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      • KCI등재

        학교폭력 예방을 위한 스포츠의 필요성과 대책

        김하영,심승보,최석환 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2023 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.11 No.3

        This study was conducted to find ways to increase the prevention effect of school bullying by exploring domestic and foreign school bullying prevention measures and prevention programs using sports activities. It is meaningful to use it as basic data for related research by presenting the direction for school bullying prevention measures and prevention programs. Through consultation with experts, various media and information such as domestic and foreign literature on school bullying, online sites, news, and preceding studies were selected as research materials. Afterwards, the results of the analysis by categorizing into the analysis of domestic ‘eoulim’ programs, the necessity of sports to prevent school bullying, and the search for preventive measures through sports are as follows. School bullying prevention programs consist of guidelines for the overall contents of the curriculum rather than prevention through physical activities, and prevention programs and measures using sports is insufficient. Among sports activities, it is necessary to actively utilize Taekwondo, which is a traditional Korean sport and a form of holistic education, in schools. Specifically, as a result of previous studies, Taekwondo showed improvement in students' learning satisfaction and prevention of school bullying. Therefore, research on the development of school bullying prevention programs using Taekwondo should be activated.

      • KCI등재

        또래괴롭힘(bullying)의 개념과 법적규율 -학교폭력예방 및 대책에 관한 법률과 관련하여-

        김종구 ( Jong Goo Kim ),박지현 ( Ji Hyun Park ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2014 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.27

        School violence and bullying are worldwide trends with various negative effects including victim`s suicide. The prevention of school violence and bullying are major concern of national policy of Korea. Korea has passed anti-school violence law named “Act on the Prevention of and Countermeasures Against School Violence”. Article 2 of the Act defines school violence and bullying. However the definitions of school violence and bullying are too broad and too vague. The term school violence used in the Act includes battery, assault, confinement, abduction, defamation, insult, extortion, coercion, forced errand, sexual violence, bullying and cyber-bullying. The problem is that the definition of school violence includes both criminal behaviors and non-criminal behaviors such as bullying. It causes the vagueness of the definition. One of the major factors leading to school violence is bullying. However, bullying is different from school violence because bullying involves repeated behaviors that shows imbalance of power. Thus, this paper argues that the Korea Act has to focus on bullying and define bullying more specifically. This kind of revision will contribute to better understanding and effective application of the Act.

      • KCI등재후보


        모닝 ( Mou Ning ),이상모 ( Lee Sangmo ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2024 국제법무 Vol.16 No.1

        The phenomenon of bullying in schools is an important social problem worldwide, threatening the safety and psychological well-being of students. The phenomenon of bullying in schools is also seriously occurring in China. In addition, numerous cases affecting hundreds of thousands of students are reported every year. However, despite the increasing social interest and the implementation of various policies in China, there are significant gaps in the legal system aimed at the prevention and management of bullying in schools. Through a thorough analysis of the problem of bullying in schools in China, this paper evaluates the limitations of the current legal system necessary to solve and prevent these cases. School bullying in China involves a variety of behaviors, including physical violence, verbal abuse, social exclusion, and cyberbullying. The complexity of these behaviors and the often covert nature of events are difficult to resolve within the existing legal system. The laws related to current school violence in China are mainly the “Minors Protection Act” and the “Youth Crime Prevention Act”. However, its contents are broad or ambiguous, making it ineffective in certain cases of bullying, and inconsistent in its enforcement and application. To this end, we look at how countries such as the United States, Germany, France, and Japan have developed legal systems to respond more effectively to school harassment. For example, the United States has state laws in place that provide clear definitions and guidelines for schools to follow in bullying cases. The German approach integrates bullying prevention into the curriculum and requires cooperation between various government agencies. Through this analysis, we present relevant legal and institutional improvements for the prevention of school violence in China and suggest implications for Korea. In other words, it is proposed to build a more comprehensive legal culture by expanding from schools to home and social domains with a specialized legal system that clarifies the definition of harassment, specifies legal responsibility, and sets enforceable standards for prevention and response, as well as strong inter-ministerial cooperation and stronger enforcement mechanisms.

