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      • KCI등재

        규장각의 문서제도와 그 위상

        김건우 ( Kun Woo Kim ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2012 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.21

        본 논문은 규장각의 문서제도를 살펴봄으로써 규장각 운용방식의 실상, 그 위상을 밝히고자 하였다. 조선왕조의 통치 구조와 그 운영이라는 측면에서 중요한 주제임에도 불구하고 규장각의 문서제도를 분석한 연구 성과는 거의 전무한 상태이다. 정조는 즉위 직후 규장각 설치와 운영에 온갖 노력을 쏟았으며 그 위상에 걸맞게 문서제도를 확립시켜 나아갔다. 규장각의 위상을 단적으로 보여주는 실례가 바로 告身과 敎書의 형식을 섞어 만든 규장각 閣臣敎旨이다. 또한 규장각 箚子와 上疏 제출 과정 또한 의정부와 홍문관의 편이한 절차를 겸비하도록 하였다. 그리고 종2품아문 규장각이 의정부·종친부·돈령부·중추부 등과 같은 1품아문에 關文을 보낼 수 있었으며, 지방 감영을 경유하지 않고 곧바로 外邑에 공문서를 보낼 수도 있었다. 끝으로 세 가지 규장각 관련 璽寶를 새로이 제작하여 사용한 것은 그 위상과 운용방식을 상징처럼 대변해 주고 있다. This article intended to find out the real operation of Kyujanggak(奎章閣) and its status by examining the document system of Kyujanggak. Though it was an important topic in terms of Joseon dynasty`s ruling operation, the document system had hardly been studied. King Jeongjo(正祖) had exerted himself in on the setup and operation of Kyujanggak since his accession and had established its document system as befits its status. A representative example of the status is the Gyoji(敎旨, appointment certificate) of Kyujanggak officers, an unique document which combined the forms of appointment certificate and Goyseo(敎書). Besides, Kyujanggak`s other documents, which were submitted to king, were made to have also the convenience the documents of Uijeongbu(議政府) and Hongmungwan(弘文館) had. Kyujanggak also could exchange documents with other offices and send to local governments directly. It was the only institute that could use the Royal seal on its name, which clearly showed the status and operation system of Kyujanggak.

      • KCI등재

        규장각 도서 ‘經部-小學類-字書’의 서지사항에 대한 고찰

        양원석 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2016 한국문화 Vol.74 No.-

        This article reviewed biographical matters of the books corresponding to ‘Jingbu(經部)-Xiaoxuelei(小學類)-Zishu(字書)[including Shuowenshu(說文書)]’ among General list of Kyujanggak(奎章閣) Books written in Korea and General list of Kyujanggak Books written in Chinese, which summarized Book list of Kyujanggak. A few identifiable matters through this can be summarized as follows. First. Through review of this article, it can be frequently confirmed that there are some parts requiring revision or review in biological matters of ‘Jingbu-Xiaoxuelei-Zishu’ of General list of Kyujanggak Books written in Korean and General list of Kyujanggak Book written in Chinese. Second. In General list of Kyujanggak Books written in Korean, Xiaoxuelei was classified into ‘Zishu, Yunshu(韻書), Mengqiushu(蒙求書)’, and in General list of Kyujanggak Books written in Chinese, Xiaoxuelei was classified into ‘Xungushu(訓詁書), Shuowenshu, Zishu, Yunshu’. Through the above-mentioned classification, it can be found that the Korean Books included Xungushu not so much, but, instead of that, Mengqiushu much. Also, it can be known that the book contained much Yunshu and Mengqiushu compared with Zishu. In the meantime, in case of the Chinese Books, it can be known that books related to Shuowenjiezi(說文解字) are much possessed in Kyujanggak. Third. This study may give an overview of Zishu[including Shuowenshu] which are collected and catalogued in the Kyujanggak. Among them, important texts in context of the history of Korean Chinese Character are as follows: Shuowenjiezi, Kangxizidian(康熙字典), liushulve(六書略), and Shuowenjieziyizheng(說文解字翼徵). Fourth. In this article, a fundamental review was carried out only targeting on ‘Jingbu-Xiaoxuelei-Zishu[including Shuowenshu]’, but, in the future, it would be also necessary to conduct examination work of the biological matters and contents with respect to Yunshu, Mengqiushu, Xungushu, etc. of Xiaoxuelei. Only with this process, the foundation of Xiaoxue(小學) in Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty Period will be solidified.

