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        지능형 교통체계의 구축을 위한 교통관련 법제도의 개선 방안

        송호신 ( Ho-shin Song ) 한국법정책학회 2021 법과 정책연구 Vol.21 No.3

        오늘날 자율주행자동차와 미래형 도시철도 그리고 자율운항선박 및 드론 등 각종 지능화된 교통수단들이 개발되고 있다. 또한 쌍방향 정보교환인 V2XㆍIT정보통신을 통해 종합적인 교통정보망을 연결하고, 빅데이타ㆍIoTㆍ클라우드ㆍ인공 지능에 기반을 둔 자율제어가 이루어지는 C-ITS가 구축되어 가고 있다. 이는 IT 정보통신 신기술의 발전과 인공지능의 등장에 따라 나타난 교통체계의 새로운 변화이다. 자율주행자동차는 지능형 교통수단의 대표적 예이지만, 이밖에 버스와 전철을 연계하는 교통카드, 하이패스(Hi-Pass), 버스도착 알림 어플리케이션 등도 ITS 덕분이다. 드론과 같은 새로운 유형의 자율비행장치도 실생활에 널리 이용되고 있다. 또한 자율운항선박와 스마트 항구 등도 점차 우리 사회에 현실화되고 있다. 이러한 교통체계의 지능화는 IT정보통신과 인공지능 등 과학기술의 발전에 힘입어 가능하게 되었지만, ITS의 제도화를 위해서는 관련 교통법령 체계의 뒷받침이 필수적으로 따라야 한다. 즉 정부도 ITS 기본계획을 수립하고 ITS 연구개발과 설계 및 추진을 위한 조직구성 등에 많은 자금을 투자하고 노력을 아끼지 않고 있다. 그와 함께 교통체계의 지능화를 뒷받침할 수 있는 ITS 관련 교통법령의 제정ㆍ개정과 인접 타 법령들에 대한 법정비를 이루어가고 있다. 현재 지능형 교통체계를 지원하기 위한 대표적 법률로는 「국가통합교통체계효율화법」을 들 수 있다. 또한 자율주행자동차와 간선급행버스 및 드론 등 지능형 교통수단의 개발과 함께 개별 교통법령들이 속속 입법화되고 있다. 이러한 법령들은 주로 지능형 교통수단이나 교통시스템에 대한 지원법의 체계로 구성되어 있다. 그러나 교통법의 주요 목적은 교통안전에 있으므로 지원과 더불어 교통안전을 위한 규제법의 마련도 시급하다. ITS교통 관련 법령들에 보완되어야 할 내용들로 교통수단ㆍ시스템의 시험ㆍ검증과 보안 등을 들 수 있다. ITS 구축에는 민사ㆍ형사 등의 문제 즉 법령 위반에 대한 형사책임ㆍ과태료 그리고 교통사고가 발생할 때에 누구의 책임으로 할 것이며 손해배상을 어떻게 할 것인지에 대한 근거를 마련하는 일도 법적 과제이다. 또한 지능형 교통수단ㆍ체계와 관련하여 기존의 여러 교통법령들도 정비되고 있으나, 여전히 미비하거나 충돌ㆍ상충되는 내용들이 있어 이에 대한 개정ㆍ보완이 이루어져야 한다. 이와 함께 개인정보의 보호나 보안 등 교통체계의 지능화에 관련된 인접 법령들의 경우에도 지속적으로 정비되어야 한다. Today, various intelligent transportation means such as autonomous vehicles, futuristic urban railways, autonomous ships and drones are being developed. And the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems(C-ITS) is establishing that connects comprehensive traffic information networks through V2X and IT information communication, a two-way information exchange, and performs autonomous control based on Big Bata, IoT, Cloud, AI. This is a new change in the transportation system due to the development of IT information and communication technologies and the advent of artificial intelligence. Autonomous Cars are a representative example of intelligent transportation, but other transportation cards that link buses and trains, Hi-Pass, and bus arrival notification applications are also thanks to ITS. New types of autonomous flying devices such as drones are also widely used in real life. In addition, autonomous ships and smart ports are gradually becoming a reality in our society. This intelligence of the transportation system has been made possible thanks to the development of science and technology such as IT information communication and artificial intelligence, but the support of the relevant transportation legislation system must be followed to institutionalize ITS. At the same time, the enactment and revision of ITS-related traffic laws that can support the intelligentization of the transport system and legal expenses for other adjacent laws are being made. Currently, the representative law to support the intelligent transportation system is the National Integrated Transportation System Efficiency Act. In addition, with the development of intelligent transportation means such as autonomous vehicles, BRT, and drones, individual traffic laws are being enacted one after another. These laws are mainly composed of a system of support laws for intelligent transportation means or transportation systems. However, since the main purpose of the traffic law is traffic safety, it is urgent to prepare a regulatory law for traffic safety as well as support. Tests and verifications of transportation means and systems, and security and certification are the contents that should be supplemented with ITS transportation related laws and regulations. In the establishment of the ITS Act, it is also a legal task to establish the basis for civil and criminal matters such as criminal liability and fines for violations of laws and regulations, who is responsible for traffic accidents, and how to compensate for damages. In addition, various existing traffic laws and regulations related to intelligent transportation means and systems are being revised, but there are still incomplete, conflicting, or conflicting contents, which must be revised and supplemented. At the same time, adjacent laws and regulations related to the intelligentization of transportation systems such as protection of personal information, security and authentication should be continuously revised.

