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      • KCI등재

        백두대간 관리범위 설정에 관한 연구(2) -준산악형 구간을 대상으로-

        권태호 ( Kwon Tae Ho ),최송현 ( Choe Song Hyeon ),유기준 ( Yu Gi Jun ) 한국지리정보학회 2004 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Baekdu-daegan is the greatest mountain chain as well as the major ecological axis of the Korean Peninsula. In recent year, however, this area is faced with the various kinds of developmental urge. To cope adequately with these problems, this study was executed to prepare synthetic and systematic management with conservation-oriented strategy for Baekdu-daegan and to suggest spatially definite zoning for the managerial area. This study is to take into consideration the traditional concepts of stream and watershed as well as the actual disturbance on Baekdu-daegan area. The study area is selected with semi-mountainous type, from Namdeokyusan to Sosagogae. To propose the process for reasonably establishing the managerial boundary adjacent to the ridges, the analysis was carried out that ArcGIS was mainly used for its analysis with digital maps, Landsat TM image and ArcGIS Hydro Model. Landsat TM image was classified by 5 land use types such as cultivated land, urban area, barren area, water body and forest. Based on these analyses results, the managerial boundaries as alternatives from the Ridges were produced by watershed expansion process, and used for tracing the changes of areal ratio of various land use types to the relevant watersheds to search out the adequate managerial boundary. The results show that watershed expansion process could be effective tool for establishing the managerial boundary, and eighth expanded watershed toward Muju-Gun(west) and fifth expanded watershed toward Geochang-Gun (east) might be included for the adequate managerial boundary of the case site.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간보호지역은 세계유산 등재를 위한 충분한 가치를 갖고 있는가?

        김성일 ( Seong Il Kim ),장진성 ( Chin Sung Chang ),( Peter Shadie ),박선주 ( Sunjoo Park ),이동호 ( Dong Ho Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.3

        This study was conducted to analyze the potential of Baekdu-daegan Mountain System (BDMS) in the Republic of Korea for World Heritage inscription and undertook preliminary global comparative analysis. UNEP WCMC global datasets, World Heritage global gap analyses and thematic studies conducted by IUCN were reviewed to see if the BDMS could have been identified within these as a priority area for World Heritage. With respect to potential Outstanding Universal Value this study found that the case for BDMS was weak. The BDMS lies within biogeographic regions which are already represented on the World Heritage List and at a global scale its natural values do not stand out. It was emphasized that a more fine scale analysis of the values should be undertaken. The BDMS stands out at a global scale in terms of the degree of contiguity between protected areas along its length and the legal and institutional frameworks established in the Republic of Korea. The BDMS has potential for a trans-national and serial properties along the full length of the BDMS, if two Koreas agree to work together.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간 마루금의 연속경관 보존방향 설정에 관한 연구 - 경상북도 5개 시군과 영주시를 중심으로 -

        김종하,장영진 대한건축학회지회연합회 2014 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.16 No.5

