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        가정과 교사들이 지각한 소비자교육 패러다임과 관련 요인

        문영훈,이수희,손상희 한국가정과교육학회 2012 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 중등 가정과 교사들이 어떤 소비자교육 패러다임을 가지는지를 조사하고, 교사들이 가지는 소비자교육패러다임에 영향을 미치는 요인의 상대적 영향력을 규명하고자 한다. 이를 위해 편의 표집한 설문지 205부를 분석 자료로 사용하였다. 분석을 위해 SPSS/win(v. 20.0)을 사용하여 평균, 표준편차, t-검증, 신뢰도 분석, 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 가정과 교사가 지각한 소비자교육 패러다임에 대한 전체적인 경향을 조사한 결과, 인식측면에서는 비판적 관점의 소비자교육 패러다임이, 실행측면에서는 전통적 관점의 소비자교육패러다임이 우세하였다. 또한 소비자교육구성요소에 대한 경향을 알아본 결과 소비자교육방법은 비판적 관점의 소비자교육 패러다임이 인식과 실행측면 모두에서 우세하였지만, 소비자교육목적, 소비자교육지식, 소비자, 소비사회는 두 관점이 혼재되어 있었다. 둘째, 소비자교육 패러다임 관련변수의 영향을 살펴본 결과, 가정교육전공과 가정과 교사들이 지각한 교육과정 관점이 의미 있는 변수였다. 이 변수는 소비자교육 패러다임 인식측면에는 의미 있고, 실행측면에는 의미 있지 않았다. The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer education paradigm perceived by home economics teachers and its related factors, and to find out relationships among them. 205 questionnaires were used for analysis. Major findings were as follows. First, home economics teachers perceived that the critical consumer education perspective is more important, but in practice, they mostly used the traditional consumer education perspective. Second, according to their perception on the consumer education teaching method, the critical perspective was considered more significant and was more frequently used than the traditional perspective. However, the home economics teachers held an ambivalent perspective on the areas of purpose of consumer education, consumer education knowledge, consumer, and consumer society. Accordingly, they used both perspectives in practice for those areas. Finally, the teachers’ degree in home economics education and the perspective on the home economics curriculum were found to be the two important factors that determine the teachers’ consumer education paradigm.

      • KCI등재

        Reformulating South-North Korean Economic Integration

        Moon-Soo Yang Ewha Institute of Unification Studies 2014 Journal of peace and unification Vol.4 No.2

        The paper endeavors to reformulate South-North Korean Economic Integration theory by applying the recent changes in circumstances. For purpose of the study, the paper briefly summarizes and assesses the existing discussions of South-North Korean economic integration, and presents the views of the author on some of challenges and key issues to provide materials for further discussions in the area. Representative and classic discussions on economic integration theories are whether the economic integration is going to be radical or gradual. Considering these two, the former has the challenge of bearing huge burden of economic integration expenses, and the latter has weaknesses having gaps between necessity and reality. A recent discussion of “gradual economic integration after the radical political integration” is relatively active in debates. However, the temporary separation scheme of the North Korean economy connotes potential conflict between politics and economics. Peace Economy theory and economic theory of the Korean Peninsula in the range of gradual integration are somewhat weak in terms of concreteness and reality. There are several key issues to examine in order to map out a theory concerning South-North Korean economic integration. First is the purpose of debates on South-North economic integration theory. Generally, three stances are argued about: achieving political integration, peaceful coexistence, and increasing economic welfare of both Koreas. In addition, different approaches to economic integration, namely dichotomous approach and structural approach, should also be considered. Furthermore, taking a look at the philosophical views or the worldviews on unification should not be neglected. That is about whether to see North Korea as the “object” or the “subject” of the reunification of Korea. According to choices among these approaches and perspectives, a preferred form of economic integration, discussion methods, and a form of feasible manner of the economic integration will all naturally vary. Setting a few directions in promoting economic integration of South-North Korea is also necessary. First, at the beginning, promoting functional integration is preferable in advance of gradually increasing the proportion of institutional integration. Based on vertical integration with priority, elements of horizontal integration should be gradually added over time. And both North and South Korea should conduct a system reform and connect it with South and North Korean economic integration, concurrently proceeding with innovation and integration. South and North Korean economic integration should also be promoted in conjunction with Northeast Asian economic cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        행복경제학적 분석을 적용한 인간중심적 자연관과 생태중심적 자연관의 비교