      • KCI등재

        요구공학과 TOPSIS 방법론을 활용한 지능형 교통시스템 개선방안에 대한 연구

        김성연,김진민 대한설비관리학회 2023 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        With the recent growth of cities, traffic congestion has increased dramatically, and intelligent transportation systems are gaining attention as a way to solve this problem. This further emphasizes the need for an efficient traffic management system with advanced technology. Advances in technologies such as artificial intelligence play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of intelligent transportation systems. However, in order to improve and enhance these AI-based systems, it is necessary to adapt and continuously update them to meet the needs and expectations of users. In this study, we explore how to improve intelligent transportation systems using requirements engineering and TOPSIS. First, user requirements were collected and analyzed through requirements engineering. Then, the importance of each requirement was evaluated through TOPSIS analysis, and the priority of improvements was set based on this. The significance of this study is that it proposed an improvement plan for intelligent transportation systems by integrating requirements engineering and TOPSIS. It also enables user-centered system improvement and can play an important role in maximizing the effectiveness of intelligent transportation systems. The results of this study are expected to make important contributions to the improvement and development of AI-based intelligent transportation systems.

      • 교통시스템 정보화와 철도중심의 연계교통정보시스템

        남두희,이진선 한국철도학회 2003 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        The Korean high speed railroad is scheduled to open in 2004. For railroad-based integrated transfer system, it is essential to develop the intermodal information system for easy transfer to other travel modes. The understanding of mode choices by KTX passengers is crucial for the intermodal transportation planning. Recent development of Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) made it possible for railroad users to access the transportation information in a cabin or waiting areas at the station. Development of intermodal transportation information system will influence the relative demand for traveling by train from competing other transportation modes. The research is focused on a general overview of the ITS with an emphasis on intermodal transportation information system.

      • KCI등재


        J. W. WOO,S. B. YU,S. B. LEE 한국자동차공학회 2016 International journal of automotive technology Vol.17 No.2

        As growing demand of vehicle safety system, especially regarding intelligent transport systems (ITS), automotive manufacturers are focusing more on driving safety and efficient transportation for vehicle users. Many safety systems have been launched in the market recently so, it is important to evaluate the vehicle safety systems and ITS. The ITS based intelligent vehicle test bed was constructed to meet the growing demand of test and verification for such ADAS and ITS systems. First, this paper describes in detail concept of the test-bed. This test-bed is carefully designed to meet the requirements of ISO/TC204 standards. In order to verify the design of the test-bed, virtual test with driving siulator was processed on a virtual test tracks. This test-bed will be used to conduct testing on various ITS and ADAS technologies, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane departure warning system (LDWS), cooperative intersection warning system as well as rollover stability control (RSC) and electronic stability control (ESC), etc.

