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        미국의 국가식품안전관리체계 평가 사례연구

        이희정 한국식품위생안전성학회 2017 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        For more efficient and proactive safety control of imported food, new trend in U.S. is emerging, which assesses the food safety control systems of exporting countries using Systems Recognition Assessment Tool and helps ensure safety of imported foods. This study examines trends in development and application of assessmemnt tool and country assessment reports in U.S. where an active discussion on this issue is in progress. The expert interviews were also conducted. U.S. Systems Recognition Assessment Tool was developed by FDA to recognize the potential value in leveraging the expertise of foreign food safety systems and help ensure safety of imported food. The tool is comprised of ten standards and provides an objective framework for determining the robustness of trading partners’ overall food safety systems. Using its own tool, the U.S. FDA conducted a preliminary assessment of the food safety control systems of New Zealand and Canada. According to the U.S.-New Zealand and the U.S.-Canada assessment reports, the overall structure of the systems was similar between the countries. In summarizing the opinions of experts, such a trend in National Food Safety Control System Assessment may be utilized in the sanitary assessment and the control of imported food border inspection frequency before importing food. It would contribute to more effective distribution of national budget and increased public trust. Additionally, international collaboration as well as securing of qualified experts and sufficient budget appear to be crucial to further increase the utility of National Food Safety Control Systems Assessment. In conclusion, firstly, it is critically important for the competent authority of South Korea to proactively respond to international trend in National Food Safety Control System Assessment by identifying the details of its background, assessment purpose, core assessment elements, and assessment procedures. Secondly, it is necessary to identify and complement the weaknesses of Korea’s food safety control system by reviewing it with U.S. Systems Recognition Assessment Tool. Thirdly, by adapting the assessment results from imported countries’ food safety control systems to the imported food inspection intensity, the resources previously used in inspecting the imported food from accredited countries can be redistributed to inspecting the imported food from unaccredited countries, and it would contribute to more efficient imported food safety control. Fourthly, the competent authority of South Korea should also consider developing its own assessment tool designed to reflect the unique characteristics of its food safety control system and international guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        An Assessment Model of Owner Safety Management and its Application to Real Estate Projects

        Ruipeng Tong,Chunlin Wu,Yang Li,Dongping Fang 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.22 No.5

        Establishing a scientific and applicative safety management assessment system is crucial in improving safety performance oforganizations. Currently, there are few studies on owners’ safety management assessment systems. Based on the behavioral-basedsafety theory, this paper explores the links among safety management system, safety management behavior, safety management stateand safety performance, which constitute an assessment model that characterizes the features of safety management. It then proposesa safety management indicator system that applies to real estate owners. The applicability and effectiveness of the system is verifiedby a four-year case study with a real estate owner. Relationships between safety management system, safety management behavior,safety management state, and their main impacting factors are obtained. Results indicate that the assessment model makes safetyevaluation clearer and demonstrates significant correlations between different safety management issues. Owners’ safetymanagement system is established and implemented favorably under the safety management assessment indicator system. This paperpresents a profound understanding of safety management assessment, in which the safety management assessment model and theindicator system is applied effectively in practice. To improve safety management level, specific theoretical and practicalimplications lead researchers and practitioners to pay more attention to safety management assessment.

