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        『예루살렘 공성전』과 『워킹 데드』: 서구 피포위 심리 연구

        이희구 한국중세근세영문학회 2017 중세르네상스 영문학 Vol.25 No.2

        We find the same mentality in these two very different narratives with an enormous time gap: Siege of Jerusalem, an alliterative poem of the 14th century and the Walking Dead, a zombie apocalypse graphic novel of the 21st century. Both narratives are centered around siege warfare where Roman soldiers and zombies lay siege respectively to Jews behind walls and to survivors inside a prison, and develope the extreme fear of being surrounded and killed by enemies. This siege mentality explains the ways in which a nation (an individual) reacts to hostile situations of real/imaginary isolations. Siege of Jerusalem retells a traditional narrative of vindicta salvatoris whose anti-semitism caused its unusual popularity among 14th century English people who had anxiety and fear of being surrounded by Jews with their blood libel and monetary might. Sadistic enjoyment of violence on Jewish others was justified by political theology of exception status (Christians) and “bare life”(Jews). Walking Dead reflects fear of others in the US in the form of a zombie narrative. The prison episode depicts a situation in which survivors are stranded in a prison surrounded by zombies. Prison in the narrative is a felicitous metaphor of America surrounded by terrorist attacks as well as prisons themselves full of young black Americans. Unlike the Roman emperors and the soldiers of Siege of Jerusalem, the American survivors in the prison of the graphic novel are justified to use merciless violence on zombie others (and readers are allowed to enjoy the pleasure of it) only because of the pretense of being victims in the zombie apocalypse. This self-victimization in the narrative mirrors the ethics of the formal democracy and political correctness against the others. It is with critical comparison of the two narratives that this paper aims to ask ethical questions of how we can love our neighborly others within a western/westernized construct of siege mentality.

      • KCI등재

        이스라엘의 핵개발 결정과 핵전략: 포위심성(siege mentality)의 적용

        부승찬 세종연구소 2017 국가전략 Vol.23 No.2

        This article seeks to find the drive for Israel’s nuclear development decision and nuclear strategy, in siege mentality. Siege mentality refers to a collective psychological state in which the actors assume the international community's intentions and attitudes as always negative towards them. Siege mentality is composed of two negative emotions, fear and distrust. Meanwhile, states or groups seized by siege mentality believe they cannot and should not expect aid from outside because they have been abandoned by the international community. Israel experienced the Holocaust and Independence War. From these incidents, Israel formed a distrust of the international community and of sponsors, and also fear of threats from aggressive states. If Israel distrusts the very entities that were believed to secure its survival, while there is persisting fear of threats from aggressive states, then it would have had no choice but to decide nuclear weapons and adopt a unique nuclear strategy that would differentiate from other nuclear powers. The results of the study are also suggestive of studies on North Korea's nuclear weapons program. If we can systematically analyze the secretive nature of the North Korea’s siege mentality, it will also provide meaningful explanations for North Korea's nuclear weapons program and its nuclear strategy. 이스라엘에는 ‘국제사회의 의도나 행태가 자신에게 항상 부정적이라고 인식하는 집단적 심리상태’인 포위심성이 내재돼 있다. 포위심성은 국가가 생존 위기에 직면한 상황에서 국제사회가 무관심으로 일관하거나 오히려 자국에게 적대적인 행위를 취할 때 형성된다. 이스라엘의 포위심성은 생존을 위협하는 홀로코스트와 독립전쟁의 상황에서 국제사회가 보인 적대적이고 부정적인 행태로 인해 형성되었다. 포위심성에 사로잡힌 국가는 스스로가 국제사회에서 버림받았다고 여기기 때문에 생존의 위협에 직면해서도 외부의 지원을 기대할 수 없으며, 기대해서도 안 된다고 인식한다. 이스라엘이 자국의 생존을 위해 핵개발에 나선 것이나, 여타 핵보유국들과는 차별화되는 독특한 핵전략을 채택해 유지하는 것도 포위심성에서 비롯되었다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 결과는 북한 핵문제에 관한 연구에도 시사하는 바가 크다. 만일 북한에 내재된 포위심성의 인식체계를 체계적으로 분석해낼 수 있다면, 북한의 핵개발이나 핵전략을 규명하는데 있어서도 유의미한 설명력을 제공할 것이다.