        조승헌 ( Seung Hun Joh ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2008 환경정책연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 경제적 가치와 환경가치를 유기적으로 결합시키는 행복경제학적 접근을 적용하여 자연관과 효용의 관계를 비교하고자 한다. 회귀분석을 수행한 결과 다음과 같은 사항을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, 본 분석에서는 자연관에 따라 행복함수 형태가 다르다는 것을 실증적으로 확인하였다. ``인간중심적 자연관``의 가치체계는 경제가치중심이며 환경, 신뢰와 같은 비물질가치 요소가 무시할 정도로 낮은 것임을 통계적 유의도를 통하여 알 수 있다. 둘째, ``생태중심적 자연관``은 경제를 포함한 환경, 사람신뢰를 동시에 고려하는 중층적 가치체계를 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 그들의 가치체계에 따르면 인간의 편의와 경제적 가치에 치우친 행위는 행복극대화 관점에서 합리적이지 않다는 점을 분석 결과에서 알 수 있다. The goal of current study is to carry out comparative analysis on the relationship between nature perspectives and their corresponding utilities by taking integrated approach combining economic values with environmental ones. The results are as follows. First, empirical evidence shows that the structures of happiness function differ according to nature perspectives. The anthropocentric-nature perspective is centered on economic value. Whilst, environment and social trust play an statistically insignificant role in deciding happiness levels. Secondly, the eco-centric perspective possesses a multi-facted structure of happiness function composing of income, environment, and social trust. In this vein, it is no reasonable behavior, from happiness maximization view, to focus on economic value vis-a-vis use value.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 가정과 교사의 교육과정 관점과 주거교육 가치관

