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        Influence of Authenticity on Electrical Energy Saving Behavioral Intention

        Young-Doo Kim 한국유통과학회 2018 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.9 No.11

        Purpose – Electrical energy saving is one of the practical virtues relating to sustainable living. Therefore, policy-makers has tried to find a way to change the behaviors of individuals to encourage them to actively practice electrical energy saving, even if they have never had this concern or have only passively practiced electrical energy saving to this point. Prior research related to electrical energy saving can be categorized into several types. The first is focused on consumer characteristics linked to electrical energy saving. These studies are based on individual or household socio-demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, household income, education level, occupants, marital status, number of households), and psycho-graphics (e.g., environmental consciousness, value, attitude, motivation, lifestyle). The second is focused on policies (e.g., monetary incentives, information sharing, social comparison, feedback), and technologies (e.g., energy-efficiency home appliances, energy-reduced products, renewable resources). People generally have a favorable attitude towards electrical energy saving, while electrical energy saving practices tend to be less favorable. Therefore, it is necessary for policy-makers to seek out gaps between attitudes and behaviors and find alternatives to reduce these gaps. This study investigates the influence of authenticity on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. It is supposed that electrical energy saving practices are likely to be stronger as authenticity of individual or household becomes stronger. This study reviews prior literature and examines various studies to provide an understanding of the relationships between authenticity and electrical energy saving behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology – Hypothesis was drawn from analysis based on previous research. The items related to authenticity and electrical energy saving were selected from items found in previous research. To verify this hypothesis, data were collected via experimental survey method and the resulting data were analyzed using reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results – This study found that authenticity had a positive impact on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. The higher the perceived degree of authenticity, the higher the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. Conclusions – This study assesses the impact of authenticity on the behavioral intention of electrical energy saving. In order to enhance the practice of electrical energy saving, it is efficient strategy for policy-maker to improve the perceived authenticity of individuals.

      • The energy-related aid and Electricity access: Is climate compatible development possible?

        ( Dmitriy Li ),( Jeong Hwan Bae ) 한국환경경제학회·한국자원경제학회(구 한국환경경제학회) 2018 한국환경경제학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.하계

        The World Bank argued that achieving universal access to electricity is one of the most important goals set for the energy sector by governments in the developing world. According to the International Energy Agency report the electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2016 was 43% and achieve only 59% in 2030. In general, energy access projects in rural areas requires huge investment costs, while demand is low, due to low population density and persistent poverty. Thus, that kind of loss-making investment left for finance by governments and the foreign aid. Policymakers believe that the increase of energy access may improve the level of health, education, and income for poor. However, there are might be some negative consequences of energy accessibility such as increase of CO<sub>2</sub> emission due to combustion of fossil fuels. To best our knowledge, this study is the first attempts to examine whether energy-related aid can promote climate-compatible development by identifying the feasible impact of energy-related aid on CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, GDP and urban and rural electricity access as well as an overall relationship between these variables. For the empirical analysis, we employed a pool mean group estimator for panel data of 24 low-income Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1995 to 2014. In addition to total energy-related aid we also used the renewable energy aid, and non-renewable energy aid. The estimation results reveal that in the long run total and sub-sectorial energy-related aid promote economic growth, but the impact on rural and urban electricity access is insignificant. In turn increase in GDP increase access to electricity, so energy-related aid might increase electricity access indirectly through GDP. We also find that renewable energy aid reduces CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, but the impact of total energy-related aid is still positive. According to the estimation results, we have the following suggestions to the donors and policymakers. First, more renewable energy aid is required to ensure the reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in Sub-Saharan African countries. Second, probably the reduction of the gap between required and current energy sector investment might ensure the global electricity access. However, the problem of aid inefficiency in recipient countries should be solved, since according to the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of Tanzania, only 14% of available funds for energy projects in 2008-2009 were actually disbursed.

      • 재생에너지 확산 이행방안 연구(Ⅲ)

