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      • KCI등재

        의무기록 전공 대학생의 의료정보보호 교육요구에 관한 연구

        박지경 한국자료분석학회 2016 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.18 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to examine the educational experience and needs for medical information protection in medical records majors, who are going to deal with medical information in hospitals, that in an effort to provide some information on educational policy setting about medical information protection. The subjects in this study were 619 selected students who were majoring in medical records. As a result, the students with the educational experience were better aware of medical information protection activities than the other students without it. As for educational needs of medical information protection, their favorite form of education was investigated, and 262 students preferred to receive the education as one of regular curriculum. Concerning favorite educational methods, the largest group that 353 students had a preference for cluster education. Given the educational needs of the medical records majors, efficient educational policies about medical information protection should be formulated to raise awareness of the importance of medical information protection and to ensure proper medical information. 본 연구는 졸업 후 의료기관에서 의료정보관리자로서 의료정보를 취급하게 될 의무기록 전공 대학생의 의료정보보호에 대한 교육 경험과 요구도를 파악하여 의료정보보호 교육정책 수립에 기초자료를 제공하고자 시행되었다. 자료조사는 B시 소재 6개 대학의 의무기록 전공 대학생 619명을 대상으로 2016년 3월 21일부터 3월 31일까지 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 IBM SPSS ver 23.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 교차분석, Fisher 정확검정, t-검정과 ANOVA를 실시하였다. 연구결과, 의료정보보호 ‘교육경험 있음’이 250명(40.4%)이었으며, 이들 중 ‘정규 교과목’을 통한 교육이 219명(87.6%)으로 나타났다. ‘교육경험 있음’이 ‘교육경험 없음’에 비해 의료기관의 의료정보보호 활동에 대한 인식도가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 의료정보보호 교육수요에서 선호하는 교육형태는 ‘정규교과목’ 262명(42.3%), 교육방법은 ‘집체교육’ 353명(57.0%)으로 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 의무기록 전공 대학생의 의료정보보호에 대한 교육요구를 반영하여 의료정보보호의 중요성을 인식하고 의료정보를 올바르게 관리할 수 있도록 하는 의료정보보호 교육정책 마련이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        공법상 학생정보의 공개 및 보호에 관한 연구

        김형철 원광대학교 법학연구소 2008 圓光法學 Vol.24 No.3

        As electronic and digital trends were emphasized in a world-wide scale, the notion of ‘E-government’ appeared and has been developed. Korea has made steady efforts for the reform to ‘E-government’, too. As the world gets more electronized and digitalized, many governments have tried reformation in governmental area to the ‘E-Government’ and Korea is taking leading position in that reform. But, generally speaking, ‘E-Government’ policies in Korea have inattentively dealt with basic human rights of Korean people such as right of privacy by having excessively clung to the economic ideal of ‘administrative efficiency.’ With the remarkable development of IT and the enlargement of its basic equipment, we are interested in Information increasingly. Recently, there has been in Korea a discussion on the establishment of a body on the protection of student information. From this critical point of view, this study starts with surveying the definition of ‘Student Information’ and ‘Education Information. The protection of student information is still governed by general laws related to the protection of personal information. Student information needs to be protected in a manner different from personal information through enacting a separate law, which would specify the disclosure and protection of student information and the rights of parents. It should be determined in view of the need of education rather than personal rights whether the National Education Information System (NEIS) must include educational information or not. I believe the problem ofinfringement on personal rights which might arise in the course of using educational information should be solved through authorization and security technology adopted by the NEIS as well as the enactment of a new law. These kind of NEIS' data is based on the basic rights of ‘self-data decision’ and ‘self-data control’ which are layed on our constitutional law. Hence the director and teachers in a school should obey the rule which they have to obtain students' parents' consent to collect personal data, to accumulate those data and profiles as the sharing database, and to use the personal information and to dissolve those data. So School masters have to permit to access to their children and to offer their children educational personal data. But we have to make face with any legal resource and are going to search for the standard of data protection guideline of OECD and EU following as: these rule are ‘limit of collection data’, ‘principle of data contents’, ‘principle of object distinct’, ‘principle of limit of use to personal data’, ‘principle of safe protection policy’, ‘principle of openness’, ‘principle to participate’ and ‘principle of responsibility.’ I think that this type of enactment in Korea gives us considerable suggestions in many respects.

