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      • KCI등재

        무역지수를 활용한 한국과 칠레간 무역의 특징분석 및 대칠레 수출 증진방안에 관한 연구

        박경환(Kyoung-Hwan Park) 한국무역연구원 2013 무역연구 Vol.9 No.6

        Korea-Chile ITA was settled in 2004. Exports to Chile increased 4.8times and had an positive impact on domestic production and employment during 7 years between 2004 and 2011. On the contrary, because of Chilian ITAs with countries other than Korea the effect of Chilian market preemption decreased. Therefore rather than only depending on ITA it is important to prepare a concrete and systematic confrontation strategy while understanding changing environments quickly. The purpose of this study is to identify Korea's promising export goods to Chile and to recommend some policy options to promote exports to Chile. To do this, this study analyses trade patterns between two countries and the competitiveness of Korea's export goods, usi.ng such various criteria of competitiveness as Comparative Advantage by Countries, Comparative Advantage by Import Structure, Relative Market Intensity, Comparative Advantage, and Trade Specialization Index. This study selected five promising groups of export goods to Chile on the basis of competitiveness, market share and trade specialization. It is expected that existing exporting commodities will remain main exporting items for a mid and short period of time and that among the commodities those that have current competitiveness and are situated in good market condition will keep competitive for a long time.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 칠레 국가 이미지 조사 연구

        신철호 ( Cheol Ho Shin ),하수경 ( Su Kyung Ha ),김민성 ( Min Sung Kim ) 국제지역학회 2008 국제지역연구 Vol.12 No.1

        In a world of borderless competition the importance of a country`s brand and its image, that supports the corporate and product brand, is growing. The study identifies structural elements in a country`s image and conducts a survey on the country image of Chile in Korea. The study aims to find ways to effectively improve a country`s image. The study selects politics, society, culture and economy as structural elements that make up a country`s image. Survey variants for each element is identified. An objective evaluation of Chile and its country image is drawn from literature review to conduct a gap analysis with the Chile`s image as observed by Koreans. The result of the literature review shows that Chile is a nation with political stability and a healthy free economic system. However, the result of the survey conducted on Koreans show that Koreans do not have a clear image of Chile. Also, Chile is not very well recognized among Koreans and is perceived rather negatively in terms of its politics, society, culture and economy.

      • KCI등재후보

        칠레의 중재제도에 관한 연구

        김상찬 ( Sang Chan Kim ),김봉조 ( Bong Jo Chan ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2013 국제법무 Vol.5 No.1

        Chile possesses rich resources as a nation located in Central and South America and is a country that accounts for a part of trades with Korea among nations in South America. Until now after Korea-Chile FTA was effective in April, 2004, trade flows between two nations has increased rapidly. Such an increase of trade flows can lead to a rise of disputes because of trade frictions, so it is expected that trade disputes with Chile will increase gradually. As is generally known, in international commercial disputes more than any other areas, the need of settlement by ADR such as arbitration has been on the rise. However, because Korea has focused more on trades and exchanges with English speaking nations and European nations, it is expected that there will be many difficulties in trading with Spanish speaking nations because of relatively inactive trades with those nations as well as lack of information on these nations and cultural differences. This article aims at introducing overview of Chile`s arbitration system. In particular, after examining Chile`s typical arbitration cases along with overview of Mediation and Arbitration Center of Santiago Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is the most representative arbitration center, it explores the law on international commerce arbitration that is a arbitration of Chile. In a current situation that there is almost no information in Korea that introduces Chile`s arbitration system, this article will help Korean businesses that intend to international trades with Chile businesses by giving them understanding of Chile`s arbitration system and will be an academic foundation in studying Chile`s arbitration system in the future.