      • KCI등재

        인과네트워크 기반의 제품 리스크 평가모델 연구

        서정대 한국기업경영학회 2015 기업경영연구 Vol.22 No.5

        Product safety management means the various activities to protect the safety of the consumer against the hazard arising from product accidents in the whole process of manufacture, import and distribution of goods including industrial and electrical products. In other words, it includes the implementation of the various activities including production and importation of safe products, product safety assessment, safety certification and confirmation by the safety assessment, and recall the accident and illegal products through market surveillance activities to market products. This study presents a new product risk assessment model based on bayesian network model as a tool for risk assessment needed for product safety that reflect the casual relationship affecting the product risk and shows an application example. For the risk assessment, the structure of the network is designed hierarchically to factor layer, accident layer, and injury layer and the probabilities and the conditional probabilities of each layers are derived. The factor layer is composed of the product defect factors and the use environment factors including factors such as subject of use, hours of use, and place of use. The accident and injury layer is composed of accidents caused by the factor layer and injuries caused by the accidents. Finally, the product risk is determined based on the probabilities and severities of injuries by reference to PI(probability impact) matrix. The severity of injury is obtained by calculating ISS using AIS presented in IISC. For the injury, damages to property as well as personal injuries are considered. An example applying the risk assessment model presented in this paper to the stroller is shown and the model is compared with EU RAPEX RAG and Japan’s R-Map. The two methods are representative method that is currently being presented related to the risk assessment. The EU RAPEX RAG, as a method based on the scenario, composes possible scenarios and assesses the scenarios and adopts the higher risk to the final risk. As a result, it is shown that the EU RAPEX RAG and the model presented in this paper gives the same results each other. Japan’s R-Map, on the other hand, gives one step higher result compared to the result of this paper. This can be seen because it follows the R-Map manual regulation when different types of injuries occurred together the strictest definition is adopted because R-Map does not assess separately each incident of injury. The model of this paper overcomes the subjectivity of probability of the scenario steps and infinity of the scenario creation that scenario-based assessment methods have. It also have the advantage that a more elaborate assessment is possible as the risk is assessed by deriving the probability and severity of injury by the types of injury. At present, the classification basis for safety management of the products in Korea is weak because there do not exist standardized risk assessment methods to classify the products into the categories for safety management. The model in this paper is a systematic and leading assessment model in Korea and can be utilized to review the current products managed by regulations and classify them into the new categories or derive reasonable and objective safety management levels for the new products. Also the model can be utilized to support the development of inherently safe products in the process of the development of the new products in the companies by letting themselves to assess the risk of the products. Further research should be the problems to ensure the reasonableness of the derivation process of the subjective product defect probabilities and the conditional probabilities if there does not exist data relating accidents. In addition, there may be problems reviewing the appropriateness of classification of the products by applying multi-variate cluster analysis if there exist data relating accidents and comparing it with the results of t... 제품 안전관리는 공산품 및 전기제품 등의 제조 및 수입, 유통의 전 과정에서 제품사고로 인해 발생하는 위해로부터 소비자의 안전을 보호하는 제반 활동을 의미한다. 즉, 안전한 제품의 생산 및 수입, 제품안전성 평가, 안정성 평가결과에 의한 안전인증 및 확인, 시장 출시 제품에 대한 시장감시 활동을 통한 사고 및 불법제품의 리콜 등 다양한 활동의 수행을 포함하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 제품 안전관리에 필요한 제품 리스크 평가를 위하여 리스크에 영향을 미치는 인과관계를 반영한 새로운 평가기법으로서 베이지안네트워크 기반의 확률적 모델을 적용한 리스크 평가모델을 제시하고 적용사례를 보인다. 리스크 평가를 위하여 요인계층, 사고계층, 부상계층 등으로 인과네트워크 구조를 설계하고 각 계층확률 및 조건부확률을 도출한다. 요인계층은 제품결함요인과 사용주체, 사용시간, 사용장소 등을 포함하는 사용환경요인으로 구성한다. 사고계층과 부상계층은 요인계층에 의해 발생하는 사고와 사고에 의해 발생하는 부상으로 구성한다. 최종적으로 부상확률과 부상심각도를 바탕으로 리스크를 결정한다. 본 모델의 적용 예를 보이기 위하여 유모차 사례분석을 통해 평가모델 프로토타입을 제시하고 유럽(EU RAPEX RAG)과 일본(NITE R-Map)의 기법과 비교한다. 본 논문의 모델은 시나리오 기반의 평가기법이 지니고 있는 시나리오 생성과정의 무한성과 확률 도출과정의 주관성을 극복하고 있다. 또한 부상 유형별로 부상확률과 부상심각도를 도출하여 리스크를 평가함에 따라 더욱 정교한 평가가 가능한 장점을 가지고 있다.