      • KCI등재

        중·노년층의 온라인 개인정보보호 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구; 한국과 중국 인터넷 사용자를 중심으로

        전양 ( Tian Yang ),박민정 ( Park Minjung ),채상미 ( Chai Sangmi ) 한국정보시스템학회 2020 情報시스템硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        Purpose Since the number of personal information breach incidents increased, many people have perceived the importance of personal information protection, in the recent. Especially, the number of personal information breach targeting middle-aged and elderly people rapidly increases. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors which influence to fail of online information security behaviors among the elderly. Design/methodology/approach This study made a research model by adopting the factors deducted from the protection motivation theory. To analyze the research model, we conducted an online survey targeted on the elderly and middle ages users who have nations of Korean and Chinese respectively. Findings According to the empirical analysis result, we identified that only perceived severity and perceived vulnerability affected information security awareness. On contrast, it was also discovered that perceived barriers, self-efficacy, and response efficacy did not affect information security awareness. Additionally, the awareness of information security also did not affect information security behaviors. Middle-aged and elderly people with personal information protection education did more information security behaviors than people those who no education experiences. Korean middle-aged and elderly people with education significantly did more information protection behaviors than the people without the education.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 개인정보보호에 관한 지식이 행동에 미치는 영향 분석

        이경찬,김자미,이원규 한국정보교육학회 2015 정보교육학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 개인정보보호에 관한 지식이 실제 행동에 미치는 영향에 대해서 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 개 인정보보호 관련 지식은 개인정보 개념, 정보주체 권리, 정보보호 행동수칙, 개인정보 가치인식의 영역으로 구성 하였고, 개인정보보호 행동은 개인정보보호수칙의 준수, 개인정보침해에 따른 피해구제 노력으로 설정하여, 초등 학생 510명을 대상으로 조사하였다. 자기기입식의 방법으로 지식과 행동의 연관성을 측정하고, 행동에 미치는 영향 요인을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 교육 유무에 따라서 지식과 행동의 4개 요인은 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 개인정보보호 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 정보보호 행동수칙의 인지와 개인정보 중요성에 대한 가치인식에 관한 지식이었다. 본 연구는 개인정보보호에 관한 교육에 있어서, 어떤 지식을 위주로 제공해야 하는지에 대한 시사점을 제시했다는 데 의의가 있다. This study was conducted with the goal to identify the degree to which elementary school students’ knowledge about personal information protection practices impacted their actual behavior with regard to privacy protection. To fulfill this goal, knowledge about personal information protection was set as (1) knowledge about concepts of personal information, (2) knowledge of the rights of information holders, (3) knowledge about the code of conduct for information protection, and (4) awareness of the value of personal information. As for students’ behaviors to ensure their personal information protection those were set as their habits to comply with the personal in-formation protection code of conduct and their efforts to respond and recover from any personal information violation. This study was conducted targeting 510 elementary students. The degree of the students’ knowledge and their behaviors was measured by first distributing a self-report survey to the students and then analyzing their responses. The results of the analysis revealed the following: First, it was found that there are no differences among the four factors of knowledge and behavior according to the status of their education. Second, the two factors that primarily affected their personal information protection behavior were found to be their awareness of the information protection code of conduct and awareness of the value of personal information. This study holds significance in that it makes suggestions as to how personal protection practices should be taught to public school students.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷上의 著作權保護 및 著作權法 제25조의 問題點

