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        초등학생의 자기조절력 향상을 위한 긍정적 타임아웃 실행연구

        기윤옥,오익수 한국초등상담교육학회 2017 초등상담연구 Vol.16 No.4

        이 연구는 학급긍정훈육법(Positive discipline in the classroom; PDC)에서 제안하는 문제해결기술인 긍정적 타임아웃의 실행연구이다. 이 연구의 연구 문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생의 자기조절력 향상을 위한 긍정적 타임아웃을 어떻게 구성해야 하는가? 둘째, 긍정적 타임아웃은 초등학생의 자기조절력에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 H초등학교 3학년 학생 21명(한 학급)을 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 연구참여자의 교실에서 Kemmis와 McTaggart의 자기반성적 실행 연구 사이클 모형에 따라 ‘계획-실행-관찰-반성’의 과정을 반복하며 예비, 1차, 2차에 걸쳐 실행연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 효과적인 긍정적 타임아웃을 구성하려면 활용 전, 중, 후의 단계로 나누어 단계별로 실행계획을 짠다. 긍정적 타임아웃 활용 전 단계에는 학급을 대상으로 감정 수업이 필요하며, 긍정적 타임아웃 공간의 목적이 감정을 조절하기 위한 것임을 안내한다. 활용 중 단계에서는 긍정적 타임아웃 후 학생들의 반응을 살피고, 수업시간에 공간을 남용하는 문제 등이 생기더라도 항상 학급 회의나 개인 면담 등 상황에 맞는 방법을 통해 문제해결 방안을 모색하는 것이 효과적이다. 활용 후 단계에서는 긍정적 타임아웃의 효과를 분석하고 새로운 적용을 계획한다. 이러한 결과는 PDC의 한 방법인 긍정적 타임아웃이 초등학생 스스로 자신의 감정을 파악하여 이를 회복하는데 유익하며, 또한 자기조절력을 향상시킬 수 있음을 시사한다. The study was an action research of a positive time-out, which was proposed as a problem solving skill among the PDC methods. The research questions of this study were as follows: First, how can positive time-out be constructed to improve elementary students’ self-regulation? Second, what effects does positive time-out have on elementary students’ self-regulation? The study participants were 21 students (in one class) who were 3rd graders at H elementary school. To the participants’ class, action research was conducted through the preliminary, first, and second stages, following Kemmis and McTaggart’s self-reflective action research cycle model, which consisted of the process of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The findings of the study were as follows. In order to construct an effective positive time-out, it was recommended that positive time-out is implemented through three stages: before, during, and after the use of the positive time-out. Before the positive time-out is executed to the class, it is needed that an emotion education is provided to the students and the purpose of the time-out is introduced in relation to the regulation of emotions. During the execution of the positive time-out, students’ reactions should be observed. Even if there are problems involving the abuse of positive time-out during the lesson, class meetings, individual interviews, or other proper methods are effective to seek solutions to such problems. After the execution of the positive time-out, its effects should be analyzed and discussed for applying the positive time-out newly. These results showed that the positive time-out as a PDC method is helpful for elementary students to understand and restore their emotions on their own, and that it can improve elementary students’ self-regulation.

