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        어린이급식관리지원센터와 보육시설의 유아 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 실태 및 요구도

        김미현 ( Mi-hyun Kim ),김남희 ( Nam-hee Kim ),연지영 ( Jee-young Yeon ) 한국식품영양학회 2017 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구는 유아 당류 줄이기 교육프로그램 개발 및 운영을 위한 기초자료를 마련하기 위하여 전국 어린이급식관리지원센터(115개)와 보육시설(646개) 총 761개소의 유아 당류 교육실태, 유아의 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 요구도, 유아 당류교육의 필요성, 프로그램의 개발과 보급의 필요성 등을 조사하였다. 유아를 대상으로 당류 섭취 줄이기를 주요 주제로 영양교육을 실시하는 비율은 어린이급식관리지원센터 14.8%, 보육시설이 31.9%로 나타났고, 영양교육의 내용 중에 일부 포함하여 교육을 실시한 경우는 어린이급식관리지원센터 47.8%, 보육시설 42.4%였다. 유아 대상 당류 영양교육의 필요성에 대한 질문에서는 센터와 보육시설 두 곳 모두 90% 이상이 필요하다는 높은 요구도를 보였다. 당류 영양교육을 실시하지 않는 경우, 그 이유에 대하여 어린이급식관리지원센터는 다른 시급한 영양교육이 많아서, 보육시설은 당류 영양교육 자료가 부족하여서의 비율이 높았다. 학부모를 대상으로 유아 당류 섭취를 주제로 영양교육을 실시한 비율은 어린이급식관리지원센터 및 보육시설 모두에서 20% 정도로 낮았고, 학부모 대상 유아의 당류 영양교육을 실시한다면 적합한 교육방법에 대한 의견에 대하여 어린이급식관리지원센터는 집단교육을 통한 강연의 비율이 높았으며, 보육시설은 영양상담의 비율이 높았다. 어린이급식관리지원센터에서 교사 또는 원장은 유아 당류 섭취를 주제로 교육을 실시한 경우는 14.8%로 낮았던 반면, 보육시설에서 유아 당류 섭취교육 관련 교사 연수가 필요하다는 비율은 68.0%로 높았다. 유아 대상 영양교육을 할 경우, 적합한 교육 실시 내용으로 두 곳 모두 ‘당류 섭취와 충치’와 ‘당류 섭취와 비만’이 높은 반면, ‘당류 함량이 높은 식품’과 ‘당류 섭취를 줄이기 위한 실천행동’은 낮았다. 효과적인 영양교육 방법으로는 ‘동화나 인형극을 활용한 교육’이 두 군 모두 80% 이상 높게 나타났고, 영양교육 담당자로는 센터 영양사와 보육시설 담임교사가 함께 하여야 한다는 의견이 두 군 모두에서 높았다. 바람직한 영양교육 요구 횟수에 대하여 센터는 평균 2.7회, 보육시설은 4.0회로 보육시설에서 원하는 교육 횟수가 높았고, 바람직한 교육모형으로 센터의 방문교육 후 추가적인 교육은 교재·교구 배부 후 교사들이 교육하는 방법이 두 군 모두에서 90% 정도로 높았다. 유아의 당류 섭취를 줄이기 위한 표준 교육프로그램의 개발과 필요성에 대하여 매우 필요하다와 필요하다고 답한 비율은 두 기관 모두 90% 이상의 비율을 보였다. 이상과 같이 본 연구를 통해 유아 당류 섭취에 관한 교육은 유아, 학부모, 교사 대상으로 실시하고 있는 비율이 낮으며, 수행되더라도 영양교육의 일부로 실시되고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 교육 프로그램의 개발과 운영에 대한 요구도는 높음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 교육의 형태나 횟수, 내용, 방법 등에 대한 조사자료는 전국의 어린이급식관리지원센터와 센터회원 보육시설을 대상으로 수집된 자료이므로 어린이급식관리지원센터를 기반으로 체계적인 유아 당류 섭취 줄이기 영양교육 프로그램 개발에 적용할 수 있는 객관적인 자료로 중요하다고 생각된다. 따라서 향후 유아 당류 교육 프로그램 개발과 함께 교육 효과를 평가하는 연구가 지속적으로 수행되어 국가기관인 식품의약품안전처 산하 어린이급식관리지원센터를 중심으로 한 우리나라 영유아 당류 섭취 영양 관리 체계가 마련되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. This study investigated the current status and needs for nutrition education to help reduce children’s sugars intake at the Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFM, n=115), and Child Care Facilities (CCF, n=646) through an online survey conducted from October 5<sup>th</sup> to 30<sup>th</sup> 2015. A total of 14.8% of CCFM respondents and 31.9% of CCF respondents provided nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a main topic (p<0.001). A higher percentage (CCFM 47.8%: CCF 42.4%) delivered nutrition education on sugars intake to young children as a sub-component (p<0.001). Over 90% of the CCFM and CCF participants agreed on the necessity of providing nutrition education on sugars intake to children. The most common reasons given for delivering nutrition education on children's sugar intake were “there are many more urgent nutrition education topics” for CCFM, and “insufficient nutrition education information and materials” for CCF. The percentage of nutrition education on children’s sugar intake provided to the children’s parents was low showing about 20% in the both groups. The percentage of CCFM participants providing nutrition, education on children’s sugar intake to the teachers in CCF was also low, showing about 14.8%; however, 68.0% of the CCF participants wanted to received teacher's education on guiding children’s sugar intake. Regarding ideas about a nutrition education program on children’s sugar intake for young children, most respondents in both groups answered “sugar intake and dental cavities or obesity” for appropriate education contents, “story telling or puppet show” for appropriate education methods, and “dietitian from CCFM and class teacher together” for appropriate educator. For appropriate education time, there was a significantl difference between the CCFM responses (average 2.7 times) and the CCF responses (average 4 times). Based on the above results, we found that implementing nutrition education on children's sugar intake at the CCFM and CCF, was low; however, awareness of the need for nutrition education on children’s sugar intake and the program development and supply was very high. Also, the opinions of CCFM and CCF participants about a nutrition education program on children’s sugar intake for young children can provide foundation data to develop and implement the CCFM-based nutrition education program.