      • 환경영향평가와 지하안전영향평가의 연계방안 연구

        현윤정 ( Yunjung Hyun ),사공희 ( Gonghee Sa ),차은지 ( Eun-jee Cha ) 한국환경연구원 2016 수시연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        최근 지반침하사고로 인한 인적·물적 피해가 증가하고, 지하안전에 대한 국민의 불안감이 커지면서 국토교통부에서는 지반침하 예방 및, 체계적인 지하 안전관리를 목적으로 「지하안전관리에 관한 특별법」(이하 「지하안전관리 특별법」)을 제정하였다. 2018년 1월 1일부터 시행 예정인 「지하안전관리에 관한 특별법」은 일정 규모 이상의 지하굴착공사를 수반하는 사업에 대해 지하안전영향평가와 사후지하안전영향조사를 실시하도록 되어있다. 본 연구는 지하안전영향평가제도 시행에 앞서 현행 「환경영향평가법」의 환경영향평가와의 효과적인 연계방안을 도출하여 불필요한 규제와 행정력 낭비 최소화 및 부담 완화를 통해 두 제도의 실행력을 제고하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 두 평가 제도의 목적, 평가시기, 절차와 대상사업, 평가항목 및 방법을 우선 고찰하고, 이를 비교·분석하여 최종적으로 두 평가를 효과적으로 연계할 수 있는 방안과 관련 법·제도(안)을 제시하였다. 환경영향평가는 자연·생활·사회·경제·환경에 미치는 영향을 예측하고 대책을 강구하는 것을 목표로 한다. 한편 지하안전영향평가는 지반침하로 인한 위해 방지와 지하안전에 미치는 영향을 예측하고 대책을 강구하는 것으로, 두 평가는 `환경 보전`과 `지하안전 확보`라는 각각의 차별된 목적을 지닌다. 그러나 대상사업이 중복되는 경우 평가시기와 절차, 평가항목 및 방법 등이 일부 중복된다. 두 평가의 대상사업은 개간 및 공유수면의 매립사업이나 산지개발 사업을 제외한 15개 분야에서 동일한 것으로 파악되었다. 특히, 지하안전영향평가 대상 사업에 「건축법」 제2조에 따른 건축물 설치사업이 포함되어 있는데, 건축물에 대한 환경 영향평가를 실시 중인 서울시, 부산, 제주도의 경우 일부 개발 사업은 두 영향평가를 모두 실시해야 하는 경우가 발생될 것으로 예상된다. 두 제도의 평가항목은 현황조사 → 영향분석 순으로 동일하고, 지하안전영향평가의 평가 항목이 환경영향평가의 세부 평가항목의 일부(지형·지질 부문)와 평가수준이 유사한 것으로 분석되었다. 환경영향평가의 지형·지질 현황에 해당하는 조사방법과 영향예측 부분의 방법에서 지하안전영향평가의 평가항목의 방법과 유사하였다. 단, 환경영향평가의 영향예측에 있어 지반의 안정성을 검토한다면, 지하안전영향평가는 지반 안전성을 검토한다는 것에서 다소 차이를 보인다. 한편 건축물에 대한 환경영향평가를 강화하고 있는 서울시의 경우, 지형의 물리적 변화나 지하굴착에 따른 지반 안정성 검토 등 지하안전영향평가의 항목 및 방법에서 상당 부분이 일치한다. 지하안전영향평가는 환경영향평가와 달리 목적에 부합하는 평가수준이라기에는 일반적이고 모호한 부분이 있어, 양 제도의 차별화가 필요하다. 두 제도는 각각 대상사업의 실시계획·시행계획을 승인하거나 확정하기 전에 평가서를 작성하여 일련의 과정에 따라 협의를 요청하도록 되어 있는데, 협의 요청 및 진행시기가 거의 동시에 진행될 것으로 파악된다. 하나의 사업이 양 제도의 대상사업에 모두 해당되어 두 영향평가를 받아야 하는 경우에, 동일 사업에서 다른 협의내용을 통보받을 경우도 배제할 수 없다. 이는 두 제도의 협의시기가 중복되고 절차가 유사하지만 승인기관 및 협의기관이 다르기 때문에 발생하는 것으로, 평가서 검토나 협의 절차상의 연계가 필요하다. 사후영향 조사에 따른 지하안전영향조사서의 작성과 관련하여 조사기간이나 평가 주체가 명확하지 않지만, 두 제도의 사후영향조사사기와 통보 절차, 결과 통보서 서식 등이 중복된다. 이외에도 현행 환경영향평가에서 지하개발에 대한 평가가 미흡하고, 서울시 환경영향평가와의 평가수준의 차이 등을 이유로 현행 제도 개선도 생각해볼 수 있다. 결론적으로, 환경영향평가와 지하안전영향평가는 근거 법령과 목적이 다르기 때문에, 하나의 개발사업이 두 개의 영향평가를 받는다고 해도 불합리하거나 중복 규제라고 속단할 수는 없다. 다만, 두 평가 제도의 실효성을 제고하기 위해서는 차별성 확보와 연계 방안 마련이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 종합적으로 다음의 연계방안 및 법 제도 개선방안을 제안한다. 첫째, 합리적인 연계기반을 마련하기 위하여 평가항목 및 평가방법의 수준을 조정하는 세 가지 방안을 제안하였다. 1) 제1안은 환경영향평가의 지하개발 관련 평가항목(지형·지질 부문, 지하수 부문, 지반 안정성 부문)을 지하안전영향평가의 평가항목과 일치시키는 방법의 개선(안)을 제안하였고, 2) 제2안에서는 지하안전관리 특별법 시행령 제정법령(안)에서 제시하고 있는 지하안전영향평가의 주요 평가항목을 제도 본연의 목적인 `안전` 관리를 부각시켜 환경영향평가와의 평가항목의 수준을 맞추기 위하여 지하안전영향평가의 평가방법의 개선(안)을 제안하였다. 3) 제3안은 지하안전영향평가의 평가항목 및 평가방법을 서울시 환경영향평가 항목 및 방법과 유사한 수준으로 개선하는 것이다. 둘째, 중복 평가항목 및 방법을 공유하는 방안이다. 1) 두 제도의 평가서 작성 중 하나의 평가에서 지형 및 지질 현황과 지하수 수리수문분석 부문에 대한 조사를 수행한 경우, 다른 영향평가의 평가항목을 면제해주는 방안을 기술하고, 개선(안)을 제시하였다. 2) 평가서 작성 시, 동일 부문의 중복 작성을 회피하도록 평가서 작성 시 중복 활용되는 평가항목에 대한 평가서(가칭 `지형지질 및 지하수 현황조사서`)를 별도 작성하고 제출하는 등의 공유 방안과 개선(안)을 제안하였다. 셋째, 협의절차 상의 유기적 연계방안으로 1) 중복되는 대상사업의 평가가 필요한 경우, 환경부가 주 협의기관이 되고, 국토교통부가 부 협의기관이 되는 등 주 협의기관 지정을 통해 협의절차를 일원화하는 방안과 개선(안)을 제안하였다. 또는 2) 지하안전영향평가에 조건부 협의 제도를 도입해, 두 제도 간의 경미한 보완사항이 발생하면 조건부 협의를 진행할 수 있도록 하는 방안도 제안하였다. 넷째, 사후영향조사의 유기적 연계하기 위하여 1) 관리주체가 동일할 경우 사후영향조사를 동시에 추진하거나, 2) 관리주체가 상이할 경우 조건부 협의제를 도입, 3) 사후영향조사 결과 통보서의 공동서식을 마련하여 공유하는 등의 방안을 제안하였다. 마지막으로, 두 제도의 연계 외에 실행력을 제고하기 위한 정책으로, 1) 지하안전영향 평가의 구체적인 평가내용 및 조사방법에 관한 지침을 마련하고, 2) 환경영향평가의 지하수 부문 작성에 관한 세부지침을 마련하여야 함을 제안하였다. 