      • KCI등재

        正祖代 御眞과 신하초상의 제작 -초상화를 통한 군신관계의 고찰-

        유재빈 한국미술사학회 2011 美術史學硏究 Vol.271272 No.271272

        King Jeongjo (r.1776-1800), following his grandfather King Yeongjo’s (r.1725-1776)precedent in which the king had his own portrait painted every ten years, ordered his portrait to be painted twice, in 1781 and in 1791. A custom of the reigning king having his portrait painted existed in the early Joseon period, but disappeared after King Sejong’s (r. 1418-1450) time. The custom was revived centuries later during King Sukjong’s reign (1674-1720) and was inherited by King Yeongjo. Unlike the portrait of a deceased king, the portrait of a reigning monarch was not a commemorative work, but something that was meant to be venerated by his current subjects. With this custom revived, the portrait of a king once again influenced the relationship between the ruler and his subjects. Meanwhile, during Jeongjo’s reign, while the custom of painting the portrait of the reigning king was upheld,the associated practice of producing the so-called portraits of meritorious retainers was not revived. This imbalance makes the portraiture of the king in Jeongjo’s time, closely related to the portraiture of his courtiers, so interesting. During Jeongjo’s time, Kyujanggak was in charge of both the production and placement of his portraits. As a result, Kyujanggak became something close to a workshop of the king’s portrait artists, and its officials participating in the creation of the king’s image.When the king’s portrait was completed, it was housed in Kyujanggak, along with the portraits of Kyujanggak officials. Kyujanggak officials, further, regularly paid respects to the king’s portrait housed there. This royal portrait-related practice empowered Kyujanggak,and the king’s portrait, in turn, influenced, through Kyujanggak, the relationship between the monarch and his courtiers during Jeongjo’s reign. Jeongjo’s portrait influenced his relationship with his courtiers in a very concrete manner,also through the practice called cheommang and cheombae . While the king’s portrait was still in the process of being produced, Jeongjo and his courtiers gathered to look at the portrait in progress (cheommang ), having discussions, at the same time, about the relationship between suzerain and vassals. When the king’s portrait was completed, Jeongjo’s courtiers were made to perform the ritual of bowing to the portrait (cheombae ). The portrait truly became the king’s portrait through the ritual of enshrinement, and the regularly-performed ritual of worshipping it, meanwhile, affirmed the monarch’s authority. In addition to gatherings related to his own portraits, Jeongjo also