        이상엽,이창호,임동순,석광훈,최영웅 한국환경연구원 2021 기후환경정책연구 Vol.2021 No.-

        Ⅰ. 서론 1. 연구목적 및 범위 □ 연구목적 ○ 국내 재생에너지 목표달성을 전제로 재생에너지 확산을 위한 근본적 이행방안 모색 □ 연구범위 ○ 재생에너지 확산 현안들의 상호 유기적 관계를 통합적으로 반영 - 경제적, 기술적, 사회적 수용성 현안(1차 연도 분석결과 통합) ㆍ 기술개발, 계통 안정성, 최종 수요부문을 고려한 섹터커플링, 발전원가를 고려한 환경급전 계획, 분산전원 계획, 전력 수요관리, 지역 수용성 등 2. 연구내용 및 수행체계 □ 전환부문 배출전망 및 전력산업구조개편 과제 ○ (배출전망) 『제9차 전력수급기본계획』상의 전원믹스 반영(1차 연도 분석결과 업데이트) ○ 전력산업구조개편 - 에너지전환 시대에 부합하는 구조개편 검토(재생에너지 산업·기술 확산, 재생에너지 쏠림현상으로 인한 계통제약 문제, 역송전 문제 등 부작용 해소 기여 관점) - 재생에너지 확산 관점에서 본 전기요금 체제의 중요성 - 우리나라에서 취할 수 있는 전력산업구조개편 대안 및 각각의 특징과 장단점 □ 권역별 전기요금 차등화 분석 ○ 지역별 전기요금 차등화 필요성(북상조류 관점, 에너지전환시대 관점) ○ 송전이용요금 중심의 권역별 전기요금 차등화 방안을 분석 □ 권역별 전기요금 차등화의 지역별 경제파급효과 분석 ○ 6개 권역의 지역 산업연관효과 모형 ○ 2030년 권역별 총산출, 부가가치, 취업 및 고용 효과 도출 □ 전기요금 개편 병행 과제(실시간요금제 중심) 분석 ○ 실시간요금제 도입 해외 사례 분석(아일랜드와 영국) ○ 재생에너지 확산의 대표적 지역인 제주 적용 방안 및 시사점 □ 결론 및 정책제언 ○ 1차와 2차 연도의 분석결과 종합 정리 ○ 우리나라 재생에너지 확산과 탄소중립 국가전략의 활성화를 위한 근본적인 정책방향 Ⅱ. 전력부문 배출전망 및 전력산업구조개편 과제 1. 배출전망 □ 분석개요 ○ 『제9차 전력수급기본계획』의 설비계획을 재생에너지 2040을 기준으로 분석 - 정부의 에너지전환 정책과 노후석탄 조기폐지, 재생에너지 최대목표 적용 ○ 시나리오 분석 - 수요대안(2개), 설비대안(2개), 설비이용률 대안(원전 3개, 석탄 4개), 재생에너지 대안(2개) □ 분석결과 및 시사점 ○ 전원믹스의 신재생에너지 전환만으로는 2030 목표달성 불확실(현 NDC 192.7, 상향 NDC 149.9백만 톤 배출목표 기준) - 원전이용률을 80%로 높이고, 석탄이용률을 60% 이하로 제한할 경우 달성 가능 - 탈원전 기조로 온실가스 감축효과가 상당부문 상쇄 - 노후석탄의 조기폐지 효과는 2030년 이후에 발생 ○ 정책적 과제 - 주요 기술 감축수단에 관한 감축 잠재량 세부 분석 중요(CCUS, 수소발전, 무탄소전원기술) - 『제9차 전력수급기본계획』상의 수요감소로 인한 감축효과의 변동성 및 불확실성 대비 중요 ㆍ (전력수요) 증가요인(EV 등)과 감소요인(산업구조, 효율향상)에 따른 불확실성 대비 ㆍ (전력공급) 화석연료 발전 규제(단축 시, 투자비 회수; 이용률 제약 시, 비용 보상 문제)와 재생에너지 보급목표 확대(이용률 적용 시, 기후요인 및 입지요건 문제) 대비 2. 전력산업구조개편 □ 구조개편 방향 ○ 세계 전력산업의 흐름과 발전방향 고려 - 규제완화와 진입장벽 제거 - 전력·에너지산업의 새로운 생태계 조성(온실가스 감축, 전력화, 스마트화) ○ 우리의 전력산업 여건과 현실의 반영 - 전력 및 에너지산업에서 나타나고 있는 새로운 정부 역할과 규제체제 고려 ○ 구조개편으로 인해 예상되는 전력수급, 시장측면에서의 긍정적 효과 제시 중요 - 진입규제, 판매 독점, 요금규제 등 전력산업 발전과 진화의 장애요인 완화 - 의무적 시장, CBP 방식 등 시장의 본래 기능 회복을 통한 가격의 적정성 유지 ○ 새로운 에너지자원의 진입 촉진 및 신규설비 진입 시 입지 신호 제공 - 재생에너지, 분산에너지, 수요자원, 신기술 등에 따른 새로운 에너지산업 구축 - 탄소중립 등 기후변화 대응, 시스템 변동성 대응에 필요한 시스템 재구축 - 재생에너지 등 신규설비투자 시 지역별 차등화를 통한 바람직한 입지신호 제공 □ 구조개편 대안 및 특장점 ○ (대안Ⅰ) 발전 및 판매 경쟁 - 판매사업 경쟁도입(배전 포함) - 발전·판매 겸업 허용(전력회사 포함) ○ (대안Ⅱ) 배전부문 분리 및 판매경쟁 - 배전부문을 공영배전회사로 분리 - 배전회사와 발전사 간 공급계약(도매 탁송) - 판매부문의 경쟁도입 ○ (대안Ⅲ) 배전부문 분리 및 판매경쟁 - 발전 및 판매부분 도매 경쟁 - 배전회사와 발전사 간 공급계약(도매 탁송) - 배전부문의 지역 배전회사로 분리 ○ (대안Ⅳ) 발·송·배전 통합형 - 발·송·배전 수직통합(one-KEPCO + IPP/CES) - 발·배전 통합(송전가격입찰) ○ 국내 여건을 고려한 중요 검토 사항 - (기존 판매독점 완화) 송·배전 부문은 한전이 소유하더라도 판매부문에는 분할 또는 신규진입을 허용. 수요측 분산자원 중심의 새로운 에너지산업 비즈니스 창출 중요 - (판매사업의 지역분할) 에너지산업에서 지역의 역할 강화. 지역별 수급여건에 따라 차별화된 투자 여건을 반영한 가격 신호 제공 중요 Ⅲ. 지역차등화 전기요금 분석(송전요금을 중심으로) 1. 지역 차등화 필요성 및 의의 □ 전통적 의미의 필요성(과거부터 지속적으로 제기) ○ (북상조류 문제) 송전망건설, 발전소 주변과 원격지 수요자 간 형평성 등 사회적 갈등. 전력수급 불안요소 ○ (송전망 포화 문제) 송전혼잡비용, 송전손실, 송전설비 투자비 증가 등 전기요금의 상승 요인 ○ (전국 단일가격체제 문제) 지역적 신호 미반영. 지역 간 교차보조 불공정 야기 ○ 지역별 차등요금제 적용의 사회적 공감대 및 수용성 우려 □ 에너지전환(탄소중립) 관점의 필요성 부각 ○ 연료비연동제에서 실시간요금제까지의 단계적, 지역적 전개 중요성 ○ 에너지전환 시대에 전력 공급원가 인상요인 대비책 강화 - 재생발전 변동성 전원 확대에 따른 계통보강 및 계통통합 비용, SMP 급변동, 변동성 전원의 정산제도 정비 등 ○ 에너지전환 시대 지역의 중요성 증대 - 지역주도 분산형 전원의 역할과 의미 증대, 지역주민 수용성 강화, 지역 주도의 분산에너지 활성화 대책 강화, 지역주도의 지역균형뉴딜 추진 강화 등 2. 지역 차등화 분석방법론 및 분석결과 □ 분석방법론 ○ 에너지전환 시대에 송배전 설비의 송전비용을 전력 공급비용의 중요한 기준의 하나로 간주하고, 지역 차등화 접근 - 송배전비용은 송배전을 통한 설비건설, 계통운영, 환경 요인과 관련된 회피편익적 성격 ○ 균등·차등부과 방식과 지역 간 융통 전력 기반 송전비용 배분방식의 결과를 이용해송배전 투자회수를 위한 권역별 차등화 도출 - 지역 간 융통 전력 기준 차등화는 자제공급 및 융통전력 비용을 바탕으로 비용유발의 균등한 부담원칙을 전제하고 지역별 발전 및 수요측 분담금액을 산정 - 송배전 투자비용 회수를 수도권 발전소 회피, 부하증가 회피, 특정선로 회피의 세가지 관점에서 분석 ○ 주요 가정 - (전력수요 및 분석기간) 『제9차 전력수급기본계획』, 2030년 - (지역 구분) 수도권(서울, 경기, 인천), 비수도권(충청권, 강원권, 전라권, 영남권), 제주 권역 - (분석 전제) 과거 10년 및 최근 추세 반영 ㆍ 설비용량(피크기여도 기준), 최대부하(동계 최대전력 기준), 기본요금 단가 및 사용단가(송배전용 전기설비 이용규정, 2020.4), 설비기간(40년), 할인율(4.5%), 설비투자운영비(6%), 자본회수계수(CRF, 0.0543), 154kV 비율(70%), 배전비용비율(50%), 송주법지원(19%), 선로별 이용률(40%, 50%) 등 □ 분석결과 ○ 균등·차등부과 방식과 지역 간 융통 전력 기반 방식 적용 시 모두 지역 차등화 신호가 강하게 나타남 - 특히, 발전측보다는 수요측에서 지역 차등화 현상이 두드러짐 ○ 투자비용 회수 반영 권역별 차등화 결과 - 송배전설비(345kV 이상 + 154kV + 배전) 이용률 50% 시, 송배전 투자비 회수 비용 (12~15원/kWh) - 권역별 추가비용은 균등·차등부과 방식과 융통 전력 기반 송전비용 배분방식의 결과의 권역별 평균 증감 기준 - 현 지불(4원/kWh: 발전측 1.8원 + 수요측 2.24원) 대비 권역별 추가비용 증가율 (수도권 +8.5%, 비수도권 -12.1%, 제주권 100% 이상) - 분석결과는 송배전비용 기준으로 지역 차등화의 시그널을 제시 ㆍ 현재 수도권과 제주권은 과소지불, 비수도권은 상대적으로 과다지불 상황을 반영 . 향후 지역 재생에너지 확산 과정상의 전기요금 논의에서 검토해야 할 요소 Ⅳ. 지역 차등화 전기요금의 경제효과 분석 1. 분석모형 및 주요지표 □ 분석개요 및 분석모형 ○ 6개 권역, 전력가격 차등화, 3개 대분류 산업(농업, 광공업, 서비스업) 전력수요의 가격 탄력성, 지역산업연관표를 이용한 지역별, 산업별 파급효과 분석 ○ 2015년 지역 산업연관표의 2018년 기준 IO, 국민계정에 의거한 지역 IO 재구성 - 2030 부문별 경제성장(_제9차 전력수급기본계획_, KDI, KIET)을 적용한 2030년 다지역 산업연관표 - 지역별 전력 요금과 중간투입 평균비용의 상승, 지역별 물가변동과 그에 따른 산업별 제품과 서비스의 최종수요 변화를 추정 ○ 경제파급효과의 의미 - 교차보조, 누진제, 신재생에너지에 대한 사회적 편익 고려 등 일반적인 전력요금제도 효과가 아닌, 송전비용의 지역적 적정 배분에 따른 효과(재생에너지 보급 확대와 북상 조류 형태의 전력비용을 해당 권역의 기여에 따라 재분배되는 가격 형성 효과) □ 주요지표 ○ 권역별·산업별 총산출량 대비 전력 투입 비중 - 비수도권 지역은 전력 다소비 업종인 시멘트(강원), 석유화학(충청, 영남), 철강(영남) 등 광공업이 상대적으로 높은 비중 - 제주지역은 농업부문이 2.5%로 상대적으로 높은 비중 ○ 송전비용 지역 차등화에 따른 권역별·산업별 1차 수요효과 - 수도권과 제주권은 농업, 광공업, 서비스업에서 각각 13억 원, 3,231억 원, 1조 2,800억 원과 163억 원, 357억 원, 4,088억 원의 수요 감소 - 송전비용이 현재 대비 감소하는 비수도권(충청권, 영남권, 전라권, 강원) 지역은 모든 산업부문에서 수요 증가 2. 분석결과(경제파급효과) □ 주요 거시지표 ○ 송전비용 지역 차등화 적용으로 기존의 전국 단일가격 대비 총산출량 5조 2,970억 원 증대, 부가가치 2조 6,510억 원 증가, 경제 전체 취업과 고용 각각 2만 420명, 1만 5,004명 증가 □ 권역별·산업별 효과 ○ 부가가치와 취업자 기준으로 송전비용 차등화의 부정적 효과가 가장 큰 부문은 수도권의 서비스업(2030년 각각 9,740억 원, 1만 1,324명 감소 예상) ○ 특히, 영남권(광공업과 서비스업 분야)에서 높은 긍정적 효과 기대(부가가치와 취업자 각각 7,830억 원, 8,163명 증가 예상) ○ 차등화 가격인상이 가장 큰 제주권에서는 서비스 부문에서 부가가치와 취업자의 감소효과 예상 □ 시사점 ○ 송전비용을 고려한 지역 차등화는 경제 전체에 영향. 부가가치 GRDP 기준과 고용은 각각 기준안 대비 0.11%, 0.08% 증가 예상 ○ 특정 요소 가격의 하락이 평균비용의 감소와 이로 인한 수요 확대로 이어지는 현상으로 해석 가능 ○ 송전비용 지역 차등화 정책은 전국 단일 가격 체계로 부과하는 현 방식의 비효율적인 측면의 교정 수단으로 작용 가능 ○ 향후 분산형 전원의 확대, 신재생에너지 공급 확대 측면에서 사회적 고려 필요 Ⅴ. 전력시장의 병행 개혁과제(제주 풍력제약과 전력시장을 중심으로) 1. 제주 특징(고립계통과 재생에너지 간헐성의 이중제약 문제) □ 풍력발전 출력제한 증가(2020년 77회) ○ 비동기화 연계선인 고압직류송전(HVDC)과 육지와의 기술적 연계 한계 존재 ○ 재생에너지 증가에 따른 전력계통의 유연성과 안정성 대비 중요 □ 현 시장제도의 한계 ○ 전력계통의 각종 제약(운영예비력, 송전제약, 전압 안정도 유지, 열제약 등)을 미반영 ○ 열병합발전, 재생에너지, 송전제약 등의 증가로 제약발전(CON) 및 비제약발전(COFF) 정산금도 지속적으로 증가 ○ 현 하루전시장 및 보조서비스 시장의 부분적 개선의 실효성 검토 필요 2. 국외 고립전력계통 사례(하와이, 아일랜드) □ 아일랜드 분석의 중요성 ○ 하와이(지역차등요금제만 도입)는 양수발전 등 대형 인프라에 의존 ○ 아일랜드는 고립계통에서 풍력의 빠른 증가에 대응하기 위한 시장개편 실시(실시간 요금제, 변동성 대비 다양한 보조서비스시장 등) - 유럽 국가 중 변동성 재생에너지(VRE) 비중 2위로, 2030년까지 70% 확대 계획 □ 아일랜드 전력시장(실시간 시장 및 유연성 보조서비스) ○ 하루전시장(Day-Ahead Market), 하루중시장(Intraday Market), 밸런싱시장(Balancing Market) 운영 ○ Delivering Secure, Sustainable Electricity System(DS3)은 14가지 보조서비스(예비력, 주파수반응, 수요반응 등)를 규제가격과 경매입찰(pay-as-bid) 절차의 혼합을 통해 구매하고, 높은 재생에너지 비중을 보완 ○ 송전혼잡 및 제약에 따른 지역 간 가격편차를 헤징할 수 있는 금융송전권시장 (Financial Transmission Right) 도입으로 위험 완화 ○ 실시간 밸런싱시장 - (계통운영기관) 참여자들의 물리적 보고(PN)에 근거해 급전지시. 참여자들에게는 보유 물량 조정을 위한 입찰 및 가격협상 기회 부여 - (계통운영기관) 수급 균형 유지 및 계통제약 문제를 관리. 밸런싱시장 정산가격은 이에 따라 결정 - (밸런싱시장 가격) 매 5분 급전 시간마다 결정. 30분 정산가격은 각 5분 가격들의 평균으로 결정 - (효과) 아일랜드·영국 간 HVDC 연계선 전력거래 합리화. 풍력발전량 변동에 따른 수급 간 차이를 실시간 시장에서 합리적으로 관리하여 풍력발전 확대에 기여 □ 시사점(제주) ○ 지역 차등화 전기요금 도입으로 재생에너지 관련 서비스 및 신기술 진입장벽 일부 해소에 기여할 것으로 기대 ○ 지역 차등 전기요금과 병행해 풍력발전 확대에 따른 제약발전 문제를 근본적으로 해소 할 수 있는 직접적 유인 제도와 시장 질서 대비 필요 - 변동성 재생에너지를 낭비 없이 안정적으로 전력계통에 공급하기 위한 실시간 전력거래와 보조서비스 시장 Ⅵ. 