또한, 3) 영향평가 결과의 질적 향상을 위해 대행비용 산정기준을 현실화하여 현행 환경영향평가에서 미흡한 지형·지질 및 지하수 부문의 질적 수준을 제고하고 4) 두 영향평가의 실행력 확보를 위해 대행업체의 자격을 강화하는 등을 정책을 제안하였다. Recent accidents due to land subsidence caused a human and physical loss, increasing concerns about underground safety. For the purpose of preventing land subsidence and managing underground safety in a systematic matter, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(MOLIT) enacted a special act on 「Special Act on Management of Underground Safety」, in 2016 and it will enforce Underground Safety Impact Assessment(USIA) and post-project safety monitoring for projects with underground construction from January, 2018. When a project involves underground construction, it can become a target for both USIA and Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA). For both impact assessments, projects are expected to be overlapped in 15 areas with exception of pubic water reclamation projects and mountainous area development projects. In some regional local authorities with ordinance including building construction projects as a target for EIA(Seoul, Pusan, and Jeju), possibilities of doubling assessments increase. This study aims to develop a method of linking USIA and EIA, and improve executive ability of USIA by avoiding redundant regulations and reducing administration and executive burden. We compared and analyzed the purpose, target projects, assessment items and methodologies, and procedures of EIA and USIA, then proposed an effective method to link the two assessments as follows. Firstly, for preparation of linking basis, we propose three alternative approaches for adjusting assessment items and methodologies: 1) to select EIA assessment items in Topology, Geology, Groundwater, Ground Stability areas, which are consistent with USIA assessment items, 2) to leave `safety` items in USIA and exclude the rest, and 3) to make USIA assessment items and methodologies similar to Seoul city EIA regulations. Secondly, we propose to two alternatives to share overlapped items and technologies: 1) to carry out topological and geological surveys and analyses of groundwater hydrology in one assessment, then discharge the same work in the other assessment by sharing the results, and 2) to prepare a separate impact assessment statement for doubling items exclusively, then share it in each USIA or EIA. Thirdly, we propose two alternatives to connect the two assessments in consultation procedure: 1) to unify consultation procedure by assigning main consultation authority to either Ministry of Environment(MOE) or MOLIT, and 2) to introduce conditional agreement in USIA in case that some minor corrections could occur during each consultation procedure. Lastly, we suggest three alternatives to connect post-project assessments: 1) to carry out post-project assessments simultaneously when management authorities for USIA and EIA are the same, 2) to adopt conditional countermeasure when two different authorities handle each assessment, and 3) to prepare the same report format and share. Besides of linking strategies, we suggest several policies to improve executive ability of USIA and EIA. 1) It is needed to develop a manual about details of assessment contents and technologies in USIA. Also, 2) detailed manual to assess environmental impacts in Groundwater Hydrology area is needed for EIA. 3) In order to improve qualities of impact assessment in areas of Topology, Geology, Groundwater Hydrology in EIA, cost evaluation standards should be pragmatized. 4) For better writing of assessment statements, agency qualification standards should be reinforced.