      • KCI등재

        남은 시간 인식이 회상기억에 미치는 영향

        안미소(An, Mi So),김혜리(Ghim, Hei-Rhee) 한국노년학회 2018 한국노년학 Vol.38 No.1

        사회정서적 선택이론에 의하면, 사람들이 자신의 미래가 길다고 인식하면 미래지향적인 삶의 목표를 가지나, 짧다고 인식하게 되면 삶의 목표가 현재의 정서적 만족을 추구하는 것으로 변화된다. 따라서 나이가 들어 남은 인생기간이 짧다고 인식하게 되면, 현재의 정서 상태를 긍정적으로 유지하기 위해 부정적인 자극보다 긍정적인 자극에 더 주의하고 더 잘 기억하게 되는데, 이를 긍정성 효과라 한다. 본 연구에서는 사회정서적 선택 이론의 주장과 같이 긍정성 효과는 남은 인생기간이 짧다고 인식하여 나타나는 현상인지를 연구하였다. 참가자에게 시간이 확장되거나 제한되는 가상의 상황에 대한 시나리오를 제시하고 그 상황에서 어떤 일을 할 것인 지, 누구와 시간을 보내고 싶은지 등에 대해 대화를 나누도록 하여 가상의 상황에 몰입하도록 하였다. 그 후 긍정, 부정, 중립적인 정서 사진들을 제시하고 10분 후에 회상시켰다. 75명의 대학생과 65명의 노인이 연구에 참여하였다. 남은 인생기간을 조작하지 않는 통제조건에서 노인은 부정사진 보다 긍정사진을 더 많이 회상하는 긍정성 편향을 보였으며, 청년은 반대로 부정사진에 대한 편향을 보였다. 시간확장조건의 노인은 통제조건의 노인에 비해 긍정사진을 덜 회상하였고 부정사진은 더 많이 회상하였다. 이에 반해 시간제한 조건의 청년은 통제조건의 청년에 비해 부정사진을 덜 회상하였다. 이는 노인도 남은 인생기간을 길게 인식하면 긍정 회상이 감소하고 부정 회상은 증가하여 긍정성 편향을 보이지 않는다는 것을 보여준다. 반대로 청년의 경우 남은 시간이 제한적인 상황에서 부정 회상이 감소하는 긍정성 편향과 유사한 반응을 보였는데, 이러한 반응은 노인이 보이는 반응과 유사한 것이다. 이러한 결과는 긍정성 편향은 남은 시간을 제한적으로 인식할 때 나타나는 현상임을 보여준다. According to socioemotional selectivity theory, if people perceive their time left in life as expanded, they have a future-oriented goal of life, but if perceive as limited the goal of life is changed into the pursuit of present emotional satisfaction. Thus, if we perceive our time left as getting limited as we get older, we pay more attention to the positive stimuli than the negative ones and remember more the positive stimuli in order to maintain the current emotional state as positive. This is known as the positivity effect. This study examined whether the positivity effect is caused by a limited future time perspective. The participants were presented with scenarios for hypothetical situations in which the future time was expanded or limited, and were encouraged to immerse in the virtual situation by talking about what they would like to do and whom they wanted to spend time with. Then the participants were presented with 48 positive, negative, and neutral emotional pictures and were asked to recall after 10 minutes delay. 75 university students and 65 elderly participated in the study. In the control condition where the future time perspective was not manipulated, the elderly showed the positivity effect but the youth showed the bias toward negative pictures. The elderly in the expanded time condition recalled positive pictures less and negative pictures more than the elderly in the control condition. On the other hand, the youth in the limited time condition recalled less the negative pictures than the youth in the control condition. These results demonstrated that the elderly did not show the positive bias when the future time perspective was expanded, and that the youth showed the positive bias when the future time perspective was limited. These results show that the positivity effect is related with the limited future time perspective.

      • Development of Time-location Weighted Spatial Measures Using Global Positioning System Data

        한대권,이기영,Jongyun Kim,Deborah H. Bennett,Diana Cassady,Irva Hertz-Picciotto 환경독성보건학회 2013 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.28 No.-

        Objectives Despite increasing availability of global positioning system (GPS), no research has been conducted to analyze GPS data for exposure opportunities associated with time at indoor and outdoor microenvironments. We developed location-based and time-weighted spatial measures that incorporate indoor and outdoor time-location data collected by GPS. Methods Time-location data were drawn from 38 female subjects in California who wore a GPS device for seven days. Ambient standard deviational ellipse was determined based on outdoor locations and time duration, while indoor time weighted standard deviational ellipse (SDE) was developed to incorporate indoor and outdoor times and locations data into the ellipse measure. Results Our findings indicated that there was considerable difference in the sizes of exposure potential measures when indoor time was taken into consideration, and that they were associated with day type (weekday/weekend) and employment status. Conclusions This study provides evidence that time-location weighted measure may provide better accuracy in assessing exposure opportunities at different microenvironments. The use of GPS likely improves the geographical details and accuracy of time-location data, and further development of such location-time weighted spatial measure is encouraged. Keywords Global positioning system, Indoor time-location weighted spatial measure,Time-location data