        이연정(Lee Yeon-Jung),조재순(Cho Jae-Soon),채정현(Chae Jung-Hyun) 한국가정과교육학회 2007 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 가정과교사의 교육과정 관점과 주거교육가치관 요소에 대한 인식을 알아보고 이들의 관계를 밝히는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구 자료는 전국에서 중학교 가정교과의 주생활 영역을 지도하고 있거나 지도해 본 경험이 있는 교사를 상대로 e-mail과 방문을 통해 설문지로 수집하였으며, 207부를 최종 분석에 사용하였다. 자료는 SPSS/WIN(ver. 10.0) 프로그램을 이용하여 평균, 표준편차, 백분율, t-test, ANOVA와 scheffe, 상관관계 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 밝혀진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정과교사의 교육과정 관점은 실존적 관점이 가장 높았고, 그 다음으로 구조적 관점, 전통적 관점의 순으로 높았다. 전통적 관점은 교사의 연령과 교직경력이 많고 남녀공학보다는 남학교나 여학교 근무 교사가 그리고 사립학교에 다니는 교사가 높았다. 실존적 관점은 여교사, 가정교육전공, 대학원 재학 이상 학력, 공립학교에 다니는 교사가 높았다. 구조적 관점은 여교사, 연령이 적고, 가정교육전공, 그리고 대학원 재학 이상의 학력을 지닌 교사가 높았다. 둘째, 가정과교사의 주거교육가치관 요소의 일반적 경향은 9개 요소 모두 평균 이상이었다. 그 중 주거의 생태학적 요소를 가장 중요하게 생각하고 있었고, 그 다음으로 경제적인 요소, 사회심리적 요소, 공간계획적 요소, 지역환경적인 요소, 진로교육적인 요소, 문화적 요소, 주거관리적인 요소, 주택정책적 요소 순이었다. 가정과교사의 일반적 특성 중에서 전공자격, 최종학력은 5개의 주거 가치관 요소와 차이를 보였으며 학교 형태는 4개, 가족수, 소득수준, 교직경력은 각각 2개씩, 그리고 성별, 결혼여부, 거주주택 유형, 연령은 각각 1개씩의 주거가치관 요소와 차이를 보였다. 가정교육 전공 교사가 사회심리적 요소, 경제적인 요소, 지역환경적인 요소, 생태학적 요소를 기술교육 전공 교사보다 중요하게 생각한 반면 기술교육 전공 교사는 주거관리적 요소를 가정교육 전공 교사보다 중요하게 생각하였다. 최종학력에 따라서는 대학원 재학 이상인 교사가 그렇지 않은 교사보다 사회심리적 요소, 지역환경적 요소, 생태학적 요소, 주택정책적 요소, 그리고 문화적 요소를 중요하게 생각하였다. 학교 형태에 따라서는 여학교에 근무하는 교사가 남학교나 남녀 공학에 근무하는 교사 보다 사회심리적 요소와 주택 정책적 요소를 보다 더 중요하게 생각하고 여학교나 남녀공학에 근무하는 교사는 남학교에 근무하는 교사보다 지역환경적 요소와 생태학적 요소를 더 중요하게 생각하였다. 셋째, 가정과교사의 교육과정 관점과 주거교육가치관 요소와의 관계를 알아본 결과, 전통적 관점은 주거교육가치관 요소중 오직 주거관리적 요소와 관계가 있었으나 그 정도는 낮으며 실천적 관점과 구조적 관점은 주거가치관의 각 요소에 따라 약간 다르기는 했으나 주로 보통의 관계를 보였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate middle school Home Economics(HE) teachers perspective on HE curriculum, their Housing Education Value in Home Economics, and then find out correlations between them. Questionnaire was administered to HE teachers who had experienced teaching Housing content over the whole country through e-mail or face-to-face meeting. 207 data collected from the responses were finally analyzed statistically with mean, standard deviation, percentage, T-test, one-way ANOVA, post verification(Scheffe) and Pearson correlation by using SPSS/WIN(ver. 10.0) program. The results of the study were as follows: First, about Home Economics teachers perspective on HE curriculum, the existential perspective was the highest, followed by the structural perspective and the traditional perspective. Second, about their perspectives on Housing Education Value, generally the most important thing they value was an aspect of ecology, followed by an aspect of economics, an aspect of Socio-Psychology, an aspect of space planning, an aspect of local environment, an aspect of career education, an aspect of culture, an aspect of housing management and an aspect of housing policy. Third, about the relation between their perspectives on curriculum and Housing Education Value, among 9 kinds of Housing Education Value, the traditional perspective was low associated with only housing management value including to Housing Education Value. However, the existential perspective and the structural perspective tended to be moderately or low associated with most of the values including to Housing Education Value.

      • Economic integration in North America from a national and subnational perspectives: Recent trends and projections

        Zepeda Roberto,Virchez Jorge 한국캐나다학회 2021 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.27 No.2

        Economic integration in North America from national and subnational perspectives: Recent trends and projections. Asian Journal of Canadian Studies, 27(2), 29-59. This article analyzes trends in North America's economic integration during 1994-2020, highlighting the role of subnational entities. It examines the nature and characteristics of the national and subnational economies in the region in recent decades. There has been increased cooperation among subnational actors in North America. With the new United States, Mexico, and Canada Agreement, greater integration among the three North American countries is expected. After the economic downturn in 2020, triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, economic growth is expected in 2020 and 2021, according to estimates from international organizations.