      • Safety studies on Korean fusion DEMO plant using Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology: Part 2

        Oh, Kyemin,Kang, Myoung-suk,Heo, Gyunyoung,Kim, Hyoung-chan Elsevier 2015 Fusion engineering and design Vol.98 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The purpose of this paper is to investigate safety issues using Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) proposed by Generation IV Forum Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) for Korean fusion DEMO plant (K-DEMO). In ongoing nuclear energy research such as Generation IV fission power plant (GEN-IV), new methodology based on Technology-Neutral Framework (TNF) has been applied for safety assessment. In this methodology, design and regulatory requirements for safety of nuclear power plants are considered simultaneously. The design based on regulatory requirements can save resource, time, and manpower while maintaining high level safety. ISAM is one of the options to apply TNF in K-DEMO. We have performed safety studies for K-DEMO using Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) and Objective Provision Tree (OPT) which are constitutive part of ISAM. Considering the design phase of K-DEMO, the current study focused on PIRT and OPT for K-DEMO. Results have been reviewed and updated by Korean fusion advisory group after considering the views of specialists from domestic universities, industries, and national institutes in South Korea.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The purpose of this paper is to suggest methodology that can investigate safety issues and provides a case study for Korean fusion DEMO plant. </LI> <LI> The concepts of Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) that can be applied in addressing regulatory requirements and recognizing safety issues for K-DEMO were emphasized. </LI> <LI> Phenomena Identification Ranking Table (PIRT) and Objective Provision Tree (OPT) were performed and updated. </LI> <LI> This work is expected to contribute on the conceptual design of safety features for K-DEMO to design engineers and the guidance for regulatory requirements to licensers. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Towards Safety Based Design Procedure for Ships