      • KCI등재

        DGPS를 이용한 VMS 메시지 판독거리 모형개발

        오철,김원기,이수범,이청원,김정완 대한교통학회 2007 大韓交通學會誌 Vol.25 No.5

        도로전광표지(VMS: Variable Message Signs)는 지능형교통체계(ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems)를 구성하는 주요 서브시스템 중의 하나로서, 불특정 다수를 대상으로 실시간 교통소통 및 돌발상황 정보를 제공해 주는 유용한 기능을 수행한다. VMS에서 표출되는 교통정보는 운전자가 보다 쉽게 이해하고, 눈에 잘 띄고, 적정거리 내에서 판독하기 쉬워야 하는 조건을 만족 시켜야 한다. VMS 판독거리 (Legibility Distance)는 운전자가 VMS 메시지의 문자를 읽기 시작할 수 있는 지점에서 해당 VMS의 설치지점간의 거리를 의미하는데, 도로 및 교통여건, 운전자 특성 등을 고려한 적정 판독거리의 산정은 차량의 주행속도, VMS 메시지 정보량 등과 함께 효과적인 VMS 메시지의 설계 및 운영을 위한 필수조건이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 실제 도로교통환경에 노출된 운전자의 작업부하를 고려한 보다 현실적인 판독거리 추정모형을 개발하는 것이다. 이를 위해 서울시 도시고속도로, 영동 및 경부고속도로에 설치된 27개 VMS에 대한 운전자의 판독거리, VMS 메시지 특성, 운전자 특성, 도로기하구조 및 교통특성 등의 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 실제 주행환경에서 운전자의 판독위치 수집을 위해서는 DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System)장비를 이용하였다. 본 연구의 결과물인 판독거리 모형은 VMS 메시지 설계 및 운영을 위한 기본도구로서 유용하게 활용될 것으로 기대된다. Variable message sign (VMS), which is used for providing real-time information on traffic conditions and incidents, is one of the important components of intelligent transportation systems. VMS messages need to meet the requirements with the consideration of human factors that messages should be readable and understandable while driving. This study developed a legibility distance model for VMS messages using in-vehicle differential global positioning data (DGPS). Traffic conditions, highway geometric conditions, and VMS message characteristics were investigated for establishing the legibility model based on multiple linear regression analysis. The height of VMS characters, speed, and the number of lanes were identified as dominant factors affecting the variation of legibility distances. It is expected that the proposed model would play a significant role in designing VMS messages for providing more effective real-time traffic information.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        다중 Lyapunov 기방 하이브리드 시스템에 안정화 제어기 설계 및 군집 차량의 종방향 거리 제어시스템의 용용

        김진변,최재원,김영호,Kim, Jin-Byun,Park, Jae-Weon,Kim, Young-Ho 제어로봇시스템학회 2001 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.7 No.6

        Many physical systems can be modeled by incorporating continuous and discrete event nature together. Such hybrid systems contain both continuous and discrete states that influence the dynamic be-havior of the systems. There has been an increasing interest in thers types of systems during the last dec-ade, mostly due to the growing usage of computers in the control of physical plants but also as a result of the hybrid nature of physical processes. The stability theory for hybrid systems is considered as extension of Lyapunov theory where the existence of an abstract energy function satisfying certain properties verifies stability, called multiple Lyapunov theory. In this paper, a hybrid stabilizing controller is proposed using the control Lyapunov function method and multiple Lyapunov theory, and the proposed method is applied to lon-gitudinal spacing control in a vehicle platoon for intelligent transportation systems(ITS).

      • KCI등재

        차세대 지능형 교통시스템 기술에 관한 연구

        이정재 한국IT정책경영학회 2022 한국IT정책경영학회 논문지 Vol.14 No.2

        The intelligent transportation system is a Cooperative transportation system that grafts technologies such as information communication, control, and electronics into the existing transportation system. In particular, by enabling the transfer of information between vehicles and road facilities, it is intended to provide safety services in the vehicle in real time, and to solve major problems such as traffic jams by utilizing the transmitted traffic information. Therefore, in this paper, technology trends of communication and map systems essential for system operation of next-generation intelligent transportation systems are investigated.