      • KCI등재

        통합예술교육을 활용한 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램이 초등학생들의 학교폭력 인식 및 자아존중감에 미치는 영향

        정희자 한국예술교육학회 2018 예술교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of "The custom-made school-bullying prevention program using integrated arts education" is to help students to subjectively make a violence-free school culture. Instead of the current passive school-bullying prevention program, we need a new education program that helps students to solve the problem for themselves and to heal themselves. Only when this kind of education is provided, the assaulter, the sufferer and even the bystander, all together can open their minds and solve the problem, prevent the problem, and heal the old wounds. Based on this recognition, I began to develop a new school-bullying prevention program using integrated arts education from 2017. The first stage of the program is the pre-survey stage which consists of 3 steps. First, I surveyed whether there were school bullying problems at each school, second, I let the students to discuss about the perception on the school-bullying. And third, students put themselves into the stand point of the assaulter, the sufferer and the bystander and then I let them express their feelings into the rap. The second stage is the problem adhesion stage. In this stage, I implemented "The custom-made school-bullying prevention program using integrated arts education" in which the dancers and the musicians performed the play using the rap prepared in advance. Students learned the rap and the danced the hip-hop together. In the third stage, students had a moment to reflect the mind of the assaulter, the sufferer and the bystander through paintings, posters, slogans and letter-writings. And then, the students discussed about the outcomes. Finally, I implemented the follow-up survey to investigate the effects of the program. The test results show that "The custom-made school-bullying prevention program using integrated arts education" affects positively on the students' perception on the school-bullying problem and it enhances the self-esteem of the students as well. 본 연구의 목적은 통합예술교육을 활용한 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램이 초등학생들의 학교폭력 인식 및 자아존중감에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위함이다. 연구자는 2017년부터 통합예술교육을 활용한 새로운 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램 개발을 시작하였다. 본 프로그램은 총 3단계로 구성되어 있으며 1단계는 사전답사 단계로첫째, 학교별 학교폭력 유무를 파악하고 둘째, 학생들로 하여금 학교폭력 인식에 대한 토론을 학급별로 하게하며 셋째, 가해자, 피해자, 방관자의 입장이 되어 랩 가사로 표현하는 문학적 접근 과정을 갖도록 하였다. 2 단계는 문제 고착화 단계로 ‘통합예술교육을 활용한 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램’을 실행하였는데, 이 단계에서는 미리 준비한 랩 가사를 프로그램에 적용시켜서 공연을 하고 함께 랩을 불러보고, 힙합 춤을 추는 체험의장을 갖도록 하였다. 3단계에서는 그림, 포스터, 표어, 편지쓰기 등을 이용하여 가해자, 피해자, 방관자의 마음을 되돌아보는 시간으로 학교폭력을 어떻게 해결할 수 있는지에 대한 토론의 장을 마련하였다. 본 프로그램을진행한 결과 첫째, ’통합예술교육을 활용한 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램’은 초등학생들의 학교폭력 인식에 긍정적 변화를 가져왔다. 둘째,‘통합예술교육을 활용한 학교폭력예방 교육프로그램’은 초등학생들의 자아존중감 향상에도 긍정적 영향을 준 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI우수등재

        초등학생의 학교폭력 경험유형에 따른 어울림 학교폭력예방 프로그램 효과 분석

        박효정,김현진,한미영 한국교육학회 2016 敎育學硏究 Vol.54 No.4

        본 연구는 초등학생의 학교폭력 경험유형에 대한 어울림 학교폭력예방 프로그램의 적용효과를 분석하여 어울림 프로그램 확산 지원에 대한 필요성을 제시하기 위해 수행되었다. 본 연구는 2015년 어울림 프로그램에 참여한 162개 초등학교에서 학생 29,404명을 대상으로 하여 학교폭력 경험유형별로 어울림 프로그램 전·후 심리사회적 역량 변화 및 학교폭력 경험유형별 어울림 프로그램 효과의 차이를 살펴보았다. 또한 이러한 심리사회적 변화가 학교적응에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가를 탐색하였다. 연구결과, 피해학생은 자기존중감, 의사소통이 긍정적으로 성장하였으며, 가해학생은 공감 및 갈등해결 역량이 성장하였고, 가피해학생과 무경험 학생은 감정조절을 제외하고 모든 심리사회적 역량이 긍정적으로 변화하였으며, 특히 무경험 학생의 심리사회적 발달 및 학교적응에도 더욱 효과적인 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 어울림 프로그램이 모든 학생들의 심리사회적 발달에 긍정적 영향이 있을 뿐 아니라 긍정적인 학교문화 형성에도 기여할 것이라는 점을 시사하였다. 본 연구에서는 어울림 프로그램이 초등학교의 단위학교로 확산되는 데에 필요한 실증적 자료를 제시하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있다. To suggest the importance of expending support on Aulim school violence prevention programs, this study investigated the effects of the Aulim school violence prevention programs according to elementary school students’ school bullying experience types. Participants were 29,404 students in 162 elementary schools participating 2015 Aulim programs. This study inquired the Aulim programs’ effects on changes of psychosocial competence according to school bullying experience types. Also, we investigated how the changes of pschosocial competence influenced students’ school adjustment. The results show that positive improvement were revealed in self-esteem, communication skills among victims, in empathy and conflict resolution among bullies, and all psychosocial competence except emotional regulation among bully-victims and non-school bullies. Especially, the programs were the most influential on non-school bullies’ psychosocial development and school adjustment. These results imply the Aulim programs will enhance all students’ positive development and school environment. This study suggested that the results supplies the practical evidences to expend the Aulim programs in elementary schools.