      • KCI등재

        2012년, 2014년과 2016년의 어린이급식관리지원센터에 대한 빅데이터와 오피니언 마이닝을 통한 비교

        정은진 ( Eun-jin Jung ),장은재 ( Un-jae Chang ) 대한영양사협회 2017 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.23 No.2

        This study compared the Center for Children`s Foodservice Management in 2012, 2014, and 2016 using big data and opinion mining. The data on the Center for Children`s Foodservice Management were collected from the portal site, Naver, from January 1 to December 31 in 2012, 2014, & 2016 and analyzed by keyword frequency analysis, influx route analysis of data, polarity analysis via opinion mining, and positive and negative keyword analysis by polarity analysis. The results showed that nursery had the highest rank every year and education supported by Center for Children`s Foodservice Management has increased significantly. The influx of data has increased through the influx route analysis of data. Blog and cafee, which have a considerable amount of information by the mother should be helpful for use as public relations and participation recruitment paths. By polarity analysis using opinion mining, the positive image of the Center for Children`s Foodservice Management was increased. Therefore, the Center for Children`s Foodservice Management was well-suited to the purpose and the interests of the people has been increasing steadily. In the near future, the Center for Children`s Foodservice Management is expected have good recognition if various programs to participate with family are developed and advertised.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Meal Hygiene Management Status of Children’s Foodservice Facilities in Anyang Area - Regarding the Change in the Number of Visits due to COVID-19 -

        김혜원,피재은 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.2

        In order to prevent mass infection of food poisoning in children, children's foodservice facilities should always thoroughly manage the hygiene and safety of meals. In this study, the hygiene management levels of daycare centers and kindergartens were compared according to the characteristics of foodservice facilities for four years from 2018, and the effect of the number of visits on the meal hygiene management scores analyzed. The facilities were divided into a small-scale and the group foodservice facilities and was divided into the Sprout group and the Fruit group according to the meal hygiene management level. As a result, the meal hygiene management of the Fruit group was generally better than that of the Sprout group, and the meal hygiene management scores in the second half of each year increased compared to the first half of the year. In addition, it was confirmed that the meal hygiene management scores in 2020, when the number of visits to foodservice facilities decreased due to COVID-19, was the worst compared to other years, and the decrease in the number of visits could affect the level of hygiene management. In conclusion, meal hygiene management of children's foodservice facilities should be applied differently depending on the characteristics of the facilities. Moreover, the number of visits and the hygiene management scores correlated, so it is considered that the appropriate number of visits should be maintained to improve the meal hygiene management level. However, in situations where it is necessary to prevent the spread of mass infectious diseases such as COVID-19, other active measures to replace visits should be proposed.