        Bakker, Marijn,Boonstra, Hotze,Engelhard, Wim,Daman, Bart The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2001 Journal of ship and ocean technology Vol.5 No.3

        Present-day rules and regulations for the design and construction of ships are almost without exemption of a prescriptive and deterministic nature. Often it is argued that this situation is far from ideal; it does no right to the advances, which have been made during the past decades in engineering tools in marine technology, both in methodology and in computational power. Within IMO this has been realized for some time and has resulted in proposals to use Formal Safety Assessment(FSA) as a tool to improve and to modernize the rule making process. The present paper makes use of elements of the FSA methodology, but instead of working towards generic regulations or requirements, a Risk Assessment Approach, not unlike a 'safety case'; valid for a certain ship or type of ship is worked out. Delft University of Technology investigated the application of safely assessment procedures in ship design, in co-operation with Anthony Veder Shipowners and safety experts from Safely Service Center BV. The ship considered is a semi-pressurized-fully refrigerated LPG carrier. On the basis of the assumption that a major accident occurs, various accident, scenarios were considered and assessed, which would impair the safety of the carrier. In a so-called Risk Matrix, in which accident frequencies versus the consequence of the scenarios are depicted, the calculated risks all appeared lo be in the ALARP('as low as reasonable practicable') region. A number of design alternatives were compared, both on safety merits and cost-effectiveness. The experience gained with this scenario-based approach will be used to establish a set of general requirements for safety assessment techniques in ship design. In the view that assessment results will be most probably presented in a quasi-quantified manner, the requirements are concerned with uniformity of both the safety assessment. These requirements make it possible that valid comparison between various assessment studies can be made. Safety assessment, founded on these requirements, provides a validated and helpful source of data during the coming years, and provides naval architects and engineers with tools experience and data for safety assessment procedures in ship design. However a lot of effort has to be spent in order to make the methods applicable in day-to-day practice.

      • KCI등재

        항공안전데이터를 사용한 위해요인 위험도 정량적 평가기법

        백현진,김준환,임재진,전성진,최영재 한국항공운항학회 2022 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        To manage State Safety Program (SSP) in a more integrative and proactive manner, an aviation safety authority of the state shall detect and assess the risk of emerging or hidden safety hazards before they provoke accidents or incidents(ICAO, 2018). In case of South Korea, safety risk assessment is conducted by calculating the likelihood and severity of the hazard following ICAO’s safety management manual. It is reasonable to extract the safety risk likelihood by calculating the number of occurrence caused by the hazard. However, it is ambiguous to assess the safety risk severity defined as the extent of harm that might be expected to occur as a consequence of the identified hazard. In this paper, a safety risk assessment method which quantitatively calculates the risk of hazard using aviation safety data(i.e. aviation safety mandatory report, etc.) is proposed. By utilizing the proposed method, the existing process that safety risk is being subjectively assessed by safety inspectors can be supplemented. So that essential aviation safety policy decision making can be accomplished by the accurate result of safety risk assessment.