      • KCI등재

        직급별 감사투입시간과 감사품질(재량적 발생액)에 관한 연구

        문태형 한국회계정보학회 2017 회계정보연구 Vol.35 No.4

        This study tested a hypothesis through discretionary accruals by modified Jones model (1995) on relation between audit times for each position and audit quality, using a total of 2,372 client samples from FY2014 to FY2015. In the results of regression analysis of audit times (log) for each position and discretionary accruals in the hypothesis 1, the results of regression analysis of natural logarithms of audit times for each position on discretionary accruals, proxy of audit quality, showed that the natural logarithms of audit times in all positions except audit times (log) in director in charge was significant positive (+) value. The same significant results as those of previous studies were shown for all positions in Big4 accounting firms in the hypothesis 2. However, in Non-Big4, it was shown to be significant only in audit times for quality control reviewer (QRNL) and registered certified public accountant (RANL). This study’s implications obtained from the above conclusion are as follows. First, this study extended the in sample size and audit times for each position. It is empirical analysis using audit times by 5 positions disclosed in auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements of all listed companies in FY2014 and FY2015 according to Revised Act on External Audit of Corporation in 2014. Second, it is a study analyzing the difference of effect that audit times by all of 5 positions have on the audit quality of Big4 and Non-Big4 according to the revised standards. 본 연구는 외부감사인이 감사계약 체결을 위하여 감사위험을 평가할 때 경영자의 이익조정 가능성을 예측할 수 있는지 여부에 대하여 분석하였다. 감사위험은 비정상감사보수와 비정상감사시간으로 측정하였다. 이익조정은 실물이익조정과 발생이익조정으로 구분한 다음 실물이익조정의 대용치로 비정상영업현금흐름, 비정상재량적비용, 비정상제조원가 등을 사용하고, 발생이익조정의 대용치로는 재량적발생액과 추정모형에 ROA를 반영한 재량적발생액을 사용하였다. 실물이익조정 세 가지 변수와 발생이익조정 두 개 변수에 대하여 요인분석을 실시한 결과 비정상재량적비용과 비정상제조원가 변수는 반대의 부호로 동일한 요인으로 분류되었으나 비정상영업현금흐름은 발생이익조정 두 개의 변수와 부호가 반대로 동일한 요인으로 묶이었다. 고정효과모형으로 분석한 결과, 실물이익조정의 대용치인 비정상재량적비용과 비정상제조원가는 감사위험의 대용치인 비정상감사보수(비정상감사시간)에 대하여 기대되었던 부호는 각각 음(-)과 양(+)이었으나 검증결과는 모두 양(+)이었다. 비정상영업현금흐름은 비정상감사보수(비정상감사시간)으로 측정된 감사위험에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과에 대하여 본 연구는 감사인이 감사보수와 감사시간을 산정할 때 경영자의 이익조정 가능성을 보지 못하고 경영자의 경영전략(스타일)을 보는 것이라고 해석하였다. 경영자가 공격적 전략으로 재량적 지출을 증가시키고 적정수준 이상의 생산을 할 경우 감사인은 감사위험이 높다고 판단하고, 반대로 보수적(소극적)인 경영방침으로 재량적 지출을 최소화하고 최소재고 유지 생산을 한다면 감사위험이 낮다고 판단하는 것으로 보았다. 발생이익조정의 대용치인 재량적발생액과 추정모형에 ROA를 반영한 재량적발생액은 비정상감사보수로 측정한 감사위험에 약하게 음(-) 영향을 미치고 있었으나 비정상감사시간에는 영향을 미치지 않고 있었다. 이와 같은 결과도 감사인은 경영자의 이익조정 가능성을 보지 못하고 경영자가 공격적 또는 소극적(보수적) 경영전략을 채택하는지에 따라 감사위험을 판단하는 것으로 해석하였다. 외부감사인이 감사위험을 평가할 때 시차적으로 인지하기 어려운 당해연도 발생이익조정 대신에 전년도의 발생이익조정을 고려하여 당해연도 감사위험을 평가하는지를 분석하였으나 유의한 결과를 얻지 못하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Phrase positional effects on F0 peak timing in Tokyo Japanese