        黃根洙(Hwang Keun-Soo) 한국법학회 2008 법학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        최근 들어 情報通信기술의 발전에 따라 著作權法上의 문제가 야기되고 있다. 이들 중 학교교육의 변화에 따른 저작권법상 문제는 더욱 심각하다. 특히, 著作權法 제25조 제1항 및 제2항은 學校敎育의 목적에 이용하는 경우 저작권제한을 규정하고 있는 바, 이는 저작권자의 著作物을 보호하고 정보화사회에서 이에 대한 이용가능성을 보장하는 것인지 어떤지가 문제된다. 과거의 교육자료는 교과서가 중심이 되었으나, 情報化社會에서는 인터넷상의 원문자료(Text-book)에 의해 가능하게 되었다. 이에 따라 저작권소유자에 대하여 인터넷을 통한 學校敎育 목적상의 방송 및 전송에서 제한할 필요가 있다. 한편, 학교교육의 변화에 따라 電子교과서가 학교교육 과정에서 著作物에 해당된다고 할 경우, 발행부수 내지 그에 대한 가격산정 또한 전자교과서에 대하여는 저작권법상 합리적으로 조정되어야 한다. 나아가, 원격학교 등 교육시설(특별법상의 교육시설(저작권법 제25조 제2항))의 등장에 따라 동조에서 이를 규정하여야 할 것이며, 이에 이용되는 著作物이 누구의 것인가에 대하여는 敎育者의 共同著作物l로 보아야 할 것이다. 이와 같이 정보화사회에 있어서 인터넷상 저작권소유자와 교육자 사이 저작권법 제25조를 둘러싸고 많은 충돌이 야기되고 있다. 이러한 문제들은 인터넷의 특성에 비추어 볼 때, 장차 넓은 범위의 영역에서 보호되는 방향으로 해결되어야 할 것이며, 정부차원에서도 著作權과 敎師의 敎育權 사이 충돌을 해결할 정책적인 배려가 요구된다. Nowadays, many questions have been arisen on protection and restriction in Copyright Law by development of information and communications. All of them, school education is changing, but Korean Copyright Law doesn't meet the questions. On korean Copyright Law §1, one hand The law protects the copyright holder, the other hand it restricts the copyright in order to develop korean culture. In this circumstance, there are many questions on the conflict of the right of copyright holder and of copyright user. In particular, Korean Copyright Law §25②③ regulated the restriction of copyright on the point of using school education purposes in Korea. This is questioned in whether the regulation could warrant copyright writing and utilization possibility in information oriented-society or not. First, The question is variable of teaching and learning method. It is possible that teaching and learning method becomes variable by schoolbook and text-material through Information Communication Technology(ICT) in information oriented-society. Therefore, the right of copyright holder have to restrict at broadcasting and transmission in using school education. Second, education course and educating school book are changing. If the electronic school book includes in copyright writings to educating text book by education course change, circulation issue and price calculation need to be revised for electronic book rationally in Copyright Law. The last, new shaped-school, ego. the Remote School appears recently. If the Remote School[University] is an educational facility(Copyright Law §25② 'Educational Facility on Special Law'), the Article had better codify educational facilities by 'elementary Education Law, advanced Education Law or life-long Education Law' on the present korean Copyright Law. Moreover, whose educational contents writing producted by remote education is owned. Remote education teaching must be a collaboration writing. Otherwise, the supervision and the control of University Authority infringe the freedom of education teaching and expression. In present Information Society. There are many conflicts between the copyright holder and the teacher(his education right) in the Copyright Law §25 by school educational circumstance variety(Remote School etc.) on Internet. These problems must solve to widen the protection extent on the Copyright Law §25 and futhermore governmental service need to solve the conflict between the copyright and the education right in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        학내 정보보호지침 수립에 관한 연구

        유기훈(KiHun Yu),최웅철(WoongChul Choi),김신곤(ShinKon Kim),구천열(ChunYul Goo) 한국IT서비스학회 2008 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.7 No.1

          Because IT security guidelines for universities and colleges mostly focus on hardware aspects, the problems such as security incidents by a user"s mistake and personal information leakage by hacking are serious in our higher educational institutes. In order to solve these information protection and security problems in the educational institutes, realizable and implementable information protection and security guidelines which will contribute to escalate information protection level should be established and at the same time, specific guidelines should be provided to make the guidelines efficient. In this paper, the information security problems and cases are categorized to develop information security guidelines for the higher educational institutes in terms of short, mid, and long term aspects and the solutions to the problems are sought. In addition, a serious of approaches to the information security are proposed such as the improvement measures for the employees of the institute to have desirable security-minded, security problem prevention and resolving methods, developing conflict coordination procedure and law and regulation system establishment for making the educational institutes be information-oriented.