had gatherings about portraits of his officials; providing more occasions for discussing the relationship between suzerain and vassals. During gatherings for discussing the king’s portrait, portraits of Jeongjo’s courtiers were also on display. Jeongjo’s portrait artists, meanwhile, took part in the creation of portraits of Jeongjo’s courtiers. The stated purpose of viewing court officials’portraits was to use them as references in the creation of the king’s portrait, and the king’s order that the portrait of an official be painted was something akin to a reward to this official. But, the real effect of this gesture was far greater. Jeongjo used portraiture as a carrot and stick approach to controlling his courtiers by awarding or denying a portrait to them, as it suited his agenda. This strategy, in many cases, proved effective in eliciting an active response from his courtiers. Such process of influencing the relationship with a court official by awarding or denying a portrait can be seen in examples like the portrait of Chae Je-gong, created in 1791,following the completion of the king’s portrait. If Kyujanggak was a political space that the king co-inhabits with his courtiers through portraits, the creation of the king’s portrait was the significant event that created such a ritualistic space. In sum, in Jeongjo’s court, a port... 正祖(재위 1776~1800)는 10년마다 자신의 어진을 제작한 영조의 전례에 따라 1781년과 1791년 어진제작을 명하였다. 이처럼 왕이 재위시 자신의 초상을 제작한 전통은 世宗이후 사라졌다가 肅宗代에 부활한후 英祖에 의해 계승된 것이었다. 현임 왕의 어진은 죽은 先朝의 어진과는 달리 왕실 제향의 대상이 아니라신하들의 경배의 대상이었기 때문에, 어진은 다시 현재의 군신관계에 영향을 미치기 시작했다고 할 수 있다. 한편 정조대에는 어진에 대한 전통은 부흥하지만 공신도상은 그려지지 않아서 초상 제작이 불균형한 양상을 보인다. 이러한 맥락에서 신하초상과 밀접한 관계를 맺었던 정조의 어진 제작 사례는 새롭게 주목할 필요가 있다. 정조는 어진의 제작과 봉안을 모두 奎章閣에서 맡아 하도록 하였다. 그 결과 규장각 원내는 어진도사가 이루어지는 장이 되었으며, 규장각 각신들은 왕실의 성역에 참여하는 공신이 되었다. 어진이 완성된 후규장각은 어진과 규장각신의 초상이 함께 봉안된 곳이었으며, 어진이 규장각신의 의례를 받으며 정기적으로봉심되는 장소이기도 하였다. 이처럼 규장각은 어진을 통해 위상이 강화되었고, 어진은 규장각을 통해 현재군신관계에서 영향력을 행사하게 되었다. 정조의 어진이 현재적 영향력을 갖는 또 다른 지점은 신하들로부터 받는 ‘瞻望’과 ‘瞻拜’이다. 어진은제작 기간 동안 첨망을 통해 군신 관계에 대한 담론의 장을 마련하였다. 완성된 어진에게는 절하는 의식이포함된 첨배를 행하게 하였는데, 봉안 의례를 통해 정조의 초상화는 어진으로 거듭날 수 있었으며, 정기적인봉심 의례를 통해 국왕이 규장각에 현현하는 것을 재현할 수 있었다. 정조의 어진 도사는 왕의 초상만이 아니라 신하 초상을 위한 자리를 마련함으로써 초상을 통한 군신관계의 논의를 확대하였다. 어진을 논하는 같은 자리에서 신하 초상이 열람되었으며, 어진을 제작한 화사에의해 참여 신하들의 초상이 제작되었다. 신하 초상이 열람된 명목은 어진 제작에 참고하기 위함이었고, 신하 초상의 제작은 공로에 대한 포상의 성격을 띠었지만 실제적인 효과는 이를 넘어섰다. 정조는 신하 초상을회유와 견제의 방편으로 사용하였고, 이는 적극적으로 신하의 응답을 이끌어내기도 하였다. 이러한 과정은1791년 어진 도사후 그려진 蔡濟恭의 초상화들을 통해 살펴볼 수 있다. 규장각이 어진과 신하 초상이 공존하는 정치적 공간이었다면 어진도사는 이들이 의례적 맥락에서 보여질 수 있게 한 계기였다. 결국 규장각에서의 어진도사를 통해 정조의 조정에서 초상화는 죽은 자를 추모하는 기념물에서 나아가 현재의 군신관계를 정립하는 매개가 되었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        규장각본 『篆韻』에 대한 고찰

