 한국가금학회 2021 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.48 No.4

        본 연구는 토종닭 종계의 산란능력 검증을 위해 국립축산과학원 가금연구소의 토종닭 순계로 생산한 종계 9개 조합의 생산능력을 비교 및 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 16주 체중은 CY조합이 1,604.9 g으로 가장 높았고 DK 조합이 1,424.4 g으로 가장 낮았다. 종계 9개 조합의 시산일령은 118.6일로 나타났고 YD 조합이 111.6일로 가장 빠르고 DK 조합이 126일로 가장 느린 시산을 보였다. 일계 산란율은 CF, CK 및 DK 조합이 74% 이상으로 높게 나타났다. DK 조합은 시산일령이 느려 일계산란수가 114.4개로 낮았으나 높은 일계 산란율을 보여 다른 조합에 비해 산란지속성이 우수할 것으로 사료된다. 난중은 DK 조합이 20주령 43.9 g, 36주령 58.1g으로 모든 주령에서 월등히 무겁게 나타났다. 난질에서 난각색은 F와 K가 사용된 조합이 밝은 난각색을 보였고, 계란무게 형질은 DK와 CF 조합이 무겁게 나타났다. 난각 강도와 난각 두께는 DK 조합이 각각 3.8 kg/cm2, 0.38 mm로 우수하였다. 종합하면, CF 와 DK 조합이 산란능력 및 계란품질이 우수하게 나타났으며 부계로 Y 계통을 사용한 YC, YD 및 YK 조합은 대부분 형질의 성적이 저조하게 나타났다. The present study investigated production traits, including body weight, egg production, egg weight, and egg quality in Korean indigenous parent stocks. Parent stocks produced from a nine-combination association from five pure line strains (C, D, F, K, and Y) were used. The body weight analyses results showed that the CY combination had the highest body weight (1,604.9 g) and the DK combination had the lowest (1,424.4 g). The average age at first egg of the nine combinations was 118.6 days; however, that of the YD combination was 111.6 days, making it the fastest growing combination, whereas the DK combination was the slowest, at 126 days. Hen-day egg production was 74% or more for the CF, CK, and DK combinations. The DK combination hens showed excellent persistence in egg laying. Hen-housed egg production exhibited results similar to those of hen-day egg production. Egg weight was significantly higher in the DK combination than in the other combinations and was observed to increase from 20 (43.9 g) to 40 (58.1 g) weeks. The egg quality analyses results showed that the combinations based on the F and K strains had a bright eggshell color, with relatively high egg weights. Eggshell strength and thickness were the highest in the DK combination (3.8 kg/cm², 0.38 mm). In summary, the CF and DK combinations showed excellent egg production ability and egg quality, while the YC, YD, and YK combinations with the Y strain as the paternal strain exhibited poor performance.

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