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      • KCI등재

        시진핑 지도부의 사회-경제 정책과 그 선교적 함의

        김성민 ( Kim Sung Min ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2016 복음과 선교 Vol.35 No.-

        This study aims to consider Xi Jinping Government’s national policy of China, and I will especially focus on social policy and economic policy. Because, social and economic areas of a particular country is directly related to mission/ministry in that country than other areas like military, security, diplomatic, industrial and finance. Before considering the social-economic policy of Xi Jinping Government, I will look into the socio economic situations of the previous Hu Jintao Era. Because Xi Jinping Government’s social economic policy comes from the previous Hu Jintao Era’s socio-economic circumstances. Xi Jinping Government’s social-economic policy direction is mainly consists of 8parts: ‘change the way of economic growth’, ‘conversion from manufacturing industry into service industry’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘reducing inequality’, ‘poverty reduction’, ‘improving people’s livehood’, ‘change in social management’. Xi Jinping Government’s social-economic policy direction has four implications in the aspect of China mission: 1) missional implication of ‘change the way of economic growth’ policy direction, 2) missional implication of ‘conversion from manufacturing industry into service industry’ policy direction, 3) missional implication of ‘sustainable development’ policy direction, 4) missional implication of ‘reducing inequality/poverty reduction/improving people’s live hood’ policy direction, 4) missional implication of ‘change in social management’ policy direction. It is necessary to conduct an in-depth study on the social-economic policy of China for establishing and carrying out the precise mission strategy.

      • KCI등재

        최근 일본 통상 정책 변화가 우리에게 주는 시사점 - TPP를 중심으로

        정훈 한일경상학회 2015 韓日經商論集 Vol.68 No.-

        ‘From multinational to bilateral is one of the important trends at present in the world trade environment. Since the late 1990s, Japan has supported a FTA-based trade policy for both a WTO-based multilateral trade system and an active participation in promoting regionalism in relation to bilateral free trade agreements. This policy shift began in earnest with the Japan-Singapore FTA(EPA) in 2002. Thus, this study aims to analyze how Japan has responded to overall environment changes and promoted its trade policies recently. It also takes a look at what relationship exits between East Asia Community and FTA, and how Japan’s EPA, a center of Japan’s trade policy, has progressed. Moreover, this study analyzes TPP that Japan has declared to participate in the negotiation of it in 2013. This study offers policy suggestions and future strategic response to Japan’s trade policy shifts. Chapter 2 will address an overview of Japan’s recent trade policy and characteristics of Japan’s EPA-centered trade strategies. Chapter 3 will address the present situation and prospect of Japan’s TPP policy. Chapter 4 will provide implications for the Korean economy in view of general aspects and suggest Korea’s strategic responses to Japan. 다자주의와 쌍무주의는 오늘날 세계무역 환경에서 하나의 중요한 흐름으로 되어 있다. 1990년대 후반 이후 세계 각 지역에서 지역무역협정의 움직임이 활발하게 전개되면서, 일본의 통상 정책은 다자 간 협상 중시의 통상 정책에서 FTA를 중심으로 양자 간 협상도 더불어 중시하는 중층적 통상 정책을 전개하기에 이르렀다. 2002년 1월에 체결된 일․싱가포르 FTA(EPA)는 중층적 통상 정책으로의 변화를 특징짓는 시발점으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 일본이 세계무역 환경의 변화에 어떻게 대응해 왔으며, 최근에 이르러 자국의 통상 정책을 어떻게 개선해 왔는지를 분석하였다. 또한 동아시아 공동체와 FTA 간에 어떠한 관계가 있으며, 일본의 통상 정책의 핵심인 EPA가 어떻게 진전되어 왔는지도 분석하였다. 더 나아가 본 연구는 일본이 2013년 3월에 협상(교섭)에 참여하겠다고 선언한 TPP에 대해서도 일본의 TPP 정책의 현황과 과제를 중심으로 분석하였다. 이러한 분석들을 통하여 본 연구는 일본의 통상 정책이 한국에 주는 시사점과 아울러 일본에 대한 한국의 대응 방안에 대해서도 기술하였다.