        Cho,Hyesun 한국음성학회 2011 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.3 No.3

        This paper investigates phrase positional effects on the timing of F0 (pitch) peaks in Tokyo Japanese disyllabic words with varying accent type (HL or LH) and phrase position (final or non final). The F0 peak timing was normalized by the total word duration ('normalized H timing'). The normalized H timing was significantly affected by accent type and phrase position. The H timing was later in the LH accent type than in the HL accent type, and in non final positions than in final positions. In addition, to examine the validity of the quantitative results, different models of phrase position effects were compared by measuring H timing in two approaches: normalization versus relative distance measures. For the normalization measures, the H timing was measured as the time of the F0 peak divided by the total word duration or by the duration of the tone bearing syllable. For the relative distance measures, the H timing was measured as the distance in milliseconds from the end of the word or from the end of the associated syllable. The best model was the normalization by the total word duration, rather than by the duration of the tone bearing syllable. This means that phrase positional effects on the timing of F0 peaks in Japanese disyllabic words are best modeled in terms of proportion of the total word duration.

      • KCI등재후보

        鄕歌의 時間意識 硏究

        趙然淑 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.13

        Human life fundamentally inheres in time and space. The stream of time corresponds to the stream of consciousness. And the consciousness of time forms our own private time by realizing our own activities or experiences. The consciousness of time can turn the physical and objective time into the unique and special one for individuals. Especially in literature, the consciousness of time gives birth to another meaning for readers. Hence, in the study of literature, understanding the consciousness of time will be a good suggestion for the deeper understanding of literary works. The consciousness of time shown in hyangga can be divided into two categories: the positive consciousness of the present time and the negative consciousness of the present time. The positive consciousness of the present time is mainly shown in 'four-line hyangga', which contains features of Korean folk songs. All of the 'four-line hyangga' has the present tense, singing the things of 'now' and 'here'. The positive consciousness of the present time means the attitude of the belief in the present life at the very moment. It doesn't believe in the past life and the future life. It doesn't stand above religion towards Heaven, either. In these respects, the positive consciousness can be said the existential consciousness of time. The negative consciousness of the present time is mainly shown in 'ten-line hyangga'. The negative consciousness is future-oriented, denying the present time and yearning for the future. The present time in 'ten-line hyangga' is the time of loss and lack, meaning negation. Consequently, the poetic speakers in the works long for the future, that is, the new time and the new world. The future is not the time of loss and lack, but it is the time of abundance and fullness. For them, the future is the holy time to complete their living.