        North Korea`s Siege Mentality: A Sociopolitical Analysis of the Kim Jong-un Regime`s Foreign Policies

        ( Bomi Kim ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2016 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.40 No.2

        North Korea’s siege mentality is deeply rooted in negative experiences with out-groups in history. This worldview dominates its society and is the foundation of its mistrust toward the outside world. It has also become a crucial instrument for stable governance, social cohesion, and the regime’s allocation of resources. However, in foreign affairs, negative or aggressive attitudes toward other nations are not beneficial for international cooperation and are more likely to intensify North Korea’s isolation. Since a siege mentality is not an unchangeable disposition, its maintenance depends on deliberate reproduction by political, cultural, and educational mechanisms. The international community should assist North Korea to establish new ideas on threats, convey accurate information about out-groups, and reinterpret its views of the outside world.

      • KCI등재

        North Korea’s Siege Mentality: A Sociopolitical Analysis of the Kim Jong-un Regime’s Foreign Policies

        김보미 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2016 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.40 No.2

        North Korea’s siege mentality is deeply rooted in negative experiences with out-groups in history. This world view dominates its society and is the foundation of its mistrust toward the outside world. It has also become a crucial instrument for stable governance, social cohesion, and the regime’s allocation of resources. However, in foreign affairs, negative or aggressive attitudes toward other nations are not beneficial for international cooperation, and are more likely to intensify North Korea’s isolation. Since a siege mentality is not an unchangeable disposition, its maintenance depends on deliberate reproduction by political, cultural, and educational mechanisms. The international community should assist North Korea to establish new ideas on threats, convey accurate information about out-groups, and reinterpret its views of the outside world.

      • KCI등재

        동서양의 피포위 공포 연구

        이희구(Heegoo Lee) 한국동서비교문학학회 2015 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.33

        Monsters signify the underlying fears of their ages. Zombies and monstrous titans are felicitous symbols of the fear we currently face. Zombies lumbering around for human flesh without any social or biological reasons stir up our fear in a survivalist world. Titans in Attack on Titan like zombies devour humans for indecipherable causes. Both of them lay siege to human beings inside buildings or walls, and drive them insane consuming their flesh. Remaining human survivors under siege suffer from extreme fear of being surrounded and consumed by enemies. This mindset is siege mentality which explains how a nation or an individual reacts to a hostile situation of real or imaginary isolation. The soaring popularity of zombies and titans attests to the siege mentality we have in our survival-of-fitness world. This paper aims to analyze this mentality or fear in Walking Dead and Attack on Titan from dual perspectives of “fear of others” and totalitarian nation, and from different imperial experiences of the United States and Japan which have shaped their attitudes toward others and controllership of the nations against their respective citizens.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 피포위의식(Siege Mentality)과 역사적 단절-한국전쟁기 원산을 중심으로-