결론 및 정책 제언 □ 지속가능한 전력시장구조의 중요성 ○ 탄소중립을 위한 온실가스 감축은 규제와 지원만으로는 한계 ○ 정상적인 가격과 비용신호를 바탕으로 분산형 재생에너지 설치 규모와 입지 선정 추진 필요 □ 송전비용을 고려한 전기요금 체제 개편의 사회적 논의 필요 ○ 지역을 고려한 분산형 재생에너지 대비 중요 ○ 과거부터 제기되어 온 송전비용을 고려한 지역차등화 전기요금 체제 문제는 에너지전환 시대에 더욱 중요한 의미 - 지역별 가격 차등화 정책은 기존의 전국 단일가격 체제의 비효율성을 교정하는 의미 ○ 전기요금 지역 차등화와 더불어 실시간요금제를 포함한 경쟁적 전력시장 도입 검토 필요 - 재생에너지 확대(공급 과잉·과소 상황)에 효율적으로 적응하기 위한 경제적 가격신호 제공 중요 - 특히 제주·육지 간 HVDC 연계선을 통한 전력거래의 최적화 개선에도 기여 ○ 탄소중립 비용 분담 관점에서 사회적 공론화 및 수용성 확보 추진 중요 Ⅰ. Introduction 1. Research Objectives and Scope □ Research objectives ○ To seek fundamental implementation measures for increasing the use of renewable energy and achieve the renewable energy goals of South Korea □ Research scope ○ Integrated assessment of the organic relationships between the current issues related to the increasing use of renewable energy - Issues on economic, technical, and social acceptance(incorporating the first-year analysis results) ㆍ Technology development, system stability, sector-coupling considering the final demand sector, environmental power supply plans considering power generation costs, distributed generator plans, power demand management, regional acceptance, etc. 2. Research Description and Implementation Schemes □ Emission forecast in the transition sector and challenges in restricting the power industry ○ (Emission forecast) Reflects the power source mix of the ninth power supply and demand plan (update the first-year analysis results) ○ Power industry restructuring - A review of restructuring the power industry in line with the energy transition era (from the perspectives of contributing to spread of the renewable energy industry and technology and overcoming limitations, such as system constraint problems due to herding in renewable energy and reversing power transmission problems) - Importance of the electricity rate scheme from the perspective of increased application of renewable energy - Power industry restructuring alternatives that can be used in South Korea and characteristics, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative □ Analysis of the application of differential electricity rates by region ○ Analysis of the application of differential electricity rates by region (perspective of power flow to the north, perspective of the energy transition era) ○ Analysis of methods for applying differential electricity rates by region based on power transmission costs □ Analysis of regional economic ripple effects of applying differential electricity rates by region ○ Regional industry-associated effect models for six regions ○ Predicting the total production and added values, including employment and hiring effects in each region in 2030 □ Analysis of projects to be performed (real-time electric rate schemeoriented) in parallel with electricity rate restructuring ○ Case studies of real-time rate schemes used overseas (Ireland and the United Kingdom) ○ Application methods and implications in the Jeju region, a representative region for increasing the use of renewable energy □ Conclusion and policy suggestions ○ Comprehensive summary of the first-year and second-year analysis results ○ Fundamental policy direction for increasing the use of renewable energy and active implementation of the national carbon-neutrality strategy in South Korea Ⅱ. Power Sector Emission Forecasts and Power Industry Restructuring Challenges 1. Emission Forecasts □ Analysis overview ○ Analysis of the facility plans of the ninth power supply and demand plan based on the renewable energy predictions for 2040 - The government’s energy transition policies, early decommissioning of deteriorated coal-fired power plants, and maximum goals of renewable energy will be applied ○ Scenario analysis - Demand alternatives (2), facility alternatives (2), facility use rate alternatives for nuclear power plants(3), four coal-fired power plants(4), and renewable energy alternatives (2) □ Analysis results and implications ○ The achievements of the 2030 goal are uncertain with the renewable energy transition based on the power source mix alone (based on the emission goal of NDC 149.9 million tons and current NDC 192.7 million tons) - If nuclear power plant use is increased to 80% and coal use is limited to 60%, the 2030 goal can be achieved - Greenhouse gas reduction effect is significantly offset by the nuclear phase-out trend - The effects of early decommissioning of deteriorated coal-fired plants will occur after 2030 ○ Policy challenges - Detailed analysis of the reduction potentials for major technical reduction measures is important (CCUS, hydrogen power generation, and carbon-free power technology) - Important to prepare for volatility and uncertainty in the reduction effects caused by demand reduction in the ninth plan ㆍ (Power demand) Prepare for uncertainty based on factors that increase (EV, etc.) and decrease (industry structure and efficiency improvement) demand ㆍ (Power supply) Prepare for regulations on fossil fuel power generation (recovering investments when reduced; cost compensation problem when usage is limited) and expansion of renewable energy deployment goals (climate factor and location problems when the percentage of use is applied) 2. Power Industry Restructuring □ Restructuring direction ○ Consider the trends in and development direction of the global power industry - Regulation mitigation and removal of barriers to entry - Creation of a new ecosystem in the power and energy industry (greenhouse gas reduction, electrification, and smartization) ○ Reflect our power industry conditions and reality - Consider new government roles and regulation mechanisms appearing in the power and energy industry ○ Important to present positive effects in the market aspect for the power supply and demand expected following restructuring - Mitigate obstacles to advancement and evolution of the power industry, such as entry regulations, sales monopoly, and electricity rate regulations - Maintain the adequacy of prices by restoring the original functions of the market, such as the compulsory pool market and CBP method ○ Promote entry of new energy resources and provide a locational signal when new facility enters - Build new energy industries based on renewable energy, distributed energy, resource demand, and new technology - Rebuild a system required to respond to climate change and system variability, such as carbon neutrality - Provide desirable location-based signals through regional differentiation when investing in new facilities for renewable energy. □ Restructuring alternatives and advantages and disadvantages ○ (Alternative Ⅰ) Power generation and competitive sales - Implementation of competitive sales business models (including power distribution) - Allowing operations in both power generation and sales (including power companies) ○ (Alternative Ⅱ) Power distribution sector separation and sales competition - The power distribution sector is separated into public power distribution companies: supply contracts between power distribution companies and power generation companies (wholesale and consignment) - Implementation of competition in the sales sector ○ (Alternative Ⅲ) Power distribution sector separation and sales competition - Wholesale competition in the power generation and sales sectors: Provide contracts between the power distribution companies and power generation companies (wholesale and consignment) - Separation of regional power distribution companies in the power distribution sector ○ (Alternative Ⅳ) Integrated type of power generation, transmission, and distribution - Vertical integration of power generation, transmission, and distribution (one-KEPCO + IPP/CES) - Integration of power generation and distribution (price bidding for power transmission) ○ Important factors to review considering the conditions in South Korea - (Mitigation of existing sales monopoly) The power transmission and distribution sectors are owned by