      • KCI등재

        직급별 감사투입시간과 감사위험에 관한 연구

        문태형 한국회계정보학회 2017 회계정보연구 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze decision factors of the audit risk, by using the audit times for each position announced in the audit report of Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System(DART) of the Financial Supervisory Service from FY2014. The sample of this study sets up a regression model that sets the audit times of each position classified as the dependent variable announced from FY2014 to FY2015 in DART, and as the independent variables and the control variables that can affect the audit risk. This study sets up hypotheses based on the previous studies and identifies though the regression analysis what decision variables of the audit risk there is that influence the audit times of each position. The independent variables are the audit profitability, the ratio of accounts receivable of the total assets, the ratio of the inventory asset of the total assets, auditor designation, initial audit, the stock trading market, debt ratio and audit opinion. The control variables are natural logarithms of total assets, year dummies and industrial dummies. The audit times of each position, the dependent variable, conducts the regression analysis of panel A that used the ratio(%) of the times of each position and conducts the regression analysis of panel B that used natural logarithms(log) of the times of each position. Classification of each position used in this study includes auditors such the quality management reviewer, director in charge, registered accountant, probationary accountant, and expert in computer audit etc., presented in Clause 2, Article 7, 2014 Revised Act on External Audit of Corporation. In the regression model, the audit times(log) of the registered accountant had the best explanation power. In the case that the audit times(log) of the registered accountant was used as the dependent variable, the audit times was found to significantly increase in the auditor designation company, the initial audit company, the company with high debt ratio, the company that received not the unqualified opinion either in this term or in the last term, and the company with big natural log value of the total assets. As for the audit profitability, the audit profitability is decreased as the audit times of the registered accountant increases. 본 연구에서는 2014회계연도부터 전자공시시스템의 감사보고서에 공시된 직급별 감사투입시간을 사용하여 감사위험의 결정요인에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 본 연구의 표본은 전자공시시스템에서 2014년에서 2015년까지 공시된 직급별 감사투입시간을 종속변수로 하고 감사위험에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 변수들을 독립변수와 통제변수로 하는회귀모형을 설정한다. 선행연구를 바탕으로 가설을 설정하고 회귀분석을 통하여 각 직급별 감사투입시간에 영향을 주는 감사위험 결정변수가 어떤 것들이 있는지 확인한다. 독립변수는 감사수익성(REV), 총자산에서 매출채권의 비중(ARA), 총자산에서 재고자산의 비중(INA), 감사인 지정유무(AFD), 초도감사여부(NEW), 주식거래시장(KSE), 부채비율(LEV), 감사의견(OPINION)등 이며, 통제변수로는 총자산의 자연로그(NLA), 연도더미(YDUMMY), 산업더미(IDUMMY)가 있다. 종속변수인 직급별 투입시간은 전체 투입시간 중 직급별 투입시간의 투입비중(%)을 사용한모형 A와 감사위험변수에 대한 회귀분석, 직급별 투입시간의 자연로그값(log)을 사용한 모형B와 감사위험변수에 대한 회귀분석을 실시한다. 본 연구에서 사용된 직급별 구분은 2014년에 개정된 주식회사의 외부감사에 관한 법률 제7 조의 2(감사보고서 작성)에서 제시한 품질관리검토자, 담당이사, 등록회계사, 수습회계사, 전산감사등 전문가로 분류한다. 회귀모형에서 등록공인회계사의 감사투입시간(RCNL)이 가장 설명력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 등록공인회계사의 감사투입시간(RCNL)을 종속변수로하는 경우 감사위험변수인 감사인지정기업, 초도감사기업, 부채비율(LEV)이 높은 기업, 당기, 전기에 적정의견이 아닌 감사의견을 받은 기업, 총자산의 자연로그(NLA)의 값이 큰 기업일 경우에 유의하게 감사시간이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 감사수익성에 있어서는 등록공인회계사의 감사투입시간이 증가할수록 감사수익성은 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        심야쇼핑의 긍정적 요인이 소비자의 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        채명수(Myung Su Chae),정갑연(Gap Yeon Jeong) 한국마케팅학회 2009 마케팅연구 Vol.24 No.2