      • KCI등재

        학교폭력 자문 전문가를 대상으로 한 학교폭력 예방 및 대처방안 연구

        임윤지(Lim, Yon-Ji),김하영(Kim, Ha-Young) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        School bullying is usually described as aggressive behavior, which is an individual or a group of individuals attacks, humiliates. and/or excludes a relatively powerless person (Olweus, 1993). The purpose of current research was to examine the issues and causes by interviewing professional student advisers and to develop management plans of school bullying. The subjects for this research were recruited from 5 different school bullying organizations. The subjects had more than 5 years experiences in their fields. The data were collected by interviewing the participants using open ended questionnaires. The interviewed data were categorized with 6 different subtitles. including cause of school bullying, school teachers" indifferences and legal problems, educational contents of school bullying, connections of relevant organizations, timing of prevention education. and understanding of students social and individual issues. According to the experts of school bullying, there were many different ways of school bullying in education fields. such as physical. verbal. and cyber harrassment. Also overall the results showed that those categorized factors generally related to the not only the students issues but also the legal issues and teachers" indifferences, thus to prevent those school bullying in the future, all the cares and concerns for the students are needed.

      • KCI등재

        학급 내 집단 괴롭힘에 대한 담임교사의 경험과 개입과정에 대한 연구

        방기연,이규미 한국심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate school teachers' experiences regarding bullying incidents in their own homerooms. Most bullying occurs in schools and thus teachers are essential to intervention efforts. However, research on bullying did not investigate the voice of teachers. Therefore, this study investigated the school teachers' experiences on bullying in their homerooms. A purposeful sampling approach was used to generate information-rich cases that illuminated the study and elucidated variation as well as significant common patterns with in that variation. Criteria for inclusion were to have bullying incidents in their homerooms in recent 2 years. Nine teachers, seven females and two males, participated in this study. Five of them worked at elementary schools and four of them worked at secondary schools. Each case was idiosyncratic but shared commonalities. Teachers did not recognize bullying phenomena until the victim was extremely suffered. Teachers lose their confidence as a classroom manager since they realized their limit and did not know how to intervene. Teachers investigated the bullying phenomena and stopped violent actions of bullies. Teachers referred victims to professional counselors. After experiencing bullying, teachers were always alert regarding bullying and observed all students, and asked once in a while student leader about classroom atmosphere. Teachers also helped potential victims to have a friend. Their prevention efforts were rewarded as no bullying after all, but teachers were always anxious that bullying might happen again. They lost their confidence because of bullying incidents and tried to recover their confidence as a classroom manager through entering graduate programs in counseling and joining teachers' networks. The results of this study were discussed as moral and psychosocial education regarding bullying and tolerance about individual differences. Also this study discussed the role of school counselors. 본 연구는 지난 2년 내 학급에서 집단 괴롭힘 사건이 발생한 적이 있는 9명의 담임교사를 면접하여 교사의 사건에 대한 대응, 사건 후 인지적․정서적 경험을 조사하고, 교사에게 집단 괴롭힘 경험이 의미하는 바를 탐색하였다. 교사들은 자신이 인식하지 못하는 사이 집단 괴롭힘 사건이 진행되고 있었다는 것을 알게 되었을 때 학급 운영자로서의 자신감을 상실했고, 어떻게 개입해야 하는지 몰라서 막막했다. 교사는 집단 괴롭힘 사건의 성격과 관여한 학생들을 조사하고, 가해 학생을 훈육하고 부모에게 가해 사실을 알렸다. 교사가 피해 학생의 부모에게 자녀의 피해사실을 알린 경우도 있지만, 피해 학생의 부모는 교사보다 먼저 자녀의 피해 상황에 대해 알고 있는 경우가 많았다. 집단 괴롭힘 사건 이후 교사들은 집단 괴롭힘을 허용하지 않을 것을 학생들에게 명확히 밝혔고, 항상 학급에 별다른 일은 없는지 관찰하였다. 또한 믿을 수 있는 학급 임원들에게 학급의 상황을 보고받았고, 괴롭힘을 당할 가능성이 높은 학생에게는 친구를 붙여주었다. 이러한 담임교사들의 집단 괴롭힘 예방 활동은 효과적이었으며 그 후 집단 괴롭힘 사건은 재발하지 않았다. 하지만 여전히 교사들은 집단 괴롭힘에는 해결책이 없다고 인식하고 있었으며, 집단 괴롭힘이 언제 다시 일어날지 몰라 불안해했다. 교사들은 집단 괴롭힘 사건을 통해 상실한 학급 운영자로서의 자신감을 회복하기 위해 교육대학원 입학과 교사 동호회 참여 등의 노력을 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 선행연구들의 결과와 비교하여 논의되었으며, 집단 괴롭힘 현상에 대한 보다 포괄적인 심리사회적 교육의 필요성과 전문상담교사의 역할에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        학교폭력의 실태 및 대응방안