      • KCI등재

        한국 수출산업의 대칠레 경쟁력 변화에 관한 연구: 한․칠레 FTA 체결 전후 비교를 중심으로

        김희철 한국기업경영학회 2013 기업경영연구 Vol.20 No.5

        Nowadays, all countries of the world are trying to sign a FTA (Free Trade Agreements) with other nations or blocks as a survival strategy for securing stable overseas markets and maintaining growth momentum since world economy is entering into the age of limitless competitions. According to WTO, the surge in RTAs (Regional Trade Agreements) has continued unabated since the 1990s. As of August 2013, some 370 RTAs, counting goods and services notifications separately, have notified to the GATT/WTO. FTAs and partial scope agreements account for 90% of these RTAs. FTA offers preferential status to participatory country by eliminating trade barriers and non- tariff barriers. Korea also turned to FTAs to secure its competitiveness by making partnership with other nations before competitors do. In order to preoccupy superior position, Korean government proceeded multilateral FTA negotiations simultaneously. Korea has steadily expanded its FTA network since the Korea-Chile FTA in 2004. Currently, Korea has FTAs with 47 trading partners including the world’s top three economic blocs, the U.S., EU, and ASEAN plus India. Korea-Chile FTA can be seen as a historical turning point for Korea being its first signed bilateral trade agreement. As a country in which growth is largely dependent on foreign trade, Korea initially needed to have an FTA partner having a complementary trading structure to Korea. This paper aims to analyze the changes in export competitiveness for korean industry after Korea-Chile FTA is signed. In particular, the changes measured by comparative advantage indexes of TSI, MCA, IOT, and M/S in oder to analyze the effect of Korea-Chile FTA. The changes in trade volume and competition condition over 2001 to 2012 are studied. Since the Korea-Chile FTA was implemented in 2004, both countries have strengthened the bilateral relationship between Korea and Chile by expanding and diversifying their commercial trade, as well as by offering more favorable policy measures compared to non-FTA partner countries. The findings from this study are as follows:First, the FTA have increased trade volume between Korea and Chile. Second, the FTA may not lead substantial changes in competitiveness to Korean products. Third, market share in Chile’ import market have increased. However, first-mover advantages of FTA have decrease as our rival nations such as China and Japan have concluded FTA with Chile. Fourth, since economic structure of Korea and Chile is complementary, trade concentration of goods is intensified. Based on the results of analysis, this study made several suggestions. In order to expand the benefits coming from FTAs, it is necessary for Korea to choose FTA partners considering trade partner diversification and the global recession. 최근 국가간 무역장벽 제거를 골자로 하는 FTA가 많은 국가에서 체결되고 있다. 한국은 2000년대 들어 적극적인 FTA 정책을 채택하여 칠레, ASEAN, 미국, EU 등 47개국과 이미 FTA를 체결하였으며, 지속적으로 FTA 네트워크를 확대해 나가고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, FTA의 경제적 효과에 대해서는 논란이 계속되고 있는데, 이러한 논쟁의 종식과 보다 긍정적인 체결효과 유도를 위해서는 이미 체결한 FTA가 국내경제에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가에 대한 체계적이고도 철저한 분석이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 한·칠레 FTA 체결 전후의 수출효과뿐만 아니라 시장점유율분석, 무역특화지수(TSI), 시장비교우위(MCA)지수, 수출결합도(IOT)지수 등 교역변수보다 보편화된 경쟁력 측정방법을 활용하여 한국 수출산업의 대칠레 경쟁력 변화를 종합적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과에 따르면, FTA 발효 이후 대부분의 산업에서 칠레 수입시장점유율, TSI와 MCA의 변화가 크지 않아 한국 수출산업의 대칠레 경쟁력 변화에는 크게 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났으며, 양국 모두에서 IOT가 1을 상회하고 있어 양국간 수출긴밀도는 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 한·칠레 FTA는 양국간 교역확대 측면에서는 성공을 거둔 것으로 평가할 수 있으나, 양국의 투자 확대효과는 상대적으로 미약한 편이다. 향후 FTA를 추진함에 있어서 상대 국가와 수출경쟁국 등을 고려하여 조기에 협상을 타결하는 것도 중요하지만, 유리한 조건으로 적시에 협상을 타결하는 전략이 필요하다. 또한 FTA 체결에 따른 선점이익을 계속하여 향유하려면 효과적인 FTA 이행을 위한 제도 마련 및 개선, 정보 교환 및 홍보 활동 등을 지속적으로 전개해 나가야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        칠레의 사회변화와 개신교의 성장

        주종택(Jong-Taick Joo) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2004 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.17 No.4