      • KCI등재

        원장사전교육에서 개인정보 보호교육의 내용 탐색

        최대훈(Dea-Hun Choi) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2021 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 보육종사자 보수교육에서 개인정보보호교육을 위한 교육내용을 선정하고 구조화하기 위한 내용탐색의 목적에서 수행되었다. 선행연구 및 문헌자료를 수집하고 분석하였으며 교육신청자 125명을 대상으로 사전 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사된 자료를 바탕으로 심층집단 요구분석(FGI)을 통해 교육내용을 구조화 하였다. 심층집단 요구분석에는 기관의 개인정보책임자 및 교육수료자 등이 참여하였다. 집단면담과 이메일 등을 통한 개별면담 등을 실시하였고, 도출된 의견에 대하여 2인의 교육전문가에게 적절성을 검토 받아 최종 내용을 선정하였다. 개인정보보호 교육내용 탐색의 방향은 정보관리 단계별 실무에 대한 내용과, 문서작성 등의 실습이 추가되어야 하는 것으로 나타났다. This study was carried out for the purpose of selecting and structuring educational content for personal information protection education in supplementary education for childcare workers. Prior research and literature data were collected and analyzed to select educational content, and a preliminary survey was conducted for 125 applicants for education. Based on the surveyed data, the educational content was structured through focus group interview. In the focus group interview analysis, the person in charge of personal information of the institution and those who have completed education participated. Group interviews and individual interviews through e-mail, etc. were conducted, and the final contents were selected after reviewing the appropriateness of the derived opinions by two educational experts. It was found that the direction of the search for personal information protection education contents should be added to the contents of practical work in each stage of information management and practice such as document writing.

      • KCI등재

        금융소비자보호를 위한 공시제도의 커뮤니케이션 효과 연구 금융회사와 공중 간의 정보적 소통을 중심으로

        이태준 ( Tae Jun Lee ),윤태웅 ( Tai Woong Yun ) 한국PR학회 2014 PR연구 Vol.18 No.3

        Government policymakers ask financial companies to comply with the rules of disclosure information rules in pursuit of financial consumer protection and welfare. However, it is surprising that limited research has examined the role of disclosure information in financial services promotional messages in financial customers’ decision-making, given the importance of informational interventions (e.g., disclosure information) aimed at market transparency and financial literacy in today’s financial environment. With this backdrop, based on the Economics of Information, the current research empirically investigates the relationship between disclosure information and financial customers’ attitudes towards product, perceived corporate social responsibility, and manipulative intent. Moreover, financial customers’ skepticism of financial information and financial education are incorporated in order to examine how these two factors would be able to moderate thecommunication effects of financial disclosure information. Results from a experimental study show that skepticism of financial information plays a moderating role in influencing financial customers’ responses while financial customers’ educational attainment does not. The authors offer public policy implications as well as practical suggestions, including whether reducing skepticism of financial information through informational interventions and enhancing financial sophistication from educational interventions are realistic for the general public in light of financial welfare.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술․가정교과 ‘정보 보호와 공유’ 단원에서 개인 정보 보호 교육을 위한 교수․학습과정안 개발

        조강희,이용진 한국실과교육연구학회 2011 實科敎育硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 2007 개정교육과정 기술·가정교과의 중학교 8학년 ‘정보 보호와 공유’단원에서 개인 정보 보호교육을 위한 교수·학습과정안을 개발하는데 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 개정교육과정에서의 ‘정보 보호와 공유’ 단원을 분석하고 정보 보호 관련 사이트의 내용 요소를 추출하였다. 이어서 교수·학습과정안 단원을 설계하는 데 필요한 구성 요소를 도출하고 최종적으로 교수·학습과정안을 개발하였다. 이 연구는 전문가 평가와 경기도 부천소재 ○○중학교 2학년 학생들을 대상으로 현장 적용을 거쳤으며, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 개발된 교수·학습과정안은 개정교육과정에서의 정보 보호에 대한 내용을 충실히 반영하는 동시에 기술·가정교과의 기술과 교육 분야에서는 처음으로 개발된 것이다. 둘째, 개발된 교수·학습과정안은 청소년을 위한 정보 보호 수준에 맞추었기 때문에 중학생을 위한 교수·학습과정안으로 적절하다. 아울러 개발된 활동지와 제시된 동영상 자료는 중학교 학생들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 셋째, 개발된 교수·학습과정안을 실제로 적용한 결과, 학생들은 개인 정보에 대한 중요성과 개인 정보를 잘 관리해야 한다는 인식을 갖게 되었다. 넷째, 개발된 교수·학습과정안은 기술·가정교과에 새롭게 도입된 정보보호 교육을 학교 현장에서 시행하는 데 있어 구체적이고 실제적인 교수·학습 자료가 되므로 이를 이용하면 학생의 실제적인 흥미와 관심을 제고시킬 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to develop a lesson plan for private information security in the 'information security and sharing' unit of the 2007 revised curriculum. In order to accomplish this purpose, the 'information security and sharing' unit of the revised curriculum was first analyzed and content elements of information security-related sites were extracted to derive design components of the lesson plan. The lesson plan was finished after passing through steps of development and verification. Effects of the completed lesson plan were investigated through professional verification and field studies. The developed lesson plan has the following characteristics: First, the developed lesson plan reflects contents on information security of the revised education course. Second, the developed lesson plan was created at the level of information security for adolescents, therefore, it is appropriate for middle school students. The activity form developed and video materials presented helped middle school students understand easily. Third, as the developed lesson plan was applied, students became to improve their understanding of the importance of private information and realized that private information should be managed well. Fourth, information security education which is essential in the information-oriented society could be done in the technical arts subject through the developed lesson plan. Students will be able to receive education on private information security, and could become interested in the technology subject as well. Thus, our lesson plan may satisfy both the interest and needs of students in the teaching-learning activity.