        서한용 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2022 규장각 Vol.60 No.-

        In Kyujanggak, Zhuan Yun is stored as a material related to Zhuan Shu. The introductory remark mentioned that this is a book in which Yun Zi and the characters corresponding to each Yun are recorded as Zhuan Shu, and also revealed that the date of the editor and compilation is unknown. Although not disclosed in the introductory remark, the second part of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun is written with the title 'Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu Chao' as a Zhuan Shu. It can be seen that most of the contents of this book are copied from Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. This study focuses on the fact that Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu is the original version of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, and clarify the characteristics of the composition and content of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun through comparative study with Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. Looking at Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu, written by the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, the index of Yun Zi is presented first. And then it can be seen that the Zhuan Zi is listed according to each Yun Zi. However, the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun does not distinguish the characters according to the Yun Zi, but writes the characters at the top. If you look at the Yun Mu of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu, it can be seen that there are a total of 195 Yun, including 28 Yun of Shang Ping Sheng, 30 Yun of Xian Ping Sheng, 51 Yun of Shang Sheng, 52 Yun of Qu Sheng, and 34 Yun of Ru Sheng. However, if you look at the Yun Zi written at the top of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, it can be seen that there are 105 characters written in it. The National Library of Korea holds another Zhuan Yun that is different with the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun. According to this, it can be seen that the National Library collection of Zhuan Yun is a book composed of 106 Yun, which are Ping Shui Yun. Comparing the letters written at the top of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun with those of the National Library collection of Zhuan Yun, it can be seen that there is only a difference between ‘Yu’ and ‘Ji’ without the character 'Tai'. The Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun did not transcribe the characters of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu as it is, but instead transcribed them by writing or revising them. The total number of characters in the book was 2,732 characters, 229 out of 2,937 characters contained in Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. It can be seen that 24 characters of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu were added. It can be seen that the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun relied heavily on Shuo Wen. Also, considering the addition of Yi Shan Bei, a representative Bei Wen that records Xiao Zhuan, it can be seen that the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun placed great importance on Xiao Zhuan.

      • KCI등재

        대한제국 말기 學部의 규장각 도서 관리

        민회수 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2022 규장각 Vol.61 No.-

        The Hidden task of the Ministry of Education(學部; Hakbu) of the Korean Empire was the transfer and management of the Kyujanggak(奎章閣) books, found in the Catalogue of Kyujanggak Books(奎章閣書目; Kyujanggak Seomok). The Kyujanggak books seems to have been moved to Hakbu in around 1909, meaning a part of the process of dismantling the Imperial House by Japanese. Observing the move of the books, two kinds of ownership stamps of Hakbu are found in Kyujanggak books now, with the tendency to intentionally avoid the seal in the case where the stamps of the traditional royal family or government office of Chosun was sealed. This implies that there still remained some respect for Royal House. The Catalogue of the Books from the Editorial Department in the Ministry of Education(學部編輯局書冊目錄; Hakbu-Pyeonjipguk-Seochaek-Mokrok) was made after the transfer of the books. It made separate sort item for Royal books, also showing respect for Royal House. And its classification items take the form of awkwardly yet exquisitely tying the traditional academic classification system and the modern one through the medium of the history department.

      • KCI등재

        규장각 소장 ‘先生案’의 현황과 자료적 가치

        나영훈 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2019 한국문화 Vol.0 No.86

        This paper is written for the purpose of checking the status of The list of Government official(先生案). Accordingly, I will conduct a status review from Kyujanggak(奎章閣), which has the largest collection of The list of Government official, and review the data values. Chapter 2 presented 80 types of The list of Government official in Kyujanggak and identified the character of each data. As a result, Kyujanggak confirmed the character of the institution that owns the largest number of the only data and most of the organization that owns The list of Government official for central government officials. Chapter 3 describes the contents and characteristics of the list of Government official. The list of Government official contains personal information, family information, Chulsin(出身; its mean pass the state examination) information, and government office information. These information provided an urgent need to establish a database of government officials during the Joseon Dynasty. Chapter 4 presented the data value of the Kyujanggak collection. First, Kyujanggak has more the list of Government official than any other institution and was mostly the only data. Most of the list of Government official also had very high data credibility. Second, building the list of Government official at Kyujanggak as a database could bring the total number of new officials to 46,000. This, along with the already established database, will greatly contribute to the building of human networks in the Joseon era. It can also lead to expansion of social and person research during the Joseon Dynasty. Third, the list of Government official, housed in Kyujanggak, can, among other things, be used as a key source of research for the central government office during the Joseon Dynasty. The list of Government official of Kyujanggak can establish a network of central government officials more than any data. Through this, it can be used as empirical data to understand the power relationship between the central political system and numerous officials during the Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        규장각 일부 후사본 읍지와 이마니시문고의 관계

        이재두(Lee, Jae-Doo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2020 한국민족문화 Vol.74 No.-