      • KCI등재

        독일 출산지원정책의 젠더적 함의

        박채복 서강대학교 유로메나연구소 2018 통합유럽연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The childbirth support policy has become the subject of public discourse in the process of political issue of family matters in Germany and is a core part of the family welfare policy, because it is directly connected with the strengthening of national competitiveness in line with the phenomenon of low fertility and aging of German society. In particular, the parental leave policy, which has been implemented since 2007 in Germany, is an important milestone in the transition from the male breadwinner model to the dual earner model based on sustainable family policies. The various social changes resulting from the implementation of the parental leave system in Germany are aimed at solving the problem of low fertility and aging due to demographic problems. And that it provided the opportunity to shift social awareness of gender responsibilities for child rearing and awareness of the need for active intervention by the state. This paper examines the gender implications of childbirth policy in Germany. In the process of carrying out family policies for sustainable growth and welfare, this paper focuses on the characters of the changes of the German childbirth policy from the gender perspective. The character of the important reforms and their result of german childbirth policy have been analyzed. In addition, This paper also examines the changes in the direction and characteristics of gender policies and the paradigm of fertility policies as a result of the government’s active intervention.

      • KCI등재

        국가교육과정 관련 국내 연구 동향 탐색: 정책적 활용성을 중심으로

        장수빈 ( Soo Bin Jang ),한동숙 ( Dongsook Han ) 한국교육과정학회 2017 교육과정연구 Vol.35 No.4

        This study aimed to identify trends in national curriculum literature focusing on practical implications for policy. This foundational study evaluated 541 peer-reviewed journal articles published in last three decades to explore their potential for evidence-based policy decision-making. The method of meta-synthesis was used with an emphasis on the policy process and research findings. The analysis revealed that existing literatures are unevenly distributed throughout the policy process; articles were concentrated on policy formation and policy output stages. Additionally, descriptive research exceedingly outnumbered prescriptive research; most descriptive research focus on curriculum making or curriculum documents. Based on the findings, we suggested diversifying curriculum policy formation studies, drawing research attention to the study of curriculum implementation and policy actors' leading role in expanding the number of curriculum evaluation studies.