      • KCI등재

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        최병규 ( Choi Byeong Gyu ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2023 一鑑法學 Vol.- No.56

        보험제도는 인간의 이성이 개발해낸 우수한 제도로서 ‘1인은 만인을 위하고 만인은 1인을 위함’을 이상으로 하고 있다. 이는 무형상품으로서 안전을 추구하는 인간의 심리가 반영된 제도이다. 이러한 보험제도는 국민들로 하여금 만일의 사태에 대비하는 경제적 완충의 기능을 수행한다. 그런데 일부에서는 보험제도를 잘못 이해하여 너무나 많은 보험에 가입하여 제도의 취지에 맞지 않게 보험을 통해 경제적인 이득을 추구하려는 경우가 있어 문제이다. 보험제도는 사행성, 선의성, 우연성을 특징으로 하고 ‘최대선의계약’을 그 속성으로 하므로 당사자가 악의로 남용하려는 경우에는 커다란 사회문제로 될 수 있으며 일부는 범죄로도 연결된다. 보험계약자는 여러 개의 보험계약을 체결할 수 있다. 따라서 다수의 보험계약 체결 그 자체로는 허용된다. 그러나 그러한 경우는 보험제도를 악용할 가능성이 높다. 보험계약을 다수 가입한 경우에는 실제로도 보험금 과다청구로 이어지는 경우가 다수 존재한다. 특히 다수계약을 체결하는 자들은 하나의 보험사로부터 집중적으로 가입하는 경우보다는 여러 보험사에 계약을 별도로 가입하는 경우가 많아 보험자로서는 확인이 쉽지 않다. 더구나 우체국, 농협, 신협 등도 보험업을 취급하고 있다. 이에 개인정보보호에 위반되지 않는 한도에서 보험가입정보를 집중 관리하는 협회나 기관을 통한 가입정보의 확인조치가 필요하다. 최근에 신용정보원이 그 역할을 담당하고 있다. 또한 중복보험 가입여부를 보험계약체 결시 적극적으로 질문항목에 넣어 확인하는 것이 필요하다. 실제 소송에서 다투어지는 경우 자유심증주의가 적용되기 때문에 다수계약을 체결하게 된 경우, 월평균 수입, 보험료의 충당방법 등에 대한 공격과 방어를 통해 보험제도를 신의성실원칙에 반하여 남용하는 것인지 여부를 판가름하게 된다. 이때 개인정보보호에 위반하지 아니하는 범위내에서 세무서, 보험개발원, 각 보험회사에 사실조회 및 문서제출명령제도 등을 통하여 자료를 확보하고 법원에 제출하여야 할 것이다. 2021년 3월 25일부터 시행되는 금융소비자보호법에서는 금융교육 지원 및 금융교육협의회 설치(제30조 및 제31조)에 대하여 규정을 하고 있다. 이에 금융위원회는 금융교육을 위한 시책수립 및 프로그램 개발을 하여야 하고, 3년마다 금융소비자의 금융역량에 관한 조사를 하여야 하고 이를 금융감독원 및 관련 기관, 단체에 위탁할 수 있다. 또한 금융교육에 관한 사항을 심의·의결하기 위한 기구로서 금융교육협의회에 대하여 규정하고 있다. 이러한 금융교육과 보험제도에 대한 이해도 제고를 위한 각급 학교에서의 교육을 강화하는 것이 필요하다. 그리고 보험을 남용하는 경우의 폐해, 그 심각성 및 그로 인한 불이익에 대해서도 적극적으로 홍보를 하고 협회 차원에서 캠페인을 대대적으로 벌이는 것도 필요하다. 보험자들이 개인정보 보호를 해치지 않는 한도에서 기존 보험가입정보를 활용하여 언더라이팅 과정에서 보험제도를 남용하는 다수계약이 가입이 되지 않도록 골라내는 작업도 필요하다. 다수계약을 통한 보험 남용행위를 억제하기 위하여는 유관 기관 간의 공조체제 마련이 중요하다. 또한 그를 위하여 통합된 ‘범정부 대책기구’를 마련하고 이 기구에 자료요청권을 부여하는 것도 필요하다. 이 때 ‘범정부 대책기구’가 보험사기 등 보험 남용행위를 방지하기 위한 컨트롤 타워 역할을 수행하여야 한다. 이러한 제반 조치와 국민들의, 보험제도에 대한 인식 전환 등이 맞물릴 때 부당한 다수계약 남용을 억제하고 보험 본연의 기능을 수행하는 데에 성과가 있을 것이다. The insurance system serves as an economic buffer for people to prepare for emergencies. However, it is a problem that some people misunderstand the insurance system and subscribe to too many insurances to seek economic benefits through insurance that does not fit the purpose of the system. Insurance systems are characterized by speculative nature, goodwill, and contingency, so if a party intends to abuse it for evil will, it can become a big social problem, and some lead to crime. Signing multiple insurance contracts is not itself a problem. However, in such cases, there is a high possibility that the insurance system will be abused. In the case of multiple insurance contracts, there are actually many cases that lead to excessive claims of insurance premiums. Particularly, it is difficult for insurers to confirm that those who sign multiple contracts often subscribe to multiple insurance companies separately rather than intensively subscribe from one insurance company. Accordingly, it is necessary to confirm the