        조선 후기 읍지 연구는 규장각 소장본을 중심으로 해제 작업과 연구 활동을 진행해 왔다. 그러나 규장각 읍지들의 소장 경위나 읍지 편찬 시기 등에 대한 종합적인 연구는 부족하였다. 읍지는 각 고을의 역사 지리 인문 정보를 다양하게 수록하고 있어 식민 지배에 유용한 자료였다. 조선총독부 취조국과 참사관분실은 읍지의 수집과 전사에 힘을 기울여 1915년경에는 959종의 읍지를 보유하게 되었다. 현재 규장각의 도서번호 규17355번부터 규17539번까지 184종 188개 고을 189개의 읍지는 당시에 제작한 ‘후사본’이다. 이 읍지들은 취조국과 참사관분실이 비교적 이른 시기의 읍지를 바탕으로 제작한 후사본이다. 처음에는 몇몇 고을씩 합철하고 도서번호를 매기지 않았지만, 고을별로 분할하면서 도서번호를 부여하였다. 규장각의 후사본 읍지는 편찬 시기가 이른 경우들이 많아 조선후기 읍지편찬 사업을 이해하는데 중요한 사료였다. 그러나 연속하는 번호 대에 있는 이들 읍지가 일제 강점 이후 동일한 시기에 일률적인 지침에 따라 원본을 베낀 후사본이라는 인식은 부족하였다. 후사본 읍지들은 숙종, 영조, 정조 시기 정부 주도 읍지 편찬에 대한 오해와 편견을 야기할 수 있다. 후사본 189개 읍지 가운데 69%인 130개 읍지의 원본은 일본 덴리대학 덴리도서관의 이마니시문고가 소장하고 있다. 한국학중앙연구원 장서각은 10%인 20개 읍지의 원본을 소장하고 있다. 따라서 후사본의 원본인 이마니시문고의 읍지는 장서각의 일부 읍지들처럼 대한제국 제실도서로 규장각이 관리해 오던 도서들이었다. 1910년 일제 강점 이후 규장각을 폐지하고 이왕직이 관리하던 제실도서가 1911년 6월 규장각도서와 장서각도서로 분리될 때, 장서각도서로 분류되어 이왕직이 관리하였다. 1910년대 구관제도 조사사업의 일환으로 조선총독부 취조국과 참사관실이 장서각의 원본을 베끼는 과정에서 장서각에는 일부만 남고 대부분은 이마니시가 소장하게 된 것으로 보인다. 후사본은 원본에 있던 지도를 모두 생략하였으며, 원형을 무시하고, 장당 24행×24자로 통일시켰다. 경기도와 경상도의 원본은 인찰정간에 장당 24행×20자, 20행×20자로 정서한 선본이다. 이에 비해 다른 지역의 읍지들은 선본도 있지만, 원본 자체도 전사한 후사본인 경우가 있어, 읍지의 크기와 서체가 일정하지 않거나, 별지가 들어 있기도 하다. 원본은 처음에는 고을별로 성책한 상태였는데, 전사 작업 뒤 몇몇 고을씩 합철하기도 하였다. 조선후기 읍지 편찬의 실상을 제대로 파악하기 위해서는 이마니시문고 읍지 전체를 대상으로 편찬 시기와 읍지 유형 등에 대한 체계적인 연구가 필요하다. 아울러 규장각을 비롯하여 국립고궁박물관, 장서각, 국사편찬위원회, 한국교회사연구소 등 주요 기관 및 개인 소장 읍지는 물론 고려대학교 해외한국학 자료센터 등에서 영인한 읍지들 전체에 대한 종합적이고 구체적인 연구가 필요하다. Kyujanggak"s 189 eupjis, from book number No. 17355 to Kyu 17539, are hand-copied eupjis. Imawanishi"s Collection of Tenry Library has 69 percent, or 130 original books. The eupjis, which were owned by Imawanish, were the royal books of the Korean Empire, the eupjis that were previously owned by the central government office, or the eupjis collected from The Consulate"s office, or by Imawanish while participating in the Joseon Historical Research Project since 1906. The Consulate"s office was combined several counties based on the ‘Imawanish eupjis’. At first, the book number was not assigned, but then the book number was assigned the county by division of each county. Compared to the Imawanish eupjis, the copied editions make it difficult to identify the original form of the eupjis at the time of the eupji"s compilation. Some of the critical years, the names of the previous year"s local authorities and contents were omitted in determining the timing of the compilation, or some other contents were included in the eupji. While copying the eupji, he corrected the clear error or incorporated the contents of the annex into the text. In order to fully understand the reality of the compilation of the eupjis in the late Joseon Dynasty, it is necessary to understand the copied editions properly through the original eupjis of Imawanishi"s Collection, but it is also necessary to study the whole eupjis of Imawanishi"s Collection in the future.