        Chile is a country where the number of Protestant has been increasing steadily since late nineteenth century. Chilean Protestant churches have experienced sustained growth since the 1930s. A slight deceleration occurred in the 1960s, but steady growth resumed in the 1970s and 1980s. According to the 2002 national population census, 17 percent of total population belong to Protestant Church. Among the many Protestant sects, the growth of Pentecostal churches is noticeable. The success of protestantism in Chile is caused by several historical, political, legal, economic and sociocultural factors. Initially, the growth of Chile's non-Catholic community stemmed primarily from the arrival of Protestant immigrants and workers and the activities of Protestant missionaries during the nineteenth century. Still many German immigrants in the Lake District are heavily involved in Protestant religious activities together with Mapuche Indians. For Protestant churches, relationship with prominent political leaders was essential in establishing social space in the society. The most well-known case of Protestant support for right-wing dictatorship occurred in Chile after the bloody military coup of General Pinochet. Since then, many Protestant organizations and individual Protestant leaders have become increasingly active in socio-political activities. Next, less restrictive laws regulating religious organizations in Chile lower the cost of consuming religion, thus leading to an increase in religious diversity. Due to a series of legal changes concerning religion since 1925, Chile became one of the most liberal nations in the matters of religion. Protestant churches took advantage of this enactment of legislation in their religious missions. Like other countries in Latin America, the growth of Protestant churches is closely related with mounting poverty and economic pressures in the society. Evangelical growth in Chile emerged in those sectors of society undergoing rapid change caused by urbanization, industrialization and neoliberal economic development. Consequently, the growth of Protestantism in Chile has been facilitated in period when large sectors of the population have experienced heightened social exclusion.

      • KCI등재

        한국-칠레 간 상호 인지와 관계

        이헌경 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2012 평화학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper focuses on illuminating mutual recognition and relations between Korea and Chile. Korea and Chile pursuing democracy and economic prosperity locate geographically at pole and pole. Thus, they have little geopolitical relativity, and their mutual perception is low on the whole. Their social and cultural affinity is also low, and there exist western value and eastern value, respectively. However, Free Trade Agreement and economic relations based on a principle of reciprocity and reciprocal complement have been heightening mutual recognition and relative interest. It is presented by the Korean image from not simply Hyundai Motor and Kia Motor but LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics in Chile, and on the other side, the Chilean image from Chilean wine in Korea. This is to evoke human good feeling by use of merchandise like inhuman object. The reciprocal interest orginated by preference on reciprocal representative goods is to lead a reciprocal favorable impression. In addition, the Korean wave’s wind by means of music video, motion picture, social network, performance, etc used to make higher interest in Korea to Chilean teenagers. Even though this movement has been accomplished restrictively, such limit will be overcome throughout goods’ exchange, human exchange and exposure, and increase on mutual interest and preference. This is to raise reciprocal recognition by increasing common interest as getting ramification effect suggested by functionalism as increasing functional cooperation in the nonpolitical sphere, and to develop mutual relations. 본 논문은 한국-칠레 간 상호 인지와 양자 관계를 조명하는데 주 초점을 두고 있다. 민주주의와 경제적 번영을 추구하는 한국과 칠레는 지리적으로 극과 극에 위치해 지정학적 연관이 거의 없으며, 상호 인지도도 낮은 편이다. 게다가 양국은 사회적․문화적 유사성이 매우 낮고, 서양적 가치관과 동양적 가치관이 각각 달리 존재한다. 그러나 호혜주의와 상호보완적 차원에서 진행되고 있는 ‘자유무역협정’과 경제 관계는 상호 인식과 상대적 관심을 높이고 있다. 그것은 칠레에서 현대차․기아차, LG전자․삼성전자하면 한국이 그리고 한국에서 와인하면 칠레 와인이 먼저 떠오르는 데서 잘 나타난다. 이는 상품과 같은 비인간적 물체의 사용이 인간적 호감을 자아나게 하는 것이다. 한국과 칠레 간 상대의 대표적 상품에 대한 선호로 비롯된 상대적 관심은 상대적 호감을 이끌고 있다. 그리고 뮤직 비디오, 동영상, 쇼설 네트워크, 공연 등을 통한 한류의 바람은 칠레 청소년들에게 한국에 대한 관심을 고조시키고 있다. 이러한 동태는 비록 제한적으로 이루어지고 있지만 앞으로 양국 간 상품교류의 증대, 인적 교류와 접촉의 확대, 상호 관심과 호감의 증대 등을 통해 범위적 한계를 극복해 나갈 수 있을 것이다. 이는 곧 비정치적 분야의 기능적 차원의 협력을 증대시켜 기능주의에서 제시된 ‘분기’ 효과를 자아내 공동의 이익을 증대하면서 상대적 인지를 높이고 양자 관계를 발전시켜 나가는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        칠레의 물관리와 수법(水法)