        본 연구는 각 지자체를 중심으로 연속적인 백두대간의 경관을 보존하기 위한 경관정책방향과 기준을 제시하였다. 이상의 연구를 통하여 얻은 결론을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경관관리기본 방향은 6개로 나누어 정리할 수 있었다. 기본적으로 각 경관자원은 시점장이 되는 동시에 조망대상이라는 측면에서 경관관리가 이루어져야 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 백두대간의 주요 자연 경관자원은 산, 봉우리, 마루금으로 분류할 수 있는데, 경관관리 설정에 있어 백두대간의 점유면적은 물론 특히 높이에 대한 변화와 도로와의 관계 등 지역별 현황이 충분히 고려가 되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 기존의 경관 관리 방향은 주요 도로나 시가지에서 경관자원이 조망되는지를 관리기준으로 삼았는데, 부분적인 경관관리는 가능하지만 백두대간과 같이 광역에 걸쳐 초원경의 연속적인 경관관리를 위해서는 주요봉우리나 마루금을 관리기준에 포함시키는 것이 바람직하다. 백두대간 마루금은 고도에 따라서 대부분의 행정구역과 도로 등이 구분되어 광역권내 지역별로 세분한 관리 방안제시에도 유용할 것으로 판단된다. 넷째, 주요 도시에서 백두대간의 조망은 원(遠)-초원경(超遠景)으로 조망되지만, 조망각이 작은 관계로 조망을 방해하지 않는 요소를 선정하거나 통경축을 정비하여 특정 공간을 중심으로 프레임적 도시이미지를 형성하는 방안이 필요하다. 하지만 마루금을 통한 선적 연속적인 경관을 보여주는 것은 고도가 높은 영주구간을 제외하고 어려우며, 백두대간을 통과하는 도로를 기준으로 구간과 관리 형태로 구분하는 것이 가능하다. 다섯째, 각 도시와 특히 영주에서 조망되는 주요 봉우리로부터 거리, 각도, 단면 등을 파악할 수 있었는데, 지역별 광역경관자원의 이용계획을 통한 마루금 연속경관 관리계획수립이 가능하다. 추가로 조망각과 산의 고도 그리고 산의 중첩 모양과 단면에 따라 세분하여 그 기준을 설정할 필요성이 제기 된다. This study suggests the directions and standards of landscape politics for conservation of the landscape of Baekdu-Mountain Range by each local government. The conclusions from this study are the followings. First, the fundamental politics for landscape management can be categorized into 6. It was figured out that basically each landscape resource should be controlled as the object of view as well as the view-point field. Second, the key natural landscapes of Baekdu-Mountain Range can be classified as mountains, peaks and ridges. For the managements of landscapes, such regional status as any changes to its occupying-areas and heights and its relations to roads should be considered and duly weighed. Third, the existing politics for landscape management was based on whether landscape could viewed from main roads or towns, where partial management is possible. Accordingly, for the management of continuous landscapes with grassland throughout the range, it is very desirable to include major peaks and ridges into the management politics. It is thought to be very appropriate to group the ridges of Baekdu-Mountain Range on the basis of administrative districts and roads for any detailed managing plans by region in wide areas. Fourth, Baekdu-Mountain Range is viewed as Far-Grassland from towns. But since the viewing angles are small, the elements which do not interfere with the view should be determined and the axis for viewing should be organized so that any urban image with frames with a certain space centered may be created. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to provide a series of linear views through ridges except for a residing areas at high altitudes, while it is possible to classify them by section and management style based on the roads passing through the range. Fifth, distance, angle and cross section from major peaks viewed from towns, in particular from Youngju City, were estimated, based on which the plans to utilize the wide-ranged landscape of each region enables the establishment of the ridge views. Furthermore, it will be necessary to subdivide the ridges by applying viewing angles, mountain altitudes, aspects of mountain-overlapping and their cross-sections so that the standard may be established.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간 속리산 권역 및 한남금북정맥 보은군 권역에 대한 생태계 기능 산정 매트릭스 방법의 적용

        김성열,문건수,김수진,권혁수,최재용 한국환경복원기술학회 2022 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of Ecosystem Service Matrix method in Songnisan and Hannamgeumbukjeongmaek Boeun-gun area. The assessment was carried out with 25 land cover types by 7 ecosystem values. The research area was divided by 30m x 30m cell unit and the each cell value was classified into 5 grades. The total number of cell under the investigation was 433,910 units in Songnisan and 84,975 in Boeun-gun. Class I and II area were widely spread and Class V area is narrowly distributed inside of Class III area in Songnisan. I area, II area and separately managed zone belong to Ecological Zoning map and Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map(Environment + Ecology) were assessed Class I in Ecosystem service matrix. In conclusion, Ecosystem Service Matrix assessment based on land cover map is a rapid assessment methodology which reflecting ecosystem functions in a larger area. If it is supported with more ecosystem functions, the more precise nature value can be calculated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남북 관광교류 사업 활성화를 위한 기초 연구: UN․미국의 대북제재에 해당하지 않는 평화 프로세스