      • KCI등재

        A Novel Approach Based on Fluid Dynamics for On-Site Safety Assessment

        Mei Liu,Heap-Yih Chong,Pin-Chao Liao 대한토목학회 2021 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.25 No.5

        Construction safety assessment is a major component of safety management in construction projects. However, thus far, most assessment studies have focused on either cross-sectional or longitudinal performance. This study aims to develop a proactive and preliminary safety assessment method using a fluid dynamics (FD) approach by integrating longitudinal contractor performance with cross-sectional safety conditions. To this end, an FD framework was first developed using three processes: (a) identifying the connections between FD principles and safety analogs, (b) incorporating the Darcy–Weisbach equation into the framework, and (c) modifying FD equations for construction safety assessment. Subsequently, two case studies were investigated, and the results obtained were compared and verified with one existing assessment results. The results indicate that the state of safety at a construction site incorporates both the occurrence of hazards and conservation of energy. Thus, the proposed FD approach can be used to preliminarily assess and predict safety conditions by combining safety-related measures with the dynamic characteristics of construction processes. The approach considers a comprehensive range of indicators and parameters, which enables the comparison of safety performance between projects or assessment periods by independently changing parameters.

      • KCI등재

        일자리 안전과 보건을 위한 위험성평가 실시 요인 연구: 제조업과 서비스업을 중심으로

        박천수 한국보건사회연구원 2023 保健社會硏究 Vol.43 No.4

        Recently, on-site industrial accidents have been occurring at an increasing rate, highlighting the growing importance of risk assessment in preventing such incidents. I used data from the Occupational Safety and Health Survey (2021) to analyze factors affecting risk assessment participation among manufacturing and service industry workplaces. Among workplaces with 20 or more employees with risk factors in 2020, 72.4% conducted risk assessments, with 51.5% on a regular basis and 20.9% irregularly. The proportion of implementation is higher in the manufacturing industry (81.0%) than in the service industry (60.7%). The fewer the employees, the lower the rate of implementation. Among workplaces with 20-49 employees, 32.4% had never conducted a risk assessment. Regression analysis revealed that risk factors such as noise, explosion, and falling increased the implementation of risk assessment, but harmful rays, keeping a sitting posture for a long time, and emotional labor decreased the implementation of risk assessment. While whether or not having in place an in-house group tasked with the safety and health of employees did not contribute to any significant difference, the presence of an Occupational Safety and Health Committee and safety-and-health education and training increased the likelihood of risk assessment implementation. Employers’ interest in safety and health issues had minimal impact, but supervisors' safety and health management capabilities increased risk assessment implementation. Based on the analysis findings, policy implications were presented to strengthen support for small businesses, promote practical measures such as the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, and increase policy interest in identifying hidden risk factors.

      • KCI등재

        시스템엔지니어링을 적용한 ISEP 개발에 관한 연구

        변보석 ( Bo Suk Byun ),최요철 ( Yo Chul Choi ),박영택 ( Young T Park ) 한국품질경영학회 2013 품질경영학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose an Integrated Safety Evaluation Process (ISEP) that can enhances the safety aspect of the safety-critical system. This process utilizes the advantages of the iterative Systems Engineering process combined with the safety assessment process that is commonly and well defined in many standards and/or guidelines for railway, aerospace, and other safety-critical systems. Methods: The proposed process model is based on the predefined system lifecycle, in each phase of which the appropriate safety assessment activities and the safety data are identified. The interfaces between Systems Engineering process and the safety assessment process are identified before the two processes are integrated. For the integration, the elements at lower level of Systems Engineering process are combined with the relevant elements of safety assessment process. This combined process model is represented as Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagram (EFFBD) by using CORE® that is commercial modelling tool. Results: The proposed model is applied to the lifecycle and management process of the United States aircraft system. The US aircraft systems engineering process are composed of twelve key elements, among which the requirements management, functional analysis, and Synthesis processes are considered for examplenary application of the proposed process. To synchronize the Systems Engineering process and the safety assessment process, the Systems Engineering milestones are utilized, where the US aircraft system has thirteen milestones. Taking into account of the nine steps in the maturity level, the integrated process models are proposed in some phases of lifecycle. The flows of processes are simulated using CORE®, confirming the flows are timelined without any conflict between the Systems Engineering process and the safety assessment process. Conclusion: ISEP allows the timeline analysis for identifying activity and data flows. Also, the use of CORE®is shown to be effective in the management and change of process data, which helps for the ISEP to apply for the development of safety critical system. In this study, only the first few phases of lifecyle are considered,however, the implementation through operation phases can be revised by combining the elements of safety activities regarding those phases.

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