subscription information through associations or organizations that intensively manage insurance subscription information to the extent that it does not violate personal information protection. In addition, it is necessary to actively check whether or not to subscribe to double insurance when signing an insurance contract. In the case of a dispute in an actual lawsuit, the principle of libertarianism is applied, so in the case of concluding multiple contracts, it is possible to determine whether the insurance system is abused against the principle of good faith through attacks and defenses against the average monthly income and insurance premiums. In this case, the data must be secured to the tax office, the Insurance Development Institute, and each insurance company through fact-finding and document submission order system, and submitted to the court within the scope of not violating personal information protection. The Financial Consumer Protection Act, which takes effect on March 25, 2021, regulates financial education support and the establishment of the Financial Education Council (Articles 30 and 31). Accordingly, the Financial Services Commission must establish policies and develop programs for financial education, and conduct an investigation on the financial capabilities of financial consumers every three years, and may entrust this to the Financial Supervisory Service and related institutions and organizations. It also stipulates the Financial Education Council as an organization for deliberation and resolution on matters related to financial education. It is necessary to reinforce education in schools at each level to enhance understanding of such financial education and insurance systems. In addition, it is also necessary to actively promote the harms of abuse of insurance, its seriousness, and the resulting disadvantages, and to carry out a campaign on a large scale at the level of the association. To the extent that insurers do not harm personal information protection, it is also necessary to select the multiple contracts that abuse the insurance system in the underwriting process using existing insurance subscription information so that they do not sign up. In order to curb insurance abuse through multiple contracts, it is important to establish a cooperation system between related organizations. Additionally, for this purpose, it is necessary to establish an integrated ‘government-wide countermeasure organization’ and grant this organization the right to request data. At this time, a ‘pan-government countermeasure organization’ must act as a control tower to prevent insurance abuse such as insurance fraud. When these measures are combined with a change in the public’s perception of the insurance system, there will be results in suppressing unfair multiple contract abuse and performing insurance’s original function.

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