        현명호 ( HYUN Myungho ) 국제한국문학문화학회 2021 사이 Vol.31 No.-

        본 논문은 한국전쟁기 원산을 대상으로 펼쳐진 공습과 포위공격을 중심으로 북한 피포위의식(siege mentality)의 형성과정을 살펴본다. 특히 한국전쟁에 기원을 둔 것으로 알려진 북한의 피포위의식이 의미하는 북한지역 근현대사의 단절 문제를 집중적으로 조명한다. 한국전쟁의 기원에 관한 연구들은 주로 일제시대나 해방기에 초점을 맞춰 한국전쟁의 발발과정을 추적해왔다. 한국전쟁기의 지역사를 다루는 연구는 전쟁이 가져온 지역 행정 및 정체성의 근본적 변화와 전후 복구 과정에서 북한식 도시 공간이 출현하는 모습에 주목했다. 이 연구는 원산이 가지고 있던 바다와 육지를 잇는 산업·상업 중심지이자 동북아시아 지정학의 거점이라는 역사성이 한국전쟁 기간 어떻게 변화했는지, 또 그 과정에서 생겨난 북한의 피포위의식이 태평양전쟁기에 구상된 방공호가 일상이 된 생활과 어떠한 관계가 있는 지에 초점을 맞춘다. 이러한 역사적 단절과 새로운 일상을 이야기하기에 원산이 적당한 사례로 보이는 이유는 전쟁 기간에 전개된 도시 공간의 철저한 파괴에 있다. 원산은 한반도 다른 지역보다 이른 시기부터 미군의 공중폭격을 받아 교통과 산업 시설이 파괴되었다. 미 해군의 상륙 작전이 전개될 것에 대비해서 수많은 기뢰가 원산 앞바다에 뿌려져 바다와 육지와의 연결이 단절되었으며, 태평양전쟁기처럼 장기간 지속된 미 해군의 포위 작전으로 방공호의 삶이 일상이 되는 모습을 보였다. 이런 사실로 보아 한국전쟁은 원산 역사에 있어서 역사사회학자 윌리엄스웰이 말하는 것처럼 오래된 변화의 추세를 종료시키고 근본 구조를 탈바꿈시키며 새로운 일상을 만들어 낸 사건이었다. 그 결과 형성된 새로운 일상은 이전 시대의 유산을 재료로 삼는 특징을 보이기도 했다. This paper examines the formation of North Korea’s siege mentality, focusing on the air raids and siege attacks on Wonsan during the Korean War. In particular, it addresses how North Korea’s siege mentality, which is known to have its origins in the Korean War, represents a discontinuity in the northern Korean region’s modern and contemporary history. Existing historical studies on the Korean War mainly investigate the Japanese colonial period or the post-liberation period to show its origins, and previous studies on wartime local history focus on the regional administration and identity changes brought about by the war, the post-war recovery process, and the appearance of North Korean-style urban space. Instead, this study interrogates how Wonsan’s historical role as a regional industrial and commercial hub and a geopolitical center in Northeast Asia ended during the Korean War. It further reveals how the emergence of daily lives based on air defense shelters in wartime Wonsan stood for an early form of North Korea’s siege mentality and the materialization of the defensive mentality conceived during the Pacific War. The reason why Wonsan seems to be a suitable case to discuss the historical discontinuity and the origin of a new defensive daily life lies in the thorough destruction of its urban space during the war. US air raids targeted Wonsan earlier than other regions, comprehensive sea mining closed its longstanding maritime transportation, and the siege of Wonsan, the longest naval blockade in modern history, transformed the defensive strategy into a daily routine. To use historical sociologist William Sewell’s terms, the Korean War was an ‘event’ that ended the old ‘trends’ of Wonsan’s industrialism and commercialism. It also entailed new defensive ‘routines’ that foreshadow the siege mentality that still affects North Korean life today.

      • KCI등재

        Inter-Korean Relations: From Nuclear Confrontation to Peaceful Coexistence

        ( Tae-hwan Kwak ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2018 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.23 No.1

        President Moon Jae-in has tried hard to make his efforts to restore frozen inter-Korean relations for nine years under two conservative presidents. As a result, inter-Korean relations are now improving on the Korean peninsula. Koreans lived in reality under the risk of a possible nuclear war on the Korean peninsula. The contributing factors leading to the potential crisis on the Korean peninsula include the US-ROK joint military exercises, North Korea's nuclear test/ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch tests, a war of words between the US and North Korean leaders, and demonstrations of US strategic assets in 2017 surrounding the Korean peninsula. This article briefly evaluates President Moon’s North Korea policy, root-causes of North Korean nuclear armament, and five conditions for North Korean nuclear abandonment. The article makes a creative proposal for a three-phase roadmap for denuclearization and a peace regime building on the Korean peninsula. Finally, the author will make policy suggestions for denuclearizing the Korean peninsula and establishing a permanent peace system on the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        Inter-Korean Relations: From Nuclear Confrontation to Peaceful Coexistence

        곽태환 국방대학교 국가안전보장문제연구소 2018 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.23 No.1

        President Moon Jae–in has tried hard to make his efforts to restore frozen inter - Korean relations for nine years under two conservative Presidents. As a result, inter-Korean relations are now improving on the Korean peninsula. Koreans lived in reality under the risk of a possible nuclear war on the Korean peninsula. The contributing factors leading to the potential crisis on the Korean peninsula include the US-ROK joint military exercises, North Korea's nuclear test/ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch tests, a war of words between the US and North Korean leaders, demonstrations of US strategic assets in 2017 surrounding the Korean peninsula. This article briefly evaluates President Moon’s North Korea policy, root-causes of North Korean nuclear armament, five conditions for North Korean nuclear abandonment, and makes a creative proposal for a three-phase roadmap for denuclearization and a peace regime building on the Korean peninsula. Finally, the author will make policy suggestions for denuclearizing the Korean peninsula and establishing a permanent peace system on the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재

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