        이상돈 ( Sang Don Lee ) 한국환경정책학회 2006 環境政策 Vol.14 No.1

        For water lawyers and water policy researchers, Chile provides important and meaningful lessons, as Chile enacted market-oriented water law in the early 1980`s, and also privatized water supply market in the late 1980`s. This article intend to analyze the transformation of water law and water policy in Chile. Chile`s water law has been changed drastically since late 1960`s. After the communist regime collapsed after the 1973 coup d`etat, the military government enacted neo-liberal Water Act which allows free sale of water rights. However, many believe that the 1981 Water Act is only a partial success as it fails to promote sale of water rights, though it provides legal protection of existing water rights. The government of Chile decided to privatize its water supply market, and as a result virtually all the water service is now in the hands of private companies. As a result, those private companies up-graded water supply facilities as well as sewage treatment. The success of Chile`s privatization was due to several factors; the rigorous government regulation and social safe net subsides. Chile`s water law and policy is truly a success story which provide many important lessons.

      • KCI등재

        이민과 인권

        임상래(Sang-Rae Lim) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2006 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.19 No.4

        This paper focuses on the status of the current situations of the human rights of Peruvian migrants in Chile. At the present time many changes have occurred in international migration within South America, amongst which the case of Chile stands out. During the nineties, that country experienced a transformation in the composition of immigrants stocks. The massive entrance of the Latin American immigrants and the diminution of European raise the possibility that Chile could become an immigration country. Peruvians are significantly a massive group of immigrants to Chile. Referring to the Peruvian immigration in Chile, it is worth to mention the phenomenon of feminization. The majority of Peruvian women are occupied in the domestic service as ‘asesora del hogar’(a housemaid). Also, the anti-immigration or xenophobia in the Chilean society begins to be noticed in accompany with the increase of the foreigners. The border war of 1879 was very significant in setting the standards of the relationship of Chile-Peru. The warfare ended but the boundary dispute is not solved completely yet. So the anti-Chilean sentiment appears and likewise, the Chileans feel an antipathy against the Peruvian people. The Peruvian migrants are monitored and discriminated very often in the Chilean society. They are a ‘second class citizen'. But they know both well Peru and Chile so they would be considered as a ‘new citizen'. The Peruvians are making firm their migrant community and are communicating continuously with Peru. Therefore, they are living in a binational way. Consequently the life of Peruvian immigrants in Chile has multi-level and complex characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        영문 ; 한-칠레 자유무역협정하의 무역전환 분석

        우타이우프라센 ( Utai Uprasen ) 국제지역학회 2014 국제지역연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 논문은 2014년 한-칠레 자유무역협정이 발효된 이후 한국의 15대 주요 교역상대국으로부터의 수입이 감소한 현상에 대해 분석을 진행하였다. 한-칠레 자유무역협정이후 15대 주요 교역상대국으로부터 수입이 감소한 것은 한-칠레 FTA때문에 한국의 무역구조에서 무역전환효과가 발생했을 수 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 따라서 본 논문은 한-칠레 FTA 때문에 한국에서 무역전환효과가 발생했음을 양자무역협정에 대한 중력모델을 활용하여 증명하였다. 위의 분석은 PPML (Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood) 고정효과 모델을 이용하여 1998년 부터 2002년까지의 기간동안에 50개 교역상대국의 84개 산업에 대해서 HS 2단위에서 수행되었다. 본 논문에서 수행된 실증분석 결과는 한국의 여러 교역상대국에서 다양한 산업분야에서 한-칠레 FTA에 따른 무역전환효과가 실제로 발생했음을 입증하였다. 본 논문의 분석에 따르면, 한-칠레 FTA에 따른 무역전환효과는 분석대상 84개의 산업 중 25개의 산업에서 발생하였다. 무역전환효과는 대개분의 경우 한국의 주요 교역상대국과의 무역에서 혹은 칠레와 유사한 대한국 무역구조를 지니고 있는 교역상대국과의 무역에서 발생하였다. 이와 같이, 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 한-칠레 FTA로 인해 발생한 무역전환효과 때문에 한국의 15대 주요 교역상대국에서 한국으로의 수입이 감소한 것을 입증하고 있다. This paper attempts to explain the evidence that share of imports of Korea from the 15 main trade partners reduced after the Korea-Chile FTA has been enforced since 2004. This phenomenon may imply that there exist trade diversion emanated from the Korea-Chile FTA. Therefore, the trade diversion in the point of view of Korea is examined by using a refined gravity model of bilateral trade. The experiment has been conducted at industry level of HS 2-digit for 84 industries of 50 trade partners during 1998-2012 using fixed-effects PPML (Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood) approach. The empirical findings affirm that trade diversion indeed occurs in various industry across different trade partners of Korea. Trade diversion exists in 25 industries out of 84 industries. Mostly, the trade diversion presents on trade between Korea and trade partners which either they are the major trade partners of Korea or the partners have similar trade structures to Chile. The empirical findings of this study also exhibit that one of the reasons of the reduction of share of total imports of Korea from 15 trade partners come from trade diversion caused by the Korea-Chile FTA.