      • KCI등재

        개성공단사업의 현황, 정책적 함의와 개선과제

        홍양호 ( Yang Ho Hong ) 평화문제연구소 2015 統一問題硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        Gaeseong Industrial Complex(GIC) is a complementary and mutually beneficial inter-Korean economic cooperation project, combining South Korea’s capital and technology with North Korea’s labor and land resources. GIC is virtually jointly managed and operated by the two Koreas based on official agreements signed between South Korean industrial developers including Hyundai Asan and Korea Land and Housing Corporation(LH) and North Korea’s GIC-related organizations such as National Asia-Pacific Peace Committee and Committee for National Economic Cooperation. GIC is also in operation on the basis of inter-Korean institutional schemes established to protect invested assets and ensure safe entry, exit and stay of investors. However, GIC has inherent limitations since it is geographically located in North Korean territory and out of South Korea’s scope of control. In addition, North Korea’s several access blockage and suspension of operation based on political and military grounds significantly eroded stability and confidence of the complex. Nevertheless, GIC has never been fully shut down and continued its normal operation thanks to its strategic and policy value between the two Koreas despite a series of ups and downs. GIC has lots of implications in terms of policies: In economic perspective, GIC helps South Korean small and midsize companies find good manufacturing base and realized inter-Korean co-prosperity and economic cooperation. In political and military terms, GIC eased the North’s hostility towards the South and created peaceful mood between the two Koreas. In social and cultural policies, South and North Korean workers improved mutual understanding and restored the sense of national homogeneity. GIC also encouraged changes in North Korea. In process of preparing for unification, GIC is a inter-Korean economic community and a good example of unification preparation. On the other hand, GIC satisfies the needs of North Korea’s national policy: GIC earns foreign currency, helps learn advanced manufacturing technology and know-how on how to run an industrial complex, ensures livelihood of North Korean workers, enhances peaceful image to outside world, and creates favorable investment conditions for other economic zones. In a nutshell, GIC ‘creates peace on the Korean Peninsula and serves as a model for inter-Korean co-prosperity and unified economy.’ In this regard, GIC, which has solidified its status as a symbolic exemplary model for inter-Korean economic cooperation based on such strategic and policy values, must accomplish further expansion and development. However, a number of tasks lie ahead for further progress: 3C issues(Come-and-Go, Communication, Customs) which are regarded between the South and North Korean authorities as inter-Korean tasks to be addressed for ‘normal operation of GIC’ on August 14, 2013, globalization of GIC, reinforced protection of personnel safety, establishment and operation of Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration Committee, stable supply of North Korean workers, companies’ flexible management on North Korean workers, strict compliance of law and regulations, etc. Active and sincere South and North Korean authorities-led negotiations and solutions are required to solve such diverse challenges in order to achieve further expansion and development of GIC rife with a variety of policy implications. 개성공단사업은 남한의 자본과 기술, 북한의 토지와 노동력을 결합한 상호보완적, 호혜적 남북경협사업이다. 즉 남한의 기업과 북한의 해당기관 간에 공식 합의서를 체결하고, 남북 당국이 투자 및 출입체류 보장 등의 제도적 장치를 마련하여 사실상 남북한이 공동으로 관리 및 운영하고 있다. 그러나 지리적으로 북한에 위치한 개성공단은 위치상 우리의 통제범위 밖에 설치되어 있는 태생적 한계가 있다. 때문에 북한이 정치·군사적 이유로 여러 차례 출입을 제한하거나 공단 운영 자체를 중단시킴으로써 개성공단의 안정적 운영과 신뢰성을 저하시키기도 했다. 이러한 우여곡절에도 불구하고 개성공단은, 남한과 북한의 전략적, 정책적 필요성에 의해 완전 폐쇄되지 않고 2013년 9월 16일 재가동된 이후 대체로 정상 가동되고 있다. 즉 개성공단은 우리에게 중소기업의 활로 개척 및 남북상생의 경협이라는 경제적 측면, 대남 적대감 완화, 군사적 긴장 완화 및 평화분위기 조성 등 정치·군사적 측면, 남북 주민간 이해증진과 동질성 회복 및 북한 변화 유도라는 사회문화적 측면, 남북경제공동체 형성 및 통일대비라는 통일준비적 측면의 정책적 함의를 갖고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 개성공단은 북한에게도 외화 획득, 선진 생산기술·공단운영 노하우 습득, 북한근로자의 생활 보장, 대외 평화이미지 제고 및 대외경제특구 추진의 우호적 여건 조성 등 정책적 필요를 충족시켜 준다. 따라서 개성공단은 ‘한반도 평화, 남북상생과 통일경제의 모델’이라고 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 전략적, 정책적 함의를 가진 상징적 남북경협모델로서 자리 잡은 개성공단은 더욱 확대, 발전시켜 나갈 필요가 있다. 그러나 개성공단을 확대, 발전시켜 나가기 위해서는 개선해 나갈 과제가 다수 있다. 2013년 8월 14일, 남북 당국간에 합의한 ‘발전적 정상화’ 과제인 통행·통신·통관제도 개선, 개성공단 국제화, 신변안전 강화, 남북상사중재위원회 구성·운영 외에 노동력 공급 부족문제 해결, 노무관리의 자율성 확보, 법규범의 안정성 확보 등이다. 다양한 정책적 함의를 가진 개성공단의 확대, 발전을 위해 필요한 여러 가지 개선과제의 해결을 위해 남북한당국이 중심이 되어 남북한간에 적극적이고 진정성 있는 협의와 해결책 마련이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년정책 성과관리체계의 평가적 함의