      • KCI등재

        보육교사가 말하는 어린이급식관리지원센터의 방문영양교육에 대한 실제와 방향

        김은주,김정미,강복심,류다현 한국생태유아교육학회 2019 생태유아교육연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 어린이집 급식 관련 문제를 해결하기 위하여 정부에서 설립한 어린이급식관리지원센터의 방문영양교육이 보육현장에서 어떻게 이루어지고 있는지 그 실제와 나아갈 방향을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 방문영양교육의 경험이 있는 보육교사 9명을 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 연구결과 보육교사가 바라본 방문영양교육의 실제는 ‘아이가 하고 싶은 것을 끊어놓는 방문영양교육 vs 아이들 눈에 신기하고 새로운 방문영양교육’, ‘보조교사가 되어버린 듯한 방문영양교육 vs 잠시 쉬는 시간이 되어주는 방문영양교육’, ‘일회적 수업이 되어버린 방문영양교육 vs 센터 방문 및 가정과의 연계로 만족하는 방문영양교육’으로 나타났다. 또한 보육교사가 말하는 영·유아 영양교육은 ‘영·유아 영양교육은 보육교사의 몫이 되어야 한다.’, ‘영·유아 영양교육은 생활 속에서 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다.’, ‘어린이급식관리지원센터는 급식관련 위생, 안전, 영양관리를 해주어야 한다.’로 드러났다. 따라서 본 연구는 방문영양교육에 대한 보육교사의 목소리를 들어봄으로써 이들의 의견을 반영한 영·유아 영양교육의 실질적인 방안을 모색하였다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The study investigated how visiting nutrition education is executed and reviewed problems of feeding associated with daycare centers. Nine childcare teachers with experience of visiting nutrition education from the governmental Center for Children’s Foodservice Management were selected as participants. The visitation nutrition education literature that childcare teachers reviewed included ‘visiting the nutrition education that cuts off what the child wants to do versus the new visiting nutrition education in the eyes of the children’, ‘visiting nutrition education which seems to serve as the auxiliary teacher versus visiting nutrition education which serves as rest time’, ‘visiting nutrition education that has become a one-time class versus center visiting and visiting nutrition education that is satisfied by linking with home’. Results found the need to include infant and children nutrition education in curriculums for childcare teachers. Additionally, infant and children nutrition education should be continuously performed in daily life. The Center for Children’s Foodservice Management should also provide food-related hygiene, safety, and nutrition management information. This study called for a practical plan of action for infant and child nutrition education that reflected opinions of childcare teachers on visiting nutrition education.

      • KCI등재

        창원 일부 지역 어린이 급식소 영양순회방문지도 결과 분석 사례

        박재희 ( Jae-hee Park ),김서진 ( Seo-jin Kim ),문혜경 ( Hye-kyung Moon ) 대한영양사협회 2022 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.28 No.1

        This study analyzed results of the rounding guidance by applying the nutrition management check list at of the Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFM). Totally, 271 foodservices for children (65 institutional foodservices, 53 small scale foodservices, 153 family child care homes) were examined to identify the necessity of implementing a nutrition management strategy, and subsequently creating a priority list for nutrition management improvement measures. Of the 13 items examined in the nutrition management check list for children’s foodservices from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, 8 performed well, with an overall performance rate of 90% or more. Improvement plans were required for items (all belonging to the menu area) such as ‘Post menu on noticeboard at children’s foodservice’ (62.0%), ‘Use the menu planned by dietician’ (64.9%), ‘Use menu suitable for recipients in children’s foodservice’ (76.8%), and ‘Provide menu to parents’ (79.0%)’. In the analysis of service size, the performance rate for ‘Use menu suitable for recipients in children’s foodservice’ revealed a substantially lower result (P<0.01) for institutional foodservices (64.6%), as compared to small scale foodservices (71.7%) and family child care homes (83.7%). Since other check list items, did not show much differences by the service size, we ascertained it pointless to establish separate strategies based on different foodservice sizes.