KEPCO but the sales sector is divided, or new entries are allowed. It is important to create a new energy industry business based on the distributed resources on the demand side - (Regional division of sales business) Regional roles are strengthened in the energy industry. It is important to provide price signals that reflect the different investment conditions depending on the regional supply and demand conditions Ⅲ. Analysis of Regional Differential Electricity Rates (Focusing on Power Transmission Price) 1. Need for and Significance of Regional Differentiation □ Need based on the traditional meaning (raised continuously from the past) ○ (Problem of Power Flow to North) Social conflicts such as power transmission network construction and fairness between consumers around power plants and in remote areas. Concerns for power supply and demand. ○ (Power Transmission Network Saturation Problem) Factors that increase electricity rates, such as power transmission congestion costs, loss of power transmission, and increased investment ○ (Problem of National Single Price Scheme) Does not reflect regional signals and causes unfair cross-subsidization between regions ○ Social consensus and acceptance concerns for applying differential pricing by region □ Emergence of need from the energy transition (carbon neutrality) perspective ○ The importance of phased and regional implementation of real-time price scheme from the fuel cost-linked scheme ○ Strengthening measures for factors affecting the power supply cost increase in the energy transition era - System reinforcement and system integration costs resulting from the expansion of variable renewable energy sources, such as rapid changes in SMP and the modification of the payment settlement scheme for variable energy sources. ○ Increased importance of regions in the energy transition era - Increased role and significance of regionally initiated distributed energy sources, strengthening the acceptance of local residents, strengthening of measures for active implementation of region-initiated distributed energy, strengthening of regionally balanced new deals led by regions 2. Analysis Method and Results of Regional Differentiation □ Analysis method ○ Regional differentiation considers the power transmission cost of power transmission and supply facilities in the energy transition era as an important criterion that affects the power supply costs -Power transmission and distribution costs exhibit benefits of avoiding facility construction, system operation, and environmental factors ○ Differentiation schemes by region recover the power transmission and distribution investment by using the results of the equal or differential pricing methods and the power transmission cost distribution method based on the transfer capability between regions - For the differentiation scheme based on the transfer capability between regions, the share of expenses is calculated in terms of regional power generation and demand under the premise of the equal-share principle for costs incurred based on the material supply and transfer capability costs - The recovery of power transmission and distribution investment is analyzed from three perspectives: avoidance of power plants in the capital region, avoidance of load increase, and avoidance of certain lines ○ Key assumptions - (Power Demand and Analysis Period) The ninth power supply and demand plan for the year 2030 - (Regional classification) Capital region (Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Incheon), non-capital region (Chungcheong, Gangwon, Jeolla, and Yeongnam regions), Jeju region - (Analysis Premise) Past 10 years and the latest trends are analyzed, including facility capacity (based on peak contribution), maximum load (based on maximum power in winter), basic unit rate and unit cost of use (regulations for using electrical facilities for power transmission and distribution, April 2020), facility lifespan (40 years), discount rate (4.5%), facility investment and operation costs (6%), capital recovery factor (CRF, 0.0543), proportion of 154 kV (70%), proportion of power distribution cost (50%), support for laws on compensation and support of areas near power substations (19%), and utilization rate of each line (40% and 50%) □ Analysis results ○ Applying the equal or differential pricing method and regional transfer capacity-based method reveals strong regional differential signals - Particularly, the regional differentiation phenomenon is more noticeable on the demand side than on the power generation side ○ Results of differentiation by region, reflecting investment cost recovery - Power transmission and distribution investment recovery cost (12-15 won/kWh) when the utilization rate of power transmission and distribution facility (345 kV or greater + 154 kV + power distribution) is 50% - Additional costs in each region are based on the average regional increase or decrease in the results of the equal or differential pricing method and transfer capacity-based power transmission cost allocation method - Increase in the rate in each region (capital region: +8.5%, non-capital region: -12.1%, Jeju region: over 100%) compared to the current payment (4 won/kWh: 1.8 won on the power generation side + 2.24 won on the demand side) - The analysis results suggest signals of regional differentiation based on the power transmission and distribution costs ㆍ The current situations are reflected: underpaying in the capital region and Jeju region and relatively overpaying in the non-capital region. A factor that must be reviewed in the electricity rate discussion in the process of increasing renewable energy use regionally in the future Ⅳ. Analysis of Economic Effects of Regional Differential Electricity Rates 1. Analysis Model and Major Metrics □ Analysis overview and analysis model ○ Ripple effect analysis by region and industry using six regions, differential electricity rates, price elasticity of power demand in three main industry categories (agriculture, mining and manufacturing, and service industries), and regional input-output (IO) tables ○ IO as of 2018 in the regional input-output tables of 2015 and reconstruction of regional IO based on national accounts - The 2030 multi-regional input-output tables, which apply the 2030 economic growth by sector (the ninth power supply and demand plan, KDI, KIET) - Estimating the increase in regional electricity rates and average cost of intermediate inputs, regional price fluctuations, and, based on these, changes in the final demand of products and services in each industry ○ Significance of economic ripple effects - Effects based on appropriate regional allocations of transmission costs rather than on effects of usual electricity rate schemes, which consider cross-subsidization, increasing block pricing, and social benefits for renewable energy (effects of forming prices that redistribute the costs of expanding renewable energy deployment and transfer capacity according to the contribution of each region) □ Major Metrics ○ Proportion of power input compared to total output in each region and each industry - In the non-capital region, the mining and manufacturing industry―an industry that consumes a large amount of power―accounts for relatively high proportions: cement (Gangwon), petrochemicals (Chungcheong, Yeongnam), and steel (Yeongnam) - In Jeju, the agriculture sector has a relatively high proportion: 2.5% ○ Primary demand effect by region and industry