        이웅규,김용완 한국보훈학회 2020 한국보훈논총 Vol.19 No.3

        There are virtually no explicit provisions in the resolution of the UN Security Council or the US independent sanctions regarding the recent discussions of Korean citizens’ individual tourism in North Korea. Nevertheless, this study was initiated from the fact that there are disagreements on whether the UN and the United States violated sanctions on North Korea. The purpose of the study is a basic research for the stable promotion of individual tourism in North Korea by Korean citizens to ease tensions between the two Koreas and to create a peaceful atmosphere. To this end, it is desirable to promote tourism resumption after consultation with the UN Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee. However, since it is not an explicit violation, it is also necessary for the Korean government to actively pursue it. In this context, the study comprehensively discussed the matters to be considered, from the arguments for and against individual tourism in North Korea. The 4.27 Panmunjom Declaration was secured legally binding and recognized internationally, the 5.24 measures were lifted in 2010, which was an independent sanction against North Korea, and an innovative inter-Korean joint tourism development project was proposed. The specific proposed project is, first, the “Rivernomics” project to revitalize the waterfront tourism exchange between the Imjin River and the Bukhan River, a shared river between the two Koreas. Second, it is a “connecting between Baekdu-daegan” project to commercialize eco-tourism and livestock tourism through the revitalization of mountain tourism exchanges through the linkage between North Korea's Sephodeungpan District and South Daegwanryeong Samyang Ranch. Third, the “International Tourism Free Trade City Port” is a project that connects the Wonsan-Geumgang-Seorak International Tourism Free Trade Zone by rail, air, and cruise. 최근 논의된 우리 국민의 북한 개별관광 자체에 대해서는 사실상 UN 안보리 결의나 미국 독자제재에 명시적 규정이 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 UN과 미국의 대북제재 위반 여부에 관한 이견이 존재한다는 점에서 본 연구는 시작되었다. 남북의 긴장완화와 평화적 분위기 조성을 위해 추진하는 우리 국민의 북한 개별관광의 안정적 추진을 위한 기초 연구가 본 연구의 목적이다. 이를 위해서는 유엔안보리 1718 제재위원회와 협의한 후 관광재개를 추진하는 것이 바람직하다. 하지만 명시적 위반이 아니라는 점에서 우리 정부가 적극적으로 추진하는 것도 필요한 시점이다. 이에 본 연구는 남북 관광교류 활성화를 위한 우리 국민의 북한 개별관광 추진은 시기(Timing)의 문제라는 점을 적극적으로 지적하였다. 현재 대북관광은 인도적 지원과 함께 유엔의 다자간 제재와 미국의 독자 제재를 합법적으로 우회할 수 있는 유일한 수단이다. 정확하게는 유엔과 미국은 인도적 차원의 교류만 북한 방문의 제재에서 유예하고 있다. 이런 상황에서 본 연구는 우리 국민의 대북 개별관광에 대한 찬반 논쟁부터 고려해야 할 사항까지 포괄적으로 논의하였다. 4.27 판문점 선언의 법적 구속력 확보 및 국제적 공인, 대북 독자제재인 2010년 5.24조치 해제, 혁신적인 남북 공동 관광개발 사업을 제안하였다. 구체적인 제안사업은 첫째, 남북 공유하천인 임진강과 북한강 수변관광교류 활성화를 위한 ‘리버노믹스(Rivernomics)’ 사업이다. 둘째, 북한 세포등판지구와 남측 대관령 삼양목장의 연계로 산악관광교류 활성화를 통한 생태관광 및 축산관광상품화의 ‘백두대간 잇기’ 사업이다. 셋째, 원산〜금강〜설악 국제관광자유무역지대를 철도와 항공, 크루즈로 잇는 ‘국제관광자유무역도시항’ 조성 사업이다. 이러한 사업은 향후 유엔과 미국의 대북제재와 연계되는 남북경협 활성화를 위한 철도, 도로 연결 작업에도 영향을 미칠 것이며, 한반도 평화 프로세스의 점진적 실현에도 크게 기여할 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간에 인접한 석회석 광산의 식생복구 연구(1) -종자파종에 의한 옥계 광산복구 시험시공-

        김경훈 ( Kyung Hoon Kim ),주백 ( Paik Joo ),김학성 ( Hak Sung Kim ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2011 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of seeding methods for quarry rehabilitation. To achieve the objective, the experiment was designed for rehabilitation of quarry with seed mixing types (woody type and herbaceous type) and forest topsoil. Seeds and seeding materials were applied to the quarry slope using hydroseeding measures. The study was conducted in limestone quarry (Lafarge Halla Cement Inc.) near Baekdu Daegan Mountain System at Okke, Kanwon-do. The experimental seedbed was set in 2007 and field investigation was carried out from 2007 to 2010. As the result of experiment, it was found that the early-phase pattern for surveyed species to establish was affected by the soil mixture types. The mixture type of herbaceous seeds resulted in the higher plant coverage than the woody seeds. The application of forest topsoil showed a potential increase the plant diversity, but it was affected by mixing seeds. Naturally-emerged species as Alnus hirsuta, Quercus mongolica will be useful for rehabilitation at the quarry and damaged slopes.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간 마루금 지역의 시계열적 토지피복 변화 및 경관구조 분석