      • KCI등재

        규장각(奎章閣) 소장(所藏) 중국본(中國本) 고서(古書) 정리(整理) 및 연구(硏究)에 관한 규견(窺見)

        김호 ( Kim Ho ) 한국중국학회 2018 중국학보 Vol.83 No.-

        규장각은 국립중앙도서관, 한국학중앙연구원장서각과 더불어 한국을 대표하는 고서 소장 기구이다. 규장각에 소장되어 있는 중국본 고서는 양적으로나 질적으로나 매우 가치가 있다고 평가되고 있다. 다만 현재 규장각에 소장되어 있는 고서에 대한 정리와 연구는 대부분 한국본에 집중되어 있고 중국본에 대해서는 상대적으로 부족한 실정이다. 게다가 소장 중국본 고서의 문헌가치를 일차적으로 파악할 수 있는 『규장각도서중국본종합목록』에도 적지 않은 오류가 발견되는데 이는 관련 연구 진행에 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 본문은 먼저 규장각 소장 중국본 고서에 대한 본격적인 정리와 연구 이전에 중국본이라는 개념에 대한 인식의 변화가 필요함을 설명하고, 뒤이어 『규장각도서중국본종합목록』에 나타나는 약간의 오류를 지적하려고 한다. 마지막으로 규장각 소장 중국고서와 관련된 정리와 연구에 대해 몇 가지 의견을 개진하고자 한다. The Kyujanggak (the royal library of the Joseon Dynasty) is Korea's representative organization owning ancient books, along with the National Central Library and the Jangseogak Archives at the Academy of Korean Studies. The ancient books printed in China owned by the Kyujanggak are thought to be very valuable in both quality and quantity. But in reality, among the Kyujanggak-owned books, most of the books that are used for research and are arranged are the ones printed in Korea, while the ones printed in China are relatively few in number. In addition, the fact that not a few errors are found even in “the union catalog of the Kyujanggak books printed in China,” which helps primarily grasp the value of the ancient books printed in China as literature, is negatively affecting the progress of relevant studies. First, the body of this paper intends to explain that a change in perception of the concept of ancient books printed in China is necessary before arranging the Kyujanggak-owned ancient books printed in China and conducting studies of them in earnest, and then point out some errors found in the catalogue. Finally, several opinions on arrangement and studies of the Chinese ancient books will be voiced.