      • KCI등재

        부산 일부 지역의 어린이 급식시설에 대한 어린이급식관리지원센터의 위생·안전 관리 지원 효과

        김성혜(Sung-Hye Kim),오은영(Eung-Young Oh),한진숙(Jin-Suk Han) 동아시아식생활학회 2014 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of food safety management support in the Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFSM) on foodservice facilities for children in Busan area. We assessed the status of hygiene and safety practices of institutional and non-institutional foodservice on a quarterly basis by using an inspection checklist for food hygiene and safety developed by dieticians from February to December in 2013. The subjects were 103 children’s foodservices, including 37 institutional and 66 non-institutional foodservices. Inspection checklist consisted of nine categories with 39 checklists; general characteristics, personal hygiene, ingredient control, menu planning, cooking processing control, serving management, washing, disinfection and storage control, and environment and safety management. The average score of each field (pre-supporting/post-supporting) in institutional foodservice was 0.56/0.92 for personal hygiene, 0.55/0.87 for ingredient control, 0.76/0.97 for menu planning, 0.53/0.89 for processing control, 0.27/0.67 for serving management, 0.47/0.91 for washing, disinfection and storage control, and 0.61/0.91 for environment management and 0.64/0.94 for safety management. In non-institutional foodservice, the average score of each field (pre-supporting/post-supporting) was 0.49/0.80 for personal hygiene, 0.52/0.75 for ingredient control, 0.78/0.97 for menu planning, 0.42/0.76 for processing control, 0.32/0.61 for serving management, 0.57/0.88 for washing, disinfection and storage control, and 0.46/0.82 for environment management and 0.73/0.88 for safety management. The average scores of all categories (pre-supporting/post-supporting) were 0.57/0.91 in institutional foodservice and 0.53/0.82 in non-institutional foodservice. The effects of management support in CCFSM on institutional foodservice were higher than those of non-institutional foodservice. Based on these results, we found that management support in CCFSM on foodservice facilities for children had a significantly positive effect on status of hygiene and safety practice regardless of foodservice facility size.

      • 인천지역 영유아 부모의 보육시설 급식에 대한 만족도 및 어린이급식관리지원센터에 대한 인식

        박미희(Mi Hee Park),김지현(Ji Hyun Kim),현태선(Tai sun Hyun) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2016 생활과학연구논총 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction with foodservice of infants and children caring facilities and perception on Centers for Children's Foodservice Management among parents. A questionnaire survey was conducted to 202 people who had infants attending daycare center or kindergarten in Incheon from August 10 to September 3, 2015. More than half respondents (64.9%) were satisfied with foodservice of daycare centers, and the most satisfied category was to provide nutritious meal. Approximately 40% of the respondents did not know whether a dietician was employed in the daycare center where their children attended. Approximately 70% of the respondents replied the reason for the necessity of a dietician was to plan a balanced diet. 67.3 % of the respondents had not heard of the Centers for Children's Foodservice Management, and 75.2% did not know whether the daycare center where their children attended was supported by the Centers for Children's Foodservice Management. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the Centers for Children's Foodservice Management among the parents of infants and children.