        김형주 미래를 여는 청소년학회 2011 미래청소년학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the evaluative implication in performance management of youth policy. First, this study reviews the theories and precedent studies about domestic and foreign paper of policy evaluation including youth policy evaluation. Second, I came to understand the current paper for performance management system of domestic youth policy. Also it was analysed proportion of data types in measurement methodology, quantitative evaluation, and evaluation steps for performance management system. Third, this study examine the implication in evaluation proposition and evaluation viewpoint for its performance management system. Finally, performance management system of youth policy have tendencies of consequentialism and simplification. It may be worth considering evaluative diversity and overall viewpoint in performance management system of youth policy. 본 연구의 목적은 청소년정책의 집행주체에 의한 정책의 성과관리체계가 갖고 있는 유형적 특징을 살펴보고 이에 대한 평가적 함의를 살펴보고자 하는 것이다. 이에 따라 전체 24개 정책과제와 이에 따른 총 62개의 성과지표라는 청소년정책 성과관리체계를 대상으로 정량적 특성과 평가적 시사점을 분석하였다. 그 유형별 특징을 살펴보면 측정방법에서 산출지표 측정이 33.9%, 만족도 설문측정이 46.8%, 성과지표 측정이 19.3%였고, 정책부문별 측정방법에서 정책사업 분야는 만족도 설문측정이 60%로 가장 비중이 높았던 반면에 재정사업 분야는 산출지표 측정이 49.0%로 가장 비중이 컸다. 전체 성과지표의 정량지표와 정성지표의 유형별 비중은 정량지표가 88.7%로 가장 높았고, 성과지표의 측정 성격별 유형에서는 과정 측정이 3.2%, 결과 측정이 87.1%, 효과성 측정이 9.7%로 나타났다. 이에 대한 평가적 함의를 평가적 명제와 평가관적 측면에서 살펴보았다. 평가적 명제 측면에서는 평가의 계속성 특성에 있어서 청소년정책의 성과가 대체로 결과 위주의 평가에 집중되어 있어 상황적 측면, 과정적 측면에 대한 이해의 노력이 미흡하였고, 종합성이란 측면에서 단편적 성과지표 설정으로 관리대상 정책에 대한 전반적인 증거를 토대로 정보를 수렴하는데 한계가 있었다. 평가관적 측면에서는 효율성을 강조하는 정량지표 중심의 측정관적 접근을 하고 있어 성과 관리의 편의성은 높으나 정책의 가치를 판단하거나 전체적인 면모를 파악하는 노력은 미진한 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Policy Support Plan for Corporate Revitalization in Anyang Area