        정우일(Jung, Woo Il) 한국범죄심리학회 2012 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.8 No.1

        오늘날 학교폭력은 저연령화, 집단화, 광역화되어가고 있으며, 그 양상도 성인범죄를 모방하고 있어 시간이 지날수록 흉포화, 교묘화, 지속화되어 가고 있는 추세에 있다. 학교폭력이란 학교 내외에서 학생 간에 발생한 상해, 폭행, 감금, 협박, 약취·유인, 명예훼손·모욕, 공갈, 강요·강제적인 심부름 및 성폭력, 따돌림, 정보통신망을 이용한 음란·폭력 정보 등에 의하여 신체·정신 또는 재산상의 피해를 수반하는 행위를 말한다. 학교폭력은 학교라는 환경적 특성상 일 년 동안 같은 학급 학생들과 지속적으로 생활하기 때문에, 피해 경험은 일회성인 경우보다 한 학기 이상 지속적인 경우가 많다. 정부는 학교폭력 문제의 심각성을 인지하고 학교폭력의 예방과 대처를 위해서 다양한 대책을 실시하고 있으나 가시적인 성과를 내지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 우리나라 학교폭력의 현황 및 실태를 고찰해 보고, 핀란드의 KiVa 프로그램을 살펴보았다. KiVa 프로그램은 학교폭력의 예방 및 대응과 관련하여 우리에게 많은 시사점을 준다. 각 나라의 문화와 교육 상황이 상이하므로 반드시 이 프로그램이 한국의 문제 상황에 적합하다고 할 수는 없으나 다양한 프로그램 개발에 참고사항이 될 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 학교폭력의 대응방안으로 첫째, 학교폭력 프로그램의 개발·실시, 둘째, 집단상담 프로그램의 실시, 셋째, 학교현장에서의 대처 강화, 넷째, 경찰의 적극적 개입 등을 제시하였다. The definition of school bulling and violence includes several key elements physical, verbal, or psychological attack or intimidation that is intended to cause fear, distress, or harm to the victim. An Imbalance of power(psychological or physical) with a more powerful child (or children) oppressing less powerful ones, and repeated incidents between the same children over a prolonged period of time. According to this definition, it is not bullying when two persons of the same strength (physical, psychological, or verbal) victimize each other. School bullying can occur in school or on the way to or from school. KiVa is a research-based antibullying program that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The effectiveness of KiVa has been shown in a large randomized controlled trial. In Finland, KiVa is a sought-after program: 90 % of all comprehensive schools in the country are registered KiVa schools implementing the program. Therefore this study offers four recommendations to cope with school bullying and violence: First, developing the various programs to prevent school bullying and violence. Second, Carrying out the collective counseling programs to prevent a recurrence of school bullying and violence. Third, Dealing positively with school bullying and violence in school scenes. Fourth, Police' s intervening actively in serious school bullying and violence cases.