      • KCI등재

        어린이급식관리지원센터에서 제공하는 어린이집 식단의 식품군 및 음식군 다양성에 관한 기술연구

        강연록,임경숙,김형숙 대한지역사회영양학회 2023 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        Objectives: This study aimed to analyze menu patterns and food group diversity in daycare centers managed by the Center for Children's Foodservice Management in South Korea. Methods: Data from 18 Center for Children's Foodservice Management centers across various provinces (excluding Jeju Island) were analyzed. We examined 8,796 meals served in February, May, August, and December 2021, focusing on seasonal lunch and snack menus for children aged 3-5. Foods were categorized into 19 groups for lunch and 21 for snacks. The frequency of food groups and dietary patterns were assessed using the Dietary Diversity Score. Analyses were conducted using Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistics version 28. Results: Most lunch menus (89%) included five menu items, with a ratio of grain, meat, and vegetables at 88%. Snack menus typically had one item (57%), with significantly more items in the afternoon compared to the morning (P < 0.001). Regarding snack patterns, 75.2% of morning snacks and 61.1% of afternoon snacks contained only one solid food and drink (P < 0.001). Fruit and milk (22.4%) was the most prevalent pattern in morning snacks, while grain and milk (31%) dominated afternoon snacks (P < 0.001). Only 48% of daycare center menus (all snacks and lunch) included all five food groups (grain, meat, vegetables, fruit, and milk). Notably, only 83% included milk and 57% included fruit. Conclusions: These findings highlight the need to improve food variety and diversity in the Center for Children’s Foodservice Management-managed daycare center menus. Developing more detailed guidelines for menu structure and food composition is crucial to ensure children receive balanced and diverse nutrition.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 가정어린이집 원장의 어린이급식관리지원센터 이용 경험 분석

        이주은 ( Joo-eun Lee ) 대한영양사협회 2017 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.23 No.3

        This study examined the experience of administrators of home-based child care centers about CCFSM (Center for Children`s Foodservice Management) service using a qualitative approach. Eight administrators of home-based child care centers in Seoul with more than one year`s experience of CCFSM were interviewed regarding their opinions on support activities, standards, and foodservice management. The interviews were semi-structured with open-ended questions and they were transcribed and classified according to the subjects. There were negative opinions regarding the indications after a hygiene inspection leaving photographs or records behind, but most positive opinions were about round visits for foodservice sanitation and nutrition management. The participants thought that it is not enough that the number of nutrition education sessions for children be twice a year, and there was a suggestion to increase the rentals of nutrition educational materials. There was a complaint about the menus in that were difficult to prepare for lunch time or to obtain food ingredients for. The administrators poorly recognized how to use the standardized recipes and chlorine-based disinfectants, so they could not be applied properly. They also pointed out the problems of joint purchasing as low quality and high prices in the food service operation. They felt discriminated against compared to with larger scale child care centers because of their size and expressed concerns regarding the fact that many home-based child care centers were not included due to the lack of publicity and budget. Through the results, the CCFSM should provide a differentiated service and management by creating a dedicated team or staff for home-based child care centers so they will not feel left out. In addition, It is also important to constantly gather opinions to improve the menus and to use standardized recipes practically. In addition, it will be necessary to develop nutrition educational materials corresponding to the infants` age for home-based child care centers and increase the rent to expand nutrition education.

      • KCI등재

        서울 소재 어린이급식관리지원센터 수행 사업에 대한 어린이 급식소의 만족도 분석

        여윤재(Yoon-Jae Yeoh),권수연(Sooyoun Kwon),고세린(Serin Go),김지윤(Jiyoon Kim) 동아시아식생활학회 2015 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction with children’s foodservice facilities about program at Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFSM) by focusing on differences between associate and regular members. In December 2014, an online survey was conducted at 155 children’s foodservice facilities which were enrolled members at CCFSM in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. The questionnaire included the general characteristics of respondents, satisfaction with CCFSM’s services : ‘Field consulting’, ‘Education and training for cook’, ‘Menu’, and ‘Newsletter’. The questionnaire was responded by 78 foodservice facilities for children, including 42 regular members (53.8%) and 36 associate members (46.2%). The analysis rate was 50.3% and the majority of respondents were child-care centers (94.9%). As a result, satisfaction with ‘Newsletter (4.87 points/5 points)’ was the highest while ‘Menu (3.95 points)’ was the lowest. Satisfaction with ‘Education and training for cook’ of regular members (4.74 points) was significantly higher than that of associate members (4.41 points). For factors affecting overall satisfaction with CCFSM’s service, there was a difference between associate and regular members. Regular members were significantly affected by ‘Menu (p<0.001)’, and ‘Newsletter (p<0.05)’. Associate members were affected by ‘Education and training for cook (p<0.05)’. Thus, satisfaction with Menu of CCFSM should be increased. The results of this study show that there was a difference in satisfaction between associate and regular members. Therefore, CCFSM program should be implemented depending on the characteristics of foodservice facilities for children and their needs.

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