        최근 심야시간에 쇼핑을 하는 소비자가 증가함에 따라 이들에 대한 관심과 이해의 필요성이 점차 높아지고 있다. 이에 심야쇼핑에 긍정적으로 영향을 미치는 주요 요인으로 기존 연구에서 거론되었던 시간적 여유를 비롯하여 매장내 비혼잡성, 주차편의성 및 서비스 대기시간 등을 고려하였다. 또한 이러한 변수들이 긍정적 쇼핑감정과 쇼핑스트레스에 어떠한 영향을 미치며, 또한 이 두변수가 심야소비자의 재방문의도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 총 203명의 심야소비자를 대상으로 분석을 실시한 결과, 시간적 여유, 매장내 비혼잡성, 주차편의성 및 서비스대기시간이 긍정적 쇼핑감정에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 반면에 쇼핑스트레스와 관련해서는 시간적 여유와 매장내 비혼잡성이 쇼핑스트레스에 영향을 주는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한 긍정적 쇼핑감정과 쇼핑스트레스는 소비자의 재방문의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 실증 분석결과를 바탕으로 이론적, 실무적 시사점이 제시되었으며, 연구의 한계점과 미래의 연구방향에 대해서도 언급하였다. Recent legal and societal development has provided an impetus for rethinking retailers` opening hours. In many European countries, large supermarket chains are now developing an interest in extending their opening hours up to 24 hours. Many retail companies in Korea recently are extending their operation times as well. Geiger(2005) suggested that night-time consumers perceive night-time shopping favorably because of lack of crowd, convenience of parking space, and short waiting time. Also, Richbell and Kite (2007) identified that Night-time consumer frequently came to night-time store owing to several positive determinants of night-time shopping such as time availability, lack of crowd, convenience of parking space, short waiting time, and good relationship with sales clerk and security. Following two conceptual night-time shopping studies, four main factors which have the important effects on night-time shoppers` intention for revisiting the same discount stores were selected from the previous studies. Also, the role of mediating variables was examined. That is, the determinant variables will influence the night-time shoppers` intention for revisiting the same discount stores indirectly through shopping emotion and shopping stress. To prove hypotheses related to these variables, the data were collected by personal interviews with the night-time shoppers at the large discount stores in Korea. Although total 230 people participated in this survey, we just utilized reliable responses from 203 respondents except inappropriate and insincere responses. A confirmatory factor analysis conducted for a measurement model that includes the seven constructs like time availability, lack of crowd, convenience of parking space, short waiting time, positive shopping emotion, shopping stress and revisiting intention. It appears that the goodness-fit indices reached an acceptable level in general such as x2=274.034(d.f.=229, p=0.02), CFI=0.980, RMSEA=0.03. It was found that measures have convergent validity and discriminant validity. A structural equation model was specified to test the hypotheses and was analyzed through AMOS 7.0. The model`s goodness-of-fit was acceptable in general with x2=282.67(d.f..=233, p<0.01), GFI=0.910, CFI=0.980, RMSEA=0.026. As predicted, firstly, time availability, lack of crowd, convenience of parking space, and short waiting time were proved to have the significant positive effect on shopping emotion. Secondly, convenience of parking space, and short waiting time except for time availability and lack of crowd did not show any negative effects on shopping stress. Additionally, positive shopping emotion was proved to have the positive effect on night-time shoppers` intention for revisiting the same discount stores whereas shopping stress influenced negatively. The value of this research lies in its goal to go beyond the night-time shopping guidelines suggested in the prior studies of night-time shopping(Geiger, 2005; Richbell and Kite, 2007). The original contribution of this empirical study is to provide the first research of night-time shopping in a large 24-hour discount store in Korea. It has identified a number of practical implications and suggests future research agenda. This study of night-time shopping suggests a number of new areas for further research. First, we should extend the scope of these results by collecting more diverse samples, defining the suggested concepts more precisely, and making every efforts to provide more adequate measures. Second, for the future study, it may seem important to look more shopping facility such as a night market, a 24-hour convenience store and so on. Third, we also need to find more determinants of night-time shopping. Fourth, we need to know whether the overall profile of the night-time consumer differs significantly from that of the typical day shopper. Finally and perhaps most importantly, detailed discussions with the night-time consumers are required. Such discus