        Tea-Hwan Kim 한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 2021 무역금융보험연구 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구에서는 관련 전문가와의 인터뷰조사 및 타 자치단체의 우수 지원 사례를 조사하고, 안 양시 지원정책과의 분석을 통하여 안양시 지원 방안 등을 제안하여 안양시를 중심으로 경기서 남권의 비즈니스 생태계를 복원시키고자 한다. 안양시 관내 주요 지역기업들의 대표들과 인터뷰를 통하여 확보한 녹취를 중심으로 주제별로 나누어 정책적 시사점을 정리하였다. 이를 통해 안양시 지역 기업의 지원 방안을 강구하여 어 려움을 겪고 있는 지역기업의 활성화에 기여하고자 함이 본 논문의 주요 연구목적이다. 안양시 지역기업 활성화를 위해서 먼저 기업환경 변화에 대응하기 위한 제안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 안양시 전 산업에 대한 심도 있는 통계 조사가 필요하고, 둘째, 환경 변화에 따른 적극적 대응이 필요하며, 셋째, 청년창업과 벤처기업의 적극적인 발굴, 넷째, 관내 대학과 공공기관과 의 실질적인 협력 체계 마련이 절실하다. 또한 지원정책 활성화를 위한 제안으로 첫째, 안양시 지역경제 관련 주관부서간 유기적인 연 계를 강화할 필요가 있고, 둘째, 선택과 집중의 현실적 지원 체계 마련, 셋째, 스타트업 지원정 책의 현실화, 넷째, 기업애로 및 규제발굴을 위한 현장방문을 정례화하고, 다섯째, 기업지원 인력의 전문성 제고가 반드시 필요하다. Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the revitalization of local companies that are struggling by seeking support for local companies in Anyang City. Research design, data, methodology : In this study, we are going to restore the business ecosystem of the southwestern Gyeonggi Province by investigating interviews with relevant experts and investigating excellent support cases of other municipalities, and proposing support measures for Anyang through analysis with Anyang City Support Policy. Results : In order to revitalize local companies in Anyang, proposals to respond to changes in the corporate environment are as follows. First, an in-depth statistical survey of all industries in Anyang is needed, second, active response to environmental changes is needed, third, active discovery of youth start-ups and venture companies, and fourth, practical cooperation with universities and public institutions. In addition, as a proposal to revitalize support policies, first, organic links between Anyang's regional economic departments need to be strengthened, second, a realistic support system for selection and concentration, third, regular on-site visits to start-up support policies, fourth, corporate difficulties and regulatory development.

      • KCI우수등재

        일본 중심시가지활성화 정책의 단계별 변화과정과 시사점

        양재섭,송애정 대한국토·도시계획학회 2019 國土計劃 Vol.54 No.1

        This study aims to analyze the stage-specific changing process of the downtown revitalization policy in Japan since 1998, and to suggest some implications for Korea. The main findings are as follows. First, the downtown revitalization policy in Japan has been undergoing change of three stages; the introduction of policy, the government-led implementation and the promotion of private sectors’ investment. Second, despite some improvements of physical environment, the limits of policy also exist. Third, in-depth survey and ongoing monitoring are necessary to ensure the stability of downtown revitalization projects. Compared to gradual policy changes in Japan, downtown regeneration projects in Korea are similar to the stage of government-led policies. At this stage, it is necessary to prepare the strategies of projects reflecting the local characteristics and to monitor the performances and limitations of projects. In the future, policies to induce the investment and participation of private sectors should be prepared to overcome the limitation of government-led policies.

      • KCI등재

        단위학교에서의 국어교육 정책과 철학 -"정의적 영역의 평가" 정책을 중심으로

        남가영 ( Gayeong Nam ) 국어교육학회 2016 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.51 No.2

        본 연구에서는 단위학교에서의 국어교육 정책 실행 양상을 살펴 그 이면에 놓인 철학을 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 ``단위학교``라는 고유의 맥락 하에서 ``정의적 영역의 평가``가 어떻게 실행되는지 그 양상을 구체적으로 분석하였다. 중학교 6개교의 평가계획서를 분석하고 해당 학교 국어교사를 대상으로 심층인터뷰(FGI)를 실시한 결과, 단위학교가 위로부터 부과된 정책을 실행하는 과정에서 취하는 태세와 전략은 두 가지로 나타났다. 첫째, 해당 정책이 갖는 한계에 대한 비판적 인식 하에 평가를 최소화하여 형식적으로 실행하는 ``소극적 저항``의 태세이다. 둘째, 해당 정책의 의의를 최대한 수용하고자 하는 허용적 태도 하에 정책 내용의 의미를 재해석하여 ``최(차)선의 정책 실행태``를 탐색, 실행하는 ``적극적 조정``의 태세이다. 그리고 ``느슨한 구조``의 속성을 띠는 학교 조직의 특성상 최종 정책 실행 주체인 교사에게서도 학교 차원에서 협의, 결정된 정책 실행 방향에 대해 이들 두 가지 태세가 모두 확인되었다. This study is purposed for exploring implementation of Korean language education (KLE) polices in schools and its philosophical implication, especially focused on ``assessment of affective domain (AAD)`` policy. As a result, two types of stances in schools have been presented. The one is ``passive resistance`` stance, which has tried to implement assessment at least with critical attitude toward AAD. The other is ``positive adjustment`` stance, which has tried to pay attention to students` affective features now and here at most with critical, but receptive attitude toward AAD. Teachers, who implement policy lastly, also present two types of stances toward already decided consensus by school. Therefore, for formulating KLE Policy, these implementation stances in schools should be considered.