      • KCI등재

        기술・가정(실과) 교사의 교육과정 관점과 교사 효능감에 관한 연구 - 가정 분야를 중심으로 -

        최유정,채정현,박미정 한국가정과교육학회 2009 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspectives on curriculum of secondary school home economics(HE) teachers, the HE teacher efficacy level, and the correlation between their perspectives on HE curriculum and the HE teacher efficacy. A questionnaire survey was carried out to the 500 HE teachers from middle and high schools across the nation. 215 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: First, most of HE teachers had the biggest interest in interpretative perspective and some teachers had a interest in critical perspective. On the other hand, a few teachers only had a interest in technical curriculum perspective. Second, HE teachers who worked in the big cities tended to be more interested in interpretative perspective than those who worked in small cities. HE teachers from 25 to 40 years olds tended to be more interested in critical perspective than those who were more than 50 years old. Also, HE teachers with less than 15 years of experience tended to be more interested in critical perspective than those who had worked for more than 15 years. Third, the average of the HE teacher efficacy level was 3.69. The efficacy level of studying support was the highest. Then came class support, environment support, instruction strategy, and demands alternation in order. Fourth, there was moderate correlation between the interpretative perspective on curriculum of middle and high school HE teachers and teacher efficacy level in comparison with other curriculum perspectives. 본 연구의 목적은 가정과 교사의 가정과 교육과정 관점은 주로 어떤 유형인지, 가정과 교사로서의 교사 효능감은 어떤 수준인지, 그리고 가정과 교육과정 관점과 가정과 교사로서의 교사 효능감의 관계는 어떠한지에 대해 알아보는 데 있다. 연구 자료는 전국 중·고등학교에 근무하는 가정과 교사들을 대상으로 우편을 통한 설문지로 수집하였으며, 215부를 최종 분석에 사용하였다. 자료는 SPSS/WIN(ver 10.0)프로그램을 이용하여 평균, 표준편차, 백분율, t-검증, One-Way ANOVA와 Scheffe' 사후검증, Pearson 적률상관관계를 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 밝혀진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정과 교사의 세 가지 교육과정 관점에 대한 전체적인 성향을 조사해본 결과, 해석적 관점이 가장 높았고, 다음으로 해방적 관점, 기술적 관점 순으로 나타났다. 교육과정 관점의 하위영역별 경향을 알아본 결과 교육목적에 대한 가정(假定)과 지식에 대한 가정(假定)에서는 해방적 관점이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 학습자에 대한 가정(假定)과 사회에 대한 가정(假定)에서는 해석적 관점이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 가정과 교사의 일반적 특성에 따른 전체 교육과정 관점의 차이를 알아본 결과 해석적 관점과 해방적 관점 모두 학교소재지에 따라 특별시· 광역시 소재 학교의 교사가 군·읍·면 소재 학교의 교사에 비해 해석적 관점이 강한 경향을 보였다. 또한 연령이 낮을수록, 교직경력이 짧을수록 해방적 관점의 경향이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 가정과 교사의 일반적 특성에 따른 교육과정 관점의 하위영역에 대해 살펴본 결과, 교육목적에 대한 관점에서는 연령이 적을수록 해석적 관점과 해방적 관점이 모두 강한 성향을 보였다. 해방적 관점의 경우, 또한 교직경력이 짧을수록 해방적 관점이 강한 경향을 보였다. 지식에 대한 관점의 차이를 살펴본 결과, 연령이 적을수록 해석적 관점과 해방적 관점의 성향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 교직경력이 짧을수록 지식에 대한 해방적 관점의 성향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 학습자에 대한 관점의 차이를 살펴본 결과, 해방적 관점의 경우, 학교소재지에 따라 특별시·광역시 소재 학교의 교사집단이 군·읍·면 소재 학교의 교사집단에 비해 해방적 관점이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 가정과 교사의 전체 효능감은 평균보다 약간 높았다. 하위 영역별 효능감은 학습지원 효능감이 가장 높았고 그 다음으로 학급운영 효능감, 환경지원 효능감, 교수전략 효능감, 요구대처 효능감의 순으로 나타났다. 넷째, 일반적 특성에 따른 전체 교사 효능감의 차이는 통계적으로 의미있게 나타나지 않았다. 다섯째, 가정과 교사의 교육과정 관점 중 해석적 관점이 다른 관점에 비해 교사 효능감과 높은 상관을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 교사 효능감의 하위영역에서도 해석적 관점의 상관이 가장 높았으며, 요구대처 효능감에서만 기술적 관점의 상관이 높은 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        비판과학 관점의 가정과교육에서 추구하는 인간상

        양지선 ( Jisun Yang ),유태명 ( Taemyung Yoo ) 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.55 No.1