      • KCI등재

        정조 대 규장각 직제 및 관원 이력 분석

        정상준 한국교육사학회 2022 한국교육사학 Vol.44 No.3

        This study investigates the government career of the Kyujanggak(奎章閣) officials by paying attention to the academic function of Kyujanggak. For this, the organization of the Kyujanggak officials in King Jeong-jo's reign was investigated, and the role of the Kyujanggak officials in the Chogyemonsin test(抄啟文臣講製) was analyzed. In addition, the successful rate in Baccalaureate(So-gwa, 小科), the process of passing the Civil Service Examination(Dae-gwa, 大科), and the government post career of Kyujanggak officials was investigated. The results are as follows. First, King Jeong-jo selected those who had literary talent and reputation as officials of Kyujanggak to work for a long time to stably administer various tests. King Jeong-jo wanted to keep them on duty for a long time. When they had circumstances, employees who had previously worked at Kyujanggak were selected as Gumgyokwan(檢校官) to take charge of Kyujanggak. Second, The honor rate of Kyujanggak officials in the Four National Affiliated Schools examination(四學課試) was 38.5%. this figure was 3.9 times higher than the 9.9% honor rate of those who passed the Civil Service Examination King Jeong-jo’s reign. and The successful rate in the Baccalaureate(So-gwa, 小科) of Kyujanggak officials was 61.5%, this figure is about twice as high as that of successful rate of those who passed the Civil Service Examination(Dae-gwa, 大科) at King Jeong-jo’s reign. Third, There is no significant difference between Kyujanggak officials and those who passed the Civil Service Examination at King Jeong-jo’s reign in the successful rate in Sungkyunkwan examination(成均館課試). However, there was a difference in the type of civil service examination that passed. Kyujanggak officials have a high percentage of pass through the Jikbujeon-si(直赴殿試) and Kyung-gwa(京科), and no one has passed through the Siknyun-si(式年試). However, in the case of those who passed the Civil Service Examination at King Jeong-jo’s reign, 35.6 percent passed through the Siknyun-si. Fourth, Kyujanggak officials mainly were appointed ‘Gajuseo(假注書)’ at first. The appoint rates of teachers are 87.2%(Four National Affiliated Schools, 四學敎授), 69.2%(Daesaseong, 大司成) and the appoint rate of the important posts(弘文館․承政院․司諫院․司憲府) was very high. Fifth, Many of the Kyujanggak officials who served in key positions became ministers(Panseo, 判書) and prime ministers(Jeongseung, 政丞). Many of the civil servants who have gone through important positions have been appointed ministers and prime ministers. This shows that Kyujanggak officials played an important role in the education and selection system of King Jeong-jo’s reign.

      • KCI등재

        규장각 정보화의 현황과 미래

        정진숙 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2023 규장각 Vol.62 No.-

        Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies has been continuously carrying out digital transformation projects from the late 1990s to the present day. The projects can be divided into three phases depending on the main agencies involved, the purposes of the projects, and the amount of financial support provided. The first phase, from 1999 to 2007, was carried out as a public works project to cope with the economic downturn that continued after the IMF bailout, as part of the National Database Project of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and National Information Society Agency. The annual budget executed for this project exceeded an average of about KRW 3 billion, which was a significant amount at that time. Through this project, Kyujanggak was able to digitize and provide services for images and texts of major Korean classical books, historical documents, and antique maps. However, Kyujanggak experienced significant trial and error during this period, particularly in terms of the purity of the texts data. This was due to the lack of project experience and long-term planning, as well as technological limitations. The second phase took place from 2008 to 2017. During this time, Kyujanggak carried out the National Archival Data Center project with the support of the Academy of Korean Studies. The Academy of Korean Studies project aimed to systematically collect, organize, analyze, and integrate various historical materials both domestically and internationally, including historical documents and books, into standardized formats to build Korean studies knowledge content. Kyujanggak performed the project to organize and process the Uigwe(儀軌) and the Jiriji(地理志), using them as historical materials. Kyujanggak received an annual budget of KRW 380 million to carry out the project. As a result of the project, Kyujanggak opened a comprehensive information site for the Uigwe and Jiriji. In particular, the project provided detailed information and explanations for the target materials and converted the image viewer to PDF to increase the convenience of service users. The third phase runs from 2014 to the present day, during which Kyujanggak has received support from the Cultural Heritage Administration to carry out its projects. From 2014 to 2016, Kyujanggak and Jangseogak received support to carry out its projects, and since 2017, Kyujanggak has been carrying out its projects independently with budgetary support. During this phase, Kyujanggak formulated a plan to separate its website from its collection search site, which was completed in 2020. Additionally, the Institute created its own management system for data maintenance. It is also conducting projects to modify and improve existing data, create and provide historical geographical information linked to geographical information systems and maps, and offer services using up-to-date geographical information systems. Over a long period of time, Kyujanggak has been working on an information technology project to open up its collection to Korean studies researchers and the public both domestically and internationally. However, the digitalization rate of the collection remains low, and it is not easy for the public to access and use the collection. Therefore, the Institute must continue to work for digitalizing its collection and devise ways to make it more accessible to the public. To achieve this goal, the Institute must provide a classification code for managing and viewing its collection, and digitally provide its collection using various classifications. It must also develop contents that are easily understood and of interest to the public, and offer them in the form of text, images, and videos.

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