based on regional differential power transmission costs - In the agriculture, mining and manufacturing, and service industries, the demand decreases by 1.3 billion, 232.1 billion, and 1.28 trillion won in the capital region and 16.3 billion, 35.7 billion, and 408.8 billion won in Jeju, respectively - Demand increases in all industries in the non-capital region (Chungcheong, Yeongnam, Jeolla, and Gangwon regions) where the power transmission price decreases compared to the current price 2. Analysis Results (Economic Ripple Effects) □ Major macro-level metrics ○ By applying regional differential power transmission costs, the total output increases by 5.297 trillion won, added values increase by 2.651 trillion won, and total number of employed people and hiring in the economy increases by 20,420 persons and 15,004 persons, respectively □ Effects by region/industry ○ The service industry in the capital region is a sector in which the negative effect of differential transmission costs is greatest based on the added values and number of employed people (expected decreases in 2030: 974 billion won and 11,324 persons, respectively) ○ Particularly, the Yeongnam region (mining and manufacturing industry and service industry) is expected to have high positive effects (expected increases in added values and number of employed people in 2030: 783 billion won and 8,163 persons, respectively) ○ In Jeju where the differential price increase is the greatest, the added values and number of employed people are expected to decrease in the service sector □ Implications ○ Based on the regional differentiation considering power transmission costs, the added values (based on GRDP) and number of employed people in the whole economy are expected to increase by 0.11% and 0.08%, respectively, compared to these values at baseline ○ The price decrease of a certain element may lead to a decrease in the average cost and, as a result, an increase in demand ○ The regional differential power transmission cost policy can function to correct the inefficient aspect of the current method of impose a single-price scheme nationwide ○ Social consideration is required in from the perspectives of expanding distributed energy sources and the renewable energy supply in the future Ⅴ. Parallel Reforms in Power Market (Focusing on Jeju’s Wind Power Constraints and Power Market) 1. Characteristics of Jeju (dual-constraint problem of isolated system and renewable energy intermittency) □ Increase in output restrictions in wind power generation (77 times in 2020) ○ There is a technical limitation of linking with the mainland through high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) power transmission lines, which are not synchronously linked ○ Important to prepare for flexibility and stability of the power system based on the increase in renewable energy □ Limitations of the current market system ○ Various limitations of power systems, including operational reserves, power transmission constraints, voltage stability maintenance, and thermal constraints are not reflected ○ Continuous increase in the constrained ON (CON) and constrained OFF (COFF) energy payment because of the increase in the combined heat and power, renewable energy, and power transmission constraints ○ There is a need to review the effectiveness of the partial improvements in the current market and ancillary service market 2. Overseas Cases of Isolated Power System (Hawaii and Ireland) □ Importance of analyzing data from Ireland ○ Hawaii is the only place that has adopted the regional differential pricing scheme and depends on large infrastructures such as pumped-storage power plants ○ Ireland reformed the market to respond to fast increases in wind power from the isolation systems (real-time price scheme, various ancillary service markets for variability, etc.) - Ranked second in terms of the proportion of variable renewable energy (VRE) among European countries (expansion of this value to 70% by 2030 has been planned) □ Power markets in Ireland (real-time market and flexible ancillary service) ○ Day-ahead, intraday, and balancing markets are under operation ○ Based on the Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System (DS3), 14 ancillary services (reserves, frequency response, demand response, etc.) are purchased through combinations of regulated prices and pay-as-bid procedures, and the high renewable energy proportion is supplemented ○ Mitigates risks by introducing the Financial Transmission Right (FTR) market that can hedge price variances between regions caused by power transmission congestion and constraints ○ Real-time balancing market - (System Operator) Instruction to supply based on the physical reports (PN) of the participants. Provides participants with bidding and price negotiation opportunities to adjust the possessed amount - (System Operator) Maintains the balance between the supply and demand and manages the system constraint problems, which determines the balance market settlement price - (Balancing Market Price) This price is determined every five minutes in supply time. The 30-minute settlement price is determined from the average of the five-minute prices - (Effect) Rationalization of HVDC-linked power trading between Ireland and the U.K. Contribution to expanding wind power generation by rationally managing the difference between the supply and demand caused by variable wind power generation in the real-time market □ Implications (Jeju) ○ Adoption of a regional differential electricity rate scheme is expected to contribute to resolving the barriers of entry in the renewable energy-related services and new technology ○ There is a need to prepare the direct inducement schemes and market order that can fundamentally solve the constrained power generation problem that is caused by the expansion of wind power generation in parallel with regional differential electricity rates - Real-time power trading and the ancillary service market for the stable supply of variable renewable energy to the power system without waste is required Ⅵ. Conclusion and Policy Suggestions □ Importance of a sustainable power market structure ○ There is a limitation in the greenhouse gas reduction for carbon neutrality with the support of regulations alone ○ There is a need to select the distributed renewable energy installation size and location based on the normal price and cost □ Social discussion is required for effective implementation of the electricity rate scheme reforms considering power transmission costs ○ It is important to prepare for distributed renewable energy considering the regional requirements ○ In the energy transition era, the issue of regional differential electric rate scheme considering the power transmission costs is more important - The regional differential electric rate scheme is important for correcting the inefficiency of the current nationwide single-price scheme ○ There is a need to review the introduction of competitive power markets, including real-time pricing scheme, along with regional differential electricity rates - It is important to provide economic price strategies to adapt efficiently to the expansion of renewable energy (over or under-supply situations) - Particularly, the optimization of power trading through the HVDC lines that link the Jeju region with the mainland. ○ Public deliberation and social acceptance are important from the perspective of sharing the costs of achieving carbon neutrality