      • KCI등재

        Bullying in Elementary Schools in the United States: Students' Perspectives

        이은주 ( Lee Eun-ju ) 한국아동권리학회 2002 아동과 권리 Vol.6 No.2

        학교 내의 '집단 괴롭힘'은 오랫동안 학교 내 문제였으나 최근에 공공문제로 부각되었다. 초등학생들의 '집단 괴롭힘'의 인식과 반응은 학교 내의 '집단 괴롭힘'의 문제를 예방하는 첫 단계로 볼 수 있다. The Expect Respect Project는 초등학교의 '집단 괴롭힘'을 예방하기 위한 교육프로그램이다. 본 연구는 The Expect Respect Project를 받은 초등학생들의 행동변화, 학생들이 배운 점, '집단 괴롭힘' 빈도의 변화를 측정하기 위해 초등학생 소그룹을 분석하였다. 초등학생들은 이 프로젝트를 통해서 행동변화와 '집단 괴롭힘'을 하지 않고 다른 사람들을 존중해야 하는 것을 배웠다고 보고하였으나 실제적으로 초등학교내의 '집단 괴롭힘 빈도수는 줄지 않았다. 후행 연구를 위한 제안점이 논의되었다. Although the incidents of bullying on school campuses have long been prevalent, this issue is just now being addressed in public. Students' awareness and response are regarded as a first step to prevent the problem of bullying at school. The Expect Respect Project is a school-based program to prevent bullying in elementary school. This study analyzed the student focus groups to explore the students' awareness and behaviors, the students' learning, and the incidents of bullying at school after the Expect Respect Project. Students reported that they were changed and learned not to bully and to respect others, but still bullying had not really decreased. Finally, suggestions for further research are discussed.

      • 학교 내 집단따돌림 예방에 관한 연구

        박상진(Park, Sang Jin) 한국범죄심리학회 2008 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.4 No.1

        얼마 전까지만 해도 사람들은 자기 자신이 다른 사람을 따돌린다는 것에 대하여 범죄의식 뿐만 아니라 문제의식 또한 갖지 않았다. 단지 주위에서 흔히 일어나는 일이고 또한 대인관계 속에서 일어날 수 있는 흔한 일 이라고 여겨 생각되어 왔다. 그러나 최근 학교에서의 집단따돌림은 학생이라는 특수한 신분아래 행해지는 단적 폭력으로 다른 학생을 따돌리고 폭력을 행사하는 것은 엄연한 범죄로 인식되고 있다. 집단따돌림의 경우 단순한 폭력 범죄로 여기기보다 더욱 심각한것으로 죄의식을 갖지 못하는데 있다. 많은 학생들이 집단따돌림으로 인해서 자살, 정신병을 가지게 되고 또한 그것이 어린 나이에 그치지 않고 가해자나 피해자가 성장했을 때도 영향을 미치게 된다. 더 이상 집단따돌림을 방관만하고 있을 때는 아니라 생각한다. 특히 학교에서의 집단따돌림 현상은 담당선생님 등 감독자의 눈을 피해 교묘하게 이루어지고 그 피해 또한 회복하기 어렵다. 집단따돌림의 원인으로 첫째, 획일적인 교실문화 둘째, 집단따돌림에 대한 교사들의 인식부족 셋째, 친구로 부터의 고립 넷째, 집단따돌림에 대한 범죄의식 부족과 같은 문제를 가지고 있다. 집단따돌림의 대책 방안으로 첫째, 학생참여 프로그램의 개발, 둘째, 배움터 지키기 제 전면 실시 셋째, 또래․또래 프로그램 도입 넷째, 집단따돌림의 개념 재정립을 통한 범죄의식 고취와 같은 정책 도입 및 개선을 통하여 학교 내 집단따돌림을 근절해야 한다. It was not before long people thought bullying is neither crime nor the social problems. It was considered as common behavior which happens frequently, and it was also thought to be common among the interpersonal relations. Bullying at school has been getting serious, however, due to its offender's status as the students and its victims's status as the students. Besides, it is no wonder to call the use of violence against their peers as crime and it can't be overlooked because the offenders are young and have immature mind. What is worse, they don't have the sense of guilty at all. Lots of students have killed themselves or psychosis because of bulling. Furthermore, its influence both the offenders and the victims even after they grow up. Now it is time to take actions. Especially bullying at school is being done cleverly, escaping notice of school teachers and other adults. And it is also hard to recover the damage. Therefore, The followings are the reasons of bullying: changing school culture because schools have become bigger, for teachers, the lack of understanding on bullying, for students, the isolation from peers and the lack of perception as crime on bullying. To remove these problems beforehand, co-programs in classrooms, carrying out the school police throughout the nation, introduction of ’peer to peer’ program and the instillation of awareness of bullying as crime are needed.

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