        오정학 ( Jeong Hak Oh ),김영걸 ( Young Kul Kim ),권진오 ( Jin O Kwon ) 한국지리정보학회 2007 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze contemporary changes of landcover patterns and landscape structure in order to provide basic data and methods for sustainable management and conservation in Baekdu Daegan region using GIS and landscape indices. According to the results based on the pattern analysis of landcover changes using the change detection matrix between 1975 and 2000, addition on 3.6㎢ became urbanized areas. Otherwise, 85.7㎢ of forest area shift into agriculture(72.2㎢) and grass area(10.1㎢) for the vegetables in highland condition and stock farm. According to the landscape structure analysis using landscape indices, forest areas were unstable forest structures because of fragmentation. Thus, to improve forest ecosystem, significant amount of forest through a new forest management policy considering local environmental conditions are needed. And, the connectivity of forests in local regions should be considered as well.

      • KCI등재

        장수군 제철유적의 분포양상과 그 의미

        곽장근 ( Kwak Chang-keun ) 호남고고학회 2017 湖南考古學報 Vol.57 No.-

        백두대간과 금남호남정맥 사이 진안고원 내 장수군에 지역적인 기반은 둔 장수가야는 4세기 후반경 등장해 가야계 소국으로 발전하다가 6세기 초엽경 백제에 복속되었다. 금남호남정맥의 산줄기가 백제의 동쪽 진출을 막았고, 사통팔달했던 내륙교통망의 장악, 대규모 구리와 철산개발, 한성기 백제의 간선교통로가 통과하지 않는 지정학 적인 이점도 크게 작용하였다. 이를 배경으로 장수 동촌리 말무덤이 계기적인 발전과정을 거쳐 200여 기의 가야계 중대형 고총이 진안고원의 장수군에만 조영되었다. 장수 동촌리 가야계 고총에서 처음으로 말발굽이 나와 장수가 야가 철의 생산부터 주조기술까지 응축된 당시에 철의 테크노밸리였음이 입증되었다. 금강 상류지역에서 가야문화를 화려하게 꽃피웠던 장수가야는 한마디로 70여개소의 제철유적을 남긴 철의 제국이자 80여 개소의 봉수로 상징되는 봉수왕국이다. 동시에 백두대간 산줄기 서쪽에서 유일하게 가야문화를 꽃피웠던 가야계 소국이다. 가야계 왕국으로 장수가야의 발전상과 삼국의 각축장으로 진안고원이 융성할 수 있었던 것은 장수 남양리부터 장수가야를 거쳐 후백제까지 대규모 철산개발과 관련이 깊은 것으로 추론하였다. Jangsu Gaya geographically based on Jangsu-gun in Jinan plateau, which lies between Baekdu Daegan and Geumnam Honam vein, appeared around the 5th century and developed into a Gaya-system small country until it was subjugated by Baekje in the early part of the 6th century. This rise of Jangsu Gaya was greatly influenced by Geumnam Honam vein’s obstruction of Baekje’s moving eastward, command of inland center of traffic, a large-scale development of copper and iron production centers, and geopolitical advantage of Hanseong-Era Baekje’s main traffic route not passing. Against this backdrop, Jangsu Dongchon-ri mal tomb had an opportunity to develop and 200 medium and large Gaya-system Tumuli were built only at Jangsu-gun of Jinan plateau. Horses’ hoofs were first excavated from Gaya-system Tumuli at Jangsu Dongchon-ri, proving that Jangsu Gaya was an iron techno valley then covering iron production to casting technology. Jangsu Gaya, which splendidly brought Gaya culture into full bloom on the upper reaches of the Geum River, was, in a word, an empire of iron with 70 ironmaking remains and a kingdom of signal fires over 80 in number. It was also a Gaya-system small country which only engaged in animated Gaya culture on the west of Baekdu Daegan range. It was inferred that development of Jangsu Gaya as Gaya-system kingdom and prosperity of Jinan plateau as the Three Countries’ source of competition were deeply related to a large-scale development of iron production from Jangsu Namyang-ri until Jangsu Gaya and Post Baekje.

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