      • KCI등재후보

        문제 해결 능력을 기르는 체험활동 중심 전기에너지 교육 프로그램 개발

        정진우,이상봉 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2009 敎員敎育 Vol.25 No.2

        This study is to develop electric energy education program that can foster creative problem solving ability for middle school students and was carried out based on the purpose and contents of electric energy education in middle schools, the composition of electric energy programs and the degree of satisfaction with the education program. The electric energy education program to foster creative problem solving ability developed by this study is class materials that help hand on activities that foster problem solving ability based on the process of the generation, flow and use of electricity in teaching electric energy by teachers in charge of electric energy education in middle schools and in the students’ learning of electric energy. The development procedures is three steps(preparation step, development step, improvement step) The developed electric energy education program was composed of three step of the generation of electricity, the flow of electricity and the use of electricity and was organized so that it can be learned for 20-23 hours, and the study area was divided into basic learning and experience activities and it is convenient to use the education materials since they were divided into materials for the teachers’ use and materials for the students’ use. It is expected that the developed electric energy education program is widely used for electric energy education such as middle school regular class work, invention class, development activities, special ability and aptitude activities, discretionary activities, after-school activities and vacation homework. The development of diverse programs for experience activities which can satisfy the students’ diverse demand for electric energy and in which the students can actively take part with enthusiasm is required. 이 연구는 중학생을 위한 창의적 문제 해결 능력을 함양할 수 있는 전기에너지 교육 프로그램을 개발한 것으로 전기의 발생, 전기의 흐름, 전기의 이용의 3단계 과제를 개발하여 교육 프로그램을 구성하였으며 중학교 전기에너지 교육의 목표와 내용, 전기에너지 교육 프로그램의 구성, 교육 프로그램의 양호도에 대한 연구 문제를 바탕으로 수행되었다. 이 연구에서 개발된 창의적 문제 해결 능력을 기르는 전기에너지 교육 프로그램은 중학교 전기에너지 교육 담당 교사와 학생들이 전기에너지 교수-학습에 있어 전기의 발생에서 흐름, 이용에 이르기까지의 과정과 이를 토대로 한 문제 해결 능력을 기르는 체험활동 중심 수업에 도움을 주는 수업자료이며 준비단계, 개발단계, 개선단계로 연구를 진행하였다. 개발된 전기에너지 교육 프로그램은 크게 전기의 발생, 전기의 흐름, 전기의 이용의 3단계로 구성하여 20-23시간에 걸쳐 학습할 수 있도록 편성하였으며, 각 영역은 기본학습과 체험활동으로 구분하여 교사용 자료와 학생용 자료로 구성하였다. 개발된 전기에너지 교육 프로그램이 중학교 정규수업, 발명교실, 계발활동, 특기적성활동, 재량활동, 방과 후 학교, 방학 중 과제 등 전기에너지 교육에 널리 활용되기를 기대하며 다양한 체험활동 과제의 개발이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        신·재생에너지 활성화를 위한 전기소매사업자에 대한 법적과제

        이현정(Lee, Hyun-Jeong),김하나(Kim, Ha-Na) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2017 환경법과 정책 Vol.18 No.-

        2015년 12월 채택된 파리협정이 2016년 11월 4일 공식 발효됨으로써 우리나라는 UN기후변화 사무국에 제출한 자발적 국가결정기여(INDC: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution)를 이행하기 위해 노력할 의무를 지게 되었다. 특히 파리협정의 내용에는 교토의정서상 규정된 범위인 온실가스 감축만이 아니라 적응, 재원, 기술이전, 역량배양, 투명성 등을 포괄하고 있어 파리협정의 모든 당사국은 이를 위해 노력할 의무를 지게 된다. 우리나라는 2030년까지 에너지, 산업공정, 농업, 폐기물 등 경제전반에서 온실가스 배출전망치 대비 37%를 감축한다는 목표를 설정하였고 구체적인 수치로는 국내시장 25.7%, 해외 탄소시장 11.3%를 포함한 것이다. 이에 우리나라도 신재생에너지의 확대를 위해 전력시장의 진입규제를 대폭 완화시켜 사실상 전력소매시장이 일부 개방되어 일반인이 스스로 생산한 전기를 일정지역 내에서 판매할 수 있게 되었다. 기존은 생산한 전력은 한국전력이나 전력거래소에서만 판매할 수 있었기 때문에 적은 자원을 판매하는 데에도 전력거래소의 회원가입, 한국전력과의 계약 등의 절차가 필요하고 이에 따른 비용이 소요되어 불필요한 규제로 인식되어 왔다. 이를 위해 전력거래지침과 전기사업법을 개정하여 이를 통해 전기차 충전사업자 및 에너지저장장치 등의 에너지 신기술을 이용한 충전사업도 전기판매사업에 해당하게 되었다. 그러나 한편으로 전력소매시장을 개방해 일정 구역의 소규모 분산전원을 자금력을 가진 소수의 사업자가 독점하게 될 가능성도 배제할 수 없다는 지적도 있어 전기요금의 무분별한 인상과 공급계약에 관련된 법적 문제점에 대해서도 논의되어야 할 것이다. 또한 소규모 태양광발전소 운영자와의 신축주택에 따른 일조방해로 발전량 손실과 관련해 손해배상결정도 있어 향후 소규모 신재생에너지 생산자가 증가할 경우 이에 따른 분쟁도 증가될 우려가 있어 기본적인 가이드라인이 제시되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 본 논문에서는 우리보다 앞서 소매전력시장을 전면 개방한 일본의 전력시스템 개혁의 개요 및 계약유형 등을 살펴본 후 신재생에너지를 비롯한 소규모 전기사업자를 일반인이 선택해 공급계약을 체결과 관련된 법적과제를 검토한다. At the New Year meeting with top officials, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced to relieve the regulations that control the entry to electricity market in order to foster new energy industries as one of measures for ‘creating new engines for economic growth.’ Retail electricity market becomes partly open, and consumers can also sell electricity to other consumers within a certain area. The Electric Power Exchange Guidelines and the Electric Utility Act will be revised, which will allow electric vehicle chargers and energy storage systems to resell electricity to the power market. To implement the deregulation of the electricity market, the Guideline for Exchange of the Small-scale New and Renewable Power was recently revised on February 29. Even with the exchange of a small amount of electricity, several processes such as the membership application to Korea Power Exchange and the contract with the Korea Power Electric Corporate (KEPCO) are required. The deregulation aims at fostering the relevant industries by reducing the increased costs for industries to comply with requirements. The generation sector detached from the vertically-integrated monopoly KEPCO due to the electric sector reform in 2001, and the KEPCO has been in charge of transmission, distribution and sales of electricity. Generation and investment in power plants are determined through competition among six KEPCO subsidiaries and privatized generation companies including energy subsidiaries of conglomerates (SK, GS, Posco, etc.) and small and medium-scale energy companies. Based on these circumstances, as this deregulation allows the participation of other entities to the electricity market, the changes in electric service industries and the accelerated emergence of new technologies and new industries are expected. Also, as electricity consumers’ options diversify, the existing patterns of electricity consumption are likely to change. The creation of new businesses can be expected through competition of the provided services. However, the legal issues related to electricity supply contract and a thoughtless rise in electric rates need to be discussed since it is warned that few operators with enough funds could monopolize small-scale distributed power within a certain area. Recently, compensation for the decreased electricity generation from small-scale solar panels due to a new building was determined. Therefore, the relevant guidelines need to be established to appropriately respond to these disputes. This study aims at suggesting legal recommendations for the retail electricity market opening, by examining the relevant judicial affairs in Japan where the retail electricity market has completely opened on April 1, 2016, and electricity consumers can choose and make a supply contract with an electric utility. A person or a prosumer can make a contract with electricity utilities to sell the generated electricity. Like the precedents observed in Japan, people are likely rather consign the trade to the commissioned traders. We also need to include the commissioned traders into ‘electricity sellers’ of our laws and respond to these changes by revising the relevant laws and guidelines. Prosumers’ contributions to the environment will be expanded according to increased exchanges of small-scale new and renewable power. However, as mentioned earlier, the relevant guidelines are required, focusing on legal systems and protection of electricity consumers to foster the compliance capacity for the stable power supply and stimulate prosumers.