      • KCI등재


        초팽염(Jiao, Peng-yan) 한국중어중문학회 2021 中語中文學 Vol.- No.85

        본고는 중국어 "(在)+시간성분" 구조중의 "在"의 출현과 생략 현상에 대한 연구이다. 전치사인 "在"는 시간을 나타낼 때 꼭 사용해야할 때가 있는 반면에 사용하면 안 될 경우도 있으며 사용유무와 상관없는 경우도 있다. 시간성분 앞에서 "在"의 사용에 어떤 제약조건이 있는지, 이런 제약 조건들이 "在"의 개념구조와 어떤 관련이 있는지를 고찰하기 위해 먼저 중국 중편소설 하나를 선정하고 택스트로 삼았다. 먼저 텍스트 안에 나온 "(在)+시간성분"을 모두 찾아내어 의미적 분류와 통사적인 분포를 고찰하였다. 살펴본 결과 시간 성분 앞에 "在"의 사용 제약조건을 통사,의미,화용 등 3가지 측면에서 찾을 수 있었다. 첫째, "(在)+시간성분"앞에 부사나 능원동사 같은 성분이 있으면 "在"는 일반적으로 생략할 수 없다. 둘째, 명확하거나 구체적인 시간성분, 특히 숫자가 들어간 시간 성분 앞에는 "在"을 일반적으로 사용하지 않는다. 반면 복잡한 동사구와 방위사와 같이 사용한 경우나 지시대명사의 수식을 받은 복잡한 명사구조가 시간을 나타낼 때는 일반적으로 "在"를 사용한다. 이런 언어현상은 "在"의 개념구조와 긴밀한 관계가 있다. "在"를 사용하면 그가 포함한 개념요소들이 복잡하거나 모호한 의미와 매칭을 시켜 시간축에 있는 위치를 정하게 할 수 있기 때문이다. 이미 시간축에서 명확한 위치를 나타낼 수 있는 성분이면 "在"를 사용할 필요가 없다. 셋째, "在"의 사용이 임의적인 경우에 사용하면 화자가 그 시간성분을 강조하는 의미를 나타낼 수 있다. "在"의 개념구조중에 사물이나 사건이 시간축과 접촉하는 위치를 나타내기 때문에 그 위치가 일정하므로 시간축에서 부각시킬 수 있는 것이다. This paper focuses on the occurance of "Zai" in the structure of "(Zai) + Time element ". Through the quantitative analysis of the given text, it is found that when the structure of "(Zai) + Time element" expresses the meaning of time, there are three types of "inclusive relationship", "contact relationship" and "segregation relationship" between the time of events and reference time. From the syntactic distribution, it mainly be located in front of the subject at the beginning of the sentence or in front of the predicate after the subject in the sentence. No matter in front of the subject at the beginning of the sentence or behind the subject in the sentence, the structure of "(Zai) +Time element" shows a higher rate of not using "Zai". However, if there are adverbs such as "jiu" and "Zheng" or verbs such as "Hui" and "NENG" before "(Zai) + Time element", the appearance of "Zai" is a kind of syntactic coercion. In "(Zai) + time", if the temporal meaning of the temporal component is not very clear, or it is strongly referential or accessible, and the modifier is more complex, then "Zai" will be used to highlight its temporal meaning, or "Zai" will be used to make it retreat into the background component, so as to highlight the subject component of some events. At the same time, we also find that whether the time element after the subject in the sentence uses "Zai" has a certain relationship with the subject. In other words, in addition to syntactic constraints, "Zai" used in "(Zai) + Time element" sometimes highlights the position of the reference object on the time axis, and sometimes highlights the position of the target object on the time axis. In the final analysis, it is the economic principle of human language that plays a role and is dominated by the economic principle of language.

      • New Criteria for Finite-Time Stability of Linear Time-Delay Systems

        Tiantian Huang,Yuangong Sun 제어로봇시스템학회 2019 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.10

        In this paper, we discuss the finite-time stability of linear time-delay systems. Firstly, by constructing a time-varying quadratic Lyapunov function, we establish a new finite-time stability criterion for the general linear time-delay system. Then, explicit conditions for finite-time stability of positive linear time-delay system are proposed in terms of linear inequalities by introducing a time-varying linear copositive Lyapunov function. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

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