      • 이스라엘의 안보환경과 국방정책

        김강녕 ( Kang-nyeong Kim ) 미래군사학회 2014 한국군사학논총 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper is to analyze Israel``s security environment and defense policy. For the purpose of that, this paper searches for Israel``s history and changing security environment, Israel``s defence policy and military strategy, its implications and lessons for Korea, and conclusion. Israel borders Lebanon in the North, Syria in the Northeast, Jordan in the East, Egypt in the Southwest, and the Palestinian territories(or State of Palestine) comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip on the east and southwest respectively. Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab countries to have made peace with Israel. Israel is a republic in Southwest Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea: established in 1948, in the former British mandate of Palestine, as a primarily Jewish state; 8 disputes with Arab neighbours (who did not recognize the state of Israel), erupted into full-scale wars in 1948, 1956, 1967 (the Six Day War), and 1973 (the Yom Kippur War). The Israel Defense Forces is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and is headed by its Chief of General Staff, the Ramatkal, subordinate to the Cabinet. The Israel Defense Forces(founded during the 1948 Arab.Israeli War) is the military forces of the State of Israel, and consists of the army, air force and navy. The IDF also draws upon the resources of the Military Intelligence Directorate (Aman), which works with the Mossad and Shabak. The IDF has been involved in several major wars and border conflicts in its short history, making it one of the most battle-trained armed forces in the world. The IDF maintains approximately 176,500 active troops and an additional 445,000 reservists. The nation``s military relies heavily on high-tech weapons systems designed and manufactured in Israel as well as some foreign imports. Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons. Israel has about 400 nuclear bombs secretly, and Israel prefers not to discuss the nuclear issue at all. Israel is one of the best equipped militaries in the world and its weapons industry is responsible for many technological advancements in modern warfare. It should come as no surprise, then, that Israel has the capacity to strike its targets with extreme precision. Deterrence also means restoring the standing of the Israel Defence Forces. Israeli military doctrine and its offensive, defensive and deterrence strategies are identified as the most important subcomponents of the security policy. Military service is compulsory in Israel, with men serving three years and women two. Most Israelis are drafted into the military at the age of 18. Men serve three years and women two to three years. In particular, since military service is compulsory in Israel, many young people get a high-tech education unlike any other Although the regional security environment has deteriorated, Israel remains a strong state. Israeli society has displayed remarkable resilience in the past when faced with severe national security tests. Despite the impressionistic reports of a divided Israel, nowadays it is more united than ever, ready to continue to live by its sword. With the right leadership, Israel can make the right choices and weather the current crisis. We should learn many lessons and implication from major features of Israeli defense policy(①Self-reliant national defense posture, ②Reinforcement of military force that value quality over quantity, ③Maintenance of solid deterrence, ④Efficient management of integrated forces and constant reserve forces) and major features of Israeli military strategy(①Preemptive strike, ② Transferring the battlefield to the enemy’s territory, ③Promoting the quickest decisive victory). History may repeat itself if we do not learn our lessons from the sore past that we should be strong enough to repel aggression from any nation. The moment we forget, history will repeat itself. We always should keep in mind the universal lesson of history that we have to prepare for war if we really want peace.

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