      • KCI등재후보

        에너지복지의 권리화 시론 - 전기를 중심으로 -

        김린(金潾) 서울대 사회보장법연구회 2024 사회보장법연구 Vol.13 No.1

        현대사회에서 에너지는 의식주 못지않은 중요성을 지니고 있고, 인간다운 생활을 위해서는 일정수준 이상의 에너지사용이 보장되어야 한다. 우리나라는 2000년대에 들어서 에너지공급의 보편성, 형평성을 중심으로 하는 ‘에너지복지’ 개념을 설정하고 정부가 관련 정책성 사업을 실시해 오고 있다. 그러한 사업은 에너지이용 소외계층에 대한 에너지 공급과 그들의 에너지이용효율 개선을 주내용으로 한다. 그러나 현재의 에너지복지 개념은 정부의 재량이 강해 국민의 권리로서의 성격이 희박해 대외적 에너지수급상황에 따른 임기응변식 대응이 주를 이루고 있다. 이에 에너지복지의 권리성을 담보하기 위한 시도가 필요하다. 그러한 시도의 방식으로 에너지의 대표적 형태이자 다양한 용도의 활용에 유리한 ‘전기’를 중심으로 현행 제도를 살펴본다. 전기는 산자, 기재부의 관여 하에 그 요금이 결정되고 있어 국가의 개입 여지가 크고, 이미 요금할인제도, 요금지급보조 등의 제도가 시행되고 있어 이를 권리화하기에 유리한 여건을 갖추고 있다. 에너지복지의 권리화를 위해서는 소득수준과 구분되는 독자적인 최저보장수준이 선행적으로 결정되어야 하고, 이를 바탕으로 수급권자의 범위와 급여의 내용을 획정해야 하며, 절차적 참여가 보장되어야 한다. 이러한 관점에서 전기를 통한 에너지복지 권리화를 위한 논의를 촉구하기 위해 미약하지만 사회보장적 관점에서 전기사업법 일부 조문에 대한 개선안을 제안한다. In modern society, energy is important as an essential commodity for daily life, and a certain level of energy use must be guaranteed for a humanized life. Since the 2000s, Korea has established the concept of ‘energy welfare’ centered on the universality and equity of energy supply, and the government has been implementing related policy projects. Such projects focus on providing energy to marginalized groups and improving their energy utilization efficiency. However, the current concept of energy welfare is highly discretionary and lacks the character of a citizen’s right, and is mainly an improvised response to the external energy supply and demand situation. Therefore, it is necessary to attempt to secure the right to energy welfare. As a way to do so, this paper examines the current system centered on electricity, which is a representative form of energy and is favorable for utilization for various purposes. Electricity has a lot of room for state intervention in determining its rates. In addition, there is a discount system and payment subsidies in place, which are favorable conditions for recognizing it as a right. In order to institutionalize the right to energy welfare, the minimum energy security level (which should be distinguished from the income security level) should be determined in advance, the scope of the beneficiaries and the content of the benefits should be defined based on this, and procedural participation should be guaranteed. In this paper, I propose improvements to some provisions of the Electricity Business Act and the Energy Act from a social security perspective as a first step towards the realization of energy welfare through electricity.

      • KCI등재

        재생가능에너지 고정가격매입제도에 관한 법제 동향 ― 일본의 경우를 중심으로 ―

        한귀현 한국공법학회 2012 公法硏究 Vol.41 No.2

        Nowadays, in the wake of global warming and energy crisis, there is a mounting interest in renewable energy. Expansion of renewable energy is needed not only as a countermeasure against global warming but also as an energy policy. Policies to support expansion of renewable energy are largely divided into the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and the Feed-in Tariff (FIT). The RPS scheme focuses on reducing costs through competition (economic efficiency), whereas the FIT scheme puts emphasis on boosting deployment of renewable energy. In particular, the FIT scheme has been successfully established as one of the most universal means to expand renewable energy, while it is also expected to be the most critical means to boost use of renewable energy. Meanwhile, in connection with expansion of renewable energy, Japan had a policy based on the RPS scheme and adopting an FIT on an exceptional and partial basis. Yet, as an attempt to organize legal basis for the FIT scheme, Japan enacted the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Renewable Electric Energy by Electric Utility Operators on August 23, 2011, which entered into force on July 1, 2012. In sum, since its introduction, the FIT scheme has been established as the most powerful means to counter aggravating energy crisis and global warming and to achieve green innovation. As a policy to expand renewable energy, Korea previously had an FIT scheme, namely the subsidization of power generation price difference. Yet, this was abolished as of December 31, 2011 and replaced by an RPS scheme, which has been in force under Articles 12-5 through 12-8 of the Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy. In view of the current situations with an increasing need to counter global warming and energy crisis and growing distrust in the safety of nuclear power plants, a dramatic expansion of renewable energy is required. Hence, the need to seriously consider an FIT scheme again. 오늘날 지구온난화 문제와 에너지위기 등에 직면하여 재생가능에너지에 대한 관심이 점점더 높아지고 있다. 재생가능에너지의 보급확대는 지구온난화 대응책으로서는 물론 에너지정책으로서도 요구되고 있다. 재생가능에너지의 보급지원책으로서는 크게 RPS제도와 FIT제도가 있다. RPS는 경쟁에 의한 비용의 저감(경제적 효율), FIT는 도입량의 확대에 중점을 두고 있다. 특히 FIT는 재생가능에너지의 보급정책으로서 가장 일반적인 수단으로서 자리매김하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 재생가능에너지 보급을 위한 가장 결정적인 수단으로 기대되고 있다. 한편 일본에서는 재생가능에너지의 보급확대와 관련하여 그동안에는 RPS제도를 기본으로 하고 예외적․부분적으로만 FIT를 채용하여 왔다. 그러나 재생가능에너지 고정가격매입제도의 법적 기반을 정비하기 위한 이른바 「재생가능에너지 특별조치법」이 2011년 8월 23일 성립되어 2012년 7월 1일부터 시행되고 있다. 요컨대 재생가능에너지 고정가격매입제도의 도입은 점증하는 에너지위기 및 지구온난화에의 대응, 그리고 「그린 이노베이션」의 달성을 위한 가장 유력한 수단으로서 위치지워져 있다. 우리나라에서는 재생가능에너지의 보급확대와 관련하여 종래에는 FIT로서의 「신․재생에너지 발전차액지원제도」를 채용하여 왔으나 2011년 12월 31일부로 폐지되었다. 이것에 대신하여 RPS제도가 「신에너지 및 재생에너지 개발․이용․보급 촉진법」 제12조의5~제12조의8에 근거하여 시행되고 있다. 생각건대 지구온난화 및 에너지위기에의 대응, 그리고 특히 원자력발전소의 안전성에 대한 불신 고조 등에 비추어 본다면 재생가능에너지의 보급을 획기적으로 확대할 필요가 있다고 본다. 따라서 재생가능에너지 고정가격매입제도에 대한 진지한 재검토가 요구되는 것은 아닐까.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 고등학교 건물의 에너지소비특성에 관한 사례분석