        This study develops an the ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education from a critical science perspective. The practical problem is `what should the ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education with a critical science perspective be?` was addressed through a practical reasoning research method with the stages of valued ends, context, alternatives, consequence, and a final plan. The sequential flow of understanding values and contexts established the setting of three valued ends by organizing issues and categorized areas of individuals, families, society, and cultural from a critical science perspective. The ideal portrait of human being was specifically stated, in the self-formation, independent, inter-subjectivity, social participation, and enculturation according to subcategories; in addition, the stated ideal portrait of human being was modified through expert consultations. Alternatives and consequences were reexamined for the validity of the statement and restated as a comprehensive statement of ideal portrait of a human being that included a restatement of the five areas. An ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education from a critical science perspective was made from alternative ideal portraits of the proposed human being and stated as `a person who can continually act autonomously in one`s life-world.`

      • KCI등재후보

        The Political Economy of FTA formation between Korea and Japan: From the Korean Perspective

        김석우 한국세계지역학회 2006 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.24 No.2

        In pursuing FTAs, each country has to consider both political and economic factors to achieve goals at both domestic and international levels. There are at least four contending theories in providing selection criteria for FTA partners in economics and political science. Based upon these four theories and collected data, Japan possess both positive and negative factors as a potential FTA partner from the Korean perspective.For example, geographical location and big Japanese markets are attractive factors for FTA formation from the Korean perspective. However, lower existing average tariff rates of Japan and increasing Korean trade deficits imply that FTA may not do good to the Korean economy. Besides these factors, some current issues between Korea and Japan are in the way of FTA formation between the two countries. They include Dokdo-related issues, historical textbook, and Japanese top officials’ visit to the Yasukuni shrine.To facilitate FTA between Korea and Japan, several policies and strategies may be recommended. They include institutional change, cultural change, use of exclusion and phase-in options for sensitive sectors, and separation of economic issues from political ones.

      • KCI등재

        산림교육 패러다임 분석틀의 개발과 적용

        이재영(Jae-Young Lee),김인호(In-Ho Kim),전정일(Jeong-Il Jeon),정수정(Sue-Jung Jung),곽정난(Jung-Nan Gwak),송성아(Seong-Ah Song),권혜선(Hye-Seon Kwon) 한국환경교육학회 2008 環境 敎育 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was aimed at developing and providing textbook writers with information and materials required to introduce forest education ideas and paradigm into primary, middle, and high school students, responding to establishment of the new national curriculum. Research methods included interview with school teachers, literature review on forest education and policy, analysis of writings and drawings of elementary school students. As a primary result, the study produced a framework that can be applied to analyze and understand how people think of and put a value on forest, consisting of 1) Resource-Economic Perspective, 2) Environmental-Ecological Perspective, 3) Cultural-Educational Perspective, and 4) Existential-Ethical Perspective. To test its validity, the developed framework was applied to the processes of reorganizing and interpreting the outcomes of teacher interview and writings and drawings of elementary school students. The results of applications showed that current school education mostly focused on ecological-environmental (about 50%) and cultural-educational (about 30%) perspectives on forest. To improve the quality of current forest education in schools, five main directions including integration, balance, interrelatedness, identity, and systematic approaches were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        가정교과의 내재적 목적에 관한 고찰

        홍은정 한국가정과교육학회 2008 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        Historically the value of the secondary Home Economics subject matter has been justified with the extrinsic aim to satisfy the needs of the individual and family and of the society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the educational and philosophical significance of the knowledge in Home Economics education through reasoning out its intrinsic aim. From the point of discipline-based curriculum, Home Economics as 'the structure of knowledge' constitutes the curriculum of the secondary Home Economics subject matter and contributes to understanding the family life intellectually with its unique perspective. When students understand these theoretical contents, they will internalize the core idea of Home Economics so that their cognitive perspective on family life is developed or widened. With this cognitive perspective, they are able to discover the aspect of family life from their daily life, to interpret and judge every situation properly. It is the presupposition of socially expected practical problem solving that makes Home Economics education intrinsically meaningful. In conclusion, the secondary Home Economics curriculum needs to be reinterpreted or reorganized as the structure of knowledge, not as fragmentary informations or facts, through which the broad cognitive perspective on family life is developed and Home Economist's mode of thinking is transmitted.

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