      • KCI등재

        ‘엘 치노’와 ‘라 치니타’ -니코메데스 구스만의 『빛은 바다로부터 온다 La luz viene del mar』에 나타난 중국인 이주자의 정형화와 차별적 재현

        조경진 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2019 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This study questions the place of early Chinese immigrants in the Chilean national imagination through an analysis of their depiction and representation in Nicomedes Guzmán’s novel La luz viene del mar(1951). Guzmán is one of Chile’s ‘Generation of ’38’, a venerable group of writers who came from humble backgrounds to write, extol and support the working class and the burgeoning Communist movement. In this novel, Guzmán essentializes Chinese migrants in the north of Chile by emphasizing and exaggerating exotic physical and temperamental traits. He also juxtaposes Chinese migrants with those from Western countries, to highlight differences in strength, character, courage, desirability and sexual prowess. The Chinese come out as a far more inferior and less desirable citizens for Chile. The story ends with the death and deportation of the two Chinese characters, with no offsprings left in Chile, effectively effacing their being from Chilean territory, and thus denying their continued presence in the land. Through this analysis, I argue that Guzmán may have been a writer sympathetic to the proletariat cause and equality, but that he was not able to overcome Eurocentric notions on immigration and citizenship, and racism. 이 글은 칠레의 프롤레타리아 문학을 태동시킨 38세대 작가 니코메데스 구스만의 소설 『빛은 바다로부터 온다 La luz viene del mar』(1951)에 재현된 중국인 이주자에 대한 분석을 토대로, 당시 국민국가로서 칠레의 ‘국민’에 대한 상상계에 드러난 중국인 이주자의 부적합성과 배제를 다루고 있다. 이 작품은 중국인 이주자와 유럽출신의 이주자를 대비시켜 등장시킴으로써 후자를 진정한 칠레노로 세우고 있는데, 서사에서 중국인은 후손 없이 사망하거나 칠레를 떠나게 되면서 칠레에서의 흔적이 지워지게 된다. 구스만은 중국이민자를 재현하는 데 있어서 그들의 이국적인 신체적, 기질적 속성을 강조하고 본질적인 특질로 환원시키고, 서구출신의 이민자들과의 대비를 통해서 중국인은 여성적이고 유아적이며, 나약하고 음탕하게 그리고 있는 반면에, 서구출신 이민자는 남성적이고 주체적이며, 감성적이고 성적으로 매력적인 인물로 설정하여 중국인을 열등한 존재로, 서구출신 이민자는 우월한 존재로 세웠다. 소설에서 중국인 이주자는 칠레노가 될 자격이 없거나, 이 곳에 거주를 해도 칠레노로 설 자리가 없는 것으로 비쳐짐으로써 칠레북부의 중국인 이민의 역사가 부정되고 있다. 구스만은 칠레의 프롤레타리아를 옹호했던 민중작가였지만은 칠레노를 규정하는 데 있어서의 서구중심주의와 중국이주자를 묘사하는 데 인종주의의 벽을 넘지 못하였다.

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