        김성범(Kim Sung-Bum),오병칠(Oh Byung-Chil),신우철(Shin U-Cheul) 한국태양에너지학회 2016 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.36 No.6

        In this study, we analyzed five-year(2011~2015) data for D high school in Seoul area to analyze energy consumption characteristics in high school. The results are summarized as follows. (1) In the result of comparison analysis about 2015 energy consumption by usage, based on primary energy, 18% of energy was consumed in cafeteria, and 82% was consumed in main building. In the case of main building, base and constant load excepting hot water supply in restroom took 40%, heating including freeze protection took 20%, hot water supply in restroom took 14%, and cooling took 8% in order. (2) In the 2015 total energy consumption in D high school based on primary energy, heating energy takes 28%. The range and limit of energy savings coming from the reinforcement of insulation and window performance could be estimated. (3) To introduce new & renewable energy system in high school, electricity-based system is suitable than heat-based system because usage of electric energy is larger than that of heat energy in high school. (4) Five-year energy consumption unit according to heating degree-day showed a linearly increasing trend, and the coefficient of determination(R2) was 0.9763, which means high correlation.

      • Overcoming Electrical Energy Efficiency Gap in Nepal's Residential Sector

        Thapa, Shahadev,Kim, Yun Seon Kyung Hee University Management Research Institute 2018 Asia pacific journal of business review Vol.3 No.1

        The energy intensity of Nepal is economically not worthy, lacks eco-friendly and importantly not sustainable, and almost four times the average global energy intensity. Considerable efforts have been exercised to reduce the energy gap yet, it is still much to achieve. Nation priority on energy sector was envisaged with promulgation of investment friendly rules and law in hydropower and renewable technology even though, could not harness the sufficient energy. In amid of this acute energy crisis, the government launched the Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP) with technical assistance from German International Cooperation (GIZ). Energy Efficiency (EE) practice is the most cost-effective method to reduce the supply and demand gap, reduce on greenhouse gases and pollution, and deter on import of petroleum products which finally improves on trade imbalance. This paper had proposed a framework of energy management team to promote energy efficient technologies in residential consumer. The energy management teams study the past records of energy use pattern of consumers and suggest appropriate technology for energy saving options. The paper provides some reviews of energy efficiency initiatives undertaken by the concern regulatory body which highlights the current status. The comprehensive knowledge acquired through exploratory research is implemented in this paper to identify the various barriers that domestic consumer is experiencing towards the active participation in energy efficiency program launched by the Government of Nepal.

      • KCI등재

        에너지의 보편적 공급에 관한 환경법적 검토 -보편적 공급 개념의 변화와 환경법의 대응을 중심으로-

        구지선 ( Ji Sun Ku ) 한국환경법학회 2013 環境法 硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        최근 전력수급불안의 요인이 상존함에 따라 발전시설을 신규로 건설하거나 증설하고 있으며, 이는 다시 환경에 대한 부담으로 작용하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 제6차 전력수급기본계획은 화력발전의 비율을 높이고 민간사업자의 발전부문 진출을 대거 허용하는 방향으로 확정ㆍ고시되었다. 전기의 공급과 관련해서는 공급의 안정성이나 경제성 외에 환경성의 요소도 고려해야 하지만, 이번 계획은 안정적인 공급이라는 요소에 보다 치중한 것으로 생각된다. 이 논문은 에너지 공급관리의 원칙으로서 보편적 공급의 개념에 대해 전기를 중심으로 살펴보되, 환경법적인 관점에서 접근하였다. 또한 에너지법영역과 환경법의 관계를 검토하여 보편적 공급의 개념이 환경법에서 어떻게 변화할 수 있는지에 대해 논의하고자 하였다. 우선 전기사업법에서는 전기사용자가 언제 어디서나 적정한 요금으로 전기를 사용할 수 있도록 전기를 공급하는 것을 보편적 공급으로 정의하고, 전기사업자는 전기의 보편적 공급에 이바지할 의무가 있다고 규정하고 있다. 보편적 공급의 구체적인 내용은 별도로 명시되어 있지 않지만, 안정적인 공급, 적정한 요금에 의한 공급, 에너지 공급에서 배제되는 취약계층에 대한 에너지복지를 핵심적인 내용으로 한다. 하지만 보편적 공급은 전기사용자의 보호에 다소 치중한 개념으로서, 현재 그리고 전력산업구조개편 이후에도 국가에 의해 수행되어야 하는 최소한의 영역을 설정할 수 있다는 점에 의의가 있다. 그러나 전기를 안정적으로, 적정선의 요금으로 공급하는 것을 내용으로 하는 보편적 공급은 환경보전이라는 목적과 상충될 수밖에 없다. 그러므로 보편적 공급은 환경법과 교차되면서 변화하여야 한다. 환경친화적으로 에너지를 이용할 경우에는 공익을 실현할 수 있으며, 환경성 역시 보편적 공급을 실현하는 과정에서 고려되어야 한다. 먼저 전력생산에 이용되는 에너지원을 변화시키기 위해 신재생에너지의 보급을 촉진하는 방안이 모색되고 있지만, 발전시설의 신규건설과 증설에 있어서도 환경성이 반영되어야 한다. 이에 전력수급기본계획이 수립되기 전에 전략환경영향평가가 행해져야 하며, 온실가스의 배출을 최소화할 수 있는 기술을 적용하지 않을 경우에는 화력발전소를 신규건설하거나 증설하지 못하도록 금지하여야 한다. 두 번째로 전기요금은 원가는 물론 온실가스 배출과 같은 사회적 비용을 반영해야 하고, 신설ㆍ증설되는 발전소의 설치비용과 주변지역 주민들의 환경피해에 대한 책임까지 포함되어야 한다. 마지막으로 전력산업구조개편은 한전의 효율적인 운영이나 전기요금 인하와 같이 경제성에 치중하여 추진되어서는 안 되며, 환경법은 전력생산에 이용되는 에너지원의 유형과 전력생산과정에 보다 적극적으로 개입할 수 있는 틀이 되어야 할 것이다. The paper reviews key aspect of the universal supply of energy. The universal supply, basic electric utility service which any user may use at reasonable fees anytime and anywhere, regulated Electric Utility Act. But these days collaborating with private companies or privatizing the part of considered as the responsibility of government, the power outage is no exception. The retail competition would entail risk to hamper realization of public interest to provide residential customers universal access to electric utility service. After electric power sector restructuring, business operators are obligated to supply universally. Government must ensure a stable supply of electricity, restrict market entry, and impose legal controls about electric charges. However, the concept of universal supply is concentrating on protection of consumers rather than environmental effects. This concept is significant in the sense that it establish minimum range which government have to perform after electric restructuring. One of public interests related energy supply is using of energy more environmentally friendly. Firstly, government is developing alternative energy sources. alternative energy must be help meet growing global demand for energy, and protect the environment. Specially, government should evaluate strategic environmental assessment before making basic plan for electricity supply and demand, and be prohibited not to apply caroon dioxide reduction technology like carbon capture and storage when build a thermoelectric power plant. Secondly, electric charges have to reflect social costs like greenhouse gas exhaustion, including environmental damages areas adjacent to power plants. Finally, electric restructuring is a need to be robust and consistent not to centered on cost benefit and cost-effectiveness. And environmental law must actively intervene types of energy sources using produce electricity and production process.

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