      • KCI우수등재

        知能形 走行案內 시스템을 위한 客體志向 데이터베이스의 設計 및 具現에 관한 硏究

        李周炯(Lee Joo-Hyung),金泰秀(Kim Tae-Soo) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1998 國土計劃 Vol.33 No.6

        Nowadays, Intelligent Route Guidance System technology, for improving efficient vehicle navigation, have emerged rapidly. Intelligent Route Guidance System technology requires GPS : Global Positioning System, censors, and wireless technologies to determine the location of vehicles, to manipulate traffic related information, and to deliver information between moving vehicles. Therefore. during driving, the technology helps drivers, who are even located in which they’ve never been before, offering them quick and accurate street information they need. Currently, some successfully testified car navigation systems are only used in very limited areas, such as in constructing digitalized maps and tracing the location of vehicles because of lack of information and appropriate applications. The more traffic related database we develop, the more possibilities we can get to access and use database. Also, using ITS : Intelligent Transportation System, we can utilize dynamic traffic information directly. To use those diverse data, it is required to develop data modeling and for the utilization of database. This study is about developing IRGS(Intelligent Route Guidance system), for automobile driving under the condition of the complicated road-traffic network having the dynamic circumstances and prohibitions of turning to the specific direction, using the wireless communication system.

      • Real Time Traffic Control System Using Wavelet Neural Networks Signal for Wireless Communication Technology of Future High Speed Railways Performance in Thailand with Intelligent Transportation Systems

        Prapaipan Salitula,Chamni Jaipradidtham 제어로봇시스템학회 2017 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.10

        This paper presents a real time traffic control system strategy by applying Wavelet Neural Networks (WNN) transform signal processing for wireless communication technologies of future high speed railways performance in Bangkok, Thailand with intelligent transportation systems. Innovations to address challenges emanating from railway transportation traffic system congestion. For Improving economies create more railways owners resulting in increased automobile manufacturing. Commuting time negatively impacts working hours. The economy will take a beating creating a vicious ecology cycle. But also a fast transportation alternative to air travel or regular passenger rail services. Providing these benefits would not be possible without the tremendous growth and prevalence for using wireless communication technologies. The wavelet transform has been successfully applied in many signal processing. The technique is based by using the absolute sum value of coefficients in multi resolution signal decomposition based on the discrete wavelet transform signal for data driven intelligent transportation systems. This survey provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art and future trends for wireless technologies aiming to realize the concept of High Speed Railway (HSR) communication services [1]. Our goal is to highlight the challenges for these technologies, including GSM-R, Wi-Fi, WIMAX, LTE-R, RoF, LCX & Cognitive Radio, the offered solutions, their performance, and other related issues. This paper studies these models to infer that with traffic railways signal control systems are supported. Simulation results of control system provided traffic information for course correction. It is proposed to integrate traffic system data with the traffic signal. However, with the advances in communication systems, such as LTE, 4G and cognitive radios, it is becoming possible for system designers to offer rich services to passengers while also providing support for enhanced train control operations such as positive train control.

      • KCI등재

        Hybrid Smart Demand Responsive Public Transport System for Conventional Public Transport in City Metropolitan Area

        Ali Aouto,Ali Moallim,김동성 한국통신학회 2023 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.48 No.11

        Providing quality public transportation is extremely expensive and unpredictable. Passenger demand across a metropolitan area can vary greatly with changes in population density and time of the day. Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) is an intermediate form of public transport that lies between a regular bus service and a personalized taxi service. DTR provides “on demand” transport to commuters with a fleet of vehicles operating in a shared-ride mode between pick-up and drop-off locations. However, DRT has been introduced as an alternative transport service, rather than as a substitute for conventional public transport. In this study, a hybrid smart DRT public-transport system has been proposed for integration into the conventional public-transport system. The proposed system is an intermediate stage to a fully driven DRT service. It combines the flexibility and reliability of DRT services with the fixed routes and time tables of a conventional public transport service, and has been implemented using cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, a simulation demonstrated that the system performed almost as effectively as the conventional public-transport system while passenger demand was at its highest. It outperformed the conventional public-transport system in case of low to moderate passenger demand.

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